Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 20, 1895, Image 2

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The Chicago Dry Goods Reporter
very correctly says that there is
nothing on earth so mysteriously
funny as the way in which many
business men treat an advertise
ment. The prime, first, last and all the
time object of an advertisement is
to draw custom. So the merchant
waits until the busy season comes,
and the store is so full that he can't
get his hat off, and then he rushes
to the newspaper of his town and
goes in for advertising.
When the dull season comes
along and there is no trade, and he
wants to sell his goods so badly,
then he "can't afford it," or "it is
too expensive," he says that is,
some of them do; but occasionally
a level-headed merchant does more
of it, and scoops in all the trade,
while his rivals are making mort
gages to pay the gas bill.
There are times when you
couldn't stop people from buying
everything in the store if you
planted a couple of cannon behind
the door, and then is the adver
tisement sent out on its holy mis
sion. It makes light work for the
ad, for a chalk sign on the door
could do all that was needed, and
be able to take half a holiday six
days in the week, but who wauts to
favor an advertisement? They are
built to do hard woik, and should
bo sent out in the dull days, when
a customer has to bo knocked down
with hard facts, kicked insensible
with bankrupt reductions and
dragged in with irresistible slaugh
ter of prices before he will spend
a cent
The Fossil Journal says "the
coyote bounty of 12 is working al
most to perfection ho fur in Oil!
iam, and these posts are being
rnpidly thiunod out of tho county.'
Iiut that paper thinks if the neigh.
Wliood pollution of Wbhco, Sher
man, (I rant, Crook and Morrow
would follow the eiamplu of Gill
iam thoHO animals would Boon cpahw
to damage the sheop induHtry. The
plan of giving a bounty for scalps
is a most advisable one, m it stiin
nlatos farmers and others to kill
ns many coyotes as possible, Dur
ing the lambing panon they Are
very dostruetivo to flocks, and it
requires groat diligonco to protect
tho young larulm from thoir rapac
ity.' Wool in ouo of our ruont nt;i
Ilo product, and any protection
liirowu around it will Im a groat
benefit to tho country. Tiinmt
t ....
amu now nu oiii wo:uan coiiioh
forward, says an exchango, and
runkoa tho declaration that nho
married the Into Jay (lould w.ion
he was 17 year ohl I In then
...it.. I i.:..... i i i n ....
i iti it-u uimsuii inou lliiuiil, 1 i)
tricky J anon hU di'itorted her,
changed hi name, and 10 yearn
later, when li had rained a full
leard, hit married agnin, without
having procured a ditorce. Surli
is th subitauci nf thn womanV
lontf and fmhy tirjr, the neqiiol t
which U, of oar, that nhe waiitn
a Urge al..- of Jy lmld' rUte.
Hha i in the U1..U11 half a W.rc
lawyer, who projione to uati let
cUiia. It is a rare thing now.!) t
for a rich man to die and !otP hi
propofty o that it cannot I
raid.nl by hungry cUtmanU.
Ttir leader, a populUt np-r
published at Portland, Or., has
ueoJt publication. The f..
lowing U the ndit.ir'a purling, j.
thotio wail: MMy d.lt ,f grati.
lu-1 tilhoM who hate dun all
11 . . ..Hi
j couii. .,.u1otilM r i.
only eteeo.W by th. d,.,t I
for pro., work. If (lod io Li in-
fH" i"rry wtu lor. tnioU L. been fJ by lL. toa.
Ktwof,.rt,PgU-ting wy fm,Iy mflcf ut UnIi ot Vetcro V.b.
in my riul e.rn.t endtor to Iton, an I that -ruitlMu of f
p . U..h . paj-r lull.lf of rp.LfimWr,lheKrewthcf0oNot,U
.rr.. hnmitr, a trrjr UrKe,r.t Mt9 , tf, M
frr. ,f whuadir,,! appre- firn n. mny U.,ri Urw U
cuUtle.T.rt,I , lew Jy rvttiw , h- wr 1 t, lift
' ,a lh Ptl " tiU !.U f from IU ft." Or.
Insurance. companies refuse to
do business until Holmes is hung.
Coxey has been Dominated for
governor back in Ohio, but he won't
have the "walk-over" he had last
Ex-Pcgilist Sullivan has ap
plied for a saloon license in Bos
ton. John will at least have one
good customer.
According to the Inter-Ocean
our export trade has fallen off
$84 000,000. We didn't have Mc
Kinley tariff either.
Apparently the "game law" up
in Wyoming doesn't prevent Ban
nock Indians from being shot at
any season of the year.
