Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 30, 1895, Image 2

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Eminent Inventor of the Williams Typewriter
Owes Strength and Health to
Paine's Celery Compound.
It is reported that the Miltonian,
a paper formerly published at Mil
ton, is to resume publication.
Pdblio Opinion, published at
Walla Walla, is one of the latest
ventures in the journalistic world.
A stock of goods without adver
tising is like a gun without ammu
nitionthere's nothing to make it
"go off."
A Kentucky physician, says an
exchange, fatally shot a man who
had applied for his services. His
brother physicians should ostra
cise him for killing unprofession
I5RICE says no is lor sound
money. Maybe he is, but he's
careful who gets it. The tax col
lector was compelled to sue him
recently for the non-payment o
Holmes, the wholesale destroyer.
is now chargod with the murder of
Howard Titezol, a 9-year-old-boy,
at Indianapolis. The evidence is
very clear, and so strong that
Holmes will surely hang.
ON hearing of Corbott'B recont
marriage, Fitzsimmons at once ap.
plied for admission to citizenship,
Honors are about even at tho end
of this round, especially in tho
way of newspaper advertising.
Fltosi a roceut number of the
Administratrix' Notice ot Sale of
Real Property.
i-i and by virtue of a decree and order of tale
duly made and entered on July IS, 1895, in the
matter of the estate of William Rust, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Lmatllla County, sitting in probate, the under
sidled as administratrix of the said estate will
otter or sale at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand on Saturday, the 2Mb.
day of September, 1MB, at 11 o'clock in the fore
noon of that day, at the front door of the Court
Mouse in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon all
of the following described real property belong
ing to the above named estate, situated In Mor
row County, Oregon. to-w:t: The southeast
quarter and the south half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwestquarterof thenorth
cast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the
southwest uuarter of section thirtv-six. and the
north half of the southwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of section twenty-five, all in township three
south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette
-Meridian; ami also tne nortneaat quarter ot tne
northeast quarter and the south half of the
northeast Quarter of section thirteen in town
ship four south of range twenty-nine East of
Willamette Meridian ; said sale is made Bubject
to all liens and incumbrances now existing up
on the said real property, and subject to the
confirmation of all sales to be made by the
above entitled county court.
jjaiea mis litn day ot August, iron.
Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust,
Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71
Administrator's Notice.
Fj ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let
ters of administration on the Estate of George
w. H. Brians, deceased, were grantea to tne
undersigned on the 12th day of August, 1895, by
the County Court of Morrow Oounty.
All personB having clalmB against said Estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allow
ance, at my home in Hardman, Morrow County,
Oregon, within six months after the date of this
notice or they shall be forever barred.
This 12th day of August, 1H95.
61-7 ANDREW ROOD, Administrator.
Fall Term begins September 18, 1895.
tk rnlWfi Courses. Classical. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and
gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching snd business. The school
ha. always been distinguished for the Breadth and thoroughness of it. work. It ha. a librarj r of
7000 volumes, good equipment, for mathematical and scientific work, and fine building, with the
best modern improvement.. Marsn nau, u.icuiuPiciw..i.
college bnildihgs on the Pacific College.
All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall $3.00 to $4.00 per wee., mciua-
ing electric light and heat The College uormuory, unaer exceiiem umnaso....., .
board and loom at f 2.25 per week. Board in private families, $2.50 and upwards. Many .tudenti
rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed fi.au per wee.
For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS mcuiiaku, forest uruve, vuu.
Address J. 3J. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
Administratrix' Notice.
J tice Is hereby given, that letters of admin
istration on the Estate of J. L. Beymer, de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the
15th day of Aug. 1895, by the County Court of
Morrow Countv.
All persons having claims against said Es
tate are required to exhibit them to me for al-
Tlie old-time visionary inventor baa
given place to the practical, Lard-work-
New Idea, published at Hod Lodge, p professional inventor of today.
Mont, we notice that Chas. 15, Eb
ted, an old schoolmate of the pro
prietors of the Gazette, holds the
position of business xnnungnr.
