NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! RESULT 07 TSIHG AYER'SILU, "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipationfrom dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wettstein, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaperilla Strengthens the System. aft sue fk 5UNM0NTUEWDTHUFRI I SAT 1 J 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13 TT 15 T6" Z ' 18 19 20 21 2Z T5i 2 2b 2& 2J 28 29 lo cq laical gp TIME TABLE. BUfrs for Hard man, Monument, Lone. Creek, won vj ana i.anyim uy, leaves aa iouows Every day at 8 a, m., except Hunuay. ' ArrlveaeverydayatS p. m., except Monday, The chuwt, qulckeat aud belt Hue to or from uie interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop, Fhlll Cohn. Agent. Extra Pal Star Brewery Bear In Pint Bottlei can be had only at the There con be no pleasure or baoDi- ness for persona whose liver or kidneys are nDhealtby. Tbey are weak, sick an J irritable, and find it burdensome to perform work of any kind. What they need is a thorough treatmeut with Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. This remedy is recognized by many of tbe best medical authorities as without a peer for the oure of diseases of tbe kidneys or liver. It rapidly drives out diseased conditions, restores health and strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. A. Clottings, sheriff of Harney county, arrived on Wednesday evening's stage and departed yesterday for Salem accom panied by John Parker, a subject for the insane asylum. This is Parker's third commitment. He baa twioe gotten away from the asylum and returned to bis home over in Harney oounty. Whioh is worse, imprisonment for life or a life-long disease, like scrofula, for example? Tbe former, oertaioly, would be preferable were it not tbBt Ayer's Sarsaparilla oan always oorae to the res cue and give the poor sufferer health, strength and happiness. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasiug, this will oertamly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. A haokiog cough keeps the bronchial tubes in a state of ooustant Irritation, which, if not speedily removed, may lead to ohronio bronobitis. No prompter remedy can be found than Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Its effeot is immediate and tbe result permanent. Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of the our meat market where be keeps fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, bacon and lard, which he sells for the lowest market prioe. Fred Bock, tbe Portland butcher, isstill with bim. tf Bey. E. P. Green will he in Heppcer n time for prayer meeting September 12 and will preach morning and evening Sunday, September loth. A Tull at tendance of tbe church membership re quested. Everybody cordi'illy invited Wills & Slocnm are now in a position to give their customers some rare bar gains in dry goods, boots and shoes, as they buy nearly all of tbe above men tioned direot from the factories, thus Buving the middle mau's profit. 6tf Prof. Balcomb did not lecture lost Wednesday evening as nnnounoed in Inst Friday's paper. However, Prof. Royal, of the Weston Normal, will de liver tbe lecture as announced for this evening at tbe M. E. church. W. L. Baling hss purchased the con fectionery store formerly run by Lome Campbell in the old Jerry Cohn stand Will bas moved bis stock of goods in and will continue business at this stand Temperano drinks, such as ice cream soda, lemonade and orange cider dished up in royal style by W. L. Saling, special attention is onlled to orange oider as a oool and refreshing