Fro u recent reports it seems
that it would not be a bad idea to
furnish missionaries to China with
bowie-knives as well as bibles.
The democracy is very much di
vided up down in Mississippi on
the financial question. That's
nothing; the bosses are united, and
they count the ballots.
The next governor of Tennessee
will be a democrat. He will also
be a silver man. No other kind of
candidate could secure the nomi
nation. Chattanooga News. And
judging from the last election, he
will be counted in regardless of
the vote he receives.
The Durrant trial has now been
in progress more than a month
and to date only eight jurors have
been secured. If four more igno
ramuses who do not read the news
papers can be found the trial will
proceed. Otherwise a change of
venue may be granted at the re
quest of defense.
Notwithstanding the fact that
J. J. Corbett was just recently di
vorced from his first wife, he was
last Thursday married to Miss
Jessie Taylor, of Omaha, who fig.
ured as co-respondent in the suit
under the name of Vera Stanwood.
He was divorced in New York and
married in New Jersey.
"Let the farmers agree not to
plant for one year, and the world
will starve," exclaims Peffor. Very
true; and the farmers would starve
along with the rest. It is not
IM.-1-. il 9 .11
imt!iy, inereiore, inai sucn a
method of solving political and
economic problems will be adopted.
St. Louis Olobo-Democrat
TiiKitEare two rather conflicting
report in circulation relative to
tho Jackson llolo trouble. One is
that J act son crawled into his
"llolo" and took the "Uole" with
him. While another report tayt
the United State troop found the
"Hole," but neither old man Jack
son nor tho Indians were near.
China ahoota down American
mmnionarie, Japan insist on the
right of search, Franco imprison
an American in violation of law,
Spain tdioot at the stars and
tiip and ref lino to pay a debt
long ago adju licated, and w hat are
we going to do about it? Well,
what? Nobody aeems to bo afraid
of Uucle Sam. Inter-Ocean.
A McMinnvillk grocery tore
delivers good by bicycle, a bulky
an article a a sack of flour be ing
handled. Canyon City New,
that's nothing. I'or two year
pattt two of the mercantile etab
lialitiKMil of thi city nave deliv.
ered their good entirely with bi
cycle, and a bulky an article a
two sack of flour i aometira
AtUX W. TlU'HIU My that
three out of every five dolegate
chow-n t the democratic state con.
vention are iu favor of fre coinage
of silver. Senator Urice and Li
lieutenant any that eight out of
Firry eleven ate against frest coin
age. The frtwvt for eca and
harmony among th Ohio Umr
Urn are gd enough to tnaka lh
outlmtk dubiou f.,1 ni or thn 150,.
Out republican plurality io Nov.
etuler, Cleveland leader.
leaking of lb ra... con.1..
tio0 cf the atm.,.h,r for
Km. rt th Oreniao tars thi
Tliere is one trne gpeoiflc for dieeases
lem, and that is Paine's oelery compoand, so Renerally preeoribed by physician-.
It is probably the most remarkable remedy that the ecientiflo researoh of this ooun-
try has produoed. Prof. Edward E. Phelps,
8rt presoribed what is now known the world over as Paine's oelery compound, a
poattiTe onre ror dyspepsia, bihonsness, liver oomplaint, nenralgia, rheumatism,
11 nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For the latter Paine's oelery oompound
baa euooeeded again and again where everything else has failed.
The medical journal of this oountry
year to the many remarkable oases where
maae people well tban to any other one
gon has also loBt heavily by recent
forest fires. Smoke from distant
fires may now be seen all through
the Blue mountains.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for several years with a severe long
affection, and that dread disease, Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
hi fellow sufferers the mean of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheerful
ly lend, free of charge, a oopy of the pre
scription used, whioh they will find a
ure onre for Consumption, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
maladies. He hope all sufferers will
us his remedy as it Is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, whioh will oost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing,
will please address, ltev. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
Keoord: W. M. Butler was in Arling
ton last week, on hi way to Heppner,
and from there be will prooeedto oollect
oattle in the John Day ooontry, whioh
were bought last spring for Boardman A
Co., of Montana. Mr. Bntler will ship
some three or lonr hundred bead Sep
tember 1st from Pendleton. He will
lao bay dry cow end steers, and will
go a far south a the Harney country.
