. NOT ASICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! BESTCT OF USING AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually-as a result of con-stipation-irom dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wkttstein, Byron, III. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Saraaparilla Strengthens the System. VYi'tAnitari 55 SUN MONTtjnWEP I TiliJ I FRI I SAT ! 2 I 5 4- 3 Q 7 8 9 10 JJ 12 5 '5 16 II ' 18" 19 20 TT 22 25 2 J- 26 27 Jt930 1 ti3 I cb I (e ' op TIME TABLE. Staye for Hardm.n, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaven aa follow! : Every day at a. m., except Hunday. A rrlvea every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and beat Hue to or Iroin the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Cohn, AKent. Extra Palt Star Brewery Baar In Pint Bottloi can be bad only at the City Hotel Bar! Where hltih grade Llquora and ClK.ri are also kapt by Ti-d. Here and There. Millions ride tba ltanibler. Ika EddIs has biryoles lo rent. Clrouit oourt ia grinding today. Mrs. Ssrsh Donaboo stent Hnndsy at Arlington. Entertainment at lbs opera bouse Tbttrsdsy evening. Tba Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walls. Wash, James Hsma, of lbs Hardman oonntry, is 10 attendance at oourt. Petar Brenner, of Eight Mite.Usmoog ths court visitors Hits week. Geo. Fell arrived boms (mm I'rsiris City oo Fridsy evening's stage. Psnl llietmsn, of lone, is ona of lbs jurors attending court (bis week. La Gr.nds Marble Works, I .a (trends Ore. H. 0. Hruilti.saliwroen, Ueopner. ti B. Kpeuliliog, of tbisconnty, was discharged from tbs Insane asylum last Batorday. Condon Glob-: Jobuale Kea-ney left Wsdaeslay for Eugsns, to visit bis rels' lives a few days. Wills k fclocnro's grocerv department is complete. They ars aslltog goods st osl end mora to. c,f For tba finest eoofortinneries and freshest frails call on W. L. Hsliog si Jerry Oobn's old sUoJ. Wsotad-FU'O or fancy sing. Will grt o I ha bnriM or taks sewing al boms. . . - I f -fwl e Mrs. Mary llaoderson Wills A rMneum are s-lling a seamless fast black b pl " Weenl hue Id town fur only 13 oats. 6 f Jetk La r-turo1 from Mw Friday, br ba bad in stalling aitb bis n.rnU fr tbs p" l T. W. Ajrs end wif and Ernes! Kirk dei.art! the UUr r !! bri-f sJ mro al Malta (fit spro. I. P. Ktrhora. a i-k b-iyrf ft Tbs j I),ll-a, arrttl vtir i a-w, . st.l rel of ff"" Ibis tocU A. A. Jin. ' , of Ibis di.if.ei, flaws np ,r".T ... ? o m lo stun Unc- 't Ibts ' Mrs Fmil rn an n.w.,.j train f.r M"on'"ln. ! lo siwoJ tl J ""''"' itb fnn'l. tllHS! Vi.lllbg A K Watt, righl of V f r lbs nil AN srTiV-4 iMt wigbl'S irsio. ,l. .V ik. . nr... in ths ur st i - - ---- -1 I tt l.inh la Wafa. Imt r htt.l I I -if lire r.f a litavloh 1 . Ilk Mff.fitla. for ... .' - 1 ba f .fta. e-fla iiy. mvn waaii'v . Aaf'a m fr?f.l.! - ii sUrseperti fsw ..y w-- ' o.n ...ara m It In r. ms asl r ,b t-"' na-f tf6'.li o4fcstiIO'. Lost SomewhArann Ikarnoil Ulun Umatilla and Kennewick, Wash., a pocket book containing a small sum of money, a few receipts and a note due fonr months from date, issued May loth, in favor of Sterling Smith and eigned by Q. W. Wells, both of this oity. This property can be of no value to the finder, however, he will confer a great favor by returning same to Grove Smith, of thia oity. 4 ij The C. M. Grimes oatlle shipment, consisting of nine carloads, went down on yesterday's train. This shipment goes to the Union Meat oomnany. Mr. Grimes departed yesterday afternoon for the Haystack country, where he ezpeotg to gather and drive over 15 carloads wbioh will be shipped from tbis point the first of next week. Yon cannot be cbeerfal or happy while your liver is disordered, life is but a weary bnrden to persons so afflioted. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and kidney Balm is the right thing to put this organ into healthy condition. It inoreneps the seoretion of bile, stimulates the kidneys and restores the organs of the body to the proper performance of their functions. Price $1.00 per bottle. The jurors and witnesses before the grand jury were summoned to appear yesterday, and as a result rather a large orowd of people were in town, though no court was held owing to the faot that it was Labor day, a legal holiday. Conse quently no court session could be legally held. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and bs the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, tbis will oertsinly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Quite a difference of opioiou relative to Labor day seems ta exist. This was formerly the first Monday in June but was chnngnd by the last legislature to the first Monday in September. Yes terday was the third general observance of Labor day in Oregon. Wra. Budio arrived from Long Creek Sunday afternoon in private conveyance to be in attendance at the present term of court. Mr. Rudio reoently disposed of bis merchandise store in that burg, and expects now to give bis entire atten tion to stock business. A baoking cough keeps the bronohial tubes in a state of constant Irritation, which, if not speedily removed, may lead to ohronio bronohitis. No prompter remedy can be found than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effeot is immediate and tbe result permanent. Mies Eva Bbea. daughter of James Rhea and Miss Iva Mitohell, daughter of Ob Mitohell, departed Saturday for The Dalles, where both will again enter tne St. Mary s academy for the oomins sonool year. The school opened yester day morning, E. H. Clarke, tbe wool buyer, and J V. Tallraan, one of Pendluton's leading druggists, were in Heppner for a abort time Saturday, having driven over from the Teal springs and Camas prairie coun try, where they spent a few days last ween Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of trio city meat market where be kceos fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, vesl, sausage, bacon and lard, which be sells for the lowest market prioe. Fred Bock, the Portland butcher, is still witb biin. tf Wills & Slocum are now in a position to give tneir customers some rare bar gains in dry goods, hoots and shoes, as tney buy nearly all or tbe above men tioned direot from the faotories, thus saving me middle mau's profit. 6tf O. F. Walker, the Portland stock buyer, oame op on Friday evening's train to reoeive two carloads of sbeep for shipment to Seattle markets. He failed to get any sheep ready for market so de- parted tor Portland yesterday. J. C Borohers returned last Friday from Portland witb tbe necessary stook and yesterday opened np the hotel bar with a fresh consignment of liquors and oigars. Chris now has charge o( both the hotel and bar. Miss Ada Rhea returned home last Friday evening from an extended visit with relatives st Hillaboro. During ber visit sbe also joined a reoreation party for a brief sojourn at tbs coast down at Newport. UllbODsen li'oa. are now located al Fossil. From that place tbey writs the Gazette that after Ibeir tour over tbe oouotry tbey expect to return to Hero ner and build a gallery for a permanent location E. O.: Pete A Hen, son of Ed. C. Allen, fell while climbing tba barber pole in front of tbs Golden Rule hotel, and strnok on bis back against Iba bydrsnt ills injuries will not prove permanent, Dr. Holmes, one of tbs participants in tba recent shooting scrape in Portland