Gazette etacles between this point and Ce Iilo. A survey haa been made for a boat railway, and the government PLEADS OU1LTY. CIRCUIT COCET PROCEEDINGS. Tuesdaj, Sept J. Cirouit ooart convened last Tuesday engineers pronounce the scheme morninK 9 o'clock, Mondy being a , .,, ti ii legm uuuuajr noa oun-judicial aaj. feasible. It remains for the entire : m . , . . Judge Fee and other court offioerg were press of Eastern Oregon, backed preBent by the boards of trade and county The following is the proceedings bad and city officials in their represen- thus far: 1.1: :t: t u ;.t,. law. the matter until active work is be- , Jnn80D V8- 1J8y' Betuea BDa i n am oaan gun, and the entire river opened. J. B. Hunt va. Newt Jones, oontinued ne 00 etipnlation and defendant to J. H. Townsend vi. Thoa. Walden et al., continued for term. Assignment of C. 8. VanDuyn, motion to discharge Mr. VanDuyn from liability. Wednesday Sept. 4. W. F. Matlook vs. Mary Drieooll et al.. Judge Bennett appointed aa guardian of the three minors. LAW. J. A. Woolery vs. D. W. Uorner, de murrer overruled by consent. Contin- At different times the papers east for term. of us have accused The Dalles of R. L. Sabin vs. 0. 8. VanDuyn, die selfishness, and of a desire to have miMed ti.. rirnr nnnnn,! W. rif nD W nnr MJ FtBy Bnd Katie PettyS VS. T. J. VA4 J AATVA. II VUV VA. MO 9J H V ALA V-f A, Allyn and wife, dismissed. J. A. Woolery vs. 8. W. Adams, oon- east. The accusation was without foundation. The people of The tinned for term. Dalles realize to the full, from the E. A. Morgan vs. D. A. Herren, oon- benefits already received through 'toned for term. river competition, how much the That H. 0. Judd & Root vs. S. B. Barker, dismissed. have 60 days to aoswer, The National Bank of Heppner vs. Charles Filkins, defuult and judgment. Wm. Kudio vs. Thomas Resney et al., amended complaint filed and 'defendant given until tomorrow to plead, O. R. & N. Co. vs. E. R. Swinburne et al., change of venue to The Dalles granted and accepted by plaintiff. cbiminal. ' btate of Oregon vs. D. W. Uorner, not i.L UW oua ua" Q. W. Vincent vs. R. L. Shaw et b1.. n f,u Kill nfn,int fl:nirPed and ltsnould express its interest in tne dismissed. boil exhonerated In the issue of August ICth the Gazette, under the heading of "An Eastern Oregon Prodigy," pub lished with comment an article from a valley exchange relative to E. M. Shutt, of the Antelope Her ald, that was so rank that we apol ogized for the publication of the same, as we very much hesitated to believe the statements contained in the article. But in the issue of August 23rd we published another version of the same affair from the East Oregonian, written by C. S. Jackson, who was an eye-witness on the occasion,yet we could hardly believe the accusation, not that we doubted Mr. Jackson's veracity, but could not believe such a state ment true. The Milton Eagle was the next to come out with import ant testimony, as another eye-wit ness, which we publish in this is sue under the caption of "Addi tional Testimony," and a short time since the Gazette received a communication from one of the parties connected with the affair, confessing that even more than had been published was truo. TIubJ was almost convincing testimony, and were we still inclined to enter tain any doubt Mr. Shutt's own gentlemanly (?) confession in the last issue of his "bright little folio" would dispel all belief of in nocence, and now the Gazette joins with the other Eastern Oregon pa pers and asks that ho recoivo sen-tondo. When an egotistical hbh, ho gloated with self-praise and solf importanco, guildod with gross ig norance, makes such a "dum