UNTOLD MISERY FROM Rheumatism C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and eould only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two mouths, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to 105 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." AVER' The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AY It's FILLS cure Headache. TTWfiSWtTTT SUN IrAON Tt)EWEPTHU Ffti l&VT yjfe t. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 & S 1Q LL!?-J13 J4lJ5.Hl 1jL U J9 20 2 1 22 2 25T7?G 2rT2 ftT293T3 1 TIME TABLE. Mags for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, lohn Day and Canyon City, leave follows ; Every day at 8 a. m., excent Holiday. Arrtveaevervdavats D. in., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best Hue to or Irom the Interior country. W ALT. THOMPSON, Prop Phill Cohn. Agent You can get the beat beer 0 In Heppncr at Q, rowe'a, S cents per glau. B. Ted If you want tlx Bneat Houori, cigar, etc, tall at Teds City Hotel Bar! Worki, Here and There. Million! ride lb lUnibler. Ik Ennls bos blt-yole to rent Jm. II art dow baa o situation io P Cobn's drag store. fbo Nileo-Vinsnn, Marble Walla Wall, Wasb. E. J. Hloeum left for fortlaod 00 t brief business trip Saturday. Orndm Yeike. mother of Mr. J. O Ball, i qait ill t tb Utter' bum. Tom Buckley retnroed boms Patnrdsy evening from week's itay in l'orlland. L llraod Marbl Work. U Orend Or. 8. 0. Smith, lmo, INopuer. Mr. Webb, m- thT .f Mr. w- . F.llio, to quit slot otlho bom of Mr, till. WftlUo HmJ oJ I. L. Vo Wlokl r down from Ibeir Litcb crek camp over rJotvdsy. Mrs. Ellis Minor sod daughter, Willa, Arthur Minor and wife, Mis Etta Minor, Mike Roberta and Ed Hale ar rived home late Saturday night from Teal spnnps, where ail have been enjoy, ins their summer vacation. This crowd left tbe springs at 8 o'clock and reached Heppner at 11 p. m. Xbia is pretty good time, considering the fact that the dis tance is about 70 miles and over a very rough and mountaiooua road. All re port at least a healthy vacation. Sometime ago I was taken eiok with a oramp in tbe stomach followed by diar rhoea. I took a oouple of doses of Cham berlain's Golio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy ana was immediately relieved. consider it the best medicine in the market for all such oomplaints. I have sold the remedy to others and everyone who uses it speaks highly of it. J, W. Striokler, Valley Center, Cal. For sale by Slooum-Joboson Drug Co. Another train load of the Switzleroay uses, says tbe Arlington Keoord, was hipped from Arlington to Portland Tuesday evening. There were 305 head, 11 oarloade, and were consigned to the Portland H. M. 0. Co. These make a total of 709 bead of horses that have been Bhipped from here in three weeks. Somebody must be eating borse meat, surely, by this time. And daily we ex- peot to bear of a reduction in tbe price of glue. W. H. Johnson and wife and daughter, Miss Nellie, of John Day. and Miss Mat- tie Bonham arrived in Heppner yester day Hfternoon aud departed this after dooq for CliforDia. Miss Bonham is on her way borne from a visit with Grant county relative, while Mr. Johnson and family expect to temporarily locate at Ban Jose, where Miss Nellie will spend tbe coming winter in school. Miss Jennie Wier, aooompanied by A. W. Wier,-Jr., who bad been visiting with his parents here for a week past, depart ed last Saturday for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. VV. Wier bid adieu to Heppner friends and made their departure yester day afternoon. After a brief stay in Portland all will go to Cliforniaa where they may deoide to looate. T. E. Fell and baby boy arrived from Pendleton on Saturday night's train Bnd pent Sunday with home folks in this citv. Tberon departed yesterday, also acoompanied by bis son, Sheldon, who as spent the past two months witn nis crrandoarents. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Fell. Mr. Fell expects to return to Heppner again later this week Tbe Gnmry House, one of tbe leading hotel of Denver. Colo., was entirely wrecked last Sunday niaht by a terriflo exnlosion. supposed to have been caused by tbe bursting of tbe battery of boilers n the basement. Jt ire followed ana and added to tbe horror. It is estimated that more than 50 people, guests of tbe hotel, lost their lives. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as tbe number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will certainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own bike. tf Mr. Natanael Mortooson.a well known citizen of Tshpnming, Mioh.. and editor Superior Posteo, who, for a long time, suffered from the most excruciating pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight vears ago, by taking Ayer's,8arsaparilla, hav ing never felt a twinge of it sinoe A. A. ltoberta returned home Satnrlay evening from below accompanied by Lis lfe and Mrs. 8. P. Florence, both whom bave been receiving medical treat ment at Portland. Tbey come borne greatly improved, and will do doubt soon have entirely recovered. Collector Blackmjn came up no last evening a train on bis retnrn irom a week stay op at Bingham spring. Henry will depart for Portland tomorrow. aooompanied by bis wife and family, who have been visiting with Heppner rela tive tbe past mouth. The hair, when not properly cared for, lose its lustre, beoomea crisp, harsh and dry, and fall out freely with every comb log. To prevent this, the best dressing in the market i Ayer' Hair Vigor. It impart that silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Ben Mathew is now mile proprietor of the oity meat market w here be keeps a fresh supply of beef, pork, mutton, veal, sausage, Imoon Bnd lard, which be sell for the lowest market priee. Fred flock, tbe Portland butcher, is still with him. tf E.O.: N. 8. Whetstone an J son, Frank Whetstoue, left Friday evening for Heppner. Mr. Wbetntoim remarked at the depot that be bad been shown great consideration bv the oflimaU here dunug tb trial of hi son. Having used Chamberlain' Congo. Remedy In my family aui found it to t a first class article. I Inks pleasure io recommending it to niyfi lends. J. V. Foster, Wer port, Cal. For sale by Klo- ' euro Jobueon Drng Co. Hud Hiobe Ml t xlay for Lander, Wyoming. Uo renobing that ulut be will drive back to Oreo Itiver wbero h will attain j"io the boys with the band of sheep that b started over tbe trail with lat spring Do Oalligher returned to Heppner Sunday evening from ton month' pho tographing tour tmek io the interior coun try. Dunn Dan's abne h ha visited lb Wagner, Mitchell and fboo H y aeotiun. Joseph Libr, of pnr'Ua.f who form art rl.rk.il fur J. II. Koluian. arrived I last evening and will take a ptlin In Another Nabbow Escapi. Heppner again narrowly escaped from what would Certainly bave been a very destructive lire last Saturday. Luke, tbe "chamber maid" at tbe City Hotel, in passing through the halls about 10 o'olock Sat urday morning notioed smoke passing through tbe crevice over the door of room number four, which ia oooupied by Robert Krick. At first he thought it only the smoke from a pipe or cigar, but as it soon grew, stronger be became con vinced from the smell that something other than tobaooo was burning. When be entered the room be found tbe bed ding on fire, and just ready to blaze. It was immediately oarried out and thrown down stair when the fire was extin guished. The fire was probably caused by ashes or partioles of burning tobacoo being carelessly dropped on the bed ding, and bad it not been discovered at that moment tbe paper on tbe wall would soon bave been on fire, when tbe result would no doubt bave been different. As it was only the beddiog was destroyed This is only another reminder to all that we ORnuot be too careful in tbe matter of fire during this dry and windy weather. Again tbe Gazette wishes to remark that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound pf oure. Electric Bitters. . This remedy is becoming known and so popular as to special so well need no mention. All who bave used Eleotric Bitters sing tbe same song of praise. A purer medioine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do an mat claimed. Eleotric Bitters will cure all iseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Bolls; Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as