Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 27, 1895, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Eloomfield, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
jg9 gys ffi, 12 3
4 S 6 7 B 9 IP
11 12 15 1 15 16 17
18 i9 2Q 21 22 23 24
251261271 2S2930 si
HUge Cor Hardman, Monument, Lonn Creek,
loha Day ana lauyou city, leave u iuiiowi ;
Kvery 1t at t a. in., eivept Sunday.
A rrivaa avarr da at 6 o. m.. exeent Monday.
Tbe cheanent, qulckeat and bait line to or
from tbe Interior country.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
Extra Pale Star Brewery Beer
la Pint Bottles can be
bad only at tbe
Hotel Bar!
John Sooglaod, who ii ten ling oamp
this sessoo for George Swageurl, got in
Saturday direct from tbe Qreeoboro
country, where tbe sheep are now lo
cated. John reports having almost the
entire sheep oamp stolen reoentlv. Tbe
teDt, paoksaddlee. almost all tbe grub,
and a $140 shot-gun, belonging to tbe
herder, were among the things taken.
Tbis wag rather an unfortunate tbiog,
and necessitated John making this trip
to Heppner at the present time.
Ben Bwaggart bad the misfortune to
lose bis barn and oontents by fire last
Friday. Himself and family were in tbe
mountains at tbe time, bat passed
through Heppner Sunday, having heard
of tbe bad luck the previous day. How
tne nre originated is not known, in fact
it was only discovered by John McAlister,
a neighbor, when a mass of names. Tbe
loss ifi estimated to be something more
than $1500, wbioh is offset by 9900 insurance.
At a reoent Salem prayer meeting the
minister said: "Will Bro. Smith please
lead us in prayer?" Seven men arose
and began praying at once. Tbis em
barrassed tbe preacher, and be said hur
riedly: "I mean Bro. John Smith." At
tbis announcement one eat down, and
five more got up and began praying,
Tbe preacher saw bis mistake, said noth
ing and let tbe 11 pray it out among
Lost Some where on tbe road between
Umatilla and Eeunewick, Wash,
pocket book containing a small sum of
money, a few receipts and a note due
four months from date, issued May 10th,
in favor of Sterling Smith and sigoed
by G. W. Wells, both of this oity. This
property can be of no value to tbe finder,
however, be will confer a great favor by
returning same to Grove Smith, of tbis
oity. ,46
Condon Globe: Mr. Ed Rood, of Eight
Mile, made a "business" visit to tbe
Frank Stevens ranob tbis week. Some
of tbe boys say that Ed sots just like a
I man who bxs a hankering to oommit
matrimony, but perhaps tbey have him
"sized up" wroDg. Mrs. Cburohill will
remain sometime yet with ber Bister,
Mrs. F. B. Stevens.
You cannot be cheerful or happy while
vour liver is disordered, me is out a
weary burden to persona so amioted
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is tbe right thing to put this organ
into bealtby oondition. It moreases tbe
secretion of bile, stimulates tbe kidneys
and restores tbe organs of tbe body to
tbe proper performance of their functions,
Price $1.00 per bottle.
While out on one of bis semi-occa,
sional visits to Rbea oreek last Sunday
the Gazette learns that Feroy Garrigues
had tbe misfortune to have his oart con'
slderably demolished, as a result of
driving rather a high spirited borse. An
unfortunate accident, especially when
making a missionary trip of that kind,
Reports from Haystack aretotbeeffeot
Ibat Siegrist. tbe victim or ine reoen
stabbing affray, is getting along all right,
and baa o intention of dying at present
Young Swift, wbo did tbe stabbing, was
among tbe prisoners wno recently at
tempted to escape from the Canyon Uity
jail. However, be wag re-captured.
Ike Eunls has a stock of bioycle
repairs and will fix your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is his intention to
make a specialty in this line, and as tbe
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
tbis will certainly be pleasing news to
tboee wbo are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf.