phool" out of himself ho is dangerous to socioty and the Boonor ho is locked up tho better, Shutt says tlio Ga zette is angry with him. Far from this, he has our unsolicited sympathy. A minister onco administered a severe- rebuke to a young lady who was always laughing, talking and making uncouth grimaces in his audieuco. After Bon-ices ho wa cotmidoraMy shocked when in formed that he bad been too hasty as the young lady was au idiot That was a valuable lemon to the minister and after that ho alvvayH hesitated to rcpiimand those who misbehaved in church for feurjhe would tiinko tho same mistake and reprove another idiot. Tho rela tion between thirt incident mid Mr, OIlUllB CHHA IB htl ClOHO llllll WC again attologi.o for what we lmvp mud and wilt bo more careful in tho future never to nmko tho samp mistake. However, wo cannot re fraiu from again Buggering to Shutt, K. U , of Antelopo Herald fame, that ho look after hit own oul' salvation, and bo more euro ful that tho wheels in Mb head jump ua more cog. -.voir tint vr.umr work at the Cascades, is but natu- Heppner Flooring Mill Co. vs. Kirk & ral. since that work will be of Ruhl dismissed mnM Wafit t ,-f ihor, tn.nJ Esberg, BauohmBn & Co. vs. A. Tay lnr rliamiaaad l i a i:i ii . l. i. l' , oiuer poim, uuiii mo oosirucuons Frarjk McFa,and va. D. W. Horner. east o us are removed. But our oontinued on application of plaintiff. interest in an open river does not Wm. Kudio vs. Thomas Reaney et al., cease with the ooeninc of the river demurrer sustained by consent - I ir t i a ttt n . i . t,aW Wa wanf frn, nnnooj A.Dpp, Barren UO. VB. A. W. DBllDg tions with the balance of Eastern rm'wmith Oregon, because it will be of mu- dismissed. tual benefit. The press of The John FursteDberg vs. Evuna&Thomp Dalles will advocate the oneninc 80n' dismissed I 1 M , - 1 r I M TT t - t n v i. r irsi ctaoonai aaus. or, uepnoer vs. o. nmiywuiiwuiiseu iuo wuib. i Order for sale attached property. tue Uascaaes. 1 ne papeis OI Jjiast- David Martin vs. John Jordan, (same em Oregon should take the matter as above.) in hand, and earlv and late advo- J-N.Brownvs. J. F. Spray, dismissed. -l i i t I J. A. Woolery vs. J. I. Benefie'd. con- VUVV AW I 1-1 kll DWUJU L-L-l 1- t 1 J I J J 1. W coming the obstacles is provided." State of Oregon vs. Frank Wilkensen, not a true bill. State of Oregon vs. Wm. Strait and Maok Smith, not a true bill. State of Oregon vs. Ransom Lieuallen not a true bill. State of Oregon vs. D. C. Boyd, three charges, not true bills. State of Oregon vs. Milt Powell, true bill, defendant arraigned, iodiotment Charles Filkins. raari oiven until 10 a. m. tomorrow to plead. State of Oregon vs. G. H. Hall, defend ant did not answer call. Bail forfeited and case continued. Administratrix' . Notice of Sale of -.0 Real Property. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IMJtK 1 n1 hv vlrriiivnf a dwrw. And order of itile duly made and entered on July IS, 15. In the matter or tne estate oi linam kiibi, aeceano, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. ittlnn in probate, the under it:neda administratrix of the said estate will offer for sale at public auction to the highest uiuaer lorcasn in nana on i-aturaay, uie dav of Sentemher. lsiK. at 11 o'clock in the fore noon ot tnat aay, at tne trontaoor oi me vimn House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon all of the following described real property belong lug to the above named estate, situated In Mor row County, Oregon, to-w;t: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter, ana the nortnwestquarieroi me norm east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the nortn nan ot