Success to you, Charles.
I.N A Kentucky town tho other
day Mr. Halo asked Mr. Hush to
give him a chow of tobacco. lJush
refused to do bo, whereupon Hale
drew a dirk and stabbed him
through tho heatt Truly a fine,,
cut performance! Ht Joseph (Sa
zotto. lr tiie London ayndicnto will
take another batch of bonds Clove
land and Carlisle may knock out
"Hail Columbia," and order tho
band to play only "(lod Havo the
Queen." Kx. Thin would bo
alxmt as American as tho rest of
tho performance.
Is a recent interview Senator
Mcllride said ho wan in favor of
tho rlortion of Honator by the
popular votrt of tho people. In
thin respect lio and Senator Mit
chell aro thoroughly in touch. The
latter gentleman once introduced a
bill to tli at I'lloct, lut 11 wn ile-j
CliriUIJH, tho Pendleton borne
owned by 1 miik I'ra.er, i the
fnhtefct pacer oil thin Count. IKiwii
at Triwo ho i known an tho "pac
ing wonder," and from hi wonder
fill work in rertninly entitled to
tho n mho. Tlii in hi find year
on tho track, and ho hn already
mad o a record of lI.WJ.
TllE Pallaa ahoriiT accm deter
mined to atop tho coming fiht at
all haatd. Ho asked for and
La just received a legal opinion
that Lo may kill any eroii who
iutct f'-re. l'cihap ho intend to
hoot IhiIIi CoiIh'U and l itKim
moii oil nigl.t, an I thu end the
The acoennful inventor roust now be
a business man as well as a roan of me
chanical id one.
The hi.h tension ot the norvoiiH sys-
tem, often kept up fur montlm and
months, makes tremendous drnftH on the
health of tbose busy bruin-workers.
Many succumb to nervous prostration
when they seem Jut on the point of anr-
uomiting every dilllmilty.
Of all the ootiiilless rwent nseful in
ventions none bus psssttil through so
many or so rapid a omirse of improve
ments M the typewriter. Today the
lutest perfeeted machine is undoubtedly
the Williams typewriter, which repre
sents a vast amoiiDt of cumulative in
John Newton Willisms, its inventor,
wss born in 14', in llrooklyn, X. Y.
lie spent bis esrly manhood on the
western frontier. Hubciiently be set
tled in Kentucky, where he became
known aa one ot the most snooesafal
stock breeders in the stale.
But it is as an inventor that he has won
bis national reputation. Severe) moat
nseful and important inventions were
made by bira before be produced the
Williams typewriter, a machine that
probably exoels all others in the most
important features.
Mr. Williams, speaking of the labor
expended in briiitfinjf the maobine that
bears bis name to its present perfection,
"Home four years t0, when engaged
in experimental work on the Williams',
I wss putting in about 10 hours per day
of bard work and worry, and came near
breaking down. Altbongta very particu
lar and regular in my habits and careful
alxut eating, my stomach troubled me.
It was difficult to eat, and more difficult
to digest and assimilate my food, my
stomach acting in sympathy ih an
over worked brain, t fririiil bad sent
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the finest stock of Shoes
lowance, at my home in Eittht Mile, Morrow arrav obnwn in iHfinnner. and tlie
County, Oregon, within six months after the ' , ,, ,,,r . JQa
date of this notice or they shall be forever cheapest as well. W Hat more aoes
UiUl Lai xuau nou
This 15th day of August. 1895.
462-68 Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement.
undersigned administratrix of the estate
of W. Q. Bover. deceased, will make final settle
ment of her accounts with said estate as such
administratrix, at the next term of the county
court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be
holden at the court nouBe in sam county, on
the 2d day of September, A. 1J., IK.
OD-ra jank coy eh, Anmimstratnx.
The. Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
M. IjIOIlTJliiN 1 i AXj,
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
He Saws Wood!
