Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1895, Image 2

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While the Gazette does not pre
sume to know who should be
blamed for the agitated condition
of affairs that now exist in this
city, yet, that such a condition ex
ists no one can deny. It is com
mon street talk, everyone has dig.
cussed it, so it has ceased to belong
only to a band or circle, but is now
publio property, and it becomes
this paper's duty to give its read
ers and the public the news. But
in doing so the Gazette assists in
giving publicity to a matter aod
condition which it would much pre
fer never to have heard of, and to
know never existed. A church and
its followers are usually supposed
to instill into the hearts of all:
cordiality, congeniality and Chris
tianity, and themselves to live
lives that exemplify the beauty of
such traits of character. How
much better then, it occurs to the
writer, it would be for this trouble
to have been quietly settled within
the circle of the church, when
the outside world would not have
had any knowledge of the agita
tion, and for the members of that
religiouB fraternity, instead of hav
ing donned the war paint and
marched out to do battle for the
element of their sympathy, to have
used their influence for a quiet,
secret settlement of all difficulties,
a consummation that would cer
tainly have been most devoutly
hoped for by, at least the better
oloment of Bociety. .
The Gazotto doeB not presume
to give this in the Bpirit of advice
or dictation. No, it simply wants
to give publicity to expression
heard in the many curbstone con
vorsationa indulged in by the
citizens of our town during the
past weok.
Cheat Rcott! here is our enter
prising and usually CHthotio con
temporary, the Uothloljoin Times,
out iu a declaration for bloomors
as tho bost poHaililo dross for all
women who rido a whonll It would
bnve young women and old wonion,
long, ithoit, fat, Hcrawny, in fact
any and all kinds of women riding
across country in costumes which
can bo worn to Advautago only by
tho most shapely persons. Well,
thoro will lo one satisfaction when
tho Times 1ms its w ish. Tho farm
ers won't need to put scarecrows in
tho corn fields. Philadelphia In
quirer. TnE biggest liar on earth visited
our oflioo tho other day with a
story alHxit tho nlorm. lie says
tho wind blow tho bark out of his
.1 ii.. ii t
ui'K, mid icoiu irotn ins narrow,
tho barbs from tho wires on his
feuee, tho hole out of a hollow log,
spokes from his buggy wheel,
took one aide of hi whidkert and
one of the wheels of his head. Y.i.
Kvery uewsisHr has an occasional
deal w ith junt this sort of a man
Hut whin once, located neither
llirir vimt or thfir stone rntiao
any worrituent.
The Ohio democratic convention,
whirh wa lie!.! this week, indorsed
Hetmlor 15riee, lreidoiit Cleve
land, tho ajtiiinihtration and re
nominated l-y acclimation, e
. ...
governor l ampN lI, who, with
aom rctuctancjr accept! the
Honor, and now prohiiw to make
a vigorous campaign. Tlii U pro.
baUy the strong.t nomination
i. -i i i... i . .
tun i"uni (into ihh'H ma i, mil we
predict that an avalanche cmld
nt overcome, tho I I'UHH plurality
cl lal I all.
TlIC Han I'raiicUfo Call ha 1-c
fcM.i in.. 1'Miuuu i, i m,ai, wiu'ii
completed, will ,rt raiuUt
o I the ban lwuirt tiranpaj r
luil.lmj. in the world. It will U
1110 fm t or fifl.n t..rie in height,
c hh .y ,lUl, Iq mfy
r.H.p.H-1 it will j..ar a a matbl
!ma wnl.j i. ;.;,. all u4ta
rtf !l'',u!?l
Readable, reliable and repub
lican. The Gazette.
If you don't read the Gazette
you don't get the news.
If reputations were made on the
pneumatic plan there would be
lots of punctures.
Mandamus suits against the sec
retary of state are becoming so
common that they create but little
excitement and less comment
If J apan wants good ships and
"has got the money too," Uncle
Sam can furnish them, all oak or
of the best Oregon fir. Inter
Ocean. H. IL Holmes' "castle" in Chi
cago, which is said to have been
the scene of numerous murders,
was burned Sunday night. The
loss is $15,000.
