Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 10, 1895, Image 3

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C. H. Xing, Water Valley, Miss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For five years, I suffered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending $1000 there, besides doctors' hills;
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
being twisted up In knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except Willi assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The. piiius, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic Injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
AVER'S 1'ILLS cure Headache.
Hon. W.R. Ellis deoarted for Portland
last Saturday to have bis leg, which was
broken in the runaway over in Gilliam
county during the campaign of '93, ex
amined, and if neoeoary, again operated
upon. Notwithstanding the fact that
this limb was broken more than three
years ago, it has given Mr. Ellis much
trouble ever eiooe that time, and for a
few weeks past be has at times suffered
great pain. If an operation is neoessary
we trust Mr. Ellis may soon reoiver
from the same, and that be may again
nave perfect use of the injured limb.
C. M. Grimes, of The Dalles, returned
to Heppner lBBt Friday from a aniok
Evidsstlt a Misunderstanding.
Sinoe adjournment of court last Friday,
there has been considerable oecsnre, by
a number of the oitizens of this city, of
Judge Fee's dismissing oourt when
Joseph MoAlitb, who was indicted by
the grand jury, asked for trial. It oo
otirs to the Gazitt-j that if the ciroura
staooes were all known there would not
be any grounds for this oeosure. When
the defendant was arraigned and had in
formed the judge that he had no means
to employ oounsel, J. N. Brown was ap-
trip over in Gilliam county where be se- pointed by the court as attorney for him
cured 15 oarloads of cattle from the Gil
man-French Stock oompany for ship
ment. C. F. Walker came uo from
Portland last Friday to receive two car
loads of hogs from Messrs. Walker and
Davidson, of Davidson. Both the hogs
and cattle were loaded on a speoial train
that oame up yesterday morning and de
parted late in the afternoon. Both
shipments are for the Union Meat ocm
pany at Troutdalp.
After consulting with Mr. McAlith, at
his request, Mr. Brown asked for a con
tinuance until next term to plead. This
was granted by the oourt, and was re
quested by the defendant, thinking that
it would be to his interest and that he
could again secure the same bondsmen
for the bail whiob had been placed at
Mabbisd. At the residence of Tom
Soott, at Galloway, Oregon, Wednesday
eveiing, Sept. 4, 1895, in the presenoe of
many invited guests, Mr. Arthur Mat
thews and Miss Lula Wilson were uuited
in marriags, Rev. J. T. Eoskins, offici
ating. The affair was a very happy one.
The bride was most elegantly attired
and the groom could not have looked
better. The happy oouple were congrat
ulated by many friends. After partak
ing of a bountiful supper and passing
the evening pleasantly till 11 o'clook all
repaired to their homes feeling happy.
$750. But on inquiry he failed to get
Mayor Thomas Moreno arrived home the bondsmen, and then informed his
from Canyon City last Sunday evening attorney that he was ready to go to trial.
rSnfnf L,h BppeBr,ed befo'e the recent ses- In tDe meaDtime tue jurymen had oil
sioo of the county oourt of Grant oountv . . . . ' ..
on behalf of the Heppner board of trade been dwmissed, and under the oircum-
ln the interest of the Parrisb creek rond. Btanoes no speoial jury could beseleoted,
Tnm informs the Gazette that he found
the people over there very favorably dis
posed toward this road, Bnd that the
court willingly granted an order for the
survey of the same.
John D. Hollidny. the gentleman who
visited Heppner a few weeks since in the
so the case oould not be tried at that
time, though, on request, the judge re
duced the amount of the bail to $500.
As the entire venire of jurymen bad been
held all week at the expense of the coun
ty without any labors to perform, and,
interest i f a sheep-shearing machinery as from all appearances would not be
p.anr.reiurnea again last aaturoay even- needed, it was a etroko of eoonomy on
1 tl Ct 1-1 IX It n a nimfarl annAol n41n- Vnt I 1
ern Oregon points since his former stay tbe Judge 8 PRrl io d,8m'89 tbetD- The
witb. us, but oo rues back very favorably oourt naa also disposed oi an matters
impressed with tbts point as a suitable before it and was likewise adionrned at
one for the looation of snob a plant. He nonn. whinh , .dinn,,! the arand
nrill rnmum in this ni(u anttar.nl H n n I D
jut i. Liu u was 1 1 ii m dpooiuu ao iuc
Sunday Weloome: Some people al
ways push things too swift when they
oould do better by waiting awhile. For
instance, reoenlly in Florida, church ser
vices were interrupted by a mob that
took the preacher out Bud hung him.
