Gazette Utah's democratic territorial convention whb held last week. A spread-eagle orator was unearthed in the person of W. O. Powers, chairman of the convention. Port land's own Patrick Kilfeather must now look to his oratorical laurels ere they wilt. OOCNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Tbe folIowiDfr are the complete pro oeediogs in brief form ot tbe last session of the oonoty court, with the exception of tbe expenditures coming under that class belonging to tbe official list: Coonty oourt met in regular session at the rnnrt house Wednesday. Spd. 4 1895, with Judge Keithly, Commissioners Baker and Howard. Clerk Morrow and an excuse for having sheriff Harrington present An exchange savs:! After due opening the following pro- Here is some fun. Evervthincr in nature indulges in oeedings were bad, to-wit - j o t7 amusement. The lightning plays. The wind whistles. The thunder Bills of Julius Keithly, jadge's salary, 8150; J. W. Morrow, clerk's salary, $10u; Q. W. Wells, deputy clerk's salary, rolls. The snow flies. The waves $1G6 (,6, and J. H. Wyland, stock iDBpeo leap. The fields smile, even the tor's salary, $53 33, allowed in full. buds shoot, and the rivers run. Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. O. H trail, lue Dill ot costs in mis case nmmlinn i, QtV7 OH vara nnnairl prp1 t fi m , . it lllliuuunnii wvj - u't -- Uie nm race lor tue CUP lne and allowed to the amount of $55. American boat, Defender, came Coat bill. State of Oregon vs. J. M. out victorious last Saturday. En- Denieon, amounting to 821 85, was con gland has never yet shown herself sidered and allowed to the amount of to bo America's equal in any con- W1- 5. ii.. :i : u..t i.., l iuenujiiuumn pXftmined netition of James that we should win the vacht races q.j j .v.. i. n.,,,;r,tQnt nt , , , , QftlUUinU DUU UUICI n 1UI BuiuiuiDut w omer uay, a uiu ww uuu retain thQ chtimpion(jhip. p jj JenkjDB as ju8tio6 of Distriot No, married, sayu me oaiem i obi. me 1, Bnd after due consideration same was clergyman and the guests were all f. T) TAYTf,Tt ;s now ;n the acoepted and appointment made. rpadv. hnr thfi bride kent them - , -i i e . Bills of (J. W. Harrington, sheriff's j , rvunnnw. iMicn.. inn id ueiauic oi waiting bv taking too lone to dress. , ! . .-, ' m , . . J 8400; V. J. Halloo, deputy sner. i ":a " L9LX1' uai- yior."Mirssalary,flG666; J. L. Howard, com ouu D" tllD "DtS'"i "fix this up by giving a few lots in miBsioners salary, 814, and J. M.Baker, ouuiowuau voguo.j, CDw1UDvca " (irand Da es as securitv. un ess commissioner's salary, 814, allowed in railroaa man, tooK out ins waicn, . . t t h knocked the full. looked at it, snorted, tore the mar- ... . . e,r,nna ioa The cancellation of certain scrip riaPfl license in two. walked out of , , , , advertmed legally in the Gazette . ' oi ine Banu oanK across uie river, the house, and has not yet come THE FORCE OF HABIT. Back in Jeffersonville, Ind., the back. As a railroad man lie was doubt less shocked at the indifference displayed by the bride towards schedule time, and thought that he would teach her a lesson. Proba- OS was brought up for consideration, and as parties owning said scrip bad failed to SUIT has been begun against Ex- appear and olaim same, the clerk was Gov. Fletcher, editor of the Even- ordered to cancel the same as other warrants issued, registered ana reaeemeu ing Post, of Salem, and others, be cause of their connection with the Independent. However, this doos not prevent the governor from keeping the editorial page of the usual standard of excellence. Tbe total amount of said cancellation was 843.40. Petition of J. J. Adkins and others for county bridge over lines creek at the Adkins crossing, considered, accepted and petition granted. Road AddI. No. 140. petition of O, Farnswortb and others, asking that road be opened as a publio highway, granted, bb no damages were asked. Costs al- PHILOSOPHY FOR SMOKERS. A Man Known by 111 Clfrara mnd the Waj lie Smoke