Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 20, 1895, Image 1

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E Advertising brought me all I f
I own, A. T. Stewart.
WK..KLY HO. 6. 1 I
HIMMlllltMW M MtMill4 rtIM M I III I ItWIoW
J is owing to my liberality in ad-;
S vertiting Robert Bonner. ?
1 i
MiMmuittiiiiiMiiiiiMMW miinii
Tuesdays and Fridays
. . Editor
Business Manager
At $1.50 per year, $1.25 or six months, 75 ots.
Cor three montna.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
r j: : : r w'awoww,
j sr in
- si
wtik r"riiiT p sffi
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. 0. Dake's
ArWrt.inintr Asnnoy. fit and 65 Merohante
Exchangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou
raots for advertising can be made for it.
Union Pacfic Railway-local card.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. dally
except SuiBay. Arrives at Willows Junction
6:20 p. m.
NoV 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15
g. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m, daily except
"East-bound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 1:46 a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves V illows Junc
tion 12:15 a. m.
West bound Portland fast freiuht with paa
seni?er coach leaveB Willows Junction 6:38 p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01 a. m. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 8:15 a.
m. and take the fast mail west bound which ar
rival at. Vnrt.lanrt J a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at
i.u m. rhiI arrives it Portland 6:30 p.m.
leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the
of hound wav freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving
at Willows Junction 6:58 p, m.
Reader, did you ever take Simmons
Livee Regulator, the "King of
Livee Medicines ? " Everybody needs
take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should De carried on remains in
the body and poisons the whole system.
That dull. Heavy leeung is due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid ot these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is better than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
livery iiiic-Kagc has the Kwl Z
stamp on the wrapper. J. IS.
Zeilin & Co., I'liiltidtilplmt.
Be. CakbfuIi. "Home years since,"
said the Canyon City minister, "bs I was
preaching, a young woman who sat be
fore me was constantly laughing, talking
and making unoonth grimaces. I paused
and administered a severe rebuke. Atter
the close ot the services, a gentleman
said to me: 'Sir, you made a great mis
take; that girl is an idiot.' Since then
I have always been afraid to reprove
those who misbehave themselves in
cburob, lest I should repeat the mistake
and reprove another idiot."
Tbare iz two things in this world for
which we are never fully prepared, and
that iz twins. Josh Billings.
Trade Mark Dr. A. Owen
The latest and onlv scientific and craetieal
Eiectrio Belt made, for general use, producing
eadlly felt and
to any part of the body. It can be worn at any
a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure
f disease, that can be readilv felt and reel
and power, and applied
United States Officials.
President Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Artli Stevenson
uw.nIHtita KinhardS. Olney
Secretary of Treasury Jehn G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior ..... Hoke Smith
Secretary of War Daniel B. Laniont
Secretary of Navy JI,',larf A- 1J1l!r1bert
n.i,nut.anniirA William L. Wilson
Attorney-General ..Judson Harmon
Heoretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
m,,- W. P. Lord
Seoretaryof State H. . Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metenhan
Bnpt. Public Instruction . M. Irwin
iHnnua nniil C. M. Idlnmftn
" (G. W.MoBride
senators l j, h. Mitchell
.. ( Hlnger Hermann
Longreasmen 1 W. R. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
t R. S. Bsn,
u,mm. J n,l.r. iV. A. Moore,
- (C. K. Wulverton
Seventh Judicial District
rw, JnH W. L. Bradnhaw
I'roaeautina Attorney A. A. Jeyne
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator..
talum".J.ji ft
ooders. L M WinniUn
while YJU pW'
If von use the Pctalum
lncnnacors a urowuKi..
Make money
others are wasting
time by old processes.
e.nta1ofteHs all about
it, anil clt-BCTitics rvrry
article needed for the,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
fcwlieel. rreiliestmuici.
iWe are Pacihc Coast
'Anents. Bicvcle cnta
loguc.niailcd frec,r;ives
PETALCI.TA irfcraATCR C0.,Pctr.lnme,Cil.
