aJTOCK BRANDS. While jron tep yoor subscription paid np jen esn keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn, T. J., lone. Or. Horaea G(i on left ahonlder; eattle aame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oountr. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and homes same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Ad kins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con nected on left flank: cattle, same on left hip. Baird, D. W. and son. Horses branded D B on the left hip; cattle the same on left flank, crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Hange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row oountv riannlster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (roosflberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle aame on right side. Hnrke, M Bt C, Long t;reek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left nip. oon off left ear, nn. der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on lntft shoulder. Range in Grunt and Morrow CBrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; oattle B on the loft side, Left ear half orop and right ear npper alone. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; split in Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. , , Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in carter on left hip; oattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left h'r)oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. , Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder: oattle, same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle pieoe out out on right ear; on horses sams brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant oounty, Carener. Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow oountiee. Cdln.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left etiflel XJ with quarter oi role over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all oolts under fl years; on left shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All range in Grant oounty. Cats, Chaa. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Cmatllla oountiee. Gorrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or Cattle orop out of eaoh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor owand Umatilla oonnties. Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, orop on left ear pnuohed upper bit in right. Wethers, orop in right and under half crop in left ear. All rang u Grant oonntv. ..... Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, fiOon rightshonl. der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right Currin, H. X., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, to on left stifle. ... Cox Ed. H Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with B in oenter: horses. CE on left iip. Cochran, R. E.. Monnment, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle aame brand on both hips, mark under slope both earn and dewlap. Chapin, H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded n on right hip. Cattle hraiided the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle suaie brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of ''u'liugiass. W. M ,. Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, H D on left hip. ....... Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle lame on lefttiip. hole 'nEmery'.'H..nardman, Or. Horses branded (rerersed ('with tail) on left shoulder; oat tle same on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Vlorenoe, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. B. P., Heppner, Or. Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. French, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WF, with bar over It, on left aide; orop off loft ear. Horn, same brand on left hip. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. H. with a quarter circle over it, nn left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillanonntias. Hiatt. A. B., Hidge, Or. Oattle, round-top A with quarter cirole nmler it on the right hip. Range In Morrow and Umatilla oonnties. H in ton A Jenka, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bar nn either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses J on right thigh. Range in Grant oounty Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-J" (T F L CotmeoU'dlon right shoulder on homes; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and alit in left. Hang in Haystack distrlnt.Morwiw iwmnt. Hula, MIlKm, Wagnur, Or. Homes branded -O (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder Cattle same on left hip also large circle on left side. Howard J ti. Galloway, Or. Homes T (cross with hrir above it) on right shoulder; cattle sams on left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla count ies. Hall, Kdwin, John Day, Or.-CattleK H na right hip; horn 's same oil right shoulder. Range in (Irani county. Hughes. Mat, lleptmer, Or. Homes, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Huusnker, II A, Wagner. Or. liorees, 9 on left shoulder: cattle, ton left hip. Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horse, H on left flank llnainn, l.nther, Kiaht Vile, Or. Home H oo the left shoulder and heart nn the left stifle Cat tle same on left hip. Hange in Morrow mainly. Jones, Harry, Heppn w, Or Homes branded H J on the left shoulder; rattle t.re idd J nn right hip. also nnderbit in left aar. Range in Morrow county. J nn k in. H. M., Heppner, Or. Horaea, home, shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same, liana Mile. Johtia n, Cell i, Lena, Or. Horaea. eireleTnn left slide: cattle, same on right hip, nader half oror in n. and auhl n left aar Knnr, Mike, Heppner, . Hnr brande-l KNY on left Imp ml tie same and amp of! left ari under alone nn the right Kirk. J. T., Hammer. Or.-Homes N an but honhleri oat I le, IWI on left hip. Kirk. Jsmw, Heppner, Or.i h" II nn left ekonldart cattle same oo right aide, awlarbit right ear. knmiMrlanit.W. It.. Miami Vernon. Or. 1 1, on palilalia right and l"ft aldea. swallow fork in Is ft ear and amlnr nop In right ear. Horaea sains brand on left ahmiliW. lUnge In Grant cmiitv loften, tweprien. Fot.Or.-M I, on left hip on mill, emp and split nn rtghl ear, Homes seme hralid i loft arnmliliw. lUnge Ifnuil eountv. Lieaallen. John W., Iilee Or.-Homes hraalt half circle J I, concerted nn left shonU der. (aula, saw oa laftblp. Hangs, aaar Ls Icgton lhey, J. W Heppner Or - Humes branded Land I nn left ahonlder; cettle aame oa left hip, wsltls ovat light e, Uirae slils la right ear. Iw. Gifa. Heppner. Or.-Ilies Knuidal rtmihl II ca.riu -I ttometiibee raltl a swing H nn let ah'HttiW. Marl. M. C . HefiprMW. Or. I'attl KramUl rircle oa right hip; homes same a tight si ill. Hangs la Marrow fint. Mm., tram, n.i-r Or. -fat tie, M D na rig hi tiipt hom M on laft ahtmlilar. Morgan, It. N Hvtnr. tr -H.ifaes, M) oa left shnnhUt natlta on (aft hip. Mi (hall, liana. I., nr.-Hones, II oa right blii; nailw. It oa nghl Mil. M lama, It. .. HnmrMvilU. Or.-H.Ms, Fi'nm I, mi each ahiMihtar', canie. Ml ne hip M -Girr. rraok. rl Vall-i, lh.-Mala ahne with bw xok on eattla ia riles as I ander In aw-h ari aows aame rwaad oa lfl una, v)clUle, .i.nvmim,ll.-4 nomas, a with half circle an. lev nn let! aniai.lev,iNi I aitte, f'ir lra eamneieil um Up m Iks rtaht atle Haag in llmnl I 'nanty. Heal Andmw lone lUw Or.- Homes J en. acil oa let afc.eilal, ell MM na hrrfh alp, N.ml(ta. t ., Nilnrtna lr.-H.aa, rcle I ue leff Hugh eaMla same nn left hip. ill iter J.ewf.h enr Ciis. -4 lew ealtls ne Ull Kip. na Ka, saiae oa Wft Ikmh. Haaga la Umnt e-einiy tiller. I'arra, Lailrgl., (f.-P O a left ahiMtft". ill,. Hentaa, rialHa filr. Or,-Oa eailla, O M' e.HiaeHe.1 .Ml left aipi homes ne) left Silt and aanla n t.M (Una la Hrant enaaly, I'nn, liiata. kigM M lt.- Homaar lar elrrle t.ial l an 1"TI atweihler aa I M an left kip. aula, fxe la nt 'UI.I n.L M n lefl hip. lUnaena I lM Mila, !' h Hlea.ua, Ilaxlinaa.lrv.-Hiwaaairaa lei tfwml Ut. I'll-, I ceH, ltlegt',!1.- II-nnaa l a V il. w-i.rtl na l-i sK.ii u i niit a right hip lUnr. ni. I'uew. j II , ll"r. IH n-nm, it ae 1 I m Uti i,ai.lat eauia, auMea W1 kip. Ii li nil la na. k ear I'eiiia. a Or knmea 4iei4 fna iMMil-Ur. u le. t H t eMril, ih 1 top. wt'pM anea la UA aaa aa4 ali ta tht ItgM. H-l Iwtns, l..a IV - M.a er- .t h .,'f nin,ii il na Ufl laninasw l hrta, e.tH,a. (If.-llm ia aia s.l Ho ! I le, H h H" , Hai.paav, V - II emaa kran le aa IH rigKi en.i,h4"r. en' l .a 1 1 tea la l-ri kii. r..p ? left m a4 dnwlnp na eerk. kWnge It M and a.iv'ileg ne-ieitea. ham;. ialiM. leH), Or W neia tma'tft A It na nghl savmi lat, annl qnayev tin eaule saaae a) rtgSI kip Its ta H .