Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 27, 1895, Image 1

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m lllltMIWMMIVWIitMlil aWMMW
1 Advertising brought me all I
own, A. T. Stewart.
Is owing to my liberality in ad-
vertising. Robert Bonner.
WEEKLY 10. 652 I
i m
I f
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. W.
. . . Editor
Business Manager
At ti.K per year, $1.25 or six months, 75 eta.
tor three mourns.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB is kept on tile at E. C. Duke's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou
raots (or advertising oan be made for it.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 8:30 p. m. dally
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction
K'9fl TV m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15
S. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except
unday. , .
East bound, main line arrives at Willows
Jmintlnn 1:4A a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc
tion 12:1a a. m. ...
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:38 p. m,
and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01 a. m. Here
naunnirars from the branch lav over till 8:15 a,
fn. and take the fast mail west bound which ar
ini at Portland 7:35 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles dally at
2:15 p. m. and arnves .t Portland 6:30 p.m.
Leaves roruana a:w a. m. aaiiy auu arrivoum
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the
east bound way freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving
at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. ,
Liver Regulator, the "Kma op
LrvEE Medicines?" Everybody needs
take a liver remedy. It is a bIu ggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried on remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is better than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
Every package lias the lied Z
Ktiimp on the wrapper. J. II.
Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia.
A Portland paper tells a story of man
in Portland who determined to spend all
be made daring the first year in adver
tising. He soon found that it was im
possible, for the sire pie reason that tbe
more be advertised tbe more be made,
and after a strenuous effort to get rid of
bis money by advertising be bad to give
it op.
A Western editor has invented an in
fernal machine which he places in an
envelope and sends to those who refuse
tbe paper without paying for it. The
machine explodes and kills tbe whole
family, and tbe fragments that fall in
tbe yard kill the dog. Tbe Gazette has
ordered a consignment and as toon as
reoeived shall mail tbem. We invite tbe
coroner's attention to this that be may
be prepared for any emergency.
Trade Mark-Dr. A. Owsa
The latest and only scientific and practical
Electric Belt made, for general use, producing
a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure
of disease, that can be readily felt and regu-
in quantity ana power, ana appnea
of the body. It can be worn at any
time during working hours or sleep, and
United States Officials.
President G rover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Baeratary of Htate Biohard 8. O ney
Secretary of Treasury Jehn G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior. r ..Hoke Smith
ikAniin nt War Daniel S. Lamunt
Secretary of Navy v,i,1"rjr A H5r,bert
Postmaster-General William L. Wilson
Attorney-General ..Judson Harmon
Beoretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
n..,. W. P. Lord
Secretary of State JR. H. Kincald
Treason. Phil. MeUchan
Sopt, Publio Instruction O. M Irwin
1 flanaral C. M. Idlnman
" " ' 5 G. W. MoBride
Benators 1 j, h. Mitchell
I Hinger Hermann
U-ncreasmen 1 W. R. E is
Prtntar W. H. Leeds
. (R. H. Bean.
" C. E. Wolverton
Seventh Judicial District.
h.i rnM . . W. L. Bradshaw
I'roaaentiBa Attorney A. A. Jayne
..." Morrow County Officials.
. .. A XB AMH.t
'Joint Banatmr i " V " T?
- ltioraaai)tsralw....r...rm.. ".S'TC.V
rnnty Jodge Jul'" eitiili
' OMnmlwioners J.H. Howard
" Clark J.W.Morrow
" Bhariff" O. W. Harrington
it T Prank Gilliam
Aiaaasor . . . . i. Willi"
" Snrvyor.M GT?- ,L?,rd
" School Bup't Jrn.?,'.Htau,i'r
" Coroner T. W. Ajrera. J r
BcrrnEB town ornctBs.
Manr Thoe. Morgan
V lunnilinoii.,.. .....v. . -----
Liohumthal. (Mis Patters. m, T. W.Aysrs.Jr..
u?l."on"' B,OCmn- F. J. Hallock
" E. L. Fmlsnd
Marshal..'. A. A. Roberta
t....;. - k a E. L. Fneland
Constable,;.:. H. 8.WbeUUe
Called BUttM Laad OffleM
Til DaLLU. OB.
i. F.Moor. L
lH naa HeoaiV
v wn. Rrltor
J. H. Bobbins Raoelver
O. A. B.
Ma at LniiKtoo. Or- the last Saturday of
act nxnta. all veteran are lnvild tn toio.
t-r Um. Uao. W. Smith.