.ranch Housb, an S Muni ht., uo An;;cies.
time during working hours or sleep, and
Wheat, bu 40 42
Flour.bbl 265
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 2 00
three M 2 25
Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 25 1 50
" stock 1 00 1 50
Hogs, on foot, cwt. 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool. 8 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll.; 2540
Eggs, doz 10
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
Wheat, cwt 95 0 102
Flour.bbl 2 50 8 50
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 6 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 13
Butter, lb 10 15
Eggs, doz i
Potatoes new, per ot.. . 60 85
" old, " ... outs io
Chickens, doz 3 00 7 00
Turkeys, lb 12 14
Wheat, bo 47 oo
Flour.bbl 2 25 0285
Beeves, owt 2 50 3 00
dressed i on w o ou
Muttons, live sheared. .. 1 75 2 00
" dressed. 04 o4
TTnoa. on font 3 25 01 3 75
"!"- . " nut
dressed, ID
Wool Eastern Oregon... 08 11
Butter 7 15
Eggs, doz 10 H
Chickens, doz a uu is o ou
Turkeys, lb dressed 10 12
Potatoes, new, per ot.... oo oo
proceedings to oompel Miss Stevens to
give up the offioe. The supreme court at
the last session, refused to band down an
opinion as to a woman's eligibility to
serve as oounty school superintendent,
saying such an issue oould not be raised
in mandamus proceedings. But the quo
warranto onse brings np the constitu
tionality ot the legislative aot which
makes a woman eligible to any school
offioe in the state, and the real merits of
the obb6 will be determined.
Thousands of persona flounder along
for months, yes even years, suffering
from indigestion, bowel troubles and
liver disorders with their accompanying
disagreeable symptoms, beoause they
think they have to. If they would take
a short course ot Dr. J. H. MoLean's
Liver and Kidney Balm they would soon
get rid of the miserable feeling and that
overpowering sense ot weariness and in
oapauity for work, would give place to
one of health, vigor and cheerfulness.
Price $1.00 per bottle.
Another Important Witness Whose Testimony
Completes the Chain of Evidence
Against Dnrraut.
The Patterson Pub. Co.. bave seoured
the asrencv of the Orescent bioyoles for
Morrow and Orant oouoties. and will
shortly bave some machines for sale at
very low figures. Examine a uresoeni
before buying. tf.
Is fast taking
Electricity, properly applied,
the place of druesforall Nervous, Rheumntlo.
Kinney aim urinal Troubles, ana win enact
Drs. Holmes and Ansplund Fight a Duel
With Pistols Jealousy the Cause-Both
Badly Wounded.
cures In seomlngly hopeless coses where every
other known moans has failed.
Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ may
Dy mis means oe rousea to neanny activity
before It is too late.
Leading medical men use and recommend the
uweu Belt la tnelr practice.
Contains fullest information regarding the cure
of acute, chronic and nervous diseases, prices.
and how to order, in English, German. Swedish
and Norwegian languages, will be mailed, upon
application, to any aaaress lor 0 cents postage.
A . W. lowan
J. B. Hooflhy
. Jnlins Keltblj I
.. J.H. Howard
, ,T. W. Morrow
.0. W. Hamnton
Vrank (tilliara
J. r Willis
, Geo. Lord
Anna Kaleiger
T.W.Ayers, Jr
.E. L. Freeland
...N. 8. VYheUtons
. Renter I
, Heomver I
I'onnty Judge
' Commlmioners..
J. M. faker.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
M Hnrreyor.
" School Bup't....
" Coroner
V)or Thus. Morgan
('minniiraea O. K. Farnsworth.il.
Liohtenthal. Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr.,
li u 11 -m V T Uliu,itm.
r. " " v T Hallock
vZZTJZ:'"''"""'"'". " E. L. Kr-eland
M.hml. ' A. A. Roberts
Freeiict OIReerp.
Justin of the Psaoe...
failed Btatee Lasd Officers.
I. r. Moore
Lt oArit, on.
B.F. Wilson Wl"''
J.H. Rubbma Receiver
xoan gocimES.
O. A. B.
Haau at Lastncton. Or., tha last Saturday of
tarn month. All vets rani are Invitod to Hn.
