.. n n an n a. vno I in Unfit MAfintv iuii BKA.1U3. Nnnaill.. Or. Horses, branded Wh,l. yoo seep your ?bw)riPon paid up yon eankeep your brand in free of obarge. JSn left nhouMer; cattle the same, also now .. , m.aAAXa. U a ., ra i n M i.ITfiW fiJld Gilliam COll II tl6. ...r.eS'h StRftT. "Weph V?A-H.ln,. Or-, IM- ' , .. . , . nft M(IP riKt,t Mitle: cattle honwrnmi l. -a uw riKi m rvmntj. Armstronir, J. C. Alpine. Or.-T will, i nor un. HMvenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, o on risrht hir; owaUow-fiirk in left eor. Hwwwart. U. W., Hf Pimer, ur.-nonw, uu i'h..m.,iu.n. J. A.. Hummer. Or. Homes, I on left shoulder: cuttle, 't on left shoulder. Tiprflt,0.i.,fcDierpriiie.ur. norses, vj-un ibii capital T on left hip a. ,. i. ft. ahnnlder ol noraes: caiuu num .,. l,i,i,.,, u ,, ft hit nn lnft hin. u.ppc k. ii H(.nnnnr. Or. Cattle w c on AUieon 0 D., Eiht Mile. Or. (Mil Drnna, left hip, crop off rilit ana nnaerrm in imv jrwu, n n lft 'hiD and how same brand on ritfht dewlap; hordes W C on loft shoulder. V " . . u. Ti .T A liarmner. Or. HorBOS. ?. on shoulder, lunge, Adkins. J. J., Heppner, Or Homes. J A con- SM XSTft fla'nk" Tnr,Vu; W.; Heppner, Or.-Small cTon'ofi "rihtirTnnderorop in the left. Kg. 6 1 M"1"' " ' in morrow Thornton. H. M., lone, ur. norses nranueu , A n. I nina II. H I1.UII I , . .,U . .1 .1 Kartnommew, n- ".'"""i . h t connecwa on uui sime; buu buio mnuu. kHnitorl 7 V. on either shoulder. Kanue m Jior- ,.,. u T . Ini. Or: Horses HV con. oountv ... . . nected on right shoulder;cttttle. same on right - I., J W . Hardman. Or.attle brand- . ,. ed B on left hip Bnd thitrh: split in eacn ear. Walbridae, Wra.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. Lfc Brenner, reter. .TooseuHrrjr "iw m-on the lpft houller; cuttle same on rigut nip. hronHod P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on . ft BH. Hn.i Tiuh, ear looped. riRhtside. , .fl Wilson, John Q,, Halem or Heppner, Or. Bnrke, MBtC, Iong Creek. Or-On cattle, HorHofi brari,i j , on the left shoulder, llange M 1 V nnnnBnted on left hip, oiop off left ear, nn- ,,,.. oniv der half orop oB riht. Horsee, same brand on WarrBQi w B. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter letft ahouiaer. nungo in bub" circle over it, ou left side, spilt m nunimr, oonnty. . , - . i,j ? Horses same brand on lett snouiaer. naei" Brosman, Jerry, ,7 V . .T4 Hrantconuty. . . . on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Wade, henry. Heppner. Or Horses branded Left ear hair orop ana riKin n "mw "."i-"- BC9 0f spades on lert snoumer ana ibii uip iiortnn Wm.. Heppner. Or. -Horses, J H on f.tti i ' ,ih ume on left side and left hip. right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in ' WollUTri ,T,lnI)i John Day City,Or-On horses ounh ur H, ...r..lll hura on left shonlder: 7 on sheep. Brown, Isa, Lexinsfton, Or. Horses IB on the bit in both eare. Uauge in Grant and Malhuei right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor- Bollllti(w. rowcounty. TI .i- Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP Brown, J. Ij., nupii mr, v.-' i. """" onnwtM on loftnliiraiaer. Cwithdotinnei tor on left hip; oattle, enme. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ti.mn w .T.. Ina. Oregon. Horses W. bar ',., i,.f, over It, on the left shoulder. Oattle same on lett - - . J. ' o,...,. w on hip- r.- r, i. L.M thiuj,' holi. in left ear: horses. W on right KVZffir-mS i h Tolit in shoulae7 somP same on left shoulder. 1IU Ull I1NU, M.ft. . . - , ) . I r- ..hear w hittier urns., nunringuin. nanwr vu.. yr. - Borg, P. 0 Heppner, Or .