Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 16, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a aaep ronr subscription paid 19 fra
can keep four brand in free of charge.
Allrn. T. J.. Ion. Or. Hone GO on left
ahoalder; cattle Mime on left hip, under bit on
right ear, ana upper Dii on in len; range, mor
row eounty.
Armstrong.. J. 0.. AlDine. Or. T with bar on
der 11 on left shoulder of horses; oattie same
on left hip.
Allison. O. D.. Eia-ht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
ahoalder. Range, Eight Mile.
Adkina, 1. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A eon
mi on left flnk: cattle, same on left hiD.
Biiii. D. W aid sin. Horse branded D B
onthelert hin; oa tie the earn 011 left flink
crop off ri teat, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horaea
branded lEuD either shoulder, ttange in Men
nannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed R on left hip and thigh: aplit in each ear.
Brenner. Peter, iTOoaeberry Oregon Horam
branded P B on left ahoalder. Cattle aame on
aichl. Hide.
Bnrke. M Bt 0, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY conneoted on left hip. ciop off left ear, on.
der half crop on ngni. norsee, aame orana on
letft ahoalder. Range in Grunt and Morrow
""Sros'nan, Jerry, Lens, Or. Horaea branded 7
on right shoulder: cattle a on trie lerr aiae.
T Anf hntr nmn nd riirht ear noner sloDe.
Barton, Wm.. H ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh, oattie aame on right hip; aplit in
Brown'. Isa. Lexington. Or. Horaea IB on the
right stifle; oattie same on right hip; range, Mor-
..rnnf. '"f '
Brown. J. C Heppner. Or. Horaea, cirole
r ith An In tor on left hiD: cattle, same.
t. ii' r lna Hreiron Hnnutl W hap
Drown, .., w.. '
over It, on the (eft shoulder, Cattle same on left
Borer. W. Q.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or righ hip oattie, aame, With split in
Mnh oar.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder: oattlo. same on left hiD.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle. JB connected
on loft side; oropon left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox alley,
(irant comity,
r'nnaner Warren. Warnier. Or. Horsej brand
ed O on right stifle ; oattie (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and "pi it m each ear. Kange in
ftrant and Morrow aoilntiea.
Caln.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horaea on left stifle'
V with quarter oiroie over it, on ien snoaiaer
and on left stifle on all oolta nder !i years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
nnra in Qrant nonntv.
Cat. Chas. R.. Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; oattie same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Dmatllla counties.
Corrlgall. M M. Oallowny. Or -attle crop on
of fanh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forhad:
horses half circle f! on left ttiHe. Range Mor.
ow and Umaiilla oonrties.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
eaoh hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bii
in right ear, split in loft ear. Range In Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inrertad A and spear poin'
on shonlder. Kar markoa ewes, crop on left ear
pnnohed upper hit in right. Wethers, orop in
right and under half orop in left ear. AU rang
in Grant county.
Cook, A. J.,Ijena,Or. Horaea, DOon nghtshonl
der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark sqnara
orop off left and split in right.
Cnrrin. R. Y CurrinsTille, Or, -Horses, Won
left stifle.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, Cwlt
K in canter: horses. CK on left Mn.
Coohran, R. E., Monnment, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on lofi
shonlder: oattie same brand on both hips, mar
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapln, H., Hardman. Or. Horaea branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the aame. Ali.
brands CI on horses right thigh; oa t'e sam.
brand on right shoulder, and cut off. end o'
right ear
Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, R Don
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, 11 P
on left hin,
Ely. Brie., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hull
ir right ear,
Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horaea branded
0- reversed (1 with tail I on left shoulder ; cat
tlnsame on right hin. Range in Morrow oonnty
Florence, b. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF or
right hip; horses V with bar under on righ'
Klorenoe, 8. P. Hepnner. Or Horses, or
right horidn'; oattie, F on right hip or thigh.
Kronen., George. Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
WF, with bar oyer it. on left side; orop off lefi
ear. Horses, same brand ot left hip.
Gentry, Kliner, Kohu, Or. Horses branded H
H. with a quarter nimle oyer it. on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Omatillanonnties.
Hiatt A. H Ridge, Or.-llstfle round-top A
with quarter oiroie under It on the right hip.
llnnfe in Morrow and Tlmatillanonnties.
Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle.two bars
on either hip: crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh. Rangein Grant oonnty
Hughes, Hsmnel, Wagner, Or-J" IT r I
Coiiiuwted)on right shoulder on horna;onot Je,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear ami slit in left. Range in Hayatack
dlntrlnt.TrlriFWW nnnntv.
lisle, Milton, Wagnor, Or. Horses branded
-O- lost tie with parallel tails) on left shoulder
Cattle same on left hip also large circle on left
Howard J Ii. Galloway, Or. Hiraes faros
with h ir a'loye I) on right sho iMer; raf'l "same
on left side. Rang in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall. K Iwln, John Day. Or. Cattle E H on
riifht hin: hors sua no oil rUlit shoulder, llaiige
ill liraht oonnty,
Hughes, Mnt, Heppner, Or. Horaea, shaled
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co,
H'l'isHker, H A, Wagner. Or, -Horaea, V on left
a!iMiMr: caitle. ii on left hip.
Humphreys, J M Hardman, Or, Horses, H on
let flank
llnaion. I.nther, Right Mile, Or. Hors II on
the left shonldnran l heart 00 the left stilts Cat
tleaama on left htn. Range In Morrow eonnty
Jonea, Harry, llippn -r. Or Horaea hranled
H 1 on the left ahoiilder; cattle bra ided J on
right hip. also undurliit in left Mr, Hangs in
Morrow oonnty.
Jnnkiu, 8. M., Hpinr, Or. Horeas, horaa.
shoe J oa left shoulder. CatU. the asms,
liana nt fl.M Mile.
Johns in, Falli, Lne, Or. Wnraaa. elrelaT oe
left stilia; nalile. aame on right hip, oadsf half
orop in ri and aoltt 'n left ear
Kenny, Mike Heppner, Or. Horaea hraa4e4
KNT on left hip oattla aama and orop oft left
ar: nnder alopa nn tha right
Kirk J.T., Heppner. Or.-Horses M en left
honlder: cattle, a on left hip,
Klik. Jaaee, Hepimsr. Of. 1 horaa II nn left
kiHilder 1 oat Us aaiue on right side, nndarbit on
right ear.
knrnbarland.W.O.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lon
ealllaon right and left side. swallow fork in lift
ear and nmler niop in right ear. Horaea sain
brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant rxHiniy
lioften, Hisphen, Poi,Or,-H L on lefthip
on oattla. crop and split on right ear, Homes
aama brand left ahoal'Ur. Rang Urant
Lienallen. John W., I, (r.-Horaa
firand half-nltrl J I, eonnaoted on left ahmil
tier. aula, sain oa left bfu. Kanga, near U1
lo (ton
Uahey, J. W Heppner Or Hone branded
l.sno A oi left slionhleri cetila aama oa left
hip, wattle over right ie, Uirae aliia in right
lord, naorga, Maiipnar. Or.-Horaea brandart
double II rMM.nerU shtnsetiuiea oallatl $
wna II tm left shonliW,
Maria M. ' , Heppner, Or.-CetiU branded
rlol on right hip; li'ireata sain wn right si 1 lie.
Range in M tm ixmnly.
Minor, ttvmf, nappaer Or. tVtle, M ) in)
tight hip; horee H on left shinslder.
kl Hgai. H. N . HapiHter. Or.-Horax, M )
tw Ut ahmldi rail la eanaa oa left hip.
Mitnhell.Oaear. loaa, Or.-Horaea. II ua right
hip; eaitia, 7 oa right aids,
M'H'laiw, II. t , Hn.wnavllla Or,-llirsas,
Fianea .hi ah.i-il'lar, nettle, M1 o bin
Mlirr. Prank Fos Valley, Or -M il. ahm
With l,eviir nn can la na rib aa I an lar r
savh ear; honM aaa brand nn left etirU.
MMal,. naum.ia, trf.-n Hirraea.
with half Jir I an Ur ihi ieft ahoal I-wihi 1 aie,
f'lar Kara amwiel ins sop oa the right aula
Kant la ilnsnt t'oanty.
Nal Andrew. Uma lt.Kk Or -lloea 4 l .nv
Ah oa U'l ah tnl ler, eaill aana n hihtilta,
M'lnttka K., Hilverttm or. Hoeaaa.tireie u
l 'h.i ea'lla aa-ae .m left him.