i v. u. Geo. W. Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commandor,
draaartl Lnmher. M mils of Heppner, al
what Is known as lbs
At noon last Friday the tenants ot the
Dekum building, at the corner of Third
and Washington streets, in Portland,
were startled by the report ot severs'
pistol shots issuing from the offioe of
Dr. H. R. Holmes. Bushing in they
found the prostrate bodies of Dr. Holmes
and Dr. R. K. Ausplnnd, each holding a
smoking pistol in his hand. Ausplund
LI-.J: I ,nnnl. nn In
The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. :
The Owen Eleclric Delt Dldg.. 201 to 211 Stat. Street, lnn ins m,,,8,n h,B bwi Bnd 0M ,,n
CHICAGO, ILL. the ngni nana, noimes was aiso
The Largest Electrio Dell Fstablishment In ths World I wounded in three plaoes.one in the head,
the other in the body just below the
nipple, and wben entering his room
from the hallway received a shot in the
right leg just above the knee, inflicting
i very painful wound. :
Just how many shots were fired alto
gether neither the duelists nor anyone
else oan state positively, but it is thought
that the number was nine. Dr. Holmes
emptied bis pistol, which baa five cham
bers, and but one barrel of AuBpIund
pistol remains loaded. Thesbooting took
nlaoe in tbe reception room, and there
G0orge Merriok, a' "trusty" at the
penitentiary, with a good reoord and
only a short time to serve, esoaped last
Tuesday night, A reward ot $50 has
been offered for the man's capture. The
following is au accurate description ot
tbe escaped oonyiot: "George Merrick
is five feet, ten and one-half inohea tall,
weight 197 pounds, has dark brown hair
and gray eyes, is 24 years old, is a la
borer and a native of Kansas. He was
sentenoed from Umatilla county for for
gery, and was reoeived at the peniten
tiary November 18, 1892, under a four
years' sentence. Two scars on right wrist
small soar on upper right arm; scar
small ot baok on spine; two large and
small soars on left shoulder; vaooine
left humerus; several soars on left band
and fingers, and three soars on first joint
ot left thumb; large soar on right thigh
large burn soar on right shin; small soar
juBt above left knee; and one on knee
soar across joint ot right big toe; wart oo
right eyelid."
fik .ooo rtrr.EoroH,
- - - CLIAE,
9 00 I
17 H I
A IV SO per l.uuo lot. additional.
Ths above quotations are strictly for Cash.
national Ul ol Ispf.
FrMlt'sL CshtM.
I MS-.MM FACTS ! ! ji
OU CAN BUY liVOO worth of dry goods and groociles and then have j
I1' J enough left out of tlou.oo to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is
l 1 , nrstclass machine. Why then pay 1100.00 fur a bicycle that will give
1 , no better service ? '
I CRESCENT "isoorcher," weight 'JO pounds, only t'.W. ' ,
; Ladles' and Gents' roadsters all the way irora TO to $7.i. .
!" Boys' Junior," only M with pneumatic tlre-a good machlns. ' i
J ! "Our Special," Men's ': lilies'. i
y :
O r
Heppner, Ot.-g.rn,
Counties. -rTt'" -zr?'
I'llrsl l'llosl Itching Piles.
bymptoms Moisture; intense itotung
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to oontinue
tumors form, wbiob often bleed and
nlcerate, becoming very sore. Bwatmi
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed'
ins. beals ulceration., and in most oases
removes tbe tnmors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 oents. . Dr. Bwayue A Hon,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 Mi2si fewfe?
Absolutely pure
The last link in the ch'in of evidence
against Theodore Durrant has been dis
covered. A woman who lives aoross tbe
street from Emanuel oburob has report
ed to tbe polioe that she saw Durrant
and Blanche Lamont enter the oh ore b
at 10 minutes past i on April 8, tbe day
of Miss Lamont's disappearance. Tbe
woman's name is Mrs. Leake, and she
lives at 124 Bsrtlett street. She is 70
years old, and has been a member ot tbe
church several years. She knew both
Durrant and Miss Lamont intimately
and therefore cannot be mistaken with
regard to the identity of either. She
says she has remained silent since ths
10NE mm
Warm weather, but oool nights.
Coyotes and hawks are playing havoc
on the poultry in our neighborhood.
Rev. Smith, a Christian minister,
preached at lone the other Sunday.
lone has almost been deserted sinoe
so many bave visited the mountains.
TbeBietmann Bros, and Gas Glock
left for the mountains to secure wood.
Harvesting bas oeased and threshing
is on tbe go. The yield is little or none
at all.
Miss Graoe Sohofield contemplates
visiting the coast before returning to her
home in Iowa.
Joe Woolery and family returned from
tbe eastern trip hale and hearty. Joe is
again ready for business.
Bev. Curran, tbe regular lone preacher,
discovery of the bodies of tbe two girls bas sent word that it will be impossible
because she did not wish to undego the to oontinue his servioes here. An at-
Culled from the Kagle.