drink. A. Wright, A. Mallory and Miss Ida Fell arrived home Wednesday nisbtfrom Spokane, wbere they had been in at tendance at tbe annual convention of the M. E. conference. Prof. M.Q. Royal arrived from Weston last evening. He will assist in tbe insti tute today and deliver a leoturn at the M. E. ohurcb this eveniDg. All should bear bim, W. L. Saling bas just received a con signment of fresh trait, consisting of grapes, peaches, plnms and pears. Lovers of fine fruit should make a note of this. Chasob of Venck Gbamtkd. At tbe afternoon session of the circuit court last Tuesday the argument for a change of venae in tbe railroad bond case at tracted the attention of the oourt. At torney Long, of Portland, presented the argument for and defended the interests of the O. R. & N., showing that it was impossible to secure a fair and impartial trial in this county. Judge A. S. Ben nett, of The Dalles, represented tbe de fendants in his usual forcible manner. This legal war continued until the close of oourt at tbe supper hour, when Judge Fee took the matter nnder advisement until 7:30 p. m. On reconvening oourt at that hour be granted tbe change of venue from this to Wasoo oonnty, as per the request of the attorney for tbe prosecution, on oondition that they fur nish transportation for 10 witnesses, the number asked for by the defense, and also deposit with the clerk 100 to be used in payment of additional mileage for tbe defendant's witnesses. Tbe prosecuiion was given until 11 o'clock Wednesday to accept. At that hour Attorney Long gave notice of acceptance and also made tbe required deposit. This ouse will now come up at The Dalles at tbe November term of court, unless compromised in the meantime. The railroad oompany have now rednoed their oompromiBe proposition to $2400, while the Gazette learns that the de fondants proposition is tbe face of the lost verdiot, $1975, and eaoh pay their own costs- If the latter statement is correct there is oertainly not muoh difference between the two propositions and a compromise ought now to be effected. The citizens of Morrow oounty and the bondholders would oertainly lose nothing by settling this case with out farther litigation. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Among the numerous persons who have been ou red of rheumatism by Cham berlain's Pain Balm, meution should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Chamber lain's Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great snooess. It is tbe best liniment I have ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends." For sale by Slooum-Jobn-son Drug Co. Wednesday Sept. 4. The first session of the Morrow County Teachers' Institute opened Wednesday morning at 10 a. m in tbe Heppner pub lio school building with a few songs. Tbe subject of Sohool Management was first dismissed by Prof. E. E. Balcomb. Spelling was next introduced by Mrs. Balcomb. Intekmission 15 minutes. Prof. Bftloomb now introduced Arith metic which was followed with a discus sion of Geography by Mrs. Balcomb. Noon. Tbe seoond session of the institute commenced at 1:30 p. m. with an in creased attendance. Language was next introduced by Mrs. Baloomb, whioh was followed with a song by the teachers Physiology was next disoussed by Prof. Balcomb. Intermission 15 minutes. Writing was then disoussed by Mrs Baloomb and followed by a general dis cuBsion of the Course of Study reoently adopted for the sohools of this oounty. Tbe privilege of asking questions was freely granted and general disoussiona of important subjeots ocourred. Muoh interest was manifested by the teachers