Otlvas. Joa-fH. t'anr-M City Ih -Him eell'v
n ll hip na horaea, aama wa lefi thigh, Wn
la Gtanl e-vnnty
tlllf. I'arra. Ueslngtoa, IH.-t U wa raft
ah'-a. In
tllli Heraan. rialria City, tr.-4a rail la. O
I.p , left hpi l.aw oa left Mi g
and wanlana a ae Ha" la Orant anamtf,
I'aaraon. Illaia, r M Mil. It.- I hm,.up
lev lr"l ahi.i, nn UJ ahmi.lt an I M en i.ri
lop. aula. la let ear. 'ht ropaL M
on Uf hin nn Kiatil M'la.
fa-kar Ulaaaoa. Ilardvaa rr.. Mas IP oa
fl ah-Hl laf,
nw. r-a I. ln.M W Hiiras bran I
K (Is a ennnemal' Ma) !- ahl a eatlie
aaana rlgst hin Han re Mwe-iw enamy
I'H.f J. II . Ull ., Ih H Majaa. 41 ea,
ante ... left ahwl Wi aMiia, aaaia tm left hipv
an lav ha' ta aayh ear
r"'ra. A t '.. l-eaa, Or t Waaa dtaaiw.4 f ,m
- H.a ran, $ H J t, ra) tha
ft hia. itvieat eMw la Uft ear a4 all ta tha
H.M. salnpw. II art -a aa t -It waaa. eoa
gy.M. m I h i nw fM a 1
Haninaar 1 ana, 1 11-pear if -ll a-aaa. I snt
U'l ah il tf .
H taa Hum , Neon. O t iran Kra.W4 I
M li V.i U, eilila II ret Ik Ufl kip
re.s) J t.n aa I 4wip a aak, Maaga il
ftl kw awl a !"ittng a.Hnil
K-a-.-v Ulet lviar a, Ov H aa
baa 11 4 H mi nM ah el lr, vnl aayaas
eita nv bran I, eaylka aaaaa ngM hiBt
lla a ll ima ea-if
H oaa, w ai H iKirvvtlia, O.na arwaaM
w'h qaanaa Mfla fca ea aaiii a nM h
an I ea im aa an a-l. ta wr. I m
aa a hr,-l a Wt ia.i4ai, bafa ta 1 mrmm
limit a t "im aa nba.
Hint J W tlv.. ( -rf-waaa, tQ a
sfi av it4a. CaHI. 1) aa) rVfhl ktta
a..,if,i w
I a I-' at-l'
, " a'
.-, K m It-
. t A 'I awaVal
Mn- ! hId ava l
1 , ii.i tt '''
,. ... I I I f !
la a -a il m Mia .
Si.ni J.".a f " -a.l naaMa4
V-a)a a'.i ki- a aa as a m',' I
ye us it aa aaa .4aUw mi as, ii - I
in itrant eonnty.
Smith Bros . Hnaanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on sh.mlder: cattle, aimeon left Rhonlrier.
Hquires, Jamas. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shonlder: cattle the aame, also nose
waridle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam 00 inties
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 8 00
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J.. Heppner. Or. Cattle, H
on right tin ; aanulow-fork in left ear.
Swaggart. Q. W.. Heppner. Or. Horses, 44 on
left should"' ; oattie, 44 on left hip.
H perry, E. G, Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip. crop off right and nnderbit in left year,
aewiap; horses w v on lert shonmer.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, on
lerr shoaloar: cattle. 2 on lert shoulder.
Tipneta.S.T.,Eaierprise,Or. Horsee. C-on left
Turner R. W.. Heppner. Or. Small capital . T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
wirn spur in norn eara.
Thornton. H. M., lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
VanderDool. H. T.. Lena. Ct Boreas H V eon
neoted on right shoQlder;cattle, same on right
Walbrtdge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses. D. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear Bnd right ear lopped.
Wilson, Jonn tj Salem or Heppner, Or.
Horsos branded Jq on the left shonlder. Rangr
Morrow oonnty.
Warren. W B. Caleb. Or Cattle W with nnarter
oiroie over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horaea aame brand on left shonlder. KaturaiD
Grant conuty.