is sgain able to attend lo bis profeaoiooal duties. Vt. Ansploni Is not so forto oste, Iboogb be is rapidly recovering. Born To tba wife of 0. N. Peck, near Lexington, a chart time sloes, an sight pound boy. Mother again sbla lo lsvs Iba botisa, however, we learn tbat Peck is still in quite a preoarious eondition. W. L. Halloa has pnrcbued tba oon frctionerv store formerly run by Lome - , X'".fc',. U . ..... W-- V..MU 1 1, II U UMI nw...t .......I. I- ..J iyll continue business at Ibis stand. Tempertno drinks, each as ice cream soda, lemon ad and oraoge cider oiahed np in royal stylo by W. L haltog Hivial attention is called ki orsngs oi'ler as a oool and refrrabiog drink. Morrow oonntr m bow visild with showers of rsin alrnnat dally. In fart It can rain hers Jn-t as ily as In the val ley wbn tt gts started. Tbs only Iron b'.s is In getting it started. Captain Hney, V. H. A , Han Iii,o, CL say : "Hhilob's Cats-rb lUmed v Is tbs ft rat ratdmine I have ever found that wnnld d'l ma any good." Price blc. T. W. Ay era, Jr. Nets Mtgnnun r timed from Tl tiatnMaV AVMfiltitf hvltiult.tf him ll'J'l llanov. Al'ri !, UVMs, Jet l'-m, W. II. Carry od Win. Pleititnon. Joe Wolery esme op trim 1 n ) lerday on bis bicrr. J recently r. turn J Ir'.rn a u I with b'-m f k rxMk In liiifi. He rrtorts a very plraasnl lira. W. L Hl i.- h Jit rrl coo. - 1 .!. I. ...I I ... . f gr t, f Mum. sod .-.re. i ol Bos ffoil li"Hd mails ...( , bMI tiUlli.il LOf. lolln aliU Croup C'lra, la la gfe.l i-iii.i... Curkft am mU iiS I wrfiiy fly. duar. i nly Xk. If'i .ll... I.... If W .1 I h 1 U Atara i . j ' Wh.t-t.r may t- th. e,n. of M.nrh. I m.ina mir m-j u ........ i w na mni- i . .... 7. ... .. . . , . n i. , a,..., hf i?,ananr iiai inani farrif.ir ! Uli t ri-i.ian h-.ii f.-i.-. r. i 1r Xt ( rr-kff m H.pt.lllhl'l lim. lr.ni..'. t-row ' to tm ff inf i f f nmt or j iv.rtas sis sifss j; in traisieg. Very Cbeottabls. Last Sanday eve oing the Christian Endeavor society of tbis City rendered a program that had been especially prepared for tbe occasion that was all in all very creditable Dot only to the society but also to those who participated. The Endeavor meetsevery Sunday afternoon, but as it was thought there would be no servioes in Heppner last Sunday this special program was sr. ranged for the occasion. Tbe Endeavor subject for tbat date was "Enthusiasm." This was taken up and discussed at tbe evening meeting by Messrs. James Hart and Harry Bagley, both of whom de livered very interesting addresses. Misses Eva Brians Bnd Lillie Bisbee also each gave a reoitatioh appropriate tor the oc casion. Special preparation bad also been made by the choir, and as a result number of excellent selections were rendered. Rev. Jenkins closed tbe meet- ng witb a few fitting remarks, congratu lating tbe Endeovor on the eucoess of tbis their first effort, and urged them to continue tbis plan of work. Among the numerous persons who have been cured of rheumatism by Cham berlain's Pain Balm, mention should be made of Mrs. Emily Thorue, of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have never been able to procure any medioine that would relieve me of rheumatism like Cbamber- ain s Pain Balm. I have also used it for lame back with great suooess. It is the best liniment I have ever used, and take pleasure in reoommending it to my friends." For sale by Slooum-John- son Drug Co. Death of Mrs. T. J. Allyn. Word was reoeived in Heppner yesterday after noon of the deBth of Mrs. T. J. Allyn, wife of T. J. Allyn, of lone, which oo- curred early yesterday morning, being brought about by Bright's disease. Mrs. Allyn has suffered greatly during the past year snd for tbe past month has