and the subjeots were ably bandied by Prof. Baloomb and wife. Seventeen teachers were enrolled during the. day and quite a number of visitors were present. Thursday's Seesijn. This morning's session of the institute opened at 9 a. m. with a few songs ac companied by music on the organ as usual. Descriptions of noted men, places or objects were given and guessed by the teaobers. Prof. Balcomb further disoussed School Management. Relative value of the programs for schools in ao- oordanoe with tbe oourse of study was disoussed. Disonssion of Reading by Mrs. Bal oomb followed. The importance of the different methods was principally d welled upon, but a combination of all advooated. Intermission 15 minutes. Geography was then disoussed by Mrs. Balcomb. Maps for the use of pupils a A Great Blessing My wife and I have found in Hood's Barsararilla. She had rheumatism very severely, with ankles and legs badly swollen, and hardly able to get up and down talrs without help. Many other remedies failed, but Hood's Sarsa parilla entirely cured her. It was only shortly after that I was taken with the a m complaint, affect ing my limbs and hips, so I just tried the same medicine With the same result. My wife and chil dren take Hood's Barsaparilla whenever they feel the need of a medicine and it im mediately makes them feel better. Hood's Sarsaparilla Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer, and well known in this locality." Q. W. Wyatt, Whits Bead Hill, Indian Ter. Hond' Pill T to buy, easy to take, t iuuu s film easy w etecU It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. necessity. Best manner of prohibiting Morrow County Hop Ranoh. In oheating bv pupils was discussed conversation with a. sr. King, of tbe This was followed by a disonssion of lower oountry, while in Heppner lest Arithmetic by Prof. Baloomb. The Wednesday, he informed the Gazette's drilling of pupils in the combination of penoil pusher that be and Joe Haney, numbers was dwelled upon and short of the same section, have a 10-uore field methods in Percentage explained of bops down 10 the Jordan fork country. This is a new venture with these gentlemen, in faot it is probably the first effort at producing hops in this county. Mr. King is very well satisfied from all appearanoes so far. He re ports that tbe field will yield fully 1500 pounds to the sore. This is about one- fourth less than an average in tbe Wil lamette valley. He thinks tbe crop will be ready to piok about September 15tb and expects to use as many as 30 hands. Wbere yards are irrigated in City Hotel Bar! Where high grade Liquors and Cigars are also kept by Ted. Here and There. Millions ride tbe Rambler. Ike Eunit bat biryolee lo rent D. 0. Coboe, of Monument, is over for tapplies. The Nilee-Vioeon, Marble Works, Rails Walla, Wash. W. H. Beyer was op from the Donglas oountry lett Wednesday. Tberon Fell came over from Penc'lelon Tuesday to "court" a few days. Dr. E. A. Yaugban departed Toes Jay for briel business visit lo Portland. L Grande Marble Works, I.a Orande Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesmen, Uenpner. B. F. King end wile were np from their Jordon Foik borne last Wednee day. Minor k Co. are mskicg a specialty of low prices lo overoosta, soils end boot and i bore. Wills k Slocnm ' grocery department la complete. Tbey are sailing goods at eoet end more to. 6it For the finest confectioneries and freebeat fruits rail on W. L. Haling al Jerry Conn's old eteod. Wanted-PUio or faoey sewing. Will ft to tbe bones or take sewing at borne, aire. Mary Henderson. Willi k Slnoum are eatliog a eeemleee fast