It is said that every member of
Mr. Cleveland's remarkable cabi
net has a plan by which this coun
try may be saved. Even Mr.
Thurber has a plan concealed in
the back yard. Atlanta Constitu
Several eastern papers have in
timated that Cleveland will call a
special session of congress in Oc
tober. How absurd. Why Oc
tober is one of the best mooths in
the year for fishing. No, there
will be no session called in Ocb
A fight is already being made
against Hermann, with a hope of
defeating him for re-election.
However, it looks like he will suc
ceed himself. So will Senator
Mitchell and Congressman Ellis,
Tho people want their services
Back in Indiana a druggist has
been fined $5,000 for making a
man drunk, and down iu Texas a
pill-roller paid a like amount for
"watering his stock." Next thing
will be a customer heavily fined
for winking the wrong eye in a
drug store.
"MARcniNa Through Georgia,"
says a Japanese correspondent, "is
the greatest tune of Japan. It is
played upon all occasions, especi
ally when a victorious regiment is
received on tho homeward march."
No wonder the Japs knocked the
"Htunin" out of China.
Portland has raised the requir
ed guarantee fund of $10,000, and
tho exposition this fall is an assur
od thing. This is a commendable
move, and shows that Portland has
tho proper energy and spirit that
go so far in the makeup of any city
of metropolitan aspirations.
W. C. P. Ureckinhidoe has
cmorgod from his retirement long
enough to say that he would not be
surprises! to bob the democratic
party iu his state Ioho both the
governorship and the senatorship.
As ISreckinridge is out of politics,
his judgment may bo regarded as
unbiased. Minneapolis Tribune,
Isa.c Stern, publisher of the
llel row News in Portland, has a
libel suit on hand as a result of
having called Itev. Abrahams, the
rabbi, a liar. Now from our ac
quaintance with Mr. Stern wo are
inclined to believe that there must
have leeu some foundation for
such a statemeut or he would not
have made it Id any event lie
may reht Assured that this suit will
amount to nothing, other than a
slight inconvenience to him.
As the boron of turmoil, sgiu.
tion niii. strif. during the at
summer Heppner rcrtaioljr Dot
only takes tit rskn, but is entitled
to tlit hol bakery. This conJi.
tion lias ex into. 1 to such an extent
!icr during tho paat fw mouths
tl at it tVgins to look as though
this prolific Hepptier cliuio breed i
drpair, dimviitt'ut incut, diNploaa
uro, uVttlry aud, as Mark Twain
typirally styles it, "data phooliah
ni'.H Iau't tbero any pud to this
agitation? lu't bona to atm
tin tiiua hou th swiMt angd of
ce ill again pra. its whit
witsgaotrr us as an utttinl fit
and au unitod j.phv Think, at
leant, how much pleaaanter, Lap
pier and l-etter am li condition
would Ia 1 hen let all join f,.rv,
tli moral rletuent sincerely Lot
and tin Chriatian band f artUf
pray f..rth return of this peac.
a! I. p!eaatit and 'eifi condition
-f atlaira, wl.eu all cituena of our
fair city t an i re tt -r iitwt t.v
fetl.i-r to f,, tli ltieli i f Laud
au I II cainiut.i..n i f Lait.
from the B.
8. Pagne
fit port
Weather' Crop
Weather The hazy oondition of the at
mosphere beoazne more den Be end the
amoke from, the toreet fires in Western
Oregon has become more dense nntil
now the atmosphere is filled with smoke.
The maximum temperature during the
week has ranged from 74 to 90 degrees.
slightly lower than durmg the preoeding
week. The minimum has ranged from
48 to 66 degrees, except on Tuesday
morning, where in places south of the
Blue mountains, it was near to and be
low the frost point. No frost, however,
is reported to have ooourred. There has
been an entire absence of rainfall, and
yery few clouds.
