Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1895, Image 3

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The Danger is Averted by Using
"Nearly forty years hro, after
some weeks of sicking lnv hair
turned gray ami began falling out
so rapidly that 1 whs threatened
with immediate lwddness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Viir highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara.
Loit Somewhere on the road between Cascadb Locks Exccbsios. The ex-
Umatilla and Kennewick. Wash., a !-.,,;., itk. r....,i.iAAli lnr 8nn.
four months from date, issued May 10th, Mn Oregon people as the promoters bad
in favor of 8terlina Smith and sinned hoped it would be. Very few Bttended
oy u. w. Wells, both of this oity. This
property can be of no value to the finder,
however, he will confer a great favor by
returning same to Orove Smith, of this
oity. 46
tioi, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop
lied the hair from falling out, stimu
luted a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my frioiuls."Mrs. II. M. II aight,
Avoca, Neb,
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Ayer't SarsaparlUa Kemovea l'itnplei.
Frank Day, who made the recent as
sault on Dr. Smith, of Pendleton, as pub
lished in the last issue of the Oazette.
was plaoed under $150 last Saturday to
appear before Justice Parkes Monday to
answer to tne cnarge or assault with a
dangerous weapon. Day made his ap
pearance at tbe aoDointed hour and
waived examination, when he was plaoed
uuder $250 bunds to appear before tbe
grand jury.
Sometime ago I was taken sick with a
cramp in the stomach followed by diar
rhoea. I took a couple of doses of Cham1
berlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Bnd was immediately relieved
I consider it the best medicine in the
market for all such oomplaints. I have
sold the remedy to others and everyone
wbo uses it speaks highlv of it. J. W
Striokler, Valley Center, Cal. For sale
by Slooum-JobnBon Drug Co.
J. B. Manning informs the Gazette re
porter that be recently saw a peculiar
type of a snake with a bead on each end
of his body out on Rhea creek. The
Gazette has heard of people seeing
snakes with many heads, but never in as
dry a oountry as the Rhea creek valley
So we give Mr. Manning's snake etory
for tbe consideration ot our readers.
from Heppner beoause ot the faot that
they could not have returned until Mon
day evening. It is reported that includ
ing those. from The Dalles there were
probably not over 200 in attendance from
Eastern Oregon. But the attendance
from Portland was much larger, tbe
crowd from that place being very great,
The day was spent by the exoursiomsts
in looking over tbe government works
and viewing the beauties of the Cascades.
The promised address of Major McNeill
did not oocur, nor were there any exer
cises ot suon a onaracter. aii were
amply paid for the trip, however, by see
ing tbe looks in oourse of construction,
which Day Bros., tbe contractors, prom
ise to have completed and boats paBBing
through by Jan. 1, 1896. During the
day the excursionists also clambered
over the rocks to the oliff overlooking
tbe Columbia, where the rapids in the
river and tbe surrounding mountain
scenery were seen to the best advantage.
f 1 2 3
4 S O 7 9 IP
11 12 13 1 15 1G 17
18 9 20 21 22 25 24
25 go27l 2&Z930 1 3 1
Htage (or Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
lolia Day and Canyon City, luavpi aa follow! :
Evory day at 6 a. m., except Hiiii.Ihv.
A rrtvea every day at n p. m except Monday.
The rheapvut, n,ulpkent and beat line to or
from the Interior country.
Fulll Colin. Agent.
You can get the beat beer
In Heppner at 0.
rowe's, 5 cent per glaai,
B. Ted
!( yon want the lineal lliuori, cigars, etc.
rail at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Millions ride the Rambler.
Ikt Eonla bat biryolea to rent
M. A. Olden was op from the lone
country yesterday.
The Nilea-Yineon, Marble Works,
Walla Walla, Wash.
rUr iiaurenfiend waa up from the
Douglas oouoiry yesterday.
K. O. Hloan. who has been quite ill, ii
gala able to be on tbe streets.
La Grande Marble Works, I.a Orande
Ore. 8. O. Smith, salesmen, Ueopner.
Clreult court will convene in Morrow
county on Monday, the 2nd day of Hep
Umber. Mr. Ilirk Mathews returned bome
last Toeeder night from aa extended
viait to Portland.
