Portland Library tlHIKt, 14 1 ill I . 'ILIli I II MIIM'M IHiMiHtltlli aam PAPER OFFICIAL l!l;MMM-Mrl 1 I'M 11:1 I I I I M I MilWtlillM'l 'Mtia t i I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT 1 Advertising brought me all If I own, A. T. Stewart. z : i SMiuaMiiiMiiiiriiiiiii iriini.iiiiii iiuain ,1 I MY SUCCESS I I Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 vertising. Robert Bonner. I 1 I S 3 M!i!Miil!lilllJiJIM!lllllillllli'l!!:if1i:lllilti,i. i'iii THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1895. WKFTTLT WO. 652 j SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 366. 1 of a , SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . - Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OF ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS At $3.90 par year, $1.25 for six months, 79 Ota. tor three moncns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER ia kept on tile at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, where cou raott for advertising oan be made for it. Union Paofic Railway-local card. The Electric Cur rent can be immedi ately felt, although (toothing to the moHt sensitive. The strength of the current is under the complete con trol oi tne wearer, so muoh so that a ohlld may bo treated and cored by the same power of Belt necessary for the strong est man. f'4 Wi ll U 1 1 12 : jtn ,N.W It ean be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. They have and are cur ing thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Chronic Diseases and Bier von Ail ments in man and woman (from any cause) where long continued medical treatment' ailed to cure. NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. 4 void all cheap (so-oalled) Eleotrio Belts and fraudulent imitations of our Electrio Belts and Applianoes, as these are an imposition, upon the suffering. THE OWES ELECTRIC TRUSS is the moss retentive and curative Truss made for the radical cure of Rupture. Inclose six cents and send for our Large Illustrated Catalogue in English, German, Swedish or Norwegian languages ; containing medical facts, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO., 20S to 211 State Street, Chicago. LOCAL MARKET EEPOBT. THEY MUST REPORT. tt 1.000 rilT, ROCOH, - - CLEAR. - National BariK L HAMILTON-. Frop. ol iwm. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 8:30 p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 p. m. No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 g. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except unday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction b:s p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 8:15 a. m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7: lb a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 2:15 p. m. and arrives it Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east hound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. FrTCI-A-Xi BIEECTOET. United States Officials. Proairtnnt Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad'ai Stevenson Beoretary of State Kiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury Jehn G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel S. Laniont KuiK.ti.rv if Navv Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wilson Attorney-General Judson Harmon Secretary of Agrioulture.. .... J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor ...W. P. Lord Heorotary of Btate H. R. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metschan Hnpt. Pnhlio Instruction (i.M. Irwin Athirnuv General C. M. Idleman 1 G. W. McBride senators j j. H Mitchell ( Ringer Hermann iflJKrmuiBU 1 W. K. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds (K. 8. Bean, ttnnrama Jndvaa 4 F. A. Moore, ( 0. K. Wolverton Bereath Jaateial District.. riimiit JiiHm W. L. Brarishaw I i'roeecutina; Attorney A. A. Jaime Morrow Connty Officials. joint Senator A, W. Gowan tteoreeentatlve. S. Boothhy i imntyjudge Jnlins Kelthly ' Commissioner J.R.Howard J. M. Baiter. Clerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff G. W. Harnngton n Tnunr Frank Gilliam Assemor i. f. Willis Hnrvavnr... Geo. IiOrd ' Schoal Bup't Anna Balsiger Coroner T.W. Avers. Jr BBPrNIB TOWN OrriOIRS. Thus. Morgan C mnoUinea O. K. Fernsworth. M. Liohtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, J r.. 8. 8. Horner, E. J. Blooum. Heoorder .''H1!o0!5 E. L. Frexland Marshal A. A. Roberta I PreeiactOBeera, . . L V I iT.Ml.nlt Constable. N. B.WbeUtuoe Caltad States Lass Officer. TBI DALLES. OB. t w w . Hnristef A. 8. Biaas .".'.V Becssvar LA OBABDB. OB. n m wit - ttlBtAr O. r, niwm . " , I J.H. Robbins Receiver jcoj,x ocimrsi. RAWLINS POHT, MO. SL O. A. R. UmIi at Lonngum, Or, lh Ut rUtonlay ol I each month. All veterans ars lr,vttd In Hn. Hona. Uso. W. HMITii. Adjutant, tf CommaaiW. L UMBER ! 1ir RAVI FOR HALE ALL K.TM OF CN T drraMd Lumber, U snllaa of Heppuer, at what la known as Ue BOOTT A.'VCIVIIXjIj. I TMU. s. government I IS to PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. fWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Wheat, bu 8 40(942 Flour.bbl : 2 65 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 00 " three " " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 25 1 50 " stook 1 00 1 60 Hogs, ou foot, owt 8 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 8 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 10 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 95 1 02 Flour.bbl 2 50 360 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, owt , 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 13 Butter, ft) 10 15 Eggs, doz 12 18 Potatoes new.perot... 60 85 old. "... 3()(8 vo Chiokens, doz 3 00 7 00 Turkeys, lb 12 14 POBTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu 47 50 Flour.bbl 2 25 & 'i 8o Beeves, owt 2 50 0300 dressed 4 uu W o ou Muttons, live sheared ... 1 75 yj 2 00 dressed, ft) 04 04M Hoes, on foot 3 25 $3 75 dressed, lb U4 Wool Eastern Oregon... 08 11 Butter 1 15 Eggs, doz 10 11 Chickens, doz 2 00 3 50 Turkeys, ft) dressed 10 12 Potatoes, new, per ot.... so oo Administrators and Executors Are Interest ed In This Law. Jf. RThit Company it controlled 6y nearly one thousand leading newt- paper in the United Slate; and it guaranteed by them. - Itoo 17 M rr tiMvr.F.D is rippkir, will add L l' uu pr l.uuu tvt. fUltiouai. Tb above quotations are strictly tit Cash. FACTS AMU FACTS ! ! YOU CAN BL'V 125.00 worth of dry goods and Kroceik'i and then have enough left out of iioo.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Hicycle. This Is a flrat-clasa machine. Why then pay lluo.00 (or a bicycle that will give no better service T CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only :. Ladle' and Gents' roadster all the way from I'pO to IT5. "Boys' Junior," only with pneumatic tire a good machine. "Our Special," Men's l iO: Ladles', 'i0. APDHK.1- WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, Or THE PATTERSON TLB. CM, Iluppner, Oregon, Agrnlt Jar MORROW AND GRANT Counties. -tj - Tit it- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. ma. pinlaxd, to. a. iisiiop. FrMittaL Caaaarr. TRANSACTS A 6LNEE.iL BANKING BUSINESS COLLKOTIONH Ma.U M Favorable Turn. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD UEITNEIL tf OREOON tntmrmmnmwimtrai! DAILY (without Sunda DAILY (with Sunday). $6.00 per year SS.oo per ycer TERMS BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean ($1.00 V PER YEAR lH- A A WWIfAM THR IMIB OCfAK fcp akrvaM 4 tlx flaws In e.l Mtfxu It rm tfHhrt Mtn mot tiprflM ia swcarlag ALL 1 hti ASO jMli HI.SI Uf CLiwiM UTl.KAl LKB. af. kM M4m. I r' '-4 I y. aM.M. Ka i ! awm. I a- im4i let ' r--v. S 1 (ir tcitt. m Imm fAW SP. in rwwfl. AiALitt urn aW ; TNlltWTOSlICtICM0CO.u VWn TOmm S-l ,MT1 iff. I ... ft M Have to ral "&' rifcaaHal l-u.l" il ,! nlhf IwiksY tf B"! r tbi14 f thtm Carle 1MI 4 The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. It taovnhler t t ink SHiiiWf 4 M laaiil It II rt IN lit ibl ttIM M ism r awl Hfc)a4. IIBUIIHAKV lkAHKI.araaal4. rHH tTKAH V IT I iniH IC1, ea4 fl ll rr IIm i mt ta Six dmiui mi all Mva Bolilkal )- k. M al gl thB IMU LW UP I risk oU. IT IS A TVELVl-PAOE PAPER. Tim ivrrt ocrai i htm i.mo w chicio, twr .rwii ah comrcii CINTIHifMI l T Ol- I HI UIiMN M1S. AMI I HI I III AtIMItl Trt 1MI! M I U Or IHU I'LOI'Lli 0 I HA f kl.CIIOl IrlAN ANV AI1 t AhlMI.M 1411, It I la acrw4 mHk law f at ! Immn Hi IHks a I MhiIik. vMB.kM iSmI Ibearwaal la Hsl, Im.r CKaa lM V OM! tWU La si m t am. Aa,a TH,; JNTKK OCKAH. Chlceo. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report EASTERN OREGON From the B. 8. Fague Report. Weather Crop Very often laws are disregarded on ao oonnt of lack of knowledge ot tbeir pro visions. Tbis one will no doubt be of interest to some persons in this oonnty, Tbe law governing administrator and executors was amended by the last legis lature as follows: ). 1170. An executor or administra tor shall, within the first ten days ot April and of Ootober ot eaoh year, until tbe administration ia completed and be is disobarged from bis trust, render an aocount verified by his oath, and file tbe same with tbe olerk, showing the amount of money reoeived and expended by him, from whom reoeived and to whom paid, with the proper vouchers for snob Day men ts, tbe amount of tbe claims present ed against the estate and allowed or dis allowed, and tbe name of tbe claimant of eaoh, and any other matter neoeseary to ebow tbe condition of the aft airs there of ; provided, however, that in case tbe date ot tbe notice ot tbe appointment of said exeoutor or administrator shall be within sixty days next preceding the first day of April or October, tbe filing of suoh account shall be omitted until tbe suooeeding April or Ootober. Approved February 25, 1895. In one county the county oourt has ordered the clerk to issue citations to all administrators and executors of estates, ordering them to oomply with this law, and in oase they tail to do so, they will be removed and their bondsmen beld accountable for their aotious. MM Absolutely puke THE LATEST WRINKLE FOR WEDDINGS. Here is sweet charity again clad in modish robes and witb an All-sufficient excuse for the originating ot what prom ises to become an amazinclv nnnnlar oustom. The last half sooreof smart brides who blushingly took tbeir stately way altaVwards, paced through oburches thronged to the doors with whosoever, of all ages, sexes, and colors, ohnna to attend the always charming ceremony, and these read first a bit of printed notice pasted up at the door. In so many words the notioe stated that all were free to entor, subjeot to the levy ing of a small contribution. Curiosity brought, in oonseqnenoe, a goodly con gregation, whioh was vastly interested in observing that at the conclusion of tbe solemn benediction up rose six brides maids, or six pretty feminine relatives of tbe groom, and at the head of the aisle they were met by six kinsmen of the bride, or six ushers. Every SACRAMENTO'S CARNIVAL. A Grand Electric Display on the Evening of