i OUR PRODUCT BUT THEIR CREDIT. The following from the New York Sun shows that Oregon pro daces a great deal of very fine fruit, but California has been get ting all the credit for some years past. However, a change in busi ness is being made: "Oregon and Washington people have lately started to boom their state products for eastern con sumption in a large way. They are particularly anxious to sell fruit in the east because there has been a notable development in the fruit-raising industry of their reg ion of late years. They are mak ing the novel claim that much of California's reputation for fine fruits has been made on Oregon and Washington products. Great quantities of fruits from these states have been sold to California buyers, and, it is alleged, shipped east as California fruit. A recent case offered in proof is the receipt of an order by a Salem, Or., can nery from a California fruit pack ing house for 500 cases of canned cherries, "to be shipped without la bels." The inference is that the fruit would be labeled as California pro duct and sent east. Under the now policy of booming their own state the cannery managers de clined to fill the order." Sen. Paine is weeding out the insane asylum. This is correct The asylum is neither a poor farm nor a reformatory. Or.EGOX has had a great deal of smoke this fall. But this is noth ing compared with the political smoke back in Ohio and Kentucky. Parents, Don't Worry! Paine's Celery Compound Strengthens Nervous Child- The different committees of the I Portland exposition are very active, and from all appearances the ex position will be the best ever held. ren A diamond swindler attempted operations in The Dalles a few days since, and as a result now languishes in the county jail. His brilliancy was false. IIakdin and Blackburn, of Ken tucky, can plead precedent. Cleve land himself ran for president and spurned the platform, or construed it to suit himself. Inter-Ocean. The Nebraska democratic con vention which roceutly met was largely in favor of the free coin ago of silver, The administration elemont secoded and have decided to hold a separuto convention. Of courso they won't carry tho state, but then they can test their strength on tho financial question and find out just whero tho party stands. That's some consolation, you know. Jon Micmar., formerly editor and proprietor of tho Tinies-Moim-taiueor, of The Dalles, has di KHod of that pnper to James I). Doutliit, formerly of I'rinovillo. And now this paper that has advo cated ropulil ioHiiiniii hinco way back in tho 00'h, will in the future "wlioop'er up" for tho democracy. It in roportod that Mr. Mioliell will begin tho practico of law. Atlanta will not permit the bull flht, and Texan may yet ntop tlio pri.o fight. However, the Hrt can go ilowu to Kentucky and witneHd tint oViuoenitie light. It in getting to be a warmer con. test every day, and before election, will ba altnut M eiciting iih either of the other content. Mlt. Fitzsiv scons, who in lo carry ou thnt tlolmtn with Mr. (Vrbctt, linn been nnturalied, mid iit now a full-fledged Am.'iieau citizen. It will not do for him to nllow any in nn to pull Inn lion now. That might armwr-r for a Hritixli mibj.-ct, but iiit for nn American.--Peoria HrraM Captain Pah. Wrnii, tho man who attempted tho daiigeroim fent of K'in down a log khuto nt t'.i-ur d'Aleue, for the nkn .f fame, for. tuno and notoriety, died recently at SHikani. Thin in not mi uni'i. wtiil fiid for a limn who attempt notoriety by tuich fooliiiie. llAlillV PltoWN, thrt roitiediMi will known in Portland where ho played for two noi I mi k in the Nl'n, nn recently l.r.pti.ntliod ?J"i,. by an abiuiiiig ..ni;ni .f Cleveland, Ohio, f,.r having nit. Imt Hon i.f rhronie ini-Uiuholni Thin in wit wotth jLn'niitj;. Ot f in KatiKM l'ity woiukii in uinu for a divonn from her lni. band l-watnm liceil!,s tier ' a jny." Yt I if l Ln.1 call.nl her h, "liltl bird" how li would 1ihv rl.irped. The jr onrt put, hif iiinVi all tin dii'ier. -t'.