been confined to ber bed the greater portion of tbe time. Early last week she was taken to Portland for treatment at tbe hospital, but the physician in formed Mr. Allyn that nothing oould be done tor ber. He at enoe returned home with ber, arriving lust Thursday, when she gradually grew worse until death came at the above stated time. The remains will be interred this after noon at Lexington. The many friends of Mr. Allyn extend to him their sincere sympathies in this bis sad hour of sffliotion. Everywhere We Go We find someone who has beenonred by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and people on all hands are praising this great medicine for wbat it bas done for them and their friends. Taken in time Hood's Sarsapa rilla prevents serious illness by keeping tne Diooa pure and an the organs in a healthy condition. It is the great blood purifier. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca thartic with every one who tries them. 25u pur box. An Entertainment. Under the aus pices of tbs teachers' institute an eloou- tionary entertainment will be given at tbe opera bouse next Thursday evening by Mrs. E. E. Baloomb, wife of Prof. Baloomb, of tbe Monmouth State Nor mal Sohool, assisted by local talent. This entertainment will also be inter spersed witb appropriate vocal and in strumental music An all around ad mission of 25 oents will be oharged. Box sheet at W. L. Sitting's store. Call on him for reserved seats. This entertain ment will without doubt bs one of tbe best we bsve had this seson,and no one oan afford to miss it. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in thia vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Brioelaod, Cal. "I was taken witb it sod suffered severely until somenn calh d mv attention to CIihiu berlain's (Jolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and flt better after tbe first d'se. Before one bhlf of tbe bottle bad been need I wss well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was Ihe same. Ws II unite in saying it is the best." Fur sale by Kloootn-Johnsoo Drug Co. Fist Fat iT.-W A. Fisher, Iba fruit man from tbs Haystack oouotry, was in Heppner tbe Utter part of Isat week witb a One load of almost atery kind of fruit imaginable. Mr. Fisher reports his fruit very fins this season, though this is nothing nnnsaal aa be bsa a bountiful fruit bsrvest every season. This is bis first trip tbis year, bnt from tbis lima on bs expects to ba wilb ns almowt avery week nntii tbe frail season ia over. Finher has tbs thanks of the entire Os teite force for a fine sample I mix of his products and several very succulent melons, which were certainly diapoaeJ of aitb at proprists despatch. Bar A ra Ira Halve. Tba beat salve in lbs world for ruts, IiruiaHi, Mure, Ulcers, Mall Rbenm, Fever Horea, letter. Cbspped Hands, CbtlbUins, CurM. and all skin eruptions snd jxmttlvely onrts 1'iIm, or Bo psy required. It is gttk'anloed to give pa '(act satisfaction or money refanded. riPe 2-1 cent per box. For sl by T. W. Ayera. Jr. r"i Flint roB Hi.k. lames Ilager m q-uniity of very fins fruit whiob 1 hs will dii"Mi of at pnc sod on terms Ibul sre rertatsl; vry revinabU. linns and prune a t-n oil rr pnnd and pr i t'i fii U,.i, tlao i tko In i' h'iif f it II l fruit si U e-ui per lei'hrl iUlir- .1 Vr lligr's I. Tk a IiiUk cf cpi(ir- I'ltiltjr .i g I fl'.e f:i;'. i.; n f f.i.1, ' figure. I A 7 l)n..; i -Mf, . ln.lliUr, tMit'l h Mrs. Win Wa-fea, i no prr ('. I l'i it i all kin N of dfrwutliiiig In M, Utr.i c ( .il.. I'etf.ct tcfn. Iiti gn.rtiie. jehtiitlitl I 'l.ll r.g, si I. Main trl. f, rff. Allatail Ika aliM.ttllftf.aa flfll.ifim.lil I , n h,, i,,, Iv ! I l ofa-lay l.iO, a.t.. -i". . . .' '". .Nj sitrs ibafg jf rwfTi a,u. V.f. F. C lU rmH .