September 9th. We have received an invitation to be present at the grand electrio oarnival to be held in Sacramento on September 9tb. It is to be a most novel and interesting demonstration, and is the more import ant beoause it celebrates tbe transmis sion of almost unlimited eleotrio power from Folsom to Saoramento. This will admit of the city being transformed into a blaze of light on the pight of tbe oarnival, and arrangements have been made for eleotrio arches, electric floats and brilliant illuminations that will be gorgeously beautiful. In the parade at nigbt will be floats, bearing designs in lights of every color. The railroad Bhop employes will alone provide twelve grand floats. The native Sons and Daughters, who will be in Sacramento by the tbous- young Bnda on Admission Day, will participate THE INTER OCEAN Weather A few light sprinkles of rain fell on the 20th and 21st. Tbe nigbt of tbe 20th a heavy rain occurred at Baker Oity, when 0.10 ot an inob fell. The temperature during the day was cooler than during the week preoediog, while tbe night temperature was abont tbe same. The maximum ranged from 70 to 90 degrees, and tbe minimum from 46 to 64 degrees. The atmosphere was not so smoky during tbe past few days as it bad been. Crops For progress in general farm work the weather conditions have been pertrot. There has not bean any . rain, except in some southeastern sections, and root orops are so far advanoed that I rain would not be of benefit. Owing to tbe oooditloo of tbe grain orops oontin nod fair weather is muoh desired. Id Wasoo and Sherman counties much of tbe grain it in tbe shock, while in sec tions to the east beading and threshing is progressing together. Heading ia be ing onmpleted in all seotions, aud the sound of tbe thresher everywhere is evi dence ot the effort being exerted by tbe farmer to save bis grain as soon as poo si ble and have it marketed before the 1 commencement ot the fall rains and avoid a recurrence of the damage by un seasonable weather, which ooo ur red in 1893, and wbioh is fresh in tbe mind of tbe publio. The berry of grain Is not as plump as oould be desired, and In many instances, it must bs said that tbe grain preeeota a shriveled appearance, whiob condition is directly attributed to the ooustaot aod prolonged drouth. In tbe Walla Walla valley the grain will be of good quality ; there tbe average amount ot precipitation was approaohed nearer than in sections of Eastern Oregon There will also be a good quality of grain from Waaoo and Sherman oounti I though much abrireled grain will be shipped from those teotions. While in Waoo aod Sherman counties tbe aver eue precipitation was not reached, more raiu fell than in Umatilla, Uilliein and Morrow counties. Harvesting continue witb good progress south and east of tbe Blue mountains, where in all section' orops Lave s tillered from tue drontb The harvest of alfalfaoootioues. Owing to tbe fear that tlie bay erup will not be sufficient to meet tbe demands, farmers aud atookraiaari are disposing of their cattle sod are doing so witboit mekiog a sacrifloa, since the price offereJ are) very good. Ureas is lliio oo lb rang, lao thai bay baa to be fed to oaltl just tbe same as in aiuter. Fruit shipments ootilinu large, and tbe oamplainl ot dry weather causing trait to drop Irotn the tree are fewer. Itarllett pears and late pecb are ripen ing and are being sbippad. rioma are bing plrked and driMi m large qtiaiililie. A fo t- ourrad In portions of Union, lUker, Klamath and Harney oouuUes on the 1 21 t, which failed to do any datnag or tmirb good. Tb potato erop, iib hot few Ic 'ptions, bas done well in tbe ab siaoa or t'tfciiUtKit), tiiougii lu luaoy amotion there will not be eiioaglt for i boa. eobsotuptioo. Hoiilh 'cl east of itli liltl mountains tbe stockuroaei look lor at I i early ralu to linjif ve lh (rase oo tt.e range, wilboril w tcb lb difficulty uf laklntf Data ot Id t ek during It, winter will be greitly lo-rrrasl. rurtlaod, Or , Angus! 