Not one complaint has ever been made
by those nsing Aver Sarsaparilla ac
oording to directions. Furthermore, we
have vet to learn of a oaae in wbioh it
has failed to sfford benefit. So say hun
dreds of druggists all over the country.
Has onred otberi, will oure yon.
T. A Rbea 'and D. W. Ralston re
turned home from a trip tbrongb tbe in
terior oountry Sunday. Tbey purchased
300 head of oattle over in Grant and
Crook oonntiei on this trip, whioh will
be delivered at Huntington tbe nrst of
next week, for shipment to Chicago.
J. W. Matlock has lost received $760
insurance on his dwelling that was de
stroyed by fire last spring and wbiob was
insured lor 5800. Jim bad only paid
ont 86.00 as premium on tne poiioy,
and while be did not receive face, it was
oertainly a good investment
Destbotino Shbbp Camps. Hearly
every week reports are received to tbe
effect that a sheep eamp bat been robbed
or destioyed by fire. More frequently
has this occurred this season than eyer
before. There are different reasons for
this. At times those looking after the
sbeep orowd In too oloeely on the settlers
along tbe streams in quest of good feed,
biob sometimes ends in tbe herders'
outfits being destroyed. Again there
are many miners over in tbe interior
oountry -who have been thrown out of
work this year. Tbis class, with others
wbo are tramping through tbe moun- j
tains, are suspeotedof having oommitted
the various robberies. Tbe first aot on
the part of sheep men is wrong.wbile tbe
latter is oertainly the lowest type of
theft. For anyone who would rob a
sbeep camp, taking everything In the way
of food, is oertainly a very low type of a
villain. It is a custom, in faot it is
usually expected, that one should not go
hungry when a sheep oamp can be lo
cated, but it is oertainly a very deplora
ble act to take tbe last morsel of food
from a herder's larder.
None Bat Ayer's at the World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys tbe extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Chioago. Manufacturers
of otber sarsaparillas sought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but tbey were all turned away under tbe
application of tbe rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medicines and nostrums.
Tbe deoiBion of tbe World's fair autho
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in effeot as follows: "Ayer s Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits."
I Am nnr
To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done
fox. me. I bad tbe grip and its 111 effects
settled all ovti
me. cramps
In my legs and
frequently I had
to get up at
night and walk
to relax the mus
cles. I also had
stomach troub-
lea. I then took
N Hood's Barsapa
0n bottle
cured thecratnp,
and another has
helped my stom
ach trouble
taken 8 bottles and
use Hood's Pills which are the best I ever
took." H. A. Melvin, Biatera, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tho Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the publlo eye today.
I hava
Hood's Pills
easy to buy easy to take,
amy in eflact. 2SO.
Thh Dootobs' Conditions. Drs.
Holmes and Ausplnnd who shot each
otber in an impromptu duel recently, do
not seem to have muoh improved during
the past few days and no one is allowed
to see them, exoepting their physicians.
Dr. Parker, of the Portland hospital, now
has oharge of Dr. Anspluod, and it is
stated that the wound in bis arm is of
suoh a oharaoter that amputation may
yet be necessary. At Good Samaritan
hospital there are many oallers daily to
see tbe wounded men, but under instruc
tions from the attending surgeons, Mrs.
Emma J. Wakeman, tbe superintendent,
denies nearly all visitors the privilege of
seeing them. Mrs. Dr. Chambers is an
exoeption to the rule. Dr. Ausplund
said that it she wis not allowed to visit
The Gazette's sfoortrng Editor Gives a Few
Opinions of Things Seea and I'naeea.
. Many think I ought to be funny and
relate fnnny stories, bnt as a rule when
a story is funny it ia not true. I deal
with fax.
I have often been asked how a oow
can transform real estate into personal
property. I don't know.
Speaking about cows reminds me of
my intimate ohum and partner, The
Town Cow. She eearohes for handouts
from hay wagons and hacks, while I
search tor news. We often stroll out to
gether, as the baok streets and alleys are
good fields for tbe oow and me.