- t.Mbi;ry Atari icao. The twelfth man has at last been secured, and now the Dur- rant jury is complete, after more than six weeks effort. The trial will now doubtless proceed in reg ular order. It is reported that the Portland Sun will again be revived after the legal entanglements have been straightened out. Better business management in the future might insure this paper of permanency. As predicted in a recent issue of the Gazette, Isaac Sterns was ac quitted on the libel charge, after a brief examination. Isaac had sim ply told the truth, that's what knocked the pegs from under the chargo. All right Kentucky, step right up in front with the republican column. The best whisky, the finest blue grass farms, the fairest women, and republican politics make a quartet hard to bent. Inter-Ocean. .y-Mv t&i5a Ml hM eflM Ft A , -"'w.r jet A if Uev. J. 0. Head, the Portland bank robber, has been releasod from the asjlum as a perfectly sane man. Yes, the whole thing was a mistake. He should have been committed to the ponitentiary instead of the asylum. Ilclic.ve the Editor. Au t'KilmtiKO puts it this way: A law yer in a court room may anil a mnn liiir, scoundrel, villain or tbiuf, and no one miit-en a complnint when oourt d jonriiN. If a DPWHpHppr priutn auali a n llcot ioti on a niuo'g olinrncter there i n lihel Hiiil or n dead editor. Thin in owiii to thn furl that the people believe what nn editor nays; what the lawyer myi cuts no flmre. Tim ri'dulnr HiitiHOnplion price cif the Heiui-Weekly (iuwtte in 8U.0II ami the regular price of the W eekly OretfoniHD in 91. rA Anyone eulixcriliinir for the (lii.i lte mill pnyinu for one yenr in n.lvHiice run et Uith the (luzclte and Weekly Origin inn for All old nnl Hcrili. r piiyinu their nulmcriiitionn fur one year in udvnnee will tie eulitleil to the BiiniH. CiHcriT Coi iit. The rironil conrt coiiTeiif.l thin tuiirninif and after formnl mieiiinu the ttrunj jury wan rhuneo an fnllown: Thomnn tjuniil, foreman; Witlin Htewnrt. 1L 0. Hperry, NeU M niieen, It. It. iMirnn, J. II. WyUnd and VV. (I. McCHrty. Tim npeainl court ollireri are; ('liiirli Jnhnmui, grand jury linthlT; WhIi Itiubnrdnon, Kenrral liuihlT mid T. W. Ayern, Jr., jury bailifT. T. It. llownrl inakea a .HciHlly in Uiplveti t.iokineu with all oeeded nru. Ii, tieaide cnrrytiiij a general linn. Hee tun new ad. f, SUthena llri...('ily lintel harher nhop, tilllKiiriul srllaU llmrniitiliwi .1...... hmiiMMiu.tf, He., dune ncieiititloally, onum ni renin apieoe. 1 It. IIhII, ihn tnnnorinl artiat, pin he ( .iiii.l nl lim pHrlum, Mntlork eoroer, here hi mil ilipenM nl Ixipnlnr pru-d, lre, xliHiiip n, liatrnutn, etc. Judn Jmei A. Fen arrived from n. .IK I. mi Ut efemntf, nociunpanietl liy J. It ! mm. lneMirltiiii.grn.her. JiiiTge Fee cunveiip.l c iiirt thin morning at 10 a. 111. A. M. lUmeil. the II known, altcf ley from The I'.illr wan a 'Menrfnf no I .i I evening! tram. Mr. IUnni.t i (.ne the ntturiiryn for the ih-femUlilS to the rnllrniid rune. The ralleraon Inh. Co., have nenred thn nijency of the rteocrnt Ideyolea for Mrmw nn. I llrant tsmntien, ami will horlly hit .ma machiiim for anient vefy iw flgiirrn. Flnmtiie a Crrneenl twf.ire tiiiMnii. f. W.LDOUCLAS CI CUMT IITNI ! ,3. t Ok'OnVAW. ntkiAiMtuaci. '43MfiCAUlKArA?t 'JVPOUCI.JIOUS. ..yli.WCRHNcur.' J.I.BvrtSCK3XSrai - i.iir.si W s jm "S 'nj W.L.DougUs$3&$4ShOCS AtlHirnhnnar riunlly Mtltfaitory f h.a at-, ikk. - . . . . . 1 waul MlaM - a . t . - ; " . 'vwniwtMm. , II .ni..i,i,,n4iI,o ii.m,, K-Utf Iten'ef h r; n !'! l,..riT rhi. Arfclni,,J A yj at oi t Nervous exhaustion in children is wor rying a great many fathers and mothera these days. While the hurry and bustle of modern life is bringing a constantly increasing strain upon grown men and women, there certainly comes to light the start ling fact of a growing tendency toward nervounnesi among their ohildren. As these boys and girlB, when older, will enter a life of nervous strain fully as exacting as that of today, it ie no won der that parents view with dismay these early signs of nervous weakness, and anxiously seek some means of making the young people strong and well strain. The remedy is at band in every oity and town in Amerioa. It is the remedy first presoribed by that greatest of all modern educators, Prof. Edward E. Thelps, M. D., L. L. D., of Dartmouth oollege. It is Faine's celery compound, which Principal Camp, of New Haven and President Cook, of the National Teuobers' association, have bo recently reoommended. Couutlens parents today give their ohildren Fume's oelery compound and see them grow robust and vigorous day by day bufore their eyes till they are again restored to the perfeot health that belongs to youth. Physioians every where adviae the use of this greatest of blood panders and nerve foods. One of the danger eiguals of nervous exhaustion among young people is the lank of desire for food and the oaprioi