-I( H re, la at M Iteierailta, Vm amaaaeai woii el-le nans n m aaiiMi na riM an a 4 4 i'i aaf a I la let. It erne ne hmt Ui eveUa, haaga aa Name (.. a4 'an atia, lkva.n J W . urw. Or n Maa, JO m l'i sna.ar, (aula, o na rtM klaa, Xmigi.t r . t-f i' V H -mea t J a tn "'!- e-."- Mm left h,tsaMt la r .-.1mi la 1 ),. II.,,. . . II mas, A Psa la1 K naaia Uli I t-. mt.nm I', f wlll, a-. rn. innao 'a k.a, laaa . no 1.i I j tt-f n4 i lam aw a4 kaaX kel at tail aa. AaeaV in urant oonnty. Bmith Bros., Bosanville, Or, Horses, branded H. Z. on ahonlder; cattle, same on left ahonlder. Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded JB on left shoulder; cattle the same, also noae waddle. Range in Morrow and GUliam oountiee. Htephena, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horaea 88 on right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right aide Hteveoson, Mrs A. J Heppner. Or. Cattle, ti on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horaea, 14 on left shoulder ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Sparry, E. G- Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, orop off right and nnderbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, J on left shoulder; oattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tippets,8.T.,Enlerpriae.0r. Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ear. Thornton, H, M., lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horses H V con nected on right shouider;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L, oo the left shoulder; oattle aame on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John D Balem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jq on the left shoulder. Range morrow county. Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant conuty. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded ace of sp&dne on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger, John, John Day City, Or On horses three parallel bare on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malbuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or, Horaea, DP connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or, Hones branded TJE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right shoulder somr same on left shoulder. Whlttier , nuniington. Baker Co., Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir ole over three bars on left hip, both oattle and homes. Range Grant oonnty. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and alit in each ear. Range in Grant oonnty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J, ti., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded TB on the right should, GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere songf. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that in easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parte, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or hag as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patenttd), no other has it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hinged on ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum, WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Obiwis, Mass. Bobto, Mass. J Tinriir Rari, H. T Cuioauo, fix. Ht. Ixjt u.Mn. tui.i.. Tius. Baa KaaiiciiMjo,:ii. atuutA, Ua. ron sate by P. C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, Heppner, Oregon. San f'niMfiVo Ofllct, NAM. It. aiKKSSFEl.l)Kli,lVU., Nn. 3:11 Suttrr Stmt. 9 Tk Iksaak Is sa aafaillrf laeVt ftf (tie siler 1 La tsji i, , p m all. aim a nf aio yval i.,ri and Iranum. a hwii a-'iag la i)m aliii! 1 Ip. ih iWeaitml th, an e4eeM klss aa4 foao awiiif tvah n lain ., In la knay aan M aiiae i.a larauami s family Hhuih n (na iainlalli i Iml prrai aa l nani aiam n ka ron d. anal la a ana I tif a, ikal it ac.wl in it. ah. ie amaal a n.i a "-ik at k nan' I aa I si k'-ar 1 a l xl Tip n iuale rvAnenMni, fiin aM a k.aa n ataa waff, sn4 kia apavn na tkis Itn vl Ikaaak win ik i,"! W llletatf si'ia, n Kaine kl.cMta 1 He Ar I'S lr InrfMalea a k a m it sn4 art, wkb k am aVa) mi piavim m lb mag ! mi v( an4 nnv 11 a ta lax kn e an ta-e4 ttnni Ik nfigmai pa'niiti ka 19 Ian (fn. Ike a-.nl rllM) , Aw paiaaar. aank nil gi in rf aaheif brf ! ng'iHaiviMl.alna Ik n of itaM anak wuak at aHa aJnx; n Ife aia m "I Va waiaikn4 fxan Ik. nl Wa.im Ik a a aauaitii, nil f W!.,. .nli la ith i ... .... - . it 1 K ' 1 u. Ii.ii e ku 1 ar aa ik . j a a,w. a il I ewp , i it 11 f ,j 4 Ik n Wafa4 am,. I J- m la n Marasie an - it a i ,a na la nrna .!. ' ft aai aVet (aMtfg t.tr, a. I, faavf, 4 ta4 M il a t s aa lai i a tin a aaaaain a-i we kn.g aa lanl i, a nf ta kt.,il, ,i a - h,. ,41m a aa i J k''taaimoW naeia I J naf.' f -' l Ij l a '4 'atna'at aa a la. i ' in an. i i a f,v a Tttn i k4 t, 1 a ta i lav. ip t tt tmm w t-""!, rmi.ai4 tp t mm I , Mf ariH m r 4 V aa V , a4 f f . akJ ) t i a 4 f. ft . 