STOCK BRANDS. Whtta tod a.ep your ubacription paid np jrcn can keep yoar brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lona. Or. Horse G(J on left shoulder; cattle tame on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. ArmstronK, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle sains on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horww same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con nected on loft flunk; cattle, same on left hip. Baird, D. W. and son. Horses branded D H on the left hip; caitle the same on left flank, crop off right ear. undercrop in the left. Han go in Morrow County. BartholRmew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range m Mor- Hannist'er, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (iooseberry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on "ftarkM St C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, Clop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Homes, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in (irant and Morrow HroBrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Burton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in Brown' Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row oounty, tr . Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in nerter on left hip; cattle, tame. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Homes W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left k'fi'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in Borg'p. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connected att i,ia. nrnnnn left ear and two split and middle piece ont ont on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county, Carsner. Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three bam) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in r:,.nt bik) Morrow counties. Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horsea on left Btiflot tl with quarter circle over it, on lort snoumer and on left stifle on all oolts under IS years; on left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All range in Grant oonnty. Cate, Chas, lt Vinson or Lena, Or. Homos H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. KnnffA Morrow and UmftUllH nnuiiu". '111., ead; in Itrant oounty. . Smith Bros.. Hnaarmlle, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle. Kami) on left shoulder. Hnnires. James. Arlington. Or.: horses branded JHiin left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Sou right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson. Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, D on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip. .1 L t ' 1 1 ,..... w f left hip. crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or Horses, Z on left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder. TiDi)et8.b.T..tnlerprise.Or. Horses. C-on left shonldnr. TnrnHr It. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, liorneii; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton. II. .!.. lone. Or. Horses nrannea HT connected on left Htifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool. H.T.. Irfna, Or; Horses HV con. nected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right hip WrI bridge. Wm.. Hnppner. Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. omp off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q Hulem or Heppner, (Jr. Horsos hrandeil 3q on the left shoulder. Rauge Morrow county. Warren, W H, Caleb, ur Cattle w witn quarter irrlo over it. on left side, split in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Rangoin Grant nonuty. Wacle, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses nranfleo ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wo finger. John. John Day City, Or Un horse three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner counties. Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Jt connected on left shoulder. Watkins. Lishe. Heppner. Or. Horses branded DE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on right shoulder some same on left, shoulder. Whittier nros., nuntinguin, Baker Co.. Or. - Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams. Vasco. Daimltfin. Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. KangR Grant county. Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar tor circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Kange in Hrant oonnty Wren. A. A.. Hennner. Or. Horses runninaA A on shoulder: Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. (Jr. Horses nrandefl THonthe right slionioe". lii E. McNElLL, Receiver. TO THIS E A. T GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA ARABLE AREA OF CANADA. AND- St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Oorrlgall, M M. Oalloway, Or Cattle crop sunk our end nndnrhit. wattle in forehi horsos half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor. ,., and TTrrmti Ha comities. Curl.T. H John Day. Or. Double oross on .,,.i. hi,, on entile, swallow fork and under bit iii right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant flonnty. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear pnnched upper bit in right. Wethe, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All ranga ill Grant conntv. . i'.uJi K .I. Irfina.Or. Horses. BOon nghtshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square crop ott lert ana spin, in nam. Currin. R. Y.. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, m on nf .t;tt. C.ii Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with ;n fltnUf hnrnns. CE on left IIP Cochran, R. E., Monument, (irant Co, Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on lert shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. i'h,.in H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded Don right hip. Cattle branded the same. A!m brands CI on horses right thigh; caitle mam hrand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of i..i. .. li..l,... W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. U Don right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, R D on left hip. Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle name on lofthip. hole Ernerv. C. H..nardman, Or. Horses branded n Irvrel (', with taill on loft shoulder: cat tiuiuima on riuht tiio. Range in Morrow county, Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. 'attle, LK on right hip; horses, V with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, V on riul.t. ahull iter: cattle, t on right hip or tl French, George, Heppner, Or. Cattle branded WF. with bar over it., on leftside; orop oil left MoraiM. same brand on l'ft hip. (lontrv. Elmer. Echo. Or. Horsos brsnded H B. with a quarter circle over it, on left Htlllo. Ilanvltin Mltrril RTIll U matl I I COUIlt ICS . limit A. H., Itidge, Or. Cattle, round -top A with quarter circle under It on the right lnp, iiunirnln Morrow and Umalillanoiiniiea, llinhin A Jenks, Hamilton, Or ('attlo.two bars on either hip; crop In riglil ear ami spin in lert, Horsos J on right thigh. Range in Grant county llmrlina. Hamnel. Wagner. Or J- IT F poriiiix ti'dliin right shoulder on horses: on cutt le. on right hip and on left side, swallow for k in right ear and slit in left. Range in Hayxtack district. Morrow oonnty. Hide, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horse hrnndod -4)- (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder Cattle same on loft hip also large oirole on left Ide. Howard J Ij, Gslloway, Or. Horse f (cross wild Inr alKive It) on right shoulder; cattle same on leftside. Range ill Morrow and Umatilla con ri tie. Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cuttle E Hon right hip; hora saiueoli right (boulder. Range in (Irant oonnty, Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Ilange Morrow Co, Hiinnnker, H A. Wagner. Or.-Horse, H on left hoiilder. cattle. (I on left hip. Humphreys, J M Uanliuaii, Or. Horse, H on lefr flank Huston, bntlier, Fight Mil, Or. Horn H on the left shoulder and heart on the left still Cat. Us same on left hip. Hang in Morrow nonrily. Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or - Horse branded II J on (he left shoulder; cattle hrauded J on rigid lnp. also iitiderlul in left ear. Range in Morrow county. Junkiu. H. M., Heppner, Or. Horse, horse, ho J on left shoulder, ( sill, (he Mine, Rang " flW Md. J.ihtis m. Kelil. Lena. Or. Horse. elrrlaT on left stifle; cattl. wm on right hip, under half crop In riM nd siilii n lert ar Kennr. Mike. Heitpner. (r. Horns hree -l KNY on le't hip mil I same and crop off lift r: under i,iMinth right Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or.-Home AH en left (h.ell, Inr: rattle. HU on left hill. Kitk Je. Ilepim-r. Or.i horwo II on left L.eildm, mill saiiM on light side, uiiderbil on right ear. knmlierland W.ii.. Mount Vernon. r.-l I. on ratiton right and left ide.wallow fork in li fl ear nd under nop in flKld ear. Horse mm brand on left shiMtlder. lUng In Ornnt ceinfv, loflen, Hleptien, Fot.Or.-M Lull left hip irn catii. rni and aplil in rigid ear, i Mine brand left Bhiailder, Rang (risnl fsellitv. l.leflallen, John W., Ilei1. Or. - Horses branded half-lrrl J I, onnted on left shetil. tier. ( n, am lefi hiu, Kaug. liesir Ir'i timtiin loahy. J W Heppner (Vr Morse brsndel Land k oi lert sh,ei)d'r: reitt saei on I blp, waul over right , Hirst n lu rigid ear le-d, (sege, Heppner. Or.- Hre brande. HiMiiil II en.riit I HtmiMliinns oalleil win II ftfl lett shteihli-r. Mirls. M. C. Heppner, Or. - Caltl brarel'! rrrids on rigid lop. tere am vn nghl aiille, Itir-ge in Mtrriw cMioty. Minor, (, r. tieppir rv. faltie, M II no rigtd hip, bora M ei Iwft shoulder, M.n,i,. N, H, ll-ppo. t'r Hut, M ) OH lefi h'Hih!'l ralll sailt on Ufl lop. Miictll.O-e'wr. ! ". nr.- Hun, il un rigid bio; ram. 17 n rigid ol. M,4 mm, l. II., llrownavlll Or,- ILirsas, Ki'irS,Mi avli sleelldr, ra"l. M i us low M -lnrr. Frank. Fot Vsll-t, Or Mel. .(,. iih t efk mi rait I m nlM I neder in fM. h raff, bore iMiue brand iei lefl sltrln. M.dUle,, i..,elll..n. Of. (Hi ll.e with tiif rift ! aedwr n lefi ll.ildr.n i arnst f eir lr e.Mtneie4 iMt lifi on h tight i,U tr,g in llr,,l I Mhl. Nral As lrw Ue.s ll. k tW lliNsra A 1 e..ri. ae. ! , ,n l'l slxeilile. ralll on I. It " Wills, I, ,Niltel.ifl I Iff H,m,rilrl ,et id tlttsh. rairla snots im left loi. Iiiitx J..K I a, I irj . a I on rani wt l-fl rttp tin horsra, rata ti W-fl thigh, Itntum n ll'ard r.etelf llilx, I'ntry, lllligtigl, (t - I' O inn lefl h,i.d Hit. Mtrttinn, I'mirt I Hr. Or On rani. O Id e.eotw-t. ,hi tft hip, l,.trra tm U'l lills ,! Wnrrle ! H'S IU" tn ,t ltel e-mel. 'nf.ttt, I lintn. r igl'i Mtl,llt l,.tnra. ,,ine" tf Cl't in shf! I lri SleHil lf lt I it tft erl I,,,, nl' In, I 1-" rar. IM r, nl. 44 t Infl lot. He tttt Fmr.l l,ln. I'wtiM A liinM-Hi, llwd itaa.Of.- Il-a 1 1 nft ,.! Itt. l lenleiliiffTiSi lit ll,it brand .t l, e.ittHl l-l nlKftldnt , rarlln 1 e on !' i !l' lue M r r IH- J II . l-sl tri'H, ll II-trans i cm n-t .. te 111 t,.til-t', rat I U, .M U-ft hip. sji ln lii tnv H raff I'xiH A I , .t, tw-ffsts tlisit.etil ' it ,..ttt IW. 'il, J II J nsitstr I, ttn t.n lei b l I li'l l M' nj t OK III lit I WW, H.n.1 (. ll l .n II ' fi ' I. ,j tt . i. In .n tl mi I llo , I !... Il-i ent It II, tmi Sl.n ti m . H ..h P... tin; 1 1.. ' H tm t'. f'si.t nr.