I tell you this cow is a great rustler,
that's why I admire her so. She and
tbe mayor are also great chums. She
often assists bim in welcoming visitors
to town. She very oordially receives the
venders of bay, oabbages, potatoes and
the early corn. You ought to see how
gallantly she esoorts them down the
street. The other day Harry Hayseed
drove in with a load of ohoioe wheat hay.
She met him well out of tbe city and re
turned with him, bringing np the rear
and I mifl-ht add. occasionally sampling It Leads Them All,
his product. When Harry arrived at the The "Cyclone Thresher.'
lower feed yard be bad nis nay irame
left. My ohum proaounoed the bay
very fine, and with a wink of the left ear,
assured him that there was a good mar
ket for such a product here. And now
she goes out every morning to meet him
again, but be never came baok.
Tbey used to tell me that editors al
ways got a hand-out from thd fruit wag
ons. But I think I'm playing out of
luok. Bo far I have received a rotten
head of cabbage and a few badly bruised
peaobes. These, I might say my part
ner, the cow, had refused. I wish right
here to inform the horny-banded sons of
toil, tbe produoers, that I have alreadj
a highly cultivated appetite for tbe edi
torial watermelon.
P. S. Don't leave consignments at tbe
office, bnt hunt me up on the street.
My editorial partner and a Sand Hol
low admirer of my sandy wit, are botb
greatly troubled with facial disfigure
ments, that have the appearance of boils.
They were oonBoling eaob other last
Saturday, saying bow muoh better it
would be if the boils were on some other
part of their anatomy. Mark Twain
onoe told me there was bnt one place for
boils and that was on tbe other fellow.
However. I didn't tell them of this for
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine
You of course want the best.
Are Still in Business
In spite o boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
as long as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to
sell honeBt goods at honest prices
To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
vu vvviivu
a Hill Va 1 1 til va 1 111 11 lAl Vi
Willowware, and many other things.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
The ftlassillon Engine & Thresher Co.
him be would discharge his nhvsioian,
While neither of the patients are oon- 'ear they might think me tbe other tel-
sidered in a dangerous condition they o
need perfect quiet, and must be kept en I was interviewing my farm reporter
tirely free from any exoitement that oon- from the rural districts the other day.
versation might bring. I He said "craps" weren't very good. He
sized up ths average as about 16 to 1
Memory is a little treacherous now and Sixteen failures to one oron. Tou know
tbey nsed to be "seben come 'leben."
tben, and causes one to forget some
things worth remembering, unless one
has an ezperienoe like that which came
to Mr. D. . East Moffatt'e Creek, Va.
wbo says: "I bad been suffering for
years with a torpid liver and found no
relief nntil 1 took (Simmons Ijiver Regu
lator when I wa entirely relieved of my
troubles. I never intend being without
Simmons Liver Regulator."
But times have changed.
I attended a oonoert not long sinoe, as
tbe genial advanoe man haJ kindly pro
vided me with a pass, that called for a
reserved seat on the back beooh. I
didn't play the game out though as
everything was solos. From tbe deal I
tbeir lives, danger or no danger.
I am slated to attend the Fossil races
next month, so will send you a few
punohes from that burg. Hand in or
ders for tbe kind you wish before I de
part. They will be oorreotly filled.
Speakio' of Fossil races, I am reminded
of an aooident I once met with at a pre
vious raoe season over there. Tbe ee.
quenoe was something like this: Good
horse, good jockey, good track, good
money, good by. But in the language of
the bioyclist "I'm a great finisher." And
as this Benson will "finish" my sporting
ambition, you may look out for better
results. Those acquainted with me may
have great eonfidwnoe in my ability to
piok out a winner. It so, remember
that only oash deposits' conut.
In tbe meantime I beg to remain, as
ever, Yours muchly,'
Thb Sporting Editor.
Out of Sight!
