OFFICIAL PAPER I MY SUCCESS I Is owing to my liberality in ad-i 1 FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I vertising. Robert Bonner. own, A. T. Stewart. lMiM1ll.llii.lili:iiWMtl JtlH Ml, liMil:i,i!,!,;,JMi,t,i K Uli, THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1895. WEEKLY HO. 651 J SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 364. 11 IHTMWI U IU MM I MMrt IMIIIII WIhm SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLIBHKD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . - Editor Business Manager THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OF ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS At $3.S0 per year, $1.25 fur aix months, 75 cte. lor three motions. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Tlie ElPCtrie Cur rent can be immedi ately felt, although ootlilna; to the miml senNitlve. The BtrouKth of the current ia under the complete con trol of the wearer, so much bo that a child may be treated and cured by the same power of Belt necessary for the strong est man. It can be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. They have and are cur ing thousands of eaaei of Rheumatism, Chronic Diseases and Nervous Ail ments in man and woman (from any cause) where long continued medical treatment failed to cure. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dnkfi'8 Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Ezohangs, San Francisoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. Union Pacfic Railway-Local card. NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. Avoid all oheao (so-called) Eleotrio Belts and fraudulent imitations of Our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an imposition, upon the suffering. THE OWES ELECTRIC TRUSS is the most retentive and curative Trues made for the radical cure of Rupture. Inclose six cents and send for our Large Illustrated Catalogue in English, German. Swedish or Norwegian laneuaees : oontainine medical facts, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appliances. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO., SOS to 211 State Street, Chicago. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily excopt Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 D. m. No. 10, mixed, leaves WillowB Junction 7:15 p. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc tion 12:15a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves w mows junction b-.ds p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a. m. Here nassenirers from the branch lav over till H:15a. m. and take the fast mail weBt hound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 2:15 p. m. and arrives it Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the nut bound wav freight with nassenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. in., arriving at willows Junction 6:58 p. m. OFFICIAL XIIWECTOIV3r. United Btates Officials. President G rover Cleveland Vina.Pnalriant Ad'ai Btevenson Secretary of Htate Kichard 8. Olney Heorntary of Treasury John O. Carlisle Boamtary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel r). Laniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert l,-i,.u.a.n.i.l Willium I,. Wilson Attorney-General jiulson Harmon 1 Secretary of Agrioultura J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor ...W- P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metachan Hupt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin A tijimxT General C. M. Idleman ' ( Q. W. MoBride oonauna it H, Michel I Hinger Hermann I uunnii i w. K. Ell is Printer W. H. Leeds ( 11. 8. Roan. Hnnmma Judaea F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Seventh Judicial District. nimnit Jnrfaa W. Ij. Rradshaw ProMoatinc Attorney A. A. Jairn Morrow County Officials. . . u . . a w n l jmm nanaior... u. ... i, ... -i"..