-m' I,- rartln GET THE BEST When you aro about to buy a Scwinp; Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and bo led to think you gan get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere sonff. See to It that yuii buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and square dealing, you will then get a .Sowing Machine that is noted the world over for iu dura bility. You want the one thut in easiest to munuge and is Ocean Steamers leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. K. & N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. n. HURLBUItT, Gen. Pass. Agt. roliTIiAND. OREQON. QUICK: TI3VTE ! Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working; parts, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or hus as niuny improvements us me NEW HOME SanFranolsoo It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle talented), no other has it ; New Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Osasos, Mss. DosTng, HI ss. M rmnri Rotaks, N, T CHUMIIO, It.L. NT. Ilt IS, Mo. IIAI.I.A. THUS. Hah FkANriHiHi, cal. Att.atA,Ua. FOR BY r. a THOMPSON CO., Aynth, Jcj)nwr, Orcijon. And all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hcenic Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Bleepera. Heoond-clasa Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., oall npon or address K. KOKHI.KK, Manager, 15. Y. KUiiftKB, Asst. Hen. V. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon ssi Confined to a, Marrow Ktrlp Along the Border of the l ulted States. Some Canadians ostentatiously boast that their colony is of greater area than the republic of the United States, while they quietly ignore the facts that about one-half of their dependency is covered with perpetual or all but perpetual snow and ice, and that no small part ol the remainder is but sparsely inhab ited or habitable except by Indians and Indian-French half-breeds, who eke out a precarious subsistence by fishing, by the scanty proceeds from slaughter ing fur-bearing animals, and on meager government rations. The arable por tion of Canada, says the Springfield Republican, is in general but a very broken and irregular fringe on the northern boundary of the United States; and although the European set tlement of the country began nearly 300 years ago, its present population is only about 5,000,000 from the Atlantic to the Pacific or over 250,000 less than the population of the state of Pennsyl vania! Canada .to-day consists of but seven provinces. One of these, Prince Edward island, is a little more than one-fifth the area of the little state of Vermont, and another, British Colum bia, a sea of mountains covering some 350,000 square miles contains less ara ble land than the comparatively small contiguous state of Washington. The desirable land for tillage in the three small maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward island and New lirunswick is now chiefly occupied by an excellent Scotch-English people, whose number is all but stationary or retrograde. About one-half of what is claimed to be the Province of Quebec is sparsely inhabited by Indians, Canadian-French half-breeds and the hardi est of "habitans." Much of the re mainder, on both banks of the River St. Lawrence and on the northeast bank of the Ottawa river, is a good quality of soil, and the greater part of it is now densely populated by Canadian French A portion of the province of Quebec, consisting of about 100 townships, called the eastern townships, lying be tween the parishes south of the St, Lawrence and the northern boundaries of the states of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire, is good general farming land, now in great part occu pied by a mixed population composed of "old country" English-speaking peo ple, Canadian French and some de scendants of the New England royal ists ol tne last century, f or many years the English-speaking