Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1895, Image 4

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While jron imp roar subscription paid up jcn
eankeep roar brand in traeof charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse (Hi on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row oountj.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar 'un
der it on left ihonlder of horses; cattle aams
on left hip.
Allison, O. D Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horww same brand on right
shoulder. Bangs, Eight Mile.
Adkina, J. J., Heppner, Or.-Horses. 3, K con
nected on left flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Baird, D, W. and son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; cattle the earns i on left flank,
crop off right ear, underorop in the left, Uange
in Morrow County.
Bartholarnew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor-
HanTistar, 3. W., Hardman. Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, liooaeberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
niihnrke,eM Bt C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, nn
der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Bange iu Grant and Morrow
Bnman, Jerry. Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear opper elope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Homes, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
MHrownl Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor-
rBnwS!yj. C, Heppner, Or.-Horses, circle
C with dot in flatter on leri nip; carae, saiiia,
Brown, w. j., iiia,
Horses W. bar
Cattle same on left
over It, on the left Bhoan
nK ttt n n,nnr. Or. Horses
noywr, " . 'j., , "... .
brand on right hip oattle, same, wun spin, in
MBorg,rp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left ;hip.
Brownlee, W. J., r?ox,Or-0at.tle, JB oonnected
on leftside; orop on left ear and two splitaand
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Gamnn&arren, Wagner, Or.-Horses brand,
ed 0 on right stifle ; oattle (three bars) on
right ribs, orop and split in eooh ear. Uange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Oaln.E., OBleb,Or.-Y I) on horses on left stifle
V with quarter oircle over it, on left shoulder
Bnd on left stifle on all oolte under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant county. .
Cats, Ohas. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Galloway, Or-Cattle crop out
of Mioh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half oircle C on left stitia. Range Mor-
ow and Umatilla oounties.
Curl T. H.. John Day, Or. Double oroBS on
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Bange In Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A Qd spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, orop on left ear
pnnohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop m left ear. AU rangs
in Grant oountv. .
Cook. A. J..Lena,Or. Homes, (Won nghtshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in nftl't.
Currin. B. ., Currlneville, Or. -Horses, on
fin. KM. B.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
. i. ,.,.. homes. CM on left 31D.
Cochran, B. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded oirole with liar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
;i..v,t t,in. Cattle brauded the aame. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
brand on right shoulder, and out off end of
In IMnl asainfa
Smith Bros., Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded
B. Z. on shoulder: cattle, name on left shoulder.
Bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: oattle the same, also nose
waddle. Bange in Morrow and Gilliam counties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses Hops
right stifle; cattle horisontai L on the right side
Stevenson, Mr A. J Heppner, Or. cattle, B
nn riirht hin; awnllnw-fnrk in left ear.
Bwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or Horses, 44 on
left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hnarrv K. ft- Hennnar. Or. Cattle W C OH
left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left year, I
aewlap; horaea W V on lett snoumer.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tippeta.B.T.,Euterprie.Or. Horses. C-on left
TurneraR. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left nip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
HT oonnected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or: Horses HV con.
neoted on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q Balem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Bange
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left line, split iu ngnt ear.
Homos aame brand on left shoulder. Bange in
Grant comity.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
three nurallel hara on left shoulder: 7 on sheep.
bit in both ears. Bange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
nonnectnd on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UK connected on left stine.
Wallace. Charles. Heppner, Ur. i.attie, won im,,,ri T1-,T Tc
rightthigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on right IN INEA lULlO
shoulder some same on lerr, snouiuer.
,1? 1. 1 : ItuUfPn Of .
H1II.IU1 imiiuuflufut ........ .., .....
Horses branded W B oonnected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Onarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
hnM.a llanua Hfunt. nnnnfv. I
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter oircle over three bars on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. liange in Grant connty
Wren. A. A.. Heppner, Or, Horses running a
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young. J; H.. Gooseberry, or. liorses oranaeo
THonthe right shoulde".
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
pacific ry.