-. I w.f. sff.t fm J.,f,, I t,r,n.a t. m e- liriing i. u,f it..iiii' wti'ti i ot.te4 in this ci! ; l(m',rrw. THR PORTLAND EXPOSITION. The Portland Industrial Exposition will open on Ootober 5th and close on November 5, 185, lasting just one month. To tbe oredit of tbe exposition tbis year it may be said it will be con ducted on a different plan from that of 1891. It is being promoted entirely by tbe business men of Portland instead of by an imported boomer as last year. The business men of the metropolis have subsoribedvthe sum of $10,000 to be used to make the big fair a suocess, and suffi ciently attractive to invite inspection by people from all parts of the northwest. The admission tbis year has been re duced to 25 cents, or just one-halt the orioe oharged in former years. Mr. Charles H. Dodd is chairman o the ex position oommittee, Mr. Charles H. Hunt, superintendent of tbe exposition- and Mr. E. 0. Masten, secretary, which faot, when taken into consideration the busi ness interests of thtse gentlemen in the northwest, insures success to tbe enter prise. il. S. Pague, the U.S. weather bureau man who manufactures the weather for Oregon, is chairman of the oommittee on state and County exbioits. Mr. Pague very much desires an exhibit from this county, and to this end will see that free transportation is furnished all exhibits. Tbis matter should be taken in band by someone who bas time to look after it, and who will see that Morrow oounty has a creditable exhibit at tbe Oregon Industrial Exposition. None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods but they were all turned awsy under the application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medioines and nostrums. Ihe deoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in etteot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is not a patent medioine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits. Captain Paul Webb Dies. Tbe Captain Paul Webb who had bis back broken up in Idaho died at tbe Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane, and tbe Spokesman-Review says: "Captain Paul Webb' is dead. James Stewart, assuming tbe name of the man who won fame and fortune by bis daring exploits, tried to do as much, not for empty notoriety or quiokly spent riches, but for a cause truly noble at tempted a dangerous feat indeed, and death is the result. To save the borne of his aged father and mother down in the pretty Willamette valley be tried to ride down tbs long log shuts near Cicnr d'Alene oity in bis patent barrel. In the rapid descent it jumped from the shuts and, striking the rocks below, bis back was broken. Tbe best medical skill was secured, tbe most gentle of nurses were at bis bedside, but after eight weeks of suffering death has at last eased bis pains." A I'lnnter's Recommendation. Mr. J. W. VenBble, of Downey, a pio neer of Los Angeles County, Cal., says "Whenever I am troubled witb a pain in tne siomaon or witu amrruoea l use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diur rhoea Remedy. I have used it for years, know it to be a reliable remedy, and reo ommend it to every oue." For sale by Slooum-Jobuson Drug Co. AUT AHMKKMAN'8 OI'IMUN. Editor Gazette: I just rooeived a letter from Art Am' meruiao, and aa so many friends inquire of me about Art, I seud yon a portion o bis letter. He wrote: "I found my folks all living and well. I alao am well snd np In Potter county, Pa., in tbs lumber couutry and stn get ting g'rod wages. Times ars better hers tban io Oregon sod tbers is lots of busi ness going on and great many men looking for work. Wagei from 