Besides the poor breeding displayed the
mob oonld just as well waited until ser
vices were over.
Miss May Bailey, one of Heppoer's
most progressive teachers for several
years pant, left on this afternoon's
train for Poukeepsie, N. Y., where sue
ill en er college for the next vear,
Miss Bhil.-y wns again selected as one of
the teachers for the Heppner sohool for
this year, but resigned in order to enter
D. M. French, one of the leading bank-
ra of Tbe Dalles and also ore of the
owners of the Uilmnn-l1 reuob stock
ranch, was in Heppner over Sunday
looking after the Grimes shipment of
ock that oame from that famous stock
ranoh. Mr. French returned borne on
tbe ppeciul stook train yesterday rfter
Judge was in a hurry to get away on the
afternoon train be requested Clerk Mor
row to receive the grand jury's report,
So, all in all, there is no ground for com,
plaint, in fact Judge Fee should be com
meiided tor bis economical acts.
Interesting Lectcrb. Prof. M. G.
Royal, of tbe Weston Normal school,
who was one of the instructors before
the institute last week, delivered a very
interesting lecture, replete with thought,
theory and facte, on thesubjeot of "Tbe
Reality of the Unreal," at the M. E,
church last Friday evening. He' dealt
with the subject from psychological
standpoint, and presented many thoughts
both amusing and interesting. Prof,
Royal has convinced his many friends
that he is equally as muoh at borne as a
lecturer or minister, as an instructor in
tbe school room.
Red Blood
la the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures
by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
That ia Why the cures by Hood's Sar
saparilla are Cubes.
That la Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures
the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum
and other blood diseases.
That Is Why It overcomes That Tired
Feeling, strengthens the nerves, gives
energy in place of exhaustion.
That Is Why the sales of Hood's Sar
saparilla have Increased year aftef year,
until it now requires for its production
the largest Laboratory in the world.
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the public eye today. Be surt
to get Hood's and only Hood's.
HftfH' Pill ea"T k,
J 23 L56 T
8 9 10 II 12 15 14
15 16 H 18 19 20 21
22 23 24- 25 26 2T 28
29 1.30 ICQ jftco (fT Q27
Bound Oveb. Last evening A. E,
Matson, commonly k iowu as '"Shorty."
who was arrested on a warrant sworn
. I . TT I l
Mrs. O. Gate and daughter. Bertha. oul J a- rnu, ou uuge 01
left on this afternoon's train for Walla "aolt and battery, was given a bearing
Walla, where they expeot to make their before Recorder Hallock, as ex-offloio
future borne. Mrs. Cate makes this natii. nf ih mn nwinotot!.ln
i j n.. 1,. I -
uulllfB Oi losmruua iu uiudi turn uci I - , - , .
..... 1 it f Ininn H r ii ii I ci n fA Ma waa Pjm.AaAiil.
biib iter mav oomn ete her acboo dtt- P" "
oiition. Bertha will enter Whitman col- ed by I. li. Lyons while Uarry uagley
lego at the beginning of the fall term. looked after the state's interests. After
There is Dothing to prevent anyone oonsultation with his attorney, the de-
ooncnctiug a mixture and oaning ii"sar- (endant waived examination, but was
8U(te for Ilardmiin, Monument, Lnn Creek,
lona Uy Miu Cftiiyon Ity, leave u lollowi
Kvr ' day U l m., except Hiinday.
A rrlVM aver day at p. m., except Monday,
The cheapen, quickeat and beat Una to or
from tli Interior country.
l'hlll Cohn, Auent.
Extra Pal Star Brewery Batr
In Pint Bottles can be
had only at the
City Hotel Bar!
Where hlirh Kialc l.lUora ami C'litun are alao
Here and There.