the soutnwest quarter aim uie northwest quarter of the southeaft Quarter and the southwest ouarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five, all in township three south ot range twenty-nine tasi oi Miuameiw: jienoian; ana also tne nortneasi quarter oi uie northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast ouarter of section thirteen in town ship four south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette aiermian; saia sale is maae suojecv to all liens and incumbrances now existing up on the said real property, and subject to the confirmation of all sales to be made by the above entitled county court. uatea tnn 14th aay ot August, iw.. MARY E. RCJ8T, Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust, Deceased. Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begins September 18, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and give a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching sud business. The school hu always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a library of 7000 volumes good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the bTt mSimprovements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of .),, Is one of the finest college buildings on the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall $:i.00 to 1 1.00 per week, lnclud. fneelectriVligutand heat The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes board and room at 2 25 per week. Board In private families. $2.50 and upwards. Many students rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. re l. ."Lt H,,,, address. PRES. THOMAS MCCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. 0OO HEAD SHIRE UK Administrator's Notice. TJISTATE OF GEORGE W. H. BRIANS, DE Vj ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the Estate of George W. H. Brians, deceased, were granted to the unaersignea on tne itn aay or August, urjo, oy the r.nnntv Court of Morrow Oountv. All persons having claims against said Estate are requirea to exnioit mem to me ior allow ance, at mv home in Hard man. Morrow County, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barrea. This lith dav of August, iras. 61-7 ANDREW ROOD, Administrator. tinued for term. Thursday Sept. 5. State of Oregon vs. Milt Powell, pleads not guilty, and continued for term be oatiBe of absenoe of neoeesarv witnesses. State of Oregon vs. John Jenkins Bud Jobn Masters, true bill. Defendants" W. 0. Minor vs. Cyras and Elizabeth arraigned, plead not guilty, Leyde. Demurrer argued, sustained as State of Oregon vs. G. B. Hatt, two LABOR Day was very generally to second cause of aotion and overruled charges, not true bills. observed in all the larpe citiPH in to first oause by oonsent. Seoond State of Oregon vs. J. M. Deoison, not ...... 5 i . . .n .. a trim hill ii . it !. mi i. t . ii i oause aiHmiHBua on niainun h morion. uie unneu oiaies iasi ivionaay. i . r . : law, U1HII OL yUlUDUHDU VB. Hi. .1. HOfUHV. dfanlt and indment. R. L. Sabin VS. 0. S. VanDujn, diS' THE constitutionality of the law Dittenhoefer Haas & Co va O 8 missed for want of proseoution reculatinp nrize fiihts down in VanDiivn.demiirrrntiiined. Amnndnrt Dittenhoefer, Haas St Co. va. C. 8. Ttu ,'a t ha fQufn,l ITnm flomolaint filed. VanDuyn, defendant to answer by Sat Administratrix' Notice. STATE OF J. L. BEYMER, DECEASED. No tice is hereby given, that letters of admin istration on the Estate of J. L. Beymer, de ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 15ih dav of Aug. 1895, by the County Court of Morrow County. All persons having claims against said Es tate are reaulred to exhibit them to me for al lowance, at my home in Eight Mile, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 15th day of August, 1895. ELIZA A. BEYMER, 462-68 Administratrix. FOR SALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. 