onsneHa of appetite. When their over pressed nervous nyetemn have been driven to the point of exhaustion, their faces grow pal am! pinched, their spir its decline, their bodic lone perceptibly in weight and strength, they tied more and more some active means of supply ing the nervee and tisanes with better nutrition, and the veins with better blood. SVhen Paine's celery compound is given to one of these exoitable, weak-nerved. sallow, perhaps scrofulous young per sons, the mother is often amazed at the rapidity with which it restores the strength, builds up the worn Bervons tissues, and replaces the knguor of a depleted nervous system by the elasticity of youthful health. Paine's celery oompound makes people well not only worn-out, eDfeebled men and women of mature uge, but young persons whose slighter powers have been overtaxed by excitement or immoderate work without proper intervals for rest and repair. Paine's oelery compound baa played a most important part in the lives of thou sands of young people in every seotion of this oountry. Many whose nervous systems had been so stimulated as to un fit them utterly for study, it has made vigorous and strong enough to ably bear the burden of coming years. It has en ablod them to grow up vigorous men and women, cnpiible of doing the part of ac tive, strong men and women in the world. Mr. James B. Welzal, writing from bis ho me in New Berlin, Penn., says: "Allow me to speak a few words in praise of Faine's ooiery compound. My younger sinti)r, whose picture I send you, was fiubj 'Ot to nervous attacks, and, we thought, to heart trouble. We tried numerous medicines for her ailments, but without niuoh BVnil. Last winter she had a severe attack of nervous trou ble with her eyes, and we gave her Paine's celery compound and ulie im proved wonderfully upon it, nud she has been well ever since. If these few words of nnsolinited testimony cau be of any hem lit please nwe them an my unbiased and unprejudiced opinion." Do You Want a Rfc ? 5 Don't You Want a Place to rut up our I cam ? 1 Arc You in Need of a Saddle II orse . All these can bo procured at Thompson ft. Pimm, Lower Main Street, lleppner, Oregon. ' The, leiitlemen tr welt r.imlnln IIH tlrmil, turner, m.. Ol'IWm ,1 oilier nniiillM ail.t ran Mt iiiiiney ami IIiiik hi limiting the tlt.ua llli Iravelli.n men. rmill, I'rlret III kerpliiK wllh Ih time. THOM PSON Sr .IMXNS. xVN ILL WIN!)! V &r T'i', u that blown no and althiuk'h tho nUv ful prnukn ot (. Uorvaa eiponen thin fond couple to temporary em barrannment, the situation greatly aiuueen the Hvtatoin. I.ikoMine tho mtuation at t r 1 (Irtu'ially Ktutwn that doe WOOLKRY CAHMIICa .V 1'tll. i.ini; OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which bnarl! at IVJ link Frlce,. l'arnieri of Kik'ht Mile, t,nudn..n. (lonneWrry, I'oulnn, Jordai Fork and !.ni necli.nin can di n- U'tter than make their pijrehn. o J.h. He rntrien a fullliiie of rurninhini (Jomln, lUil an, s,,-.. (JrH'erien, and in fart a iH.mpleto nt.vk f jjetii ral tnerchatidiec. 1 aw. TON 10. O1M0GOX. T. I m Pci1'y f em at tho :ttc Office. Administratrix' Notice of Sale of Real Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER i.1 and by virtue of a decree nd order of sale duly made and entered on July W, 195, in the matter of the ettate of William Hurt, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Orenon for I matilla County, sitting In probate, the under liKiied as administratrix of the said estate will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on Saturday, the 2Sth day of heptember, iwi, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon of that day, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon all of the following described real property belong ing to the above named estate, situated in Mor row County, Oregon, to-w:t: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter, and the northwestqnarterof thenorth cast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the north half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five, all in township three south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette Meridian ; and also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of section thirteen in town "h'P 'our south of range twenty-nine East of . ?mette Merl3ian : aid sale is made subject to all liens and incumbrances now existing up on the said real property, and subject to the conBrmation of all sales to be made by the above entitled county court. Dated this 14th day of August, 1895. . , , . MARY E. RUST, Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust, Deceased. Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71 Administrator's Notice. INSTATE OF GEORGE W. H. BRIANS, DE J ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let ters of administration on the Estate of George W. H. Brians, deceased, were granted to the unnersiened nn thp vth Aav nt A..m,.i iuo v the County Court of Morrow Oounty. ' ' mi ieruiiB naving claims against said .Estate are required to exhibit them to me for allow ance, at my home in Hardman, Morrow Countv, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This lith day of August, 1K95. 61-7 ANDREW ROOD, Administrator. Administratrix' Notice. INSTATE OF J. L. BEYMER, DECEASED. NO 'J tice is hereby given, that letters of admin- IHtrnllnn nn tha Vatatn nl T T T, a ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 1.1.11 uv ui nug. isao, oy me oounty court of Morrow County. All persons having claims against said Es tate are required to exhibit them to me for al lowance, at my home in Eight Mile, Morrow County, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 15th day of August, 1895. ELIZA A. BEYMER, 462-08 Administratrix. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administratrix of the estate of W. G. Boyer, deceased, will make final settle ment of her accounts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term of the county court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be holden at the court house in said county, on the 2d day of September, A, D., 1895. 55-65 Jane Boyer, Administratrix. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande Oreoon, Augusts, 1895. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Sept. 14, 1895, viz : EDWARD CHAPMAN, Hd. 4941, for the NU HE, 8E54 NEU, Sec. 34, 8W14 N W , Sec. 35. Tp. 3, 8. R. 29 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz : Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark, of Heppner, Oregon ; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp ner, Oregon; Jesse D. French, of Vinson, Oregon. B. F. WILSON. SfiO- Register. Timber Culture. I AND OFFICE LA GRANDE, OREGON, JULY J 8,1895. Complaint having been made at this ofllce by the duly verified and corroborated attidavit of Samuel McBride alleging that Wm. H. Vanhise, who made Timber Culture entry No. 121.2 for the Nvj NE! and Nl NWW. See. 9, Tp. 4 S, R 27 E, at the Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 15th dnv of December, 1884, has wholly abandoned said tract; and failed to plant any trees upon said tract since entrv; that the said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by the said party as required by law, therefore with the view to the cancellation of the said entry the said parties are hereby summoned and required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow, county clerk Morrow county, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of September, 1H9.1, at the hour of lu o'clock A.M. then and there to produce such testimony as they may have concerning the said allegations, the final hearing to bo had before the Register and Re ceiver at I -a (traude, Oregon, 011 the 2Kth day of September, 1H(:,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. H K. Wilson, J. H. RoBHiNS, 3hl-:n.9 Register. Receiver. Notice of Intention. TAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON J July :t), 1 :,. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of ..iki nn. pf,ii ,,i,N,i win oe ma.ie before County Cleric, of rmKtlllaCniinty.atren. mi, viz; dleton, Oregon, nn Scitcmlier 7, 189. JOHN A NOBLE. Hd. No. 7120, for the W14 NWW, Nl. 8WV. Sec 21, Tp. 2, 8. R. 30 K. W. M. ' ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence: upon and cultivation of ld land, viz: William II. Uulllford, Arthur V. OulllfoM James Nelson, of Vinson, Oregon, and Johu H Kust, of Kidge, Oregon, . a F. WIIJVIN. Register. Notice of Intention. Lakh Orrn i at Ia Grand. OiirnnM, X'OTiCF in HEREBY OIVEN "in AT THE y following, named setiler has filed net Ice of his Intention to make Dual proof In support of hli elalin. and lhal ald pro..) win t made before the county clerk of Mormw rotuny at lleppuer, Or 1 Keptember 4. yj ; MILT F. MORGAN. Hd ,12. for the NFV "w. a. 3 a R. 57 E W M He name the foll.iwlug witnesses to prove Mseoiiilniioiia resldenr upon and cultivation