I A i i NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! KESTJLT OP USING AYER'SPILLS "Ayer'g Cathartic Pills for over thirty years hare kept me in good healthy never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con. stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my trouhles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this areincdy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly "restored. With my children I had no iced that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had tire pleasure of knowing that with children, as with parents, Ayer's Pills, it taktm in season, avert all danger of aickttess." H. Wettstein, Bvron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sareaparilla Strengthens the System. The crew of 50 nieu, employed on the H ppuer branch id ri-movin: the steel rails and replacing them with rails of I lighter weight, completed their wort and departed yesterday. About Bit miles of track was worked over in Ibis manner. The milt removed will be nRed on the Washington division where the travel is muoh greater. During the pant week the Beppner trsio bat tnade a special run down as far as Lexington every morning to gather up the rails for shipment. Sometime ago I was takeo siok with a cramp in the stomach followed by diar rhoea. I took a onuple of dolte n'f Cham berlain's Colio, Ckntafa and Diarrhoea Remedy aud was immediately relieved. OoDHldvr it tbe b-st medicine in the. market for all such complaints I have sold the remedy to others and evervoDe wni uses it speaks hmblv of it. J. W. Striokler. Valley Center, Cal. For sale by Slooiim-JobDBon Drug Go. The Wilhoit stuee was held tin ajkin ltst Tuesday, making the second robbery on inis line during tile .present month ' ne roooer rei-eived the Dallrv Bum of $10 and the off -r of a Udy'a gold wnteb. wDlcb he courteously refused. More than $500 wns oirried on the Ders n of the pasHenifers, but as the robbr left the matter of digging up to their own getier o-ity, be failed to secure this sum. John D. Hollidav, a prominent stook man or umvesTon, ivxas. is now in Heppoer stopping at the Palime H'lfel it is reported that, Mr. Holhday comes to Oregon to look np a good location fur a sheep shearing pen with shearing ma ehinerv. and that this is tht object of his visit to Heppner. W do not believe h onnld find a better locaiion than at t is point. The smoky condition nf the atmos here sai rounding Heppner is said to bn tl.e worst ever known, rbi" same din dition is reporer wll.over Enatein Ore. uon, aid also diwn in the Willamet'e valley. Portland also c 'mplHin. at th same smoky atmosphere. Freest fires in Oregon tM fall are reported to be very great and des motive. D W. Ralston, a trferaber of tbe firm that started two train loads of stook from Oregon to Chicago markets last 8atnr lay, returned Tmsday niuht, having nly gone as far as Hnntington. Id company wilb T. A Rhea he I ft I t Orant oonnty eterday to gather np an ither train load to be snipped Septem her 1st. The Whetstone-Moore Hearing Now ia Pro gmw-BflifVed to Be laaocent Asother flew. SUN IMON iTUtlWEPlTHUl FRipAT JhS6T 8 9 to It 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 9 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 I g6 1 27 I 26 1 29 1 30 31 TIME TABLE. THE PENDLETON MCRDEK CASE. Huge for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, lonn pay nd tanyon City, leavea a lollowi Every dv at S a. m.. except HiiiiiUt. Arrive every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. Ths cheapest, qulokent and beat line to or from the Interior rnnntry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Axont. You can get the beat beer In Hi'ppniT at U. B. Ted rows's, ft cenu per glaaa, 4ww If you want the flneat liquors, cltiara, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle repairs and will fix ynnr wheel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the nnniber of wheels is rapidly increasing, tbis will oertsinly be pleasing news to those wbo are so fortunate as to own s hike. tf. Mr, Natnnael Mortonsnn, a well knowD oitizen of fhperaing. Mich., and editor Knnerior Poeteo, who. for a long time, suffered from the msl exornciating pains of rbenmatism, was cured, eiabt years go, by tsking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, hav ing never felt a twinge of it since. Oid Halt's blaok onb bar, which es. osped abont two months since was brought back last Wednesday It was OapMirad a few days after its escape on a fence, by Uan Uarlow on bis ranch out in tbe Eight Mile country. There is no question about this being Gid's bear, as all recognize it at sight. Tbe hair, when not properly oared for, loses its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh and dry, and falls