oure all Malarial fevers. For enre of Headache, Uunsti pation and Indigestion try Electric B Mere Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Pr'ce 50c. and $1 per bottle at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store. A Good Thing. In conversation with John D. Holliday, the Texas stockman, who baa been in Heppner for several days past in the interest of Cooper' Sheep Dip and also incidentally looking tor a suitable location for a shearing pen ith machinery, he informed a repre sentative of tbe Gazette that during tbe past sbeep shearing season be bad made oareful examination of abearing ma chinery, had seen tbe same in operation, and bad no hesitancy in saying that tbe same was a snooess in every sense of the word. Mr. Holliday has seen a number of sheep tbat have been sheared by band, again sheared by tbe maohinery, and save that more than a pound of wool 00 an average was secured in every instanoe. There are also many other advantages in using machinery, of great importance to wool growers, which will be mentioned in tbe Gazette later. Mr. Holliday left yesterday afternoon for other oints. However, he will return abont the first of September, when be hopes to oonfer further with tbe sheep men of Morrow county. He will then probably decide as to the advisability of locating snob a plant in tba vicinity of Heppner. IN A MADMAN'S HANDS. Frank Day Threatens Tbe Life of Dr. Smith, a Prominent Peadletua Phyiiclaa. According to tbe East Oregonian, Frank Day has plaoed himself in a bad light by bis oonduot on Friday, the 000- sequenoee of which may be very serious. His wife was siok. He came in after Dr. Smith and obtained from him some medioine and directions for tbe use of it Friday, he again oame to town from his ranch, the Thompson plaoe, and de manded that Dr. Smith go and attend Mrs. Day. Dr. Smith had already prom ised to go to Eoho in a case which ad mitted of no delay, and be bad a team ordered for the Eoho ride. Day and he drove out, each in bis own buggy . Day ran bis horses olose up to the pbysioian's and pretended that be could not hold them. Finally he passed ahead of Dr. Smith and as tbe latter drove along he fonnd Day sitting in the roadway, hav ing gotten out of bis buggy. He com manded the dootor to go in and see his wife, the residence being but a short dis tance ahead. This the doctor was unwill ing to do, bb it was late and be felt In duty bound to keep his Eoho engagement. Day became furious at tbe refusal. He drew forth a savage looking knife and said: "If you don't go in and see my wife, I'll out your horses' throat. And , I'll kill you, you ." Dr. Smith struck the horses to make tbem spring forward, but Day grasped tbe reins and stopped tbem. Tbe dootor was witbin the buggy, the top of wbiob wss raised, and he was powerless to resist Day, whose fury ap peared to bave deprived him of all rea son. Dr. Smith was oompelled to com ply, against hi will. Dr. Smith returned to Pendleton at 10 o'olock Friday night and today a 00m- plaint was made againBt Day, charging him with assault with a deadly weapon, An officer was sen Is Your Blood Pure If It 1. you will be strong, vigorous, (all of life and ambition; you will have a good appetite and good digestion; strong nerves, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood Is pure! How man y people are suffering daily from the consequences of Impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and That Tired Feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalize and enriches the blood. Therefore, it ia the medicine for you. It will give you pure, rich, red blood and strong nerves. It will overcome that tired feeling, create an appetite, give refreshing sleep and make you strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. DONT FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON CO. Are Still in Business In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, bat as long as our friends stay with us, we will continue to sell honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want M ' - n;il- the after-dinner p!H and UUUU a I 1113 f.miir cthartic tec It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. t