Them. As a test of character tobacco is use ful. A man may be known Dy int cigars he keeps as well as by the way he smokes them. iNo man oi renneu taste will smoke a bad cigar. The philosophic smoker takes his comfort in a leisurely way, amid proper surround ings, and is able to shut himself out from the world and all its petty annoy ances as he follows the curling wreath into the dreamland of reverie. I he man who allows his cigar to go out a great many times and relights it in successive srmsms of fidgetiness may usually be set down as an incoherent olinmcliT. nnitfi tvrone to get off his trolley, so to speak, and certainly lack ing in tenacity of purpose. x"3 uinu who fumbles his cigar a good deal and manages to cret the wrapper unraveled and the fire all on one side may oe uib' missed as aliervous person, with a pro- c.livitv for uncomfortableness, says the - . . . 1 Al Baltimore Sun. -Men who enew xneir cigars, leaving their teeth prints on them, and do this lor a long ume ueiore lighting them, are quite likely to be stern, determined men, full of grit and resolution. Gen. Grant used to handle a cigar in that way, and Bismarck is said to do likewise. As an index of generosity or mean ness of soul, the cigar is quite trust worthy. The generous man, if he smokes at all, is sure to indulge himself and his friends, when they call on him, with a good cigar. The man who, with abundant means to smoke the best, de liberately buys the worst cigars, and pretends to enjoy them, is capaoie oi almost any conceivable meanness. Per contra, the man who can find solace and refreshment from a cigar of good quality, or a pipe filled with choice to bacco, and who is always ready to open his heart wide and let his tongue wag the most merrily when he takes his friend into the hospitalities of a mi'tual smoke talk, is pretty sure to be one whose Instincts and impulses are in the main honest, genial and right. Administratrix' Notice of Sale of Real Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER iy and bv vircueof a decree and order of Bate duly made and entered on July 13, Wvb, in tbe matter oi tne estate oi nllliarn Kusf, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for l imitilla County, sitting in probate, the under signed as administratrix of theeaid estate will otter for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Saturday, the th day of September, !.', at II o'clock in the fore noon or mat day, at the Iront door ot the court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon all of the following described real property belong ing to the above named estate, Bituated in Mor row County, Oregon, to-w;t: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northwst quarter, and the northwestquarterof the north east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the north half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast Quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Bection twenty-live, all in township three south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette Meridian; and also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of section thirteen in town Bhin four south of range twenty-nine EaBt of Willamette Meridian; said Bale is made subject to ail nens and incumbrances now existing up on the said real property, and subject to the confirmation of all Bales to be made by the above entitled county court. Dated thiB llth day of August, 1895. MARY E. RUST, Administratrix of the Estate of William Kust, iieceasea. Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begins September 18, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and nMn...lln,i f..r touching il ml husinpMII. Thfl vhnnl gives a thorough English education, me .... o . ha. alwavs been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a library of naiaiwajs rjeeuuiBiiiiK t....., iml. nrk nnd Ann hufldlnn with tha . 