out freely with every comb ing To prevent this, the best dressing in the market is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It imparts that silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Ben Mathews is now sole proprietor of the city meat market where be keeps a fresh supoly of beef, pork, nmtton, veal, sausage, bsoon and lard, which be sell for the lowest market price. Fred Bock, tbe Portland batcher, is still with him. tf Wm. Dunn, onndnrtnr on the Hpp- tier branch, accompanied by bis family, returned last Friday evening from a month's vacation. The nioDth was pleasantly speut, so Billy ays, at Bonne ville, Portland aud tbe seaside. Having used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family ano found it to be a first class article. I lake pleasure in recommending it to mv friends. J V. Foster, We' port. Cel. For sale by Hlo oum Johnson Di ng Co. Judge Freeliind, wife and brother and County Supt. Miss Anna JUIs ger and brothers, r turned home last Monday As mentioned in 1'aesday's issue ot the Gazette, the charge ot laroeby against Frank Whetstone and "Kid" Mooe at Pendleton was dismissed last Monday morning, when they were charge ed with the teriible Srime ot murder in tbe flr&t degree. The former charge was simply a trumped np affair, and was put off from day to day by tbe state until Monday, when the larceny charge was dismissed and tbe prisoners were immed iately rearrested on a complaint charg ing them with robbing Qeorge H. Clack ing, in the Transfer House, and, while oomrritting tbis Crime, murdering tbe victim, Clacking, and then burning the hotel to onver np the crime. From tbe start the officers looked upon tbe burn ing of the hotel with suspioion. Clues were followed, persons were shadowed and evideuoe weighed. Gradually the couviotion was reached that some awfol crime bad been committed before the tire begun. The same impression was oreated in the minds of many oitizens. The investigations finally reaohed suoh a stage as, in tbe opinion of tbe officials, to warrant holding Whetstoi.e and uoore. wno were docketed as prisoners on the above oharge. The evidence was carefully gathered by Distriot Attorney utwrey sua auenrr uonser. The ex amination was set for 3 p. no. Tueeds-y before jiistioe Parkes. W. M Pierce appeared promptly it this hour as conn- oil for tbe defense, but Lawrey asked a continuance until tbe same hour Wed nesday, because of thesiokness of one of the state's chief witnesses, a bright boy named Dearborn, who, while Confined to his room at Phil MoBriau's boarding bouse, oo Court street, claims to have overheard the two accused men oountiDg and dividing the money, Great excitement has prevailed since tbe arrest Monday, and slihougb tbe trial was again continued to 10 a m yes terday, many olews were being ran down and stories investigated. Tbe finding of a bloody dirk near the hotel at fi'St cre ated considerable interest, but was later explained by Allison who lost it while carrying property out of his saloon be fore burned by tbe fire. Tbe money oounting story was also told aud re-told with intense interest, though defense claimed that it money was counted, it was lucre) that bad been won from a "suoker." On tbe Dight ot the fire 840 was deposited by the boys to be placed in tbe Transfer house safe, and when ar rested Thursday evening it is olaimed that a considerable sum ot money was found oo them, tbongh just how much the officers will not say. When tbe state asked for a oontina- anoe from day to day It began to look as though they did not have a strorjg esse, in faot it usually so impresses a casual ob server, but ia tbis instance tbe state ex plained "that a benious crime bad been committed, sod a ooDtiouanoe would do no injustice. ' Yesterday morning Justioe Parkes' room was crowded, as it was learned that tbe state would be ready to prooeed. Shortly after 10 a. m., when all the "con tracting parties" bad arrived, court was opened and oontinued throughout tbe day. A great deal ot evideuoe whs sub mitted, though it was mostly torn down. And while the esse was a strongly con tested one, last evening when oourt ad jonrned many who first thought the boy guilty bud o hanged their opinion. The case will probably be concluded today when it ia the general opinion of several who have heard the testimony tbat it will bd dismissed for "want of evidence." The following telegram received by AM EASTERN OREGON PHUDIGY. Tbe following clipping, rich with truth, from a v alley ekabange is well worth publication for tbe benefit of our East ern Oregon readers I Tbere was in' at tendance at tbe recent session of tbe grand lodge ot Workmen beld in Port laud last month, a Certain young editor, full of self-importance, whose egotist ioal