Leslie Matlock returned bnme yeater
day from a week's outing up in tbe
Diteb ereek cooDlry.
Wanted Halo or fancy wing. Will
go to tbe bti or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mar Henderson.
II. Moaaie and wife, who conduct a
tbMM farlory over In the L'kiab coun
try, are to tbe city today.
W. A. ItairJ and family returned home
Wednesday evening fmra a mouth's Visit
witb relalivet at Uod River.
Owing to a typographical error thl
etetenoot of Tbe National bank of this
city le republish! la this iwue.
lUgular pr-aching at the op-re bouee
Monday morning by Kldei Jenkins of
The Dalles. Too are welcome to Ibeee
Hterling eJ Orove Pmltb returned
last week front an overland trip op
through I l.e Yakima and KHensburg
tteear Minor end famllr departed
W'-4a4at morning for a wk'e taee
tn not on Oarer's faoch over beyond
lliteb erk.
Vie Marine Seville .lprtej laet
We-lpw. ley ff l'ntan I. wber she will
aiN oter buin-e eilg" '-main f'f
,e arbnr- )ear.
(SllbrtOai-rt " l-cl '
Marvill end bvwee"iied in Y"
a. I Journal H' ' 'i
dona( the ra-i- nut nootb
Snndy MoWilliam, a cook at the Cen
trBl hotel in Fossil, made an unsuccess
ful attempt at suicide last Saturday
night, but was discovered early in the
play and brought around all right.
Sandy beoame enamored of a young
woman, and wben he found his affeo-
tions were not returned, deoided to take
the suicide route for the other world.
Late last Tuesday night Clyde Saling
came in for the doctor, giving the infor
mittion that Milt Morgan's four-year-old
girl bad by mistake swallowed some oar
bolio acid. Medicine was at once sent
out, and as nothing later has been heard
we presume the boy is getting along all
right, and will soon have entirely recov
Ike Ennis has a Btock of bicycle
repairs and will fii your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is his intention to
make a specialty in this line, and as the
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
this will oertBinly be pleasing news to
those who are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf,
Not one complaint has ever been made
by those using Aver s Harsaparilla ac
oording to directions. Furthermore, we
have vet to learn of a case in which it
has failed to afford benefit. So say hun
dreds of druggists all over the country
Has oured others, will cure you
The Heppner train was four hours
late last Wednesday night. The delay
was partially caused by the caboose
breaking loose from the train a few
miles above Arlington, and not being
discovered for a long time afterward.
You cannot say that you have tried
everything for your rheumatism, until
yon have taken Ayer's Pills. Hundreds
have been oured of tbis oomplaint by toe
use of these Pills alone. They were ad
mitted on exhibition at the World's Fair
as a standard oathartio.
Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of
the oity meat market where he keeps a
fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal,
sausage, baoon and lard, whioh be sella
for the lowest market price. Fred Jiock,
the Portland butcher, is still with bim. tf
Having used Chamberlain's Congb
Remedy in my family aim touud it to be
a tirst olnss article, 1 take pleasure in
reoommendiDg it to my fneuds. J. V,
Foster, Wesiport, Cid. For sale by alo-
ouru Johiiflou Drug Co,
J. W. Vanghan, who has beeu clerking
for tbe McFHrlaud Mercantile company
for sometime past, is away for a short
vacation in the Blue mountains. D. A
Uerroo is holding oown bis position
during bis abseuoe.
Wm. Dutton, nooompanied by his
wife, who hut been receiving medical
treatment in Portlund tor sometime pant,
returned borne last eveniug. We h um
that Mrs. Dutton comes bnm- greatly
improved In health.
Mrs. Thos. Bradley, for sometime
past proprietress of the City Hotel, will
soon take charge ot the Palace li'ilpl.
However, we learn the former house will
be kept open under tbe management ot
J. U. Tedrowe.
Theron and Walter Fell arrived from
Pendleton on Tuesday night's train to
push the trial that attracted the atten
tion of the juetiOft court lael Wednesday.