It reels
In Your Blood
Is the oanse of that tired, languid feel
ing wbiob HfHiots you at this season.
Tbe blood is impure and has beoome
thin and poor. That is why you have
no strength, no appetite, cannot sleep.
Purify your blood with Hood a Sarsapa-
nllu, which will give you an appetite,
tone your stomach, and invigorate your
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in
action and sure in effect. 25o.
sspanlla, ' and there is nothing to pre
vent anyone spending good money test
ing tbestnfT; bnt prudent people, who
wipb to be sure ot their remedy, take
only Arers Sarsaparilla, and so get
Ike Ennis lias a atock of bioycle
repairs and will fix your wheel op at
reasonable rates. It is his intention to
make a specialty in this line, and as the
number of wheels at rapidly increasing,
this will certainly be pleasing news to
those who are ao fortunate aa to own a
bike. tf.
One of (be Gazette's mountain readers
informs us that there is ao entire absence
of bars on the mountain piuea this sea
son. This is a very rare occurrence and
oan hardly be aoconnted for nolens
caused by tbe many cold mountain
bretxes this season.
bound over to await tbe action of the
next grand jury on the testimony of the
state's witnesses. The faots intbeouse
are as follows : Last Sunday Matson,
while in Heppner, imbibed rather freely
of John Burleyoom, and late iii the
afteruoon started out for Win. Peuland'i
ranob where be has been working, with
a considerable amount of tbe above
spirits under bis belt. He arrived at
Wm. Wnlbridge'i home after dark, and
went up to the bouse greatly frighten'
ing the children, who, with Mabel Her
ren, were alone at that lime. He oaugl
Mabel by the arm and attempted to force
her to go riding with him, but sbegot
away from him and closed and barre
tbe door. It is said that Mitsuo was
Vebt Labob Shipment of Stock
W. F. and J. G. Courtney, of Taooma,
who passed through Heppner a short
time since en route to Crook oonnty to
look after a large shipment of oattle, re
turned last Sunday morning. From
them wo learn that about 1500 of the
3000 head of cattle previously engaged
by them over in thnt oountrv, are now
ready for shipment. These they expect
to feoeive and ship from this point tbe
first of next week. Threw or four spe
oial trains will prob'ibly ba required for
this large shipment whioh now go to
feeding grounds over in the Yakima
country, and later toTacoma and Seattle
Farewell Subi'Hibb. A very plensaut
farewell party in the form of a surprise
for Rev. J. M. Denisou and wife was
given at the home ot Albert Slocum last
eveniug. Betwetn 50 and 75 members of
the M. E. church und friends ot tbe min
ister and family had gathered at tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. Slocum previous
to tbe arrival of Rev. Denisou and wife
who bad accepted an invitation to spend
the evening nt that plaoe. In nil it was
a very pleasant affair and greatly ap
preciated by Rev. Denison and wife who
request tbe Gazette to express their
heartfelt thanks and appreciation for
this token of regard and esteem, shown
(or them on the eve of their departure
from the city.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
That is what Minor & Co. are doing.
They are constantly rooting for
' trade ; though they have the bulk
of the trade of the surrounding
country, they are not satisfied.
i Don v i w
But we would like all the people for customers,
as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods.
We have just received the largest line
of Fait goods ever shown in the city.
Call and examine them and if you don't buy then
we are to blame. We are here to show gooiU.
We Meet and Beat all Competition !
AVritc for Catalogue and Prices.
His tailloii Engine 8 Thresher Co.
None But Ayer's at the World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers
of other sarsapanllas sought by every
means toobtain ashowing of their goods,
but they were all turned awny under the
application of the rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medicine and nostrums.
Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho
rities iu favor of Ayer's Harssparilla was
in effect as follows: "Ayer'a Harsapa
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to the list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
Ben Mathews ia now e proprietor of ,,roparjug t0 foroe B0 entrance into
tbe oity meat market w here be keeps " . . . . n
freah supply ot beef, pork, mutton. U. ou,e when Lanns TenUnd o.me
Million! ride the Rambler.
Ike Ennis hat bicjoles to rent.
Alleo Evans was seen oo our
last Saturday.