St. Paul Kansas City
When vou are about to buv a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by alluring advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
nnest nnisnea ana
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you uuy irom rename manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq uara
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for Its dura
bility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage and it
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as tue
For full details oall on O. It. & N.
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
right ear.
' w M . Oallowav. Or.-Cattla. It I) or. I
rliiht side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, H D
onJr.,tDi- TionalM Or.-Horses branded ELY
nn left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
BKimr?(!'.,B.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded
NEW HOME SanFranoisoo
reversed Cwith tail on left shoulder; oat-
mme on right hip. liange in I
Vloronce, L. A Heppner, ur.-
p. uange in morrow oonniy.
Iappner, Or. Cattle, LP on
right hip; horses. If with bar unuer on ngnt
Fhirenoe. B. P., Heppner, Or.-Horses F on
right shoulder; oattle, t on right hip or thigh.
T,'ml, (J..rue Ilnnoner. Or. Cattle branded
WF, with bar over it. on loft side; orop off left
ear. llorsrn, sniue urnm. 1".,- ...h.
(Jentry. Klmer, Koho, Or. Horses branded 11.
H with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
n... ; u..rr,. nd Ihnatillanonntiea.
Hiatt. A. B Bidga, Or. Cattle,, round-top K
with quarter circle under It on the right hip,
u-nain Mnfwis and ITmatillaoonntiea.
llinton Jenks, Hamilton. Or-Cattle, two bars
on either hip; onp In right ear and split in left.
Horses J ou ngiit ungn. uange u "n ouuuiy
Hnnhes. Hamnel, Wagner, Or (T F L
connected) on right shoulder on horses; on cat tle,
il, l.inand on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Bang in Haystack
iiuttnt Mnfmw eonntv.
Hula. Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded
f uuttln vith narallel tails) on left shoulder
Cattle same on lslthlp also large oircle oo leff
Howard J L, fUUoway. Or. Horses (orons
wit h b ir above it I on right shoulder) oattle same
nn left aide. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla
cnnntiBS. fjr fnftlst K H on
right hip; hors' same on right shoulder. Bangs
In (Irani ooiinty
lltuiliea. Mat, Heppner, Or.-Horses, shaded
hi,ri i,n the left sliouliler. Bangs Morrow Co,
MiuiKaker, II A, Wagner. Or. Horses, V on left
luoilder! nulllfl. ft otl left hlD.
Iliiniiihnrs, i M. Uardmaii, Or. Horses, II on
lef' hank .. .
Hiixton, linther, Kiglit Mile, tlr.-Horne II on
the lnfl slioiililnrsnd hart on the left stifle CaU
U mm on left In p. lUnge in liiiniw nonnty.
Jones, Harrr. Heppnf, Or llonuw hrandml
II J on the left shoulder; rattle braided J on
right hip. alio nnderbit in left ear. Hangs in
Morrow county.
Jniikiu. H. M.. Hsonner. Or. Horses, hors
sIhm i on left shoulder. Cattle, the same.
Bang o lflMMila.
Ji.hea'Hi. Fells. Lena. Or. Hnrsas, elrolsT nn
left stttle: nattla, same nn right hip, nadsf half
nr,tn in pljaht Knfl SI, lit 'a left sar
Kennv. Miks. Ilannnsr. Or. Horses braided
KNY nn left hip oattle earn and orop off left
Mr: nmlnp stone na tha riant
Kirk. J. T., Heppner, Or.-Hors ss Mm Ml
l,nl.lar! nsllla. a on left hlli.
Kirk. Jem. Ileomier. Or. i hnnaw II on left
L. eilder; oattle same on right aids, nuderliil oo
right enf .