Tberuo departed tor bome on jesterdaa
Tbe East Oregonian, says Ilmlctt, tbe
pilgrim printer, and one Indian were
plain druuks before Recorder Lash last
Slouday morning. 11 ailed I doeen't met
with fea-ts aud banquets everywhere be
Isaac Large, formerly a resident of
Morro county, but now living io Port
land, arrived Tuesday Dirlit for a re
day's visit io Heppner. . His little) eoo
accompanies blm.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Wood, rlrtr y.iur C omplexion, regulate
your bowel and make your beal clear
aa a bell. 'k , 50c., and ! bold by
T. W. Avers Jr.
Marion Round. Mel Hlu-ai and Mr,
Hnyiler, of Hamilton, arrived la ftepp.
ocr the Oral of the week for supplies.
They pulled out fur the Interior Country
Khil. Cure n eold on
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming eo well
known and so popular aa to need no
special meution. All who have used
Kleotnc Bitters sing tbe same song oi
praise. A purer medioine does not exist
and it is guaranteed to do all that is
olaimed. Eleotric Bitters will cure all
diseases of tbe Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt Rheum and
other affections oaused by impure blood
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as oure all Malarial
fevers. For cure of Headache, Consti
pation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed
or monev refunded. Price oOo. and
per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drugstore.
A Handsome Thing. The September
number ot Toilettes, issued August 1st,
is tbe handsomest fashion magazine we
have yet seen. Formerly books on fash
ions at this season of the year contained
but little that was either instructive or
attractive. Toilettes certainly does not
travel on the same road witb others of
its class, for each issue appears to excel
all preoeding ones for tbe beauty of its
illustrations, the simplicity and elegant
taste displayed in tbe selection of its nu
merous costumes. And tbe clear and
conoise articles on the styles that are and
that are to be, written by its many corre
spondents abroad, place a stamp of au
thenticity and refinement upon this
magazine that every lady ot taste appreciates.
Yon cannot be cheerful or happy while
your liver is disordered, life is but a
weary burden to persons so afflioted.
Dr. J. H. Mo Lean's Liver and Kidney
Balm is tbe right thing to put this organ
into healthy condition. It inoreases the
secretion of bile, stimulates tbe kidneys
and restores tbe organs of tbe body to
t be proper performance of their f uuctions.
Price $1.00 per bottle.
Just a Visit. L. Gerlinger, proprie
tor of the Star Brewery, of Vanoouver,
Wash., was interviewing his Heppner
customers Wednesday morning last.
Mr. Gerlinger is one of the prominent
brewers of tbis coast, having been in the
business for more than 15 years. He is
proprietor of the Henderson Brewing
Co., of Henderson, Ky., and also owns a
large interest in one of the leading
breweries iu Chicago. Every lover of
the drink knows of the famous Star
Brewery beer, manufactured by tbe Van
uouvor house. This beer sells on Its
Burh a Condition Certalaly in Existence
Proriifnent Member Arraigned by Church,
and Minister Boond Over to the Grand Jury.
Serious trouble sometimes arises in
churoh cirolee as well as in business and
political organizations, and let the mem
bers say what tbey may or do what they
can, quietude and harmony oannot be
restored. No, even Balm ot Qilead on
such occasions fails to oalm or quiet the
turbulent waters. Tbe good people then
usually assemble themselves together
and deoide by unanimous vote that "the
devil is in the ohurch," and that har
mony can nevpr be hoped for until he is
looated and foroibly ejected from their
midst. Usually but little time is required
for tbis action, and then peaoe, sweet
peaoe, onoe more reigns supreme. Tbe
above statement was made to a Gazette
reporter by one of Heppner's faithful
cbnrob members, and while the pencil
pusher bad often heard about this
"devil in the church" propesition, yet,
just what it meant the writer was unable
to determine nntil tbe above explanation
was made. But now with tbis interpre
tation fresh in mind, and with at least a
partial knowledge of the movements in
one element of Heppner's ohurch oircles,
we believe our readers will quite agree
with the writer when we state that if the
"devil is not in the church," he is cer
tainly located somewhere in Heppner,
thongh just who it is, where it is or what
it is, we are unable to say. But should
not some movement be made, some con
centrated toroe be brought to bear that
will result in this peculiar individual's
expulsion? Yes, let all join forces and
stand shoulder to shoulder, in this flight
tor & oommon hope, a common aspira
tion and a oommon termination.