7000 volumes, good equipments ior bkwnuu" " - - C modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $30,000, is one of the finest college buildihgs oil the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle s Hall frf uu to i.uu per weei, includ ing electric light and heat. The College L'orumory, uuuer " ""', iurmue. board and loom at J2.25 per week, uoaru i" P" - - - , rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to excee.l $ 1 .o0 per week. For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS MeCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. V 500 HEAD I9W11 RAMS Notice of intention. Land Office at La Grande Oregon. Augusta, 18W. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Sept. 14, 1895, viz : EDWARD CHAPMAN, 34, aWl NWU. Sec. 35. To. 3. 8. R. 29 E. W. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot, said land, viz ; Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark, of Heppner, Oregon; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp ner, Oregon; Jesse D. French, of Vinson, Oregon. B. r . WILSON. 360 70 Register. Timber Culture. E. whisper, "Great Scott! Where were the tato to hear from. In making you at?" Then, after the cere- this bold confession he also an mony, he should have remarked to nounced that lie intended to have the bridosmaidthnt he really could another in a few days. He evi- not undorutand how she managed dently possesses a roving commia to get into her dress in time, con- buhi or else tho law would have Bidoring that it was built so elab- dealt with him long ago. orately and with so much fret work around the cornicop. rf hk Pur rant trial proper has I?y that time ho would havo fi lt now been in progress one week, bettor, and his wifo would have and from present appearauceB sov showod signs of depression. At oral weeks time will bo consumed the wedding breakfast ho would before a verdict will bo reached, havo mado tho casual remark that bly he did, but he might have done , , l ost up to tllO iuu Btiaiu uujf, iiuu a yuuu more satisfaction oyer the matter. lie suouia nave waited until sue The press has unearlueu a man came down Btairs, stepped up to down at Dublin, Georgia, who has lowed, $5.60. her and then, under pretense of 22 wives, according to his own Road Appl. No. 141, petition of F. M kissing her, havo said it in a stage statement, with different parts of Wilkinson and others, oonsidered, and no remonstrance or uui oe damages oe ing filed, same was aooepted and de clared a pnblio highway as soon as said F. M. Wilkinson shall pay county costs, amounting to $19. GO. Id tbe matter of delinquent taxes of Morrow county, the oourt after due oon sideration and examination, Boding oon siderable amount ot same on delinquent roll, ordered that a warrant be issued under the seal of the court directing the sheriff to levy upon and Bell property for the foil payment of said tax, oobs and exneDHes and to make returns to the oounty court at its next regular term Tbe following miscellaneous bills were However, tho case against Durrant allowed in full: J. U. Lawrcy, expense, . t5;J. V. Willi, aasesHors airy, twi. court iif uniinfiunii Titiu wnu i in inur mini ... ........ i .t ..,.., r , .. ,,,... nvj k'""'"K oHw.,, No further bunineM sppeariug no would get on scliouuiu tune, every day, and that he ih cuilty is adjourned without date. f w - - i ' and when they wero about to leave now generally conceded, though ior mo raiiroan siiiuon ami ino n1( (IcIciihc bat not yet shown up rrima imi bh.i c r. rK.vmi.ii liriilit wan kiHHini nvervlMiilv ''I'liiiil. H,,,;r 1.1,. ,r ilm nu.i r.r iiiinivot...! In the "Life of Karl von OcroU, a a - . - j - - j . nun niMu in tin. iitim ; uiiv,mi'iu , , !, I,n un1,l '.uvnnnlUI ,.(. f 41...:. ,.... 