1C. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. (IT LPST! Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administratrix of the estate of W. G. Boyer, deceased, will make final fettle ment of her accounts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term of the county court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be holden at the court house in said county, on the 2d day of September, A. D., 1895. 55-65 Jane Boyer, Administratrix. IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 1492. Chris was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the nuest stocK or onoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shoe Merchant, M. LICHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. Notice of Intention. ever, all preparations for the fight continue. State ot Oregon yi. First National urdav Bank of Heppner, dismissed. State ot Oregon vs. J. W. Morrow and Land Office at La Grande Oregon. August 8. 1895. EOUITY. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I rnllniv4nff.namw1 anttlMr has filml nnt.ino F. B. VanCleave VS. L. H. Vanoleave, 0f his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be maae A MAINE editor has sent little heI" f UbM-Liod' deoe8Bedl con" service set aside and cause continued for uuuou iur i-oiLu. flnrvina nn raDorc or reieree. vieguu. ov. , . - I . t-t-v -.t- . rw a vi .I t n S Vor,nvn nrdflr 11JHU WArmAn, ajruuiirou. u. vy. kj. ' "J - ttj .,, ,.- th- m atf.u HF!U KKK Bnll M for service of notice oontinued. swii NVV. Sec. 35.'fo. a. 8. R. 29E. W. M. a u t, d 1? T p,.:na Aa He names the following witnesses to prove nis Sarah D. Perkins vs. E. T. Perkins, de- cnntinou, residence upon and cultivation of. oree granted. w ' Lucy Wilkins VS. R. J. Wllkins, deoree of Heppner, Oregon; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp- m..: 1I .ll TT luariou luvoiauu a poome. very state of Oregon va. the Heppner Na- appiopnate present, but most of Honal Bank, dismissed. tho editors have been civine her O. R. & N. Co. vs. E. R. Swinburne at father pointers. ' PPb1 for obange of venue, EQUITY. He Saws Wood! FRED KRUG Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and Is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40c per Cord one time in two 50c per Cord two times in two Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out. One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. Borchers at the ralace Hotel. im JCDQE THURMAN, of Ohio, has Assignment of M. Liohtenthal 4 Co., 1(1 B' t 6 Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark, ueriDner. uregon nesiman impel, oi nepu- ner, Oregon ; Jesse D. French, of Vinson. Oregon. long boon called the "Old Roman," Anal report. Assignee discharged and l.ut tl.nm B.nrna 1 Vw Dn rv bondsmen Bioused . ' l V illl.lU O IliO WVJ UW tOC JJD 860-70 B. F. WILSON. Register. default and deoree. CRIMINAL. W. F. Matlook vs. Mary Drisooll, oanse taken under advisement by ooart and m ,,. , . i(Xr , ,, i nnniKuiuDui ui u. u. uu ki. vv. nnntiniied far term, from rnllinrf Ina onn ' Ynnnrf I loiil " 1 . . ... nimiuimu iui imuj. , .7, - ---b" Report filed and assignee ordered to pay j0,n Robertson vs. Thad Armstrong, umvoBtou wews yiww.). mq per cent on olaima. Oontinued for term. Kx-SECIIETAIIY WHITNEY asserts Assignment of J. J. McQee, continued . that "President ClevnWul U ih Ior ,wm' . , -vi, Mrs. J. II. Maul ei ai. vs. usmers most popular man in his party. n, . ,fti lraDI(ferre(1 to