M. 8. Corrlgalt, of Batter creek,
la town yesterday.
Tb Kilna-Vintnn. Marble Works
nalU Walla. Waah.
La H rnds Marble Works. I.a Grand
Ore. 8. O. Hraith, salesman, Usopner.
Mavor Tbomai M-irgan, ot this city,
avav oo business tour over to Grant
0. W. Wslls and if I 'ft for I'ortlao
viwtordav lor sborl visit at lb me
Om. Fell made quirk trip to Arlin
loo laat Saturday, returning oo lh
nine train
Judge Frwlan.l and wif-aprot Sunday
with In fnrtids, Morning no Ut -Ding's
Clo'g Fronch, who ia tending camp
over io lb IU ira tbit yrar.vM in Utp
Caf )Mlrday.
Wills h Mopnm's growrv dVrtaot
! onmplete. TUy f MUlr-g rxwM l
eoal and tnor to. 6if
Wm. KiJio p Ibmugb lUppoar
laat Huodsy Q Ms tf h"0 to Ueg
Crk from I'rod'.oloo.
For the flnl e-W HoowUo ol
ffaalt frmla fall oo W. L. Halieg at
Jerry Oubo't olJ aoX j
lUvibtf djintej court laal Frhlay
t eo. Jud V JtM4 flf IVodlf
loo oo lbs aitwtoouo Iraio.
Waolad-PUio rf faocy Will
In t ib bona r take Mwle bom.
In. Mary ..Ur.
Harry MclVmall Morn -J Hsi-trJa?
frnm to citii44 tir U.fvnU O'sot,
IUkr and t oatiiU cuoattrs.
Wills A tilnctim IliB ml
fact blars !' ril H y jC-ot - .
to lao ff only m cot. 6f j
IW Alt. J. II. Irr rrot-l
bis labor ia Cni ti'Ml with r0rl au l ,
d(afUd M bom laat MalorJay.
J,H-f.h It-t.c'f llawilltii. -! J. I
Itlackcalt. of If'Pt 150. 1r
tbe iottrtof roititry lf !.
Mrs. ft. N Valio Mir-I iir
dr '"" ithl-t
al.l.r, Mfa r at fl." I'alla
l.ar. E'l l "f blJ " b'"
b4U aooalM a l i" " i-wi
lb famous It tal a..ll, J1
by I'. C lli"l' C.
llall'aal.UtiH UO II l r
tatioage, bacno and lurd, which be sell
tor the lowest market price. Fred Bock.
tbe Portland butcher, is still with bun. tf
Exchange: Take yoar borne paper'
I)o not Imagine tbe big dailiea till op all
tbespaoe. There are many little crev
ice ot good clier, aortal noxtune, per
aoiml mention in a borne paper that tbe
dailies don't care tor, da oot print.
Will k Hlnram ore now in o position
lo give their customers some rare bar
gains in dry goods, boot ami sboc, a
t her buy nearly all of tbe above men
tioned direet from tbo faciori, thuo
taviog lb middle man' profit. 6t(
Itev. Ieoioo preached bli laal er-
moo daring bis present uy la lliit oily
to so onnsaally larg andtene laal hnn
Hat ventmr. lUv. l)f nit"n aod family
departed on ltd afternoon' train for their
pew bom at uood liiver.
along and took him heme. The little
folk were greatly frightened, tbougb it
ia reported that Misa IlerrtD retained
enough prraebc'8 of mind lo load a gun
aod atnnd ready to guard the boose at
all hatiard if necessary. Mataoo wa
bound over aod his bond placed at f liX)
by Judge Hallock who bad takeo tbe
mailer nadir alviaement until this
Harklra'a Am Ira flalve.
