Gaiehe Cislislk declines tbn presi dency. Well, that's mutual. The presidency also declines to accept Mr. Carlisle. Two Oregon doctors, by way of settling a quarrel, shot each other to death. There Beemed to be no way for either to get the other to take a prescription. Kansas City Journal WHO SHOULD GO CAMPING. Ex-Govebnob Waite recently went to Texas, when the latter state at once dispatched ex-Governor Hogg to Colorado. Texans evidently believe in reciprocity. Daring a recent dinner table conversation relative to the pleas ures of camp life, the writer as serted that only those who enjoyed such sport should seek the moun tains, lakes and springs for the summer vacation, and that those people to whom such a life was barren of enjoyment or void of fas cination, should not be forced or coerced to join such an excursion, as they could not enjoy it because their very natures rebelled against such a life. The above statement was not very well received by the gentlemen at the table. In fact some made light of it, while others thought such a nature was not hu man. In this connection we wish to give the following, from the Spo kane Review, that has just come to our notice: "I am being influenced against my real wishes to go camping,1 writes a Spokane woman. "Last year we camped on Lake Cceur d'Alene, and I frankly confess it waB not congenial to me. The lake water was warm, and so many took water from the spring that it was seldom clear. Our tent was pitched in the angle between the mountain and the lake, and in the morning the August sun beat fiercely upon us. There were other discomforts which I need not recount For a day or two the nov elty sustained me, but after that it grew irksome. I became weary of rowing, and the long indolence and ennui became positively frightful. I question if any prisoner was ever .turned loose from the Walla Wall penitentiary with deeper feelings of joy than those I experienced when we broke camp and returned to the city." Homo natures are more attuned to art than to nature, and it is use Ibhs to try to polish against the grain. The lovo of the woods and tho wildoruoHs is not to be acquired. Tho gypsy strain is inherited, and they who have it know no koenor joy than morning in tho moun tains, a day in the woods with the checkered sunbeams, a twilight row upon the lake, the cam pare there after, and then the couch of fir boughs and the rest that comes to the physically weary. To such the diricoruforU of camp life aro too trivial to bo Horiously considered. liut many have not this inherit ance, aud the Bpokosman-Heviow is not RHHuruing to say that they are letta worthy of reapoct than those who do pohhons it To such people home has a different signif icance, and art aud iniuio appeal with keener joy. They have their different virtues and it is bot that it is so. Otherwise everybody would rutth away to the woods and the mountain, and civilization would be in danger of degenerating itito gfpRydom, if not into av agory. TIkwo ho do but honrattly enjoy ratnp I if Lava no business in camp. They are Kttor at home, and they ouht frai.kly to amttrt their disinclination and b guiJad by it. Tiieiik is a solid chunk of i dotn in tho following from (. Ally, of tho Floren.? W'M, that many of the cituetis of Heppncr intuit lead with profit: "There it evil enough in man, (lod koowi! Itut it is not the minnum (f rrery young tnan and woman to detail and report it all. How pleaaatit it would l if all tlm world were to lot their fieighlior, and if 'the riM of luaitkind' would study lo lw qui.t and to mind their own luiur. A riw liflaj.ittlo lackey Brw. rs, who do not comprehend ths principles of m !