To be more speoifio, serious trouble
has arisen in the M. E. churoh of this
oity, and as it has grown to be more than
mere strife, and is no longer oonfined to
tbe ohurch oirole, it assumes the form of
news, so the Gazette gives its readers
the benefit ot it. Tbe beginning ot this
trouble, this breaoh, this gulf, dates
back for sometime, and the trouble has
certainly enlarged with time while every
effort to bridge the gulf has only re
suited in its being widened. Charges
and counter charges have been preferred.
One element of members against another
element led by the minister, and minister
and element against element. Thus the
fight has oontinued from day to day dur
ing the past few weeks, until this week
the feeling ran up to fever heat. Sworn
statements and petitions were being
carefully prepared with the intention of
having Rev. J. M. Denison dismissed as
a member of oooferenoe whioh meets at
Spokane next month, while the oppoei-
tion prooured statements and made
oharges against G. E. Fell, one of tbe
members, with the hope of having him
dismissed from churoh, which trial is iu
progress today. Ae a result of these
oharges, or statements made in connec
tion with them, T. E. Fell entered oom
plaint last Wednesday against Rev. Den
ison, charging bim with "attempting oo
eroion by threats." The case was set
Tired Women
Must have strength or they will be in tbe
suffering despair of nervous prostration.
The true way to win vigorous nealth Is to
take Hood's SarsaparlUa which will build
op strength by making pure, rich blood;
thus it will also feed the nerves upon their
proper nourishment, create an appetite,
tone the stomach invigorate every organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is what tired women need the one True
Blood Purifier prominent in the pu bile eye.
V-I n:lto act harmonlouily with
liuuu o a
Hood's SainapariUa. 260.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
Special Salel
Dealers in General Merchandise
Organdies, DimitieB, Molls, eta, at the following greatly reduced
prieas :
Organdies 2Sc., reduced to 15c. per yard.
Mulls '25c., reduced to 15c. per yard.
Dimities 12 to 15c., reduced to 10c. per yard.
Gents' Straw Hata 75c. to 11.00, reduced to 25 and cents.
Gents' Summer Ribbed Underwear ,50c., reduced to 35 cents.
Ladies' Undervests 10 to 60c., reduced to 5 to 25 cents.
Line of Boys Laced Shoes 11.25, reduced to 80 cents.
Best line of Ladies' 10c. hose ever offered for sale.
Bargain Counter loaded down with remnants of every fabric im
aginable at prices never before equalled.
Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Groceries complete in
every respect at prices that will more than favorably compare with
those previously announced by competitors.
Special attention called to our Shoe Department Call and ex
amine both goods and prices.
West Side Main Street, - - - Heppner, Oregon.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
The Massillon Engine & Thresher Go.
W. L. Douclas
3 WflwLriT FOR A KINO.
4.3.5P fine Calf&Kangaros.
runmDrtni nftnr
VWW-lL. D ou d,L Aa
Over One Million People wear tho
Mi, m
' 1
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
ia in.
The prices are uniform, -stain pd on sole.
Thev eaual ouitom shoes In atvle and
Their wearing qualities are unaurpaaaed.
Prom & ta t aaved over other makee
( If your dealer cannot supply you we can. bold bf
Out of Sight!
The boy is father to the man, and when
tbe boy dons the man's hat he ia "oat
' of aight." Likewise the man who pro
vides himself with odb of
hats, and also purohases his Groceries,
Cigars, Tobaoooe and Gents' Furnish
ings at tbis estftbliehmeat where the
freshest Bnd latest of tbe above linee
are kept.
This ia also the plaoe for Stookmen'e
Supplies, as this store makes a specialty
of everything required by this class of
trade. And a casual observer will not
fail to notice that our sheep and cattle
men take advantage of thia faot
Remember the pleoe .-ark.
Four doors south of the Oity hotel.