4..,: mail diMl.Hril.hh.Ml HH MN't U.ld HM B 1 uuy ii uiihi im luimui u-nuiuuuy, 1I1l,1Ki(.P ,,f Hit) (iosm' . an incident IK tention to tho fact that there was which, whe n presented, may serve hriven whifh illiihtrntfa nt tmiyhU uo need to hurry, as oxpieHH trains to chango public opinion. wero always two hours behind time. J.vmks Ijotan and Keid Hack If this plan had been carried out were brought before Judge llellin- judiciously during tho day, wheu ger hint I'ridiiy for Htuiteureon the niglit carno tho man would have conspiracy and smuggling charge been in tho most blissful of moods, of which they were recently con whilo tho woman would havo beeu vioted. Mr. I.tan was fined fStHH), plunged in the depths of despair, which ho promptly paid, while nud longing to go home to motln r. Seid Hack's punishment was placed Tho Indiana man did not seem to at $o(MN), which as yet, he lias not know that it ia iMissiblo to i;et mad been able to raise. Uotli could at your wifo end at tho siune lime havo tuilTercd a Ihiily days' incar to enjoy yourself. If he ha I been ceintiou and escaped tho pa) incut A widower he would never havo of these heavy lines by pleading left as he did. lie would um i-meity, but were too manly and I r stayed. i a. a plSt t r. l aino lias wee.le.i iho asylum of all the opium fiend the Keoley iiiatttulo will probably once more do business Now that distKHed of A I'l.oLIPA tlism(cli tot) (hut II picniciug party l.ivn there "was pursued the olher tl y by a iniiki which ill diameter leplenelite l i beer barrel." Ma)lo thal'a wh it it was. An Alabama jury lias divided that if H man put hi arm around the w aist of a ninrringeubli' woiuati it ia prima facto evi h-iico that he ha proMwed t her. That iotl of law may in Abibnnm, but it won't go iu Oregon. Tiik Corutlli (laette, now in it thirty-third year, haajuitt crlebrat. (h1 it lit ct aiuiiveroary under the Very Hlit'ielit lunlin tiitiit f H, V. Jolmwon. Tim l!ai tlt i one of the bt wt'ikli in Southern Dree-in, and an a'iitefnitu rp. n tut of repuhliVaniaiit. Iionorabht to do mo, a a tliem case have oecn and several liotiorablo men con- vit led on the tehtimony of that in (union bbickleg and KCoumlrcl, Nat Id uui, wo venture to assert that his future life will tint admit of comparison with tho action and conduct of the several men whom he attt'iupted to iinpiison in order to cHCupo the punishment ho so richly t. seneil. 'W lia l Mil -i.lris tf tljwntrrv in tliU i'iniiy Ut iinuinT," ) Siniil S. l'.tt,K b . I Hm.vUu.I, fal. " I it V xii nit il and ult.-r,l avtrrrly until .iilnrnllH 1'nlli nit nllCDllim lt ('I, Hill Ix-Hmii I'olia, Ctiol-r ami Piarrlmra 1 1, I 'ri'cnis a Ultl aaJ tell twiiir itflff lint fl'it 'I Itffur oitr lialf id th l.ll b. bwB nw.1 I u rlt. I r-oiMiiin.'ii l-l II In my frirn-U tij Ihxir ri-Tiriii Ilia m. W all mil' in mi il ia lb lwl." K-r t by Huctira J"t'iiiiB ltu Cu. - N.iar I Hi lint In t?l lha Ww aly (irritiali. Hi grll r 1 4 II. Wi-i. Willi ll.(l tU.U lU lnrl ly in a.ltaiie, f"ftui )mt, Nil lllrf r,,ti il nf a.H-rti i.a n,a.l ia lb i.t. t'i,l will Kit a a 1'iriiii'nu an a I IHImiiI J"'i' lc f,x'l I Utiti-r, aa , in iilli.fl (i-rf. li li.. in ti" kh.l iilwiti. kimllv Hiilrit but his quick wit lie wan tine day walking in Stuttgart. enrrvitiir nn umbrella. At the same time the prima ilonnii of I bv Stuttgart ttiierii troupe ws tri(ii!ii" nloiig the l iMo't. uit inr Hint prte'tii tl il 'Oils I ! wtM lur. .ii iueiny mm l ' .'ii t fail, iiml llerr vim ISeruk olT led the huly the hhtlter of bis ii in ' i In . TbiHii'b eiitirt' Mraiigera t eueh oilier, tliey I..1U a pieiisani rnni. After awl.',!-' tbe r.'Vereiiil getitU'inan remiti Keil: "Mnv I veiitur to nsk ymir iiame?" "It l plain to M-e that you never goto the tijM'i.i." iiiiMvri-ed t'le htdy; ' every- ImhIv IditiWK that I am the l U'ling nlnger nt the I uiii t llienler. Now it U my turn to ask lo w Iioiii I Itm iieleliled for the proleel imi of mi umhri'llH." "Ymir tniiHilnii eleiirlv iirnveit that Vim never go lo fhiirrb." io tbe reply, "fnrull ri'li.rl'iiiH people know that I am the chief iistor of tbl.. tow n." WEATHER AND HEALTH. Weakly reraona Mont Susceptltile to Cli matic Clianpit. You know the weather affects your health, but have you ever satisfied your self as to how it docs it? By observ ing the barometer for a few months and comparing