-.- Bapreaentativa. J. H. Bootiiby r.mntrJart Julias KelUili '' Comminaioners 1. K. Howard J. M. Hakar. " Clark J.W.Morrow " Hhariff G. W. Harrington " Treasurer Frank (lilliam I Asaaaaor i. V. Willi. M Hnrrmnr.- Geo. Uird School Bup't Anna Halsiger " Coroner T.W.Ayars.Jr trrxKB town ornoM. Mayor Thoa. Morgan r innlliia n. K. Farnsworth. M. Llehtanthal. (Mis Patterson, T. W. Arsr. Jr., H. 8. Horner, E. J. Blocura. ..F. J. Hal ork truuM E. Ik rwlaiid Marshal A. A. lU.berta Precinct Offlee re. Jnattnanf tha Pava E. L. Fraaland (.onetabl N. 8. WbeUtone raited A tale Lead Offieera. TSS DALLES, OB. J. F. Monrs JUcistar A.B.B lUownr LA OSABDt, 0E. B.F, Wilaon Hagl-tar J. H. Robnina Boir xsiuet ocixnra. UAWUK3 POHT.NO.IL O. A. B. M-et at Laiitigtoa, Or., th last Saturday of I aarr. month. AU vataraos are Invttarf In ntn. C'C.H.irtl. (iso. W. SHITS. Adjutant, tl ('oannan.iar. L U MB E It ! Ilfl HAVt Ft) SALf ALL KIM OF CN traa4 Lumhar. II miles ol Heppner, at ! , ju FACTS 1 I K FACTS!! Ii l OU CAN BUY I25.00 worth of dry goods and groceries and then have oj iJ Y enough left out of 1100.00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is V A a first-class machine. Why then pay $100.00 for a bicycle that will give 5 ! ' ii no better service ? 1 j 't CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only 'J0. t 1 Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way from 50 to ?75. $ 1 i " "Boys' Junior," only 30 with pneumatic tire a good machine. ) i 1 1) "Our Special," Men's 50; Lsdics', f50. ADDRESS 'l WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, l Ii' CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, THE PATTERSON PUB. CO, h&r l Heppner, Oregon, j !;; MORROW AND GRANT M' ;; Counties. yrf LOCAL MAKK.ET EEPOBT. Wheat, bu $ 4042 Flour.bbl 2 65 Beeves, co wg & two-year-olds, owt. 2 00 " " three " " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 25 1 50 " stook.. 1 00 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool..... 8 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 10 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 95 1 02 'lonr,bbl 2 50 3 50 Beeves, Btall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, owt 600(3800 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 13 Butter, lb 10 15 Eggs, doz 12 18 Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85 old, " ... 30 75 Chickens, doz 3 00 7 00 Turkeys, lb 12 14 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu $ 47 50 Flour.bbl 2 25 0285 Beeves, owt. 2 5(1 3 00 dressed 4 OU c? o ou Muttons, live sheared ... 1 75 2 00 dressed, lb 04 0 04 Hoars.-on foot 3 25 ffi 3 75 dressed, lb Wool Eastern Oregon... 08 11 Butter 1 15 Eggs, doz 10 0 11 Chickens, doz 2 00 3 50 Turkeys, lb dressed 10 12 Potatoes, new, per ot.... 35 55 ton to attend Dr. Ausplund, has returned home, being satisfied that the wounded man was practioally out of dancer. It is not probable that any criminal pro ceedings will be instituted against either man, as there would be no obaoce ot oonviotion. Both the doctors may be arrested foroarrying oonoealed weapons, and fioed, but that will be about the extent of their legal punishment. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ivj;ra MADE A TRADE. Absolutely pure PASTORS APPOINTED. A Wife Swapped Off to a Neighbor for His Daughter. 