Dealer whose name
pear here
will shortly ap-
t( to all students. Young men oan obtain board, lodging, heat and light in
the dormitory for $2.50 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young
women are provided board in private families at 3.00 per week. Young women
desiring board should address Prof . John Btraub, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary
Young Women's Christian Association, Eugene. The University offers three
bacoalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Baohelor of Soience and Bachelor of Let-
Agent wanted. Apply at once ters with corresponding courses of study. Tbe following shorter courses are also
offered: An English oourse leading in two years to a business diploma and in
three years to the title graduate in English; an advanced oourse for graduates of
normal sohools leading to the degree master ot pedagogy; A three years course in
civil engineering leading to the degree civil engineer; a oourse ot two years for
teachere ot physical education leading to a diploma and the title director of
physical education. The University charges an Incidental fee ot ten dollars wbiob
is navable in advanoe by all students. Btadents holding diplomas from tbe pnbllo
$tso.eoererjrmonth givn iwy to tny one who ap.
plia through ui for the moat menionoua patent dunuf
the month preceding.
W aecure Hie orei pvwmie w
for 8 o'clock that afternoon, when J1"1 "XJitoiTihc! sohools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to tbe preparatory
acinose waiveu eiHiuiuuuuii, uu iu u- wub ,mpreu upon the public uie tact tnai department Wltnout examination, luose aeeinng luiurmnwuu mifnruiiiK iua yiv-
fendant was bound over on tbe testi- fT'STHE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS paratory department should address tbe Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
For catalogues and information address
O. II. CHAPMAN, President,
or J. J. WALTON. Socretary. Eugene. Oregon.
mony of the state to appear before the THAT Y1CLD FORTUNES,
next grand jury whioh meets the first tuthai the "cu-window" which eaa be eatilvitid up
week io September. Rev. Denisou'e
promptly furnished. Ho great is tbe in
iuii.nu.M "collu-bulton
which were plsoed at 8'200, were noppet, and a riiouund oUm nut thm
terest and excitement that bas been work-
end down without breaking Iht puteneei'a back,
M tl It.- k. lM...-l.trlr N "hltU.
tile thinrt that nwtt
any oae on (ind a way of imnmin( : ami then nmple
invention, are the once that bring laignt return to (he
author. Try to think ol aumctlwig ui invent
Pairnlt taken out through lit feeelTetperial notice la
the " National kecorikr, publunrd at Wailungtoa,
I). C .which u the Drat ncwip.pn publithed in Amenta
ia the intrreata of inventor. We furnuh a veai'a eub.
teniJtion to thi Journal, dee of cmt, Io all our client!.
Memory Is a litlletrescberouanow and NllB. nt A.,r.. ,h, w,id'. Fair. ':!?2
then, and causes one to forget some SaraanarllU eni-.ys the extrsol- U c. ol tlJ '1 Secar .u.s a
tlmik-s worth remembering, unless one Ayer e Barsnpariiia snj win e r- rtMcBlUwln .nd.o.ptKMiofhi.inyeetio-,
Iihs an experience like that which came dlnary dmtmotion or having been tne omy I wui be ac.ue.ed throughout "
Mr. D E. Est. Moffatfe Creek, Vs., blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the . ,
own merits, consequently Mr. Gerlinger ed up by thi. tronbie that .11 now await
makei tliese occasional trips simply in the Mi(m o tbfl grRD(1 jry Desi moniu
order to visit his friends and customers. ... ni,nrnh tri..i . in ..rooress.
who says: "I had been nffring for
years Willi a torpid liver and found no
relief nulil I took onnrnnus Jjiver Kegu
lator when I waa entiiely relieved ot niy
troubles. I never intend hoing without
Simmons Liver Regulator."
I'lkahakt Whist Tartt. A pleasant
whist party was given by Mr, and Mrs.
Geo. Conser, at their home in tbis city
on last Tuesday evening which waa io
all respects an erjoyable affair. At an
appropriate Interval lunch of ioe cream
and cake was served, lue following
A II comaunicauou regarded auv-lly confidential.