your feelings with itf readings you will discover that they fluctuate in harmony. Then, says th Pittsburgh Commercial-Gazette, just u little plain thinking w ill make it clear. When the barometer is low the atmos phere is light and the air pressure on the body is considerably lessened. When this pressure is removed the blood is forced to the surface and dis tends the vessels. Weak or diseased parts are congested, sensitive nerves submitted to unusual pressure and a sense of fullness, a sort of stuffy feel ing, pervades the whole body. The blood dues not How freely on account of loss of nerve tone, the brain becomes sluggish and mental aeutuness is im paired. The barometer is not respon sible for all this, but it explains how it i.ll happens. Healthy, vigorous persons are not af fofted by tlie changing pressure and moisture of the atmosphere like those who are diseased or have weak spots. Tli'-v have suflicient vitul energy to re hist the tendency to congestion of the small blood vessels and of the mucous me mhraucH to throw off more moisture than the atmosphere will absorb. It is for this reason that children and young people in good health do not sutTcr to any extent from atmospheric changes. dualling 'I oimecn 1'lpet. There ore so many smokers In the world that any new recipe for cleaning pipes In sure to find readers. Tho Mex ican gypsy has a simple way. Filling the pipe bowl with aguadiente, he atirs the liquid until it is thick with the recking nicotine, and then throwa the devil's broth down liia throat, with a smack of the lips that tells of supreme gusto. This la economical, but not so desirable to people w ho are not Mcxl can gypsies aa tho following, which wn sent to a leading journal, "not a a scientific discovery," but because it might be "of use to those scientific men who are smokers:" "A shallow cork or, at ill Wltcr, a rubWr stopper through w hich a hole ia bored large enough to enable it to fit tightly on to the iioilc of a aoda water aiphon, la fitted Into tbe bowl. The nor.zle I In aertcil, the mouthpiece directed into vessel, alsuit a w ineglas of aoda forced through, and the pipe la clean." TAND OFFICE LA GRANDE, OREGON, JULY J 8, 1HH5. Complaint havtntr b en made at this ollice bv the dulv verified and corroborai atlidavit of Samuel McBride alleKlnir that Win. H. Vanhine, who made Timber Culture entry No. 1262 (or the NVi NEK and N; NW. Hec , To 4 8. R 27 E. at the Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 15'h dav of December, 1S81, has wholly abandoned Haiti tract; and failed to plant any trees upon said tract since entry; that the said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by the said party as required by law, tnereiore with the view to the cancellation of the said entry the said parties are hereby summoned and reouired to he and appear before J. W. Morrow, county clerk Morrow county, at his office at Hcmmer. ureenn.on tne ran nav oi scptemoer, 1S5. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning the said allegations, the final hearing to be had before the Register and Re ceiver at La Grande, Oregon, on the 2Sth day of September, urns, at the hour of in o clock A. ai, B F. WILSON, J, H. KOBHINH, 361-3f9 Register. Receiver. Notice Of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON I J Auirust 21. 18US. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make Anal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on wept. 2, lsiia, viz: ALLEN CRABTKEE. nl. E. No. 3177, for Uta WW SF.4 and Wtf NE'4 See. :i-. To. 3 . K 2ft K. w. si. Oregon. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation ol, sam lanu, viz: George Shlck, Thomas Prlscoll, William Dris- coll, Nathan Shaw, all of Hcpiuicr, Oregon. ;it.-7l J ah, F. Moobb, Rcgldtcr. FOR SALE! BRKD FOR MUTTON AND WOOL. HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. K. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. IT IDT I IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichteu- thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as tnai oi 1492. Chi is was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the fiuest stock of Shoes ever shown in! Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want r The Old, Orifiinal Shoe Merchant. M. LICHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. He Saws Wood ! FRED KRUG Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40c per Cord one time in two 50c per Cord two times in two Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out. Doe stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. Borchers at the Palace Hotel. lm Notioe of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON I i Aug 22. IHti'i. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will bo made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on October 0. 1WJ., vu : OEOROF. W. WILBON Hd. No. 47:lV for the i of NK'i Sec 31, and Vi ot NWi4 Nee it'i, TptfH, Range 2H K, W. M. He names the lallowing witnesses to prove his continuous residem upon and cultivation of said land, viz: 1). t. Junius, Samuel n. Tyler, John Beeler. John C. locknaiie, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Or. U. r. WILHtlN, 0.7.I Register. JSpeoixil Sale! Dealers in General Merchandise Wll.l. OKFK.K 1IIKIR SOTH'B OF INTENTION. T AND OFKK K AT LA (1RANDE. OREGON. I J August 27, lw.iV Notice la hereby given that the following imnifd settler has tiled no tire of bis Intention to make final proof In sup port of Ills ilalm. mid that said proof will I made before J.W. .Morrow, County Clerk, at Hcpi lur, Oregon, on hcIhIht .s. l "..", vu: j .t r.n w . 1 r.. 11 r. 1 . ltd. Application Nn t'.ivi. lor the NEU Sec. S, Tn I a. R K W. M. He names Die following a ltueuiti to prove his conlinuoiis residence upon and cultivation 01, sam lanu, vu: Mi-t lluclii's. Joe Rector, llavld MrOtil oustl William Hughes, all ol Heppner. Oregon. H. r. W I I.HON, tuVTit. kcglstcr. NOTICB OF INTENTION. I ASI) OFFICE AT THE PALI.. OREGON I J Augimt HI, l"'. Notice la hereby given that the I0II0M lug named .ller lias filed no il, r of her Intention In no-ke Anal pIimiI In sun. xirt of her claim, ami thai Ml, I proof ill he inane iiemre 1. n. Mnrniw, t ninity 1 lerk, at Heppner, Oregon, nn Octolier !, vli: ADIUK. ALLEN. Hd. K. No.SKU. fortheHawiiW 2s ami the KKV. W. Tp. K Jii K , W . M. Mie iiamea the lollnohig mIIiipihusi tn prove her roniiiiiious mideur iiam ana rullltalloa of. aald laud. l: Reiijamln rarker, Ada Jones, I. W. leu Is. of Hard man, Oregon, Hubert ( llripnc, Uhtn, jA.i. r. amiKr., a;h Register. OrKHUilica, I'ituitiort, Mulla, etc, nt tho following Kri'ittly lOiluoti! I'ticoa : lltial.illre .' . tnl'irnl In I ' "- )atl. V,i,. ;r , tr.ol tn I .f rl ii,.iii-a 1: t.. I , r,-. 1. -l to !' - r tar.1. ... ! " r toll ii- fl 1, ,. l.i ,' . ant i renU l.i,ta ,tmmrl I i...f mit . rr.Mr-l to kiceltta. 'U I t inti pi It, 'c- , rr.tN cd to S t.i I 1 rlila. l ine ill H.'tt l4url fli.wt II is fed ml In m in.ia. . lloat lint of I.adicV UV. Iioao evt-r oiTitihI for a! lUrcaiu (Vitttitor loniltsl down with rcrunniita of evpty fabtic iiu aitiablrt at pricra i'Vtr In form ptjuallml. Our atin k of Pry (ioItf, lUaita, Slun-a and ('.foccr ica ctuupU t in vfry ri'aHHl at pricca tliat will limn' than favorably rotnpnrt wild llitwi ircioualy aiiiioiiin'isl by nitii titr. hjHH-ial attoution calltnl to our llo I Vj'fittnirrjt. Call and oi. ainiiia U'th j,iala anil j riot a. vioKioion muc.K, Wrat Main Strct t, llrnor, IHt on. (ILTI'IU. I AND OFKIi'K TIIK PAI.I.K-4. UlKiN J Aug Z Coiiiittaliit having liren en trrr.1 at Inla 1, ill re bv Henry Cramer arslnst Norl II Campliell for failure tnconipiir a ith aa In tlinlw-i eiillure Knlrjf Nn li.l. iiatr tk i,- tirr.' Iw, iipnn the !', aK1, and awi, iwrtlon '(. ToanslilP 4 . Ratine K.. in M. row Cmiiitv. iHrgnii. ih a lew tn the ratirrl Ullmi nl Mid elilrv.ronmunl alblng that the M mlwr i-iiltiiri law lit not Uh.ii rnmpltil m lib thai the fcntf) man has lievrf hrntrn or plowed 1, il n ear ft 01 