4M - m . tl i' tVt tt-a TMl ! nft -a, t. ,-t f ra3aa-k f t n ups) o m ;V U4 i4rf 9wm m V(iUMTHeTo)(fllrJ I 'aawrBBwaWaV Mr a i ttr 1 1 li . r. IV -a I a - . ) -n if m a 4 - a i aan a e. Ijw a t a A4ans It k-l la k ken, Hmm 1 1 -( am s laaa N E. McNEILL, Receiver, TO THIS GIVES TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION, NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. E. 4 N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obeoon. QUIOIC TI0VI23 ! San Franoiseo And all point In California, ria the Mt, Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. Tha (rreat hiwar through California to all point r,Mt ana south. Urand ooanlo Houta of the Pacific Coast. Pullman BnSet Z. i Bleepera. Beoond-olast Uleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommooanons tor second-class passengers. For rats, tioketa, sleeping oar reservations, sto oall npnn or address H. KOEHLER, Manaiter, K. P. R0GKE8, Ant, ilen. jr. a r. Agt., Portland, uregon - Moat Modern and progressiva Kor ratslogne or Information write to TMU MARLIN FIRIJ ARMS CO., New Hsvtn, Conn. Tha camp rati vevalus of thas twoarda Is aaewa to an oat parasaa. Their lllastrat that grssisr quantity la Nat always moat to t dtairsd. . The tarda tsprtsa tha beasllclal quaU Ityof RipansTabutcs 4t compared with sa pravloutly laows) DYSPEPSIA CVSB Ripaas TehvUet Ptica, fa esnt boa. Of druggists, ot by Basil. .. Ilftlt CNIMICaL CO, 1 0 Saraot II., .T. Ti a sal- (onilii " -r . isaa;f II no rtasl (Ill lar--af f' ae, la m . ' 4 t I' hi.. I.n. 111, tiaaji.aaa fa'ileg ma aatli na. ,r anliirhliii fl III , sac ;.! I'alWS. lra.gthn. In T I s i rai.a and Uma II I .o., and I a n.. I "".IH B) it I a J. f, nia a-. i. ' . u I IS- .- asj In .at fw . !" I y 8 it" or ft roMeaaralrta. ntiaa r Ii i. i 1 1 0 If. 'I, lal as. an l4a. k .1 ! ai a I am In it rar at el t ttiriaa. tt4 r. . 1 a . . ' ' I I ' a ' , ! a,, e VI,, I ) i.J triTa i w Veaawxti'a. , .1 , ., ,. a I a II 'ilia a lull. ga ' r I a i - m ff a. e-it' ai ee .1 t a'- t ... Ii ra Ka t 1t'vl a IwiWiS 1 i i. ( I. . " a t, I . ! m i aail a.arfat, . .wi Ii Mo laxl I I aa . , a a . mt aKs. ! ... ..r .1 Ui i, ,,t - a.ll nn. t ' I- a -" . Si '. p.a a ia4 taat, a. va ' i a i 'i a cw i r 'I1 i n-H ' a .,t at . , a , i I ' a a--, a 0 .... I ' f . I ' SI' a ,m a. M lt . a,, 4 j 1 ; 4la Heal l. k l. ai. Vtarkat I I ar-, at t iaa.li, a.tal Sa'rsl. LIB"1. Simplest, IkUallUlil Easleat Itrongeat, .1 j .1 JB IKTI fZ Working, 5ulid 1 Uj"al."liUl Most Top xirl I JH'5P w Accurt Receiver. '4?J3vS' Compact, 0,')3ra-HvasvjTT'r;i.,. a r. m i J; PA a - i .Ai 1 V TRICKS OFITIITPXOTIST. A Professional Subject Fools a Number of Physicians. H Goes Through All th Catalogne of manifestations and Laughs at tha Ef forts of the Mesmerise la. sensibility to Falu. Mr. Ernest Hart, editor of the Lon don Medical Journal, reveals many of ttte tricks of professional hypnotists m an article in the Century, entitled "The internal Gullible." After quoting lit erally from the confession made to him by a hypnotic subject, L., Mr. Hart continues: Being curious to study the technic of so exceptionally gifted an artist as L..," I accepted his offer, to use his own elegant language: "To give a shwwr at my house." I invited several med ical acquaintances interested in hyp notism, including Dr. J. ililne Bram well, Dr. Hack Tuke, Dr. Outterson Wood, Surgeon Colonel J. B. Hamilton, Mr. YVingfleld and others, to be present on the occasion. L. brought two other subjects with him, one of these was in troduced by him as his cousin, but there was so strong a family likeness between the three that they might easily have passed for brothers. There are few people who, as Sydney