The boy is father to the man, and when
the boy dons tbe man's bat he is "out
ot sight." Likewise the mno who pro
vides himself with one ot
bats, and also purohases his Groceries,
OigarB, Tobaooos and Gents' Furnish
ings at this establishmeBt where the
freshest and latest of the above linea
are kept.
This is also tbe plaoe for Stockmen's
Supplies, as this store makes a speoialty
of everything required by this olass of
trade. And a casual observer will not
fail to notice that our sheep and cattle
men take advantage of this fact.
Remember the plaoe
Fonr doors south of tbe Uity hotel.
.1 I t a. as.' 1 11 a, I -
A Bad Evn.-For aeveral days nast the 8 n e 0K ,BBl lul" " mu" Da"
r I i j t 1:1.-
nl,If wnnil nn.lmr of the Oaeatt has meu Oiroigu. uu " uuu
r r . T ... . , i. ! iu. .,l 1
had a a'ightly disfigured eye that has ,rf-1 '"W j, eft tueln
been aoytbing but pleasant. However, "ro"ea P 108 ,lrie" lo "Ye lu," lro
h r.n,,l .nnn.h .rati, annlina. "ai nau gBmereu id my luru.. u.tmreu
tions, positive oures, preventatives, etc,
to start a fair sized apotheoary ahop. My oolored friend, Raatus, went ont
Yes, have tried everything from a mustard foraging tbe otber night. He found bis
poultice to Balm of Oilhead. but tbe eye game. -Dere am one blessm' 'bout bein
still buoks worse than a Crook ooonty blue," said Kastus, as be slowed two
oayuse. Yesterday morning a portion of chickens away in bis bag. "Yo' ain't ap'
a ooosiirnmcnt of beer.belonginir to Friend to be so viserble in de dark. I oow wish
Knight of the MaoraWn.
Tbe Utate Commander writes ns from
Linooln, Neb., as follows: "After trying
otber medioines for what seemed to be a
very obstinate cough in onr two children,
we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and
at the end of two days the cough eutire-
We will not be without it
hereafter, as our experience proves that
it will oure where all otber remedies fail."
Signed, K. W. Htevens, State Com.
Why not give tbis great medioiue a trial,
as It is KUHniiitfed and trial bottles are
free at tbe drug store of T. V. Ayers, Jr.
f) to all students. Young men oan obtain board, lodging, heat and light in
tbe dormitory for $2.50 per week. Roomers furnish their own lioen. Young
women are provided board in private families at $3.00 per week. Young women
desiring board should address Prof. John Stranb, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary
Young Women's Christian Association, Eugene. Tbe University oilers three
bacoalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Let
ters with corresponding oourses ot atudy. Tbe following shorter courses are also
offered: An English oonrse leading in two years to a business diploma and in
three years to the title graduate in English; an advanced oonrse for graduates of
normal aohools leading to the degree master ot pedagogy; A three years course in
olvil engineering leading to tbe degree civil engineer; a course of two years for
teachers ot pbysioal education leading to a diploma and ths title direotor of
physical eduoalion. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars wbioh
is payable in advanoe by all students. Btndenti holding diplomas from the pnblio
sohools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory
department without examination. Those desiring information regarding tbe pre
paratory department should address tbe Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
For catalogues and information address
O. II. CHAPMAN, President.
or J. J. WALTON. Soci"etary, EuKono. Oregon.
When high grade Llquori and Clfart are alio
kapt by Te
Nottar mnmmm root nnlnlilait I Va blBCK.
Yon cannot say that yon have tried . ... . .1 . . . . . ... ,. . .
everything for your rhenmatiam, nntil 10 ol lu" umoo HU M proprietress o. me unj uo
yoa bave taken Ayer's i Ills. Hundreds oourao mat wu uuiui mn euro iaiK or moving unt mm, oui iuis oreuu i
have been cured of tbis oomplaint by tbe sent by some sympathizing neighbor, I worry the patrons of that boose, for in
nse of these Fills alone. Tby were ad
milled oo exhibition at the World a r air
aa a standard oatbartio.