2?, 1'5. -Umu uUIO,u0rieit,uanuaoiiotiaoe in the parade, as will also the military ..U....U IPou,o uiatcmug ner gown, Bna many oivio sooieties. In faot.it is anu g.vmg ner rigui Hand to ber masou- to be a grand affair, and will, we believe, ..u D.UUr was ,o uowu me aisie noia- mBrk a new era in the history ot the hh .A t... I M , mi I iug uui uor reuuuiB lor pennies, inree Clnnilol flitv girie who meir swains levied tbe wed- An Exeoutiva Committo nf nrnminnnfc ding tax on one side of the ohuroh, three oitizens has been annoim-d. with Westminster. Ual., ulBrou 1, loll. I uiuor, suu 8 me lair coueoiors Joseph Steffeus as ohairman, and J. O. A Remarkable Care of Rhtaniatlstn. Sometime ago, ou awakening one morn ing, I found that I bad rheumatism in my knee bo badly that, as I remarked to my wife, it would be impossible for me to attend to business that day . Remem bering that I had some of Chamberlain's passed in pretty procession the specta tors dropped sums ot money into the DBgs, in proportion to tbeir means or appreciation of the soene. All tbe while the bride and groom were walking very slowly down tbe aisle, and at tbe door Coleman, director-general, and extensive arrangements ate being made tor the affair. An Early Autumn Mngazloe. Compulsion in Child Training." is the Pain Balm in my store I seut for a bottle tDe outgoing orowd saw that the bags of subjeot which the Rev. Charles U. Fark- and rubbed tbe afllioted parts thoroughly dimes and pennies were emptied into burst, D. D., discussed wisely and well witb it, aooording to directions, and "urcb Plates beld by rosy-faced oboir- in the September Ladies' Home Journal. within an hour 1 was completely re- boyii nt the poor of tbe parish profited His article is ably supplemented by Ed- Ueved. One application had done tM u'"u" u,u" weuuiog. rrom - oooiety waro w. boks exoeiient editorial on business. It is the best liniment on tbe r sua 10 lmorest a Magazlue for Sep "Our Sobools and Our Teachers." "The market, and I sell it under a positive guarantee. R. T. Harris. For sale by Slooum Jobnson Drug Co. tember. ANOTHEIt IIOLII-Ur. The following story is told of a corre spondent who bas recently returned from a trip to the far west of tbs Uoiled Status: Two men who had been sitting to gether in the seat near tbe door of a rail ay oar became engaged in an animated controversy, aud their loud voices at tracted the attention ot a puseengers. Suddimly one ot them rose and said "Ladies and gentlemen: I appeal to you to decide a disputed potut. my friend here insists tbal not more than three ptrsous oat of five believe tbey have snnls. I take tb mora obeerfal view of humanity tbao that. Will all ol you who believe you have souls raise your right haodaf ' Every hand in tbs oar went op. Sometime ago I was taken siok with a cramp In the stomach followed by diar- rnoea. I took a oouple of doses ot Cham berlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was immediately relieved. I oonaider it tbe best medicine in tbe market for all such oomplaints. I have sold tbe remedy to others aud everyone wbo uses it speaks highly of it. J. W. Striokler, Valley Center, Cal. For sale by Mlooum-Johnson Drug Co. DIGEST OK LiND AND MIN1NU DECISIONS. MTbank yon," be said, witb a smile, "Keep Ibem up just moment. Now, ill all you who believe in a hereafter please raise your left band also?" Every baud in tba oar went Dp. "Thank yon sgaio," he said . "Now, while fell of you have yonr bands raised be counted," drawing a pair of revolvers and leveling tbrin. "Mr friend ber ill go down the aula and relieve you ot whatever valuables you may happen to bav. Lively, now, Jim." Ki. It May He as Mark fur Yoa. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III., writes that be bad sever kidney trouble fur a oumber nf years, witb sever paint id bis back and also that bis bladder was sITtted. II tried many so-called kid ney coma bat without any good result. Abool year ago hbegao ne ot Kl0 trio Hitter and lound relief at once, Kl trie Itittera i especially adopted to tba ear of all Kidney and Uver trouble and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will pmv oar statement. I'rtc only MM, for large botll. At drug slot of T. W. Avers, Jr. Furnished by W. D. Harlan, land and II the other miniDH attorney, Washington, D. 0. aobil-dltcbal. Tba sale of land shortly after making proof and tbe issuaooeof final certificate does not warrant the presumption of bad faith. MINERAL. The issuance ot a placer patent, on a record whiob shows that there ia do known lode or vain within Ibe plaoer olaim, preolode tba subsrqtient allow ance ot lode entry within said limits bit said patent is outstsndiog. Tbs right of a oo-owoer should be asserted as fen adverse claimsnl. Tbs actual nse of land for mining or nulling purpo contemplated by section 2-'Kl7, R. 8, coal. No vested rigbt are secured through filing a declaratory statement, and sal ol tb land thereafter by lb claimant, prior to filial proof ami sutry. defeats bta right to pur o has aaid land, and an entry thereof mad in bis nam must be canoeled. Thousands ol pereoos flounder along for months, yes eveo years, suffering from indigestion, bowel trouble fend liver disorders with tbeir acoompaoying ilieagreeabl symptoms, beOBtis they think they hev lo. It tbey would take abort onnre of Dr. J. II. Mr 11) IJver and Kidney II Ira they would Boon get rid nf Hi m eerabl feeling aod that overpowering sens of wearine and in capacity for work, would give place to on of health, Vigor and eheerfulnes. I'ric 1. Ml pef bolt I. ionk i fruit Tke I .oral faswr It t little remarkable tbal a local newspaper seldom gets ore-lit for lb good it do la a coin in unity Tb preacher bold revival stealing, Wis lb Imoi.I lb way of llle ami warns Tin: Lancasiukk Insukanci: Co. M MANCMICM I KM, IC.MIArwl ever 4 any ckkI Ibat II do. II I for Ibis reeaoa tbal oteay paper abao laUly refisa I devote spae lo Des-lad relorma, bee a tb" wbo push tb ...i nr.- t.Ui.M iifli.ii ; r.f orms moat. Utid lull ariaragtnel !, I tb tiewepepef . if gfel pexpl woold lo l, Ibal lh pprr that aaill I mmtt brar II apfr I wall Sip- oliera, la ming v.ry or. rlrl P"""!. fPf v"v "1 aiwav I OivtnssT etop tba iirh.ng an I ble4. ' lak rl.cl A P" l'"' ' in, tti.ie ti!(v.rii.o, .'! in tn r"" - .-' ... rmot tb tor'r Al drnggM. ut b &ay f Umn, N l wiili lh na- tr ;! Hn, ' PIN 11 1 tb 'IMtsaat f la 4 (1 tKD H . Mkt. MImI fllet 1 1' kl III" h)tiipma Moiainre; iatviie iifihing and eiingirg; m il al nigM; by crtc!iitg. If llol lo ll.oo tnni'ifs form, abieb ft l,li-l and If n..l. f f 5tiU. rbil4l(ibia. Many of car reaident bsv returned from lb Illu mountain. Mia (irao Mi.fll l dpartal for week's vacation lo i'ng Hutind. Waller Caaoo baa sgaio embarked ia lh btitcher's trad and is supplying Ilia tt.em of danger, and be la regarded a Ooantry 'round with ffeab laeaL great bat) factor. Tb newspaper Tb wsgooBiskara' ebop ia going Dp b raaoals. keen Da itod fmu fear rapidly and Mr. W. Uegiiewood, ea of ot suob ipaur; gneraly alvcirte aur blacksmiths, will aooo bull 1 Ms resi- wbal