Smith said of Francis Horner, "have the ten commandments written on their faces." It is, therefore, not the fault of these ingenious youths that their physiog nomy is not exactly, to put it delicate ly, such as would generally be accept ed as a guarantee of good faith. They went through all their ordinary "plat form" business, simulating the hypnotic sleep, perfoming various antics "under control," and in particular "going through catalepsy," to use my friend's own phrase. Not the least interesting part of the "show" was the preliminary hypnoti zation of L. by the demonstrator of physiology already referred to, whose eyes had not yet been opened to the fact that he had been imposed upon. When he commanded L. to "sleep," the latter obediently did so, with all the usual appearances of profound hypno tization, muscular relaxation, facial congestion, upturned eyeballs, not moving when touched, apparent insen sibility, stertor, insensibility to sound, light, and external stimuli. The per formance was splendid and complete. Mr. enjoyed a moment's triumph. But L. instantly woke up again with a leer as soon as the operator announced that he was "under influence." Mr. made several further attempts to nypnotize his former subject, each time with the same result. The situation was comic, yet had in it an element of pathos; the operator was so earnest a believer that the shock of his awaken ing was almost painful to witness. L.'8 performance was not destitutaof merit, but to the critical judgment it left a good deal to be desired. He over did his part, the congestion of his face being exaggerated to a degree almost suggestive of impending apoplexy, while his snoring somewhat over stepped the modestv of nature. These points were dwelt on by more than one of the gentlemen present, but I am not altogether free from a suspicion that in some of the cases at least the ob servation was of an ex-post-facto na ture. One of L.'s companions seemed tome to simulute the hypnotic sleep better than he did, but L. at once dispelled any illusion there might have been by unexpectedly gripping him In-hind the knee. Some exhibitions of "post-hvp- notlc suggestion" given by the two were well calculated to tickle the groundlings in a music hall, but could hardly have deceived any serious ob server. The "catalepsy buNim-aa" had more artistic merit. So rigid did L. mtUitj hi mnnelM that lit could lie lifted in one piece like an Egyptian mummy. He lay with his head on the back of one chair, and his heels on another, and allowed a fairly heavy man to sit on his stomach; it seemed to me, however, that he was here with In a "straw" or two of the limits of hia endurance. The "blister trick." spoken of by Truth m having deceived aome medical men, was done by rapidly bit ing and sucking the skin of the wrist. j. did manage with aome difficulty to raise a slight swelling, but the marks of the Wth were plainly visible. One point in L.'a exhibition which was undoubtedly genuine was hia re markable and stoical endurance of pain. II stood lfore us smiling and open-eyed while he ran long needles into the fleshy parts of hia arms and legs without flinching, and he allowed one of the gentlemen present to pinch his akin in different parts with -strong rrenated pincers In a manner which bruiaed It, and whlt-h to moat people won id nave vAuafd intrnae pain. L. allowed no aign of suffering or tliaooin fort to appear; he did not art his teeth or wince; his pulae was not quickened, and the pupil of hia eye did not dilate as physiologists tell us It due when pain paaara a certain limit. It may be said that this merely shows that In U the limit of endurance w aa beyond the normal aUtiilnnl, or. In other words, that hia aa-iikitiTrueaa waa less than that of the average man. At any rate, hia pt-rfiirmaiife in this rrapafl waa to remarkable Hint aome of the gentlemen present were fain tt explain It by a iipkMtei 'paw.t hvpnotU atiggratlon, I he theory apparently taring that I and hia comrades htpnutled one an other, and thus mado OirmarWra In arnattile to pain. BADY8AVIN"(3 (aTiCMINC. A t'raxtl la Mlalaiaro Mot Haas That lie II d tiarrl ttaaaalia. There ta now being exhibited In l.jotia, I'ram-e, a iUrrr machine that lia Ihi-ii ailnptrd by the gvrruiiirnt In the I'ublU' Maternity liopilal In that eity. It ta an earetue for saving the life of young bablea, and the auovaa It ha attained there reaxnnmrnda It stronirly here. (iter two hundred and Cfty thousand halite., aired lea than one tear eat-tt. alte annually In the I'mted Matee, ayt llaa Aw lmk I rr-a lite mortal rneim of t-eltli.tal la eolil. 