AdinCattt. tf C'otnmattW,
tin RAVI rot BALI ALL KtXM or CH
Y lraaad Lu nbar. It BtUea of Beppnat . at
wbal IiIhsi aU
If you use the Pttalum
incnnatara Drown..
Make money while
others are wasting
time by ola processes.
Catalog tells all about
it ,and describes every
article needed for the.
poultry business.
Mli Catalogue
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wneei. rrcuiniaiuu.
We are Pacinc uoasi
Agents. Bicvcle cata-
logue.mailed free.givea
FETALUMA inCUBATUK reiaiuma.vn"
Branch liotisa, 3t b Mam bi., Lxm AnReiea.
Tbe Patterson Pub. Co., have seonred
tbe agenoy of the Uresoent bioyoles for
Morrow and Urant counties, ana win
shortly have some machines for sale at
very low figures. Examine a uresoent
before baying.
Wheat, bu 8 042
Flonr.bbl 2 65
Beeves. oow8& two-year-olds, owt 2 00
throa ' "2 25
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 25 1 50
stook 1 00 1 50
Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 00
Wool 8 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
Eggs, doz 10
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
Wheat, cwt 95 1 02
Flonr.bbl 2 50 3 60
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 6 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 13
Butter, tt 10 15
Eggs, doz iW io
Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85
.old, "... 30 75
Chickens, doz 3 00 700
Turkeys, lb 12 14
Wheat, bu $ 47 B0
Flour, bbl 2 25 2 85
Beeves, owt 2 5U300
" dressed 4 00 5 60
MnrrnnR. live sheared... 1 75 &. 2 00
" dressed, lb 04 04
Hnm. on foot 3 25 3 75
ra mi
" dressed, lb
Wool Eastern Oregon... 08 9 u
Butter.... t 15
Eggs, doz 10 H
Chickens, doz 2 00 8 50
Turkeys, lb dressed 10 12
Potatoes, new, per ot.... 85 55
the place
:lty, properly
or arugs ror i
applied, la fast taking
ks for an Nervous, ttneumatio.
Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effect
cures in seemingly hopeless cases where every
other known means baa failed.
Any slngglBh, weak or diseased organ may
by this means be roused to healthy activity
before it is too late.
Leading medical men use and recommend the
Owen Belt In their practice.
Contains fullest Information regarding the cure
of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices,
and how to order, In English, German, Swedish
and Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon
application, to any address for 8 cents postage.
The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co.
The Owen Electric Belt Bldg., 201 to 211 State Street,
The Largest Electric Belt Establishment in the World
Saturday, August 17th, still finds us
here, although we cannot properly olaim
to be on top of tera firms so long ai we
stay in this canyon. However, we ate
still bouyant in spirit and ready to jump management of tbe Home.
Hbppneb Gazette :
Your familiar pages greet us eaob
week aod we rejoioe to scan the columns
for news of former friends. While we
have formed many new friendships, yet
our memories turn back with pleasure
to the "friends of former days "
The weather here has been the coldest
August weather I ever saw, but I see the
weather clerk says we will not have rain
for ten days yet. I guess he knows (?)
The fruit orop is fine not been so
much affeoted by pests of bug and worm
as of former years. We have in our yard
peaohes that are just ripening that would
make your mouths water, and Bartlett
pears too. Our children play in the
shade of a handsome "Buck-eye" tree.
The roses are in bloom and everything
betokens the garden spot of the grand
est country on this green earth.
Mr. Charlton is still turnkey at tbe 0.