tne aald lr,i ai. 1 n ia in,ir the Bret jrar. and so. h Uilure allll elt. the a', iirttiarv hert.ti, iMtimmie.i in at'tvar at Ihl nrtli-e nn the lh da nl ta tir, I",, al In n 1 1, ! a, tn , tit reiM,itd and hiriila tetimnrif morrriiiiig aald aiirgnt tailor, j, w tninm iittiiilv rlirk. la a'ithnrl-. In take the t-t m.nit In Mtil raae at hianittie at llrppnr, Mor rnw rmintv. nn the Ut dar "i ht.if. I" . . I. k a. to. JAM. r MiH'NK. .?; tU-gtster. Nut lee af Hal rieHletaeal. Votti r r Hi imv t.ivrt that tiik 4 iindpnlriir.! a.itiMlatralir nf t'terfte Fre.lrtrl klili" hmar ilnrrunl sill make final rtitrmeiit of hie ac"inte wlta mi, rautr in h a.l' al the net! Irftit of the nmtiir .-niirl nl Mrr r.iitntt al Hpfmer to Imp hnolpn il the mtifg unnwr, In aald rf'Utily on me tin uar ii 31., a i' i- W I It ntrvN4t. A l'nmi.irai,,r YOU SHOULD PppE For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ; HOTELS opular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. 1om Bradley, Prop. lbs Ke Dlcy Institute -OF- For tiro Cui'o ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at r'ali-m, Oregon, Tlw 3!imt VmuUful Town on the Vvaat I Tall at the (inrrrrt tiltlce for parttciilar. ft rlctly confidential. 1 realiucnt private and mrt DO YOU KNOW " --T- m mm n Is under management nf Chris Horrher. who U eon ilut Hug in a airlrllf r lint lata maimer. he has also re-opencd the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. tW Free lUtl.sand Free 'Hoi for all Oueala. THUNDKIt N 1 1 e t r..n I'nh, (' , liava teonte.l Ht (-, of ll.e t'treorlit in"Je iff I M.ifr ! Until C.illillrS. ami Will! l,,.fil, I, Hie. uia ii, i ore f ir ala al Htt i ligtitr. I lalliltie a I'treeenl It f ' l " J log. If. VlU t liK 1, No. l.t'f till' Ni llll wt'al Npwa'aH r Mun, a in ut U fian luaaiui', a j iMri' l :;:n:n; our rrct'iit Pivltaui . 'i'lti 1 1 r ia mora than n.lit Mo totlo' iuU-! ' I,H ""-a tiah. ta 1'aWrA I'.i v t.t l'.,l!i, I ! ' '' . . .V. . . 'tae,.l,a,.. ri'C 'n, i raneii hi iii .inicth'nn ti mi ii Ty m Ftiutj ir (. W wi. IL l...lrl W.a laat l!elruwt !! ""ll Kit il 'Ha'a rewa' t wet l fai l f. f lf tolHIM Li 11 J klllll 1 II. Palmer al'Uti latil auiYrnaiu lli puer,,.. , tina iirw triilurt, tl f" I auii " "..".. . ,, , , it .. .i , ' ' r-a lt.w V, Ii T, ' tliat an Ii a ft i !.! i--ii wi.l is.l. . fc. , , , ,n i.. a l al kM.l Jillly Hi4 HI U. il-l.lill t n t f i. ' ' i . " I '. Ih w Itialtiial to II. a!f.iiia vt tin' ,,;. t.t,fi m, m Cruj. I. ). i it. 1 1 wwm UMiU Dli:iUU f'lcnty cf them at tho Gazette Office. . . To 1 r a I ha. nii it t-r wiittim nf i in tv aaii f 9 , pit h.tiw It wta nihiviii ii.. 1 1. la Ii, 1. 1 f lien If at I' So I t r.:. t.t the r.ilit et W.tmw , elate I ftu w 1 .1 ltir.-t at Itiff t-ii e 4 tl,, r.nn If , i.f ..I Mi l c.Miiiit ami ie n W -nlai, I, j t ,19 ..I a. .iif l aod n.fllfi.,a n .ei ,.f ., tk rff!.'t. Abf ff.if pra.. ha, l a6f iiv li'a in mkm m l, at r t II. r l,.,e alalia i f Wlla a.. :j limutf tw.w,,f, mm ii t or iii-mii.i ntiH IelOHTNINa M ii lido in ,f iiTiiin i,f i, ii 7701, if tub n nl it$jt,Ml, lrdf wt fafu, lc," Tlie rttanl ia licre atnl ao ia GILLIAM. msmoK With a full lioe of Ilawlwai'i.. Tinwniv. (IImhnviiiv. f i-.h p, v. Wood niwl Willow wuiv.CNnt.u-TuhH nt IUhImh-U Pi UvhT THE LIGllThST KUNINC GANG I'l (I T her f-IB an lllit ' ' ."'. 1l.t fimott In IhealgM. Tl. 1- 1.. !....!.. 11. . 1 . ... . . . . . .u .u.7 ... ,ua,Ti. ntuuwurt. ,,(,r0 i.i,fltl T,e i)Hvn . ... a ILL! AM iV: HLSIiKJO llTt'nr. ... Ore fnn HAIN iiraav mvm tut tiu et tattnff Im ft f l1 II H im f I ml i K R..M'i.h, Hi lf th. 01 ) m.inii M r n l taf, ). ) . IK i'l m rniMti. I -V ) i fM I Kl il U 'iM . il MONEY LOANCO. r..i v.r. t laW f t t n r t i rra 1 t I 'e. v,.r with -f s l ft f4 u I. h4 tee t r - ft'i--( Mvi rViMlkl ! I f aa4f. Mi 44lf :j9 It MS Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FMSH BHIA0. CAKES AMD PUS AtWAtS ON HAND. mmtK, -vuunieyN nt fwiw, AU taibM aiuat. t (at a r.n, , ,.,.. w oinec is SAiioxAL lank ucilmmi. 1'hi.fios