L nrtiml 111""'. l I VI4 IM IWM 1 11 W I I li IS I HiM Ml lMlMM5 I i PAPER II M linn I I'M 1 1 i v i u ti i rrtetiiMiii mm. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I 1 own, A. T. Stewart. 5 OFFICIAL 5 MY SUCCESS 4 1 ts owing to my liberality in ad- vertising. Robert Bonner. m I IIIIM II All Ultli HMW HI lilll l liDlillllllMilil l l l l I M Iftt'HM III! Mil II ftltlililiMiilllllililillltlililtiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiliililliiilllMillM HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1895. THIRTEENTH YEAR i WEEKLY KO. 653 1 SEMI-WEEKLY N0,il6i ) SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. - Editor A. W. PATTERSON. Business Manager At J3.50 per year, $1.25 (or six months, 75 ota. tor three momus. Aduertis ng Rates Made Known on Appl cation. rpHIH PAPER is kept on file at E. C. J)ake'e JL Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 85 Merchants Exohan(ra, San Francisoo, California, where cow raota for advertising can be made for it. Union Pacfic Railway-local card. j0 (filGYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., TJ. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. No. 9. mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 p. m, No. 1C ..ltxed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 S. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except unday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m. West bound, main line, leaveB V illows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:39 p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. m. and take the fast mail west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalle6 dally at 2:15 p. m. and arrives -t Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a.m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. ni., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. , I TSi U. s. UUVtRNMnlNT fa) -ls fe) 1 PAYING MILLIONS 1 A MONTH OTPlCIAi SIBECTOBT. United States Officials. . , n - ri 1 I rresineni vhotombuu Vice-President Adai Stevenson Secretary of State Riohard 8. Olney Becrntary of Treasury Jehn Q. Calisle Secretary of Interior .... Hoke Smith u . I W-m Tlanin U f .11 m..n t neurmaijr ui , . , : I Secretary of Nary Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William U. Wilson Attorney-General Judson Harmon Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. n W P. T,orrf Secretory of State H. K. Kincaid Treasnrer Phil. Metatihan Knot. Publio Instruction O. M. Irwin i ............ n..ul ft. M. Iillnman u ( O. W. MoBnde Senators ij. h. Mitchell J Binger Hermann Congressmen W- ft. guis Printer ;".WH- Leed" li. A. Mnnre. ' " "" ( C. E. Wolverton Seventh Judicial District. m : . 1 .. A . W T. RrfufnViMi viruuit e uukq ..... - - i 1'roMcutins Attorney A. A. Jaime Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator ,"ow?n . Representative. J-B. Boo thbjr Commissioners J . K. Howard J. M. Baker. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " BhorifT G. W- Hrr!HPU,n t rri Vrmn if (ti mum Ar::::::::::::::::::.::. wiiu. Surveyor Geo. Lord School Bup't -Anna Balsigyr Coroner T.W.Ayers.Jr HEPPNEB TOW OrriOEES. vnr Thoe. Morgan C nincilinea., U. a. rarnsworui. iu. Uchtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Ayars.Jr., n. a. Horner, t. J. oiocum. i, j V J Hallnrk nnooruer ........ v V" i j ii K I.. rreelund kUnlial A. A. llobert PrH-inetOffleerf. . . - .i. - V I . VmeliLnd Constable. N. B. WheUtone Called Sutra Laod Offiesn. TBI DALLES. OB. v m m . Rjwiatur r. Hum ,i...,i,t mm - - i A.H. Hiitn KaoeiTer LA OEAHDB. OB. B.F. Wilson .r'" J. H. Kobbina Heoelrer SXCXXT BOOIITIEB. BAWLINS POST, NO. IU O. A. R. Miwts at UxintfUxi, Or tba laat Saturday of I arh month. AU rstarans are Invito to Join. ' AillnUnt. tf Commandef. L UMBER ! 1TTC HAVS FOR BALI ALL KIKD8 Of ON V dmwed Lumbar, Is mils) of Heppner, at what Is knowo aa the To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a 4 relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? fw THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED f UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it W to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fg) your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. r. 7Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f) 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. $ y. B.TM Company U controlled by nearly one thowand leading newt- paper in the United Statet, and it guaranteed by them. H.Ji PER 1.000 KIT, ROUGH, mm m CLIAE, 100 17 M I A FACTS ' ji ijjlK FACTS ! ! I I 4 OU CAN BUY 125.