ItniiilMH-Und.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I Lon
raltleon rishl and left aide. swallow fork In UN
ear and a "der mop In righl ear. Horses sain
brand nn left shoulder. lUnge In I rant ohhiIt.
loftetl, Hleptien, P"t. 'r. H la on left hip
n nattla. nnm and sidil on rtgtil ear, II
same brand na Mt ahwlW. Bangs (Irani
LlenallnB. John W.. Il(am. Or.-II. ii
rtrandn halftirnU J L e,innanted nn left shout.
dnr. I 'at i la. sains nn left hiu Kn, nar li
lahnf , J W Heppner Or H ones branded
Land a ni lert aluxilder; rMtle asms on left
hip, waltie over right sa, thrsa sills In rigid
l.ird, Oanrga. Ilpna. Or.-llnrsse branded
double II s.nmii I Hometiinss nallsil a
o.s II na left sbaHihtar.
Miria. M. V . Ileppner. Or.-I'altle hran.UI
rind n nshl hipi hones same n right still.
lUnge in M irniw nnuiiy
It baa Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
It New stand ( foremen), anvmg wneei ningea
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum,
Omuos, Miss. Bosrog, Miss. U TTmos Hotiiss, H. T
His traiiiniiKio, i kh. aruirra, Us.
And all point in California, via the Mt, Bhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
points East and Houth. Grand Boenic Honte
or tne raoino i.oasi. ruuman iinnei
Bleepers. Beoond-class Uleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
aooommodatlena for second-class passengers,
For rataa. tickets, slflnnino1 nar raservatlona.
C. THOMPSON CO., AamtsAKVZ"!" ....
lIeVT)ncrt (Jrenon. F. A P. akU Portland, Oregon
A. '
Sa'est, affilflilTaV Lightest,
Simplest, Xfij-'l"lll Easiest
Itrongest, I J ,1 J 1 t Working.
5olld lli5il!illJ Most
Top J "J W I iJ Accurate,
Receiver. VJ.'vfis Compact,
Most Modern and progressive
For rslslogue or Infumistlnn write to
New Haven. Conn.
Sun frtnirhrti OflU'f,
h'.WlI. It. OllKKXSFKt.DER tt (U,
Xt. i'.'i) Sultrr Slr,; t.
o3 y
Is known te moat persons.
Thsy Illustrate that greater 4uantlty la
Hot alwsyt most to be dcslrtd.
These cerds siprsss the beneficial e,sl
lly of
4s compared wllk say previously kaow
RipeaeTebolsei Fries, ) tente boa.
Of dnilete, or bp mstl.
u sriii
Fred Selfton was melancholy, appar
ently without any just cause. He haa
spent a very pleasant day in the exe
cution of his duties in the shelving de
partment of the home office, where he
had read the morning paper, washed
his hands three times, chaffed Bertie
Gapes and heard the latest gossip from
Tommy Townie. Then Tommy had
taken him to the Junior Gatherium to
recuperate, and his journey down to
v.aliniT bad hppn most comfortable. It
was a pleasant afternoon in the early
summer, his little villa looked particu
larly bright and comfortable, and he
still had an hour to lounire away before
dinner, which was the most cherished
aim of his daily life. Yet he sighed as
he opened the door and entered his
Kate had taken the baby to see her
mother, but would be back to dinner.
This was not unusual, but upon this
occasion it struck him as being very
inconsiderate of her. Having performed
his toilet he wandered mournfully
about the garden. Then retiring to
his study a misnomer, for he was
guiltless of such folly he lit a cigar
ette and flung himself into an easy
chair with the air of a man weary of
existence. Had his wife been present
she would have wondered anxiously
what calamity had overtaken them,
but the fact was nothing more alarm
ing than that her lord and master was
Bufferinir from what is technically
termed "the humo."
The other men in his room had been
discussing holidays. Gapes was saving
himself for a month's salmon fishing in
Sunderlandshire. Townie contemplated
billeting himself upon his cousin, who
was attached to the embassy at Vien
na. Williamson was engaged .for
yachting cruise to Norway, and Elliot
had raved of the green gon units at
Eastbourne. He had yawned dismally
and mentioned Heme bay, with the wife
and family, in tones which quite justi
fied Townie in holding him up as an
awful example of premature matri
mony. Now, in his heart he called himself
a fool, for in these da-ys a man of thir
ty is too young for such responsibili
ties and well, privations. Of course,
he had been quite infatuated with
Kitty, as were several better men.