11. E. Church, South, Meets in Conference at Milton Last Week, A rather unusual Btory oomes from Toledo this week, says the Chebalis The oonferenoe ot the M. E. church, Nugget. This is the story as told by South, which convened at Milton, last the Ntigget : week was attended by J. J. and Bev. F. "A farmer named Thompson lost his 0. Adkins, of this oity, . Rev. Ad kins, wife a short time ago. She left him a wbo has labored in this field for the little babe, whioh he took to the house past two years, goes to Dayton, Wash., of a neighbor named Putman to be cared this year, and while we regret to lose for. Frank as a resident ot Heppner. yet trust "Thompson visited neighbor Putman's that his new home may be a pleasant plaoe very frequently to see bow the one. No appointment was made for baby was getting aloag, and after a lit- Heppner, but we understand that it will tie while he fell in love with his neigh- probably be supplied later on. The fol bor's wife. That lady, the story goes, lowing is a complete list of the appoint- reoiprooated. The husband discovered ments the situation. Instead of getting on his Spokane district M. V. Howard, P. hind feet and making the qills reverber- E.; Bpokane, G. H. Gibbs; Palonee City, I A. Y. Stan; Oaksdsle oircuit. Bev, Beach; Qenessee, J. W. Oompt iD; Wal- laoe, 11. 0. Miohael. Pendleton district Rev. B. Swift, P. E. : Pendleton, Q. A. Taesart: Walla "SHUTT, OF THE HERALD." A Brief Biography of a Striking Character Taken Down as It Came From His Own Eloquent Lips. The following from the East Orego nian is another version ot the Shut! story whioh was published in a reoent issue of the Gazette. It appears that Charles Samuel Jaokson was an eye witness: "Not so long ago a orowd of newspaper men and women were standing in the presence ot the new depot at Portland, when in stalked 'one ot the gang from the 'Bunoh Grass Plains' of Eastern Oregon, and of course introductions fol lowed. Among others introduoed to the 'Bunohgrasaer' was Miss Fay Fuller, quite well known among Oregon news paper 'boys' through an address deliv ered the previous year at a meeting ot newspaper men and women In an East ern Oregon town, and of whom the 'fiunobgrasser' had beard. Upon this introduction being made, the 'Bunch- The Sunday Sermon. Ye preachers who for cyclers fear, Because from church they stray To ride through grove and glen, should hear What Wordsworth has to say: "One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can." WANTED IN MICHIGAN. HEE INTER OCEAN -IS THE- Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL DAILY (without Sunday) $6.oo per year DAILY (with Sunday) $8.oo per year The Weekly Inter Ocean l ci. 00 PER YEAR ) S'A AS A NE NEWSPAPER Trtf! INTER OCEAN keeps abreast el the time In all Is. It spare neither pain nor einrnsa In securing ALL THH AND TMki tlLST OF CLkkLNT UTLKATLRE. Sensational Arrest of Bev. O. 1). Taylor, of The Dalles, The Well Known Real Estate Boomer. The Dalles was greatly stirred up last Saturday afternoon by a sensational arrest. Kev. O. D. Taylor, who has fig nred in the poblio eye as the promoter of the North Dalles boom scheme of several years ago, was served with a war rant thit afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Kelly and taken into custody. Saturday morning Parker Owens, . sarjeaat ... of police in Saginaw, Mioh., arrived in The Dalles with requisition papers, signed I by Governor Lord, o ailing for Mr, Taylor's arrest. The papers were deliv ered to Deputy Sheriff Kelly, wbo, in I company with Owens, drove to Mr Taylor's farm, a few miles from town When the oflioers informed him ot their mission, Mr. Taylor took the matter ooolly, ouly asking that be be permitted to obange bis clothes, and bid good bye to his wife and ohildren. The oflioers and prisoner drove to the oounty jail, where Mr. Taylor was allowed a consul tation with an attorney. The reqain tioo papers were found to be in regular form, and nothing ooold be done at this point to stay proceedings. ate with jealous rage, he had a friendly talk with Thompson, eaid be was tired of his wife anyhow, and he would as lief some other fellow would take her away as not. However, as it was no snap to go out and fiud same other fellow to take Walla, W. M. Fouober; Weston and Mil- grasser' brightened up, stepped forward her plaoe on the spur ot the moment, ton, C. R. Howard ; Dayton, F. O. Ad- nd grasped the fair lady by the band and it was absolutely neoessary tor him kins; Umatilla circuit, J. B. Chamber- ud rapidly opened the proceedings: to have one around in the bouse, he lain . 