E. N. Crockett departed Wednesday
for Heppner on buniness.
Wslter and John Keeney returned
were sundry holes in tbe walls and doors from Heppner Wednesday with freight.
that show some of the bullets wsnt wide
of their mark.
There were no witnesses to tbe shoot
ing, so tbe eiaot cause is not known,
though was bronght about by remarks
from Holmes relative to Ausplund's
method ot treating patients and also slan
derous remarks mads rslative to blmself
and a classmate and friend, Mrs. Dr.
Chambers, resident physician at tbe
Portland bospitaL Holmes bed also
mads many baas statements relative to
Supt. Johnson, of ths hospital, tbe nurses
and the manner of trsstmeut at that
place. Ansplund bad evidently called oo
Holmes and demanded bis signatory to
aa article or statsmsnt of rstrsotioo,
-lit Til It-
MOSt Popular Republican Newspaper of tne West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
Mads os Favorable Term.
OO - Mow ax
Cet. t,H tb 1 1 I
tke 4 ikfMt mat, a
i iarft 'M l-vtrwi,
DAILY (without Sunday)..
DAILY (with Sunday)
,...$A.oo per year
....8.oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean $1.00
, , IT.R YEAR H'
OCPAN hasps sf at I He IIsms In alt
rain nor iihm tm Mtanag su, inn
srwPAM o Trtn in,m
rr,p.ti, it apan stniwf
n fyf . Imt fmmtt.
ts fut cvmtfl. :
Mlllll M ,
r Ti H 4 . K T Uty.
asivasei waajTSft. -
Hss o rs1 'tlot riesnfisl
.vA 4 his 6lh0 boots If sol
The Weekly Inter Ocean
II II Has atMft t InlmM U awsiWef the lasaltv- t' - M.
fffit II) t lira I'l f aii t wiM M ! Hsnia. fVj
r I) IISUUKAKY I (.All WIS aft al4- II
PN niCAl I.V If l MMtl . ,4 t Ms t"
4iwKMi all li puliiKal l . It ga itmm in Mf or
tun ivtti? cur a itT.t i- mi o in cniCAf, tup rw and connrcii
M tH U At I .lt l I III Al I.I Ml ANf MIXNIAINV A"f I
AtXKIIU T till 'll!Lf ilik r-LCt'Ltl VI 11 M.6IIUN I HAN A,
k-AIl K rACItil - 1 '.t.
H Is la si .l ! r.t s4 ihV.ttlilspBlilKsSii4LMflrfc
,.m ,!- H.I IN f - M Th IS Uuttutn lNt V OB fOL
L nftt.f. the INTEK OCEAN. Chlcio.
Mrs. T.D. Williams left Wednesdsy
for Heppner to visit Iter sister, Mrs. 1L
J. Gil more.
Mrs. Otis Patterson arrived last Fri
day from Heppner on a visit with the
Eagle family.
Otis Patterson took bis departure
Wednesday for Burns, to be absent
several dsys on business.
Mrs. Freucb and family, of Heppner,
arrived Monday at MoDuflle bot springs.
Mrs. French is a cripple from rheuma
tism and comes to McDuflle hi gain re
TLe Eagle learns that for lbs past two
weeks the thermometer id Morrow oouo
hieb was Dot only refnssd but Ans- ty stood about Wl in ma snaos son as
nlnnd'a remarks reasntsd. which led to blub as 134 in the sun. lUtbnr bot over
r - I
annoyanoe ot being a witness, and did
not oonseut to divulge her information
to the polioe until she became convinosd
that it was a duty she owed to tbe state.
April 3 Mrs. Leake sat at tbs window
of her residenoe nearly all of the after
noon looking for her daughter whom she
sxpeoted from Han Mateo. At 4 o'olook
she saw a oouple ooming up tbs street,
one of whom she reoognized aa Durrant,
but at first she was puzzled over the
identity of the girl. She first thought
the young lady was Luoille Turner, but
as the oouple oame nearer Mrs. Leake
reoognized tbe girl as Blauobe Lamont.
Miss Lamont wore a sobool girl's short
dress and oarried a paokage of school
books. Tbe dress and sobool books
were afterward found secreted in tbe
ohnrob. Wben tbe oouple reached tbe
oburob gate they stopped tor a moment,
Durrant opened tbe gats and tbey pass
ed through. Mrs. Leaks from ber poiot
ot observation was watohing Ibem, and
wben tbe girl stepped through tbe gats
she said to herself : "What an impru
dent thing tor ber to do."