to arrest Day and The fesillon Engine S Thresher Go. Groceries Haw Wood a llUlUIIUilVa lllUIUlUj Willowware, and many other things. bring him to Jnstioe Parkes' oourt. Dr. Smith stated to tbe East Orego nian tbat be verily believed Day would bave killed him if be bad continued to resist hi demands. He was possess ot a demoniacal fury and seemed for the time Io be a perfect madman. He thought at first to say nothing abont tbe affair, but later believed it was bis duty to ant in tbe premises, and tbe complaint was the reanlt. PORTLAND. OREGON. CUMBERLAND Odd TALK. Among the "WHERE . HE WAS AT." The New York Time modestly oredita the following to some unknown: "A Chicago man, having taken hia de parture from this world after the fashion oommon to all mortality, arrived on tbat most distant of all other sides. He was a good man, as Cbioagoans go, and con sequently had no doubt as to bis where abonta. Still, he was a little surprised at certain features ot bis new abiding place, and oonflded to an attendant whom he met tbat, taken all in all, heaven was not so very muob better than Chicago. Tbe other resident looked at tbe visitor for a moment pityingly, and then remarked: 'This isn't beaven. There tbe narrative ends." None But Ayer's at tbe World's Fair. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Cbiosgo. Manufacturers ot otber snrsnparillHS sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application ot tbe rule forbidding the entry ot patent medicines and nostrums. The deoision of the World's fair aotbo. rities in fuvor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is not a natent medioine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." "Shoot TniSLA.iawr." An article has hoc 0 extensively published in tbe press, fhcIi paper crediting some otber town with the' original. We do not know whether snoh a society baa been organ ized here. However, we give onr read ers the benefit of the article: A number of girl" "let one evonlng Net week for the purpose ot organising an anti-slang somety. A loading society lJy was elected ptesi b ut. Before taking her seat she said in a clear, calm, well modu lated voice: "Really, girls, I am too muoh rattled by tbe honor conferred apon m to viva you much of my gab. It is the first lime that I have aver tombled to anything o( this kind and I hardly know bow to catoli on. However, I will try to be tnffloleol'.y op to souff not to M any fli light on me wbile doing the president act of this society. I am wltb you io thia move and we ongbt to ex tend an invitation to tba married I ad ire Fahewill Party. A farewell party was given for Prof. A. W, Wier and turn ily at tbe home of Hon. W. II Ellis in this city last Friday evening to which a limited uumber ot young people were in vited, most of whom were students of Prof. Wier during his several years work io tbe Heppner sobools. Tbe evening was pleasantly spent in social conversa tion, and at an appropriate Interval Mies Anna Balsiger, school superintendent of this county was introduced, when she spoke briefly on behalf of the soholars and citizens ot Heppner. Her remarks were fitting and well-timed. She rightly save Prof. Wier tbe credit of having in the main part built np the schools in this city to tbe present standard of ex oelleoce and gradation, and on behalf of those present, and the patrons of the sohool, thanked him for bis tireless ef forts for the upbuilding ot our Heppner schools. Prof. Wier responded briefly, assuring all tbat with him it was pleasant duty to labor for the cause of education, and wbile be felt that be bad done no more than bis doty here, yet this expression of appreciation was gratefully reoeivsd by bimseK and tuem bers of bis family who bave been con oeoled with the mbools here during tbe paat three years. In saying good-bye to Prof. Wier and family all eipreaaed an earnest hop fur their future so cores Expression tn Use Natives. "Whims" is the local name in Cum berland for furze, and appears to be the Oaelic word quins, sharp points. "Ileal" iB a very peculiar word, (de rived from the Old Norse haefi, a share,) and is applied to the part of a fellside common allotted to a