people have been steadily nearing a minority, There are at present but two cities of any considerable size and business im portance in the whole of Canada the one, Montreal, in the province of Quebec, making a population (about two-thirds Canadian-French) of some what over 200,000; and the other, To ronto, the capital of the province of Ontario, with a population (mostly English - speaking) something below 200,000. ia-- - - '' . " ERCURIAL POISON Is the result of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system is nlled with Mercury end Potash remedies more to be dreaded than the disease and in a short while la in a far won condition than before. The common result it RHEUMATISM for which 8.SJ3. is the most reliable core. A few bottles will afford relief where all else has failed. I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial Rheumatism, my arms and legs being swollen to twice their natural size, causing the most excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors without relief, but after taking a few bottles of i improved rapiaiy ana sm now a well man complete ly cured. I can heartily recommend it to any one snffering from this painful disease. W. F. DALEY, Brooklyn Elevated B. B. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, G. worship. And now, as I paid this mark of respect to the synagogue, may I ask those three Jews in the gallery to con form equally with our rules, and kind ly uncover their heads?" The men collapsed. TO BE IN GOOD SOCIETY. Culture and Refinement to nave Prece dence Over Birth and Rank. High moral character and education, whether it be of book dore or that of observation and good example, polish of manner and good habits are the requisites of good society. One whose ideas of social equality were rather democratic than exclusive, says the Philadelphia Press, was heard to re mark: "One man is born iust as good as another, and a great deal better than some." Unless the son of a gentleman be a gentleman he is no more entitled to the name suggesting refinement than a man is entitled to the name of general whose father before him was a general. One must win his own laurels or go uncrowned. Birth to a marked degree is an acci dent, and those who are considered to be well born are oftentimes the most objectionable elements of society and the most dangerous associates. One need but watch closely the daily record of those on both sides of the Atlantic, whose birth gives them prestige in so ciety, to prove that education and cul tivation of high morals go further to ward making refined society than all the good or blue blood that ever flowed through the veins of royalty and the no bility. Of course, it would be the height of absurdity to argue that all men are born equal, and would be as illogical to argue against the superiority of blood cd animals of the race course over the ordinary draft horse. However, the nobility of culture and refinement should have precedence over the nobil ity of birth and rank. A REGULAR GOLD MINE. MORE This WOMEN THAN MEN. Certain ,P -nrf O.c r. 8 o 'ar. f (HW Qm(Sf rrraarrcnra working-. fJr Accurate, nst. Simplest, Mronifest, 5olld Top Kecclver. Most Modern and progressiva Knr rlsloiie or Information write to TIIU MARLIN I'lRU ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. Suit I Vniid'si'ii flWiV, .V.I'. . f ' U K V .V.S h'K l.l'HIl A' .V.i. ;'.' N.iff.T Slrei f. CO., Tht comparative value of these tworsrdi Is known to most persona. Thty Illustrate that grtr quantity la Net always most ta b dcslrsd. These cards tiprsss the beneficial qual ity of RipansTabulcs it compared with any previously known DVSITPSI Cl'RB Rlpant Tabulte s Price, 30 ctnta boa. Of drug (1st, or by mall. IIP.! CHtMICAL CO., 10 lrct It., H I. Statement Applies Only to Sections of the World. Statistics