Mrs. Leake knew nothing detrimental
to Durrant. She bad always considered
bim "snob an exemplary young man,"
but, notwithstanding that faot, she
thought ft exoeedingly imprudent for tbs
girl to go into tbe ohnrob with bim
alone. Hhe feared someone might bave
seen tbem and make unpleasant remarks.
Hhe imsgined tbey bad soma errand in
tbe cbnroh, and expected in a few min
utes tbey would ooms out. She watch
ed oarefully, but tbe gat did Dot open.
Thors Is only one entrance to Emanuel
tempt will be made to seoure another to
take his place.
Ionb, Or., Aug. 13, 1895. Jaki.
Sbptsmbir Fashions. Another new
bioyole costume, wbiob oombines tbe un
restrained freedom of bloomers with the
more beoomining modesty of "regular"
walking attire, is illustrated on the ool
ored cover page ot Toilettes. This dress
is expressly designed to overcome the
dragging sffeot ot long skirts for wheel
women while pedaling; tbe fullness ot
the skirt is gathered around tbe hips in
a number of horizontal folds and held in
plaos by narrow leather strips. For
walking tbsse folds are released, so the
dress hangs in full Isngth down to tbe
ground. Tbera are fully 150 other squally
original and interesting designs for
women's and children's wear, and no ef
fort is spared to make this magasine
what it justly claims to be, tbs moat pop-.
alar fashion msgazins ot Amerioa. An
early advance in the retail ptioe is an
nounced, wbiob will enable snoh other
additions to bs made as will plaos Toil
ettes ahead of all similsr msgssinss on
either side of the Atlantic. Lookout for
tbe November number, doe October 1st.
Tbs issue just out can be bad of all news
dealers, at 20 oents per oopy.
tbe duel.
Boon after the sbootiog ths wounds ot
both were dressed wbso tbey were at
.a a a
onos sent to lbs wooa nsniarnao no-
pitsl. Holmes will probably recover,
and while Ansplund's lo juries are not
DecMsaril; fetal, yet it is feared thai be
cannot recover.
A lUssarkshls Car ( KbssasaUass.
WurrniKSTM, Cel., MaroD 21, 1, b- ,jM , ,t ptMnt
HomMifM ago, on awakening one mora
ing, I louod Ibat ! bad rheumatism Id
my iom so badly that, as 1 rmarkl to
my wife, it would be impossible for ras
loslteod tobnsioeas that day. IUmts
beriDf tbal I baj soma ol CbaroUr Iain's
there, isn't it.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nosl and It. (1
llobiusoo, of Lone Kock, Gilliam oounty
cams op this week to visit relatives in
Orant oeunty. Tbey will spend a short
tiuis at tbs McDuffia hot springs.
Tbe Wlepbone poles are all put 00 tbe
ground from Canyon City to 1'eodleloD.
Now lbs next thing is pulling np tbe
Una. Long Cres-k would be much pleas-
bat It
Cash Barlow 8cbd. Lest Thursday
Henry McGinn, as attorney for Frances
Issbel Usmmond, of Portland, Died
psoers in tbs oounty clerk's offlot in
suit against Cassias U. Barlow, of Bar
low, for alleged breaob of promise, and
ohnrob daring tbe week, and that is by that lbs eoart gret t ber judgment
tbe sids gals and rear door. Mrs. Mor AWW. Tbe plaintiff alleges that
Leake knew the young people would tbe defeodeot made ber a promise of
bavs tc pass through tbs gate and sbe marriags on tbs first dsy of December,
wanted to see Ibem oa lbs street again 18W, sod lhat io March, 1W, he seduced
Ufore she Isfl tbs window. Hhe waited ber, onder farther promise ot merrisge.