Solicitors of America a and I erelgn FataoU,
618 I1 Street. N.W..
Box tft. Washington, D. C.
entry of patent medioine and nostrums, i f A tfr,ncirJit ' V1 "
Tbe deoiHion of the World's fair autbo. Jaft f-fUfii A .
ritien in favor of Ayer's HarsapHrilla was
World's fair, Cbioago. Munnfaoturers
of other asrsnparillas sought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under tbe
application of tbe rule forbidding tbe
in effect as follows: -Ayer s oarsapa-
rilla is not a Detent medioine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is
here on its merits.
Illfferral Yot Kaow.
An eioliange says that an editor will
The llalley Uty Waa Hbnrhrd.
A email boy over at Hailey playfully
pointed a nun at Mra. James Hums the
other day, and lot 'er go Oelligberl The1
bullet struck tbe lady squarely between
the eyes, and tbe trilegraru states that the
I M WE !
Now haa charge ( the at. irk ol ronlertloiiar
lea, fritili, rlitara, tnlianyie. etc., lurnierly
ownoil l' Boyil at McDowell.
Which he is disponing of at Close
Shave Prices.
Ire Crram and Ire Cream Roda, tamnneds and
Orange Cldur always kept ou hand.
Wait aids Mala Street, Minor Building.
m mm:
were present: Henry Black man and wife, . " ' , ... .l..ii ..1 .....
. .. , . ., go to some meraiiniiie auu iuiii iui imuiinaiui i.ii ., --- .
nf Portland: Otoar Minor and wife. Ed I" ... I ...... Returning pnetwrltv will make
,, . . . d, wben tbey will remertltiai 11 does altbougu sue was not aangemuaiy uurt, llft ,,,, ( im,cealui spwruieii.
SiscE ft I A A ft FOR
' . ' Home nu it abort V alter lei lue same aocnieoi. inn aouniia nan iue aim i iiiiii
an, wire V.O IJunu and wifs, Mra.1 h, kjMl tii tL. nigg-r that thought someon. was A II UU
Arthur Minor. Miss May Bailey, Miasl ., . . . . mn . MrJ ,,.,.,, ...mi.'' at him. when the V 1 V
I W II V, II I IU ... m ' ' y r ' I- f - ' a
manv rlrh, but pnwliersran thev make so much within a
iu Iu (.tain, I ti.viaimii aud bum a.
Etta Minor, Mies Malx-t Letter, and
Meara.T. 11. Lyons, Harry Wairen,
Frank Minor and Kuiene Veugheo.
nanrliantar. and if the tirinlin cflloe is I carrier dmpped a hod of briik on Lis
the garret of a aevento atoty building head, from tbe top of a four etory bail J-
be wilt climb It the top lo beg the editor lug.
Systematic Plan of Speculation
...I -. ..Mtal. mm m Mi.l.l . T.l.m
It la a w-ll known lrl ll.al ll..re aie Ih.i.iaanla ol men lu all parte of the nllrd Plelra who,
l.y .,.u..,,..l. i,.,lii, ti,r..u,h hl..n l.r..kre, rn.k. Urge amminta every vir. ranging lt..m a
1-w th.x.Miid d..llr. !.. Hie man w l. Invite a hundred or two hundr-il dollara up Ui I ,c to
It enr-e luciiilent Oii.anmtdion. It ia
Him tM-et dngbCtir-only iiieeful ado-.
cte..rioie , wi.lil. H-.IJbyT. V.
Ay era, Jr.
O'llectnr Blackman. srvurapanled by
Ins family, wbo tiava b-en llm gUieta uf
lleppnr relative for a month pet. dn
parted for 1'nrtlanJ W-UneeUy after
Htage leaves for lU'Un M'.ndave,
W-.ltiee.laxa. and t'riday. return;, no
Tue.nia. Tburadats and haturdaie.
ti. Vad,rrop. T. W.AveraJf.,Ag. ut.
al-ro Hlateaman: M. Fiat.k Mi-D-.w- 1
ell, who 'iM tteott viallmg filiid at I
llrpptier and oilier pli.le on,e
DI4 Va Kver Tklak
That you cannot Im well linleaa you
have pure, rich blood? If yon are weak,
tired, languid aud all run dow n, II la Im-
eaoae vour lilotxl la linixverilied and
anr"n,'" I laeks vitality. The-e trouhlea may I.
to ke p quiet don't
paper, you know.
publish it in the
lie. teturtiCHl Ll.tli. (
r.Wrr 3. W. JM klt.e w I r.wl, al
llardmati d'lfii g t it tn k.nomitivinirig
Moddar eVelillig, AMat'ia! i. l'u'lleil
lo bear tlto
overcome iiy ii.hui s naraaparilla be-
ritnae ll'i-i I naraaparilia tuakea pnre,
nrii blood. Il la, in trulU the great
hli.od partner.