Crops Under the favorable weather
oonditioni which have prevailed through'
out the harvest season, harvest has pro
greased and the late-sown grain has
filled better than anticipation warranted,
In Wasco, Sherman, Umatilla and Mor
row counties the grain harvest will be
oompleted at about the end of the pres
ent week, while in the Walla Walla val
ley it is about half over. From reports
reoeived early in the season an average
crop of grain was despaired of in the
counties south and east of the Blue
mountains; also in some of the Colum
bia valley oonnties; such has actually
been the case, though there are many
fields of grain on the low lands that ma
tured the average yield with a grain of
superior quality. Grain grown on the
upper lands suffered from the drouth,
and as a consequence the yields are be
low the average, and the grain in many
instances is shriveled. With few excep
tions the farmers in Wasoo and Sherman
are satisfied with the results; the berry
is of good quality. In the Walla Walla
valley the reports are entirely in favor of
the p'roduoer, be be a raiser of fruit or a
grower of grain . In Union, Grant and
Baker counties many farmers out their
wheat for hay. During the months of
May and June the weather oontinued
oool, especially at night, and the oorn
orop looked yellow and sickly, but sinoe
the weather has beoome warm there has
been a noticeable improvement, especi
ally in the Hood River section; a fair
crop may be expeoted. The hay harvest
is closing. In many sections the farm
ers are cutting alfalfa, whioh is a very
good crop where it has been properly ir
rigated, and very thin and inferior where
it has been neglected. Pastures and the
range show the effects of the drouth.
Cattle are thin. Hay will be scaroenext
winter, though there will be enough of
old bay to supply some of the present
orop's deficiency. There is an exoellent
orop of fruit being harvested for the
markets. Our correspondent at Hood
River states: "All kinds of fruit is plen
tiful, well developed and of most excel
lent quality. The largest fruit shipments
Oregon has ever known have been sent
from The Dalles, Hood River and Walla
Walla this season. There is an exoellent
orop of fruit in Baker and Union oonn
ties." A correspondent from Union,
Union county, writes: "The fruit crop
is the only A No. 1 crop we have.'
Flams and peaobes are ripening in Qrant
county, and in all other sections the fruit
reports are favorable. Gardens are look
ing well and are proiluoing an abund
ance for borne consumption and some
outside shipments. There is a good
prospect for the potato orop in almost
all sections. Potatoes and vegetables
are extra fine where tbey have been irri
gated. Ttia water in the streams is very
low. Grasshoppers are still in evidence
though there is little for them to destroy.
There are no oouditiooa pr orient that
indicate any rainfall for tha next week.
Tba baza and smoke will continue nntil
raio falls.
rortUnd, Or., Ang 20.
The undxrsignetl having been restored
to health by simpU meana, alter sn.Tor
Ing for several year with severe luog
affection, and that dread diaeaae, Con
sumption, ii am ion tn make known to
his fellow sufferers the means ot cars.
To theme who demre it, be will cheerful
ly send, free of charge, a ropy of the pre
scription used, which they will find
nr otiia fur Consumption, Anthnia, Ca
tarrh, llrouehitia and all throat and lung
maladies. IU bopea all sufferer will
ne hM remedy aa il Is iuvalttable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will cost
them nothing, anJ may prove ableeaiag,
will plraa addrtM, Itev. KPWAKl) A.
WILhON, llrooklyn. M. Y. Junll-w.
Mrs. Usury Welch and daughter art
In lha city, after apeodmg tba summer
oo their ranch to Oraol ooutity.
IV Mr. fiitumlnifi wcra Hike to
lay Mnl ci hi Mat l,u-litiii
tlial'a lu'tnil.t i"alr a now iliMV.
rrv iint' na iuitiuiatiti n tliat of
ll'.'l I'lilla a H CtrnJ tllaiMtrrrr
in III tiny. I Ik wnul.l al tlita tiun
thiKMtrr tlii liui'ft aliak vt Hhh-
rirr liou to llr'jMHr, auil tln
clioai"! st aa t lt hat tuorc Un
mortal man wanl ?
rv in i n. .w t ir ii.
M. MCirn'NTlIAI,,
X. sir. H't t f (
Cutoirt Woik A fpHl!lj,
Small Brainalar.