Tb4 best salve in tbe world for cut,
Brnlars, Mores, t leers, nail l.Leiim,
Fever Hurra, Tetter, Chapped Ilainla,
Chilblain, Corn, aod all akin eroplious
aud positively cure I'llt-a, or do pay
require I. It la gna'antr-ed lo givt
perlecl aatiafaction or money refandej.
ril'o 23 ccuU per bn. For sale by
T. W. Ay era, Jr.
JtaTK'K Ohixd. Lt Friday Frank
WbeUtone and Albert Itea vera arreal
ed on charge nt lirig drntik aod dinr
ilerly a inl bronght befora Y.i Joaiio
llatlnrk Friday aflwim.n, obeo both
plaad "Pol guilty" ao I drroaoded 0 aep-
l'rol. K. 11 BaleN.mb and itS ; aralr dial, lo Fratk'a C,wl,li'hcm
Moomonib, and l'rol. lto)l. f "'"'".lop
ail Of WOoqi ..,,.,....... . .t a l!..lI.U,l.UH..
II. a aiatr' iiderrala Frai.k aa lo-
Lokh Apjvbted. Toll Thomron,spe
ciiil adjuster for the Htnte Inourunce
company, was in Heppner the latter part
of Inst week to look after tbe reoeut
Swaggart lotts. We Irarn that siime wa
adjusled sHtiHfuotory to Mr. Swaggart,
Some of our reader will remember Toll
Thompson aa the man alio with Judge
Uiiyp, ex-state iiutnr from Clackam
county, wa arrested laxt fall on charge
of attempting to rob a woman of Oregon
City of ber insurance money, and by
blackmail aod threat, frightening ber
to sign o statement that aba bad burned
ber property to secure the ioauranoe. A
great many thought the case trumped
npooe, and io fact it baa been continued
from lima to time ever since that date.
It camt op In the justice coorl in Fort-
aud laat Wednesday, bot wa agaio
postponed aa neither sida waa ready for
Farewell Parties. A farewell party
wus given at tbe residence ot Mr. and
Mrs. T. 11. BiBbee Saturday evening
Inst, in honor of their daughter, Lillian,
and one at tbe residenoe ot Mr. aod Mrs.
M. D. L. Frenoh on Monday evening, in
honor ot Miss Bertha Cute. Both these
young ladies are well aud fuvorahly
known in ' Heppner. They both leave
this week to enter school ; Mis? Bisbee
going to Portland, and Miss Gate to
Walla Walla. They will be missed in
Heppner' sooial and religious circles,
but as they go and we must bid them
farewell, we wish them abundant success
at sohool, and will be glad to welcome
them back to our oity again wben they
have finished their labors at soh iol for
tbe vear. At both parties games and
musio were indulged in obtil a late hour
wben all partook ot the repast whioh
bad been bo carefully prepared Those
present were: Minses Floss Farnsworlb,
Maud Ilusb, Mabel Leezer, Ethel 8perry,
Laura Mutr, Myrtle Hornor, Oraoe Ball,
Maud Glasscock, Bertba Cate, Lena
Behrae, Mary Howard, Elsie Lacy, Lillian
Bisbee, Cora llsrt, Jennie Noble, Ardella
Heed, Messrs. Floyd Thomas, John Dor
nor, Hurry Warren, Edward, Clyde and
Will Haling, Boy Olaaerock, Charles
Freelund, Jatuis Hurt, Willie Kellogg,
Jay Hhiploy, Walter Van Duyn, II,
T. Bngley and Mr. aud Mrs. J. N.
liroan. All preeout eijyed tbemselve
in every sense of the word, and after
bidding farewell to Mihvs I.ilhsu and
llorttn, those present departed.
Mr, (ico. Fell departed laat Haturday
for Portland lo at lect a fall stock ot mil
Imerr aod fancy foods. H.e will alao
plar ordera with a representative ol a
New Ymk bonaa lor a spring stork.
H. P. Oould. of iVndlrloD. aod W. O.
Ablatlt.ol Pilot llock.wbo wera In llepp
tier several da) a Utt rrk. Jrparlvd laat
Friday for the Jho Iy coonlty lo In
terview iturkiwa over there.
tl.nr ia
ao,k laat Wark. depart"! lot
p-ctl bointa laat Halarday.