prove that, taking the world as a whole, the number of men and women is about equal the best argu ment against polygamy but this re lationship varies greatly when indi vidual countries ore considered, says the New York Tribune. According to the last estimate of the world's popu lation, made up from the census iu sin glo states, Norway ntitf Scotland are the countries with the greatest rela tive number of women. In these coun tries there are to every 100 men re spectively 107.5 and 107.2 women. The excess of women is also large in Sweden, there being KH'i.5 to every 100 men; lu England, where there are 100, in Denmark with 10.1.1, and in Switzer land, with lo.' The countries of the north In general show a larger popla- tion of women. Of the lands with a more temperate climate Aut-tria has 104.4 women to 100 men, Hungary 101.5 to 100, and France I00.7 to loo. Further toward the south men lie come the nmro numerous. Spain, al most alone of the southern European countries, nuniln rs more females than males, the proportion being 104 to 100. Koumanla, Ntvi and Kuigiiria are nioro innM'ulint', so to speak, there la?' ing for every loo men respectively iwi.4. U4. H and Ut'i.5 women. In Italy the jut re tit age la almost equal, the relation ship laving V',1.5 to 100 in favor of the women. In the United States, say the nillliorities, the older Mutes, ahow a Miiall cxi'i'kh of women anil the new ones nil cxci" of men. There are in the Atlantic ami east crn atates M0. 5 women to 100 men, while In aonic of the Pacific and west ern states there are only fill., women to lot! men. In new countries there la ln variably an exec of men fact nntiiriil mid enay of ex pin nut ion, 1 lie promised hind of women Is still ' . I Thattho RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands in thej front rank with all high grade machtneB, and If you buy one you will make no mistake, sj Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel bef? punctured, it can be mended by you In five minutes, as it is equipped with the world S-j renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago' Ideals For men, women, boys and girls, with 2s, 26 and 24 Inoh wheels, at $05, $55, $15 respect Ivftlv. are snlendid medium trrada whfielR. with Ci. fe J. hitrh-ornflA Hnnhlo lnnbinrr aAaa (jiuiuner urea uuu are iuiiy wurrtuiiuu, Before you buy a bicycTe, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or nail on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- gj mil aim luttiiu. fS FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, (S3 Northwest representatives Gormully & Jefiery Manf. Co's "Rambler Blcvcles." Malnt M Store, 327 Washington rit., Portland, Or. Maj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and P (.1 lecturer. una rAi iirinon, Agt. ior morrow io., neppuer, uregon. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one5 call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. How a Justice of tho Peace Mulcted Bi cycle Klders. "There's a justice of the peace in a country town not far from here," said a bicycler to a liufTulo Express man re cently, "who has a scheme that will make him a millionaire if he sticks to it for a year or two. Yon see the town has an ordinance forbidding1 bicycle riding on the side walks. A good many wheelmen go that way, so what does this justice do but scoop out a hole and make a great birr mud puddle clear across the street right in front of his omce. Of course, when a wheelman comes along, rather than ride through the mud, he turns upon the sidewalk. That's what the justice is waiting for. He has a con stable on the watch, and the two rush out and nab the cycler. 