(! h tomes 'illic, art calling Secretary Hooent efforts to k1 rid 1 railroad oomroiaaioo cnlicUm art sl it to ao boocst al Dby Sunday in New York, so the report goes, is having a very bad effect on Tammany. It wakes up on Monday woe-begone, arjd re quires several "three finger" drinks before "resuming business at the old stand." Mr. Shulse has succeeded at least and at last in advertising himself. When the Statesman permitted his adversary to call him a BLTHRSKT it had hoped that would terminate the windy war. Salem Stajgsman. BIK SMITH'S BEVENCK. Flftee Indlui Reported M ordered la Dia- aoid Valley, Near Burn. The Gazette reoeived a reanwit thia morning to furnish tbeAasofciated Press, possible. Wittl BO acormnt nt M, e. ported Indian massacre over in Harnev eounty. No report of the above troable bas as yet been reoeived in Heppner, and the following aooonnt whioh was re oeived in Portland, via Ontario, is qaea- iionea Dy many citizens here: Bubiib, Or., (via Ontario, Or.), Aug. 22. A courier from Diamond vallv. in tho southern part of Harney oonnty, reports the killing of 15 Bannocks by cattlemen turner tbe leaderahip of "Kye" Smith. Smith has reason for revenoe fop th murder of bis father in 1878 in Diamond valley. There is great exoitement m tbe town and throughout tbe county. In diana are reported approaching tbe town from the south, but are believer! tn h friendly. There were reports from those who hod been riding the ranee of the lichtinu signal fires by tbe Indians in Diamond and Happy valleys, and many snttlnra left their homes andcolleoted at Diamond postofflce, but the oaptnre of an old squaw dispelled their fears, as it wna learned that the Indians were on their annual hunting tour. Goldbdo organs which shout about "the dying and dead silver craze" continue to pour hot shot into the remains. One would al most think that they were a little afraid that the "craze" was not dead. Inter-Ocean. A country newspaper iu Minne sota is in trouble. It has just learned that the scriptures sav "man is but dust," And it observes that dust settles, but its subscribers don't, so it comes to the conclusion that they are not men. A great deal of sport is being made of the democratic talk and effort to carry Ohio. Well, they might console themselves with the feeling that their condition is no worse than that of their brothers in some of the neighboring states Baby Cleveland will press the button that will start the entire machinery of the Atlantio eipoui tion. Very appropriate. Her father and his party have stopped more machinery in the laat few years than the most rampant republican had predicted. An Arkansas paper says that " southern republican nominee for vice-president could not carry single state in the south but as an exchange remarks, ho coul come as near doing so as the next democratic nominoe for president can possibly come to carry iug northern state. "A 80CK DALAGAK." Here is a good yarn with a moral to it. which is going the rounds credited to the Baker City Demoorat : "A few weeks Bgo a younir man from MoEwen bought a pair of socks contain ing a note saying the writer was an em ploye of tbe Kenosha, Wis., knitting works and wanted a good husband . She gave ber name, and requested the buyer. if unmarried, to write with a view to matrimony. The young man who found the note considered tbe matter in all its phrases, and then deoided to write to tbe girl. He did. Awaiting with anxiety. he was at last rewarded with a curt letter. stating that tbe girl was tbe mother of two children, and had been married four years, and the letter hsd been written ever so long ago. It was a 'sock dala gar,' and the young man hunted for a solution. He found it. The mer obeut of whom ho bongbt the socks didn't advertise. Earl's Clover Boot, tbe great Blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 ota., 50 ots., 1. Sold by T. W. Ay era, 3ti Cbas. Jones was up from Arlington to spend Sunday with home folks. He re turned on yesterday's down train. Charley now has a position with one of tbe Arlington hotels. Mrs. Hettie Young, well known in Morrow county as Miss Hettie Brians, accompanied by her child, arrived last eveoiDg from her borne in California for a brief visit with ber relatiyes in this oity. Joe Luokman returned home from Portland on Saturday evening's train. Mrs. Luckman remained in Portland wbere she is receiving medical treat ment. Sbe finds tbe valley climate very beneficial. Joe Hayes