ia to tba bt InUmetof a towoand dene. ooramunity, and It reward, olleo, is lo Torn Woolery baa rtoro. from Ibe b regrdl a a eomrooo enemy. Many nd I again roatoUr ol nor bl- g'Kwl peopl tak a prll In deoooooing .,,!, dao. 11 I rggl al work Id tb pre al IU least provocation, l.ul i ( .grab,,!,,. Heading wilt Bonn aomneae. There will ba soor grain pnl I this year than taet, asd farmer tatn loU very hopeful lor tb coming year. I'aul llalsigsr.of Highland, III, ar- rlva-l Monday evening. II will loeale al I o and aobaik to lbsgimkf's Ira-la a n as bi six p I omplei!. haoday fh'-tl will agaio b r opod ric.in.lr le. .vef.,n is ordially Woman Who Paints Cats" is the striking title of a full page devoted to Madame Henrietta Ronner, tbe oelebrated oak painter; several copies ot her most oele brated pictures being given. "The Men Wbo Write Our Comic Operas" are rep resented by portraits and sketches ot "The Composer of 'Wang,'" "TbeCompo ser of 'Robin Hood' " aud "The Composer of 'Princess Bonnie.' " Graceful in theme and melodious in construction is Mr. Robert Coverley's song, "Love's Refieo lions," written exolusivnly for this issue ot the Journitl. Miss Grace Greenwood rites ot "The Man Who Most Intlu- enoed Me," Amelia E. Barr ot "Conver sation at the Dinner-Table," and Frank R. Stockton's "Love lief ore Breakfast" Oomesto absppy ooncltiHiou. Mrs. Nat ion's "The Early Winter liounets" aud "Silk and Woolen Bodices'' are daintily illustrated by Abby E. Underwood, aa are "Party Dresses for Children," by W. Oranvill Smith, and "The Early Aut umn Coats," by Frank O. Small. Women bo lov dainty needlework will b delighted with Helen Mar Adams' "Greek Embroidery Designs" and Mrs. Barnes Unices "A Bridal Table Set.' Tbis autumn's brides will find muoh practical advice in Mrs. Hamilton Molt'a up-tO'duta article on "This Autumn's Wedding Etiquette." J. Harry Adams writes ot "Some Artistic Doorways" and aeveral brigbl women giv Soma charming idea tor "Beautifying tba Home." Elton E. Ileifoid writes ot 'Cultivating tba Lily" and Emm M. Hooper of "Dressing tba Young Girl." Altogether Ibis attractive Issue, which g'wa out with a oover especially de signed by Mr. C. I). Gibson, la worth 10 lime it prion ot 10 oeuU. The Ladiee' Hum Journal la published by Tb Cur tis Publishing fJotupanv, of Philadel phia, for 10 cent per number aod It per year. A sua niury. Her Is a flub story wbk h eome from Canada: "Last fall a man Bulling on the Maitlaml ot hi watcli out ot lb boat Iroin which h wa 0hlng. Tb other day while fishing be caught a tbre- pound bas. lb aatonisliiueiit oan b Imagined a ben b found bia watch ldgd ia the throat of the beuty. Tha waloh wa running and tha time oorreel. It being a stem winder, the euppoeilion la that In masticating it food the baa won oil op tb watt b dally." In,l-d lo tti I an I aid I making It tuore c. ful tlian ever, loes, Of, Aug . Sr. lev) JasB Ik M.lur Mraal Well A Wralera Alabama alitor, according Li Ilia Atlabt Constitution, writing ap a local tbeatrlcal enierUlnmenl re oeiilly, and b wstile.l to be particularly Dto aliool II, to be rueiitioae.1 lb Datonfl uf several young la-lie nf lh lowo and wrote, "tbey all filled their part lo per feolioO." TUn be Wxlit home. Wbtt lb paper appare it wa foun I that tha pnater b-l pat ia an "a" in plao of aa "r" la tb word "part.,, lliaofder ia Hi liver and kidney aer reianili f ir tu any tit lh ailment of bamanlly, afiich, when aegte led, d Vrlop Into "fKM an I lifirti l mala due. I'mlpn -e nil I 'ngt Ilia (n riifl use .f r J. II tlean'a Lima ai I Kidney ll.Soi .i remove lite dlwinlpf a --'n . 1. an I t, l.if tlieilis "! unm.e hca.tl y et d viatotou ta, I'm ! W i it i. f v saaaa.