particular flock of sheep, says the Gentleman's Magazine. Each flock keeps to its own "heaf." Some very quaint expressions are "bride-loaf," a wedding cake; "see-ing-glass," a mirror; "clout-hat," a woman's sunbonnetj "ridding-out keftm." a hair comb; "fireworks," a mairic-lnntern display; "moley-man," mole-catcher; "leg-weary," tired; "leg ud." to trin up; "sncck up," to wind (literally to latch up) a clock. The verbs "feci" in the sense of to smell, and "lame." in the sense of to injure any part of the body, are peculiar. We may add "pipe-stopple," the stem of a tobacco pipe; "buttock," a footstool; "thinkler folk," tbe gypsies; "last dress," a shroud, which children are taught to work at school, and afterwards to present to their grandparents and other aired relatlvea a kindly act, but 0110 which betrays that luck of humor and sense of the ludicrous which la characteristic of northern folk. A Cumbrian who goes to have his photograph taken announces that he has come to be "Ntruck. Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and when the boy dons tbe man's hat he is "out ot sight." Likewise the man who pro vides himself with one ot T. R. HOWARD'S bats, and also purohases his Groceries, Cigars, Tobaooos and Gents' Furnish ings at this establishment where the freshest and latest of tbe above lines are kept. . This is also the plaoe for Stockmen's Supplies, as this store makes a specialty of everything required by this olass of trade. And a casual observer will not fail to notice that our sheep ami cat tie men take advantage ot this faot. Remember tbe plaoe aw HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south of tbe Oity hotel. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1895-1890. J. D. Tdro was pasaengeron lael j t tiqmblbi'l More duriog Mr. Kol lie reiurnta nrnn s absence on visit to California. Nick Letriod, of Hamilton, of Orant county's stockmen, arrive.! tn llefpner on laet evenings tram irm Portland where be weal several weeks slues for medical Ireaim-ot. Friday's tram to Portland. lael evening. Zeik Msll)e end Wo. Tillard got back Saturday from f wiess' stay at Tral springs. Weoted-Naio '0,T wwlog. W'H git to the boum r take aeii g at borne, alts. Mary Henderson. Jim Tb njpt. elerk it tbe City Ho tel, let! yesterday for brief vacation at tbe Tsal tprtegs' tt. Pao Morrow oJ daughter, MlesOros, and M iM Carrte bbrt, all of lD Creek, were o Heppner over Sunday Newt Wbelalob arrived ffm laat Haiurday morning from Pend'etou, here be bad been alitndibg lb prelim inary bearing of bf murder rsae. Frank returned bom wua Lira. Frank IW-rs and It F. Hynd de nrel veele'da aflern'Hin fur a brief vacation at Teal enrlnga. Frank's fara la Year Hloo4 Is tbe cause of tbat tired, languid feol ing wbiob affliets yon at this season Tbe bbenl is impure and La become thin and Door. Tbat la why yot have no alreotflb. no appetite, cannot sleep Purify vonr blixxl with Hood's Karsapa nils, bu b will s-ive yon an appetite, lone yonr tomarb, and invigorate yoor nerves. H Kid's Pills are easy to take, easy Io aclioo and sure io effect o. CntC" Slavics at Uai. There will be Drea biog at llerdmeo Cbildkins' PaM. A very pleasant parly, greatly enjoyed by the little folks, was given by OeMrode liisbp laat Sun day afternoon. I be oocaaluo being her 14th birthday, Itelreebmenla, coosial Ing of io cream, cake am fruit wera served. Tbe follow log is a list of those present: Mary MoSworda, Edit Van I)uyo, lUaais Suttoo.Orsee IIaiM,bM Leeter, Wlllella Ietr, Elsl Ayers, Edith Vangbao, Via Hart, Beam and Meinia Eetee r ( lltnalrn. An ancient controversy lias recently been revived In Kuglund by the que' tion as to what reully constitute a clossic. Some define It us "an ancient author, highly approved, who is an au thority on the subject he treats of, Uoctho on the other hand, protested against the confusion of what Is clasalc with what is merely old, and declared that all "healthy work," no matter whether modern or ancient, is classic The French Academy, speaking ex cathedra, define classic author a "those who have become models in any language," while Hiinte-lteuve, declare that a true classic Is an author who ha "enriched