Huu'O It ban liecome
aonornlly known that
Wblrb h ll t
'''f Lt' "
Furrners of Kight Mil, Onviilaoii, (JoottoWrry, Douttla, Jordan
Fork nt. Ion srction enn h no Ivnttr than innke tht'ir purrhmw of
Jo lie carrie a full line of Furniahing (I.mhI, IttMit and SIhxni,
Gntfcri, td in fct complct Uck of uftipral rnerchinliM. 1 aw.
ioxe, - oraocox.
"Th'tr ut u r"i.fV in Ihr uffnirt of dhh
That, iftikrn at it$jUl, hivl on to fortune"
The AimkI i hre and o i
Ilnnl wini Tinwiiii'. Olanawurc, Crookerv. Wootl
nntl Willowwaii'.CiMlur'rutis. at HiMh-nck i'ricoa.
Th only Kifluit llr.lrr hurn litwHa The lUlli n 1 IVtdtoo
Gll'Li'l AM & HIS.HKE,
llrppner, . . . Oregon.
Leezer lir-o.
Is the Pl.icc for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Onlv.
frcsh emx cnts aso pics aiwhs OH HiVO,
arising from a debilitated nervous evs-
M. D LL. D.. of Dartmouth oolleoe.
have given more spaoe in the last few
the use of Paine's celery compound has
Famished by W. D. Harlan, land and
mining attorney, Washington, D. a
Settlers who, without authority otlaw,
enter upon lands that are held in reser
vation under departmental instructions
that expressly forbid all settlers from
entering thereon, until lawful permission
is given, acquire no equities thereby.
'A private entry of ooal land, may not
be allowed to embraoe one tract, taken
in the oapacity of an assignee, and an
other under the individual right of the
A placer location made prior to the
act of August 4, 1892, of land chiefly
valuable for a deposit of glass sand and
building stone is not a legal appropria
tioo of the land, and the subsequent in
terveuing homestead entry of another
will defeat the plaoer apDlioation.
Both a water-right and mill-site claim
may be located on thesametraotof land
Khiloh's Cure, the great Oonifh and
Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size oontains twenty-five doses only 25c
Children love it. Sold by T. W. Ayer
It: Palace
Im'Imi re iimmi(1 by Chris Horrhrri who Iscon
iiuomiK it in a strictly Klrst-Class manner.
Country and Commercial Trade
' ttf Kree llathsaiul Free 'Bin lor all Guusls.
ffl ILL WIND !
T is an ill wind that blow no
K'HhI, and although tho play
fill pranks ot Out Boreas eiposc
this fond couple to temporary em
barraHHment, the situation greatly
amuses tho spectatot.
Likewino tho situation at
T. WnfiT 1"I V
MlCJ JJ1jVj1 X
ld R-ck Vriofm.
1L WS !
Tiv roa m list
i ihs ai(hl
Administratrix' Notice of Sale of
Real Property.
and br Virtue of & divmt nt nrHr nf baIa
duly made and altered on July 13, 1895, In the
maiier 01 me eiiaie ot William Kuit, deceaaed,
by the County Court of the State of Oregon for
tmatllla County, sitting in probate, the under
lined ai administratrix of the said estate will
offer for sale at public auction to the highest
uiuuer ior caan in nana on Saturday, the th
01 September, 1H95, at 11 o'clock in the fore
noon of that day, at the front door of the Court
House in Heppner. Morrow Coimtv. Oroimn nil
of the following described real property belong
inn iu meaoove namea estate, situated tn Mor
row County, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast
quarter and the south half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwestquarterof the north
east quarter, and the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of section thirty -six, and the
north half of the southwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southeat nuarter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
oi actuou iweniy-nve, all in township three
south ot range twenty-nine East of Willamette
menaian ; ana also the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the south half of the
northeast quarter of section thirteen in town
shin four south of ranpn twentv-ninA P!at rf
Willamette Meridian; said sale is made subject
to all liens and incumbrances now existing un-
on the said real property, and subject to the
couuruiuiiuu oi an saies to be made oy the
wive eiiuuuu county court.
uaiea mis in aay oi August, 1K95.
Administratrix of the Fntjitp nf wniim Rnt
Chas. H. Carter, Attorney. 363-71
Administrator's Notice.
'J ceased. Notice is hereby given, that let
ters of administration on the Estate of George
W. H.Brians, deceased, were granted to the
undersigned on the 12th day of August, 1895, by
the County Court of Morn.w Oountv.
All persons having claims against said Estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allow
ance, at my home in Hardman, Morrow County,
urcgun, wiuiiu six montns alter tne date of this
nonce or tney snail oe forever barred.
mis l.tn aav of August, 1H95.
61-7 ANDKEW ROOD, Administrator.