returned home Saturday from an extended tour through portions of Grant and Gilliam counties. Joe has been away for more tban a month, a portion of which time was spent over in tbe Lone Rock section. Frank Lacey.the stockbuyer, who left here a short time since witb a trainload of stook for eastern markets, got baok last evening. We learn indirectly that the buyers were not as successful witb this shipment as they hoped to be. Mrs. Geo. Fell arrived home on Sat urday night's stage from a month's vaca tion and visit in Southern Grant. George was slightly indisposed and not able to make tbe trip with her, though will probably return home this week. Tbe Gazette learns that Arlington is also greatly worked up over a churob ngbt, and thai obarges have been pre' f erred against the minister. Rev. Green. We sincerely hope this is not true, but if so Heppner can certainly extend sym pathies. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. A bay mare, six years old. branded watch key, bas a young colt. Was last seen between Heppner and Hardman. Five dollars reward will be paid for her return to E. J. Kkenkt, 41-tf. Heppner, Oregon. Don Carlos Bnvrl Ittirl .Tarnaa TKy on reoeived this morning 150 oopies of mo great uorr-narvey debate on the financial question, just issued. This is the Only offloial anrl anthnria,1 . . ot tbe debate. Mr. Harvey has assigned ma luieresi in me proceeds from tbe sale of this book to a fund to be used id toe cause or tree silver. Fifty cents per copy. Administratrix" Notice of 'Satt of Real Property. NOTICE IS HEMtBY GtVEN THAT UNDER XI tlT VlrtlMt flf Aiwa- a n rl nrA. ..I ul. duly made and entered on July 13, 185, In the .....,c. ,unc.iu;oi wiuiam Kuat, decease"., by the County Court of the State of Oregon for I matllla CountV. littinir In nrnhetn the under. Igned aa administratrix of the said estate will Y.tAA t at Public auction to the highest j . iui umii m nana on Saturday, tne aitn day of September, 195, at 11 o'clock in the fore- .i.Fuu ui mat aay, at the front door of the Court HOUfle in HeDnnAP Unrmw nntxnt Hnann all pf the following described real property belong "K if uioniKive name.n esrure ammrefi in Mnr row County, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter, and the northwestquarterof the north east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, and the north half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-five, all in township three south of range twenty-nine East of Willamette Meridian ; and also the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northeast quarter of section thirteen in town ship four south of range twenty-nine East of V illamette Meridian ; said sale is made subject to all liens and incumbrances now existing up on the said real property, and subject to the confirmation of all sales to be made by the above entitled county court. Dated this 14th day of August, 1895. . , , MARY E. RUST, Administratrix of the Estate of William Rust, Deceased. Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begirjs September 18, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare! for college and gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching and business. The school has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of Its work. It has a library of 7000 volumes, good equipment for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $50,000, is one of the finest college buildihgs on the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Hall 3.00 to tW per week, lnclud- lng electric light and heat. The College Oormltory, unaer exceneui management lurmsnes board and loom at $2.25 per week. Board in private families, $2.50 and upwards. Many students rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed per wee. For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. T78TATE OF GEORGE W. H. BRIANS, DE I J ceased. Notice is hereby riven, that let. ters of administration on the Estate of George W. H.Brians, deceased, were granted to the uHuerBigneu on me ma aay ot August, 1895, by the County Court of Morrnw Oonntv. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exniDlt them to me for allow' ance. atmv home In Hardmnn Mnrrnw Pniinhj Oregon, within six months after the date of this nonce or iney snail oe forever barred. This 1.-th day of August, 1895. 61-7 ANDREW ROOD, Administrator. Administratrix' Notice. Feed fob Salb. The M. O. L. & T. oompany have a full stock of all kinds of feed, suoh as ohop, mill feed, barley, etc, which will be sold at reasonable prices. Don't negleot to see them for same. 53tf TESTATE OF J. L. BEYMER, DECEASED. NO-i'-J tice is hereby given, that letters of admin istration on the Estate of J. L. Bnvmer. de ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 1...H uay ui Aug. ibo, Dy tne county court of Morrow County. All persons having claims against said Es tate are required to exhibit them to me for al lowance, at my home in Eight Mile, Morrow County. Oresron. within six mnnth after th date of this notice or they shall be forever Uttrreo. This 15th day of August, 1895. ELIZA A. BEYMER, 462-68 Administratrix. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub scribers paying their subsoriDtions for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe same G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, can be found at bis parlors, Matlook oorner, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc. Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop, tonsorial artists. Hairoutting, sbaving, shampooing, etc., done soientifioally, Batba at 25 oents apieoe. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underslened administratrix of the nature. of W. G. Boyer, deceased, will make final cettle mentof her accounts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term of the county court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be noiuen at tne court nouse in said county, on mv i uay ui oepienioer, a. u,, wyo. oo-oo jane boyer, Administratrix. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Grande Oreoon. AumiHtH. 1895. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed nntli-e of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, irreBuu, uu ovpi. i, iroa, viz ; EDWARD CHAPMAN, Hd. 4941, for the Nj BEK.SEK NEU.Seo. 34, 8WW NWU, Sec. 35. To. 8. 8. R. 29 E. V?. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his cuiiiiiiuiius residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, viz : Andy J. Conk, of Henoner. Orison f K. Clark of Heppner, Oregon; Hesikiah Tippet, of Hepp- uer, ureguu, JtiKu. r reucn, ot Vinson, urpgon, A rnoMiNENT citizen of Dallas wants the Corbott-Fitzstmmona prizefight because it will advertise Texas. Yes, that's trne, but the trouble with Texas is that she has already had too much of this di reputable advertising. And as reault the Lone Star state's new comers are sometimes of a verj undeairablo tlaas. One of our valley exchanges complains of many articles being clipped from it and republish! without credit. The Gazette is sometimes imposed on in the tame manner, but thinks Tery little ol tbe piracy. In fact it is rather a compliment to know that you have written an article that it is so greatly admired by some brother of the pen. We believe in recip rocity, anyway, so wade in; our hears are also in excellent trim. TO tONMHrTIVBl The undersign! baring been reslerej lo heal I h ty simple beaoe. alter so (fur ies for Mvertl year with a esvere loog anVotioa, aaj thai dread di , CW iimplUio, Is aniMine to make known to hie fellow sufferer tbe naaneof core. To tboee wbo desire it, be will cheerful ly eeo.t, free of charge, a copy of tbe pre oriptU oeed, whioh they will Sod sore core for Consumption, Aetbraa, Ce lerrb. Rruoohllia and all threat an J lung melediee. He bopes all eonW will hM remedy ee it la lovelaehl. Tbiwe dreirtng the preeffi,.li.,. .birb will ouet laew Bolhieg, eod may pme sbleMieg. will pUa-e aHUrs-e, JUv. KDWAKO A. WIlJOM, ltrooklyn, M. T. Jttoll-w. Hpeotel -r..r the 30 day Miner A U. will t ail good, eieepl au eed fl tir, el a front We. like nor eun. Mors, nae Hits foe