Mia F.lla Cral Ira r. tnrcd l,i.o.a:i
Tbnraday aveomg f'M an tiieoW
vi.it with fnatida io Califumia. aid i
thiawrrk tlaltli)t aillt hn.e f"lk Mil In
Clark' co)o
CapU'O Haav. I. r4. A , Ho lMio.
vakaaya. nu ,..-.-. m,u ( r lloairg J'iry M
T. W. Ay era. Jr.
fV.ri.liio Olcba:
baa btwo Dffd to larb lla t.itfll
Mil r.oil. H'ft'iria- 0M M ioia.
Mi alind4 tt Iu tiiai al llftr
tl,U wa.k.
H.il-t.'a Cora. U rl Cwb and
Cfoap I'orr. a to fal .-mn I. -ll
ai eta.r loty 8 d - .l 'i.V.
fUildfafi !. It. fdl r. T. W. Ajar
Jr. ! ti Biaka a ! ,.f
(I H Vila. tb kanwa d abw fxi bi.i-ry.
ihnjef of IVftlao I. a up f'-oa 1
lalla Nalufday atmlag ao l al Httr
Uv la thia cily.
! faawi aI lillla 1-7 P
frnm rfllaol Halw lav. Mr Irf'a
("la I.i afa.a l aU Hi Hot i il In !
' ar t ii'.
Are Still in Business
In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
ns long as our friends stay witb us, wo will continue to
sell honest goods at honest prices
To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
ii.. riv.
Overwork, eitler ph)soalor mental
will produce weakness and loss
energy. Tn many liuainea or family
carea, overwork in the harvest fl-l!.aii
eireaa ot woman' work aod worry will
produce month of misery. To prevent
thia. the exlianated ayslem should lie
reinlorord iinineihatilv. Dr. J. II
McLrhii'a Htrrngtbeoiog Cordial and
Blood Purifier la an apprt priata remedy
Pnoa ll.m per bottlo.
l)RKaaaki(i, Mrs. M. LBlliatr,
aaaiated by Mr. Win. Warren, is oow
prrpaial lo do all kind of dreaainnkiiig
In ll.a Ul. at of at)li. Perfect sal if ac
tion guaranteed. I.ichlenllial building,
aaal aida Main slreel. CMf.
V.roVEI? V4
iU:.td d pmirl ailjiOibfd OOHI 10
..'(I. rb Saturday U ri.ifcg, abeoAlbart'a
paa ran a op (or liial. lla wa rpra
. nif ! I ) I M i k W Mti,fie, abil Uarry
1 !(' ) " t Mid II alale io tbiacara,
AlUit J kual) diDiabdrd a jury dial,
..u li e f'llualrg J'iry aa alx-lrd
oi-a. io.
Ml.iplr), J'.bo lUaito. ll")d Ihoroaa
Ox-ia Fell ai.d J bo llaira. AlUrt
lr.a'1 Ilia eaa lo raiuf a yenll n.aa
.rf l-irt) appaieblly did lil Bat wilb
ll a a po.tal f ll J ). f r a'lrr 0 bnaf
a l .ari.o..t ll ialo i.i l a tafdiet -f
gqilly ai.d lwO.lt!'! I l'.', li.aatiiurb
a ibf'B'U' I bal put Iha ) In lb !
paa lf a J if) l'il '! b-l Hiliipti d
lla v I ha C"ii
Ae'ibf Bp-0 II la tf.
diet Jada- llall-l lmil a floa .t
li'i and ota. lb l'l' ni'Hi to
ft .id sited a raa aa ll.i an I r aa bardly
l I.i i. k ll.a A il !. I al.llially
ti ik 11.1 i f a bl I'-l; and .-. I
t1.41.fll.ia li.l. Iv.ll, ra alliwt. l
ta..ia Ibaa .! Uraaa- a I La
j.'Waii! I
An aa-rmat'la tarativ and ft vara Toam.
ti4 t-jr Jmiratda or i-tit tf at.a.1.
ao4 liJX) r r MmpW (r.
trg rrr iMmwamrxti
a. ala hf 1. ,
I aava ao4 UnUt, .
. if . I"it
rinvvaro Wnnd and
11U1UIHU V 1 111 1 1 mi 11 wu viia
Willowware, and many other things.
Nnw TA-nr.m. Hiure the aidertioo
of teachers fur the ll- ppner ( hool at 0
meeting of the IiikiI board laal June,
thara baa bean several reaignaliuna aod
liiimlr of ohangea in lha Corp ot
leaidiera aa a.-li-oti-1. It dh Prof. F. M.