Rev. J. M. Denison and wife left Bat
nrday, and A. Wright, A. Mallory and
Miss Ida rail departed yesterday after
noon, all Donna lor npoiene io oe in
attendance at conference wbkb oonveues
in that oity tbia week.
Bavioff nsed Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to my family ami found it to be
a nrst class article. 1 take pleasure in
reoommendiog it to my friends. J. V.
Foster, West port. Cat. For sals by Bio-
Here and There.
Million! rid tbe Rambler.
Ike Ennis has bicyolea to rent.
Aden Bloao, of Orant eonnty, is in tbe
Walt Fell returned to Pendleton Sat
urday afternoon.
The Nilee-Vioson, Marble Workt,
97alia Walla. Wash.
J. B. Kaoney, tbe stags line contractor, I Oom Johnson Drag Co.
It bow locewa i ck.u. - .... orMchid bii f,r,wei Mr.
Cash bnyera will do well to eall on mon at tbe M. E.oharcn, south, last Bun
was just on tbe point ot taking a bath I inch an event, I will resign my position
when tbe mistake was discovered, as sporting editor, and run tbe hotel. I
Thanks to the discovery, for from reli- bave already mads arrengemejta with
able information believe It contains too China Jim for a partner. We will run a
muoh "bad eye" to be nsed aa an anti- flmt claas hash house with 13 cent meals.
Weak aad Meryoai
Describes tbs oooditious of thousands
of people at tbis season. Tbey bave do
appetite, cannot sleep, and complain ot
tbe prostrating ruvctoi warmer weather.
Tbis ooodition may be remedied by
dood's banaoarilla, wbioh creates an
Jim's tbe cook and I'm tbe runner.
Fresb handouts will be delivered at the
rear door.
My friend, Josh Billings, ooce aaid:
"There it two things io this world for
which we are never fully prepared, and
that ii twins." Now tbart ii two things
We lead, others follow.
Minor k Co.
nranda Marble Works. La Grande
A . ai n UalK anliaAmftn II at nfiflatr .
Mr T. A. RbA rttort! hom Bator.
from a brief visit at Tbe
George Thorn loo sod family and F.
day evening to a fair sitad andieooe.
Rev. Adkins and family are making ar
ran Be moU to depart for Day too. Vt aab.
tbeir new borne, Ibe latter part of this
appetite and tunes op all tbe orgaos. It 0 Heppner that we are hardly prepared
givea good beano oy maiiug me oiooa for M(J L(lt lgboroh trials with grand
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, eure headache.
Orboom Htiti FaIB. Aolrcoleriaeaed
lien Mathews is now sole proprietor of fflM the following a some of Ibe prom
the oity meat mariet wnere oe aeepe a 1Motftnf,lof tbe etaU fair: Bolglog
fresh supply ot beef. pork, mutton, veal, .. ,
nalioeh aod family are home from tbeir sauaage, baooo and lard, which be aells " Digoesai nu.uuu io premiums, purses
amnmer'a ooting. for the loweet market pnee. Fred Bock, and priaes. Numerous novel atlrao-
. rtaln nr fane aawioo' Will ,M onianu pawner, ia ami wiiu uiui. n I tiunsi 1U aaji. Begins vrsanesaay eepi.
. ..i. 'l a I ., ... if f o- 1 KH ,l, tTri.U Ont.lr Ilk
go tO tbe DOOM or iaa hwid( a. iwiuti i truancming aiiurnej . u"f " w- . ..
in Mary Henderson. " I was a paMeager oo halurday's traio eo IMeoator Ingalla aod Congressmen Itryaa
J. VL Key. aod Da v,d Baker, two of ".,o tb. Tatter Z'i 7t .hi "
w i .t. ,. raeee every osy. rereoov nana eaa or-
ware IB me "---
w- k A. Roberts and Mrs. 8. P.
viaeaaee ootiooe to rapiaiy improve
store their retorB from Portland
Mrs. Bob Shew arrived rroto for U ana
oo patarday .''?''' d
f WlUog wtlB oer p. v..,. figbt bfk4
A Boolbero paper says It will give an ltM
oo laal eveniba's tralo eod departed oo
tbis morning s stage tut a viatt at uuros,
ber old home.
jury ettaobmeuta.