IliHHl'a 1'illa cure liver ill, txmatlpa-
linn, liilhiiuna, latlndioe, sick betu.
ache, lodigeatton.
W. . (xMirtifT, of Taooina, one of
the prouilnrrit al. g Imyera on tl lerviael,
nrv.mf.aril-, by hi son, J. II Oiurtoey,
of Walla Walla, arrived leal evening to
make atret tftieu' for a larr LIiunl
ol at-fk from Ihle a-rlim. Mr Omrt-
i ttrnn hia almiit niffl I1M11 or eattle eoo.
w" .ha I'rtnevilla rini.lr I
Mrs. T. H. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn., aaye "Hhiloh's Vitelif r 'saved
tny lifn.' I ronaiiler II Ibe in-i remedy
for a debilitat-d statem I ever need.'
r'or dyepepaia, lir or
ii eioeis. rnoe o em
W Aa.ta Ji
e ww' .
John Kbaw earns an 00 Monilay
nlgbl'a train for a few dajaaiay in Hepp
ner. Ttiia ta Joho a flrei vi.H Io ll p
nr for sometime peat. During hie an-
aeara be ha been engaged In bnrlrg
shirk for I'orlland, Tacom and Chwago
A atabhief a.Tray,
reeallinf le tie
dib 'f -eleetial. 'f t in China
Iowa lilUWNIl"i ngm.
(aoverat arreeta hate ! nie4.
Tk-e. I en eia I t any man U ap-
t-r la "iel 'lu ll,":l leaii
1. . l,,!rr,.lu, u ,n ul II I. Si'.gi.am I'J
l'pti r-a !.. -The M. t L.
t n t r)y ha- ''til "f a'l '"f
fel, e.ie!i a' r .;. l I. I arl' ,
el . w tilth will ! w-ild a' eaHil.le
pne-a, Ik ti'l iK-g'ect lo U-m l"t
e.04,. t-Hf
lt etrr-4 we tia,
A bar rare, en r ol ,
wal- h k). tM ymng
finrn wlniilt Urn b'ipa It, fcl at raal
X"" f r Hi prwirtii a'.ti.metil. 'I I. el
'liUienl.wti'rh will b" m w I fftaeiHirr
III r Hit I'Ml llrlotl. " Ii frj
llrulio ('1., who tohdnct btt lierlnf I
bneitiWM ia rurlland, Taeoma and h-
a"le. Mr. tV.orn and eon will prob
alily ra IfUr f'-r I'ruievillw.
! .', 11..II, wlio haa IkIi r iliflned
in Jail lr anmwiitiie pat. gava Imn t laat
aek and 1 now et.j")ibg freii air
Oiofw. Jn-tga fee-land fttt-d
Ihe U.ed from IHIto liXI, wbirb was
awn r- bv II. oionr. Tbis again
-fe 11, c'li.ijr jail will.tit an Ino.a'e.
J. II. Lear, of l u lll-n. II, new
pr-ecating' altietiey f.f I'.ie j i li.ial
t'.tll We lael
. a 1 m
a a - t . . I l U a I f . I..) L s a.i a 1 at . a - . . . . - I ta
9 . .1 tl-r . Ilea. ,M 1 a, I a . ... .
I. V rue I
t Jt ks e!4 tm f-ieraotww hy all e.
t', It etiree f 'rM i'"."!'!-
laAu the heat Cvuaa a4 Crou Cure. -
awl y 1 w !-. if, lo-ne'.t
Any mvenlur In liaet-rn Ofegri wbi
i1-air tl( -ff- if an atirn In
W !,,!, ,t m, i : . w il I 1. I tt 1 1 I 1
a Kaitlag t m a'l t.u f ! Iffa IU. I a
f. Ml
M. KarUii l Mereanlile Oi. will liay
eab for wtn-al, barley, hiilew and pell.