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande Oukoon,
Augusta, 18H5.
following-named settlor has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. w. Morrow, county ciem, at, neppuer,
Oregon, on Sept. 14, 1895, viz :
Hd. 4941, for the BE, BE NEH, Sec. 34,
BWW N W!, Sec. 35, Tp. 3, 8. R. 29 E. W. M.
He names the following wltneBBes to prove his , r, T)l XI4.1
mtlnuouB residence upon and cultivation ol. BorcherS at tlie 1 alace XlOtel
TTrs rmrchased one of the late improved Bteam saws and is now
fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of
40c per Cord one time in two
50c per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out.
One stick Der cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave" orders with Chris.
said land, viz :
Anrtv J. Cook, ol Heppner. uregon a. i;iarn,
of Heppner, Oregon; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp
ner, uregon; Jesse u. rrencn.oi wnmm, wrrgou.
860-70 Register.
Timber Culture.
some Paine's celery compound to one of
my business amociutes, BndknowlDghim
personally, and seeing whnt it did for
him, I thought I would try it. I oonv
menoed taking it before meals, and it at
once stimulated my appetite and aided
digestion. I took two bottles and was
much benefited.
"Again two years later I was troubled
with uervounreNs and indigestion, and
again took Taine's celery compound with
great benefit. My wife, after ber long
illness bint summer, and severe nervous
prostration, and some trouble from indi
geation, concluded to try faine's celery
compound a few weeks ago, and she is
now taking it with steady improvement.
Snveral of my friends have taken it on
my recommendation, and are now prac
tical believers in its groat restorative
powers. I have found the celery com
pound lnuio and restorative that I
ciiuld lean upon with oontl lenoe in time
of trouble."
Fame's celery compound makes peo
ple well ! As a spring remedy it Is no
J H, 1H95. Complaint having been made at
this office by the dulv verified and corroborated
atliilavit of Bamuel MoHrlde alleging that Win.
H. Vanhlse, who made Timber Culture entry I
no. law ior tne r fb ami zy$ n "y. nec. . l
Tp. 4 n, R Zl r., at the La i mi umce at la uranne, i
Oregon, on the 15th day of December, 1HM, has I
wholly atiiiniloneii saui tract; ana laiieainpinnt
any trees upon said tract Blnce entry; that the
aid tract is not settled upon and cultivated by
the said party as reqiilredany law, therefore
with the view to tne cancellation oi tne saui
entry the said parties arehep'by summoned and
required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow,
county clerk Morrow county, at his olllceat
Heppner, Oregon, on tne 12tn nay ol Beptuinber,
lh'i.'i, at tho hour of 111 o'clock A. M. then and
there to produce such testimony as they may
have concerning tne said allegations, tne nuai
hearing to he hail before the Keglster and lie-
reiver at Ia Grande, Oregon, on the 2Hth day of
September, lH'.ii, at the hour ol mo clock A. M.
H K. WII.H1N, J. It, KOHltlNS,
3fil-3i'i9 Register. Receiver.
of the ball field, tho democracy
could afford to 'roleiwo" Johu M.
1'almer and Urico for Insulin.
Now York Mercury (Pern.). Dem
ocratic organs needn't Iooko their
heads on tin proiMmition. lniille
will probably aoon bn bark in the
senate from Kansas, but Uot outf
the party.
I . . .... i: . i :.. l.'..ln.,.1
d i.aim u it'll rix-fiiny in
anl iu her will it was found that
rtho had left the whole of her for
tune, amountiiiLj to .0,M, to the
ival newspaper, tho perusal of
which had yiven her many happy
loura. Ux. This is a type of a-
inciatioii rarely shown, but greatly
appreciated. However, the (ia
y.etto wishcrt it reader long lives.
TllK Northweetcru Kditorial As
sociation ha jut cloeed a aeeaion
at Halt Lake, l'tiutteeii atntc
wero repri'Honted at tho conven
tion. A grand ban.piet w a given
Tueaday evening, at which many
of I 'tali's tnoet piniiiiiieiit and hon
ored riticii reeniiii'd to tcaets
and delivered ahmt addrcsse.