Administratrix' Notice.
Vj tice is herebv eiven. that letters nf art
iBtration on the Estate of J. L. Beymer, de
ceased, were granted to the undersigned on the
io;n any or Aug, loaa, Dy tne uounty Uourt of
All persons having claims aeainst said F..
tate are required to exhibit them to me for al
lowance, at my home in Eicht Mile. Mnrmw
County, Oregon, within six months after the
date of this notice or they shall be forever
This 15th day of August, 1895.
2-68 Administratrix.
Notice of Final Settlement.
.li undersigned administratrix of the estate
oi w. u. uoyer, deceased, will make final fettle
mentof her accounts with said estate as such
administratrix, at the next term of the county
court of Morrow county, at Heppner, to be
noinen at tne court nousc in said county, on
-oa janb hoy Kit, Administratrix.
Notice of Intention.
Land Officb at La Grandk Orkoon,
AllEUSt X. 18'I,V
il following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
oeiorej. yv. mottow, ;ounty uierk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Sept. 14, 1895, viz :
Hd. 4941, for the NU 8EK. 8FM NKU. Hen. 34.
SW'4 NW!4, 8ec. 35. Tp. 8, S. R. 29 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
saia iano, vis :
Andy J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon: E. Clark,
of Heppner, Oregon; HeBikiah Tippet, of Hepp
ner, urcgou; jesse u. rrencn, oi Vinson, oregou.
860-70 Register.
Timber Culture.
H, 1W5. Complaint havinc hfpn nmiln ut
this office by the dulv verified and rnrrnlmmtori
affidavit of Samuel McBride alleging that Wm.
H, Vauhise, who made Timber Culture
No. Vita for the N'4 NE14 and N'$ NWV. Sue. 9,
Tp. 4 H, R 27 E, at the Land Office at La Grande,
Oregon, on the lfth dav of )ecember, 1km, has
wholly abandoned said tract; and failed to plant
any trees upon said tract since entry; that the
pan! irnc'v is inn seined upon and cultivated by
the said party as required by law, therefore
with the view to the cancellation of the said
entry the said parties are hereby summoned and
required to be and appear before J. W. Morrow,
county clerk Morrow county, at his o (lice at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th dav of September,
lwi.i. at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. then and
there to produce such testimony as they may
have concerning the said allegations, the final
hearing to be had before the Keirlster and Kb-
ceiver at U Grande. Oregon, on tho 2th day of
September, iwii, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
n r. wii.son, J. H. Kobhins,
.H.Kk.9 Register. Receiver.
Notice of Intention.
J Julymi, lw.1'1. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named acttlcr has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
h i claim, and that said proof will be made
oeiore county tiem. 01 1. matll la county, at I'eU'
dletun, Oregon, on September 7, IH'A vd:
Rd. No. "120, for the W14 NWU, SU 8WV, Sec,
21, Tp. J, 8. R W E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prov
hl continuous resldenca upon and culilvatlon
of uld land, vl:
vtlllism II. Oulllford, Arthur V. Onlllford.
tmmrm ,-nin, 01 msnii, uregon, ana John H
Rust, oi Ridge, Oregon.
XA4A. Register.
Notice of Intention.
4 July 15, Iwrt. Notice Is herebv iIvpii lhal
the following named . ttler has filed noileaol
his Intention to make dual proof In support o(
his rlatm.and that aald proof will m lua.lr
before J. W. Morrow, rniinty rlerk, at Heppner,
lid. M. forthtS'. NK' and SEi SWU.
trr 17. T 1. . R 17 E. W. fl "
II names the following wltniwae In prnv
11, p ,,m,iiiuom irimruii upon ana cuitnalloo
01 sain lann. vis:
Milt F. Mnffsn, roater Adams, Jay Pevln,
juiiH r-uviania, an 01 neppuer, ivregoti.
B. r. WIlJiON.
- Kegt.trr.
Notice of Intention.
Lr Ornrt at U GkaKPi. 0i..,m,
JhIv M imt
VOTK't 1 llf KfBY OlVfS tllAT 1HK
1 follow I nf naaird tfWrt has filed Oott.t
of Ms ln(ntl.,n to make Ittial prnof In stipirt
of his rlalm. and thai .aid proof a III b made
hvfiira Ihr rminty rlrrk nf Morrow pniimy at
lle purr. Or,, on arpta-mlvr 4. t vn ;
MILT r. VtllUitN.