The first year of their married life had
been as charmine as the last chapter
of a three-volume novel, and he had
never enioved anything so much as
that delightful scamper about the con
tinent they had together. Now, thera
was the baby, a jolly little chap, but a
responsibility, and a somewhat costly
one. After all, there was souna wis
dom in Townie's cynicism. T here are
two aspects of the marriage question,
usually considered before ana aiier.
He was just realizing the unpleasant
He had never seen the club look more
inzv than it did that afternoon. He
had been welcomed by a crowd of men,
the pleasant associates of a past life,
who seemed genuinely happy to meet
him again. He had been a very popu
lar man. and some of them still remem
bered his little evenings in Gray't inn.
What pleasant rooms they were, to be
sure. At one time he used to think
that Kitty had sacrificed a great deal
when she married him, but perhaps
the renunciation was not ao one-sided
as he had imagined. For instance,
there was the club. He could no long
at aiTunl to rro there, and with it he
had renouncad all intellectual aociety,
Kitty's people and their neighbor
.were rich and respectable. Most ad
mirablu of their kind, they ate, drank
slept, and made money; withal, most
worthy creatures, liut particularly un
entertaining. Mr. Turner, her father,
was a tyie a kindly, honorable man
but without the slightest artistic or
literary culture; he could talk for
hours of his businesH, and knew more
about tallow than any other man in
Kngland. Kortuonti-ly, hit pride of
this distinction was slightly mitigated
by the fact that he was also a connoie
aeur of wines. Hit sons wore riding
breeches on Sunday mornings and read
"The Lunar Month in their bedroom.
Ilia eldest daughter was gifted with
sufficient religion enthusiasm for ten
such families, while Mrs. Turner wat
motherly in the extreme.
Hit thoughts wandered to Georgia da
Vaux, his cud college chum, who had
aliared tlioae Gray't tun chamWra. II
wat always bright and witty, he coul
dance ail night and work all day, pull
a good oar, sail a half-rater against the
best, walk lift y mile, ride like a cen
taur, ting, drink and gamble, with
never a headache or a touch of re pen
anca. Then the gay aaaemblage
actors, artistt and literary meu, who
would there fore-gather to talk of any
and everything, more especially of tha
great things they were going to do.
And by no meant the least were those
jolly holiday upon the river, the era.
and the eontiurnl. Faugh! it
From early child-'
hood until I was '
grown my family J
apent a fortune
trying to cure me I
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs
and was treated by the best medical j
men, but was not benefited. When'
all things bad p ft ft 1 1 aUed 1 de" i
termined to la II 1 1 f 1 try S.S.S. ,
and in f our U III monthswas
entirely cured. The tembls eczema
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
never had any return of the disease.
I nave orten.
ed SSS. and
have never
vet known a failure to enre.
GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin. Pa.
Never lam to cure,
even when all other I
remedies have. Onr
treatise on blood and
skin diseases mailed
free to any address. I
SWiKl SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. OS.
any return 01 tne disease, i
not without a feeling of pleasure that
he had accepted De Vaux's invitation
to rejoin him in Gray's Inn. The
rooms seemed more comfortable than
before, and the freedom was delight
ful. As the band upon his hat became
narrower, the restraint, prompted by
B.ympathy, with which men regarded
him, died away, lie drifted back to
the old life with a feeling of pleasant
expectancy, but to find the world had
changed. It surprised him to discover
how selfish De Vaux had become, while
the manners of their "set" pained him.
Their brilliancy seemed to have given
place to flash -gaseousness, originality
to carping contentiousness; wit was
now insolent abuse, and humor posi
tive vulgarity. Yet they were the
same actors without a "shop," authors
without a publisher, and less extraor
dinary imbeciles without an object
in life. With indolent interest he used
to expect great things from some of
them, but they were still squatting in
the mire. The Junior Gatherium had
been refurnished, and the cooking was
excellent, but the same decline was
noticeable among the members. The
tales old Badboy narrated in his cor
ner of the smoking-room were, to say
the least, unfit for publication, yet the
old fellow was his most cherished ac
quaintance in the bygone days. The
place abounded in loud-voiced boys of
a new and, to him, most objectionable
species. The past belongs to the past;
a man cannot live his life again.