Karmera should rail and Ihero. a
If t u want lo rfiit a lorvrle or tt re
r kidney trouble .,,,r f,,t 9Hn,m, rail on Ike Klilila at hi
nl. Hold by T. I bu yrle livery, power htmew.
(Ireeo Mathewe for shaving, helr-
roltiiig. ahkiniMMitng and all tilber work
io that line. Itaibe at any tune during
blieinew I10OIS.
Ma-lont A rWivner, lh IiIm ketnilha,
horMl.o-r an I wood biiluher, al the
f,l l (i inn aland. Maia atreot, lleppn-r.
Call on the h"i) a.
T. It Howard makee a epeeialty la
supplying et'rf'kriien With all weeded
art 11 !-, Iicei l" rarrrlng a gti-ral line.
rV-e hi bew al. If.
(I, It. Hell, llt l-inK.rial arliei, ran
be f innd al lo parlora, Ml'"-k pt.ttief,
where b Will di.KI.e al iKiptllaf pMrwe,
Shatea, aliaineMM, bslrO'lt, etc.
Walt. Ih'itnpet'n runt lag lwea
llei.pner and Mttnimiil, arriving every
lar irw,t M 'i..lay and lrevmt vff
ay .-r. nil lar. hleflml I rbeep'
eel rmile I ll.e itt fl if. I', tliS,
The regular e 11 lew hut ton f Hi
rVtt.l We. kl; lieH le f 1 VI and tbe
re"lr pfK of II. Weakly (gonia
ia VI, A r ul tilde f..r Hi
Oet-'le at, I payit g ..r "t-w ) In
. advaif r aa Itt'li II. tleM and
W-lli II-. 1 f r 1 1 All "1 1 sute
a (l-ta j m) 11. g ll,..(r ailtex tll-llol f.tf (
i.ti")ki luiitti,". ami" ui wi.i to
II. n.e
ortgtueletl by tie
ll.lM.iiur more i tin- wlm In tret e lw iiinnaamt. ......
II laeiatieleil Hit w lio lt. Hie let.t .ftla Irom emraiely em.ll Inreelmenta
nn IM. flen ar- fnie wh.i lite away litim I lilt ego and lliveel llirough broker who Ihtiroughly
'ntmVA.X"7ih whtilw amminl liiv-etrd nn any lre.. but rover both eld-a. o
wlirii.ei me market tlae r lelle II bring a u-lr 'tM Diet dlu u eii(inualy In
ai,.t 11...- eftajWINCINfi PROOfS. elao our v.nnei .n ervee.lul et-iiUll..n
t..i lir.arn.M-.il. I ..I ..I MMtitry i....O. i-.ii.u-re ALL RIE. 'r Manuel el-
e m.i.in tia'iii.g iniiy iiiniit-ei rrii reufee in "a
"f Imtl.er li.l'tr- a'lwn addftwa
THOMAS 4 CO., Bankers antf Broker.
241242 Rialta Bylleieg, Chl, III.
Monmouth, Ore.
A tralnli.g athtwd Inf Irahera rnmplel eight
gtette train 11. drtmeul and urui.g .rt.lwe..i.al
and att.rnlc cetuteue.
Tbe Dlaleens ef tbe eehewl entitles ene
I te Use lei any eettnty lit tbe slate twitb.
tit fwrtbse essenleiatiee).
IVeirdand bulging, l.ka and lulllnn l 4 fr
brwiiill'tl and ht!!hl.il Imllitn. no !.. ne
Intra I a ! dmend for wall lreln-d lei her;
I tl.ete le en ir e-. ty t nnlrairwl uwm here.
I eta'iierberlMlly aenl a-tlk allun.
A l itre
f I. CAM I'M I I.
.1 n, 1 am tie, i.i.t
fit T,av
Ail hnl o- alUal'd In ia a prompt and t la factory
ananner. N .lane TaM. and C llet tore.
VVtlff IN NATltmi, I'ANK I'l'lU'ISa.
HUT'NrH, 111:1