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have " Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is J 1 V 1 a first-class machine. Why then pay IIUO.OO for a bicycle that will give ' 1 !, no better icrvlce T '; , 1 ', CRESCENT "ficorcher," weight 20 pounds, only 9S. ' I I Ladles' and Genu roadsters all the way from 1-10 to t7,i. , 11 "Boys' Junior," only $ with pneumatic tire a good machine. J , "Our Special," Men'i I-10; Laities', I'pO. '! ADDRESS I': ) WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, ; CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, :': THE P4TTERS0N PUB. Ci), SA 2 i Heppner, Oregon, ( -fysufSJiXl ' MORROW AND GRANT H. Count es. iVt ." 1 -1 "; 1 imfjKJfKfxAyK ' I F PCIJVERKD IN HEPPNER, WILL ADO IVUU per l.OuO leet. adiuotuu. The above quotations are strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON. Prop. national M o( Mwi Wl. rCNLAND. CD. R. llsHOP, rrMliett. . CaakWf. TRANSiCTS 1 GEMR1L BiNKING BUSINESS -IS TIIR- COLL.KCTIONS MJ oo FTorbl TertM. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD n Errs eh. tf okeoon ntnifltmiimimiinitmiK 5 otnitaet. Ka vw mi a4 lfMinl. tsn r W th mM uf M smm, sa (lu4ifr lit im pMtrsit. CAum ten. I fit r , e fun l im t fiwurf, t; ( ii4 CCTT78. saa Aw'V AfeA 9Mfw 99 mutwroRiaiuiicuiCHOCO. t . DroajMy Timm k4 . Na Ywk (Jty. r tiaailtlHI wasiTto. II i II III 1:1 I I II I til tf I Have ton fiJ O'Ib'o Klitaoclal Heb sol" J ill Iwolef If lot traeboBl4 i Jo Cyiri Y1. V'4 fEijiSPa'll RUICKEHBAISIHQPflYS If you use the Petaloma Incubators ft Brooderi. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalogtells all about it.and describes every article needed for the, rjoultrv business. The "ERIE mechanically the best wneci. irreiueitiiimuci. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicvcle cata- logue, mailed free,givea fulldescrlotlon.tirlces. etc., agents -wanted, pf.tatttma ntctTBATOR CO..Petalama.Cal Branch Housb, 3i S Main St., Los Angeles. ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY. $1800.00 flrVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 everymonth given away to any one who ap plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our client, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid up nd down without breaking the passenger's back. "sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle tanner' and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions are tne ones mat DnngiargcH roiuui vt uh author. Try to think otsomettuog to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the " National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C, which is the pest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub- aennaan to this lournsl. free 01 cost, to all our clients. We alio advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throuehout the United Sates among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention tne merits 01 tne invention. All communications regarded strictly confidentuL Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent, 618 F Street, N.W., Box .18s. Washington, D. C. VWT Rlirmettdltor efthii faptr. WriUtmr threshers, the weather having been quite favorable; there were some showers in a few sections, but no delay was occa sioned by them. There are some excel lent crops of alfalfa in Klamath county that will be ripe enough for harvest within a week. There are many crops of alfalfa in seotions of Baker and Union counties the showers have improved. Ooourrence of precipitation reoently en courages the hope tbat the fall rains will be early, Binoe they would so improve the grass on the range that the problem (the care of etook daring the ooming winter) would be easily solved. Feaohes, Both, the Long Creek aad Hilton Eagles Tes pears and grapes are of very best quality. tlfy in Shntt's Case. All trait is looking well and the ship ments oontinue large. There are