"Poor old fellow, I don't care to say
disagreeable things about him, but,
really, he had become a most selfish
beggar," said De Vaux, leaning against
the mantel-piece.
"Marriage spoils a man utterly,
said his friend as he knocked the ashes
from hit pipe on to the carpet. "You
ought to get married again, he a no
good for anything else."
"He used to be such a jolly, easy-go
ing fellow, now he growls at every
thing. The way he bullies our un
fortunate laundres is shocking. When
he wakes up, he'll make you sweep
those ashes from the floor."
The side the man puts on, his as
sumption of virtue, and the way he
sneers at ut really annoys me. He is
skeleton at every feast, looks as
shocked as a curate if a man tells a
racy tale, and actually called old
Soaker a cad because he could not
walk downstairs. I remember bring-
him home in a cab two or three
years ago, ana he yelled comic songs
all the way."
It's awful," said De Vaux, with a
laugh; "last Sunday he came in while
I was having afternoon tea with some
ladies, and simply turned upon his
heel, and slammed the door as he went
"Well, I'm afraid you can't poison
him and put him out of hit misery."
"He is not our old Selfton, theaters
bore him, the halls are disgusting. He
won't dance, doet not drink enough to
enliven a healthy child, tmokes in a
corner and growl. At the club no one
can understand him. He hat tried the
river, galf, the Solent, the card room,
and 1'aris, all in vain. I don't know
what to do with him. You remember
our last little supper party here.
Well, he got it up, and wa perfectly
disgusted with everything and every
body, yet all the boys were old
"Ye, I'm afraid he is incurable"
"Yet, I am," cried Selfton, springing
from the sofa upon which he had been
sleeping. "I'm a nuisance to myself
and ail of you. 1 can't forget the two
happy yean of iny life, and I can never
live them again. I'll go into tome cor
ner anJ wait patiently for the future.
since I cannot go back to the past.
Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is air indisputable fact. It stands In the
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel be 1
punctured. It can be mended by you In five minutes, as It is equipped with the world f
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rlms.
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f 100 each.
TandemB for two men or man and woman, S1S0 each.
i THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel, in the market. !
For Btyle, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 2fl and 24 inch wheels, at ?6.i, 55, ?45 respect- W
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. St J. high-grade double locking edge !9
uuuener urea auu are luuy warrautcu.
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call (
on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- 5
tuu uuu lumiu.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main I
Store. 327 Washington bt., Portland, Or. Maj. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent andi
lecturer. uxio r&i mrioun, Agt. ior morrow jo., iieppner, uregon.
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
King of Bicycles.
$V5VJ scientific
7l'-isT. 'y llftCmmCsLCO..I0lsrc.,llT.
rf n Ths Ihsmt Is sa r.fsillnr I GRAT HtlfVs rV-(rl
ris-M i.u'.; a."-' l.iiftrtMHji.ir. L II 'l"'" J.Tit?4""' ,' M '"l iTvVTr J 2ij'-Vi at a teaalde b.rllng house.
M,irhrtl.iw,... ..r.-llurs-s.ll NinM ZTZA Il".,"4JL"?. .JT !r?rK? V'ilXk make the swiiuainUnr of Owe
r,..,r.s.wii.i....ii.i-,..ii ViLmh-u i..iib.., J ' T5 H M t JV"" HHf yecting raj, grace the eaj-lani
v),n.rv. twa. r..s .H7. ir.-lli.rt,.- tj Mt:l,.,r,mJ.T. I tkf Vi'V ifit, H'lulge to many "morning
XrttZ-"'" id iSiirS TheahaJowtdi-eiiittbe
UH..i.--,.h.r-.rii.;r -l.Saiti tJ I 'JJ?" T. i 'ifo'ZZs, V'l!WHV 'f thr- room as the twilight die.