Haiihs, tho iloiinvratic randi
dide fur governor, and Senator
I'dackbtirn, aa a candidal" for re
election down in Kentucky, hae
tsith taken a stand against the ad
iniuietratiou and tho atato plat
form, and aro making a vigorous
ranitiaicu if tho atate. It iiow
louka as though republican sue
cee might 1 a mibility.
"TnriiK i ait alnriuitig rumor
that John J. Iiigall ia heading to
ward tho democratic patty. If it
prove truo, tho beet thiiijj tl.o tiva than aiuiply getting ien with
democratic party can d.J i bi .aomeUnly, )utt may reel aun.l
litr following from tlm ji ti
a philosopher is well worth tl.ii.k
mgovrr: N man rver mccmHl-t
ill an) thing tin let taken solely f
apito. If you hava no higher ltnv
Tiie hotel horror in Denver wrb
causeil by a drunken loy, who
acted aa engineer. This will be
uhiM by temperatHO lecturers as
another "terrible example;" but
the proprietor who employ cd such
incompetent help tdiould be held
primarily rentHMiKible. Ex. Quite
true; but the proprietor gave up
hi life with the other, ao he has
fully paid the penalty for hi care-
Yon Should Pwme
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! , Comfortable Rooms !
Airs, loin Oroclley, Prop,
Notice of Intentior
Its Ms Institute
Ice Is hereby given that J
lettlrrhas Sled notice of
JiilTim, lr. Notlci
tlm follow tin named aettlei
his intention to maka Hnal proof in iitinortnf
ins claim, ami tnai miii phhii win lie mine I
before County t iers, of i mattl la Cnunty. at I cn-
melon, uregoii, on tteptcinber , iKt-i, vu:
Hd. No. 7IS. tor the WU NWW. S'. BWH. Boc.
21. To. I. 8. R. ) K. W. M.
lie name ins ioiiowiiir witnrnea in prove
hlsromlnuoiis rcsldriirs upon and cultivation
of said land, vis:
William H. (inlllford, Arthur V. Onlllford.
Jsmcs Nelson, ol liifcui, Oregon, and John u.
Kust, ol Khlge, Oregon.
IMWiS. Register.
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located st Balem, Oregon,
The Muit Beautiful Town on the Count
Call si the 0irrrs offlrs for particulars
Strictlycotilldviitlal. Treatment private aud surt
Seven meu aupjioaed to have
hmmi connected with the recent
KUiMmburg lynchinR havo been ar
. 1 It t - .... !
rcM.ni ami ..... umt .... . M Pimin,
. 1 'II . . ..1. i
I iniiraer. iuih was orouui
i i t . i .. .i : 1 1. . .
aixmi iy itoiii ri m uon , i i.i.
. NIMH niillil b H I"IM-,1 IUQ kWi'lllll
il mo iK'iier rinss) oi iii.-u
Notice of Intention.
I.ASP Orm s T I.A GSAKPS. OKmo?.
Julv. .n.lwiV
followlns naaird scltlrr has filed notice
of his Inlentlon to mkc Snal proof In iiiipnrt
of his rlalm. and thai ald pro.,1 be made
brfore the rfiitnly rlcrs of Morrow ronntjr st
iieppner, kit., on wincmwi t, vis :
II t JS. for the NKV, Kw. S. J . R. 27 f.. W, M
lln name thr fnllnwlns wltnrwHm to rrntr
his continuous resident's iimu and cultivation I
ol Mid laiei. vie
W. U hallos, I'lrdr C. Sailor. Joart.h
tor snd W. u. Ma any, all of ll- .i.cr. Or,
l!l.F. r.N jurymen havo now been
Hccurcd in the Ihirrant cane out of
A special
veniroof 7" juror ha been drawn,
. . a
par. u.u ,.t.r . a t.u- Hel,H'tel. Six WCeka
of that city ho Ui.ltioi approve . . . ,,,..