some The Long Creek Eagle recently pub extra fine prospects for good erape crops fobed the article relative to 8hutt, the in Wallowa county. There appears to Antelope prodigy, which appeared in the be yery little fruit injured by insects and Gazette a few weeks sinoe, and oon its soundness is commented upon. In oluded with the following comment Wasco oounty the showers were attended "The above is a very common ooour by high wind, whioh oaused fruit to fall tenoe, yet it Is seldom thBt an editor be- large quantities. Union oounty is oomes so bloated with self importance contributing large quantities of apples, Hg to play suoker or fool in any pears and plums to the Eastern Oregon gUoh a manner. But youDg Bhutt is so shipments. The prune crop in all seo- gifted, und no doubt by the time of hie tionsis reported to be in good condition, next visit to Portland, honors sufficient Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West Anl Has the Largest Circulation. I DAILY (without Sunday) $6.00 per year TERMS DAILY w,th Sunday) $8.00 per year BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean l $1.00 V PEIl TIAR I H i At A M!WPAIr TMH INTCB OCEA keeps tirei o lb flaws la all rMiwu It araree iMlther reins nor iibism In tecartfif AU. TrtaJ NkWs AND 1Mb BLS1 Oh ClVWl.NT UTLHAUKB. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It has sH4hl(if at lntf te each axisilwr a4 Ike lemlty. II VH t rt'li ll fair I l M M law wy swat e4 Heela4 ItlUIIUAKV ILAUbL areMale4. POl.rTICAI.LV IT l tn ttl.ICA. He reesWe the fcenHll nf Iks aMe (ik.himu M all live poMKal II alee ftvee lateaa lilts M. Or IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. THE rfltl OCT AN H WKIJaMIO II CMICAK, TMR nJ A"r COIirKCUI. tlTI OP Al.l. H.T tf 1MH AUIMAV MlHMAM, AM M IH AOAPIIO TO TMK Mtl OP IHto r-LOfUl OP I MA I H.C1ION IMA AMf PAP1.M I AB1NI.M Cl. H la Is) actMt llh the ample t the Weal txHh la Polltks an4 I.Mretur. pwa reawaahrr thai the pr e4 the Wwal IsIxOihS U OM V OM1 tOU Ui t-. A4 the INTER OCEAN. Chlcega LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 8 40042 Flour.bbl 2 65 Beeves, cows & two-year-oliis, owt. z m " " three " " a as Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 25 1 50 stock 1 uu 1 DU Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 8 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs.doz 10 Chickens, doz 2 0003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 4') ". . CALIFORNIA MAItKHT. Wheat, cwt 8 115 0 102 Flour, bbl 2 60 e? 8 60 Beeves, stall fed 4 &0 (i 0 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Absolutely pure lung M Though the usual amount of precipita tion failed to oocur there has been suffi cient vegetables for home consumption and some for shipment, and a fair crop in nnmber, including new babies, etc., will be showered upon him, tbat he will be wound np for a repetition of the above with a reasonable addition to make np of potatoes will be harvested. The for his inoreased importance." weather bas become cool, especially at This the Milton Eagle published and night, and frosts have occurred, though added the following which, ooming from tbey did no damage. Farmers are be- Bn eye witness, convinoes the Qazette ginning to realize that the fall season is beyond a doubt that Sbutt is guilty and approaobing, and that there should not should receive sentenoe: be delay in the securing of orops from "The editor of the Eagle was present OOORT ON LABOR DAY. the inclemency of the weather. Portland, Or., Sept. 3, 1895. Swept by a Cyclone Of approbation to the pinnacle of popu larity, Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitters bas aoquired a commanding position, which has occasionally made it a bright and shining mark for knaves, who seek to on the eventful excursion mentioned by the Qazette, and bad the pleasure of being permitted to gaze on the prodigy and of listening to the wisdom that fell from his lips. Sbutt, E. M., so-called Borne of oar oitizens expressed the opinion that oourt oould have been con vened last Monday and business trans acted, regardless of the fact that it was labor day. However, in this they were wrong. The following relative to the Durrant trial shows that the same thing vexed the people of