black booe eqnal to any .ttoent nwe to Iowa for only 15 eente. Ctf O. V. McHaley, tbe Herollloo mr eoaot, pwd throaeb lleppoer yeeter day oo b'e aey lo 1'uflUod. I torn -To the wife of A. J. Wright, of Eight Mile, Toee.Uy last, a nine pound girl. Mother and child both doing well Hiring errtod the ebeoge of venae, A 8. Welt, right-of-way Buret, end i. R. Loo, attorney for tbe U. K. k N., Ie(t for 1'ortUutl WedoreJay. Lerg-e upi ly of lo l I ebol ebrlle lo both erooielrae end otnm'S powdf. I Ibe famone Rltel ehll, Jol rwnved by P. C. Thump'" Co. - J. M Lwir. wife n4 ehlld, wbe beJ ba vieiting with rrltl la Ibie eity for Ibe pl . drperled I Ore-lay lot tbif borne 10 t'endletoa. W. F- KabUr t 1 wife pal Ihmngb Hrprorf We-to-odsy ea mo'e lo Port land ee4 lb- Hr W "P 0 fpred tbeO'll Ibfee l lJr IU B "f N' M- ' tbereb. eotb. will bold the flrel qer. tny sieeliof of Ibie eonfreee year al Hnporr m$t'r 21 d Mrs T. f- Hewklee. Cheiaeoie, Tne. ere "niM.i ViUlir ier fcyl.f 1 1" " ,!'" ",m,, fore drbiliUtrt eni'm I JTof dMprp". 1" ' Hti-U. I'r.wTI "''UT T' VT. Afwilf. Cironit oourt will probably adjourn this afternoon or tomorrow morning. A full aouount of tbe proceedings up to date will be found elsewhere in this issue. Whatever may be tbe cause of blanch ing, the bair may be restored to its ongi nal color by tbeuseof that potent remedy mure vegetable eioilian Ualr Kenewer Frank Itogers and family and Miss Ada Minor returned from Teal springs last Tuesday. All the Heppnerites have now returned borne from that resort. Teachers' Institute oonolodee its eee eion today. An interesting account of Ibe same will be found lo another col umn. "This must be looked into," ee the lady said when she came opposite Minor A Uo.'s store. H. A. Cupper and wife were over from tbeir Monument borne the flrel of tne week. Minor k Co. have tbe largest, oheapeel and beet eeteotad line of overcoats lo the oity. Judge A. R. Bennett returned to Tbe Dalles last tveduesdsy. After the drouth comes Ibe rain of low prices at Minor k (Jo. TBE ENTKHTAINHENT. Tbe elocutionary eotertaiomnot giveo under tbe auspicetof the Mono oounty teacher 'e iostitule at Ibe opera bouse last evening by M-e. E. E. Ueloomb, ee- sieted by local talent, wee attended by a Urge tod appreciative audience. Mrs Baloomb shows tbe effect of careful study as ea elooationiet. Hbe ie btb pleasing sod enterUiolog and com pletely woo the audieooe in ber difT.-reut eppearaocee doriog the rendition of tbe program. Of tbe local teleot wbi aenUt- ed lo laet eveoiog'e eolerlelnment, ooln log oew ceo be eatJ, I bay have appeared io poblie io this oily ei ofto before that Ibelr merit i well koowo. Tbe following i the prorera ee rend ered: Tmi 0d Orsii. "I WoCt.9 TN4T MV !.' . V'aJ'UnM MIm rlron an. Mr. raKrroin. Rl' irTloi-"Ih, Huh THe". Mrs E. E. Hal Ki4riei-TberiurtU' " ...Mrs. J s, Hman litai-ierl tt'ST-Mra J !. Arou ni Mim iota llarl. rToIKi krprrarntlnf Hit Kw1ln(. TIHi',-,,X'v1rfi Irlilal arrnr." Ue l etofcO' ,. . ... K. H HntUt Hr. brn . aS'itaTine-' rmtru,a Mill . . ..Mrs E. I. bat mb. "TeaisOt e b4s" . . . Thri Uii.. OirU R'ifTw-- X.m r. Mil MIM Tblt Al.ii f ' Mr i N. hf.ia. "Ao itL4 tim r I, wi Niisr," fMt KiI lua v P ira. MrtTiTI'-e-"iiiUmrnt lf." . MlM A1 l! fca mtm "freible nr'alie Hrr Sl'. k-il. 1 Mr, k k tor'ato. T'1S '' ' . f U" M'm kroaa. Mritrn "Aa fn.nwr1 rirr,i," Mr. A. W. .f, Imlin at.f i t- f-Vr I X. trs a4 M at frl. Haratr. TitiltC lUrMretlni MMalb. Noon. Institute was again opened with songs by tbe teaohers. Tbe subject of Beading was then dwell ed upon by Prof. Baloomb, io connection with our ooorse of study and