Make great endings sometimes. Ailments
that we are apt to ooosider trivial often
grow, through negleot, into atrocious
maladies, dangerous in themselves and
productive of others. It is the disregard
of the earlier indications of ill health
'whioh leads to the establishment of all
sorts of maladies on a cbronio basia.
Moreover, there are certain disorders in
cident to the season, such as malaria
and rheumatism, against which it is al
ways desirable to fortify the system after
exposure to the conditions whioh Dro-
duoe them. Cold, damp and miasma
are surely counteracted by Hoetetter'e
stomach Hitters. Alter you have in
curred risk from these influences, a wine
glassful or two of Hostetter'a Stomach
Bitters directly afterward should be swal
lowed. For malaria, dyspepsia, liver
oomplaint, kidney and bladder trouble,
nervousness and debility it is the most
deservedly popular of remedies and pre
ventatives. A wirje glassful before meals
promotes appetite.
Last week young ADtone Abrabamsiok
fell from a tree up near the mill dam,
badly injuring bis knee. We lesrnfrom
Dr. MoSwords, the attending physician,
that the boy now has a bad case of in
flammation of the koee joint, whioh may
result in wmte swelling. Antone is
rather unfortunate in this respect, about
four years ago he had the same leg
broken by a tall.
For Bale.
Ten shares of stock in the National
Bank of Heppner. Address Richard T.
Oox, Reoeiver, Arlington, Oregon, 64tf.
The Patterson Pub. Co.. have seoured
the agency of the Orescent bioyoles for
Morrow and Grant counties, and will
shortly have some machines for sale at
very low figures. Examine a Orescent
before buying. , tf.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in tne state of Oregon,
at the close of business,
July 11th, 1895.
Loans anddisoounts 8 66,958.39
Overdrafts seoured and unse
cured 4,601.89
U. o. Douds to secure oiroula-
tion, 12,500.00
Premiums on U. 8. bonds 800.00
Stocks, securities, eto 6,984.53
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509.30
Other real estate and mortg- .
ages owned 290.00
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 15,755.34
Due from state banks and
bankers...- 11,921.91
Due from approved reserve
Bgeuts 13,408.93
Checks and other oash items. . 885.19
Notes of other National Banks 325.00
Fraotional paper currency,
nickles, and cents 9.90
Specie $4,688.50
Legal-tender notes... 500.00 5,188.50
Uedemption fund with. y. 8.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir
culation) 562.50
Total 8141,601.38
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and tuxes paid
National bank notes outstaud
ing 11,250.00
Una to ctuer National banks
Due to state banks and bank
ers ... :
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject
to check 61,951.36
Hemaud certificates of ue
Total $ 141,601.38
County of Morrow, 1
I, Ed. K. Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swenr that the
above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and bcliof.
F.i. It. Bmitop, Cashier.
Sub'-oribed and sworn to before me
this 2(th day ot July, ix)5.
K. Ii. I'ltRP.LAND,
Notary I'uhlio for Oregon
Correct Attest: vm. Penland,
C. Thompson, A Rood, Directors.
1' tmrthprahlpherrliifiirrf ulstlnt h.t WM.ll W
r. ('iniilwll ami J. K. Hnl.hisou, muler the firm
name in i ninpiNMi .v Koiunsoii. fist this da)
trii illwvrl by mutual consent. K. K. ( amp
111 Kill rniliTl all hills ami my all dchts ron
irm-i.M ny me arwive nrin sinc e the ilatr nf July
1A, I ii. am! tho IiiiiIiipm will I runtlmiril hy
ami utnlvr tha name nf Louis ramplwll.
iHOed il Hrppnrr, Or., Auf. 21, IaV
Notice Of Intention.
f and orri K at tiih ham kh. Oregon
I J Amuat 21, l'.v Ni,T a h,.r,,, -,,.,
that th follnwlui lismr.l .tiler , nll ....
' l ht liitenlloii to iiii final proof In sun.
port ul his claim, and thai said proof will
made Wforn t, W. Morrow, I nuiily Clerk si
."IT1" . ". I'l. i,, vis ;
Al I t- N ( IUUTKKK.
tlil. K. No. XC7. fr Ihe Wu r ,n,l u jssrw
aw Tp. t R iS K. W. N. tirrgmi.
