Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 27, 1895, Image 4

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While yon aep yonr subscription paid np yen
eankeep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses G on'"
shoulder; cattle name on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oounty.
Annstronx, J. C, Alpine, Or.-T with bar nn
der it on left ehonlder of horsee; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Ki(jht Mile. Or. -Tattle brand
O D on left hip and horww same brand on right
shoulder. Hange, Eight Mile.
Arlkina, J. J., Happnor, Or.Hort.es, JA pon
nantml on lft flank: cattle, same on left hip.
Biird D W. and e-in. Horses branded U H
on the left' hip; os'tle the same on left fl mk.
crop off rigiit ear, nndurcrop in the left. Mange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. O., Alnine. Or. Homes
branded 7 E on either Bhonlder. Kange in ittor-
ttamiiBter, J. W., Hanlmati. Or. Tattle brand
eil B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. (inoaeberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
" Hnrke'M Bt C, In- lireek. Or-On oattle,
MAY connected on loft hip, ciopolt lortear.nn.
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Kange in (irant and Morrow
"Tosman, Jerry. Lena, Or -Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B nn the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear npper slope
Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; oattle. same on right hip, split in
Xm! Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; oattle same on riuhthip; rauuo, Mur-
Brown, J. C, Hoppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in cei ter on inn nip
Hrown. vy.j., lyKiin, w
over It, on the left shoulder,
catt e. same,
Homes W. bar
Cattle same on left
-Horses, 50 on
,T ri. H.,Haa
brand on right hip oattle, sarne, with split m
Borg, P. O., Happner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlc or; cattle, same on ion, ii. i.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattlo. ,TB connected
,.n left side: crop n left ear awl two splits anil
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Hange in ox mlloy,
(Irant county, .
iSj,c.r, Wumir Or. Horses brand
ed () nn right stine ; cattle (three bam) on
rioM. ribs, croo andsplit in each ear. Kange in
i ' . 1 II ...... n. ni tn nti.Ml
Vain K . (inleb.Or.-Y I) on horses on loft stilloi
U with nimrtor circle over it, on lnrt Htionmor
J ' i .. V... ,;e ,.n niiltit nndpr ft vears: on
i..fi uiw.nl, lor onlv on all horses over !i years. All
i.. (l.unt nilltlltV.
i'.'.i., (!, It.. Vinson or liBim, Or. Horses
H ! on right shoulder; cuttle same on right hip,
i) u..rm.w and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall.M M, Oallowiiy, Or-Cattlo crop out
of each ear and miderhit, wattle in fore!i"ad;
lif,rsMH half circle C tm left stitie. Itnnge Mur.
.l n,nuilli( nnnnties.
Curl T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
i. cuttle Hwitllow forlc and wi'l-ir hit
i ril.t ear. siilit in left ear, liiinge in ((rant
...,.,,,. (in Bi, ccn. inverted A and spear noitil
n .iw.iililnr. Kiir markoii awes, crop on left ear
i.,l .,..nr liit in riirlit. Welliers. crop 111
Ih.ui and nniler half crop in left oar. All raiigs
in Grant ormtitv. .
'....i. k i ijton Or. Homes. wOon riirntwhonl
rtor Cattle, fame on right hin: eHr mark 8(uare
crop otT left and split in right.
Currin. K. Y., Ciirrinsvillo, Or,
i. ...:,(
c.,T VA. H.. Hardman, Or Cattle, 0 with
E in oenter: horses. CK on left Sin.
i'. ...I.-..., it V ... Mmmant. (irant ((
ii..'... I..., ,,!,'! nlrele with har heneaMi. on
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and newiap.
Chapin, H., Hard.nan. Or.-Horses brand
O on right hip. Cat tle branded the same. Als.
U 1.. I 'I .... l.nruAU rlirht. I lllfh: C'i'tle SIRII
l.r-,,,1 ,,n riuht shoulder, and cut off end of
r .1 . vj M flnllowav. Or.-!attlH. It Don
right sid.ilow-fork in each ear; horses, It 1)
on tort tup. . i , ,, i v
l i.. u. - Tw.nu as. Or. Horses branded I'.I.Y
nn'h.ft shoiililer, ctlle name on leftlup. hole
l(',.,.,rv ('.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded
i reversed (' with tail) on left shoulder; cal
'.i . ...... u .. rL.lit hin. Hange ill Morrow county,
l'i. i. . Ilenoner. Or. lttlH. LK on
riuht hio: horses K with bar under on right
"'Horence, H. P. Ileptmer. Or Horses, K (
right shonldei; oattle, K on right hipor thigh.