'I am Shutt, E. M., of the Antelope wanted another in exchunge. Thomp- Five Rivers district E. C. Miohael, Herald a bright little folio, published son had a daughter wbo suited him very P. E. ; La Grande, Rev. Oarriok; Boise weekly spelled oorrectly) at Antelope in well, and if it was just the same he was Valley, M, Larkin; C. O. Eagle, super- Wasoo county, oneot the ohoioe spots willing to trade his wife for her. That nnmerary; Pine va;ley, Kev. Kid well. of earth. I have been oonstable there; suited Thompson and the girl, the story A proposition is under consideration sometimes oalled on to sot as justice ot says. The ezobange was made. Thomp. to buy the Adventist College at Milton, I 'bo peace and to perform the marriage son and Mrs. Putman went to Aberdeen, and the eduoational oommittee remained rite; am a newspaper rustler and pusher, and Putman and the girl have gone to in Milton Monday night to look after the though, first, last and all the time. I Castle Rook." matter. am a member ot the leading band ot 12 pieces in Wasco, furnish all the mu- A Remarkable Cure of Rhtnmatiam. inousands ot persons flounder along I sio tor the dances and balls ot the en- Wbhtminstbr, Cal., Maroh 21, 1894. to' months, yes even years, suffering tire seotion. I am 23 years old, married, Sometime ago, on awakening one morn- "ora lnaigestion, Dowel troubles and and am a father. Fact. Began to set ing, I found that I had rheumatism in liver disorders with their accompanying type and furnish musio before I was 19. my knee so badly that, as 1 remarked to disagreeable symptoms, beoause they This was baok east ; in Pittsburg. Have my wife, it would be impossible for me think they have to. If they wonld take been at it ever slnoe, with no lay-off. I to attend to business that day. Remem- short course ot Dr. J. H. McLean's I am a prominent member of the A. O. U. bering that I had some of Chamberlain's Liver and iUdney Balm tbey would soon W. and earns to Portland s delegate Pain Balm in my store I sent tor a bottle et rid of the miserable feeling and that to the state convention, Just adjourned. and rabbed the ntCioted parti thoroughly ororroweriag sense ot weariness and in. II am the fleetest foot-raoer ia Eastern with it, according to directions, and oapacity for work, wonld give plaoe to Oregon. I stand on plane in several within an hour 1 was completely re oneot health, vigor and obeerf nines. I secret orders with such distinguished heved. One application bad done the business. It is the best liuimenl on the market, anil I sell it under a positive guarantee, IL T. Harris. For sale by Sloouin Johnson Drug Co. Price f 1.00 per bottle. A HAHI'LE LETTER. Inquiries Km-entd at the Iterordrr's Of fice. Heppner, Or., August 7th, '95 Dir Sir will you please iutonu me whether there is Htitob an ailtion to As- tora as Heaview adiin A what sise are the Lots A how inenny Lots In a block. EIGHT MILE NOTES. Harvesting is about over in this neigh borbood. A wedding is reported on Eight Mile, the contracting parties being Bill Ander son and Mrs. Ida Barton. Long lite to them. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton are spending few weeks visit irg in the Walla Walla Pd 7 r men as ez-U. S. Senator Dolph, I being lbs youngest member in tbe orders. I speculate a little, buy and sell oounty sorip, shave gilt-edged notea and do everything there ia nimble penny in. I am glad to have met so distinguished a lady writer as you are known to be. Have often heard ot yon. Now, don't forget my name ia Sbutt, E, M., pub lisher and proprietor ot tbe Herald and I bail from Antelope, Wasoo oounty. oono try. Tbey eipeol to bring home a supply ot trait. Monday school every Sunday at 3 The Michigan offloer seemed Jn BrM nis adtion Nr enough to astora to U'olock ; temperenoe meellog Immediate- bat I known a U BOOTT 0A.'W3VXZZjZj. The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. . II It has snmethlnc nf Interest to each nwmhar of lb family. II fjTV IISVIHIM'S HIMAKTMINT Is Ih. very beat ol It aiod. A.J II IT9L.1l.KAkY rfcA1LKbrt.ncqualcd. POLITICALLY IT IS REPt BI.ICAN, and fives Its readers the benefit of tb blest diKiiHlons on all live poll ileal tr,ic. It also alva thee Trib M.W5 OP lltli WOkLU. IT IS A TWELVt-PAGE PAPER. Tim ivier ocean ii pini-isMro in ckicaoo, the news and comrpcuL CLNTI R OP Al l. WL5T l 1 Ml: ALl.t.OHAN Y MOl NTAIN. AMI 15 hi! 1 1 I II AO AMI ll TO TMIi Ml US Or Itlu PLOPLB OF 1 HAT MICTION THAN ANY PAPI.H f-AWlMI K LAM. It I In accord -avlt: tbe naopl el tbe Wtal both In Politic and Literature. Pirate rtmrmlwr I hat be pr.c ol Tb Weakly Inter Ocaaa U ONLY ONU DOLa Lar plr ylak. ajm the 1NXER OCEAN. Chicago. rtft looo rtiT. aoi'oH. " " CLIAB, loo IT M I baste to get away,aod while tbe attorney was still in oouaultatiun, a buggy drove np to tbe courthouse, and Olficer Owens and bis prisoner stepped in and drove off. I Tbe intention of the authorities was to get the prisoner away from any possible habeas corpus proceedings, and it is be lieved be was taken to Celilo, wbers the officer and prisoner boarded the night train. All proceedings were thoroughly planned and qnieliy carried oat, so that few people beard ot the affair until the acting parlies were well out ot The Dalles. The oomplaiot charges Taylor with obtaining money nnder false pretense, end was sworn to by Joseph Heemer, and filed amount to niutoh please answer soon reap yours. 1 he above letlor was published In a reoeut issue of tbe Daily Astoriao, and as the reader will imtioe, credited to Heppner. Now tbe truth is it probably came from Mumokea-a, Mnonuroian, Hooqualmie, or perhaps, l'aoo, where tbe prolific clime produce aoytbiogfrom a sage beo 1 1 a stage robber, bat when such a letter is credited to Heppner there moat certainly bo some mislakn. We produce no snob illiteracy here. Twe Urra Dave. Mrs, 1'boebe Thomas, of Juooiion City, IlL, was told by brr doctors she bad itb Otto Semple, acting police consumption and that there was no bope numXr n.T- deolded that tbe dislarb- ty after. There ia talk of organising an L. T. L. neit Banday, There are a few young men in this oommnnity wbo are models ot propriety and good behavior. They attend church, Sunday school, or temperance meeting, keep their plaoe and are quiet aad or derly. (Ireat Is the contra! between these and certain other young men, wbo snem to take pleasure in maMog a dis turbance in suoh plaoe. Tbey bave always len well treated, and kindly requested lo be quirt, In.lhe bope ot ap pealing to their belter nature aod there by avoid fori her troohle. Bat forbear aoee sometime eeaae to t a vlrtoa, and tbe ordei loving peopl of this ton Tf MtUVF.UFt) IS HCPPKIR, WILL ADD I A uou par l.tuu law fc'iliunnai. Th abor quota lions sr tirlrlly for Cash. L HAMII.TOX.rrop. National Bank of mwi Wl. fEXLAKD. tO. V ViaHUP. PreaUeeL Caaalrr. TRIXSACTS A GENERAL BiN'KlN6 BCSINCSS CO L.IKCTION8 MaJe on Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD OEfTX EIL ii ORIrOS I FREE I c moo oataot - " aii -a r, IM - .4 t-- -a, Only 50c. Read This All Through. awat Twrns. Iaolfif wyle rarfart I'ail-rns fn lllaa. MM. arvl uilliaa biiparb MMlralitM. Fa.hh.n Nit- llrallh ant liaauir farcy Work Ivrauul'illf I hM'raiail eutfmllis HiorV lill.lro' l ara. prartkal Pafa Ifwilral. naaful al ar.4-iif-a iiinu A all k id-Is lrmiia-nilr tha Fuhl' J.wrtial f,-r iha st.illk.