California: "The trial of William Henry Durrant for the murder of Blanobe Lamont, did not proceed last Monday. Bather than invite any complications whioh might arise hereafter through holding oourt on a federal holiday, the oourt granted the motion of the defense, conourred in by the prosecution, and adjourned till Tuesday. The motion waBmade in view of the vexed question as to whether or not the act of congress making the first Monday in September a national holi day affects California. The reason of the aoquiessenoe of the distriot attorney in the motion was fear tbat it the oourt overruled the motion and ordered the trial to proceed, an issue with the fed eral government might have lead to an eventual appeal to the United States oourts in the event of a conviction. r'oar big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than to distinguish him from others of the mBke good n tne advertising claimed same name, is certainly a prodigy a for tuerjli tue followinir four remedies monstrosity, we may say and his have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. friends should not again permit him to King's New Discovery, for consumption. foist upon the community spurious com- eaTe home "'thnt Buitable goardian, 0OU(ll8 Bnd oold9i eB0U bottle guaranteed pound, in the guise akin to that of the curio-hunter is liable to cap- -Electric Bitters, the great reined, for sure nuu ancriuoo uiiu iu iuo usuioui Lnver, HtomaoU and Kidneys. Uuoklen s soience before be discovers bis great Arnloa Salve; the best in the world, and importance to the Well being of the town Dr. King's New Life Pills, which area pounds in tue gaise real article. These are mostly local bit ters or tonics of great impurity, and, of oourse, devoid of medioinal efficacy. Be ware of them and get the genuine Bit ters, a real remedy for malaria, rheuma tism, kidney trouble, dyspepsia, nervous ness, constipation and biliousness. Physicians of eminence everywhere com mend tba great iovigorant, both for its remedial properties and Us purity. A w of Antelope. Marvelous Results. From a letter written bv Rev. J Quuderman, of Dimondale, Mch., we are permitted to make thisextraot: "I liBve no hesitation in reoommending Dr. King's perieot pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do jnst what is claimed for tbein and the dealer whose came is attaohed herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold atT. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store. vigor and regularity to a disordered and enfeebled system Hogs, owt. . . Wool Eastern Oregon. . Butter, lb Eggs, doz Potatoes hpw, per ot... old, " ... Cbiokens, doz Turkeys, DJ 4 50 0 6 25 8 ( 1.1 10 (t 15 vm iH cmo 85 80t 75 3 00 it 7 00 12 OS 14 POHTI.AND If AltRfcT. Wheat, t.n Flour, bbl Beeves, owt " dreshed Muttons, live sheared. ., " d reused. lb Hogs, on foot , " dressed, u Wool Eastern Oregon.. Butter.... Eggs, doz Chickens, dm Turkeys, lb drtwaed. . . . Potatoes, new, per ot... 47 ft 50 2 25 to 2 86 2 5o dl 8 00 4 (ft) t 6 60 1 75 M 2 00 04 to 04 3 25 to 8 7 5 04 08 0 11 V to 15 It) to It 2 00 ( 8 50 lust hours with little interruption and it seemed a if she oould not survive A .11 V..n.n n, - ho i,n,lr. I iera. n menu reomiiiuruuru w. . . . ,il Kiug's New Disoovory ; it was quiok in the present ciroumsUuoes, wishes to be , work Ru(, b h)v ...tisfaotory in auieicHS, semis me lonowing goou iwrj results." Trial bottles free at I. W. ot his experience in Montana. Ayers, Jr., drug store, lingular size Amoug other things I had two diw oa l boxes and to clay marbles ; I called the 10 85 12 55 F.ASTKRN .OKKIION From the B. H. Faine Report. Weather Crop THE INTER OCEAN Weather Thunder storms and rain prevailed the nights of the 2Hth and 2!Mb of August over the greater portion of Eastern Oregon ; the total rainfall was about one-quarter of ao inch; In sections the rainfall was heavier and high winds prevailed. The temperature bas fallen slightly as compared with the preceding week. The maxlmora temperature rai.gei from 74 to 88 degrees and the minimum from 46 to CI degrees. The smoke Las cleared away to some eit tit, due to the rainfall, but the clear atmosphere peon liar to EaaUro Oregon will Dot prevail until heavier aod more general