-k. tia.uu H mer. Or. Cattle hraml
W V ,ll bar over it. on left side; crop oil left
' ii. ....... u,nu liriuiil on left hio.
ii'..... .u kl',r . Kohii. Or. -Horses lirsn lel II
H villi a ouarler cin le over it, on left stltle.
11 ... M,.,r.,w T,,I 1 1 lllllt 1 1 la I"' lllll 1 1 .
Ilnitt, A. 11.. Ili lg", lr.-Caltle. round-top K
withonarter circle under It on the right hip,
i, i.. M,.rr,,w htiiI I uiati la counties.
ll,, , .Imiks. Hamilton, Or Catlle.two bars
.... .. i...r I rrim In right ear and iplit in left
llorsiw J ou right thigh. Itangein 'lant county
ll, Hnmnel. Wairner. Or- I- (T K
,..,i,i,.,.i.illiiii riuht shoulder on Imr-n' ou nut lie,
hio and on left side, swallow f im k in
right ear and slit ill left- lUngc in IC.y.tai
.l..,Pl..t Mrni ClllltV.
Hsle, Milton, Winner, Or. Horses Drmidis:
Y ni- i,f,rt,lll tail") on l ift should 'r
I'littlMsame on led hip also large circle on lefl
Il.iumril .1 L. tltllowav. Or. llor. ( (cross
,n, ii ,r simve Itl on riglil 'ni'ilder: cuitl
.,ii I, .ft side. Itmigi iii Morrow and I inal ill
Hall. Ivlwin, John Hav, Or I nil le h, Hi
riht Ion: h i s sa ne on rwhl slii'iihlnr. Ilungi
in ilriitit o dy.
Iliigli'w, M'it. Ilepom'r, Or, - HorM, shad
lliuirl on the l. ft st Ider. I slw Morrow I o.
Ilunsiiknr. H A, Wanner. Or. -ilormw.lt on I,
l l.l..r Mullle. Hun lefl hilt.
1 1 ii iii .h revs, J M llai diiisn, Or.- Horses, 11 on
In'1 tl'ink
Hu"ioii. I.niher, I'udit Mile Or. ll.,r- II
II, n l.ifl el. Hi I t r Hilt heart "II the Ml still" (at
tJ.. hiii O'l lefl Ion. Kan" in M irt , nnvil
J lies. Htrrv, II .ti.il T. Ilr lloniw liiw I
II .1 on the h fl i..oldi r; piiHIk I ra i.i .1 i
riiflii l,ip. sl.i iindeiliil hi leit tar. Iiin,:e
r.l,trr,.w e.il.f.l..
Jin, km. rt. M .. .Miiiiir. Or . -llor. honev
ho J on left sliolllder. ( all In. ths Mill
bang " f "I wlla.
J,.hi,a ,n Kelll l.sna. T. - Horse, niwls r
left siiHuj ratlin, ornne on right hip, under half
oron In nh son solil n leri mr
K.,n Mike. Ileiinner. r. -HonMW b"e
KNY on U'l hip oaitUwniiiand crop nfl Uft
r: nnder s..iion itu rlld
Kirk J.T.. IUpMir. Or. Il irsea ail nn I,
(l,,il,r: fsttls, an.in lef lilli.
hllk Je. Ile.illr. Of . I hoiw II on V
L hi .I .ri rll'li.il llglit side, ntiderlut
ri,o,i .,r.
k U'l.inlW II Mount Vernon Or.- I I,
roili,.,'i ridiit and left si h". sfisllow folk in b
sr and no lev nop III IWlit tmt. Ilewn
l.fMi.,1 o lefl stoeilder. lotnge In Omul Ci
Uiflnil, Hlepliell, ol.nr.-H I. oil lop
IMI rlle rt.. and ,tll IMI flrfht wf. lhfw
ftaiiiN tnaod on l.dl stuHiMr, Usnga insnl
L eo dl .tl, J .t.n W . I, l ' ' Or II im
ti'KUle I I, ,l( . ii.'I" J I nmswl-l us l,.tl .. i
Ht. I allU, aniMe on lt( Inn, lUuii. .r ll
l rf'.Ml
l...,l,e. J W II m'I"!"' Pi II '" b I
l-a-tt n-t l-ll si, ...ll. ter, I iu l- 1
lop. Hl " rialil 'I". Ih' ' I'l f !