-Horses, P B on left Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder .1 l.1A. ..n.tlA aiminn left hin. I n,;ii nninliinn llw rinurtAF nl. Brownlee, W.J., foi,nr-iu,n i m-. clg ()?er three bar8 on lB(t hlP t,om cattle ana nn inrt. sine: crop uu u. , hnrnnH. KRnue i-trant conniy. middle pieoe ont out on ngriieariyu m,,..,0 Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar brand on the left thigh; llange in Kox valley, eirrAfl over tlirBe bar8 on ft bip. 08tt)e same anil slit in each ear. Uanae in ttrant oonniy E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THIS ri..-D.. Wai.f.n WRimnr. Or. HorRB brand A utJHft nut Ha fthree hfirn) on riiht, rihs. nroD and split in each ear. llange in Cain,E., !alob.()r.-Y 1) on hones on left sf iflri U with quarter mrcie oyer i,o . ., .,,..... i ai ilia n n l no nnder ft years: on if t hliler only on all horsOB over 5 years. All Cate,ChHS. II., Vinson or Lena, Or Horses H Con rignt BiiouniHr; uiiiiit, .,.,, u ...... ii o M,.rr,,w and llmlitlllll counties. ,..?..!. ...ii MM Oiillnmiiv. Or Cattle eroo out of "each ear and nnderbit, wattle in fornhewl; liorses half circle 0 on left stillo. Kango Mor. --.I Tlmlit i 111, Cnnilt HIS. Curl T. H John lay. Or. Double cross on ..i. i.'in .... cattle, wallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. llHnge in Hraiit conniy. On sheep, inverted A and spear point ..i, .knnlilar. Kar markoii awes, crop on left ear pouched upper bit in right. Wethers crop m rioht and nder hulf orop in left ear. All range in lint n,,ntltv. Or. Horses. (Klon rightshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark siimre orop orl lert ana spin in riKiii,. Currin. B. V., Currinsville, Or. -HorBes. on left stifle. . ,, r, i.u (!., K.H. H.. Hanlman, Or. Cattle, C with E in center: horses. CK on left "lip. n-i..o II K . Munnmnnt. Grant Co. Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark i ai.. K,.th ourt and dewlao. ... ... ti u..l.nur, lie Worsen hmnded O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right, thigh; cattle s'lme brand on right shoulder, and cut olf end of "? 'LTu.. W M . Oallowav. Or.-(attlo, H I) on right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, H I) on left hip. . , , Kly Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses hrandnd KLY on loft ahotilder, cattle same on.leftiup. hole in right ear. u Fmery C. H.. nardman. Or. Horses branded ' I reversed C with taill on left shoulder ; caU tlesame on right hip. llange in Morrow oonnty, ui....nn I. A., ileimner. Or. Cattle. Lr on riuht hin: horses. V with bar under on right .1.....1.1... Florence. H. P. Heppner. Or -Horses K on right shoulder; oattle, V on right hip or thigh. Krench, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WW will, bar over it. on left side; crop oil left eiir.' Horses, same brand on left hip ,.,, uentry, r.nner, n...in. v...-. ... H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle, ii. A in M,.tf..w nml Dinatillaconnties. Hiatt, A. M lliilga, Or.-Cattle, round-top K with unartnr circle under It on the right hip. ii...,.,.. in M,,rrw and Umatilla counties. Hinton AJenks, Hamilton. Or-Iatlle.two bars on either hip; crop In right, ear and split in left. Horses J on right tiiign. ivaiign in i couuiy Humnel. Wagner. Or W (T K L roiinwtfd) on right shoulder on horn.ia; on niittle, .... ..., i hinand on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left, llange in llay itack ditrlel,Mom,w ponntv. Hsle, Milton, Wagner, nr. norsns orim-wi Wren. A. A.. Ilennnor. Or. Horses rnnningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip, Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded TH on the right shouine' CUVK3 TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION- NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeqon. CET THE BES1 When vou are about to buy a Sewine Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements una tic k"i to thiriic you can get 1110 pest maue, imust