of said land, vl- W. I. .Hallnc , Clyde C.Kalln. Joseph W. Rec tor six! V. u. MeCarly, all of Heppner. Oreg.,n B r. wnxiN. " hegl.lrr. Notice Of Intention. f AMXirm-B ATTIIKnALLM.OHK.ON I J August 21. I. N,,ti, e s hrrrl.v tlen thai Ih following named settler has filed ttn lie of his Intention to make Dual prnnf In sun. port nl hi claim, and tint Ml. I .n.f be ins.l lfor J. W. MnrMw. I nuutr Clerk l Heppner, Oregon, on npiL in. twiv, vtj' ' AI.I.KN ( RABThKE. lid. t. No. sirr. for Ih w.j arv snd W 14 xrw le . Tp t K t K. W Of,.n. II name Ih Mnni oitni ns in t,mv hlsenntiiKioiis midrtic upua ud rulllinn nl. Mid land, vlr (.rorgr obi. k. Thomas Irisrnlt. William prls roll. Nulhaii fhw, sll nl M rii r rr,n : J r. U.H.aa. ki'i.ter. Notice of Intention. I Asnorrt-: AruiTRAMnt. orrhoh 1 A" 2X lrt. Nollr U herehv gn Ih I..II... n, named sitiler has (l,e. li..ll,.,,f hit Intel. tl, .11 l.i mas fti.al pr.aif In support nl 1.1. rlwrn n. II.. I s.1.1 r, . ,u ,,,,,, lliw J. W. Morrow, e...i.lr elerk, l Hrt.nn.r iHi-a-.in. oil li to,r V, w, is " ' iifllKl.K W. WIIjhiN III tn ff Ih',nf M! lt n.ll. ll.h.Mlr to ,,U,i,a atler ptntt hUroi.ti.,,,,,,,, rr..ei,.,i,,,n ii.ru!iu,iin l Mid land, l i 11 J-..1.I.. .m.irl t Ttler. John fWir Joliu . U. ki.an. of i .iirr, U.,t,a ( ,,f . B. I. IIjmih Keglslef. Not U K of IMH.OLt riux 'oTii r i iirKinv nvrH tiit 4 rnerrili. hr.l..l..i , i.ii,,, i,, r m.ri-;i ! J R. a..i.i. .,n. ut..f 11,. fismeot l.n.t.l. B,,,,,B hmt IMH.. hf tn.il l.l roi.Mnl .. " eile s,l hi: sand , all dfl.l. . m. ., r, in. mil, arm .In, , ,(,,, ,j h . .Tlih, h,nn, 1 t e....ii,i, and uo.r lit nan. iW Uml i i.ii Till' .1., It p N.1 -ll.r tl. 'frs MONry 10A N 1 0. rtt v . .... ,retw.j .,,., r,.r.,t s. t.. .. M.,p lm,.,,l ,,fmt . i".. m.o, wirra i.ti,,.i ( ..te Allf....h p '" K ttoRTH iit, CKf a. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begins September 18, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching end business. The school has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a Ubrary of 7000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $50,000, Is one of the finest college buildings on the Pacific College. AU expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall f:i.00 to $1.00 per week, Includ ing electric light and heat The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes board and loom at $2.25 per week. Board in private families, f 2.50 and upwards. Many students rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. GOO HEAD IXFORD-SHIRE MM FORSALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL. HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. K. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., . Oregon. 0T LIST! IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten thal's he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable as that of 1492. Chris was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in (Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shoe Merchant. M. LICHTENTHAL, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. He Saws Wood! " 1 r FKBD KRUG TTo a ruiris-matsl nna nf 41tq lnfa imnrnrOfl cfaam on it a n.isl n fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 4uc per uora one time in two 50c tier Cord two times in two "Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. coroners at tne raiace iiotei. lm YOU SHOULD PREPARE For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY :. HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom I3rotller, Prop, I::!:: f ins 9 II I tiig -OF- For tho Curo Oa Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregou, The 3ust Beautiful Town on the Cowit fall af the Gajutt- office for particulars Mfl;-lyiiUk.nllJ. Trwtine.it prlvitcTiid tun DO YOU KNOW ' "li1.?,',!?"".".''."'""" , hr" h-rs who U eou lu tli. It m . .in, !,,. nri,.CM, manner. He has also re-opened the Hotel Bar where the Finest Liquors and Fresh, est Cigars will constantly be kept. IW Frc Itaihi d Fr- 'Bus for alt Guesu. Tf IITVriitn. r, LIGHTNING There a Mr , lht. (V Thai, tf iukrn nl UJ1o,l, , , m lo fr(llufr The 1W1 i here ainl no ia GILLIAM Sz I3ISI3KJfl ti.,,,,,,,, With a full Udo of THE LIGHTEST KUMNG GANG FLOWS' i,m - ' iiry run off in tl. Hit nlf lit. GILLIAM & IMsS13Eli:, HTnor, . . . 0r 11A1N ItAIN Leeiuer Bros. Is the Place for Fresh Caries, Chen,, for Cash Only. WM MHO. MIS AH0 m HW4rs Atlorneya , r... oma; in natiosal uavk m ',, , mm lb. . , ,u inLMxa OMQOt