My editorial partner thinks tbia Ilepp-
oer soandal is disgraceful. Yes, Its bad,
for there's only one tblog worse tbaa be
ing talked about, aod that's cot being
talked about. Ho let tbe good work
go on.
Pears like a friend of Dine may be ar
rested for gettin' bia shut gun off ia Ibe
street Tbe trouble ie be eome mos
oigb klllio' an innocent pel eoyote. Hot,
(backs to poor marksmanship, Ibe pr
secuied still lives to devour tbe persrra
tor's cbiokaoe.
I was confidentially Informed that one
aUnnelooe fur every Be eobeortber,
r'.T. .m,i afford lo furnish a doctor
Borpay tnetooerel eipw
FUf H. P. Peooie, f..rmsrly f Ibis
A .i hMi viaiiing with rla-
r7.rv.7i:. iu. im te mw
lleiantly loc.ud al McMiooyiile.
Tbre te bo eien for any roan to ap-
.. . mtimt twardemre
rat IB ei"'r " " " . ..
IhelpiroJ-"-." HvBiBihBBi Uyo,
. Uh e?Ire o.fal bf-B or black.
from bit Rbea
cheeira of T piece I Rallooo aeoensioas
and pararbote Jumps by Prof. Frank
Miller. Ureod sermon oo Sunday by of our Heppoer girle did eo moeb kiee
Ref. Edward Dsvia, of Hao Franoieeo. licg dowo near tbe depot recently that
While other merchants are waiting for Peered ooooarl buudey afteroooo . Cob- she burst the collar tattoo off ber shirt
tlme to Improve, Mloor k Io. are going I oar U every oigbtdonug the fair. lUdnced walel. This reminds me that doctors
110 IDeir reooru orealitg ,.,, i ..lmM M.n aiall t.r.minma! I kiaaee era r danirerons. and are
fie fastest Bile traok io tbe west. Will positively koowa to U great diaeemlna-
U the beal fair held io Orasoo! Ad- tors of disease. But I ttl yoa Ibeae
mission, CO oeola.
... atl Io
. .. II I
lo move Uc ' f'd" ,bM
Bf -
tMit raoeo
crTvVr Mdby T.W.A,.r.
I ha proa-1 V-
II. & MoOormlsk, one of tbe "koigLts
ol tbe grip," tame op oo laal eveoicg's
train to look alter bualuees in tins oil;
J. It. Tedroe now keepe eitr pal
Htar B wary bnttlwl beer. lUad Ted's
ad. aod drtok bis beer.
Minor A Co. have received
worlb of dry goods alone In tbe laal 01-
teao days.
Torn Ctrl and Mat Ilalverann, both
fpfa(illlf ol Line, were 10 tJe.poaf
BUOilsy laat.
N't shelf worn ! at Minor A Ci.'s.
All bw ao I ol Ilia laieal digus.
It-.b II od gt taek laal tveelog Iroia
S brief valKo al Teal epr lee.
T. W. Arers, Jr. and wife see both re
pnrtJ la te oo ll.s u k list.
J. be HstMi eme ever from L"tie
R.wk )ea(ef Jay.
lltppner girls will gi right oo risking
Ucairi'Tsii IIoxib Acoordiag lo
the Chronicle, Caot. J bo W. Lewis, ot
Tbe DftJIr. Las reosivl notloe Ibat be
bae been selaflled ao bno'irary anl de
eatpp on lua san oi io ueparimaBi
ooinmander of Ktieky. It Is quia a
ooaplimenttolneoaptaia, as IbeaalaO
ite was mads w.ib jot bis InooUJge.
The fceit nalioual eiM-amptneol will be
held el Luoiavtlle, Keoiuoky, HtUtb
lo lilb. Tbe Oral pat in Ibal state ou
orgaalsdJ la lv1 The memUre io
rreaaed from 4'U lo XI to 0.H15 lo a.