umsncu ana Most Popular for a mere nonp. See to It that ,'ou nuy trom renaoie manu iicturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dunlini;, you will then (?et a KewinK Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one mat is easiest to mauugo and is t Light Running Vrw" There Is none In the world that (CBi-fSF cun erlua' 'n mechanical con ' I 1 ' Btruction, durability of working fVA parts, fineness of finish, beauty Hi frVtf !" i'i'"" '- ., - 1 pl7i!f improvements as me New Home . . .. I . . . . Al XWL. UL..1. It hnn Automatic Tension. Double Feed, alike And all point in l aurornia, via me aiu du.i on both sides of needle ltatentea),rm otner nas it ; New Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinged on ad j ustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE REW HOME SEW1SG MACHINE CO. ITT ARC, H. T QDIOIt TI3VII3 ! T O JStin Franolsoo route of the Southern Pacific Co. Oaixis, Mass. Dostoh, Mass. SIFinnitSoi UUICAIIO, H.I.. HT. IM'is, mo. i HAM KUAMrlS(l, I -AL. ATTJINTA, UA. FOR SALE BY The (Treat highway through California to all points Kast anrt South, urana ocenio nouie or tne raoino i.oasi.. ruiiiuau nuuei, Hloepers, Beoond-elaas Bleepers DESPISED BY CATS. The Magpie Is a Foe That Is Feared by the Felines. The pets of the house were three very large, black cats, great favorites, immensely spoiled, and very dignified and lazy. As we regarded the Austra lian magpie somewhat scornfully dally ing with his dinner, we saw one of these solemn black monsters advancing at its usual dignified pace toward him. A cry arose from the assembled family, savs the National Review: "Oh, Tigris will kill the magpie." The head of the family desired to wait developments. There was a painful suspense of breath as we watched the shaggy black Persian advancing on the plate and magpie with a steady, unhurried step. The magpie stood aside from the plate, and with head well on one side, watched the oncoming robber. There was a world of meaning in the glance of that wicked gray eye, but it was all lost on the dignified composure of the Persian, who without deigning to look at the magpie, proceed to sniff: at the contents of the plate. The bird, motionless as a statue, waited till the black whiskers came in quiringly over the edge of the plate; then he made one sudden hop, lunged once, with a lightning stroke of his beak, at the beautiful glossy black muzzle, and was back again in his watchful attitude so quickly that one almost felt disposed to doubt if he had ever left it. There was no doubt in the mind of the cat. That lightning stroke of the beak had much the same effect on the Persian as if a bomb had burst .somewhere in its middle. It leaped with a yell live paces bacKwaru, us legs extended, every separate hair of its long fur standing off it at full length. When it reached the ground it hesitated not for a moment; no fleet ing notion of vengeance ciossed its mind; with head and tail depressed, in manner as unlike as possible to its dig' nfied approach, it retreated at a good round trot to the shrubbery whence it had come. NOT DAME FORTUNE'S WHEEL, But It Was the Cause of I'ps and Downs Just the Same, It was all about a bicycle and it was not an 1895 model either, nor was it the steed of bloomery beauty. It was a wheel that would have made excellent junk, and it was probably the oldest of its kind in existence These facts, however, made little difference to the tow-haired urchin who had come into possession of it and he was the hero of the hour among his companions, who, after the man ner of all sycophants, praised his some what toilsome and serpentine method of locomotion. All but a red-headed, freckle-faced lad, plainly the Ishmaelite of the com munity, says the Chicago Tribune. Say, Hilly, why don t you get Mr. A. H. Craosby, of Ha. 1KB Kerr fit. Memobl. Tana. writes thaibis wife had can cer wnica naa eaten two large holes in her breast, and which the best physicians at the anrronndinir country treated, and pronounced in- curable, iier granamower and aunt baa aiea ox Cancer and when told this, the most eminent specialista of Hew York, nnder wnoso . aa tilaced. oe- clared her case was boneless. All treatment having iailed, v. . iuii nn EA QIO 8. 