Wade. Henry. Heppner. Or. Horaea branded
aoe of apndea on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle brandon1 same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City. Or On home
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheen
nit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner
Woodward. John. Hennner. Or. Horaea. Dl
oonuentnd on left shonlder.
Watkins. Lishe, Heppner, Or, Horses branded
CE oonneotedon left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. Hxooner. Or. Cattle. W ot
"""'ilpitiwir iu laib ru , iH.inrw., o UU rtaH
ahoulaer snmr aame on left, shoulder.
t. ..I . l.fi V. TP V. ,
Whittier nroa., nuntingvon. Baker Co.. Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Onarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattie am
horaea. Range Grant oonnty.
Williams. J O. Liong Creek. Or Horses. nna
ter oiroie o7er three bars on left hip: oattie same
ann aur in earn ear. nange in Hrant oonnty
Wren. A. A.. Heooner. Or. Horses runninaA A
on shoulder; Cattle, aame on right hip.
ioung, J, Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand?1
eq on the right ahonlHe-
When von urm nhnnt tn V.mw m Zmmif.tr atv,tn
do not be deceived by alluring advertisement
and be led to think you can get tiuo best made,
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for Its dura
bility. You want the one that
ii easiest to manage and it
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanical con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has aa many
improvements as tha
New Home
It baa Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike
on both sides of needle (patentttt), no other has
it j New Stand ( patentgtf), dnving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
tha minimum.
OBAitna, Miss. Boaron, Miss. B ITloos aorias, N. T
CHICA'IO, it&. NT. Loua, Mo. Pil.US, Tsus.
Ham t'aajioisoo, atlaxtA, ua.
C. THOMPSON CO., Agents,
H'llner, Oregon.
SAMPLt PACKACt ii 'cV.'.'iti":.
.SViri FnitifiVo Office,
So. 310 Sultrr Slrrrt.
atriiiiy. h.ak af tbaw it .!..(
la las k"ty maa a auea ana
lamnall fanny Ma. Sail ft
I '"-a saivitailt ai. a f.ae s
kMt fMsn,e mi mm ca
4. ne. 4 la t anail tymt kM II..
r-ronl ef lHa ik.li .). mmt
tat a aitk aav h ra4 Is ks t sa
a-f. Iba ( en ifal 1 1 a bn iaan
ra.eMat, ca.iae. ai 4 a Iota
aaaaw pa. In, aa4 trlhai A prraa
Ilk U'l tivai (4 laaaik win tarn,
eiifcit nK t l lllrrary eil'Stlloas
mt aenft s Mafacaa Ike Ar
i' Ilia) In..!.. 1. a a kaa as
sav s4 SH, ahi,k am ta ran
I'leanrs le ka a-arnigraal ail part
am ..f n.s. I' V, 1 i imU Hm
rfa.r4 f.tnw tha (-eai a aiiar kt
la lHrp., lh k. ! calualtal Ml
I. nag tuarf a lata, akat am
l Uae le aa. ry .Uf M is
l aa.wrai's ktarar na f. l-t ta
t nf uia ayl. wi an ass
V4ii S'4 I Ha l.p.o 1
an.a Va a.ai aihi fr, ika
. S'l-al rVawa th a sa lalils
..11 a aal.4 sMlu.a la
4 tj I'ha4 la aa, a lialal c4 Iba II ga
t4 1 '' ,h a- rU sn ae un.
VV I '" s' u a. or. .,.
il ' 1fc fkl "l ltrata ia
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lainaquMiaiai lUaaj
J.eeie.a i. m -aaa hiMlo,
IS 14 lie ., kaa 1 at
1 ka ta a aant a-.aar-aa n
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.ri.a 1. ia.aa
IT I a ( IK - m t'ai
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a a le4r-ea. A lih, a4
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" aa a. sawy ua ..ta aaa imi at
W. ate aasKsaBaw 't. yva
OTb. Ihamk Is aa atifsillng ledrt
rfciiaaiiw 1 k ...r 1 , , ia
tllialx a Slt.g l.l grral ai..ai
and lnai.raa. 4 ul, a.n.a I. iL
haiulaii4 1 n. iba lh..n,bot tUm
I or auae4 hl.aa aiHl tnia.
I 11
O) 0. n
ou uo uuo
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on 0. R. & N.
Agt nt at Heppner, t r address
Gee Phbr. Agt.
Portland, Obeoon.