S. P., and just here I will oorreot a mis
take in a former issue of the Gazette
that C. M. Charlton was admitted to the
bar. He is still studying and has not
applied for admission yet. How tbe
mistake could have ooourred I cannot
see, but very sure a mistake it was
Grandma Spray is nursing a very sick
girl at tbe Orphans Home. She acts in
the oapaoity of day nurse only, being
relieved at 8 o'clock by the night nurse
She speaks in the warmest praise of tbe
management of tbe Home. There are at
present 25 orphans in tbe institution
and it has provided 14 with homes dur
ing the present year. The matron, Mrs
Holdon, Is a perfeot mother to the ohild
ren, and a thorough business woman
when it comes to manseing the work ot
the institution, and a gracious hostess to
visitors who wish to investigate the
So much for
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
did not find out his mistake until be
arrived at Tbe Dalles, and then he oame
to the conclusion to do whatisoommonly
called, "run a bluff." When theoonnsel
employed by Mr. Taylor asked to see the
papers, with trembling bands Mr, Owens
produced tbe warrants iseued on the
requisition, which were mistaken for tbe
original papers and pronouDoed oorrect;
but be hurried Mr. Taylor out of the
oounty as qniokly as be could, fearful
that a further examination would be
made. This is tbe seoret, so it is said
Dy one oonversant with tbe facta, of the
hurry manifested by theMiobigan offioer
in getting bis prisoner out of The Dalles.
Blood-curdling Scenes Attending the Obliga
ting of Candidates.
rii Loo rtrr. ftocoH,
mm M CL1AE.
17 60 1
; J--A FACTS f
' fipilll FACTS ! ! I;
OU CAN BL'Y liVOO worth of dry goods and groceries and then have j
' y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This Is i
4 first-class machine. Why then pay flOO.OO for a bicycle that will give
i no better service? jji
!! CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight !ffl pounds, only !'. ,
Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from W to Vi. ,
I1' "Boys' Junior," only i n with pneumatic tire a good machine.
"Our Special," Men's IV); Ladles', W.
THE P4TTERS0X 1TB. 01, y5
Heppner, Oregon, l)
Counties. r-f, 1 SZlTJl 11 -V
the most formidable foe on tbe political woman's work. Nowhere in this state
issues ot tbe day, though we are forced can a similar institution be found manag
to admit that a slight wave of prosper!- 6( D. men tbat is run more economical
ty seems quite imminent and were it net than tbe Orphans Home ac Salem, direot
that starvation, through Dooproduotion, ej Bnj controlled by women, many of
oaused by tbe drouth is staring many of tbem well known all over aod far beyond
us in the faoe, we would wear a smile so the bounds of their own stale for their
broad tbat one could stand behind ui benevolence, talents, etc.
and see both ends ot it, bat under exist- it was with regret tbat tbe people of
ing oironmstances one would bardly be Sulem saw Dr. Kowlaud step out ot the
justified in engaging Id merriment at Superintendent's ohair at the Asylum,
tbe nuptials ot his brother. Nevertbe- but from all I have beard tbe new super.
less if the clerk ot Morrow oounty will jntendent, Dr. Fame, will fill the posi
oross bis legs underneath bis desk and tion equally as well as the retiring one
mantle bis faoe in official suavity we jld. Nothing better t-ould be prophesied
will doubtless have an opportunity to tip (Jf aDyoue as the management nnder Dr.
tbe fantastio and drive away the blues. lUiwlaml was satiafuotory to nil concern
People are still coming and as fast as 8(j
they have been able to cleanse their rjnpt. Gilbert, of the O. 8. P., is prov
skins of the accumulations of last year s iua himself to l b'I that bis friends
sort or leave their rheumatio ailments
in tbe bathtubs they depart oleaner and
probably wiser than when tbey came.
Among the last arrivals we ootioe Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Neal, of Lone Rook ;
also Elder Bramblet and family. Tbe
Elder will dispense the gospel to as in
two doses tomorrow, and now let us j known in former ptmiliobs of trust and I
sing, "God be with yoa till we meet responsibility
gain." Will Hosiiks.
Rrrria, Or., Aug. 17, 1895.
A Remarkable Cnre ot Rheumatism.
Westminstbr, Cal., Maron 21, 1894.