1 So to fl.G.) per day without board, but s msn might a well be in I lie penitentiary as working for many of lbs eastern firms. Tbey thiuk niau is no better than s dog. I like tbe west and it limes wers good there I would be back io leas than week." C. N. r-E. Lf.iinotum, Or., Sept. 2, IH.iS. 0. F. White, the hotel keeper at Wil lows, came np on laet sveuing's train to attend court. A. IW.rd arrived Kuridsv from the F sil country itu bead of call Is for T. A. KhtHi, whloh r drlivwred li (J. M. Grimes for shipment )rtr Jy. J. M. INZr, deputy eonnty clerk of Umatilla ootiuijr, aooompaiiiKd by bis wif and r ! I I.J, I vmiliiig with bis brothers, J. W. snd H.in, ol this oity. Karl's Clover Itot, lbs gr-t III.kmI paritlor, givrs frmhneM snd olrsriinMi to Ids Oimplrnion snd cnrs (Nn.iiptioa, il dm., IM ct... I . rf.U by T. W. Ayers. Jr. Mm Y.i IlrinDs drp.it. I hi nwin fur M.Uui to vi.il with ir at tli.l .lve. Afters tiriff ti.it there i she will go lo M iiiTO'iOth wlipre eh. will enlr lit Mnniiiouib Normal fur the Ooriiirg si'bl yv.r. KABL'2 IW.hI y linirrwa'art t y (aa I CfiaabAa Si4t.iAitayf.ara. MitifU. IrM. at.!.! ffavafrvai Iful IK awa Trafrt. IfA tri.TT-iawiTrrirrftTi nw iiur Mm 1 au aavt um. rif Mi l.y 1 '. ti . i.'i Any ii..rii..f In l.'fu lln mhn ,laifa t,a a.rir Iff an klt'iM, III lili,l I'. I,", Will f'.d il li Lis S'!l,l t I p! iO Of lra, ,, I 4, an utm Pure Blood Il the secret of the restoration to bealti Which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives. "It gives me pleasure to recom mend Hood's Sarsa parilla. It has cured tne1 at many com plaints, and puri fied my blood. I was troubled with my liver, had hip disease and other troubles, with s well- s lng of my ankles. For a long time 1 had to walk with a cans. For several v4ii years' I was gradual- breaking down. I had the grip1 in a severe form. I procured six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and it built ma np. My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla. All my ills have gone and I feel like a new person. I sleep wellandeatheartilv." mbs. charlotte J.klly, iiaywards, Cal. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominent ly iu the publio eye today Try it. Ul). tSsii curs' habitual constlpa- UWU a tlon. Price 2fio. ner box. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. The Massillrjn Engine X Thresher Co. PORTLAND. OREGON. Oregon Good Enough. At a meeting reoently held in a neigh boringtown the preacher sprung that old worn-out ohestnut, "All who wish to go to heBven to stand up." All but one man is said to have instantly jumped to their feet. The minister witb surprise de pioted on bis face, advanced down the aisle saying, "Why, Bro. , do yon oot want to go to heaven?" "No." re plied the man. "Oregon is good enonch for me." liflst, Btrayed or Stolen. A bay mare, six years old. branded watch key, has a young oolt. Was last seen between Heppner and Hardman. Five dollars reward will be paid for ber return to E. J. Kkenet. 41-lf. Heppner. Oregon. Fred Fon 8alh. Tbe M. 0. L. A T. company have a full stock of all kindsof feed, such as ohop, mill feed, barley, etc, which will be sold st reasonable prices. Don't negleot to see tbem for same. 63tf 'Twill paint your cheeks, cnrl your hair and put a smile on your face that time alone oan only wear sway : Baling's orange cider. (Jounty oourt begins its September session tomorrow. Commissioners Baker and Howard and Judge Keithley will all probably be in stteudanoe. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day eicept Sunday. (Shortest and oheap est route to the interior. 