Sciri Franoisoo
ind all points in California, yia the Mt. Bhasta
route of tha
Southern Pacific Co.
i"hm irreat highway through California to all
poiiita Kast and South. Grand Hoenic lloute
Of the Pacific toast. Pullman Buffet
Hleepere. Beoond-cl&ss Bleepers
Attached to eiDrese trains, afforriins annanor
ouoininodatlons for aecond-olaas passengers.
For rataa, ticksts. sleeping car reseryations,
'to. call noon or addreea
i. KOEHLKK. Maiianer. E. P. ROGEEH. AssL
len. r. A P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
Mor.t Modern and progressive
Kur rslalogue or li.fiiniiailun wrllc to
New Haven. Conn.
The eompa rati varslus of these twocardt
I known to most persona.
They Illustrate that grtsttr quantity la
Not always most to be desired.
These cards esprsss tha beneficial quel
Ae cemparsd with any previously knows)
Rlpeae Tsbutts i price, 50 eente boa.
Of dni(late, ar by mall.
irikl CMIMICIL CO.. 1 0 Isrnce N T.
aa. r3H. la. J
1 -i 4.
41 'Jl'i . fv" V -i r
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s. lanaim i .aa, U a.. ii la at oars
l.y ikia,.i 1; ,,,.
Ykaaa lla.v..t (ras Baaa Vf V4aa4j
saflKaf44 kaa-iakaeoa Has'.ai 'ayTaXSI
kMIHa pawMln,,,,,, . 'a my
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I aaiaflaaki. 1.. n.ik.t 4 1 Hf
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aaj rt-awaaavvaVWa
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Simplest, yVj'jl Ea.ale.at
Wrongest, s'fc Jnl J Working
5olld A13.P J IJXJ Most
Top Jf3r ccur,,e
Receiver. vQatSr Compact,
1.7 1
r- "J t tl a
"I wish to' froodnesa," said the man
from over Kinnemahoninjr way, "that
I could remember haH what my father
used to tell about snakes. I really do.
I do indeed. I suppose that if my
father had been telling' about snakes
that lived anywhere else except on the
Sinnemahone spread I could have re
membered everything. Hut, Lord! It
would take a man with nine memories,
every one of 'em phenomenal, to re
member even a little bit of what them
sinnemahoning snakes did, because
they did so much. They were always
doing; something, and doinij it well. I
wish somebody would simply give me
an inkling of what there is in that Sin
nemahone atmosphere that makes
things have so much more snap in
them than things have anywhere
else on top of earth. Even grasshop
pers." Now, I know heaps of places
where there is twenty times more grass
than is on the Sinnemahone. As for
that, Sinnemahone doesn't run particu
larly to grass. We slash out a good
many hooj poles, and we peel consider
able of bark. We do a little in the
maple sugar way, and our 'taters ain't
few to the hill. But we don't brag on
our grass. Then why should grass
hoppers Beem to like to settle down
with us so much, and get to be so over
powering smart among us? I give it
up. I don't know. But to prove to
you that they do. I'll tell you some
thing. I don't pretend to explain these
things, mind yon. I simply give. you
the facts.
"Vou know, of course, that there
ain't any better bait for trout along
late in the season than grasshoppers.
Our Sinnemahone grasshoppers know
that well, and I want to tell you that
it's a hard matter to'run one down and
catch him when you want to go fish
ing. But I used to manage, by various
slick bits of strategy, to get enough to
fish with, but it was hard work, and so
I was delighted one day, being over to
the county seat, to see in a store an
artificial grasshopper, with a hook
concealed about it. The grasshopper
was as natural as life, and I saw at
once that there wasn't any use of my
pitting myself any longer against our
smart Sinnemahone grasshoppers to
get bait, when I could use the artificial
grasshopper to fool the trout with, and
1 bought it. It worked to a charm. I
think the trout went for it better than
they did for the real thing, for I have
an idea that they knew how smart our
Sinnemahone grasshoppers were, and
were kind o' fraid of 'em. I used that
imitation grasshopper with great suc
cess. "I had a tame trout in a spring near
my house. It had been in the spring a
year. It was a big one. I had caught
it one day on a Sinnemahone grass
hopper, and as the hook hadn't hurt it
much I put it in a pail of water and got
it home alive and active. I put it in
the spring and it lived and thrived. A
funny thing was that the grasshopper
I caught the trout with wasn't killed
by the trout nor by the hook, lieint:
"o '"lii a .uua toe ki'ussiiopper
off the hook and tossed it on the
ground. It moved away, but was
minus one leg. Its eyes were just as
bright as ever, though, and aa I re
member it now, it kind o' shook its
head and looked volumes as it limped
away, headed straight for my place. 1
don't kno.v where that crippled grass
hopper wintered, but when warm
weather came next year I give you my
word that grasshopper waa the first I
saw on my place. It was perched on a
saw horse iu my bade yard. I recog
nized it at once, bnd it seemed to rec
ognize me, for it shook its head and
had u queer look in its eye as it limped
on one leg along the strv horse, tum
bled off and stumped awny.