Ilelisme. the fnlloalllf wltnvnr to pmve
his riiiitlini.iiis rvat.lriict iihi4 and rultlvallun
of. Mid Imul. tli
l.r..rM,ii . Jhnmas llrlsrnll, Wllllem Drls
coll. Hiati Miaw, ell of llei.nr. Vtrtn
J. I. M.iuag, h. Ulster.
Ike Palace lei
Is ureter nianssaniri.t of Chris B..rrhrrs ho Isron
li tin II In a slrk tljr Unit t lM mtnut.
Country ani Commercial TraJe
IW froe luil.s sn.l lef Bus f..r l unreia
dm- h
Administratrix' Notice of Sale of
Real Property.
and by virtue of a decree and order of sale
uly made and entered on July 13, lsfS, in the I
matter of the estate of William Kust, deceased,
bv the Countv rourt nf th Ktt nf Oron for
. .. " ' I
1'matHla County, sitting in probate, the under-
signed as administratrix of the said estate will
bidder for cash in hand on Saturday, the 2Sth I
day of September, lMtf, at II o'clock In the fore-
noon of that day, at the front door of the court
House in Hpnnnpr rr. rnt, rwnn .ii
of the following described real property belong
in wi uieawve iiaiueu estate, biiuaieu in jiui- i
row County, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast
quarter ana tne soutn half ot tne nortneast
quarter, and the northwestquarterof the north
east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the j
soumwesi Quarter oi section thirtv-six. ana tne
nortli half of the southwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of the aoutheaf t quarter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of section twenty-five, all In township three
south of ranee twentv-nine East of Willamette
Meridian; and also the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the south half of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen in town
ship four south of range twenty-nine East of
Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject
to all liens and incumbrances now existing up
on the said real DroDertv. and aubiect to the
confirmation of all Bales to be made by the
aoove enimea county court.
uaiea in is inn aay ot August, ihis.
Administratrix of thp F.atnto of William Rust.
. '
Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71
Administrator's Notice.
ceased. Notice is herebv given, that hit
ters of administration on the Estate of George I
w. a. Brians, aeeeasen, were granted to the
underBiened on the 12th day of Aneust. ls'Ja. hv
the County Court of Morrow Oounty.
All persons having claims against said Estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allow
ance, at my home in Harrtinan, Morrow Countv,
Oregon, within six months after the date of this
notice or tney shall be forever barred.
This mn aav of August, 1895.
61-7 ANDREW ROOD, Administrator.
Administratrix' Notice.
Vj tice is herebv given, that letters nf artmin.
istration on the Estate of J. L. Bevmer. de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the
loin uay oi Aug. ioao, oy tne county court of
Morrow County.
All persons having claims against said Es
tate are required to exhibit them to me for al
lowance, at my home in Eicrht Mile. Morrow
County, Oregon, within six months after the
date of this notice or they shall be forever
This 15th day of August, 1895.
462-68 Administratrix.,
Notice of Final Settlement.
undersigned admlnintrntrix nf the ntir
of W. G. Boyer, deceased, will make final settle
ment ot ner accounts with said estate as such
administratrix, at the next term of the countv
court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be
uoiueu at me court nouse in said county, on
. i. n.a .. . f. . , . r. ...... '
wit? 4ii uay ui oeiHeniuer, n. u., injo.
Jane Boybr, Administratrix.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande Okekon,
Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final Droof in sunnort
oi nis ciaim, ana mat sam prooi will he made
oeiore j. n. morrow, t;ounty Cleric, at Heppner,
ureKou, uu wit. it, iqjo, viz :
Hd. 4941. for the SEW. SEW NEW. Sec. 34.
w www, nee. tp. 3, a, k. ME. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove his I
coiiuuuous reBiueuce upon and cultivation ot,
said lano, viz :
Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; E. Clark,
oi neppner, Oregon ; tiesiKian Tippet, oi Hepp
ner, Oregon ; Jesse D. French, of Vinson, Oregon.
Timber Culture.