8. 8. was recommended. and aBtonisninn j "em. a few bottles cured ner souim " . . A. Our treatise on tnl Dis ease will be eent tree to I any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. C Stand by Each Other. An exohange says: The beBt way io build up a town is to stand by every maD in the plaoe who does right. When ever man is doing well, do not tear him down. All residents should be partners -not opponents. In all probability, the more business yonr rival does, the more you will do. Every man who treats his cus tomer honestly, oonrteously and fairly will get bis share, and the more business that can be seoured by united efforts the better it will be for all. When a town ceases to grow it begins to die, and the more readily utter ruin oomes to all. Stand together for the advancement of every citizen. If a man shows ability to prosper, do not pull him back through jealousy or weigh him down through a oold indifference. Thatthe RAMBLER Is one of the vey best wheels ever made is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the ?g front rank with all high grade machines, ana n you miy one you win mane uu luiomite. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be . . ... ... n I . I. 1 nA..tnnn ...I.V. fl.n rn.M punctured. It can be menaea Dy you in nve miuineo, as ino mu11'1";u a renowned J. s j. ciincner tires witn wooa rims or copper-pimeu oiem u. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals ! vnr mon women hnvs nnd nirls. with 28. 2G and 24 inch wheels, at $fi5. $55. $45 respect ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. oi J. high-grade double locking edge cuncner tires ana are iuny warrameu, Dainra vn i,nv . hli'vnln write for nn t.alopne. circulars, terms and discounts, or call ? S on our numerous agentB. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- H8 ton and ldano. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, NorthweBt representatives Gormully & Jeflerv Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. Maj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent andf lecturer. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., rieppner, uregon. State op Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum o! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case o( Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed io my presence, this 6th day of Deoember, A. D. 1885. A. W. QLEASON, Notary Publio . i How's Your Liver? SEAL Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern. ally and acts direotly on the blood and muoous snrlaoes of the system. Send This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Attaohed to express trains, atfordina superior accommodations for second-class paenKers. For rats. tickets, sleenina car reservations, C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, tfl E. P. ROGERS, Asst. are ye?" For Billy's head was pillowed llfiimirr llrpnan Gen. r. s r. Agt., roruaim, urWm 11 u a hump on yer?" he yelled derisively. f(jr testimonials, free i t vh T.rH. i ii i ii in i. ii ih.Ii iiirvii n i n.LU . i . . . n Jv : :.' H .1. I H KN h Y Ac I ii I., rnlftiin. 11. TT.