TUb I Ills 111 I " ' inais prooauiy true, uut there s Dalles. very few left in Cleveland a party. Sarah D. Terklns vs. E. T. Perkins, re port filed. Nr.w York emm Hlinnldn't tV it w'1,u, J- vvii.ius.repori I A1.. .I s.) hard because they are "not ad- Ml. Roiill Mikegel, di. mittcd to tho Imr" on Sunday. A mMm. few threo-hncer decoctions on The Norihern Co.'i Investment Co. vs, Timber Culture. T AND OFFICE LA GRANDE. OREGON. JULY I J , 1895. Complaint having b -en made at this ofllce by the duly verified and corroborated atlidavlt of Samuel McBride alleging that Wm. H. Vanhise, who made Timber Culture entry No. mi for the N'4 NE4 and N NW, See 9, State of Oregon VS. John Masters and Oregon, on the lftth day of December, 1KH4, has . -v .. ... a . wno iv aoannoneo urn iraci; ami mneu w nmui jonn jenKins, wunarew piea oi no. ftny trees upon said tract since entry; that the Mouday morning will bring ftbout Q- W. Stewart el al, contiuued. the return of tho desired jollity. Al,,)CJ' u- u- "nP" IT V ni. tirmmi nuta urioo, V. n. VanCloavn vs. L. H. VanOleave. Kt-LA WnEELEfl WlLCOX flays : x. It. Lyona appoint d referee. "Time's finger on tlio dial of my Ed Itood . Alfred Doolitile t aL.dej lift i)ints to high noon." If that bo tho case, bhe had better haatle LupioU lMn T-' J' Dl Kirk' d""lU out to the kitchen and see if tho ""Ty'whreW . W.Uiam Hremer, iK.iIed CBblmgo in doue, as Mr. WiU 0n,ioe, f..r t. rra. cnx will soon bo calling for dinner. Jonn F.Crby v. Aleiatulxr Oraham, .St, Joseph Herald. coiilinnml fur lerro. The Holioitnrt lioan I rout ua vs. 'I tV Ul.n.1. M..., i n I, .l 9 U,m f. .. 1 I I f 1 Vll. II. nUllll, "HMM"PI .... .VIM.. ..i. ........niniiu i:mmiumo u.r 0. W. Harrington, adraiowtralor. va. governor down in Kentucky has j. u. Hamilton ft al., oootinneJ for term gutteu oil the platform, and now lie hits been ordered to got off the ticket, but he refuses to obey any g 'Idling orders. Itopublicao pros pect for victory down thero are brightening every day. guilty to burglary and entered plea Of I BHt tract is not settled upon and cultivated by " ' " r the said party aa required by law, therefore guilty to petty larceny, oemenceu 10 with the view to tne cancellation oi tne sum . , entry the said parties are her -by summoned and SIX mon.US in COUIlty jail anu costs. required to he and appear before J. W. Morrow. county clerk Morrow county, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of September, ... .. ... in . i ip-.M, at uie iiiiiir oi muriiiii a. .ti. invii bhu V Ul. ItiKUO VS. rranK lveaoey. ei- there to produce such testimony as they may !.., .ml iliumiayuit have concerning the said allegations, the final ilea una uimmsHmi. i h.,,, , ,,. ,,,, u,,i., ...a u.. reiver at Ijl (iraluin. Orevnll. nn the 'iKth dav of (Jverworfc, eitner puysioal or mental, September. im, at tne hour ot ioockh'sa. m. will nriulllPM KHuknvaa nnrl lllSR Ot J. n. n..nnin, ......... --- -- J( Ml energy. Too many business or family care, overwork in the harvest Held, an Notice Of Intention. PXCfHr) ui wuuihii n run nuu wuu; win tihiiluoe tnontlis or misery. 10 prevent T Anj office at i.a ORANDE, orf.oon. this, the exhausted system should be Ii July:m, 1A Notice Is hereby given that II l me loiiowiiiK iiameii pemr nu men noiirp ni I i. . ........ I .. . .. .i..i fc i .. . I nia mirm iipii i.i 111..V nnni ,xinfi in rnii.iii hi no v.'! claim, and that Said nronf will ha made YOU SHOULD PpPE For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Airs;. 