Sometime ago, on awakening one morn
ing, I found that I bad rheumatism in
my knee so badly that, as 1 remarked to
my wife, it would be impossible for me
to attend to busioees that day. Remem
bering tbat I had some of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm in my store I sent for a bottle
and rubbed the alTlicted parts thoroughly
with it, aocording to directions, and
within an hour I was oompletely re
heved. One application had done the
business. . It is tbe best liniment on the
market, and I sell it under a positive
guarantee. B. T. tfarria. For sale by
Slooum Johnson Drug Oo.
pronounced him: a thorough burliness
man. looking into the n.iniitect details
with a aorntmv that will suive to keep
the affairs of tbe piixon fully up to the
standard nf the b"Hl managed pnann In
our land. He baa f ol'eete.l almtit him
men as oOlnera ai.d guards who are wide.
Heppner people will be inlertstt d in
the family of 1W. f-hulae who formerly
resided In your midst. Wt, meet them
often and tbe Kev. Kliiilss is doing a
good work as pastor ot the Honlb Salem
M. E. cbnrch. baviog twill an elegant
Tf muvirio m ntrrxti, will add
A t W pa LOUO bet. additional.
The above quotation are strictly for Cash.
national BaaK ot nmi
fiwii t. Cecals.
-I. TH It-
MOSt Popular Pcputlican Newspaper of the West
And lias the Largest Circulation.
Thousands of persons flounder along
for months, yes even years, suffering
from indigestion, bowel troubles and
liver disorders with tbeir accompanying and commodms parsonage aitifte enmiog
disagreeable symptoms, because they to tbe pastorate, and dona other work
think they have, to. If tbey would take only to be estimated in eternity. Mrs.
la short oonrae of Dr. J. II. McLean's iRImlse i enj")ing good health and is
Liver aod Kidney Balm tbey wonld soon entering tbe oMirrh work a piuttur wire
get rid of tbe miserable feeling aod that more then ever More. Altielie Hlmlae
overpowering sense ot weanness and in- is lu very poor health, being confined to
I oanacity for work, would give place to bar room tbe most of tbe time, lief
i . . .
one of health, vigor and ebeerfoloes. parents are considering a change of
Price 11.00 per bottle. olimate for bar hoping by tbat to rralore
bar to her former health. Tbe youtgr
AfUHK'MTION OF lOEAb. members of the family have grown bo
you would scarcely know tbem, and the
Nearly two year ago, says tbe East T0UtJg bellea of Ueppner would all rave
Oregonlan, ft certain sals was osea in om the shadow on "Ar s ' upper "P
Pendleton. It bad ft complicated com- Mr iur W(,aj Bt b eon.p'ele with
bioation kLown to three or four men. oat ,0 uiion U the HteU Fair so near
Tbs safe was shipped short time ago ki ban.L Are you ontning f Of oonrae
I to another eily. In some manner tbe , krCa Kaatra Oregon Day will
oombioatloo "got on," and the gentle, hooni. I know, Tbat oommitUe is a gmtd
mao who was to nae it coulJ not "get 00, d iry will introduce khih floe
on" like the oombination bad, mI. K. Ifrtiorea doublleea, whereby tbey will
Itourke, of Pendleton, who had formerly jriW ti, Urgt crowd of Kaatern Oreg.
oad tbe safe, was written to aod ' w pele ever at the KteU fair,
quested to go aod if be ooolJ 0eo I Woman's Wy will be s-hkI too, they
It. say. to tnvralia wilb Dr. Annie
Mr. Root is bad long before forg'itleo j.rr,,., B0 long alar she Mornvd n
Itbeserleacf onnbra which onstitoled ,ba ewmmltt wre arraaging to bring
The following is the list ot jurors tor
tbe next regular term ot oirouit court
which beginB on Monday morning next:
French Burroughs, lone, farmer.
J, W. Rasmus, Heppner, oarpenter.
J. W. Cowins, " farmer.
O. 0. Curtis, Cecil, stook raiser.
Willis Stewart, Heppner, liveryman
A. H. Stamp, Gentry, farmer.
John lller, Mt. Vernon, farmer.
Thomas Morgan, Mt. Vernon, farmer,
O. P. Mmr, Lexington, "
Paul Rietmao, lone, "
It McElligott " "
H. E. Clark, Mt, Veroon, ' "
E. L. Matlock, Heppner, merohant.
W. A. Kirk, " farmer.
Thomas Quaid, " stook raiser
James Uaros, Dairy, farmer.