-o. A Miaatl. slsa bai yaaar far an; eu. aar. THE QUEEN OF FASHION sLLUtraaTma Tli CitibnUi IcCill Itztr Pttlint lr)abilsM4 T-eatr-rie Tear. Tn. leaf thin fm fnt ff4 anniba? pafae. T) re4 af 4 to ba wlti..-ut It Tas W in ttmmm tll artuailr aara fnti fnaa Bfty t Sa hnH--M Ubh- U ratila hi . aiata. - ' la SKaS ovar old dr MArklnta. tinea, rhlldraa'S etntblnt. eki U." Tb r to baft raai anunassf. nvwtb ra ot) ana, bow In fat raitlMa aqlt fn fanm J :M Ui an It attic of rliirlnaw. lor oer uui - " l toces must StoD. I will Dot tlv. any Th. affair cauad intent eieitemeol Uiaoovery tompiei.iy curei oar Btm prMol bot the grand Jory, or eome other jory will toon know wbo tbey are unl there Is at one a derid ed ahang. fur th. 1-elUr. roiiL Mils, Aug. JO, 1KU.V a a a I - tl I and mnah .a indnt In he Ih.a aaash.stysil avl maw r. is. I m I at. ..a.. a-as , al a aj L 1 I lamiliMwitb T.ylor' onneclion with , """ " a """ l..n.l at.larr.rla.. suffered front dreadful r..M, approMb- TsOoream in Th. Dalle, about 15 tvinenmpiM, years agn, and bu beeo lne.1 without result i 0lU SPECIALTY. V araXTrTTu ATTXfilal. t bn m aaa Ii, at. In ait a-iual lo tH..r sna-la. aran In f ha mm-iiaH lliita artk-ia et inqtmlf. in tiut um Wurt. tltf tiioae It u; lb aoimrliylkHi Kirl Baptist eburcb in that that time. By reason of hi real eelete operatione, be ba beoom. widely I Down tbroogboot lb. Coiled Mate, tod fl nr ed eoDtpicaonaly In tb. coort of this slala, Tb. eomplaitit is baaed npo alleged arlliot of Tttlor while prei dni of th. Inter!'. loveaimei.t Com pany. Tier. war. hrr rrut and tele if rei(ilitlio ptpora. Taylor I I wanted alo lo Boffalo. CletelaaiL. j floebettar aod avfl .lbr point In lb K.tat oa rbarg. A lb. tarn iiatur. paatorof Ih. ewytblng 1. then bought on. Utll at oily daring ! "4 In two , .. kawMi'urMl. II Ibaek- lieafaea f"t H fr4 V!:t GREATEST OFFER "CT. A "tt'i" antiwar '4 iKa fr4ia ataMard WwS, bo5 la '14.1 !r t - I f . l.l t-i.l In M li HUa ai.4 tl '4 s oraaii 'I t " a la a .a, aiU-l Ira la ear -ar 4 O-a I nil l -Wm at )aaala. V fttm aM al -a laaaif ta a ataxia . t fml.f nm.rtUm a t-aa acaia t.f h a. hat r ..,iT-t- dtmi Kiaitw I a I 11 batlar atf UnH JlaaUue Ut nir to buBs - oaat. Itum I oait t4 It tuo Ut. I t Tfii-o -w.a - r taam MMhi Kal a4 a "f - a-4n awai w . aM- I St fha -al r I i - tare " "Hi1 ljUiaf mm m ,aa f aaaa u ' k fAi4 ar a st'. taa mm raww, a l Uut'JI QVTVM. ; rimlWT0wUiCUICM0C0.:: VZ r-attntNM b- ,"aYCity. i .'' ' i i gsaj. .. - M, m $ te44 T A I "W '.V - M4kW wJ !i 1 y f - a..wM T - sf i B-' laW.. U ; o 1 - - -. -a i V ' M. I- f aln m t (' !. mi f A . 4 M. i P MsMta aadta., at ga aa . MiM t a lam Iraa rfia rt . 9a. f r.M a l.l - . SI af w a. a te a- . t a ' iw t a tm-aa t.m.m m a- a at.-, afti4 iwi. -m- a r a.,.. ma It -Ma-f la Ma, a, A a- -i-a n a ... ; - Am ift r.i.,a iftHt.H a n t Ma-a aa I . . s. a-a 7" m ma -at rileat f llaat ll bias I'll. b)itt'nia-Mutator; ihUnoe itching tad Utgiri(; nrt at Dltthl; wore, ly orali hitig. If allowed to f.,liho Inrti'.r. fim. .bleb oft nlria, be'iNili)g Very tor. fill. Iiiui b reaulls. ol wbieb lb maey oftbi. n.edieir.. In .o.iKb. and M'T PpllM M "'7 " I re. trial mmi. ai l . . yera. Jr., drag etore. lUgalar sis. Uk. and II. Maw Trae. Iwal .lilf.f will agree with the f-.l-lo ln from lb qiill (4 mi. of I ham. "New. paper B0 r hlm4 sMth a lot of thing tbey ean'l help; eneb a. ii.g partiality In mniHii. i't.r, giving D.e tbonl m. folk aad laie oat oiber. tie. II simply pneU Ih t be fan Bud. H mi ppU lul iftn bim aUrat tnr, thing and tlbr 4 aot. Aaedil'ir tbo.14 dI b. .iptxl in ,)r. hhi , know Ih. DU ab'l ria.r u jour n..i.n onola. table (4 Oioaib. if I. Oitwtr "p lb. Ifbtng aod ril-' tWrqld a. Ibm gl f aed