" 'As long as I've got a place,' said I,
'that grasshopper has aclaim on it, and
anyone that hurts that grasshopper
must settle with me!'
"Well, sir, that grasshopper hung
around the place, and hobbled about
In a melancholy sort of way. but al
ways with that queer look in its eves.
Every time it met me it settled down
and shook its head, spit tobacco Juice,
as grasshoppers will, and stumped on
Its way. 1 know now that that grass
hopper had vengeance on IU mind, and
was only biding its time.
"This was the season I pot the
artificial grast-popper. I frequently
aaw the crippled real one sittinir on
the flat Mime over the spring where
my pet trout waa, glaring down at the
trout ami slinking ita head In start
ling way. The grahhuper reinem
Wred that this was the trout that hud
crippled It, ami it went to the spring
to glure at the trout and show its hate.
1 uaed to Ireinlile for It, for my trout
Just doted on graaihopirra, and I was
fearful teat this poor crippled one
might tumble in the spring and thus
give up the rest of Haelf to the fiw that
had larrrfl il of its leg.
"One day I had been fishing with my
artificial graaahopper. I rime in, took
the leader olT my line, with the Imlta
li.ui grsaalmpper on It, and laid it on
the back st.n.p, being called away for
something or oilier. When I went to
get the leader len or fifteen minutes
later it w goiin. I looked around,
but couldn't .lint It. .Suns time) after
ward I started fur the spring to get a
pad of water, and as I drew near I saw
tht crippled graaahopper dragging
itarlf up on the flat alone that covered,
or half covered, the spring. 1 topped,
ml then saw Ihst the grasshopper
was dragging something up along
with IL I started when I saw that It
was my miaaing leader. My first lm
mle isss to go and recover my prop
arty, but on second thought I didn't.
"'This imf'Tluiiale graaaltopraar,'
reasoned, 'has some purxae in view,
l et ua are what It may be.'
"I s-touaaw. Crowing near the flat
stone over the spring wss a currant
bitah With errt delil era Ion f.
1. 1,'' il r-."pa-r .a. a- one rn.l
my leader In its mouth and hobbled
round and round the bu.h, winding, as
I could see, the leader sUmt It t he
...11 .1,1 hornier ha. Iwn I vt '
up vo the stone and lay Uute ta fail
lew llsntid taken a firm Uiuh iin
the Iradrr about the stem .f the cur
tsi.l bttali, the et.grful rripoled graaev
hopper puh4 Its c uuterj art present,
meat aUxtf toward the e.lje of the
strttie, and when It rescued there,
shoved II over Tbe artiUrlal grata
hopi' Ml. and there waa Insular
enough left to let It Just touch the
lia'htly There was Caen apj
r:sh ia th w-aiifr. lad ihe nest in
Ust toy pet irraji wi, dishlnf wuU.t
Unt in tie pficjr. t.a k.d rn the
la.I!y lure ana I'layeU l-y tUe litt-.Wr
Jtrsut Itl 1 i: bt,t il ai a lr. e
f fiUi,.' . 1 ,
1 -I oa Vn 'V ; ,.f stvi'. I,i.f
W al t .e . ;.at ai.i 11 U4 rrv.u,'t
i .. m.4 k, ,.. i
Miss Delia Stevens, of Boston, Mass,
writes: I have slwsys suffered from
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vsrions remedies, and many reliable
physicians, but none relieved me. After
;akin 6 bottles of
I am now well. I
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told aeonv. and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
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Treatise on
Blood and Skin
Diseases mailed
tree to any ad
dress. CURED
easily have saved the trout.