'I was caught in the snare one week. Though I protested I only intended to keep un the walk till I passed the mud, it was of no avail. I was fined live dol lars and had to pny it. I got a chance to look at his book when he was re cording mv fine, and there was a rec ord of some twenty wheelmen who had been served the same way that day, and it was still early in the after noon. 'It made mc mad, and I began abus- inir the old fellow for having such a mud-puddle in the street. ' 'Why don't yon fill it upr I asked, if you want wheelmen to keep in the road?" 'He grinned in a most exasperating manner, and answered without so much ns a blush: ' ' 'Spose we're goin' to destroy such a source of revenue as that tnudpuddle is? I guess not. John.' turning to the constable, "you better take the hose and soften It una little bit ready for the nei:t tucker.' " King of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. , SCIENTIFIC WORKMANSHIP. Four Models-885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL. BRANCHES :-New York, San FrancUco, Salt Uke City, Drovrr, Msinplili, Dei' s.t. Tori::i. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OKEO0N. I. Tr. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. A BEARS line I'ntnt of NOSE. That Is Tory the Animal Nensltlvo. A aportsman ' life waa once aaved Vy . . tri Vro-' " - -.V I T f I1 J P I I I ml mmm iif I iivl rii I n. w li..p.i .v.,n 111 I In. ulili'itt ei il. I,,h hnmr irrV. :THGRrAT.HUnWrjrM oniea the stronger far outnumber, "V '1 " " '.V la, .4. lu,,8;,.,,,. the weaker. In Vicmrlu. New Midi, peculiarities of the bear. Ocn. llanill- s.7?v:vM,.:r.::,v;;;rj f !. a...i .,... Antrim, n. m. v ? u,1l ,,B-,,u,ry,n,hI:rt il l,,, i. ii . Vlv iirkl rw-S3 .1 iii .ii -il. ... i n Southern India. wa out on a bear- w-i-n T:;zv.;KiZt:hZz IT r,;lr;iU1v,,1 W;V fcJ ""J si,..ti,r m,. with . brother f , -. w,.. K V f''i H- EU i V ; - ' " ? r, .lWr. The beater, drove the U-ur a k Tvj;;:::i t 7 v J t r', y :. , -M . X '.., hisi,id..,gl.iace.a,,d ..i...tfro,a (V? t';:?'r,.T;vr;M-;r:.rk 1W'') ":"' x nJ II J i &rZr:;V:JZ J? ' )t Mr: f WIT"OF GREAT MEN. A, the War an open bit of '. MH:,...,i.V.r,.,,h...!,r ' V v V'.-A'i-! VCTTvTi jf! Iirall, l..l...l. nnMd. and the H.t turned iiM.n him. i ViV WQiftfr7- The .r..t,.t f the late Ir.l W hen waa itl,in tow yanla th ' i ...... -.1, .oi .i t w r v- i . ... i .. . . . . ... titaduliiot at d It hit Hamilton tarttsl i' a- i . :v ,1 m OUR STOCK OF . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a.trrcat finnncial sacri- in your business, and as a ficc. You need it matter of business we must sell it. Tin: Pattkrson Puhlisiiing Co. O a I - lii I',.- -i, M I h t fl 1 ! r..ft. It.l t III HmI. V f,t- '"" t' r k 4 i . ! ' . ! I.M l. Il ..! I. .H.I.J .4 m a. Dm t hit. Iwi.. ii II II l..- It r. !-! N iii ..rv utr Inf Ut i,.-. mt M f,- l-wr 1 t,a 1-1 ,-f ib t.rh nrt f 4 Ih ., tl. U 1 ii ' ft,,l4 fr. tti l, . ! , kft...l. lt'.H I ! Ilfc fl lli-atf i'tjii r ii 1 1, rn o I m.lrrf'il I ,r. It !. I- rn. ( I t II n a l.-.r. Ul i II,- lt h i.H ,i . I i P ft,l i l, a ,r, l I.I il It ..,,l . l-. f t .-9m ! rvu. M.m K II, i r-M. I h-f. VI -n II Iii,t.iH l llll i.. wti'h 4 -. im uiw l.-, l... fl.,' I I , f, f,f., t uf m a" I ('I li Uri. II tv I .mimtf Hwtx la y .. i, 'ii H . ) W , MiMt, IH - H M. JO m M vm.4, i .' n i itai,i i.i, k,ct.l W t II. ,,,m o. II lt a .Hi i ! J a ifi 1.1).. ,a.a ia mm mm l,M IH K.,,, ( ttm, , f - .1 rfM. t'n I-.. !. m ln -'. r f J i.m t t - S' . I, ,tmm f,l a.f m-t,. jr i ( ruUi m . i 1 ta 'i ta. ( i I " - ' " I I' t cn ..f t 1 I -!"' f f .1 ,.i t I t,l I , . n t , , . s III - 1 I I. U- I. II ., i-W ! 