-.V. motile tra fhiTiLr rnit nrtiild I " ' "Mehbe I do. Ye ain't tired a'ready, -O- (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder lOll III side. ol I Ih naill on hip also tarK nircle on left linoiinl J I,. Galloway. Or. Horses f- (nross with ii'ir above III mi rmhl iliKiilder; ralllnsuniM on left side. Hiiiikk in Morrow ami UiiiHlilla Hull, Kdwin, Jolin l)av, Or. fall la K H on rlhl hip; horn nainou riuht shniilder. Ilinik'u ill (Irani count f. llua-lien. Mai, llepliner, i ir. nurses, irnaomi hnri 1,11 (he left shoulder. KkHK Morrow Ilunmkar, H A. Waimnr. Or.-llorRM, on left houldwimilla. Won left hin. Humphreys. J M Uardman, Or. Horses, II on II net on . I,nt'ier, Kmhl Miie. Or. Horm II on (he left ahoulderand heart on the left alilla I'at. tie same on left Inn. Khii In Morrow eoiinlv. Jonns, Harrr, lleppn', Or Horses brandnil II J on the left shoulder; mule bra id, J on rmhl hip. also underbit in left ear. Ilane in Morrow rouiitv. Jnnkln, H. M Heppner, Or. Hun), hora. shoe J on left shoulder. ( Mills, tiis sains. llailK "l.hl Mile. J..l,n .n. Kollt. Lena. Or. HnraM. elrUT on left aliHei oallU, mm on rtM hip, oader half arip n n1' ni1 siilit n lert ear K,n. Mike. Heonner. Or. Hnnw brands KNK on left hip ontlU sains and orop off Uft r: nnder sIoim on th rltfhl Kirk J T., liepptiw, Or.- Hones nil nn loft honldar: natlle. nWon left hip. Kirk Jmmm. lUi.onw. Or.i horaa II on lft skmilderi oaltU aaius "0 risflil side, oiidetbil on ritfht enr. KuiiilMirlaiiil.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I I. on mule on rmlil and left sulea, swallow fork in I. ft ar anil undtr 111.11 tn rticlit ear, llnraeiiiMim liran, I on left shoulder. lUnire in Orant r.tiiitlv Imflm,, hiephen, lm,Or.H l on left hip m oaiilN. prop and split on riaht mr. IImimw wm bland Mt hiiill'liir. IUn- l.nuil eoinitv, l.ieiisllen. John W., ,(t-.i Or.- H irwo trandl half jlreU J l eonn'tel on lf( hmil tier, t 'alila. Mine on tuft hio. IUiui. near l losion lnhef . J W Heppner t. Hot brai dwl 1, and a oi lrt ahiMildri e..lllM (muhm on b'! kip, waitla ofef naht , thrn. slit in ri(M lord, (lMn-. Heppner. Or. II. mm bntndml itoulils II r.M.neM't. 1 H.nn,Hiiiii ellt a ma II on U" sliiMihUf. H.ila M. . Ili-I'pli"'. Or.-Callle l,tainl". rtrrl on ntfht liipi lirw aaum on fitil stitte. lUnrfM in VI rrw oiinl Minir. , iippnr Tr.-TVll, M l on fuM lop, Ihitm M on left should.. M,Han, . N , lltiiii, Or -lloraes, ) Mi lft liimidM Mille same on Inn hip Mitchell. Oaoajr.l-iM. "r. Ilorw. 1 1 on nl,l bipi ratiM. lion risjtit sole. M. inrwn, l. . Ilr..nill Or. II. i timnr ton eaeh h,ml,T. rail la. Mlim I,im Miiirr, I'la'ik. Cm Vallr. Or M il"!,. iih Lw-eiii m ea'il on rd aad iii,..r n sw H fml. htvm aatne brand on Ufl slilU, M. IUu,, ..... mil, m, I r. ll "- WHh half tfir.de r,rn lti lHil..r, .n I a'".-, f .ur Ian r.Miiiril on lop on llui rutlit .! laritfin llrHiit Choi't. N,,l tn l' l-i' ll 'k Or II'"" N "n. Shm ,,n Irfi It.wil.lMf , eaiile Hma on U.'l, l,i, N,.r.l,i K . "Il-rt-l "r. -Ilieisj, eirvln 1 ,.n lpft tliili ria vn tn mt1 I,, p. llllor J.pt,. I aiiron I II). ' S1 on ei.it le m Ufl ktp. on Kimm, aaitta on Uft Ouch, lUn In Mranl cmnlf Hum. I'arn, loilntion. Of -1' O im left hm.'lt . lp. Herman. Vinlrla I'ltf. Or. On rlll, O I,,1 imnniviel us Uft hip, li'ir on Ml atill an t, Wsrtie .in n.aw IU HI Ittant rxii,t, I'tHtwin, tllsta. r ss'i Mil.tr, ll.r-, miaf f ,.r.e I.I..I.I on t.ri alriMtldT an, I j ,, Urt hip. I 'nn la, f in Ul aw. rtl.l rfpll. H onle'thlp. Hat.aat T l'it M. la. I'arkar llla. Hardinaa.OT.- II, Maes 1 1' Itt 1 ,ti M . I'H-,, n .t. l.i (r. H.a bran I toK ll. T e. .!" .t-t an l'l sl.,MikM i ealtU t n,aim rltfi.l l.lp. Hti W'rtr.-a eMi- t 'Winery 5est, Simplest, itrongest. Solid Top Receiver. Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or liifurmatlon write to .TMU MARLIN IHRn ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. Learning to Cook. in tnt- puir. "Mr. ron'am " naid th Drnfnr. makinir Ten seconds later the two were roll- ' , ' " ini un and dowii the alley in mortal nrel" u"vioriu niuuuu U1B v,UB, x comhat until, as Hilly seemed to bo have coffee pots and tea pots, bnt there getting the worst of it, his followers, isn't suoh a thing ns a jack pot in the mindful of possible rides, leu upon ms gtore." "I'm so sorry," wailed the adversary and roulea nun. men tney .. ,. haven't heen I IfiHT .TDnNfl. l I.. 1.1 1,IaII,u'W a I n.x...t - r Say, 15illy," asked one of them, "w """"""" this vere wheel pneumatic?" I has always ooosou ror him, ann wuen l lint before he hail time to reply a neara uim taiKing in uis sieep aooiu a hoarse voice from a neighboring wood- jack pot I thon?ht I'd Bet one, for be shed shouted: mentions it so often he miiBt be nsed to Naw, it s rheumatic, dat s what it is. King- of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. SPEEDYi liANDSOHE. And in the brief interval of silence which followed the critic clambered down and fled for his life. ORIGIN OF HOKEY POKEY. Li ft-Over lee ('renin llouirht nt the Ho tels nnd Kron n Again. it. Could yoi tell me what they cook in it?" "Greens, ma'am," said the wooer, and he sent her to the tin store in the next block. "We bad an epidemic of dysentery in this vioinity last summer," says Famnel 8. roliock. rf Brioelaud. Cat. "I was mmmmmmmt aMssBSBSSBSBSssisBaaaaaSBSamW SCIENTIFIC WORKMANSHIP. Four Models 885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. It is an actual fact that old Ice cream . . ... it . . nirj i- nri isbonpht up by Ituliuns and venders I n0meotl called my attention to Cham- m.... ,..- n iisan n u nml Inn lllf rt iltnTllIU la .a ll 1 fi l"v-- t ii.Muii-niuuiuiua i berlniUa l.oiio, uunicra ana iiiarrnoea . , . .i. c.. rHft" Adit Iff frozen a second and third time, and ifcrnedy. I procured a bottle and felt Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted StS., CnilAW.il.L,. aiminn offered for Kiile, to he consumed belter after the first doge. Before one- l y the newslHtys ami (runeral public balf of the bottle bud been nsed I was i i'i r Vli'i1'' i)Ov.l slihis anaML t ' . i '.,',1 l ct i 1. .S'iIII f Villll'MCil Offlt'f, SM'lt. II. aiiF.:SFKI.IKR A co., .V.i. :'.') Stittrr .SVrrif. '--.laf W TelI; Q ' i 1 i '1 I "S k I TtiS llmmh Is sn tiiifsHlnp Indi-s Tif rhin lfl 1 bt hollar.' i' w III. ll Ml, S S-tlg III f r. si riinirt SiiiI Arnilir. ( ittl sulril l U ThsrompsrstlvTvslusofthtss twocsrds Is known to moat parsons. Thsjr lllustrsts that f rtster qusntlty Is Not alwsys most to bo deslrsd. Thsso cords ssprsss tbo btnsflclsl qual ity or RipansTabulcs 4s compsrsd with snr prsvlously knewa DYSPCPSIA CL'RB tlpsosTsbulrsi Pries, so conto bo, Of drugf ists, or by mail. IIPtNl CHEMICaL CO., 1 0 li"K II., HV. 3 under the allurimr title of hokev ixiUey, well. I recommended it to mj frieode miys tho New York Herald. Almoht and their experience man the same. We every nichl these venders make the all nnite in laying it ia the beat." For J Is. .... w i fy roundH of all the hotela, and buy up ie nj Moonm-joiinsoo uiuh whatever has been left over from the tiny previous. mis cream nas mil Wnntrit the Esrth, 1 . ... 1 ..... . t . . nnl I III l II mi ill ll iiiiiic or irw v. iii ui i iiiui i ,. . connisfency, and if it Is still frozen I ; - ' i . .V" . wlu i, thev iret It there shut ttle left " eiers, -uiuuor auaajaiuoia tint lluid by the time it has reached I aiu t no towelin bit room.' "lell Dim HriMiklvn nnd the Italian quarter. to nie one of the window curtsini This melting' prin ess is the cauxe of ,.jje BV. too there ain't no pillow.,, an me mincer, t ream once lavinir mT( him o Dut hl Bd -e,t nai tM-en frozen and airain melted very .. . , ,. . . ,,.. ,. In Ibi. t..rrltl 010 I.THU. ... ..ui. . uo. . poiMmous. The vender of hokey pokey