raio 00 ears. During the month of September tba rainfall avrrage from one-half to one inch. Home froet oocurs danog Heplember, osnally during the latter part of the month; at Baker City aod aim! larly situated plo freezing lampera- 1 11 res occur daring the lattr patt of the month. Crops-IIarveating U practically rom plt la all the counti north of It i Blue tnotititaine, aad Uimhing me g'Nxl progress. lo eJitne aortmtis Klamslb and Malhenr r-mntiea there still nuieh irralti barest. Fi'iii t the Walla Walla Vall-y and NVall-a I C-itiiity ara fjiiite II pla I aim !! feeillta. The aeatl.ef hea w fall; hm a lavorahla in Lie npef Waw i ui hbetuiali, Ih'iOrfU hl 10" p' itatlixi q llima poitili" hare Urn iot 1 e-mie strain 10 Klaoialli rxxtaly that ll New Disooverv. aa the results were ineglasa thrios a day will soon bring ,lmoi, maryelous In the ease of my wife. ONLY ONE l'KRKORM ANCE. J. A. Miller, who has been a resident of the Lexington country for the past six years, was granted citizenship papers While I was pastor of the Baptist oburob last Tueaoay. Mr. Miller im a native of at Rives Junction she was brought down Oe'niany but expeots to spend the rest with Pneumonia succeeding La Orippe. 01 nie me iu America. Terrible paroxysms of oougbtng would miners around me, and proceeded to manipulate the marbles and boxes 00 the bar of tbe local aaloon. Now, gentlemen," said 1, "I am no worker of miraelee; I don't heal tbe sick nor raise tbe dead, but I'll put this mar ble under this cup, and bet you S20 it's nder the other enp. Gome, who'll open the ball r Hilenoa followed, Then a friend ot mine elbowed his way lo the bar. "I'll bel she's there," said be, and be aid down his money. "And there she is," I exclaimed Here you are; hare's yonr cash. Onee in a great while I'm caught Just Id that way. Well, wbo'a next? Here you can see it go nnder tbe cop. "Now, I'll bet you either way." Three roond hands were raianl with three twenties, when a bosky voice at the edge of the crowd ebouleJ: "Hold in yonr broeoboaa, boys, I'm the Oral mao to bet " A burly individual io a blae shirt and broad brimmed bat pushed Lis way to the bar. "Now, perfpeser, I'm ready for Tr. Lift op tbe ImiI. There a I he ball, dead to rights. Hee it, Mlerer The "hoys' answered affirmatively. "Hera's a twenty, parfeaaer," went 00 tbe hooky-vulred maa, "and I bat lbs ball's nnder tbat eap. 'Cense why? 'Cause I'm a railroad maa, and we are all ratMioal maa we believe what wee. We sen the ball nndrr that cup, and He got to ba I bare, and I'm batting He there. If It ain't there, there's beaa some hocus pootie, aad that kind tf work don't go with thus byar eomoiuaity," The btieky volcad nan prMluee-I a re volver alol aa I0114 as a Winchester "In my oi.inioa,' he mriela lad, "I'm bolt io' on a deal ante Ibiof. I.irt up Iba rtlp, parfeeeer." Tba ell al.fmter was eirkl ia an Olnl- booe rhrk, and the lusy-ied man lc ie-1 na a pare In Ilia eye. I eoeleae that IsruiM In aalrkly way Miugbed. Iieile!4 ami wont I have Skid , Ik ! tn ire II wmil I a-.tu'l I. ii'tf bad not a pair of dtemiosd j neplahle. !!. la stel-g'ay eyes give na fair warelsig Tba i had g oie far! hr than 1 iu CONriCRKNCE UVRK. Aanaal M. B. Confer are Held at Hpokaae la Now Over rasters Appointed. Rev. R. 11. BhPrrill, of Eight Mile, de parted on lust Tuesday's train for the Willamette valley to look after some valuable mining property, in the form of a newly discovered tin mine in Yamhill oonntv ot which Mr. ISherrill ia halt owner. Tbe moon was totally eclipsed last Tuesday nlgbt for tbe second time this year, this time bring vibiIiIb in all parts ot the United Htates. It was tlret no ticeable at 7 o'clock, and by 1) was in total eclipee, emerging again about 11 o'clock. Miss Albaliah Hhulae, danghter nf tbe South Halem M. E. pastor, started yes terday for Heppner, with hope tbat tbe dry air of that mountain region may firove beneficial to her health, in which 1 ope many friends and neighbors join. The annnal conferanoe of lbs M. E. oburob which beld a week's sessioo at Spokane, adjourning last Monday, was one fnll of interest From the list ot appointments it will Foe seen tbat Iter. Statesman. If Tl I...