P. O. Berg, Heppner, merohant.
R. G. Sperry, lone, farmer.
Wm. Barton, Gentry,
J. P. Rhea, lone, "
Peter Brenner, Eight Mile, "
NelsMagousen.Lexington, M
It. It Duran, Gentry, "
M. J. Devin, " "
J. J. Roberts, Heppner, carpenter.
J. II. Wyland, Dairy, farmer.
N. 1- Bbaw, Mt. Vernon, farmer.
David Baker, lone, farmer.
Gyrus Pbinn, Mt. Vernon, farmer.
W. L. Saliog, Heppner, merchant.
W. O. McCarty.OentfT, farmer.
Shrieks and groans oomiog from the
direction of the E. of P. hall Friday
evening, says the La Grande (Jhroniole,
oaused a number of persons to stop sud
denly and then look for the marshal.
Probably the cause would never have
been known it a New Woman, (whose
name is withheld) bad not olimbed up in
the hay loft over the goat's stall and
witnessed the awful sight.
A candidate was brought in, who was
wearing a soared look. Tbe ohiet step
ped down off the platform and proceeded
to hypnotize the oandidate while the
Sworn Twelve surrounded him with
drawn swords. He was then driven
npon a platform, surrounded by swords
points on three sides, while on the floor
on tbe fourth side was a rug of spikes.
As the swords dosed in on him, the poor
fellow gave an awful shriek and jumped
well out on the spikes. The grosn that
esoaped his lips as be came down would
have melted tbe heart of a cabbage, but
bad no effect on tbe Sworn Twelve.
Tbe spikes proved to be of rubber and
bent down under the candidate's weight.
He was next bound to a board and the
Supreme Juggler proceeded to impale
im with gleaming knives. He re
mained in tbis position nntil the next
oandidate bad gone through the cere
mony tbis far, when he was released and
the Supreme Juggler pulled out bis fore
finger nail, quickly split it half way and
sharpened it It was then replaced by
some method known only to Maooabees,
and he signed bis name in blood to the
obligation. Tbis was too much for the
New Woman and abe fainted. When
oonsoionsness returned the pale moon
light was shining throngb the skylight,
and tbe Sworn Twelve were gone.
It Hay l)o as Much tor Yon. I
Mr. Fred Miller, ot Irving, III., writes
that be bad severe kidney trouble for
a number of years, with severe pains in
bis back and also tbat bis bladder was
affected. He tried many so-oalled kid-
ney cures bat without any good result.
About year ago he began use of Elec
tric Bitters and found relief at once.
Electric Bitters is especially adopted to
the oure ot all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 50o. for large bottle. At drug store
of T. W. Ayers, Jr.
meat I'll'wt If'Slag riles.
hyniptoms Moisture; intense Itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
acratil.ing. If allowed to continue
tumors form, wblob often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming very sore. HwaTM
OirmawT atooa the ktcbiog and bjeed.
inn. Leala uloeiattoo. aod 10 moat oases
remove the tn roots. AI druggists, or
tiy mail, for OOoeuta. Dr.Hweyue Moo,
Made os favorable Term.
1 R 13
DAILY (without Sunday). .. .
DAILY (with Sunday)
S6.00 per yrtr
....... S3. oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean t $1.00
WWJPAPfw TMI! Mtl OCCA1 ka sfcrMt t It Hi
rnsKli M arar MUM Mlas mmr im eeutriag
rL au irits dc I vr uii.flit.t.
see hi art
g l OOO "' "' aw'ev
rV. Sf I - - fe
M. wei sol tormmfi.-Z
la M Mt tt" SM
I k-0 Wt V '.
. fiAsriecrs. ws pansa,
fAV imt'i. m vm i hi,
ui.ii ntn w
t il l evrntt. r3
j, TMt B-i . I- VJSJt. -a
....unit aaarvt a. -J
. T T . T .T. T . ill
Have yew read "Colftl r)oae-aJ
a.i i- ..I kia oft hmsf If fto
The Weekly Inter Ocean
It has M4lf af lalrea ! swaaaw af the lemly
l irt IM a M HHWTMI M Mta ir mrt 4 Hsfcia4.