water." "Soflrr-riug Cyros! But he it cares little whether or not the cream is the worst kioker I ever itraek in my tir. giiii kly upon his return to his ife. Carry bim up the bona pail." "lie tiimrters he fre?.es all this mut.li, and mnat , koow f ne 0,0' b,v$) , light. pucks it away for the next .lav s use. ... . oiT, him tbn Uotern tod ask i m . i . . ... i ... ai.nt i, a sin I i HV It'W I'HM-I III IKUMIIIIIIM VI1BK llswTV . J II L JI1 I come to the public notice are in all ullu u-w.oi.su. .. rrobabilil v not the only ones that hae n" i"thi uu uuiy uu. ..u- ur .u.uru occurred, for physicians say that many over?" Teias Hiftinus. rM'i of poiHoninif have occurred In the lllsin.ts will' rot lie noriry ,.n. y t.hu- .. . tu.h... P,.,,. .... - ..,i.. .i .... i ......... ersare tnai rouw noi it ii-ihiiiii-i mr, BRANCHES ! New York, Son FraocUco, Salt Uke City. Dcnvrr, Msnplib, Detroit, Titc.-.U. WEBB SAFE 8c LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, llqyncr, Chrgotu OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD nnncial sacri- business, and as a 0." V. -fc ' MAI i. M Uj ' ' - 1 "ir:::: Mr.i '' I'n-''' b,mptom.-Mo,.tUre:intn..ob.na V'Z ..M'TnT'a S H .1?4S V -J fV tb'-"""-''lly-rnt.mlcn.(,.sHhat mJ .tinging; moat at night; wort, by t tO AUVCrtlSCfS lit a gfCat II iv rr.li rn.i .s.ii .t i k. t f 'M' tfi" I Us' 1 1 1 " ' 1 r r"" "'S I sernicnmir. ll .iiiiwru vuunuua ... tr.;rv;,l.!rr;v IV ;H.?wv5 jM i? Umor. f.,m. .bich often weed .od ficc. You need it in your 1 tf i,-.l in s mii.iI il,. t it,. i jtr j ; ifi V. f jgt 'I - . ,ij,.rnt bccomitia erT ior. BWATWIil . . ii,.V.T..ii.i-m.i..si II 'Irf'tlT O' the onlv ones who muiiufai-turo arnica- iisiativt ui uiwi..'.i ..v. ...v.a ..w.. ... r.,.,rr,...i. . , 4 1 5 nf??r.V-i,rk X ter t,. the eonsimiers. ing. beslo nWrnlion, and io most caoet :'::v,.:r:,':;ir.i t-U'Jw remo.- ib. ai drgnr Ihk Patteksos 1 uklishing Lo. , .. w . y ,!,,.,,.,,,. r$ ri,W)K.tSAir rVt A shameful s'nry. a story that oupht by msiUor Moenta. Pr.8w.yM 800. ..1 m,.,r.,, M.k., . s as. , I. -vV.V '.VwVS ....... 1 1.1.. 1 ii, i i'hila.ielihis. . , a. .4 .r. .rt.,1i Mi. ' A..') . J. r ft M-ZLfT t tvV K.It. .ruid's W.ahingt.m: A well- s;t;vw;.;;MJa wi -"i d-.i yg mvti, went t., 4 iia 4fninip i.u.rJ frt.m l! -f rtfii.fti -'i.nt.f h ' U A i, A 9 V f il.si lml.1.rml.t nf I hi Smith- mU'1,.1 im lliA fh-fj.t suLta.l th tvollr . B l lll ;1 .iv.... . - I -.- - r I I u wm H 1353 Mir 4 r. 1 . .. l ..l. '. h ki.al Tii'Mslid i.l 1 f f,.,arr ,iirra, asl,n ailll h'o oitn OTi'inary ha- i , I t' .? .ulrilaT la ).tfaulif 10 I I i,i i.Ih i 1H tho most V I '"' '"' '"" ' i"' "'" "' wi aitrrful i , (; I '. .! ; s. 4 ll' ,r( ti,. a rti..iirry ,.f i .1 r,' i.l,..l fi,m l'i ,..,,..! II. ..,. l, . .n I ,, , ,,r a.!.-. I-,,. ii.ii.ia u , : .1 ..1 1,, i h 1 i.l ii. M., a i .1 lh .m,i. fr I t,. . a, -I ..ii,- f I B. r'.4 ll l j I'M. .. has Iwn rr,. It t,0 ha Unr k n- I'rM torn I'f .!'-. 01. 1 a n. i.a ."- - . . i i . , , t n '.m un r ni'. I'ii-w. J M . I.il.,i-m ll Jt ,! I "V"N. 'i rit, hi. ui'i i. I,ft, An.iirs, .a,il lfl a,.al."T, rallia, aana m mt ,i, j I I I . .1 .,.. ,.f il I, f.J.sa la r. I-. Im In aai , ll 1 " 1 " 1 - t-t 0ic l'n,r,li'ii'lIP.; 1 h ,.i i- o i... .i . Ui a .i,... -ai't". J II t mt.r'r I ,n n . )' , , ,. a a , I ia .i. . I. i.r Ha, ara aft t.i., wi i-l sl.-t In Ml aa tlaM T'lll."' ""i"n in,,",,,lon- ,rr l''tr ber j,l4- siitomstioslly. "U masbod tb. r.Um,' K-n. - I'rlifM caimrv bird. -J I 1clfi0 ln Oorrigao'. oalooo," r.- S 7.;i;;y -"'r: ,,b Si , :V tfiiiiM I at t him to tnat. h . irown 1 J''1. "rnooner, lb msjaoty of tb. low l ta. am lininrf tiui'le " Me Mu d the t- inilot b nphehl, though th.t .laetrlo it Is nro rrmitiad.' inV'i's'l.'Taui " '' ' "' " '" pinno 1 right arrnoo tbo reel from my ami i. i.ii,. n. i.t wear it as an ortiuiui iit! Thou- (i(rjlM, yon are flne.l tint Cent, .od .11 rinirr.j.iMn. ,,,,1, ,,f ,,. ,i,r Sir.), on their . ,,. , L" ; i :,. I,... .1- u ii.H..,,v. h,. i.a., r. 