,.r.. flora. Ilappnar Or. II I n-H
phl a
14m nt eonnfv.
Smith Bros.. Hasanville. Or. Horses, branded
' .u....ln.. Mitla umannlnfl. ah.inlrler.
Haniree. James. ArlingtoD. Or.; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, alao noae
wwldle. Kange in Morrow ana uuiiam countiea.
Htephena. V. A., llaraman. ur-; norsea do oh
ght stifle; cattle horiiontal L on the right side
Btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, H
right hip; swallow-lora in ien ear.
Hwaggart. O. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hnerry. K. Heppner. ur. ,arxie " kj on
left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson. J . A., tleppner, ur-norsea, s ou
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
TippetB.S.T.,l!.nterpnise.Ur. nurses, u-on leri
shoulder. ,. , m
Turner It. W., Heppner, (jr. nmau capital x
left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left tup
ith split id hnth ears.
Th,,mtin H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T.. lyma, Ur; Horses nV con
nected on right snouiuur;cattie, same on ngm
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, D. L.
i the left shoulder: cattle same on right hip.
orop oil loft ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John IJ,, Balem or Heppner, (jr.
orflos branded Jg on the left ehonlder. Kange
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
rr'lo over it. on left side, solit in right ear.
Horses same brand on loft shoulder. Kange m
rant comity. , , !
Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses Drannea
ace of soades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolfinger. John. John Day City.Ur un horses
three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kange in trrant and Malhaer
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. uorues,
connected on left shoulder.
Walk ns. Lishe. Heppner. Ur. Horses pranaea
UK connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. Heppner. Or. Cattle, W on
ght thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder sonir same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., numingion, Baker Co.. Or. -
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasoo, flamiltm, Or. Qnarter olr-
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
lorses. Hange (trant oounty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Kange in Grant oounty
Wren. A. A.. Ileouner. Or. Horses runmngA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on riuht hip.
Young. J. H.. (looseberry. Or. Horsee nranoac
THonthe right should".
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
When you arc about to buy a Sewing Machine
o not he deceived by alluring advertisements
nd be led to think you can gut the best uiudo,
st litushcd and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
vou buy from reliable manu
hietnrcrs that have gained a
iiitiit ion by honest and aq uare
iilinir, you will then get a
Sewing; Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to muuugo and is
tv Light Running
f K 'fr There is none In the world that
tMs ' "lr$ cun enul In mechanical con-
''jTviji stniction, durability of working
f''J parts, lineness of finish, benuty
J-V. ,'J in appearance, or has as many
";! ' X 1, Improvements as the
New Home
It ban Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (t0rVr('), noother has
it ; New Stand ( patented), dnvlnf? wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
rl, ft. T
Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
Oairins. Miss. Boston, tltss. mnmnnBor
ClllCAOO, Itl hT. IX)' ' IS, BO. IIAI.ian.il
FOH '-t BY
For full details oall on 0. K. & N.
At?ent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
Scin. Franolsoo
And all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The (treat highway through California to all
points East and South, brand Hoenio Route
of the Pacific. Coast. Fullman Bnffet
ttleepera. Second-class Sleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For ratM. tickets, sleenlna ear reservations.
V. THOMPSON CO., Agents, TC'S "i a,,,lrBM , P V(Vaa 4.
' K. KOEHI.KK, Manager, E. P. K00ER8, Asst.
Hcimiwr. Ot'CdOn. Wen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
Aa ,AN
l'n.. . sbb- ."v
Simplest, fl i Easiest
itrongest, I J J VJnTsl Work,ni
Receiver. t4IT Compact,
Most Modern and progressive
For rauiogns or Information write to
New Haven, Conn,
A 3 ,
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Is known to moat persona.
thtf Illustrate thst grtsltr quantity la
Net always most to bs scsirtd.