belting. Cell eed ! etiate if thvnt. W waul your trade. The ffLotiere wbo eaeepej tmm lb tMiveaCliy Jail fweelly. were reeep laied en4 Utgd twhied I be bare lest week Ib.y r1 the! hoard el lb IMJ de (treat m far epftnf U lb bas Joe te (iva ibeai will loon, over lb evoetry. Th Owed leere that AaJr Tillr4 bee l.4 Ih in left I a la felt t(M heep atr ar.4 etitflae. With BMry a iMeipplM, ttMleeyM by flr (a Ih Herat riva .ulrr tb tram Tbn t fceH Ui s.J t.jii mmtxm lh a tpsbief Un la ni X. , fc euh.,.! es tiQftoc ska for a abort baa Nearing the Last Days (80 OCR C0MPET1T0R8 SAY.) Rumbling: Noises Are being heard nil around Ilepp. ner; ghauts are. beginning to walk; dons are running with cans short behind them; gnash, ing of teeth, stamping of feet, as well as conjusion on all sides. The Eearth is Getting Hot, Church Members are Rowing! ranks 1 Issuing from several plarw In the dtr, the hissing ol escaping team startles the people. Causes of the Commotion: 1st. Minor To. are selling goods at leas than competitors ran bur them. -i f JlC3- Jnd' The heavy arriving Hy by rail. Jars the earth. Int. What ran thpy do ilh that mau of T 4tu. Why do thie fuurthi ol the people go there to trad T cam, orv MINOR & COMPANY, And they will explain how this is all done. We Arc Nt Caolt, But Ar Hr for Buelness I AN ILLWIND ! IT is au ill wind that blow no good, and although the play, ful prnula ot Oil Barm exposes thin fond couplo to temporary rm. barrneemt'tit, the situation greatly auiUHfs tho (Mvtatots. Likewieo the situation at Uencrally known tlmt MllJ UU Ijllili X CAMHItCN A I'tlU I.I.N 1C OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which be eIU at U-. TVh k Trtr1. K I t 1 fl I m a a m BPftlAH ni f IfrlT 11 A I lk li lain ibuiA ui.rvv Lmnl a. I . riw i vi aees ew " n I I J "Mlmil, sj (if tfltj Fork nil !oo m tuM cn J n !Htr tlun tunk tlipir jirrlmmi of Jo, lit? crri a full lin of FaruUhlntf (IihhU, IUU SIkkl t ! I f .a I.e. .a t ..I IOXKe - - OREGON. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Univ. fUCSH ORitD, CHt$ AUD PICS ALWAYS OH HAkO. 860-70 B. F. VYIL80N. Register. Timber Culture. I AND OFFICE LA GRANDE, OREGON, JULY J 8. 1K95. ComDlalnt having hin tnarla t this office by the duly verified and corroborated affidavit of Samuel McBride alleging that Wm. n. vaunise, wno mane iimter culture entry No. m for the N4 NEH and NVVJi. gee. 4, Tn 4 H R '27 E. at tho I mA lllHu .1 t. nPa ,.a Oroiron. on the 15th dav ol December. IRK, hii wholly abandoned said tract; and failed to plant any trees upon aald tract since entry; that the am vraci noi semen upon and cultivated by the said party as required by law, therefore wun me view 10 me cancellation of the said entry ihe said parties are hereby summoned and required to be aud anuear before J. W. Mnrrow county clerk Mnrrow county, at his office at n.-jipiier, urrKnu.on ine r.'in nay 01 September, lMii i, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M. then and there to produce such testlmonv as they may have concerning the said allegations, the dual hearing to he had before the Keirliter and K. reiver at La Orando, Oregon, on tho 2Hth day of 8eptetnher, lw.ift, at the hour of in o'clock A. M. n r. niLkON, J. U. Kohhins, 3U-:H'.t Register. Recelvar. 500 HEAD IT 1KB FOR SALE! BRED FOR MUTTON AND WOOL HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS. Address J. E. SMITH, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, uregon. These gentlemen are well acaualnted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other countiei. and can save money aud time in making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. THOMPSON & BOsnsrs, A He Saws Wood! FRED KRUG Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40c per Cord one time in two 50o per Cord two times in two , Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knotB cut out Odo stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. Boruhers at the Palace Hotel. lm YOU SHOULD PliEPJIIB For a "big feed" when you come to , Heppner and stop at the CITY : HOTEL. Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop, Notice of Intention. FAND OFFICE AT I. A ORAKDE, OREOON, 4 JnlTM. lx'.l'i. Notice Is hereh tvn Ih.l the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final prool In support ol m i-ikiiii, uu mm anm pr.Mii will De rna.le before County Clerk, of L' fn. dletoo, Oregon, on September 7, W vd: JOHN A NOBLE. Hd. Vo. 71M, lor the W14 N W)4. KU 8WU, gee. 21. Tp. 1, H. K HO E. W. M. He name tha following witnesses tn prove his continuous residence upon and cuiiiv.iinn of said land, vis: William H. Onlllford, Arthur V. Gulltford James Nelson, ot Vinson, Oregon, and Joho U' 01 m.igo, vrrgon. B. F. Willis, lU-glster. Notice of Intention: Lki Ornci at La GAxnit. Oarnnw, July. M.IMiV VOTICE IS HEREBY GlXtS THAT Til i 1 follnwlna named settlpr has fllvd imiin of his Intention to make final proof In support . nn ritim, inn .nai inn pmtti suj pe made before the county clerk of Mnrrow rnuntr at li .......... . ... a . . . , . ' nvKu". VI., 1111 niwinrt irrwo. Til i MILT F. KORO A.N. Rd , tor In N I. Kec. . 1H R. 17 I W V He name the folUwluc wltnewea tn prove niiiiniimii rei.ionce upon ana cuiiivatloo ol aald land, vis- W L. Hlln. Hyde C. Mln. Joseph W. Rue. tor and W. U. Mct'artT, all ol Heppner, Oregun. d r. v ii.hi. &'-T Reiir, Notice Of Intention. I ASD Ornrt AT THE DAI IM OKEriOV, I 4 Aurust 31, 1. Nntlre Is hereby (Ive Ihal ths follow nf named settler bus Bled nn. tire of hli Intention lo make tnal proof In sup port of bis claim, and that aald proof will be made belnr t. W. Morrow. ( nunty Clark, al lirppner, trreaon. nn lrpb iwn. VU A I.I.EM CRABTkER. II I. T n T7, f,,r tbe W Ker 11. Tp a R V V.. W M llrr. II names tbe l.tllnwlnc wllneaae tn prove his realilrnr upo aud cultlvetloo nr. Mini lani,. tip ehlrk. Ihnme trlarnl. William Drla- roii. man etiaw, an 01 Meppner. tr.m ' Ja r. M x.aa. k(itr. "i fand SEV r V Notice of Intention. I AXDOfftCE AT I.A tiRASPE. OREiIOS t4 A.lf 71. Kntlr IS beret.v f Hen that Ih folio In nameo settler kaa Sled Hirflrw nf bis Intention to mak (nal pnmf In support of hi claim, and that aald pnif will ha mad hetorej. w. Morrow, puiinty rlerk, al Heppner, UIOHUI W. WllXlrt 111 ln OV forth ', nf MI',eet an.l WU I name in following wttnr m pmv nw riinun rvvi.iem upoa ana rulUvattna m iani. vif l O Jn.., .m.el I Tyler lnk a Job C. Ua knan. H Heppner. Hwmt i n , 1 p. w- aiiMii, kr liter. MirriCK lf IMrMOUTlUX V'OTIt t i HfRkRY i.TVM THAT TH 4 " lrln .hll. here..(.,relti.i beer, I F Camuheil and J H. RnMnami. un. let the t'm nam rl 1 amplvll b..l.o..ri u thl day tven diMnlveal by Wi'ilnal rnnaent I t lao p. Wil win rn.leri all kii'S and pay all riM rt-n. Irsrle-I b, t,e Irni lnr th !. M July "v ann in nmwi i i m enllnu4 fey 't. aiiw. ...w em ui unttw " f rm 1 R t ,rsiL, IM al Rppaf. Or Aa IX. ja, 1 ONcy n I tr iti r'i rrew.iy k .i. d - wn pearwd In nentw ) -M The Eesb Institute -OP- For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It U located at Salem, Orecon, The Moit Beautiful Town on the Coatt Call at the Oazitt offle for particular Strictly confldenUal. Treatment arivateaod stir cur. .Be mmm DO YOU KNOW ii. Palace lid II under minarement of Chris Rnrrher mho U eon ducting it In strictly Flrst-Claa maimer. Country and Commercial Trade Solicited. ' Tn Bath anil Fr 'Bui for alt Oatct. TIIUNDKK T.mtiTvyx, "There is a tide in the affaire of men Thai, if taken at iti flood, leads on toforfune." TIih flootl in liore and ao is GILLIAN! & BIS'BJflliJ With a f.itl i:.. . IlaixUvaiy. Tinwnm Olavaw. Crockery. Wood ui, joirocK l'licen. THE LIGHTEST KUNING GANG FL WS ! jfiuM . ' Tbr m ott ia ib aigat. The only Eiclu.ive Hardware 8tor, between Tie Dalle, and reDdleton KAiy UAIN SleW lrH lMd lirwi fWn. wi.b eefn parity al a rtn ir.vt eMneiirirnii r mna. nr.a '1UI a" w btis ky athy av ktuka AdUraa vtp Mal .0T. 1mm Ul, uramva. i Paite 40 ICYGLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted .:perW.f w ry BlryrS, kul! , u m havlr. lb. ,. "A',!,r 1m "!! kr bond m a ,Z. J "rrlU.a ....... ..u.. ,NWI BICYCLE CO, NOTARY PUBLIC ', CONVEYANCER CALl, AT