1 ii that a l i liildrrn are ni.a ia Ira ana. rpt Lie. and Ihe Irregularity f temperature fr tha tittle being while I heir organ are In pro.- nf fur matiun or atrriitMhetiiiig- the pf'ric!' 11 isuas of the liraa sustained by the WiouaanJa of laa.loc in tt.ls evtinVy 1 be mvl.a. l tfM-re'.T f Urge but matie from f;riraa-.! tine and Un! lug i Iraan ley. The cxfietrn-1l.a provide atari e'i'iua and o a-iiute purity f aar There are an,-,eaiar IntrratUY Inaiile where fan! ae-ftoua g-arrn tllltfht find !it.Tn-t!l. a4 a l!triiMiH lar la ua;.-t,.i, J lt.4. the g.aaa ffi'tit, . i tlie atiual li-c i-a-rsturo le rrgu.ar and a!sv hi;h. ftHTt'.'.J fiRIEJf. I 1.1 ISft'T 4fff, te .n4Vt ' 'I'.' aiaakv Ufe.S Vt 4 FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA. TETTER. BLOOD so graduated down, as the infant be comes older and stronger. The re quired degree is obtained automatical ly, and the heated air is created by gas, petroleum or electricity. The babies he or sit in a cradle, sus pended like a hammock inside the ma chine, and the most scrupulous atten tion is given the cradle and its sur roundings, so it is as neat as anything can be. Dr. Lion, the inventor, says the oldest child treated by this ap paratus was six and one-half months, and had been brought up from birth in this way. The doctor claims the child was nearly dead when born, and had it not been for this treatment it would not have survived at all. The appearance of the babies is said to be exceedingly interesting and charming. They look so perfectly fresh and rosy and seem to enjoy thoroughly the warm climate in which they find themselves. Dr. Lion claims that during the three years he has been perfecting this machine he has saved three hundred babies that would otherwise have died, and this is eighty percent, of the entire number brought to him. He believes that had these infants been left to the ordinary treatment, not one would have survived. INSECTS IN MEXICO. A Towa Where Deadly Ants Terrify the People. In Guerrero the tarantula is some times found there as big as a man's two fists. Scorpions are of all sizes, but the one which does the most harm by its bite is a smallish gray creature. The larger ones bite so hard that the blood flows freely, and the infected poison flows off. There is a little snake called the corallilo, which is particularly fond of getting indoors and nesting in one's boots. Its bite is fatal. Boots should always be inspected for corallilos be fore they are put on in Guerrero. If a scorpion creeps on the face or hands, the person so visited should carefully refrain from making any movement; he should allow the horrible insect to crawl just where it will. If it is not disturbed, in all likelihood it will do no harm; if it is attacked it is quite sure to sting. The worst terror to the people of Guerrero, says the Boston nerald, is neither snakes nor scorpions, but the red ants. Before these insects the peo ple flee in terror from their houses. They leave nothing behind if they can help it. An Indian woman rushed out of her cabin with her children on the coming of the ants being announced. In her terror she left her baby behind the house swinging in a hammock. It was hoped that it would escape, but when the ants had departed the mother found that the insects had crept down the cords of the hammock, and had left of the unfortunate child nothing but its bones. On some of the Guerrero sugar estates great, lazy-looking snakes are kept in the storerooms to keep rats and mice away from the sugar loaves. These snakes are repulsive in appearance, but harmless to human beings. Not all the places in Mexico, however, which have an agreeable climate are cursed with insects and reptilian pests. Such places as Cuer navaca, in the state of Morelos, are too high above the hot plains to suffer from venomous Insects, and yet so much below the cold tableland that the climate ia a perpetual summer. Cuernavaca unites many of the advan tages of the temperate zone with all that la delightful and