W ErV.7 U.I.,h, O,..ro. Mt "4 'P YrVh U'W,.I C.UI anJ gl,rny.
. 1 bai iaw til 1 a. a ss .1 . m 1 1 ia 1 1 r iii-tr anil v 11 nil bib bm r i
lilp, Harmaa. Pisirta I'llr, IH. a MUU, O
I.r iMrt. ihi Uri K. t . li'ina .hi Ian mi
aii l rl ..n s.m IU. la lln mwolt.
fsaram, I Data, t Mils. IK. II tm, uaf
lar l.l"l. lfl iII.hu.IMii Wn
I,,.., I aula, I ..k la U't . 'ikl n.,L M
.h. I.fi an.. IU. mi r lat.l
1'a.sar lltaaaua, llarlMa.lf,-Hirsss II ua
fl sh.Mll lar,
I'H-a I f. H. I -!.. I - II.WMS twwid
V ,1, V nK.nartoli mt l"M skiatl'tar 1 M 1
t tnm na'ii Mm. IU.mt :
J II . 1.11. 1.H.. f. II.MVM. JK
ftaiH ,a lafl skaul'lal, aa4tia,saMu laft lk
.lar till la a. , aar.
l allis A ( .. I m., tlv k.aa dlamMd f ,
- - .l,.,ll .aula. J II i iai
ft a.. bkiM l..-a la lafl m aad sliw la tha
I n'.l.
N.t, l4m, llH llv.-l.a. a
af,a a t k ',r. t m a ll uft Uft alia
aaiirr. alia, llaft'1 aar. IN, ll-aaa, t H 1
lafl I (a.
aa Hna , M ia, Of - M'Waas Iwaa lad I
M la nM sniml.U., aatlla, I na la lafl kin
rrri rM laf) M. an t davlau aa sarS. WsJar IS
Ii m aaa aHlantna ananllaa.
Kaaaaf. Alra SIKM, V-N.waja)
rawtarf I H 1 nM ah.aii.la. Saal qaarlat
rln-ta r.ar trtaj.4, aallat SaaM rta I kip,
l, v II r,,.
H..ta. II llalrvvllla. fir-Hit Ma
,(a .arlat rtwl ..rmt 1.. .la. ! h.a
an-l rt a n .. a. I ss-'.t Mi Mr, It- m
aa tt"d " Uf am ar . l,ai IS st atist
.l an t .U rti a.nl,aa.
H-. t Mr llraa, ) - M aaaa, JO m
f tVaklar, I ailia, II aa UM Sls
a W t , ll, ' II -I I
J a ,,M imh ...a. r. J a lati I m. we .
,i i.i
II MaSt t A r aa
U I l...fl'. th. S.-al e-l-I.J .4
Iiims tmrt iutfs. mt.uk aill
lv la s l a.rv ala,Ua a
1 IhAtfaa i smw'MT laj las
( it .4 lais Mail. a( art ass
V.I; S'-a Ka tr4.waii
I U . . a W a.M Kw.aa4 fnaa Ik
H f'..l IWaxW. Ik sa raal.s
t ,f ..tl m -l.s la Sa.
; I..S.4 la a,u,al la
4 S . S..4 tha tula In a
, '" ' ' mI' t I iaM.at.4 i 'I
v I i su. u ss r. a
ill l ' " S.I a.-.k. 4 IM J.aral
III ll k I t.la M. 1 tla a la
f . .1 4 a aa si t Is 4y 1 I. laa
, ? la ia-a a. .. t4 aata f
L ' t IWI" ' J ' la .
r Iff .a u4 I's ka, ai"w-ts
mh . mh i rauta .Mai
S.MM.W tl ,l,.g M
. . l I. l.a-l. saa IM af l s.r
(I. .1 N -. s is a. t a i-
'll l I tkiwj. M SM lf K
i V t f'4 S l Haiti
l " saw? a) H aal
Tn't HH-
)!.. IS
the ami
4lan,rra tJ
li.s as. I
has lan m
4 if ih
lra.ll ii a Irn.