Tbtse cards saprtse ths bsnsKclal aual
4 compared with any prtvlously know
Rlpsns Tsbulse t Fries, fa cents a bei
Pf aiui i ists, el by mall.
IPIkl CNEMICaL CO., 10 tprwt II., MT.
It was almost nine o'clock on a
breezy October morninff when Miaa
Sophronia Use opened the neat little
gate in front of Albert Stanning'a new
house. There was a broad walk lead
ing up to a porch where a few great
purple clematis blossoms upon a trel
lised vine showed that the deceitful
October sun was coaxing out flowers
which did not belong to his time.
Miss Sophronia heard the slow creak
of a rocking-chair as she crcsed the
perch, and saw through the screen
door a pretty young woman sitting
with a book in her lap, reading. Her
blue calico wrapper was unbuttoned at
the throat, her feet were untidily
dressed, and her pretty, fair hair was
gathered into a frowsy kntot. She rose
in some confusion when Bhe saw Miss
Sophronia, tossed her book aside and
pushed toward her guest another
While the visitor removed her prim
old maid's bonnet and her cape, she
noted the untidiness of the room,
where the breakfast dishes were piled
in a unsightly heap on the table, and
flies held high carnival.
"I came up to help you, Cissy," she
said. "I noticed as I passed Gorham'a
that the men were pitching from the
last stack. They will be here before
noon. Have you got your dinner un
der way?" The young woman colored
and her eyes, which were not blue, but
a yellowish gray, grew dull.
"They are not coming here or at
least they are going to board at Father
"Then it is true."
"What, pray?"
The old maid rocked tranquilly and
produced her knitting.
"O, I heard some of the cirls at the.
society saying that you would not
dare attempt to get dinner for the
threshers; that your finnicky town
ways might fool Albert, but you were
too smart to try them on with the
threshers. You know I do not pry into
your affairs from a motive of idle cu
riosity, Cissy, and I wantyou to tell me
why you are acting in this way.
"Well, Albert thinks I can't cook."
This was said with an elaborate affec
tation of carelessness, but it did not
deceive Miss Sophronia.
"And yet I have often heard him
boast of your good housekeeping your
cooking especially."
"O, yes at first. liut now we are
all wrong. I hate that sort of men
that go about with the steam thresh
er! I shudder to think of Jim Finn,
for instance, coming into my house. I
know that they will spit over every
thing and eat like wild beasts. And
when I said so Albert got mad and
said he would take them to his moth
er's, where they would get something
fit to eat."
"Quite naturally," murmured Use.
"Aunt Sophy! You were mother's
friend and I owe a lot to you, but 1 am
not going to bear that! 'Quite nat
urally' indeed! I think he was horrid."
"Cissy, did you know Albert was a
farmer when you married him?"
"You know I did."
"Then I suppose what I have heard
is true; that you have no practical
good sense at all; that you supposed
farming to be all sunset, moonrise,
starshine, dewy apple blossoms, etc.''
"You know I am not such a fool! but
I do not see the necessity of our being
brought in contuct with Jim Finn."
"And these men who do not know
how to feed themselves according to
your notion, are the very men, if I am
not mistaken, who hauled and cut
every stick of wood you uurnea that
winter your father died. I am ashamed
of you, Cecelia Manning!"
No answer save the slow creak of the
young wife's rocker.
"You have Iw-en used to them all
your life. It was that year with that
lillc, do-nothing set at your aunt's
which hui filled your silly head with
false ideas. You are unkind to Albert's
mot her, and the next thing you know
you'll lie unkind to Mliert."
"I'm afraid I am that now tome
times.' "Well, a sin confessed ia half re
pented of. Oo comb your hair, and
come and help me. I am going to save
your credit by getting dinner for those
men." She began to gather up the
dishes while Cissy ran to her room to
Improve her toilet, calling out direc
tions to Miaa Sophronia from time to
"There's a snow pudding cooling in
the cellar."
"Snow fiddlesticks! Yon want about
a d.itcti pies, meat enough for a regi
ment, a peck of potatoes and every
thing else In proportion. I lurry, child."
Claay came forth presently with
smooth hair, a ruffled apron and un
ruffled demeanor; she waa neatly shod
and the yellow "ght In her rye bad
given rdaee to elesr. c""l prayneas.