ta tb. Iraia id. l.i tiio-raima, aa-1 a' Tail n rt II If b Ibal ms I fma lln iimort h mail. lf Vle-eu. I 'MiallpM, "And withagnotlepretsureof the band Hbatt of tb Herald' waa gone, while tb famous Miss F. wts simply dased. Hav you ever met Sbutt, E. M.t Nol Well, when you meet him yoa will be oonvinced that thia is no he but a plain nn varnished tale ot tbe bills. Tbot wbo listened In Ibis recital will never forget 'Hbntt, K M .of Ih. Herald,' and thoa who didn't bear it miteed a elaaaio." DUCK IIOHMK IT KM it. Dust, dust, dust, will it ever rain? Who sars Bleak lion oan't boom? Harvesting In this vicinity 1 about over. Much complaint Is mad oa ar count ot tb. warm weather. Mr. and Mrs, O. W. Hoott have re turned from Teal springs. Mr. aod Mrs. William of Lena, vlaiUd Black Uort last week. J. O. Brown it building an itnrooct barn oa hi place about Ibre mil, from towo. farmi are lmy Laaling from th monDlalat rgardlas i4 dost and bad roads, Mr. and Mr. O. W. Hlr bar. ? Inrd from a four week' stay at Me DafTi tprlngt. HuoJty srbool ba W. potpn oo til KepUmhar 1st. by wbirb time w. bop. to bave a full attendance Main. Oranduit (letitry, who ba bswo ill for tome-time pact at tbe home o br dngh tr, Mr. J. P. Brow., is abl. to be arwod again. M are glad te annotme tb. rttnr of Wrt Isvy, mm of Mr. Lary, of this pi, from CorvtlliS, Bat In 0nir. tloo with IWt w learn I bat h. IritenJs reaeb Ih. dwaaae-l Doit ion of th. ear, Tbr Is only on. wsy to ear deafo, aed that U by aobslilalloDal reme-lie. Ivln U taoawd by a. lollamed oi'txll- lion uf lb. maeoua lining of tb Lu teehtaaTuU. When tbl. lab. U ia flai4 Von ba. piniblt.g aoaed or Impailorl b.ribg, and when it ( en tirely f li, ilaafnaa I tb. retail, and nnlt lb. Itilaosinali' M b. takaa oat tad lb i lull. rir4 I. Its normal e-mdili', bear leg will be 4e.iroy4 fr- ever; nine cms oil of Uo are ..atty I lvleg as tgaia la lb. near falur.. e.urfb, wi.leh te tv.lbleg bal aa in- Tl, party if yonag folks, asmaly, flamed i4iIiod .( lb. matvme iarf. M.a Harab (llry, (l.rtro I MafW., We will give On. lloJfo-l iMLrs f. Adt otry, fatiDU M B- '.ib.l Oe. any tA rlaooaa (rt4 by ealarib) f Mj Kl ftio,. yrt. V.lisolry, Ibal Meaot b.cur4 by Uail a CtUnk Vmr Bm"d. MartUelry.Orval Mro.a 4 tt 14th S. Hw Y.rk. Tiu: Lancashikk Insurance Co. et.ild eo be an a -vial t4ilor if lby mid. lis. a r4 ,-Ca"e rieasoial tab..r 1 bis 6L lV"a' U "t ( tttst ' I oi manciii:mii-.i4, i:nuiani fiTTU-'-'' AG5.M 4'i' iw wstii tb IMrtar Will Naawiar ) nr lf I lli li'f '' ki4byS ! It ieiinof latrrt if' tb-ilibg ; ra ., U f-.r fcat-y of IU atitneaUof !T'y I. I'orlUbd at ttlil Improving, , batsttily, wbfb. wb agtM. d- at4 b-lb f. Il'.!n and f 'f. ApUb4 . la to mkii ant nf-en fatal asala- ra Pf.tft Uti .lay Oil l.f 4'. ill. 'Hllll mil nffaal tb. It ,Ii.i,lrUal,. rt li. Uf r II. y I' " '- J- 11 '''-' . t Kl ine !al i, L MH. lb dlaoHaf ran i-oi. lia vvm,, 4 ,, M( ft..f. II. il -l CTOiple t,it ! Ift. If. It. U Maa i . . l. Il y 11 1 rr'f'i'll P'fiTM, ttl m out n4frtstil'i iir'Ui 1' II W tf b.i'.:. Car. fU.4 frw rireaUrtj fr, r. J. cHr.srT a ro , ToJ4., O. tf-Hnld by 4ragit. V. N ,. U tb. tin. to get tb Wkly Ofsgo.aan, tb gr.iat apep of lb. Weal. VI lib thm-4W.tvlb r,et ly In Mane,fej year, l, N batlaf e-rteliiaall'.N f aopapr eat I M.a-l I ll.a all. Ut ta .ill le a l.raii.i'.w a l lilt .nl j' tlU tad L4vl MrtU who bat No ralliag la IbeDloa." for Ih. past IT dtyt.beve rlari4. Tbsy report tvry enjoyable time taxi but t4 fan, tvw.Hb la.di.g lbs setrrily of brrta, .o4 a for lb. bt ffinf4 In find enaegb la Ibe ' lie M .ntbl "4 1 pim' lo faf lb Nil 4 fio- raulially. AMaf t.tfiig In eartnns f ironi trr.nail, ii.a ll '4 blfb at . far. l-tl le. by lb. to-ma la. t i l,ll,y e'aWl b .m !ll.a. , f.,4 rittur, a .UlCfal p.T. C'tiuii' waiii.UwrtU ' I Ui torll.r. LIZ.