" 'But no!' I said. 'It is but retribu
tive justice! Let it stand!'
"In a short time the trout was dead.
The crippled grasshopper hobbled off
of the stone and disappeared. I never
saw it again. Will somebody give me
an inkling of what there is in that
Sinnemahone atmosphere that makes
things have so much more snap in them
there than things have anywhere else
on top of earth? Even grasshoppers.
Will some one 6imply give me an ink
ling?" Not even the man in the red, blue,
piuk, yellow, green and purple mack
inaw jacket seemed capable of utter
ance, and the man from Sinnemahon
ing way had to go without his inkling.
"Oh, yes! Snakes!" said he, sud
denly brought to himself. "Lord! 1
wish my father was herel But he isn't;
Lie couldn't be, very well. lie left the
banks of the Shinnemahone for the
same of Jordan, some years since. My
father was a fiddler, and if he is play
ing the harp half as well as he played
the fiddle, he isn't taking a back seat
for anybody on the other shore, and
I'll bet on it! And how he could tell
about snakes! It's a shame the way I've
forgot most of the things he used to
tell me about 'em, but I remember one
that may strike you as a tolerable fair
showing as to what Sinnemahone
snakes were able to do in the days o.
my father, sinnemahone snakes are at
the head of the serpent race yet, of
course, but in those days they had the
benefit of my father, and they simply
"The blowing adder was always a
big favorite with my father. The blow
ing adder, you know, is that interest
ing snake that has the faculty of flat
tening out its head to about four times
its natural size, then puffing it up, and
then blowing a small gale from its
mouth for a few seconds. I never knew
just what they gained by doing all
this, but they do it, and that's enough.
The blaeksnake was another snake ray
father liked, but somehow they never
liked him, but they feared him, and
when he wanted to use 'em they
knuckled right down and were used.
"Once my father had a pet blowing
adder and a blaeksnake thut he wanted
to be a pet, but which had a feeling
against being one, and just wouldn't.
It didn't dare to rebel altogether,
though, and learned the tricks my
father taught it, and did them, but
kicked like a steer all the time. The
blowing adder, on the other hand, was
fonder of the old man than a cat of
her kittens, and never lost a chance to
show it. One of the tricks my father
taught the rebellious blaeksnake was
to take a match in its mouth, reach
back and scratch the match on its scaly
side, and then rise up on its tail and
light father's pipe as he held it in his
mouth. It was a neat trick, and used
to please father next to knowing that
the little jug with the corncob stopper
in it wasn't empty.
"Whenever father went to his cabin
In the woods for a hunt he always took
Jehosaphat and I'rudence with him for
company. .lehosnphat was the blaek
snake and Prudence was the blowing
adder. Once, w'hile out on one of these
trips, father was taken sick with rheu
matism in his cabin, and lay on his
bed of straw, unable to move hand or
foot. Jehosaphat cheered up and
got chipper at once.. He tumbled all
over himself, father used to say, he
felt so good. And he felt more than
that. He had murder in his heart
While fnther lay there helpless the
wicked snuke took a match In his
month, glared like n fiend in father's
face for a moment, atruek the mulch
on hi side. Just the way the old man
had taught him, ami then ilelilierately
set Hie to the straw on which my father
lay helpless. With one more ilrndiah
glare at my father Jehoaaphat lied
from the cabin.
"Imagine my father feelings lying
there unable to move, and that fire
creeping slowly toward him: lie saw
110 eacape from a horrible death. Hut
he didn't know I'rudcuce, the blowing
adder. That loving snake woke from
nup In her corner, and soon saw the
aw ful danger my father was In. She
dashed over to the burning straw, flat
tened out her head, and w ith one tre
mendous puff blew out the blaie."
"Mnnemahone:" exclaimed the man
In the red. blue, pink, yellow, green
and purple maekmaw jacket, "let me
tell ye sumpln"! That blowln' adder
mowt a blowed out that blate, but
there ain't no Mowin' adder, nor sweep,
in' gale, norhow lln' eyrlone that kin
ever blow out the blare youll git Into
one o" these dsys, an' when ye git there,
Jist remember that 1 told y ao!H N
Y. Hun.
A Nrw HHi.Ks.t woman Increased
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