IttUil itaav Itali vi.a art ai4.
tHH tTtCAII.V IT I MTITil ICA. m4 ' Ma r4Va tke nt IM
H m.-wKm a M all bva awiiMt tH. II ate Umss IMa L Of
I tib aunui.
Tmp fx it an H inwj'Mrn in cmica'ki. tup fjft Ar comncii
IIMIVUP sll I.M ' I Ml" U"H MtrtMMsa, A"l lani-MIH
attsPtltl T' I Ml' Ml UI Of lllu ILvM'Ui Of- IHM MklHrt IHAN ASV
M M la ikmI Willi law sw W mi ll' H afe la l'litk aae I Ma1'.
S,.M wmwIm iMl tkw f tke WwAIr l Kaa is LT VM1 UOL
CwirtL-. the INTER CCLAN, Chlcftja
the oombination, and there was no reo
ord of tt that anyone kaaw of. As
Mr. lloorVe was oo tbe care spiling to-
rard tbe dlataot ally, be taiad Lis braio
I to reeall the eombioatioa. in every
poaauble tnaeear be erjurel the aloalve
flatoree, but mile after mile was gone
lever, aod wheo tbe train polUn op at
the depot, be stepped r.fT the plelf.rfto
billy satisfied bis miaamft w iold provs
Wbal folio as lllualrstee law if
peyehology ealled the aaairiaiHiii
l laaa. Mr.' lUiotka proH-ld o tte
orne of tbe foremost woman i4 oat Uad
to tbe state at that Urn. H I'll hope to
meet you IbrfS).
Maa. C M. Chhitin.
rUi.sn.Or., Ao. 21. I" .',.
A Woaiaa's Alarsi
Tbe streams of a woman with her bead
and atioulders throat out ot tbe fourth
lory window ot lodging boo as on
Kearney si test, attracted the attention
of baa br. says the H. . Post Tbe
woman was aqiaaliag at the top of bar
voire, and for a moment II was tbe firm
hlif of th people below that some
brule was trying to throw br out of the
window. Closer olwervatloa rveii
the fael that while banging Iter eaoary
bird out In the ia, the bottom bad
drop d out of tbaeage aod tbe bird was
nattering eroqoJ the top of tbe prison
frigbl-tiedbalftodeatn. "Ob. U ll fall
ball fall, mr porliltle birdT' aereamel
lbs) woman. Than, wit b greet praeeoee
of mind, abe turned Ibeoage boltuco aid
p.a. that her tn woold not be maoflad
oe tbe rtuel pavnst beoaatn. Tbe
i.i,.l aaiUd awat ever tbe tope of tbe
The Proper Way to Look At It
A county superintendent In neigh
boring county recently aaked every
teaober at tbe eoooty Institute who took
tbeir local paper to bold np tbeir bands,
and out ot about hundred present, only
sil responded, at wblob be expressed
great aorpriae and said: "You don't
peud one dollar ft year witb these pap-
era, yet yon eipeot them to print, free
ot charge, ootioe of institutes, insert
long programs ot same, and full reports
of what yon do and say oo tbees oece-
ions, and thus eipeet them to advertise
yoa and your abilities In your chosen
profession, thus assisting you to climb
tbe ladder to higher positions and better
salariee without ft oenta postage in re
am. Yoor condition in this matter
wonld lead me, were I an editor ot Ihee
paper, to throw to tb wast basket any
oommoolratioos swot in by any society,
tb members of wblob were too proud or
too stingy to take a paper, or it I Insert
ad it, to demand full advertising rate
lor every line published. Fargo For am.
,r..mt.l tlx .f lf. J. II. Mel-n'e Mr
o4 Klloy I J. lot to remove tb diaoMaf
as s'0 a i-Silil, aricl settlor I ha !
room i wbieb the old aafe a. aiandieg ( , bt t,
aod bed baffla. all mupi at toroiag,' -
from II the ' tlgre. II step- (
pad op l the big alroag le t sad reaet.ad
oqltUbae l U lorn the silver plated t
knob, Inst. ally, the long fof'rtoj
om bin a lion we raetnlrd, and with j
affl eaaa it was epenvl. Mr. K-irke ;
ba.1. at LI war l Ibal ily, flg'iia I out
at least 11 OotDbib
fonad oo wbu b
bis miod la recalling
I).sirder I tb lir and kidneys a-r
.ui.,..il,U f,,r manv t.f Iha ailmebta of
homaoiir. wnirb. when a-gte.le.1. da- b.Mldmg,r.llow.dbyftmtbaert ra.l
v.loo InWi ri'tus an I ofiq Islal mala-! log. r-it,liH)i.g eers-cb. Tb poof
dia. I'lod'eeai would ariggMt 11, ' woman wa r.nto". -". f
kaowleig thai bird) Oi l ftol rail.