10111 Bracllojw, Prop. Keofivr. rcitifnroed iminediatoiy . Dr. J. MrLeaii'a Htrengtbening Cordial The Kesley Institute lilHid Purifier IS an appropriate remedy, before County Clem, of t'matlllaCounty.atreu-1 rT l'rioe 81.00 per bottle. dleton. Oregon, on September 7, 1W5,U; W I mau a vnnf v I a7 VI 1 1 jm a . J It a J-tf i J. It. Simons left on thia mornina's h. s. 7,, tor the wu nwu. 8W. rc. aim-, fur I.nnu f!rek. From there be 21. Td. 1 H. R. 00 E. W. M. nq limiirr .110 ii.iiimiiiH wiitit-nm-a in fin.TV his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vli? William It. (inlllford, Arthur V. Oulllford. I James Nelson, of Vlnann, Oregon, and John U.I Kust, ol Kldge, orrgon. B. F. WIlJtnN. Kegtster. ill fiii In McDnffie springs where he ! will j oin his) wife. For tho Cure Oi Liquor, Opium aoi Tobacco Habits It Is located at Salem, Oregon, The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast p.?'.1! ' ,h.. "TT omr rrtlfiilsri PtrlctlycotiUdeiitlal. 1 rcalmeut private and sure euro. LET 1 Kit LIST. I KTTKRS Ij or., 1 APVKUTtfEU AT H.-BI. !'- Biiwlby. Ml 11 V I'J) Ctittls. C C Imuran, W U Orav, Homer Wleai, vtlills. IIEI'PNEK When railing ilvertlaiHl. lor these letters plesw aay J. r. Uliuuat, I . M. ( Iiim of Ion Ihm'h MMcrte.l tint ulioa tlm Ix-kn wor Citn'lrtttl tin rntliiiHidsm for nn op-n river on tlio pnrt of tun ntieim of Tho Pnllea woalil (t'aaii mill tliat limy WllllliI tllXIl luU'iltlll tint IMilllllv t. f..rtl.r.ppro,.riat.oI,.f,,rII,iH,.,k. !" 0,,,,v nui u.a r..u.inis frs.m ti. rim..a.i,, r;,i,r7"1 I-'l Ha M..ui.Uiur li..ul,l Mick .i7l-'r;;r .l.Mu.K-ry mul - - ....... . , I r in f lrcut pity (o liave tlio cm-koo ornrum ho out of tune, rft. uintlii nu ciclinntv Yon, 'til lirttl, for pvcrjtm Iim I. forwarJ Mith Ktvut irictrttiotia for the t1fii4lit nolo from Ohio with triMiiUinn accompaniment from the lilun t;ranri region ncroM th river. Hut it ttiMMiir) tli'7 ran't fuu! tie pitch. UiWt pernoiially in riot popular Sjecial Sale! WIIvLS X? SLOCUM, Dealers in General Merchandise WILL OKFKR TIIKIR Notice of Intention. Lamp Ornci at La Gramdk. Osinnn. Julr. ja.lwiV VOTtCF ItKRFBY OlVfS THAT Till! fnllowlns named settler has filed notice I I of his Intention tn make final proof In tui porl I of his claim, and that .aid proof will be made I iiptor the county ciers 01 Morrow rounty all Heppner, vr., on nepwmoer , i, tis : MILT F. MORGAN. lid 'A., for the NKi. fW. a. 1T t. W. M He names the full. .wing wltnrmes tn prnvt his cntitltiuout resldanca upon ami cultivation of aald land, til' W I,, haling, Clyde C. Haling. Juaeph W. Rre I tor and W. O. Mccarty, .11 of Heppner. Oregon. B I. VI ii.itl IN. tfi?67 keg later. Notice Of Intention. r DO YOU KNOW Is under man.gemtnt n Chris Bnrcliers ho U con ducting u in a .truny rir,t.( u,, manner. He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. tW Free luths and Fre 'Bus fr all Quests. v ivn ovrtrs iTTiirntnrj j Augnat .'I. I. Notlr Is he'reliy TIIUNDHIt that the lullowllit tiame.1 aetller has filed no. OrgnuJicn, DimitioK, Mulla, rtc, at the follow in,; Krcatly reduced ;iX?hV;m7m'':nd IVt'Z Voicim tint HcntiiiifiiU of Iho citi. tvi of that city : "Work at thr lim k uii l- r th ipn-red.-TiMitia Herald. Oh, ptia! Tell that to tli marinea. You cau't K't any Illuioit tariff- : r 1 1 ... . ... 1 . . onrrc-tifl inauaiC-iiieiit i.f the cnJ " " 7 ,,Pn,,vril w tiactor U rapidly approm-hinj. U,M '""' "'-"l up Ivr completion, and tl.. op. ni,lp! of the' J",,u "'"""i. 7 C.lumhia from thi- vi,,t to u,,, ,"'" ;" "-" rauroa.i paea : . ' a I,. I il... ..;i- 1 it. ti... 1 ae i. quti.n, .f lut a f.-w. . """""" mouth.only. Itill le a great M SprifiRfield. (HI.). day fr TIia tiallex, nu I f.r the rouutry tributary t. it. Tin to re tuaiiia yet tuorn i f th .nk til lx done ft.) that the ImUia'e ef "Thirv in (i Me in the affairs of men Thai, iflnhrn at iltftocnl, l, wh on lo fortune." The flood U her and no i GILLIAM .msm2K With full llnai e.f m m MS MV7 'ft mulWi owwnn. r,.iiUi.