Ovcranre, tin) priooipal, and Mi Molo-
toeh, lha primary teacher, resigned
abort ly afler the di-ctioo were made,
having learned that both lb alary aod
lorrn ba l two cat ibiwn, and In lter po
ition bavit g beo (ITi'rd I turn. Ita
eeotly Miara May It iiby anc A Idle
Oid'- bndc in I heir rMivnati'ins
lhaa leaving only Mik Ada J-ina of lha
original aeleclion, aod it la reported thai
aha will reaiktn by Ja-iiarjr a Al
maiding f tli Ik wid A 11 gmt ll, Prof.
J. 1. Itrown, of Iiciiriglon, waa aalrolrd
aa principal aod at laat Pridaj'e tneeling
lb following new alliooa wera made:
Jay bbipley f ir Mia Ball)' nition ;
Mia Florei.c CrHUndn, i.f Oraal
Ooooty, for MlM (Jonlaa'a p nihno ao I
Mr. A. M. Fuqoa, of K gt.l Mils fur lb
primary room, f..r whu b raiti"a Mia
Malotoali waaoriaioallr aalrctad. Hi bwol
bglna Ootobar ?lb, Ibia being lha Oral
M m lay of tbal o.ofcth.
Out of Sight!
The boy ia father lo the man, and wben
the boy don the man' hat be ia "out
ot sight." Likewise the mnn who pro
vide bimsolf with oue of
bats, and also purohase bia Oruceries,
Cigars, Tobaooos and dents' Furnitih
ingt at this establishment where tba
freshest and latest of tba above hues
are kept.
Tin ia alao tbe plaoa for Hlookmeu'a
Huppliea, aa this store make a specialty
of everything required by this olaaa of
trade. And a casual observer will not
fail to Dolica that our sheep and cattle
men take advaotagaot thia faob
Rememlier Iba plaoa
Four doora aoutb ol the City hotel.
(i lo all etudanta. Young men eao obtain board, bulging, brat aud light
dormitorv for U BO per wack. Ibmmcra fnrniab their owo linen, i oong
wnmeo or prof ided board lo prlvat familwa at .l (X) par week. Young womeo
dealring board eboobl ail Ireaa Prof. John Htraoh, F.ugenc, Oregon; or Hei relary
Young WonWa Cbrltian Aaaooiatlon, Kngeoa. lha Uuivraiiy oiler inrew
baccalaoraaU ilcgriwa, Bacbelor of Arta, Ba-bror ot rcieiir aod Bai belor of Al
tera witb eorreapondiog oooraea of atu.ly. Tba following shorter oonrae are alao
offared: An F.rgliab Oooraa leading 10 Iwn yaara l 0 buaiocaa diploma and In
Ihraa yeara lo Iba till graduate lo F.ngliah; an a.lvaura.1 d.oraa i,r graduate ot
anrmal aoboola leading lo tba ibgre roaatrr of pedagogy; A Hire year coora in
civil aogioaaring leadiog In Iba drgrea civil atigiuaer; 0 eotiraaof Uo yeara for
learbcra t.f byinl a-lucalioo lea-ling bi 0 diploma aod lha title dirrotor ol
tditau al edooatiim Tba t'olveraily rbargea ao Incidental b a of lao dollars w bleb
la payabl la advenoe by all todrnU. Htodrot holding diploioaa from lha public
ecboole anil iboaa baviag laai befa crtinalea ara a.Imittl bi Iba preparatory
department wiiboot aiamioatlon. Tboea deairing loforinatioo regarding Iba pra-
paialory deparlroent aboobl ad Ife lb Mn, n. Is .arregan, r.ngeoa.
For eatalogqr and Information a l Ireaa
O. II. CHAPMAN. l'n.HUh nt.
or.!..!. WAIION. H.H-ii taiy. Kn'ti". Oivkoii.
f'a tt..ll la ciia- 0 larga
r I 0Ti rTrT a
4 . w a 4 aa .1 . ia
al lttiil,ii"n 1 an.