the human mind." Indeed no two opinions on the subject seem to coincide, and whul appear to be classic to one sort of im-oiiIm hi refused that qualification by others. Inter U na the Trark. In Russian Turkestan a train was re centlv stopped by caterpillar. The In aect were crossing the track when the car struck them, crushing them luto an oily paste, which made the raila and wheels so slipery tbat anutber loco motive was required to move the train. The aaiiie thing bappcuud in Kanaka during tho but locust invasion. Tin. eitv of llirmingham, England, supplies pure coal g to Mo cltUena at ... -..... e thousand. The municipality bought out two private ga rouiui .1 . ,.rl. e which make an annual cl to tb city of liiil.WKJ. I Io" am""" I... I...n t.u'hl I..r arvenwen jeere, -. f l- . . e of I! rmlligliaui nave reni . " I .. . . ... J...lt,a .,,1 nrulll on llie HiveeiiurM. --..- that Urn of IJ.tJ0.CXX. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, offers free tuition ) to all students. Young men oan obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for $2.50 per week. Roomers furniflb their own linen. Young women are provided board in private families at 3.00 per week. Young women desiring board should address Prof . John Stranb, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women'o Christian Association, Eugene. Tho University offers threw bacoalaoreate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Baohelor of Boience and Bachelor ot Let ters with corresponding oonrses of study. The following shorter oourses are also offered: An English oonrse leading in two years to a business diploma and In three years to tbe title graduate in English; an advanced course for graduates of normal sobools leading to tho degree master ot pedagogy ; A three years course in oivil engineering leading to tbe degree civil engineer; a oourse ot two years for teachers of physical education leading to diploma ond tho title direotor ol physical education. Tbe University charges so Incidental fee of ten dollars wbiob is payable in odvanoe by all students. Stndents holding diplomas from the public sobools snd those hsviog teachers' oertifloales are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Tbooe desiring Information regarding tbe pre paratory department should address the Dean, N. U narregan, Eugene. For catalogues and information address O. II. CHAPMAN. President. or J. J. WALTON. Seci-etary. Ji,UKene. Oregon. 1 W. Iv. SAILING Now has (tiers nf the it -ek of eonfertlnner Ira, Iruita, rlgara, totienreM, sir,., Inrmerly owihmI by Bo)l Mclsmell. Which he in disponing of at Clo Shave Prices. Ice Cream ant Ire Cream aorta, I-mnnl and orange Cbler alwijn kept on hand. GIVE HIM A CALL. West ild Mala street. Minor Building. BIB PROFITS ON- SMALL INVESTMENTS H.'liirnl short II we make an much elllils a In iimanerlly "III make many rleh, but rnwhefseen they I aa by sue. eedul Speculallun In Oral 11, fMUI'iii and Sum k. (hi AAll FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED VI II 111) Can b Mads by Our 0 1 V. Systematic Plan of Speculation originated by na. All sneeesal.il eiM??..?. LT.'SOT .h. ..,-.,. 1 1 1, a e r 1 1 nnn larl wil inrra are umiiim ,n . r- - ( : l,y .t.um.tlr lr.-ll.. thmngh hl. o l.r..k.r. mat. large am.i..u e..r. .ear. ranging. ' b-e th..e.nd dollar ( II.. man l.u l,ie.ta a hundred ut ! hundred Joller up lu I U.IUI U iMi.mior im,re h llne holnea lew Ihoneand. ,.i. ..ii -,.. Ill ale., a U. I Ihr-e ho make the largHrt profit fmm eornparat el m.ll Investments on this pun are -er.n h.i lite ee aj Irum UiU eg., and lnel thruugta hn.kra ho thoroughly i. ,r does i.k the whole amount ln.e.1.4 on env lde. hut eer both Ude 1. art that, helber the market rlea or 1.1111 brines ! front U..I idle up enMiaouiiy la short 1 ' .naenMifiMeiMn sennr. alsocHtr wnul en s.irreesi.il reulto ,T..7ii.nLr.L-:.Li..:r.;rir allfrec. h - 1 inr.M l j nr., Aug l'. I"- UTirK i.inT APvrMiicr.ir at lu.rpAm Murray, John t J- Lnrkmao dep.rte.1 W r- ; Hy bsv to ..te.I Iher, ,r . .me.im . k beginning ,rterda, oMernnno , mpsn led I. - Pt. , . , , 1 We.l e.1. and I rl lta, feturt.ltig no ,,... .,11 ,,,.h ' K. N. Cmrs.H. the Lo Creek drug- TlJr.,u,, Tburdo. I Htii'd.so. oer. iMnng the ruee'ln b will pr..oo r.l. arrived la HTl ,r" "' ,,,,r4 11. V. .le. 1'rr.p. T. W. Averaif , stfenl on "Tb Bible j Is II Tr-jej "Tli AO laetrrid.y. II-d-p'd 00 hisretoro- . rt, o( , ,,y rVripiorea," ' How bm. yeeierda, mnrnmg Mr ; f - ?lt t,fT I,.,..,, wheo Ibe nl so. Is of lb " . " , . . ., ,...,.,.. ..i 11, Jeans and '"'" . , . .1--!