J 8, 1895. Complaint having been made at
this olllce by the duly verified and corroborated
artmavit oi Samuel McHrMe alleging that Wm
rt. Vauhlse. who made Timber Culture untrv
No. 1X1 for the Nw. NEW, and Nl$ Ntt Bee. 9,
Tp. 4 S, K 27 K, at the Land Office at La Grande,
Oregon, on the 15th day of December, 1MK4, has
wholly abandoned said tract; and failed to plant
any trees upon said tract since entrv; that the
said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by
the said party as required hy law, therefore
with the view to the cancellation of the said
entry the said parties are hereby summoned and
required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow,
county clerk Morrow countv. at his otiiceat
Heppner, Oregon, on the 1'Jth day of September,
lH!i;i, at the hour of 1(1 o'clock A.M. then and
there to produce such testimony as they may
imvc ifiireriuiiK i"e saiu allegations, tne final
nenriug 10 ue nail oeiore the Kegnter and Re
ceiver at I Grande, Oregon, on the '2th day of
oi-rti-iniiiT, i-i:..i, Bi me iiour in iuociucka. ji,
11 r , VtiLNON. J. H. Kobbins.
8ill-:iiil Register. Receivtr.
Notice of Intention.
I J July :. lK!t.-. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has filed notice nf
his intention to make final proof in siipxirtof
his claim, and that said proof will be made
iieiorecouniycierK.nl I matlllaCnuutv.at I'en-
uieton, Oregon, on xrpiemiier 7, IH95, vli:
Hd. No. 7IV0, for the Ws N WW, S)i 8WW, Bee.
21. Tp. J, 8. R. HO E. W. M.
He names the fnllowlnf witnesses to prove I
mn t-iMiiiiiiinus resilience upon ana cultivation I
oi sain in mi . vis:
William II. (illlllford. Arthur V nnlllfor
James Nelson, nf Vinson, Oregon, and John U.
nun, oi nnige, urrgon.
B. F. WIIiiriN.
S.VMW. Register.
Notice of Intention.
J July Id, Mft. Notice la herehv elvrn that
the follnwlnii namcl settler has flint notlrenf
his Intention to make final proof In support of I
his i laim.and that Mid proof will he made I
iieinrr. . morrow, roiimy ciera. at Heppner,
i.it-H.'ii, uii m'lii. . .-, Tin :
lir.SKV WAHF..
ltd. MIS, Inrthe NU NK' and KE'i SWW,
17. Tp. H. H 27 ft. W. S.
He natnrs the fnllnwlnt; wltiiessee In prove
Ms continuous resilience upon and cultlxatiou
ui mhi laiiu. tis:
Milt F. Morisn. Foster Adams, Jay IWln, I
irnu r.uwanis, an ui iirppiiFr, iirriton.
B. f. V IIjON.
' kralster.
Notice of Intention.
Ltari Ornri r I.t Ok!in oaro.to.
Julr. jfi.lwA
a fiillnwliia name.l seitler has filed imtii rl
oi mi liileniloii m mke final prMf In support
nl his rlaim. and thai ld pro.il 111 he made
hefore the couiily rleik of Morrow enmity al
ilt'1'nri, 'w., i.ii r-i-Miiier i, IM, VJ ;
Ill .v...i.tf lhKF,. Kec. . J Rft. W. M
II iiamee (he liill.,ln mtiiPMea 1.1 prnvr I
hlsr.iiitliin.iin rreiilem e uoii and ruliUalion
oi miii lanii. vis
H. I. fallnt l-lydef. Hallni;. Joarph W. K,.
tor and . u. Mil arty, all ul lleppir. Ilrr,i,n
d r. wiiimim.
riN rv
LOANED. ri Morit-.-t
mi iiipnr.i rami rrojirrty r,.il
1 are prrnanst , nreirllala first
rrt"t((" ii.n lmpmt farms In
Oreon. llh nutern pertlea at a raleot Interest
tun lo ru rel r rent per annum. Mria(i
rM Uial ha hern taken l-y other mm-
pa ii lee. atlilrraa with stamp
Hasr t'ltr. i're..o.
rJ I ant)j a rrrT rra
r imw a"-1 ae b'w-MS tt,um sni. to
XI a a A ( !., K fc4 mv.iIi, ar
9 .im., la I h r-'nl ra. '.,,-
Ii.aairtlf .l.i,l. a lll.ilknt ..( .