"Yon straighten np that disgraceful
dining-room while I prepare the vege-
In all its stages
completely eradicat-
ulcers vield to its healin? powers. It re
moves the poison and bunds up the system
Vslusblt tresllK on the dllelie ind ill treltment mailed Be.
swii-t srucirii; w. Atiuia. urn.
iently use, passed into the dining room
where a long table was laid, as exquis
ite in every appointment as if the
president of our great republic had
been an expected guest. His wife was
flitting about adding some finishing
touches to the table, and Miss So
phronia was seated near a window with
her knitting work in her hand, and a
book upon her knee, knitting and read'
ing as was her habit. Albert clutched
his wife as she passed him. "So you
didn't get mad at what I said this
morning? I've felt like hanging my'
self to a sour-apple tree ever since."
"Yes, I was. Mad all through. And
don't you ever say such things to me
again. You and I to quarrel after
Then she gave him a kiss, basted the
browning fowls, turned the sputtering
ham and thanked Qod she was alive,
and that Albert was alive to love her.
At twelve, before the last stroke had
died away, the new dinner bell hung
upon the top of a white oak pole by
the well sounded forth its welcome
summons; for to be "behind hand with
dinner" in the Pretty Bob neighbor
hood was all as bad as to provide but
one kind of pie.
Somehow as the men trooped in they
did not seem quite so repulsive as a like
crowd had been at harvest time. They
were boisterous, bandying coarse jokes,
making fun. Cissy knew, of what they
were pleased to call her "pernickerty"
ways, and her "moonshine meals," but
she merely smiled. She even hung up
the fifth clean towel without a sign of
disgust, and by the time they were
seated at the table she owned to her
self that even Jim Finn might be
worse, for had she not seen him fondle
her pet kitten, while waiting his turn
at the washbowl?
She poured the fourth cup of coffee
for poor, trembling, or'nary neighbor
Jones who ate his pie with his knife,
held within two inches of the point,
and drew his great, hairy hand across
his face in lieu of a pocket handker
chief without once looking across at
Albert. She asked Tim Lewis, who
was more than suspected of making
midnight visits to his neighbors' hen
roosts, how his lame b oy was, and told
him not to forget to take a pocketful
of sweet apples home to him. The rest
of the men were neighbors, good hon
est men who knew better than to ask
the same man twice for a chew of to
bacco without offering a return of the
favor, who "belonged to church" and
did not swear except under great prov
Midway in the meal Miss Sophronia
looked up from her book.
"I'd offer to help you, Cissy, but you
seem to be getting along better with
out me. 'Too many cooks,' you know,
'spoil the broth.'"
It would have done poor, tired Cissy
good to hear the remarks of the men as
they smoked their pipes under the oaks
in the back yard.
"That settles It," said one; "if I hear
the women pokin' any more jokes at
Al's wife, I'll shoot off suthin' that'll
settle era. I bain t met with such a
dinner since my mammy's day."
' Three kln'a of pie and a rnddln'l
That lays it over anything we've seen
yit Alknowed what he's about when
he married that town gal, now I
tell ye."
"Did you hear the Gorham gal tick
lln' about the dinner we'd git to-day?
I just wisht she could a-seen it!
"Them soggy apple dumplin's 'at we
had thar yistiday lays heavy on my
atummick yit," this from Tim Lewi;
"I drapped one on my foot an' it hurted
so I sort a klcked it inter the dooryard,
an' them pore chickens la fightin' over
it till plumb yit."
As soon as the bun of the thresher
was heard Mia. Sophronia bustled out
of her chair.
"Now for supper, and then dinner
to-morrow! We mustn't lose what
w e've gained. Two of the men will be
here to breakfast. You alt down and
let me wash the dishes!"
Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an indisputable fact. It stands in the
front rank with all hisrh grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be
punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, as it 1b equipped with the world
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, S1S0 each. (
THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market
For Btyle, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect
ively, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge
clincher tires ana are iuny warrantee!,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call '
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- j
ton and Idaho,
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. Maj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and
lecturer. oris r ATl Ji Kouw , Agt. tor Morrow uo., neppner, uregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Jung oi .Bicycles.
Four Models $85 and $100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted St.. CHICAHO. It!