all the other studies in auooeasion. It was de cided on how many classes and reoita tions in eaoh study would be praotionble in country sohools. Intkrmisrion 15 minutes. Mrs. Baloomb then discussed Language this city the bop growth is very prolifio, A variety of work should be given. Many and tbe Gazette sees no reason why bops oould not be suooesslully and profitably grown in tbis oounty. Tbe proposition of winter irrigation, a hen water is plentiful, would be an easy matter in many parts of Morrow oounty, and from reliable authority this is tbe proper kind of irrigation for tbe pro duction of bops. Many will look for- important ways of interesting tbe pupils were suggested. Tbis was followed by a talk on tbe best manner of deoorating our sobool rooms. One of Heppnor's butchers having provided a heart and Inngs from the shop, Prof. Baloomb proceeded to dis sect tbe same, end calling on all present to come forward, each part was I plained Write for Catalogue and Prices. The Jfiassillon Engine & Thresher Go. PORTLAND. OREGON. T I BUT NEVER I SQUEEL ! O ' e That is what Minor & Co. are doing. They are constantly rooting for trade ; though they have the bulk of the trade of the surrounding country, they are not satisfied. i on hi i ran But we would like all the people for customers, as the larger the sales the cheaper the goods. We have just received the largest line of Fall goods ever shown in the city. Call and examine them and if you don't buy then we are to blame. We are here to show goods. We Meet and Beat all Competition ! MINOR & COMPANY. The regular subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the regulnr price ot the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian tor S3. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitled to the same. Tbe Patterson Pub. Co., have seoured Ibe agency of the Oresoent bioyoles for Morrow and Grant oounties. and will shortly have some machines for sale at very low figures. Examine a Crescent before buying. tf. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. A bay mare, six years old, branded watch key, bas a young oolt. Was last seen between Heppner and Hardman. Five dollars reward will be paid tor her retnrn to E. J. Kbenet, 41-tf. Heppner, Oregon. DON'T FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON CO. Are Still in Business Ir spite of boycotts. Our enemies are Btill trying to drive us out, but as long as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to sell honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want Groceries Hardwarft TinwiM I III vv ward to tbe result of these gentlemen's olearly and all questions whiob arose, venture witb interest. Why Not Von? When thousands of people ere taking Hood e Sarsaparilla lo overoorae the weakness aud languor wbiob are eo common at tbis seavnn, why are yon not doing the sameT When you know that Hood's Harsaparilla bas power to cure rheumatism, dyspepsia and ell disease oaued by impure blood, why do yon continue to suflVrr Hood s cures others, by not you? Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient. zo cents. Ohanokd to Pctit Lahcbst. Yes terday tbe grand jury returned a true bill against Jobu Jenkins end John Masters, bound over on tbe oharge ol burglery. Wbeu arraigned tbe defeud ante plead not guilty to Ibe oharge Last evening a petitii'i wee simulated and signed by more than 100 of Morrow county's cititeus, among whom were many ot our Urgeet lax payers, and five membere of tbe grand jury, taking that defendants be allowed to withdraw pies of not guilty to burglary end enter plea of guilty to simple laroeoy. Dmtriot Attorney Lawrey plainly elated that he was not lo favor ot such action ami only eooeptod the obenge oo account of tbe petition presented bim, thus leaviug the petitioners responsible f r tbe change of front in tbie cms. On entering plea rf guilty lii Ibe charge ot simple Urooy jmigi tee enttioej tbe uoye lo ei montbe Imprisonment la tbe County ji and to pay ete of cms. rlirklrs s arnica Mlv. lh lest solve in Ibe world for eoU.1 lit in., HurM, Ulc ere, Hall liboiitn, rVvt-r (iorra, IVlUr. Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, end all km ernptioue end p',lidy enrte I'iIihi, or do pay rjiiird. II ie gn'nld to eive .f Irrt m,lfrtion or rri'ioey refnndoil. nIV. Ti rente pr IkiS. Yut eale by T. W. A.r.. Jr. 1MM4KIX1 - Mir. M. IIUIIIsW, hr Mrs. Win Vtii, Ie Do prpid d'i all kind f ilremkint in III lt-t ol !)!. IVffrri lafo lion gnersii'Mii. McMeniuki MM.img, east lle Meie etreH. t'At. Ja ItfC Fe bol ls thai all egl pqhll Cations, each ee 'imro'in', nrdre (or piMi-i.,t(, U- ( 1 1, at ra pal.liah'd f'l' Ibe Mairb terra f Oourt wUii'ti eboeld have ln Ll I let .rtijf mint again be pnUwhad before legal a'-t.on ran m lla. (.ently all biioae of tbie nettr trial writtld hat ciiae np leal eprtog goee over lo tbe ett trm of entrt. satisfactorily answered. This was one ot the most interesting subjeots of tbs days session and mnob iotormitioo and benefit was derived. All were dismissed at 4 p.m. ' Feed fob 8 alb. The M. O. L. & T. oompany have a full stock ot all kinds of feed, snch as chop, mill feed, barley, etc., wbirb will be sold at reasonable prices. Don't negleot to see them for same. 53tf 'Twill paint yonr obeeks, curl your hair and put a smile on your face that time alone oan only wear away : filling's orange cider. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Ilenpner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Hhorteet and cheap est route to tbe interior, P. Cohn, agent. Nune Bat Ayer's at tbe World's Fair. Ayer'e HarsNparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been thonly blood purifier allowed en exhibit at the World's fair, Cbiosgo. Manufacturers ot other sarseparillas sought by every meane to obtain a showing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned away under the application of tbe rnle forbidding tbe entry of patent medicine and nostrums. the dnoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer'e riarsaparilla wee in effect as follows: "Ayer'e Hsrsspa- rilla ie not a patent medicine. It does not belong to tbe list ot nostrums. It ie here on its merits." CULTUKK. T AND OFKK'K I J Auk. 2'i, 1 '.''. Mrts.andw3f m (ma cent a dnae. v TAKE THG NJ 00 I msm mm THK IIAU.KH, OKKdOM CiiiiiiiUliit liavliiK lH-eii rn Uarei at till" o ill re hr llriiry Cramrr avaltiil Nix'l I) CriihiIh-II fur Inlliirr-Uirnmiilr Willi ln to tlmlH-r culture K.nlry Nn. :iil. Onlivl Ik licr 2i ihkx, ii mii the h1, HK, ami h1. HWI4, Mi ri, l"wiihlH H . KmiKc. K., Ill Mur row I ciii 11I y. OrcKnii, with a view to the ( nin cl iKtlmi il mIiI riitrr.rontMilaiit allrKlna thai Ih tlinlM-r riiltiirc law hi not lMn romiilliHt h till ; Dial the Kntryiimti him never hmkeii or nlmnl hill flveacn nl the anlil tnu-t ami Ihll oiiljf lor the Brut yr. ami iiii h lallura till enliia, the a il tianli'iare heri-hy uinmonml to axar al U'. 