alluring in the tropica. AN ATTRACTIVE HAT. A rnrgtfal rrsrhr Did Vox taawove the vVrapplaf Paper. A distinguished preacher of aome what arbitrary manners was engaged to preach in Uelgravla, and purchased new hat for tha occasion, say Pear son s Weekly, lie wa met outside his residence by a young man who waa to guide him to the church. Ilia guide, after w hat the parson thought a rude stare and smile, said: "I beg your par don. air, but your hat" "Oh, ye! never mind the hat, but mind your own business," the person Interrupted curtly; and the young man waa silenced. The people they met tared and stnlle.l too. "Strange how many people notice when one haa got a new hat," thought the panaon. The church waa reached and the worshiper anpnaschlng natu rally turned to observe the noted preacher. The vicar met him at the veatry dvr Ut wflcaim him, but. hesitating, said: "Pardon me, ranrm, but pray, why do yrm wear your hat o7" The tile waa doffed and the rmUide found t be still covered with white papor which the a been-minded divine had Hot re gloved. Varblea's a rale Halve Tb beat salve in the world lor cat. Brule, Horee, Urer, Melt Rbeam, Fever More. Tetter, Chapped tlsnde, Cbllblatna, Corn, and all ilia er opt toot saJ pnity ear Pile, or sa pay reUiraL II la guaat)la4 In a-ir perloot aalasfaetlnti or axtaay refunded. rtree 'il rente per bul. ! eale by T. w. Arere, Jr. ree raff. Probably But many women know where the powder tufft With which aottavater trvwt asi biusliuj trrk rw pr-jda d OuOa trot. liver) 1 a p'.aoe In Chicago where nme tlmb'.e fingered rrl are engaged all the jrar round lo Rvsklnf them. The materiel U the ofi. fluffy at-var fnara ergai r Jnunt SB, tod It et-ame targel troqi Ut v4v.lt ef the rUlue tea A rverr ha Keee fnrd s ytw Zealand ti rtbl,h whale tta od It Kennel' U'.arv.U. la the f'vjfc , r'i.t M ::tra 1 SfA I feS&e RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an Indisputable fact It stands In the jS front rank with all high grade machines, and ii you buy one you will make no mistake. jS Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel belt punctured, it can be mended by you in renowned fa. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at tlOO each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 160 each. THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market! For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, aa it Is constructed on strict median-! ical and scientific principles. Chicago For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, 155, 45 respect- S ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge i clincher tires and are fully warranted, 6 Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, tarms and discounts, or call on our miiiieruus ageing, namoier nusiiers FRED T. MERRILL Mortnwest representatives uormuuy & Store, 327 Washington St., Portland, Or. icviiuici. ui.o AAxxu4vy., Agt. iui How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. King Four Models - EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Office: Lake LIGHT, 5TR0N0, eX ES EtlB SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. SCIENTIFIC W0RKLANStill, BRANCHES i-Nw York. San Francisco, 5lt l-ski City, Denver. Mr mr Sil. Petrol!, Tsrnnt. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W, PATTERSON, A genf for aL ... , (MP: h to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in yoiA business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin: Pattkrson Publishing Co. if -: :WITI-I. FUGS : BIFIiBIl : iffi Vouro BOUND to Take Km. Leaves No Constlpotlon,- Car If, M !) a. all It illnii.,, swk tlafc. eJ f alaa'a. Ta. n- jr..M..i Mil n it . wtU. lv.. ., all .,,1.,..? 1 , raM r4 rrtr-. ft.U tf l.g, 1 l.tJIllWI Wrillr.t Vv? five minutes, as It is equipped with the world ? Ideals nantea in every town In Oregon, Washing- CYCLE COMPANY, Jettery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles " Main Mai. E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveline Airent and juuijuw tu.) ntjppuer, vregon, . of Bicycles. B85 and 8100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Ilatsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Morrow Counlg, Heppner, Oregon. s OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE . ATM? WTT T IMP. TO UNLOAD A (all Jfnas, CaJ,