'J.i 1 h ..I f o .... .i . Ui , I' "L't. hMiiMT, l,t n ,.vi!iml wotiMtt ever ""'I "."! ! I ih-, .. ',.i.,liii,.i ii.i.r. fta.MOXi.ral I. T " loal..., . , . , , . , i,,.!,,,,!, I i,i In Ilia .it- I ..... ,., aaa .1, J Vtitl ' l.''t Ut Mr.l .nJ sl.lHl It j J i. I-... r ,i . vfc., ... , (hi Via. .ii !,1 "' It kuU-4. f.r ouch n iurra. . V , . - I Ii I K rs.ltw II r.l'Hsn I f ll.trssowl . ilr I . a : - ' " I I M it-,,.,... i i,..sii-if. . -.. u . . . i ntf t- A I: i..! la?, .h J.i ia, i .. I s4 'i ' Oa 4. . ". I i 4 . m an ...,. ..... I I" ran la I ..nih. u-t..,. , . I .. .V. ... a ...I ... .. . , " . . .t-L .'il V. a,Mlal,..I..I..O l . .a ,. .IS.. 4 ,t.; s ' I, ; , ; , -f 'A .UI H - ...M aw. I. ... f , ', " ,"V '' 'H1. :"? a ,.,. M.4, .wula a...- . ,... I.,,, -.V,-;;1 ;r,V.r IH.f?,....r.V.-arTarBK li,,.a. I lai.fll.Hr , r, , !...,.;, r- l f a ..... n . - .l-l WI'S -. .T.o atari. ..a a.t....ai, .-, I j . a. II ra. la, aM 14 IsttnUl au..l rM' " .... a ar, i a ,1 In l-'l II "a saa la" I lH a.".. ItW'ta In H " a I li...ll',n...a"lia i H-L- I IS IU..a- I r II ... Jll .a 1 ari l-. I aula. 1 1 . TIM I i. su.a'T W w , II-!,. " .' I 1 n , ,, I a a., . I 4 . - !-' I, I , , , -a ,Hk in r . ,, aa. a i l'.(. I I '" a, ,, I'M, . ... II ...a.. Nil a,'l I. , . a ... i a...,-, i .,, r-s. - i ..-! ...j V...aa .a. . l ie -'- a. a. a fc . I .( i T- f 'M i' i oar a. 4 I .l m Ml a. ('a I I I- . I . ...... .. 1. 1.-. I.. n.a i k 'ho a"l ll' ' ". . . . . N 1 ...,il,r..ia1.rll t WT.O r'l.M.o lafcl" rt lisSaa-ii a ,s .i.M. l,,w.. Ih, ,( n;. .bv ,., icl laassaa ... , - , Tuk t"Ul in'iniT from .'.1 sources of the Ani. ri, on eo'.icg'ro In wss :0,. 0I.9S Tut f.rt l.xsn a, h.al in this country w ..a-tiP. f..r t.ttslnras in lUrtfi.r.t, I'l-in, . In l.'i.V 1 Tyr tu.wt er.rlrtr.l rohbliil.sl j Scb.oiU srw th.-ap i f Jawijia, Uught la a..-, f ia I i... asais ol I. ri,.s . . arsv A t lHa ia Yy l a.'.,oi, T.lifl.on, AiOLiliSr... ..llsi...rsv.lnl, IjUlyl.B tal.'s.uts , .... ,,41 U I. ,Sa al -! ,. ! "-it I 1. ll- M r t - ta-a..lli h .lha t l.w ... (, f t ll n t", tf a.-''. In lha i iafl.ru I I I'. In.v.'r.ll.'.i.l ., .1 a. im ,i ,., Srlal r'. .l'n a .- a ,r llf-nil'T . . ...t a a 1 "a . ..-..I s ... cvf' s.t aw . - . ... . a4 v 1 ni I - . .... , , t V t' N.t a r f , . I . a, , I. .... .. . . ' tS) ,, 1, .1 .. la .as Mails at, ,,, . l. llll tsst EDUCATIONAL NOTES. TlIK firt r.,f,..rlu), of history Now io Ilia lime to get Ibi Weekly Orrgooinn, Id. grestaot ceos.'r of Hi Wr-I. With lhol).tHT,botb s'ncl ly in r..lonca,f.rot.. er, No blle a - I . rt.bl..lir. .1 ,f..r,i In 1TJ4. 0'WIin.M..P l Deaororrr. rso no mnu. Jrm. In lv, h. si. a0 oebunln. iB '" Heolile. w. Will gi 00 . 3f ilaj troi'lirr. nil. I I M .0.HJ at tr I. Jauc. prrtnlll 0 .Lllllonsl JonroOl.ir. WW r ... 1 . 1 1 . .. . . 1 . ... . na llillll Jia.lt list at) UiOU.lOl . . . ..l..Lrfl- a. K ' a 'aa a,, ,1 I V V"I"T in ll.'w aim aitwi ii, av.H.n.. w . . a . . h u uu.an V 1 1 , JaL l jc a Tbo iVuraos rub. Co.. bsv. war ih nsri.cy ..f H.o Croacont biryolao fr Mfri nml Ofsnl eonnllao. .nil will bortly tnta o mo rnacbin. fr ont. ol tart d.'irro. I'umina Crooel Iwf .fa Imjuii If. O It llti. ih ..ti,.rl .flial, ran I m f nt I .1 In t'Sf'.'-rs, Mati-k tXirnor, lioio b will Uitinoo nl to n'sf frlra. ,ljsoo, tUrspno., biiteaia, oc ' f WM : 1111 : FILLS ! Youro BOUZSTD to Tnlvc5 9 Km. Leaves No Constipation,- Cr0 It. AS Wall 00 nil It '!lr.a,,raa. air! t.,.M a sr.,) Motor;. Tbo fililr CT.wPlrtWt t-lH n ! rhl. hi!; lya'l ar .la er ar, I. ' rtaaeiM ,4 frie. 05 r-et ;r b I l l-tMlM MI M( xL CO. 411 Ulilorni. fciroet f f m,(9 CM