of tho rash act, and I certainly T irt t,H,
crHhtablo to l.lleiisburg. j A A ... .,
i s i nsiisirf iiiintu n tin- finij auu
"""" ' ill probitbly xti have Durrant
ISiu:ckim.uku of Kentucky, an-!,.;,!,,,, t.,Uitt,s r c-nvicted.
iiouncca that ho i out of iHiliticf, 1 ' "
. , I limall Hrslssissa
mill aim iiiii. muu.ti !. m . , , , . ,
... ! Mikr BrrstroJins'' mtiiiir. Ailmsots
al. luciitenimiy rfinatiiitai iroiu Rr , c.tj,, fj1l ofWB
all aptfaranwa lie woulU tiol l. ! gfw, iireoth iirfc'l.ct, into atmrtoas
llll'risisl b aert thrt democracy msU tie, dsiiiieioiis in Ihmsrlvr so J
.aw In.th the governor atid .,.tlB.!t""l"' " '"'' It Ull.s.li.rsgsra
. ... , . , ,i . .set lt'rsili.r luhcations . 111 besllb
UT 111 lUKl sinin n Hi" iTiiuu,; (
I'bvtion. Such h confession f rotn '
itidep'iidiMit opinion.
inovo," asy tin rhicago Time
llnral I. We ar tnt sum f
that your buineM will lo t los
ji-r and yoti will tievrr get pvcii.
that When John t. IngalU Leads t S't Jour mark hih. taka deliU rato
Uard the democrats jwirty tha!i". nd Cro whu )our intcrptiso
party a ill at ImI stsnd a g.ks-l laudable and honorable; but if
rhaneti if acjuirini brain, cour-j 'I'11 u tnotiv juaer, )ou
ai;a and honesty. And of tlirs might just a cll hani; jour harp
party can hate loo lara a sUnrk on j io a willow ti" an I fcM duck Lut.t
hand. To drop ioto tb psrUscejica
lil.-b Ira ls t.i ll,r taMtalirurDt ol all
softs t tuslsilirs en a rbrnaia tissi.
('riH-kinridrt show tho trrid t f ! M .'-..vrr, 1 1 r r certsia ilir.lis in
ei.lchl In lis n. sueh as in starts
ati. I ilicii i aii.iii. stf na tii(jti a st-
ilmirslils Li f nf Ilisstm sfisf
! rtHnr ti lit en I lions bicb tr
iihies lliiu. ld. I. iUiud SB. I miaama
lvaida. is the olilv mnii elect ' , r snrlr r..ni.l. rsrt. bt Jl utir's
nn'nia4-n itiurra. n'ir yoq nsva in
I 'If f-l ri IrolD lfro If II IMIOM. a wis
He a - trUMful ir tii ll".'nrr s Munitx'h
... , ... .
i iiinriii''iij aio-i war i in.iii i i sai
.i.l. r'r tiiaUris, iiiiii, if
On-con. J. . V, JI- .IT.Jvi' j:-..'.
is Fakes Hotel
Is under maiiscrnietil ol Chris Birrhrrs who Is con
duct! n it in a strictly lrl-Claas uaODrr.
Country and Commercial Trade
faT Fre lutlit and Fre 'Bui lor all Guests.
Notice Of Intention.
tJ Ausust .'I. I "lli Is hrrel.r ntii
Dial Hi lollowlnt liamnl fc-lllcr has fllrd no
tice nl his Illl.'lMl.ill to mall final Munl In t'll.
r of his rialm. and that aald fif alii b
mads Iwlor J I. M.irr. onutv ilrra, al
lli'l l'iicr, unfon, on wpi. tu ;
IM. F ". IT. lor ih W'i SFV and a '4
M HJ. Is l KPl: W. M lfr..n.
lie name the liilliiolns nlliirMH In rmr
his rnnttnuntia rral.lrnrs llMn Slid ruiltlatlnn
ol. Hid land, tlr
ir..ri. alt Irk. I homas nrlaroll. WlllUm hti
roll, N k I hall li, all of Hretoicr. (irrfun
I :t Ja. F. M xiSS. Hi Klaler.