a long tims before boosehold duties fin- Hbs furtbsr alleges tbst tbey bave been
ally called ber to another part of the Hat on intimate terms siooe that time, and
and ahs was obliged to giv up lbs vigil, tbst sha baa ever remained faithful to
Tbs polios wars very Indignant that bim; tbat bs violated bis engagement
her stary bed beeo published before by marrying Miss Addis J. Tossy, of
Mrs. !aks was called as witness. Htockton, Calif., a few weeks sgo. Miss
Wbso Durrani read Ibis osw videoos Usmmond further asserts tbst shs bas
in ths paper lbs following moroiog to ooffsred great meotal anguish eo ao
oourt bs turoed ghastly pals and seemed oonnt ol tbis disappointment, and asks
greatly depressed st additional testi-1 fur tbs recovery ot tbs amoool abovs
mooy of aiKbimporUoi atalost biua. mm i 11 sss us
a a . . a t I ! UW I llU ll0 III IflU IDM" K IUUU NIV1 VI
Mrs. Leake a lostlmony completes lbs ,,,,,. xu wflW,r bM
obslo ot videoos agaiust Durrant. k0owo bim for sometime paal and re-
swms ws are dusmed to diaapiololmetit
lor a short Urns at lea I.
Disorders la tht liver and kidneys ar
rMoonsilila f'ir many of lb ailments of
humanity, wbinh, ho oglrled, d-
rato Ualm in my stors I sbl for abotlls ..,,. to' arums' and oft.o falsi mala
sod robbed lbs sffiicUd psrts Ihoroagbly dies. Pradeon wonld ergMt tbe
with it, aooording to directions, and prml on of lr. J. U. ieiaii s i,ir
itbio on boor I was oompleUly re- ' .. . lh. rtiv
lieved. Ons spptioatKiO bal done tbs
UualDMS. It is lbs lst iililtueul OO lbs
markst, and I sell it oader a poeitivs
g usrsolee. II T. Uarris. For sale by
Mocum Jobss'io iHvt Co.
as scmio as iinesibls. ami rsetor
eased orsaos lo healthy snd viforous
aroa. Prus II (JO pef Ixiltl.
Three sobool girls saw Durrani and
Hlaooba riding oo 0 I owsll street csr ol
I Ajon tbs dsy tbat Miss La mo at dissp-
psared. Attorney Qoiolso saw tbe
coo pis fsw blinks from tbs ehurcb 0
few minutes bofors 4 o'clock. Nowoomes
Mrs. Leaks, who ssys sbe saw Darraot
and Miss Latnout soter tbs oburob
fsw minutes later.
George King, lbs organist, bas already
testified IhetbsMlered Ihs rburob eboot
ft o'olork and ssw Durrani doming doo
from Ihs all to. fiorraet's bair was die
bsvaled.bislaoa was re-l, bs v a panting
f. brealb aod was to stats of nttor
pbyslnej and oarvoos eollspee. lo ao
swerto ioqairlesbesiplsioedtbalbebad
bs engaged in repairtsg elaotrlo wires
10 tbs orgao UA sod bed been ovsrooms
by tas. Ao etpsirt sleelrtsiso alter ward
Siamioad Ihs wires and testified ibst DO
reps Irs of the aalars Imrrssl el aim ad to
Lss Diado bad beo nade wilbio sit
grets very much to bear ot tbis trooble.
THK RttftNS Ut
J. I. refer m
ill fansrs k Sarisle4.
sal s US'
Tas Huts Iisi.i4sn. As iolimaU.1 lo
tbs last lasoe of the (laxetU, the case
Stfatosl Frank WbsUl-.oe sod H. M'irs,
ebargad ilb mvt Ut al I'eodlatoo, was
dismasd last Friday. The derision of
J'l ! Tarkeo was oiameoded s ovsry
si la, so oil La-1 broaie aotlssd Ibat
The ease of J. L Carter tod Mies Nel- I be biys wars looooaet Aflr lb dis-
lie Hieveos for tbebfBssiof sybofd satr- Biassl rl Ibis raae S'.n.e still Mievad
UiUodeolof t'ovio omaly, ls so- tbal Clef king was uMfsi. n'ir, , aft j (u ssss H save hst life.
Mrs. Kslle Kstn Hmlth, lbs leetorar
of lbs Oregoo IWoulsr TJotoo, Is Ul with
lypbold fever at John Day City.
Captaio Hweeney, U. 8. A., Han Diego,
Cab ssys : "Hhllob's Catarrh liewedy is
ths first tnedioioe I bave ever found Ibat
wonlj do me any gl." Prus bic.
T. W. Ayera. Jr.
Il Is reKirted that Male Ho pi. Irwio
ia now laying aieg lo lha heart ot one of
Untoo eoiiniy a fslr ladlM, aa only o
vi.liivnr can, during bis brief vacation
op there, look not for etartliog reeolis.