Has a mat
ll now e that rkr 0a.
tb MiotogaO i.flWr Who reeoly sf
IMU.I IUv. O. U. Tayb r at Tb Ilallea,
bal b'I rioitii'0 paper, bat only tl
warrabt aatad oo tlm lb follow-
Now i tb tim to gt tb Weakly
Of..oian, II. graalaat appr ftf
II, Uaat Villh IheO.f-Me.bolb Slfift
Is In a lsanea.for o !. H. ! bHIf
aotrtblnaiai uf aspar b mad
la lb alaU. ti 1- w will f l a a
i.r.miois) al lHIoiial )oral.lb Ueb
I'Ualaf, agrwnllaral par,
U.,w In new an t anWrll.
Tin: Lancasiiirk Insurancf. Co.
Capita Hy, C. M. A . Haft Ie.o.
Cel. saya : HU.Iob s t'''f b H,ly Is
Iha f!rat (Aedieia I bv vr fof,r. H al
sienld d toa auy g'"ei Vim bar.
VI tv.a la C.I4 liaia.
lot a ll M sal I ie U o
ilvaf aaaatloti tbat b
afiolls aal I'.llea
,nr,4 ha frTTU 'loa ppe dafl-eaU 11. ' 1 '
l .l a r-afl.ft will. Mf. b a .' Ia a ba g-rf-ieft ir
be I, l'ttl.i r,, I Mem .'arrir g um rmwvr..
m'i Ihuiu .llaial auld'ki
Z , .1 71. MieU.Mf,fthla.llli VMl,.
abiaafoa. bol bat fto ( f A un, , c,,
TTlTT: rib,a.J a. -Wye. tb ..
Iling lb deifI Oge'e. i oi. Afet Mr. 0fta bat i-o- di,. op U IM
Hometim ago I waa takan sick with
cramp in th alomarh followed by diar
rhoea. I took eiil of il oars nf l.liam-
tietlaln' Oilio, Cholera and Iharrhoe
ICrtoxly and waa Imramliately rehevel.
Coosliler tt th lal toe.lu in In lit
market for all o. b enmplaitii. I h
old lb remedy In otlwr and varyoti
who nae ll speaks highly o II. J. W.
Hirleklr. Valley CenUr, CL t or sal
by Woeum Jubnaoo Drag Co.
Mrh Is Wssa.
A Florida woman not long ago sne l
bar bosl.and lor divoro, alleging rroelty
an1 mn npKirt. II ws by gnrl
enaaeat about a worthies a fallow a
Ibfaalad lb sandy llil, l th raw-il sat
af b woman' tribulation oe eaiond
profound Indignslion. Ilr father, npon
bearing it, promt.! I y busted np th bns
bnd aad ltfh-td arion wonaj apoft
bios wilb ft plaloL If the want bnm.
lafoimad bl daughter of thafaet.si-
plinf that h would throw ber arm
aboQl bi Bk Ift abeaf gratitud. Hut
), didn't. Not ft bit. Intd l
brok Into tiolatit fit of warding, not
aamllad wilb repfnaelie for her father,
aod the burrted e!T t a or tb wound
ed man baek Ul health! Had th old
gaallamaa killed lh bush l.donbtla
lb w.fa would ha hl biro np with
b I. 1
!lMlav. at. I. wle
aoi il.a wsrraaU in b s t-'s.l. !
- . . i . . . . . .. . . 1 1 .i .
T. IL II arl make a eialiy la
atptvl'g ou.ii wilb all aeled
art ia. bawid rarrylag ft gofal ha.
Mbtftw ad. If.
T. W. A tare, J,
tt l i''" b ' . SlWHHVIM l'"--l"
v a.