I' a. .a r-i
l'"f at4
pir vrc
la' a.
Mats Man
ftiriV s-.-.a
el tha , a. f
rkataai In ja f
data. I nmaj tV
I n 1 1 I ,
. a I f - t ' ' ,
tAiHOOJ;; b"
--..-1' l'k
tiMiitn a,
I U.l.aaa,
FaiUns halt,
saticn. . rv
f.i.la Ur hl.is
I !) a. aa
.5 lit I
lasts "ii.i
a.. ! k.i.ra ii a
r. ira.i.iaaa.
HaSfSt fu.
I' k I I I ?,
V r.m.K aaa,
I IlllalS
kl.'l l.l.a
aal .a a
( iM III ll
a. I, ka-S
i ils mt
I . i .
I aa -UI
1. . I. , , . ... a aa u U'l k y
a, ..... J i n w ., - S- a.
S. -.a ( al 'I- aa .... , .a k
i rWat aiaMl, Car s.l at Mi a H-
S Saaaa tlasaaaa kft
Vt rfaaaia. &.sv rk wkaa, I
11 la. I 1..S aitaat, fl.a 1 k
1 k.ak a s la. a aafMiaa as
Fl a'l. raaka aTa aa4 -.aaala aa
y rtlaalllMaaafli. aaual tiSI
M 4 'fa-f.!.. Ia ma)
.aaa! ( Ika f.a... Tr
V.a I. .'xat.ml
aa l.a)awaj, k t la., a 4
a -. a.a,a4 Hp. Ik. aa r a
.a ka ( ' t la las1
... , , a , w a a. a.ai
k . If aa ,,.!,... a k
4 ia a .-- " . ' s-4
I II at a , 1 ' W I F
a , at I . a. J. ' -4 'a s
' ' 1 1 1 kv Sk-'! ka u l a) at
- I 1
PJ St. I ' t -1 ? , . fa.
aj k'tl. Ovar '. Slj..aa.s
' aff.'i i - a . a i,,aaau-f n tt-m $
flaaa ll kt (.aa . ( l SMInas
a .1 l4raa,,a.a . .ajt k.-l la suisai
.f Ika uail IIm I. .a.
Tkak.at l-a... f aa k.la.
!( U ' oi4 iaav - k a 'S VaSit at lias aa.
l Is Ika i ..a aaJ4 I' af
ka.f.l.1'1 k.lMII.
If. aaai l I'n IMI fc. aaal
k. tM.a '..' I'UH'I l.lf
a t w-a i.liai.iri' c-""' ss kaa-a.
fei I la a.. l.i I ai 4. .,11 A
I ' - r "i ll . - .'. I aaSS)
ajlllI'Mi ,!.,! -.1 a1 fl 1 K
rarlS klaw, la'SMA I 'l.a,
ka k I si' is. .!!,
Iu home bouai ( m rnlns
t raaiiif the r.'in wearily, he lrJ
Int. the ,'ari.ari of itim tlia.luwt. prri
Ink his frvrr.sh face aa'ainat the h
iMaa, hla dry ryra wrre hi-aty with
aii.'uiah I'uly ivt.i years tifo thry had
'.alilfd thar klirulwi aild fl.rr. Mi
mlhl.rf liMl hands fn.'iw.l In linrs
Iratnrr g !? h in Ins rianrtrla, wiel.t.