1. Oohn, agent. TIMHr.K CL'LTUKK. f AND OFFIf'E Til K DAl.t.F.K, IlKKdON, Ciilllhlnllit li.vlliff Imhhi hii. 1 J Auk. '.', I'i'. i.tihI m thin nitli'. Iiy Henry ( rmner mr.uiit Nim-I I) Hin I lnr l 1 1 ii ri' lirnm)r wllh law to IImiImt rnlturx Kntry Nn. Jill, iintnl (tt to- n-2l Iwm, tiHin tho H'j HK1, .ml e1, BW'4, H. TII1111 . Tnwiinhlp 4 H . I(misi2.'i K lit Mnr row County, (irrif"ii. wllh . view to Ilia csnrol. I. tloii of mi l riitry.contcauiit .llr.lii( IIM the ll.lllM.r...ltllir.t la t. Ii.a ,...( 1... n II..I I . I. . Hint Ilia Kiilfyiiimi liu nrvnr lirokrn or ilowri lint rvnori-a ol thr a.lil tnu't anil thla oiiIt lor the flrat year, .nil aui li lullnra atlll ailala. lha sin I'urlli-narr iiorciiv nininiiliiwi to aiiiKar at una iim.'H nn tli "in nay ol m-tolwr. wtu. t 10 o i Iik .. in.. In rraiMitnl aul luriila i Irnilinniiy riiniiTiiliiK ini .IIpkp la 1 1 urn. J. W. Morrow, ruinity rli-it, la .nthorl-l to la. a thn trail, ninny In aal'l raw al hla oSir. at llriiiir, Mnr rnw ronnty.un tli lat U.y o (h i..ht. l't, Bt III o l ira k a. In. JAS. . MH)KK, !! KruliUT TO TAXI'AVHIM V'TlfROF VFF.TIN'I OF roiNTV BOAKfl 11 nl t,.iiallall"il. lowlimn It may rom rii mttlfx la lii'fi'l.jr ilirli that tli. H.asr.l ol KH.I tailin lur Hi, i'oiiiity ml Morrow, aut. o lira will imo'l al Ilia oRira ol th.roiu.ty rli-rk ol aal'l roiinly ami Halo o'l Momtay, tli. JM lay ol ..l-iiil-r. a-i4. aii'l roiillima In a'aalon lur nua wwli tlirrvft,r. Any M.ronnr Maona navuif any ronipiaiina ifi inaai win aH.r tlii. tliiiaalwrc iiiimiIIoiumI. J. F WII.I.I4, .1 olllily Aaaraaof, MITICK OF IMKNIIciN. I AVIIOFKi F. AT I.A HllAMlF. OKK(ilJ 14 aiiiiiii ii, l"' MMIiw la livrriiy ln II. al lli lollow lftr iiamr.l arltlrr liaa fllil no tli f ol hla Inl'Mitlon i, (naka Soal irai III aup. I.ri oi i.iai lann. ai.'i ihal aal'l .i'. .III I tnal liiora J w. Morrow, nii.ty fl'l.rk, al ll'l(ner, n iron on n w.ir . i.ii, via: iiMM W. I Allr V. Il l A..l. allon So fHl, lof Ui fit (W. t, II tiami4. lha lollnwlng w IIih aa.a lo mva hla r.iiiiliiMoiia iraHriKi u'iu .ml rultliallon 1 1 t - ri r. " . m oi. aai'i iii.il, vir Mai ll.iph.a J.w K l..r. Nir. MrCiiUoiifh. nnii.iH iiMao-w. .u oi iir..i.r. ir on M F. Wll.x-11. M-TKK ur INTENTION. ku orru at tmf i.ai t ra. oi(rifij A.i,.l i. Iv. S..II. t,-i. l. an an II. follow In iiml aiilrr haa pla.l hq. I hr Itiivt.Hon lo n.afea Anal iioof In a-ira- l l.i r, al..., a'. i liial aal'l .i..( a ill h l..r J M'.rroa, I i.nniy I lr, at if, iirt'n. nnmuiiar.. iii,iu At'liIK Al l KM. R So l lor h a , M i. ar M .ml lha ', " nip Hal.a M a. t.ait.-a II. ..l!oai.a a It iaara In rr,.. I"t ro.lii,'io..a rral lPi,. Mm.m .O'l f llllltallo. of. aal'l 'ai.'l If u.i. jamin la'apf, A -la ln. I. w lawta. hf llaf'ttoan, liifflon, lu.i.rl ii.ini'.'.. ol U'-iiiftl .-.. r, w'.nr.. ; Ki.i.r. Admini$tfator't Hotict i.'tT or I 4 r -.". Vl'a aSH "l F HkS. I.r V..lw I ta !.. i.-n. it.. I ll I a I" la". n l-l II.. aal.la ..I M . I at. .1.. l. w.f iifnlal l 11. I 1 f f ' l on III !. flaf ol .., il, .a, I, Ii. l. "il flfl . M"llow l.lf Ail wf l.a . t ai a acal- ai aai'l .! r ; I, .j riM I. , . I i i.H 11,..., If, n. I"f a.if.aa.M, ; i,f, i..o. in M.f l '.. i ...ititt i.f.. sii.i., i .......ii.. a i ir it. fial inl 1 1.1a imiIw or i l i.,i...r i . r , . i 1 I . II. -t.l ..I A ..t I-.. i...H'.f W I llll , 'I A'l.ali ianal.f ft f fi.aJ iiifait N"!! H III til 11) I. A tw.li. ittn f ii i I s .,...t 4 M....... M i ! W llflt I .V;:"r;u,,.,.''"',' K Nearing the (80 OCR COMPETITORS SAY.) Rumbling Noises The Earth is Getting Hot, Church Members are Rowing! Smoke is issuing from several places in the city, the hissing of escaping steam startles tbs people. Causes of the Commotion lst. 2nd. Srd. 4th. CALIv ON. MINOR & And tbey will explain We Are Not