Jtv. J. M. Fhole, fovoMirly mioUUr
to Ibis any, le having quite 0 healed
oawapapcr ronlmvarey down al Malum
with 0 t hrulien Hrlaoltal. I bo papws
e!aim Dial be bas b"ld bis owo op to
The Oesalle is plesad to st sU that
lbs report that another paper was enoo
to be started at (Viodno U false. There
Is rerUiaiv oo room fur aomher paper
lo Ibat field. ID faot Ihe (.lobe wehrigbl.
newsy paper, aod apparently ahea4 of
lbs) too a.
IJvse 04
Tbomas, of
Tun Lancashirh Insurance Co.
Mr. Tb.
.. . k. .. ......... 1 f.w. I . ..l...i li ii i.s.rfb.1 that otsi- I efWl froso 0 dreadful f"Jd, S(preb-
towms sn...,, -, .. . . - ,rt.MllsiHS, Iie4 Wilbool fesall
ri niHiitisB aooooai 01 jii is r.asis sii roie io ra-in-j
llAr,rj : llsrlst. lb t.ilgrim print, or
Juatloo I rtvaxl lo PiM I look Vi'edaeeUy, bsvlrtg
from If sppnef "by bead. '
sapl sr-iaed lbs oeael for
aura a rlial.la ftaraslla.
f ir ber bot loo botlleo of IV. King s ,, diag 0 dai s work wba bo oookl
Sw lhwvry cmipMaly onred br J piailly da.Ual bis wsy.
Mrs. J. W. II are. wife of lbs sSsnff of
(1a(" enooly.eoo of lbs twal taowo
Cily, 111, was tol l by .f dWs sbe bad f,(
Hr.tatnt4ko 04 that there was Oo tvpe ' ,JfJ,
,!. al.a 11,. a lme.Lt oaa Loltls
bsviog bswo loierswtad in the format sabs al lbs el aot siy.t where UMtiog 01, H . Risg's Nw lH-ory aod lo two
t,rorlirfS pM to bis appoiotmeet as i remaias oere f.iooJ, whiob was svi leal- freaks was rorad. He IsDatuaaily tbsak
1, W j y rarri-. by blov llo4 be bo norder. It ss sorb Hs. of wb.eb ihe-,
jeos. .. .. " ' ........ ' ..a a.ni.lM. It.al urntl lh WioHeffal
Too history Ibos for Is Ibsl J. L. tar- ed fr bis osoosy it lo ik.iy ibai oo, fti- nn, n a.,,,! eo
lr onmrd Soot-I proeaadirgs, sad : w,,ai ksts had soy oa b peia-.o o t4, FrMlnal hoo al T. VV. Ayera.
Jo'lge Fee d-eidad sgaioel the fcUiol.il. 1 olbr art sen bave oa yrt bo fcode aal Jr., drag siore. IVfi'' o"-
Maodamns prvl(fcgs oero Ibeo lU ' II Is b'l pr..Ubie lb lhr will lesoo(ll.
toted by l-s liUv.oe, woo l.y b.f is IL. i-,w, r,r issm ba. o.... Jlf. y,,,,.,,,, s,,,, b. toonet
therlfcott eooilshd snsislba-l by lbs The l-tu Is glal to U.f of ll.e tf.ys wm koa lo lUrpoar, bavtog
b.tag s:arsl ao4 to ken ibat an (o- mkel 00 in Usm sstr.ie si prossf
lsivns rt too nnosu io-ti'"T
srssl9ies Ibsox lsa's.
la Or . sarmvlt aarl Jns.
Ing el Clsteop Ueeb 00 the 'id Ibst Tl.o
drs.ltu DS lertoW was loo SsOso of Ibo
sends I. Msoy will ro ember Mr.
Hare as oris of Ihs visiting Itnlghui drir.
log Its greed lodge t. Ueppoer In IW,
Now lo the lime to get tbe Weakly
(ft"0, IHo 1 t ee sparser of
the Weal. U Mb lhaO..hotb rri
ly lo a tvaa,for 000 . X V b-f
e-.tj liioaikrn vt a.prrs eao be ru U
10 Iks SieU. t-l we 0111 give aa 0
r-mBi'" 00 oddniooal )oral.iko Wb
IvA r.aeur, oa ermilhirel pr.
Oos in a4 nrwctlhe
Cars osw siso's