- I... I. - Im I IU. cu wui wuw umm uoth ivuimi iu . . . . , , , ' I Alt.irn.v A A Jnvfi raliirnail Immi this oity for the past year, goes to Hood Arin,,o0 Weilneaday. Tbe rac beate River, while Rev. E. I. Oreen, who was estate iu which he ia interested goes last year located al Arlington, this year "r until next terra of omirt, owing to s. . .1..... .1 a.li-i..n Tr.r.ri i melees tua piiiiunniiuii in inn satna was ." '". f, tba spring term of oourt, and eon I ms being the case 11 is oonersioon qmiy cannot be acb.d npoa without tbat Mr. firreo will bold servioee 10 another pulilication. this city every other week. The following are tbe appointments! tor The Dalles distriot: It. C. Moter, presiding elder. A Die lo pa and Rutledge To be sup plied. Belmont-F. L, Johns. Uiokletoa-O. It. Moorebeed. Caeoade Locks-Wm. Ilosklns. Cejterville To be supplied. Dnfar-Jobn Evans. Foeail-0. W. Darobsrt. Ooldandale-U. Y. Hawk. L.N, Crockett, the Ixitig Crek drug gist, arrived on Tuesday evening's stage and departed on Wednesday's train en route to New York t Ity, where lie el peota to enter Bellnvae Huepital college lor tbe next year or until he has at- tachnil M . 1). to his name. During bis elweone Mr. Crockett's tlrnsr store will be managad by Dr. "Jack" Williams. At the regular session of Doric lodge, No. 20, last Tuesday night, A. V. Patter son was elected as a representative for the next two years, with J. J. Robert aa alternate. llnry lllarktt.ao was) alartml alternate for E, I'. Vorni, tbe Heppner aad Arlington E. I. Oreen. bold-over representative. The ueil see. Hood Itiver-J. M. DenieoD. Moro and Hpauldieg Chapel -K. C. Alford. I'rioaville-0. D. Nioketeon. The Dllee-J. IL Woo.l. Waco and (iraote Ed Baker Waldroo To be supplied. Mis Janet Inarrehata. formerly one ot llepiiar ta'lior, write Heppner trlend thai aba baa a good poailloa Hi la fear bear Waitabnr-. liar bom, tier school legin next M'lliUy. aioa of the grseid lodira Is lo lie held in Halem, Octolier "lb to 10th, Incluaiv. On the farm there la continually 00- nnrrliig III tin arviilenl to xamn and twaat that eauae delay to tha farmer In bi work. The duration ol this delay ta a matter of Importance to the thrifty tiller of the oi. A a 'I'llok and relia ble resne ly (or ailment and abrasion of tha ab, there la noiia lirtlef ,Ho lr. J . II. Mclean's oleaniri 0l I.tni tnent. It ba proved II worth by many years ( rotialant and iici.a.f ill tiae, I'm 'i'ei, bOe and II per leitlla. TMI OrVIN ILtOTIIIO ItTft AND APPUANCIB INJUPg TO THK SICK THIal OP.IAT POINT OP AOVAMTAttl OVIt ALL IMlTATOM .a i The Lancasiiiri: Insuranck Co. a. ' ' : OI MANCIIICMTICMi KNOLANIt K W ?4TTP r'DT A,-..iM.?.!0lJJ,,LJJ,,?, ill-. I ripen ill a'Oill4 lira, liatUK ,... Ueo tiin ! on se.iit of ih Poll la I the r I ; Iba ball wa there, leatt rf of ep'irg aod lata ff'iale. Wl.f " Ib'tilflit ,' I th bnaky-Volead the gram wee e-iau i b rare, e h Ii al Uib. a tta porkate-l Iba money. "If y the rr .eprto of Iba a.il. it ml, n take any B)rr beta, parfaaaer, I t'.lir4 that II eWrid tbe dMotb e, aad raeoa lb U)'il -omfn'lle yer." ! O.eyU a fairly g el rmp. hot wb ll. 1 But I rtllo't.-fWsto' Weekly. ! ri,enl w not plowed dep the gr a ' eep proved a failure la tt.a eaelt-if.s lors.l. slT--te. by the dfo-tb tba volnMe-f ,n,,,fM f ,W l,a NaM mal 1 gia Ix l a Iirnig the f l!i t b" A ll l.ai 1 T. I eatt ve program tea rn mall toy It . Ci, H'alr. s'liBl4rj, Vf, C4tf. Tha tleelrla Car. Seal raekliaa)Mll. aielv felt. aliaaesk. Ik last Ihel eeel eaaalllee, liiel . t, .f l, .4 u Mrrfil U I a-l- 0e ejw.ilea aa tr-4 4 I" aaara. 'flu IMsUvsaS- WW V' Wm W. I BaaaaBBBBBBBBMBl tl n ehaaeed tnmt",,"" aea I late ear i. M hew an t laws. hrMle litaaaaea I.Va ..rt-,.l IB a ,V 1 ! tl-nnaiela ' v !"" 1 '" 1 ) awala In "-aa a el , JPiePl (Imuianreaui e-tVS f lrf ee e,.'lmi-t tillrel UvaUuettl l0"l lulaia NO MIOlCINtt API eUCtttAAT. , . aerad aa ehaaa Iesvaa4lti lu-rwie end real n-. fuluaU' t Rl-trte l '' eda(oeeja.MIIMelaasa4tfaW.airi tta e3arlfc. Till avirw ri.rTir TMIM as tkw MwUM aad . Trt- aaad l- in r4iJ awa cd Viora. . It eit iMsMNM l-etra Ill-.le.4a4 .'- 'rLTl'h Cem.a. eH.a .a ..,.. hw- -..ilr.i.. --ol l'e. a.a eaw.u-ie l 1 lua-le aiel oaat1ra"aa id IMv s4 All U, A i THE OWEH ELECTRIC BEIT ASD Af PLUECE CO., W U fll Hele'eaat, Ihliw.