-4 ' yee'er.iev m'"i.iT i t .1 r- mw-mw turn tm- - -r ski v -'. -m ;'J?; ,t., ,i MoUuffleaprirf.. 1 1 A.itbor.iy." and "Tb Lvw of rr- V:o.-7rith.bepr..,.i.. j d.,n." All .r. lovi.ello em. sodwjo, AuslMin. tptt H toma. Mr IA When falling M tl.e lr pUeeeMf adremsed. J. r. ii4.i, r. m. -wvrFrn uoor, .uirig I j. J. I'srti f'M ri.a.-Il.e M. C. U A T. lb lUeetlug eon.t,ny bare a f ill l k of all kinds of retdfaxt Net eten.Bg u.i.,.. l,re ! be I '" lend IU "h,""'u , feel, innu as ;,'ip, mm iw. fWtOltl, I ' 'O lf"' ' l't weeS. ,11, ( , , b, , e"!. ientle 11.. Il.,i trif. I. I rte'eei Vi er i'f n. U-l, 1.' ..I'. ri.,.r f,V.f ef gtv-S tre.hr, OO-t Oleme- U Mif SJtUW it. . It.rnn.r l.lr , ! - - . I ., ....... urn .tenee. - I 10 fr;o 0 of bine c-.on'ry Z" 1.1. ly4 ef .. A ry t-re, eit .ar nil, I0'M . "j k'f. ha "nti fx.l Was laat Im-ivm llM-Hf '"l Hewitt.. t ive 4 !'r re"4 ' ' f"r br reiomfj 1I KrvesT. Voo rtnrt - tbeerfnl Of bpPy till scirlf ler Is disordered. III ! bot 0 ry Imr.Ln Wl penn mt ft1'0e4. fir. J. U. Ma lean's Liver ood Kidney lUIra ta lh fght thing to pit Ih.s ntgan 1 into healthy rv.r.,! tu It lnefee lb e-er.ti .n f bile, stimulate ! kidney . and feature Ibe nrgah t4 tb b"ly to f he .rr. rrf'rir.notf their loarti'in. 1 l'rt.- 1 (Kl per bo'lle. j MM in J m w . . g 7?mT: I j'"w A" " J- I H.k. e. I . H i,' Iflf" V11 AO TeM ! 0M ynrv Tnsna t.A y 1 1trutwWt'it " vf s-l Catu Oo4 Ub V V tasw rVaff.r-Uei tr. 1VU llUMUmlA41inmAawa. f. se. by 1. W. Af. if . 'H Any in.nlif In r.aetefn frfn deeifMi tb -rle id an tl'.ftiey In aelniiirl'm. 1. C . will tn l il Ui l is f At . i i.. t a I Lae!A M SfOtl b ! inq Villi f"! "hi I - - tit w tit-'.w f oy " " i r.a..lo Mrr,l:: 0 Ue LaiUH Ot bi olvU, tU Ctl I V 0fW U.1 I s t y, Will tft MrFf and Meroaolll Uo. will pay . .1. eaab for wheel, barley, bide ana im Farmers should call and see Item. 1 Oreeo MstbswS ff shvln, bir- cotiiug, tbaMioioc snd oil otber work to tbl Ho. lUtli 01 ony nmo uorios basiue boars. Mellows h rVrivner, lb blrktnllk horeeehnere on I wiumI bulolier. ol t old O'ltin stand. M010 street, llepi nw. Call 00 lb bo. T. a Howard make 0 eiliy Io nt l Vl'sT brflkmeo with ll Oeeded rte lea, bxl Je rarrlllg O general IIOO. He bl liew O-l f. (I. ft. 1111. lb lonwinaj rlil, eao U loond at bia partoi, Mall'rek oer, here be will diepenee t B.qlr fl sbve, sh'n,eKMi, beirOute, etc. Walt. Tborni.n rnn stag I twees llet'l'oer od Moniintenl, arriving; ovary dv il'l Monday od leavins? ovary da eieeil Hundev. h Ik .rte. I snd Obesp. eel finle In III loleriaf. I', IVh. j Ogeol. I . .nti.,f.lLrA SitftM r.f Ibe Hm. Weekly sIU I 12 Srt ond Ibe fefllsf r-'K d I bo Weekly Ofegotilao I. II VI. Anyone tnleefibihC f .f tbe O.ciie snd tyif ' 'r yio a Ivanrw rao gel lb (Nielli Ond Ueeklr Or." 10 fof II. All oi l Sole KI1U1I 1 a ir tt H elf an Wf u-tlr-r. fog t.m;i w and our imr.y w.ism ur.iv, i.i i ..iwr ".' i"" " -w r nlfc. bl.l.. m..gin trading toll w HlghMl l.l.l.nr.. lu rg4 bi oui sieiellns aud 1 fur lurii.et tulorieila ed.lrM THOMAS 4 CO., Banker on) Brokers. 241242 Rlalto BulKIng, Chl. III. STATU NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Ore. A training school (of ieerhet fneiple elgel g.ad. ir.li.lng detirtmBl and eirong pmleennnel and and.ml euurw. . Tho Dlolomo of IbO ooriool 0MIH00 o Io looow If) r OOoMy In (bo stat with, ol furlhor ooenlOII. Had todglil. Initio II par y.tr Pw.tir-il 4 hwlthful loratloa. Maaaleon Th.r M a td dnd lor e.ll trained uwher. Ur I a ef 'M pif el eniralne leara.r. ( ttal'4'M rheef bilif ! H'lUlr: AddfM r. u f AMrstu. f W, A. WA rnatdeal. Sevrelary. nrrmr. Vtlornoyi fit Invt All btteifte aiue.l I . o 0 r-mnpt ond sllfari..ry fcaotef. holarie I'alilie ond CtilleoVif. urnci: is national uink miivtto. I It! I PXlQOf lltr. I M iimM Nl . Lgr. (Ill MUll. IKMS M ' pw ' ' 1