Notice of Intention.
4 Au( T, 1 Nmira la hrrrt.v iliva thai
lit loUain( namd ariilrr ha sinf nniiraof
his liilnitl.m Li mak Snal (-r..f n tti.itl n
hn claim and ll.sl aald fff alll h ma Ir
lloraj. IA . Mitrri.w, iHniiity rlpfa, al lli'ir,
OIr.n. on la li.tr , lev, TU ;
i.FoKOK w. aiix.n
IM st r rt. I.rf the S', nl r ', II ar4',
nIMIl, an- x-i T t a. Kau( VI M
II hama !! I"i:ia.tis llt.aaca lo firi
hu c..titiit..i,s ftii'l.tH t u -hi and iiiitiiaili.s
it! Mi l ta'fl. 1
i o J ..m aamii.! t T'f i.n Brvi-r
J-.l.ft C. U-'rtot. "I HH'ttiw. I , If
B. F mIImi
f.' ks:ir
I?.lail Colin'
Sr Afou lot I'Aarnox, of IVr.n
lvaida, is th only tunii elect '.
t the I'mli'd State wtiate to sue
ccel hi o0 father.
. t tea iti,.ti,r t'r.t.t.t.' til
niaij ... ............ rll tita.ria ilS, lltaf
(Jrant, and at th r.piratioti of ! -n.j Um.i. ki.tu- sn.i tii.tr iruuhl.
... Ill ,, , , r.'l"naoS n. .l.t.tlllt is lb BMlSt
.iranisicriu inn in- -aoiM ( ,,wrt , ,,),, , f f.n,t, ,nj
airlfoli.i t put on the actiatnrlal ! r.winr. a am isMfaltriirsBfsls
t.V ahich hi father h, just fat m' '"-""' ,
Th career .f th Canien.i, ' ' It.-;-! -" r u s WIsms
iil' itr in" ini'inmipci, rn.ir firf
MtH'E 'F i!Mi,niuM
urn t i trsr i.tvri that the
r1t,lC hr.l.,f,trtMtM'f h(i g
I-u a.l J K S.'i-i'.a.n. aii.ut IN I'M
F l am
Mittf ol au t i'l 4 fc"? ta"n ! II m dr
tM-M 1 iCsVtt hf MM t rMiIlf K I tf
w-i i(!f ftisv iMif f I
F f lar.tu,
4 I I I axa a
lil al K. tr. ir . A SI, !
-i .
LOatN CD. Fi -i..a
ata -t-fl b. n(-:i f
a...tga.a i.i- n trti,K,. t. ma ia
fatiaiF t alui't a inlcrrsiini: a ,u . t i M n.Ur sn.i ltn !' '" " i"" rt !-...
. , . , 7 . a.rt M r.l
tht f Ih Adam f Massahu. tU mh ..!-. rb -fW.i.n..sp.l :fcrin( .,.T.,ri;
" i-l fi nis U I U isUliaf. I. 0tB. ! 4 !
tta lfl'gratn. 'sti.
1. . I !(,
tat.. Ml ..II,.. ,,,
Msvi (vT
CUf. Vrta.
Arc tho Highest of nil High Grades.
asrfi,M..,,wu,,ft, ai.v! ii;i Ih. fM . .....
IM n.,, , w,kH i. ,a, M l,.;f..fCll7 ?'
l..ir,ill,. -afl. Km. I st.d ..af,,i i. , . 'T1'
"illU :ia r..n.m. ah.-. i. a. ,,.. f. ,., '" ""F'ls ' .
2t... SCORCHIR 8S. 22,,. UDlIfi' Its
alali'tua If, lfil if a ....
n a,.-. . r.., . r 4 ... i r. a A
mm tit.
AttornuyH nt Jnwf
bSOarr. Nol.f .as fat w O.UmtUn. ,