111 lay ol Ik-toner. IW , to reoii.l anil liirnla tritlmony thin oltu-enli the lh orlm k a. m ciiiiifriilin uhl alli-irt'il Inllure, J, W. Morrow, county rhok. I authorlrH lo tka the teatl inony In Mhl raie at liliolttr at lteiiner, Mur row county, on th lit day of October, I 'j, at 1U n cliM'S a. 111. ja. r. MIKIKK, Mr,.;:, Kini.ter. Tt TAXI'AVKIIS. VOTlrf. OP MKr.TINU Of C OI NTV HOAf.o 11 ol KqullFll"il. Inwhoin It may concern notice la hcrchy iclvcn that Hie lloanl ol Kmial Iralloii lor the county el Morrow, elate ol Ore gmi, will meet at the orlica ol the com ty clioe ol RNtft county ariil aula on Moinlay, the '.ird 1y ol N-itetnher, I!, anil eoutlniia in i"lon fornneae. il Ihereelicr, Any pernior iereoiii havluii any rornilltii in make will ti--r at the time above inciitloiird. 1. W. Inll.l.H. 7i County Aeareeor, It la e"ld on a guaranty by ail dnier aHata. Ii puree Inrip'anl Oinaumpttua ao4 is the beat Coualt and Crwus Cure. -for aala by 1. w, Ayr, it., 1'rugiilet 1 tvriiniv.iiiruLnmirj ,"wV COPYRIGHTS. rj nnTtt" 4 rTriT 11 A Ka'l'e Clover H'l will purify mir Bl'"'l. rl-ef y nr (', .tmUlioa, ye-iSaU yonr b-ieeta and Make jroiir heal rlear ea b.11. XV-, ee4 fl T. W, 4Tff it nTt?" a rTriT rir e I A I II., v h.4 eea 1 flit? t rare ti-tfw la th pift I,..-, (wiiifiix Ii. A llaaalkeeb ol In. t-.tmrni- m er..,ti I'aleele a A " I', I - ItrL, A l JM fc fcMI. a' ft-i .-.oao u-. fi.-i. 11, .wn M,.a a iv eela n Awietlraa, I l.'llr Mb. l, it.m Tl.. s,.!., 4 !-., U-"-1 twl(, ...,.i.r .flax, .il I,. I.y fw II i U',t t a, t t a ... 11,1 4, S I immt, d,h a..! f, ao4o-.a t im ..'. o .... '' M"a, '4 Mwifc t,l..'e n f 4 f p. In iw.l'. r4 h ,.t a 1 a . e.i.t.hf V.iMt lo " it. a Jjitaa 4 l. ktw luea. set aWiwv( MlTICK OK INTKNTION. I AND OKlVK K AT I.A ORANIiR. OkKliO. Id Aufnil Ti, IW4 Noiii la hereliT site that the lollowlm nm. avttlrr ha rlleol no- the nl hi. Intention to make final proof In (up port ol hie claim ami eahl prool l ma le lirlure J. W. Morrow, I ootily Cleik, at llelieller, llleson llliuili.lll I l, JAMKH W. I.KAHKV. Il l ,t.lralli.n No i'mn, ,,r h Her. 1l i H i K M. M II nature the following wltneaeee In prone file rotititnioiia nlrjeiica u(on aut etiltUatloli 01, aal'l la' 0, l Mat llurhea. Jo Rector. ie.1'1 McCiillnush Wllllaiu llimhea, all of lleiomer, lirreon 0. r. V IImiM. fATa. ke( tater NOTiriC of INTKMTION. ami nm k at Tiir. n ai a-J'.n . leella .a ee lefiai.l we.f tmt. HAl.l.M. Ohf 'IOM Aufi.t . Sothe Ie herei.y rle that Ih lull" n( named eetller ha nlel no Ih e of her inlet. tl.itt to nake Snal toof In eii poll of hei rleli'i, ao'l H al eahl prool alll I. lnle hrhoe J V . Morrow. I oooty I leik, al Mi l I'lier. irr(un, on iertoir . Ii, l AlililR Al l ri. li t r Ko.U., toUheSaaaer . l1 the r', an, m r ii. M.k r.. a. M eha the ..l..ll. alllieaaea to M- hei rontiiiiioi.e reai'lenia upim an4 imltliailon i 1,1, a1 eii'l l raikrr, A1e lonee I. w fewle. M llaf'lli.ail, Ol'gol , Rolivft (..,ar, ll( iA. t M'K.Jir. v. T'i Keeieier, II I I , II I II II I II I IIUIUIIIU Ui lllllllllVl II VUU V Willowware, and many other things. Out of Sight! The boy ie father lo tbe man, and when tbe boy dons tbe man's bat be la "out of sight." Likewise the mnn who pro vides himself with oue ot I. R. HOWARD'S hats, and also purchases his Groceries, Cigars, Tobaooos and Gents' Furnish ings at this establishment where Iba freebest and lateet of the above linee re kept. This ie also tbe place for csiookmen's Supplies, as this store makes a specialty of everything required by this olas of trade. And a casual observer will not fail to notice that our sheep end cattle men take advantage of this faot. RemeruW the place-, , HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St. Four doors south of the City hotel. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1805-1800. SUE CN1VEUHITY OF OUEGON, ETOESF., OHFOON, f ff-rs free tuition to all students. Young men can obtain board, lodging, best and light in . . . i, ... a. i a.. . . - . . i. ii I.. ... iuu n...;. n VnnnM kUV tlormitory iir Sa-OU fll wtiva. limiiuria iuiuikv turn uwu nuru. women are provided board in private families at (.1 00 per rck. Young women deelrlcrf board shoold kvlJreae I'rof . John Ktrautt, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Christian Association, Engena. Tbe University oflYre three bercaleureate degreee, Ilarbelci' of Arte, Lechelor ot faience and DwLelor of Ut ters witb eorreeponding Courses of study. Tbe following shorter cnorsee are alert offered: An Ergllsh eoor. leading in two years Ii a bueaorsc diploma and In thr years to tbe title grelv. tie lb English; an advanced coarse for graduates of normal schools leading to the degree maeter of pedagogy; A three years rotime n eleil enginaering leading to tbe degree civil engineer; a course of two years for trerhere of physical dlurelion leaJing to a diploma and Ibe title director of physical education. Tbe I'nlverally cbergee an incidental fee of ln dollars whiob is payable In alienee by all etndente. Htadente holding diplomas from Ibe pnblio ecb'Kils end those having ten bars' oertifloatee are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Tboee deniring information regarding Ibe pre paratory department should addrese Ibe Peso, N. L. Narregan, Eugene. For est sloj rjes and Information addreee C. II. CHAPMAN. PivHttlc nt. or J. .1. WALTON, Hfrnjtury. hh. lo'e Care te eoi nrt a gnaranfee. It tare Itinii.lei t CVtnsarn, Imn. If le li beet (IfiiiebCurantilt e. aetil a 'H biriM..fiefe,en1 rl I by T, W. kAyrr. Jr. Al t lfiei,t.,f n r aole'n tinf n who j il al'.-a the e-lliaa of an fcMwt,- m V-ll..t.,li. l, I! , Will Ik I il ,S la' ae ., rail on or A ! Iieae f'.ie ! per. f.if T. ft. II iar l make a eeialiy in eipplvl' t elm emeu Hh all r,.ed em- lea, bi t r'f)ui a ffirl line. He his new al tf, Matheas Hro.,('iy t, ,let UiUr elioj,, tola.. rial MIta. Ilelfil'il,(. el iit,kii ehatLptwoeg, etc , 4 e'.iiti0ary, talt.1 tt .1 Sktite epe?f. Admlni$trator'i Nolle. tt Atr or MM SkRAII ll.lfMAI. pf. i inaM eoilt heret.y (I l-l lefa ol eln.t i.iaOaM'in nit ft.i aatale of Mra Haiah ' i.ia.en. 'tarraae. war aoji.liM) lo the tiii.araLri.a-l on O.a t, iay ol Aoeoel. it. I.y 11.. I i.'.i.'t I i.'ili i.l M'li'i.e l .in if All pt a. t.a l.atii.f ietf.e eealoal aal'l etate a'e f e t("iie ie iii.m iii ma foe a ow'i. e, el !,.? h'.o.a In Mar-ttt.aii M'.rif.w I lif,f..i( i'l.i.. .11 tt.oiill a e'lel li e lal of till hoi, I e 1,1 II. .f I I'Oa.aff lf.4 1 ih 'ley of AMi'.at i.r. i.i'H,r. rfiAtii, '. M A'tmlioetiatof ftMU f flaal HaOlatieat V'oTi' r, t r. t r ' k a.i ... i . .. h .1 I tirerav r.ivri TMT T ff'.ala t''. !eiaO,i i.f ! ealele ,4 l.a. I.i,,.l ilaew I, ell ! Jl'.al I Ma e"eo a e -'-! aa'ala ea la'lal'.f al O B'l U-an r . ... ..I , , ...,rl i.l M..ri..a ' al II' 'l'' li m ...''.',el 0.e'..,l h"'aa In a, i.iynl. o3 V- .'n -jer vi e rr , a ii mimMm (La, ft i ziy7w't' STATE NORMAL SCIIOfiL. 1 ii lalli J Monmouth, Ore. A Iralnli.f hoot f'.r l-a'l.aie alhl eiel lialiil"! icrtinenl aii-l alrons tlolaeetoi,al aii'l y a'tcoilt,' eioiiea. The Diploma at the eeheel endtlee aa lateeeh lei in (he state avith ewt fwrther eaeenlaatien. K-aiHaii't liatli', Uiti ant lnMloit tie -r year Keauttfttl aii'l tieallhfiil .a-at..n, Kn eainone. 1he le t "1 4eman1 f-.r al Oali'1 Uarhera, Ihaie le at ua eol'i'lf ut iintralue-1 lvhre. le'e ' ! f hrtullr eeiil on ( iilhatloa. Alices ! I CAMl-eri I. eifW. A,WAf e. .f I. wiaiarr. H tiniftnntL AlaU.:iWt',r Oils ratterson NOTARY PUBLIC '..CONVEYANCER I'AI.I. AT oi'Kicn