Excited, But DON'T FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON CO. Are Still in Business In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but as long as our friends Btay witb us, we will continue to sell honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want Groceries , Hardware, Willowware, and UNIVERSITY 1 8.)5 fTUE UNIVEIWITY OF OHKGON, Q to all students. Young men can oormiinry ior a uvi fr wm, ivoompr. iui-diho ilieir own linen. lonog womso ars provided board in privat families st tv'l () r erk. Young womsa desiring board should s.1 Irree Prof. John Young Women's Cbriatian A.soeialioo, bsccslsnresta degree, Uai-belor of Arts, Isra witb Oirre.pondiiig eonraas of study. offered: An Kngliah oooraa loa-lmg iu Ibroa years to tba title gradual in Engliah; an advam-o.1 oon raw for gr.diialfs ol normal schools leadiog to Itia degre master of plsgiigy ; A Hire years rooms In civil angioeering leading to lbs degree civil snginaer; a eonr.sof Iwo years for learbara of phyalr.l aliiralioa lealmg to a diploma ami lbs title direotmr of pbysKal sduoaimn. Tba rnlver.il charges sa incidental fee of ten dollars whiob la payable In alvanoa by all atadmts, Hlodents holding diplumss from His publio sobools and iboas bavlag ten hats' eertifleales ara a.lmlttel lo the preparatory department witbont siawmation. Thoww ieiritig Ihf.if in.ilini regarding lbs pf paratory deparlmeal sboold sd lreas Iba I lean, N. I Narreg.n, Eugen. For eatalogawa and iufortnation aMrM C. II. CHAPMAN, PiVHiile iit, or J.J. WAIrON. Hwntary, Kuuimio. Onon. 'fir I i it t .2 12 X?r; m Mliiwin NOTARY PUBLIC (IllUJiDll CONVEYANCER j v no s Last Days Are being heard all around Hepp ner; ghosts are beginning io walk dogs are running with cans short behind them; gnash ing of teeth, stamping of feet, as well as confusion on all sides. Minor & Co. are selling goods at less than competitors can buy them. The heavy loads arriving daily by rail, Jars the earth. What can they do with that mass of goods ? Why do three-fourths of the people go there to trade T COMPANY, how tbis is all done. Are Here for Business I Tinware, Wool and many other things. Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, snd wben tbs boy dons the man's bat lie is "out of sight." Likewise the msn who pro vides himself with ons of T. R. HOWARD'S bats, snd also purobases bis Groceries, Oigars, Tobaooos and Gents' Furniab ings at this estsbliHliment where Ihe freslipat and latest of the above lines re kept. Thn is alao tbs place for Htookmen's (Supplies, ss Una .tore makes specially of everything required by this olaas of trade. And a casual observer will not fail to nollre Ihal our sheep snd cattle men taks sdvsntsgs of this fsot. KememW tba plaoe aww HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Fonr doors south of lbs (Jitj hotel. OF OREGON, - J 80(3. EI GKNF, OREGON, tlTurs free tuition obtain board, lodging, Lest snd light in Str.al), Eugene, Orrgon; or Sn rrtary Eugpoe, Tba Univer.ily olTrrs tbrea Ilsolirlnf of Ho ir lire and !! helor of Irt- Tbs following .hortor oourae. ars sImi two years Ii a busioeas diploma and In Monmouth, Ore. A lr.ltili.ff a. Hfto f..r !. I,.. r'f.o,.lfia etghl ffvl itau.li.f .i in..., i n .., i,( ).,..!,.; ii. a ai. l i a lf.nl' i...iia.a The Diriema af Ilia seheel entitles ana lal.a.nieaey eaueiyin ihaaiaia wllh wl ffirthaf saemlnallee. fi'i1 an! Mit. Uaika .'M inHi.-n r ur -af fWanilfid .n't ha ll t.il I., all .n, Sn aalonr a Tt... m -I .I. , .i. 1 lot a. M lfin4 I' hf, II.. . K .a . . f i.l m,iaii.l bnt. !... I aia. 4 ' ' I.il'i..y . it nu ai 1 1, all. m Allr-aa t I. rAMI-hri t. Of W, A. WIV hMi Lt-t w la.afy. CAM, AT STATE NORMAL SCHOOL