Thte was tbe high water mark aod tbe
oeit fear Ibe mmUrabip fell to CM1
aod Ibe folloeieg year loS.?u3. Ttxe
m if m mm
Culled from the Kasle.
E. N. Crockett returned from Hitppner
Foreat Bres are rawing io nearly every
flr thic ket in (Irani county. Ihe whole
country is oovered with one deuse oloud
of smoke.
Hheep from neighboring connties have
eaten about Ihe laet Sear of graes lo
Grant eouuty, aod it is snppoaad that
they will soon return to home ranges.
Gene Gilmno, brother of Wood (111-
man, ol Poplar, Grant ooonty, was in
Long Uret k (bis week oo business. Air.
Oilman and family now reside in Hepp
A. D. Sloan was In Long Creek Tues
day from ibe Middle Folk on hiiainees.
Us bas juat returned from
where b delivered a band
oaltle. Water and pact
very eoaroe io Umatilla
Mrs. Geo. Hwagtert aod Mrs. J. R
Hiiuois. of Heppoer, arrived lo Long
Creek Wednesday evening eo route for
Ibe McDuffia but springs, where each go
oo acoooul of 111 health. Tbeir leatua
were rather fraoiioua. and ae a result
tbey were botb were Mil when they
reached tins city. Vtm. Lualiinan ac-
companled Ibem from Lung Creek lo tbe
A Wuoniu Chp. A camp of Wood
meo of the World waa organised lu Long
Creek ImI Tueeday eyeomg by L. L.
Hao, with Ibe lollnwing oRloera: Ono
L. PatlerMio, oonaul ; John Krum, advis
or; J. U. Biyd, Clerk; V- N. Crockett,
banker; J. A. Cnsmao, eaooit; II. I).
Uyda, watchman: A. L. Rrowo, eantry ;
J. A. HUacb, U. V. Hawk aod M.I1
Fanning, truateea. The eamo starto out
with o good BiemWrehip, and If Ibe order
ie kept op It will result io Us members
aeourlng very g'Kid, cheap Insurance.
Now haa charee ol the ak ot ronlwtloner
lm, Irnlli, rluart, InlHuvtM, etc, formerly
owned tjr Boyd MclMiwell.
Which he in diioing of at Clof
Shave J'ria-s.
lea Cream and lr Cream Hnda, Iemiiiiada and
(naiisa Cldvr always tn-j't oh hand.
Weal tide Main Htreet, Minor llulldliif.
ik on tiiiaiiieea. M a m M m
niimliic innrli will mule many rlrh. btil enwhira ran they make an much within a
short lime at l.jr ao
prll will mule Many nrn, im eownera ran inT t
ki'mIuI HwiiUIIiiii In uralu. I'rutialuna and ei.uk.
Can I Mails by Our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
ortrlnated hf All aicr(iil rulalora nprate on a liilar iyiiem. ,.,, fc
II It a wi ll known i liiai inr arw inouaaii.i i mm ... i--- ... . - - .....
hy ru-nilr IfnOiiif Ihr.inih I b !. t.mk'ra. make larsa aini.iinla er
Irw inmiMii'l ditiuc. I'.r man Ineau a hundred ur two huudrl dull
lia hum m.( l.f IN'aw who Iii.mI a low Ihfuiaah l
ll l.alxiala. l ll,al ) '
ear, ranlii( If, in a
tare up U I i,iui til
. i... m...b ii.a laxal lirt.ru fnim rnmiralll ittiall Invralmrnla
on tl.la .lan ar rani whn ll.aawaf Irwrn Chira.! aud lrwt lliruh krnkart abo lhirouhly
Our i.lan 4m Hk Ihe wh..l amotinl lnald on any trade. Iml etf l.lh ald-a. an
ll.al whether tl,aaaikeriarauilaiia It l.rlua a atMli rnl that pllea up en..rnt.iily lo a
'' "'- , ,. ., .
ahd7.,VlH..r, Wa.r.T7,,.,t. i.e, ... Il. (-.Intefa ALL TRCC. ' X.M.I.I
.lai.a n.arri.i tia.ll.ia l-iiir IHaheat rrl..,an. In regard Ui our .landing and uncea..
for I'lillief liilnrH.ain.a aldreM
THOMAS 4 CO.. Banker and Broker.