1 1 " " '"' '' " " '' ""' '" ' '" ' f v t't . . ..................... r, i. , . .i I .. . i i.. i. - a.... i- f ,. ,' I 1 1 - fir " nf . .. r 4 U . - ,..r, 'Wi' ,f I '.' V' Ai H 4 , 5 f KM j a I I. t. I ll il Mf I- ! ! I I I ..,..! , . I ti,. M .,. . i f l' l.l 1 1 h l . h f-t. , t. Ira I ' ' r I . i ' t 4,,''. ft tl1 "t4l j W .4 -. .1 Itt.itM l. I K. "M' tf 4 i I to l w Ifc- t. . ! N fmt ...1,,.., M I i, 4 I o. , . tl., t ,...ii i p il m tr ; s W-.f I IM ... a ..a -I - .ir r, b. . ,m .4.1 a t a ,, . M ' il v. . i .1 1 .. i IH l '4 f l-i I f w u ai'llUli i a!.! at ' f. Cr"!ll h.ii, I' , Flllnj imiv ail tr- piialwiirhlna p Ui ryr anil . Ur llrlilwn, I M T I ,,ri,a aiwt Inlwt , a r'iMr) .trni. Mailita i a I' h I I It T, N m i'ii. ira, t m i 1 1, a a. ai 1W a'l rui aval i tara l'.(i. lu II a a aaa. l iUt n I ImIxm. -tfJ ., ', -f'.' , .,'fA',"t'A ban-U ii i iirreul a t. '. ,' ' !.';'..', 'l Jj.'iiirlt ll- lie t . II r.iirk'i ' ' l ' " " ' " ' J ilrr, win. Ii U iH-rfwvt 1' in V ,1, ai . . i, . .. i.. f It II a Ural . a -! M aaaljriaaa at i tau la . : l-rj lu tVUa.)t m - it lair, i ti llt. ltan. IHai.a irlltf Va.. tiiii'u ,. i.i- i. Nua.aa aaaltaJ laatraxa Il u ira a a. f la rf a. ... .i. i ..i I ... a. , M no a r a. m 4 wa I tS ' I Hi' aaaSa la al - ,ttn f. .11, av " .... I c ra. f ii aa at.u . a.4 a i4 .fl .lv t.irait a.a aav" a t, l i. Im i. l . a a , . a,f.a. i.iili p . ,.. i ir-.. ... tMraa HI iia.m Ml I'll !. I al III 11V a, JtH.ll. al Ml. 'Itla.U llllllia III Ifr la.a, a I. Hit. Ua., he tri' d at the Oliliilul din- Her of Un unity nifrieulturnl a-wlety at , li lnirv. ,iiiim( tlie eoiiiimny Hiillie New York I 'oat, wnaa fanner In Hie iii'llilHirli.aKl. a aon of the Km eriil.l lale, an, u rrd h.'l rdi.'a1. Tin? e.nium ii. etin nt of Mr. Iiri li'a H-e. naa fri-.tii'iitly i linraeteried bv an iilm.t ih -Infill li-itati.iti, and on tin i,.iM,.ii tin. f.r.ii-riiiif a rvrii lu..ri. ii..iei -able tli.iu but Die n-1'i-M. i-i- were Vi ry briv'lil. and tin niint.-r of f.-iu-p a r 'ly with nrry tf aniit. ; nU liji." erii-d the 1 inniii ."r-t i.ti r lie lm. rn.l n !nti the trap. 'Wait. tn frU lid," rvu I llvf iiu-ii,Ih r, "It a-ieni' time (, brit'if my Id. t-i yuur, M,in on.-. .I..t. , in, .re nr l.'M ntaa, t ltl, be la . ii urn lit aa t.i tin' it nf lUr nii t'ne. Iii- iMiIa.tlv autlu titti'. la hara. ti ri.t ,. of lK man On one iv i a.n lie i lilil. li aun.ird by thrv iMiiiif un 11. li a raite, m 4-arlnif their data, lie apfrantl f.rr Un" tinir h.. l.l tl"t ! Itll lll. but trm-aT'tlll t.l I' ll Ina ail-In in r of a iit h bad paid l.i l Jc ai.h .iiiit' viii.. "Minn I rn- t.i run. but tripjied oer a rock and fell flat on hia faee. The larar waa upon him Itmtantly and tlie aportaman, lookinif otrrr hia aliiiul.U-r. Raw into the War a mouth aa tlie brute made a frali at him. Tin a 1 1 1 ti i.i I c;ii;k'lit him by the thlK'h and I'lniiol him. K tin un.' that a War a iiiim. U vrrr tx-iiMtire, Hamilton hit Iuiii arfrral ban! blowa on thu noac, 1 he U ar, unabl to rndurr the pain, let pii, nil. I, Wfiir he eiitild prt hold arnm, llamiit.m waa up the hill. Ih is .in J nl. .ti ran tip and kilted the War by a ball tlimtvli la hrart. Hut the War a e'a a had laid open llamit tn'a thli;h to the Woe. and h waa la Wl f.r month. IE -: WITH. Tur lntrrimtnril anitrT ("onfpr-! & r ti.'.' li.-n in araai,.n at I'aria f.iniiu TJ latr I iiii;.rtant maaure ti prerrnt tin- ln-u piliTrim fMio oprradiriaf ' IB : c h..l. r Ne la lli tiro to get lha Weakly tlrfrfi.riiaii, t)i (raalaat pa,ef nf II, Weal. W lib lbOateltr,b.ilb atnet. I ly lo a lane,f"t oca jar, fl. Nn Wlir , wm PUIS ! Yomv I'OUX I) to TnU,. znu va lit .Hi-.. I ll, at the pra-at mark t.f , , ' ,. . f .-.ik 1 1 m. t i It.rit it on I i.l I iri f ,t . H rrr j pi.t nr.' in a 1""' 0,1 dint la ma in A anraaerirta. Lcnvcs No Constipation,- ii. .-i,-. la Ih tal. IWt.laai ai (It aa a remim an al.lltl.'ral jnqrnal.tta V-h ...I I'l.hl.a aa a -...-nllr mm. ,r iu la ! atid itr-nr. (' It. aa rll all It llmn.neaa, -ir !a.lael anj Malaria. Tha --I. o rill In !,. nrl.l. H,, ,y .n rtrar..t. e ,ati k. T , ' .7. ' . 7 i -a t -a. M.I..1IISH NU nLm. Ill California ttlraet