. . ..ww ,M '
t- . , - ..-.1 . v A ll4ka "I 1'
afi m4 I. -
I m iim. 4 t A v. al aav
M' 4 W I. mm
! .. i. u...H. u a r a.wa
a . .m in k . ,alia Iftlll'.., 4
ha ft . r fc' i' fta.
m 0t I.. . . . , t fmi.
, ' . ' m If IM l .
Imi4 a ,.1 t m iw taa
n a-.. v I P vm
.4 . ,
a mm. V a
Tb ragnlar aolcriptaa praw of Iba
K-mWally UaflU la Ii Ul aod lha
rV'ilar prx id tba Urrkly Oregnoiao
la II . .'A Any 00 aoharriliiag for Iba
Oaioila aod p)il'g fr noa tear In
adfanra raa gt lb lha Oarella and
Vlily On . iao for t All oil aalf
arilfa pa)lg Ihalr aitl-f u-lloti f,r
una year ia a-latiffa allltw aotillal lo
Iba ana a
Watt. Tl.'.ii "0 rnoa laa Ulai
llrpi.r aad Moourotit, arming avary
lay it'l M'K.'la; aad laaviag avary
day aicapt Ptadav. hlH.ilaal ai I Cheap
at raa It Hi Ialafnf. p, O-ha,
Monmouth, Ore.
li.L.li.f I. -.1 .. U l.ria .H..lri ll.t
(!.! I..M... ( .1. iiMii.. i.l an I I' M .r..lraa..i.al
aii'l a a .m I'mia
The Diploma af lha ecriaal antltlaa an
Atlminntratvr'i kutict.
1 -
A t
UrO b' M''' " 'ba atraat, a lalaOl l")-l, wlofb l y ll Way, 1 4,,, ll.a w
K w.aaaaia ral. . '.. t- pta-rt..,,
f II. . ll a'ao wiai.- -f !- , f
4tafl. Itf, aal a. I a affrlioaa j "
lofioarty lo-a aa llala aiaify
Karl' ll I. lha a"'
paflfiaf. ! Iraafcoa-S an I elaaro-aa U
t ..B,.ia.a aail a ( " ina.
4a.Vltia.il' 114 Of T. .).
eae rai-h fa ral l aad f i tirj)ii-
try a"rfnmi'.
f In I iin Of. 0
,i.a if aa ali.ii.f
ai 1 a 1 1, lot I ja IwimiiIi
(i tir i.r '
, ,.-A a
la -
Waal.iogt.li. I!, will fnl II U bi ,'!!'.! -Ti ."'"1 .",
a liai.Ua I ' r'l - a I I'm H,,. ia- 1 . ... ..... . 1
p. Mf ! "' ' ' --4 ' I " a
v I. ll.. u. A,.,.. 1
Malt.. l"Mf Mt b ' U'l4 b-p. ! T. It. Una a I rka a ace.attt ia . , . ... ....... a.i. .4
.,ea..flai ailia'a II aieii.ag. atiag, ' I pi 1 1-1 '- ' al U1 ".,... 1 ..... i,..i
al.at. -.ii-ir. , d-aa aMliSaHy. a". U. I la a') ,1,4 a l !( ' " "" A" ' ' .'.1 H 1 1
I'.allp at ai r.ia apa H t,a a a4 f. a -i h.i.ipi.m
f II
. ta .
A a
1.1 r v 4 o ir
f , .. n II. l I.I
A M-a
lf I. II.
. -M. IW -t
ri Ail
l a ia
rw la leach In mi aauct, in lha elate tail
yW irirtCfy I fwrihar aaamioetian.
wfyiiJ V-'V a-ila..4 Mali. '" tla..a ll
o:r . in
a-a i'll'il aii'l K:ihlil Vil". f n aASmn.a,
Ta.r la a ft 4.ft.A't f.f ail I'Al'.t La. ItrfA.
Ib' ! an nipt aM .i, wf utii'AOiii-l '
I aI.Iim htwltiiif Ari.l aa ai - 't.ii
1; A-
1 m in 1
t i.s I... I
... Al j
Ifc 4 'ni:. n.ii
II IN M -.