-p..i . . UVIJ vooti Notice of Intention. "iiKtinwk in,w.y I Ttlf 1 trtin.cT tu'i'i . pvery reaiHH-t at pncea that will more than compara with 4 a . 71 1 , is herei., tt,. ,h.i ' ' 1 lu,r n.1,,,9 1 tl. nighi. iihi.,i,,wi, i-.m..,--,.... inr.i nniirt ,,l I . I t i .rararj hi. Iiiteiiltnii to n.aks anal prmif In s.itf'rt l ILOODly Llclunire IlariUftre Slnra I r,- It Ik 11 his rlatm and thai Mil pr., .ill h. m., ' ll'tniware Plr .eteiTl I 1)0 Dallet ftnd I'flidletn O I LLIAaM & .niSUKK Hcpl-ner, . . . Or,-,,,,. price : Oriandles ?'., re.lm-e.1 to I V. per ?ard. Mulls f.'iie. U I per rd litmltlea I i til IV , re.ln.-e-l to !- ier ar. tM-ma mm H.laTv ( (1 . e.1 t.i and A rents. Lenta Hummer HH'I""I I ileler , tr.url tn WcasilS. la Ilea I n.lrrrrals I" t " . re-lure. I to t.l Ji rents. I 111 ol Hi)S litrnl HhiarS II i fe. ,i ..I to HI ri-llU. Heat lin of Lmliea' 10o, ho ever offered for aale. lUrgain Counter loaded down with reumanta of every fatric im airiiiattle at pricen never Mor equalhsl. Uur uliH'fc oi Vry itMMii, iwkxm, iiwii nni urorrrirw coiniiPi9 in ' . . . m a ... th.Mi tirevioimlv aiinoiinced !y comietttor. SjHcial attention calhsl to our SIhh Pepartroent. Call and fx. amino Mh gola and price. PlOKKKIt liHICK, Weal Sidrt Main Street, . Heppuer, Oregon. mad hefore J. W. Mnrmw, rnnntr fletll, SI Heppner, urt-nn. nn ix-pi. i. i i, vn. Al l FX C'RABTKF.E. ltd. T fin. S forth tF and W ii Sr.V ere J, Tp I R K. W M iireim. H names Ih Inlluwtnc wttneaaes lo pmv his eoiitiniioiia rrsldenrs) upB and rultlialloo I OI, aalil lan.l. II, Mill k I1inms prlsroll. W lltUtn rls roll. atnan eha, ail ol Hepptirr. ores, m. :i r. m-ksr. k.iuief. t-fora-J. W Morriiw, eount rlefk. at Hvi.tinar iiresmi, pn ,m wht 9, 1 "i, tis : UKOHOR W WIIjmi IM In rtV f.'f the ', nf SV. aa, 1 ,ij I.I SW w arr f. Tp I . rtn f. M M ' II naines ih IkI'iiw-iis ttiier to rrnr hla roTiiinunus rra! Irtvt upon S'mJ rtilth all.. a of aald laud. lr i i Jii.iua, kamnel r Ttf John IWief, Ji-hn I" tn k'laii. o ll' purr. 4 -,f.. 1 ., (lr' a.r.iiMiH ''' kr!rlr, KAIN JtAIN Ki'i'ter 1 1'eiii. ), A l'Nwr Rmic4ara Mr. J V. nl.U, nf , n, bitt. bear Jif I . ih.,.'.. I' ...1. I .a-teru Oregon at.d aahm.n -v, be,,,., ,m (,(M .tlb, H and Idaho tnay reap aom i f the n Mmeh of wiiu iliant,- I n ltiefiU of onr opi-n liver and Ih O'anWrUm'. C-lc, tVifuiP.I Hf. re-ttUiint cvniiHititioti in fr. i -lit U m"'' '.l it f.rr, 66 99 JPlxil Oolxia' Mint k or 1'iHMtu iiui N'OTK It l IUKIHV i.IVFI THAT Tllf paiflileeahlp hert..orvlitng Wa.n ( f I'au- pil sud J K. an tnaoti, iii.ier fh f rn, t-sm ! I anirW.I A kolslnai.o has this riaf eeti ta.,.i hr mufual rtiaenl. R f lamp rll a 1,1 ro.lerl CI Ml a an r-ar a',1 4-1.1. tea. le-l h th l-.n- Srm slrii th dal n J.ili la - in l lha tiii.l-ira , M riitiiiit. l.. mI uttelrr Oi rai iM Limt 1 arnpi. H F.i ...ssti, X J a k a.... Imiart sl Ii nr. Of . A if Jl. rta. Tht chu oisly I niivm. pi i bed l'y t'Verr.'jnln; U. U se ii ifl t r. Uai.u tf, I 1 in.,. 1 I II ti HifiiiP.1' V,. ! mm, liuis. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office, , . MONCV IOAiNCO. riesi nil I .-fhiiel film l'"1Mf ,,,.. ! ar irM 1,1 r.f 4ai (rat rn..-.f .a 1 1 1 t-.".. in fWt-.n. m IIH -a.l-fn f a'! f a -t ol I 1 - l r.... ,.. ,1-1 r.. (,(ii.,fn w t.if,r , li laa Hen taa-a fcr olhar ,-. , A-Hnaa oh rup Mnvi fjUT a am Citr, iiiv er Bro Is the Place for Fresh G Cash Only. rm brud. cms hd fks always on hand. roccriM, Cheap for - jriw, All ViQslnM ...... " ' 'I SJ pfr-n.J I ... vmZ V.? ' "'t iurnu. , , ms ' t