BRANCHES t-New York. San FrancUoo, Salt Like City, Denver, Memphis, brtnrlt, let ont.
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon.
I No. so. VhiTr heard of artllnir I "V A A i
I V J w iie m v . A 1 . it ill a .. 1.1. aw.i.llBa mim M at. Jl I
t-i,,B,a i a. aiiU'ii. I 0 Huf HRf ATiHMrT. J f . . i"""' I one's ffnarJiaa awl to wash the I V ' V Y ' V
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' - s C J(V,'.C V;ZA-V "II.- lovely. Aunt rVrh."atdClM-, Vrvii nnnA it in
,7j-l Sv'''tiHv! air.-r lice. i ou need it in
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Dm Li (iu.i Mli.. a. III. ewet
a. riiiw, as.
my man, tmr my riiiiiin-n. Mil 1 guv
It'll .n uy hard on Mim N.tihronla
Iloalfshti mlaare Iter ifrsti.lrhll.lrenr
The houe was antm tklird not a
lotijf Uk. f-r lUllneaa It normal
rii.liU..ii ivU- mailt ra-ly,
fowls mt ! r'U and ham rut In a
prnfui,.n huh l.4d t tbe you eg'
wife l;'n. m al.
I.lrtni had airui-lt lirf.ire the engine
had smirld and inifffd lt war Into
the ru b ard at A:rt Mannltif s, hut
ahrad of II ll.e ytnirip tnasUr r
the farm, shrrfnshly cuiiartmt that he
had lrri rrurlly unjuat, and aura that
ha iml .. t.t . ktnle.1,-e (he
asm lf r I iT s eves wuuld l.a.k
kinder at In in af aio.
Ih u. i.mh i. s yreeud him aa he
Hr.ir.-I th houaa. .Nooliea la the
aiM.rh. tut ll.ere ass a outid of
s..ii,p i-m- ronlns about in the diOiatf
roi -lj luinf Kowe . r f
Ir.c uni. .li)f fiiee mr ranre.1 tij
the rr,uy aheltea. -unit,' Win. rUer-
rr god api-U. Near them as a aa of
fia.' 1. 1 rr'a tld lir... faaaed If a
faHll fltf III, l.rr f Iflllif Sau-a to
i"n it in .r and It
t!.)irif man. tiitMir4
In im mr an t.tnul y.ri rr.an s-
cef t lhl hr ;wr. t h Ba
lrp,-ih rf ,t lasri he iM enfir.
Tae Khia MaaiM.
UJ Champion. In hla UaiW "On the
r'nmtifr," dpi-ribe a deer bunt. In the
four of hl.h he found hla dof
aatrlde the dral lly of the drer.
hlie an Indian kt.aal a little waynff.
) and amw In hand. II v s(fo he
made the white man undrmtand that
lie ha.l wrmoileil the il-er and the iW
pu!l-d It d'wn. Then he tvl up the
ilcrr, tied the f.-trtieif of It up In the
aatn arid l-U.-rd It on n aide. The
other ha'.f he laid at Mt). Champion e
frt. drnrrring1 hlroaeif of a Se h la
the l ie laiiauaif. The white man nn
drrat.aid hla mranlna1, but nH a wurd
of hi addrraa. The Indian and the
d.-rf had killed the deer Utflhrr. and
tl.ed i( iiwnrr wa enutieil U hai(
the game. Tbe nair eiual to the
eon-r.-rnfy. He rn and deUrerad la
fuU the e'aalal dw;maii.o: "My
name la Snreal." with appmpriate fa,
turea. Just as be bed ma ay time rtn
It at arhnnt. 'r4Mnr nri4 bae baea
Wtur, The Imf iaa and the bite atea
sH.s band wit ejuatoo. and ewrh
uh bia aaare o( tbe wMkaas rwU
: PIS !
Youro BOUXD to Tako 'Jm.
Leaves No Constipation,-
Care It. aa well ae atl H lhtier.eae, Kk f1adaS ted Halaela. The ee
c eTiMa pill the mid. Hold by H ,'.rle ee ei by mU L
raeMH ol prlea. S -! pfl to. ! IlLM IlK MFhlCAt. CX.
ill U-i.Mal lua Haa rraxi-Mk CL