241242 Rlaltst Bulldle.f, Chicago, III.
roe Sale,
Tea share of t k io Ibe Nalhal
Batik nf Heppoer. Ad trees IU baid T.
O'f. R'flelfer. Ailmk-ton, O;rgoo, Mtf.
A p stream) le TAtwtiwa oM Wtwvt Towm.
tnj f f If"urm r,t aart W mX Seewb
aad IJ& par p -w. ejT ptree.
AAU 11U iTUalaUaa41faik.i.
l.nirit i.itr.
tir.i .Miiiini at iuitih
r ' at
f I
. ... ...... IS..
ketmefMix l'e ...la-4i f I'ZzZ, Tl ly-t--W-.
When rallli f l"f !" Ite, .ieee lay ystssm? aeU'wfcfc - ; IT
t I Hi
AJminiittator'i tiotict.
i.tiit or w xmh ("trmv
leea a1w-.lt laO.Mfi ttti ta !) nt Mta I
eaalt f .iman, ey..1. were 'a'-lel lo h )
(M.nii t' ''f I I y
Monmouth, Ore.
A tralnlhf a hnnl fnt tearhera I'ooifteW elfht
gfada IfaliJni Aefmrtmenl aad frtitig piolraeKtiial
aad aa4emki ruuiaea.
Tbe Dlleena of the eahael entitlee ee
!-? In ths state wil he
books and lililn i'4 -r
heanll'ul and heallhrnl .-tl..ei. nn eelo.ii.e.
Then I a reel demand Uif well mined te daft,
i Iheta M) aa uf I'fir anlraliwl lew. ben.
I alal'tJiie rl.eellullr eel.t ua ai plkallttli
V. i. CAMfhSI I-
ar W. A, WW1. Iie.,.1. i,t.
V T no iisiieeejo o. '
te leeett let any ee
r ewt fwrthsreaefeil
J t-)d and Mglnf.
Miiinr-Me JM f4, FT:! pMtt.!l -Mrs. M. LeBalliater, Bgor-o Ml tbe efcnvy of bow lb old " " " )h. , t- I
saawr ot ' ,B Karot so siU bj Mrs. Mo. Werea, is oow eul)iers at oia. l.tog it final oi.e. ,.........,,.... i.e a..- i
dot. p""m, t l-rM'J 4 !' '" J'easmaking , ... iy ineol..r In F.-t- Or.g-.n who ; ,, ... . . m.. l. . ' '"
we leata.be"'' 0 .' i,Mdly t. .,j...i- . Hla-e e,M fnf l,o M..6la, fl.a .-fs f an at'...t,.y lo ! " ; "' -... e-
offlmal tMC ,b - r'Va . ? rrl..,e.r.le.rto.r.g..i W-I..r ,t.m. II. ti , w.ll f4 II t. V.. - '
large enoogo ! m.' -akj-i t8 garao4. LiobUalLal to.llifi,TltM.Uie, iLarlate sol betorleje. ! alvenUgs lo cell os or aJJraes Ibis ""
lfc,Uwjeeigt16,' " 9 1 jaMiMjoMatctUeet CAf. I U. W eOe, I'ruv. T. W. AyerWr-, agt. i oer. Ml Ai-u.wwt ,
.. AttorneyM fit JH'w.
All IciameJS alUn le to lo a i r-. rr.pl an I satifr4ry
manner. Notariea I'ttl.lic aii.i ('..llerVwa.
orrici: in naiiunal dank tciU'i.so.
ULII7it.il, i I I i I