Ii " a ai-a.W tike a true am f A. lam
And llie r)..air l il ld.mm.-d in their
IM.-n. l.ut he iii.it .. e tia a,iha alette
IM her han U kkui.I I'lm-k lii a n.iwrra.
aud I'llirr lover ait In the ailr where
they had an i. ftea Hatched the ru.oit
litfM silver the rustlinir Uavra. lie
had tiiueved Itirre with his ips, car
lea and hapry. aa ahe nesl'.cd at h'.a
aide, often In ailrne, aniaetimea whlar
vrlrf tet e-.nri.tanrea
lly one whirl of the wheel of life il
was III the tutal. t'Ut still uo bur led.
hinklDs; InUi hit chair he reataal hit
head sjpa) hla han.lt U wat very
very dark N..ft and tn.l.l. n lit I
the lr.ntie r.tae nfaxi him that tt ttill
aeeired 1 ke t!. hatitiung mm.riet pf
a iTTiMe dras n JSut a frw ui..i.:,s
a.' thewa ha, j-y In the swert e.nu'
)i,l. i, .,... if , wi',, ! lie
a',- ne
i.j ;'.fci la t'.i.t "r.a k.ria u ,s
fv. Mif ,n '..;. v to ll wat
"Isn't he a latj dadda, tnorlnj: like
tg bow-wow when bahy wanta to aee
"Why, Kitty." he aald, dreamily.
awaking with a start, "It it really you?'
"Ueally me, tllly boy. Whom elae
did you eipect, tirT' the asked, waring
Uie hahy before him.
r "Come tome, aunnie," he cried, lautrh
ingirayly. "See how eag-tr the little
chappie is, Kate.
Then, at I'hilly nestled on bit shoul
der, clutching vainly at hla mustache,
he drew her down onto hia knee, and
aaid. softly: "lly Jove, darlinif, how 1
have missed you."
"1'iMir boy. It ia too bal of me to'
run home to my mother en often,
Isn't HT Itut I re tuch newt for you.
Father it if"' "a to launch out awfully,
lie la actually going to bay a yacht'
"A yachtr
lea; tne ooya are twcominff to
hortry. You know how he detetU that
art of thing. So thlt la to cure them.
Yon are to be captain, and be la coin
ing over after dinner to eonaultyou.
Isn l it charmingT"
"kather; we won't go to Heme bay
tor our vacation, en, little g.rir-
"Heme bay. indeed! W hat ever made
you think of tuch a place?' Mack
and VihlU
a sr a les s Irtira alre.
Th tiest salve in Ihe world for rnlf
llmiaee, H,.rr, I'lcers, hall llhetim,
Fever Moree, fetter. Cbaf. llsu.ls.l
I'htlhtaine, Coma, and all sia ernpltont
and poaitlvely enrrt .'ilea, or ao pty
reqiirskl. 1 1 ie rnatnteel lo tit I
perfret aalisfaclion or maey refnnde.1.
ftPf eenle per tvi. Fof Je by
T. W. Af.ra. Jr.
Four Models-885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL.
BRANCHES s Nsw York, San PrancUco, 5alt Lak CSty, Denver, Memphis, Detroit, lorooto.
A. If'. PATTERSON, Aacnt for Morrow County, Ilrrpner, Oregon.
OF a . a
It to Advertisers at a great financial .sacri
fice. Vou need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
Tin; Patterson Publishing Co.
IIiibt M. not. r,,a 0f Mr. Julia
Ward lle. ha peeo awarded the
Ikraarmer fud De1al of the lirittah III'
tit(e f.ir hla T-rilinctca the auVJnt
of itrr 1 rr.tkit.
Wis Mitf CitMoaf. the rHr,
U'V.ta r t-f tKe iu'e l-ati ttiiaaler. Tsl-
rl-k rSi ",d li!'n.re, is a tall, jirvta.
s v.t t t-nmrttc. !5 h r,i.
irn ! j r..n' a-i I a kuulr of V.vrt
nrt ai t-
: mm : ILLS
Lcnves No Constipntlon,-
t'nf.t It. aa e!l aa a1! ll !llnstee. lck llaa laei 9tt JkJaitf a. The ealy
(Mn niimi fiiMn Ihe r! 1. ri.U tyall ttmttt - t I ky bail tsa
r-rtrf t rice. i' e.t rf t-l. lliFMI MEIUCALCX'.
Ill Lalifcreta lUet hsa f rtadsey, Cal,