Bd .. lor the Nf,. fW. . 1 a R. JT K. W M.
lie name ih. iu.,alii ainwr t pro
"' "" rramrnra upnq ami rullltallon
01 -atoi mn'i, f-
I. allr.f. ClrdaC. allnf Jnaph W. Hm.
lor and w. . Mr arty, an of ll-pp. r "fn,
7 ttrgnlrr.
ainpmtI rami fhifrttt Sroti.i.
w 'm rrr1 In nrolui am
"" upon lmpm. farms In
Otwmt. with mtom partlra al a ratrol lntil
ma lH'. pmt rani pr annum Wort((ra
rriH-av.1 utai na in lakva by other rum
pan Ira Adilrras a iih tatn
MfKVI aoT.
Hasar I'ltr. (iri..o.
em t itii frtT r
r--ii a4 aa a. i
" I a l , , a.t t4 w i ir, twv
rtrmtm. ' tfc ei tr r.M
aaj aaeur iiiskwh k f IW n
ians a arai.a a.4 la lata
' '- . , -a fr
Nfiiiiaa-aim !iw
TT"- 1 ' ' -,. M tt,
I ' " . ' rj
f ' -ak W U a.a ia
lai'vl'MHirihHMriftatrai, 4 .,a
Mt k .. to a. ia taoafaafa
XI al lie a. Jlf... 1'ilt b.,a lairr ahon
a ri.l amafa. Hnral ir. at
.nanipMnf, tu, ,o.
lUlU t X ret pUa7,
1 m w ' - w r'M iim m m
-ir,irlilHI, IIIMtMlia
nnn,)! faleaia an4 k u mm
la ika Mm a aa as Maaaaa
n a4 Muim nra Mil
' tfce-'M Ov aaaataa
ar"a) .-. ,ia a.eaiia tanirii,
ka a-a .. a .. . w ii. r, . aoa.
Fall Term begins September 18, 1895.
Thr rnllpra Courses. Classical. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare! for college andf
gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching and business. The school
has always been distinguished for tne Dreauin ana
7000 volumes, good equipments for matnematicat
best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, Just completed at a cost oi ou,uuu, u ou oi me nnest
ollege buildihgs on the Pacific College.
All expenses very low. Board and room at the
ing electric light and heat. The College Dormitory, under excellent management, furnishes,
board and room at $2.25 per week. Board in private families. $2.50 and upwards. Many student
rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Bfove, Oregon.
Address J. K. SMITH, .
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
All theBe can be procured at Thompson & BinnB, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook, Gilliam and other counties,
and can save money and time in making these sections with traveling men.
Prices in keeping with the times.
He Saws Wood!
Has purchased one of the late
fully prepared to saw wood of every
40c per Cord
50c per Cord
Wood will be cut neatly, and
Odo stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris.
iJorchers at the ralace Hotel.
Yon Should PppiE
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices !
Mrs. Tom
The Eeeley Institute
To rnen who lerved In th war of tht United Statu or to their
Widowj, Children, or Parents. Do You receiv a rniion ? Hd You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican War
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousand under the new
Uw are entitled to an Inert of pension. The government own it
to you ind is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension date from th
time you apply. Now I th accepted hour.
trWnu for bws and complete Information. No Charg for advice.
No Fe unlets successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHIUP W. AVIRETT, Ocieral Maaaref,
618 P Street. WASHINQTON. D. C
T. X.-TU AMiswsiy It MMM y tkawswU U-iu
SMtvre la IK rat mmmt, m4 is frnii kf (Am.
Arc tho Highest of oil High Grades.
ffanlditr.laBr HUfrW St la Ika anl4, tnrd of atr.
hi m4 la trfira la a man kx.aaf lof aa t,t,flo K.i 1
halr,f!ha ..errr
U. od.4iafe.i-arB,
2ii 8cocmc
(.'f.i f rea.
in vt It. ftt4nc.
o.a e m.m
Olis Patterson
morougnueis ui j ' jiurary o
ana scientinc wora, aim uuo uunuiugs wun tne-
Ladie's Hall $3.00 to $4.00 per week, Includ
500 HBAD
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
improved steam saws and is now
description at the low price of
one time in two
two times in two
where possible all knots cut out
Comfortable Rooms !
liroclleiv. Prop.
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon, .
77i Moat Beautiful Town on the Coatt
Call at tho Oaiktti. offlr for partlcnlara
Btrlotly confidential. Treatment rivataud sort
..MI atxl tuarantoM tf U lkdMu Wrarla I . a
ka two it .. f un4 a. fl4 .
22ib. LAOlCft-irs.
Mil la. t a .