.. iMa M rrwa. a Ian a aajae ei SMtt
S' a4 ... a r-S. mmni i,m
laola I. -a lie ..a w .e. S fV fmfit
wenai en Iralia. Ia,i,ai, aeS
ta hr.... a I. t s ealka r,.t a ih.
' ll . tia ai i.. ft.
t-mmm, wa-T eii I mlwleal kat M fw Oi
r--a a''4 ar sr.ei.a . i i
. aiS". r oi w aaxl (raw
ti..',4 .i iuavk..a j Me taw ee
eaa. 4 I aania, la MaWniiwaa
L ' . a 4 it.ifM i
a. w rk aaK. .ai Vai .. a K.
i"l ihi 4 wi. r.aliv. A .t..
4(1 . l", li'NS, J. llaai. a ST.
ItalU at Create at.a.
Fall Term begins September 18, 1895.
,-,.... rinMicfll. Scientific and
inree w - , . ,
. - l 1 Ian A1 T VJ'M I II Ml. .3 UCDt BJ-aw
gives a Uiorougn '" 1 ,.. i.i,
k-. n Hi.tlTieuished for the breadth and
"",'Vl"Z, .-Inm-nts for mathematical
'u oiuim, k""" Marsh Hall, lust completed at a cost of $50,000, Isoneof the finest
.i1o Kniiiiihn on the Pacific College.
6 . ,, rnnm at tne
All expenses very ion. uu. .j iiAnf miiunmnit !..
. . . . ..... ...a ht The ColWee Dormitory, under excellent management, turnishca
lng elecl"c " ' k Board in private
. v, ,h;miv at a total cost not
rent rooms
FoYTrttar particulars address, PKES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon.
6 l?et
He Saws Wood!
Has rmrchased one of the late
fully prepared to saw wood of every
40c per Cord
50c per Cord
Wood will be cut neatly, and
Odb stick per cord will f urnisli enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris,
t i i. i.u ti.- tii -
JJuruuniB ub we a uinuc iiuici.
Yon SiouiiD Piepie
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices !
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
h Eeeley Uiiuls
To ptrioni who wrved in the wart of the United State or to their
Widowj, Children, or Tarenti. Do You receive i jemion Had You
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan
on whom you depended for lupport ?
To receivt a pnion, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law ir entitled to an Increase of ration. The government owe. It
to you-.nd ii filling and Anxlom to pay. Why not preaent
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from tho
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
p-Wnte for Lw. nd complete Information. No Cr.irge tor advice.
No Fee unlen ucciful.
The Press Claims Company
PHIUP W. AVIRETT. Ocqeril Ma-artr,
6'8 P Street. WASHINQTON, D. C
r V AT nn; r .
. ' p"r w tmurmuti
IDs Arc the Hiahcst of nil wiv, n
" f .1 -tat rt,e
. k.-,;m zzz mV ,n4itat '
...a0RCMtR"- . . UO.tr T6.
I" vi a H
Olis Paltan
Literary. Academy prepare, lor college and
kHm for teachlna end tmelness. The ichnni
thnrnimhuess of Its work. It baa a librarv nt
thoroughness 0111. . " "wary of
and scientific work, ana line windings with the
Ladle's Hall tw.00 to $1.00 per week, Includ-
families, $2.50 and upwards. Many student
to exceed 1.50 per week,
500 HEAD
Address J. 35. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
improved steam saws and is now
description at the low price of
one time in two
two times in two
where possible all knots cut out.
Comfortable Rooms !
For tho Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Balem, Oregon,
Hit Most Beautiful Town on the Coatt
Call at the Gazftt oftlca for particular
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
fty urarla eM likotuaaaf Umdtmm sail
W S- I .v A a V k h a .a.
- liiyu v-f I (JUL 3'
tk . .
i?Gnty of thcm at the
CyZ7on 0(CA