style, guilded with ignoranoe, attracted more tbau passing notioe Especially was tbis noticeable oo the exoureiou down tbe Columbia river. Wnile gazing at tbe many sights in Portland, be chanced to learn of tbe arrival of a young lady, who ha very ably filled tbe position of oity editor Oo oneot tbe East ern Oregon dailies during the past year. Knowing that she belonged to tbe press of that seotion ot the state, be thought of course she oertaioly knew of him and hie ability. He at oDoe sought ber nnt and addressing her said, "This is Miss , of the Pendleton Tribune, I be lieve?" Tbe lady assured him tbat she was tbat identical person, when be hastened to assure ber that she must certainly know of him. "Why," said be, "I am tbe editor and proprietor of tbe Antelope Herald. I started that paper a tew years ago, io faot before 21 years of age, and I am yet the youDgest editor in Oregon. My field is small, but then wilb my ability, I find oonstant employ ment. Yes, I am a violinist, leader of tbe orchestra and play for all the dan ess for miles around Antelope. Do this for pastime pleasure, you know. I am also quite an athlete, very foud o' baseball. I organized the first team my town ever bad. Am hIro quite a foot racer. Wore tbe ohampionstilp belt ot that vicinity for a long time. I belong to tbe Work men lodge. Have beld every omce in my home lodge, and have temporarily filled a grand lodge position formerly ooonpied by Senator Dolph. I am jus tice of the peace and U. 8. land commis sioner. Deal oat all the justice and look after all tbe final proofs on land in southern Wasco. I am married and have twoohildren, I ." A frieud called tbe lady reporter at this instant, who was by this time almost soeeohless. And bad it not been for tbe interruption this versatile parasite would probably still be lauding himself. We have ofteo heard of tbe proliBo clime and produc tive soil of Eastern Oregon, but bardly thought it capable ot producing suoh a ouriosity as this "I am" from Antelope. Ordinarily the Gazette would stand up in defense of any brother journalist when assailed in this manner, and would be very slow to believe sucb a report. But from tbe many false statements and insulting artioles published by this gen tlemanly (?) editor we are not surprised at the above, in tact are inolined to be lieve tbe inoident really happened This ongbt to be a valuable lesson to tbe writer who holds down the editorial tri pod of tbe Antelope Herald, and in tbe future the Gnztte begs to suggest that be look after bis owo soul salvation. Catarrh troubled me tor 11 years, t hat taken four bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparilla and am perfectly cared. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal, and believe that many who are in oor health and have become discouraged, would be restored to good health it they would only give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial " Wm. J. Bksbch, Astorla.Ore. IlUUUd rilia naia.haad.che. 15c It i.eaiia Them All. The "Cydone" Thresher. fKUWSW srf'-K. 3trt If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HOttSE POWER "GK SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Trices. h tallica E:i!3 S Threshsr Co, PORTLAND. OREGON. pecial aJLet XVJXrX, & SLOCUM, Dealers in General Merchandise -WILL OFFER THEIR- Organdies, Dimities, Malls, eta, ftt the following greatly reduced pricey: Orisandles 25c., redncea to 15c. per yard. Mulls 25c., reduced to 16o. per yard. Dimities 12 to 15c., reduced to Wc. per yard. Gents' Straw Bats 75c to II 00, reduced to 25 and 68 cents. Gents' Summer Kt' bed Underwear 50c., reduced to 85 cent. Ladies' Dndervesti lOto 'iOc., reduced to i to 25 cents. Line of Boys Laced Shoes 11.25, red .ced to 80 cents. Best line of Ladies' 10c. hose ever offered for sale. Bargain Counter loaded down with remnants of every fabric im aginable at prices never before equalled. Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Groceries complete in every respect at prices that will more than favorably compare with those previously announced by competitors. Special attention called to oar Shoe Department Call and ex amine both goods and prices. PIONEER BRICK, "West Side Main Street, ... Heppner, Oregon. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. McFarlaud Mercantile Oo, will pay oah for wheat, barley, bides and pelts. farmers should call uud nee tnem. a It you want to rent a bioycle or set re- paira for nanie, call on Ike Ennis at big btcyole livery, power bouse. Green Matbews for Btiavioc, hair- cutting, sbbmpoomif auu all otber work id tbat lioe. Baths at aoy time dunog business boars. Meadows & Sonvner, tbe blacksmiths, borxesboers and wood butchers, at tbe old Quun stand, Main street, Heppner, Call oo tbe boys. Last evening at tbe opera house concert was given for tbe benefit of tbe mite society of the M. E. church. Tbe program, though not leugthy, was ap propriate for the occasion, and whs listened to by a fair siz-d andieuoe The following is tbe program as remler ed: Quartette, Mrs. McDowell aud Mrs (itrrigne, Mr. Haling and Mr. l'tterou solo, Mrs. McDowell; solo, Mina brown uet. Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. tiarri trues; solo. Mrs. McDowell; quartette, Mrs. MoUowell siiil Mrs. (iarrigues Mr. Haling and Mr. l'attersou. the tliiZHtte this morning, which is prob- fmni u I, nut WuAi.tion tin ii. Ilia, Itllia mountains at LUIe prairie. All report a i hl iu llii",,f . clearly indicates Here and There. Millions ride the Humbler. Ike Ennis has bicycles to rent E. O. Hloan is oo the sick list. The Niles-Vinaon, Marble Works, Walla Walla. Wash, La Grinds MarbU Work, La Grande Ore. H. O. Smith, salesman, Uopuer. Deo Hitsbeimer, of Portland, was in terviewing ileppoer men-hauls this morolng. Mrs. T. A. lib departed for Tbe Dalles rstrdy afternoon where sbe will visit with friends. Wauled 1'laio or fancy wiog. Will go to the bona or lake sewing at boms. Mrs. Mary ileoderson. . J. A. Patttrtoo aol wife returned bone last Ttirs lay evening from a weeks eojoaro at ibe coaat. Uiev Hveoson, of IXiuglaa, one of Murww onuuty's bright ouug Uly ecboul tfarlmra, was to this city )e. tvrday. E IUe, who baa helJ dowo Kngi .f I'altareon' place during the Uttar'e veeattno. retornvd to The llls VYsd Dteday. J. U. Downing sod son MolrT, of Coodoo, were io llrpptier over, Tuly onbl on tbetr way home from tulef viail kt Dakrr City. George Ntle returned boms from I'tndlvlog latTaedar WeDltig. Dur ing hie aWnee be baa rol a f tke at Teal spueg. L Frvorb. who started over the trail late last spring, rrloro'd to llPpor laat Tnisr niig. lie left toe crew t Hod Wpiiogs. Idaho. Tbe O.K. N. rittrs. who bsve be rptrieg Ibe st -ek 'ds at tbe dp"l. eiropl-lJ Ib'ir "i d. parted erdy riro-o pleHsaut time, Lost Recently on tbe streetsof Repo rter a door key, hraea handle, with steel Htnge or key. It is thought that mark oo handle whs No. 1) Finder will oonfer favor by returning sxnie to tins oflloe. Found On the streets of lleppnrr recently, a lady's pot k t book rnntaio ing a mall snm of money. Owner ran have earns by culling at this ( III 'e. des crthing the property and paying for this notice. Mrs. M. Lelmlieter has a full Stock of fine mil linery and ts selling the same at very reasonable figures. Sim ia Incited in lbs Llnhtentbal building, esst side Main street stld oprxit the Oity lintel, Shilo's Ours is sold on gnarsntee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Oougb Cure only one cnnl a do. i'i cts.. Th) ots., and SI. Hold by T. W. Ajer. Jr. A. W. Wii r, Jr , arrive 1 Monday evo ing and is now visiting with bi psien's, Prof Wiei and fm Iv of thi cly. Mr. Wtr is one of this year's graduates for Ann Arbor. I'h'l J. Itrady. reptewnting Si-!', 1 1 .-1 10 'i k WitnJwarrl, was in Hrpprnr ovi-r Welueilay nigbl, departing es terday. Klmr Flwnra is pu'ting np iiuild ing Io ie nl as a phot -graph gallery aorox Ih street from the npera b ue. Emile Mars, lh well knowo repre. seutaliveof Ms'S it Jnrgensn, of Port laud, was to II' ppner ti is morning. Jndge Keithlry is carrying bis ban tin sling, a a result ( bsving badly Btaahed hi fl' grr s nftltn siunn. I)o0 Vanghno rt irbn I home Snndsy veking li from ! m i'iih'a hml urH llt over in tt'snl c-mi.ty. I M by let Vosf A Hekl tr.r i Wl.eo thonswuds i f p-op! f tskio r, u- m. ..r... i v v i Har.spsrdU to overcome It ....... WW. , -! ... .i l i.. v.. ..iwak-.ees I languor wbieo are ' ' ' . r-mrtiori si Hits aon, wbt via no1 ,w linery in ti.e i.umi ami b,s ,, f lb. Mm, f WUb y0 seow thai fsmily have always found lh very tl H kiI's WrirllU ha) twiwar to ror rt.nui'Wo. tppis sail a.) rtiaess the alove feeling: tiNi.LBToN. Or, Aug. 16 Gazette, Ueppuer, Or 1 Tue eiaiumatioo pro- cetled all day yesterday and np to date, ot a scintilla of ooovloting evidenoe Keeling is strong tbnl Whetstone and Mimre are not guilty, althnngb it is be lii-ved Hint someone rommitled murder Preliminary hreriog will probably be completed today While tbe feeling that Whetstone and Moore sr Innocent is spreading, yet, as Ibe above telegram would indicate, tbe llief tbat aomeoue emmitted murder bits not abated. On tbe same traio boarded by Geo. H. Clat kiog, tbere left OftlWIe Lock a tuao wbo bad been re leased from Ibe Hlero penitentiary two weeks before, having hma sent np from Tbe Dlles for one and half years, fTlcr at tbe locks were notified to look out tor him. ne was of m fdium build light Completion, weighed about If) pouuds, wore mustache aod bad a scar ruuuing from the o ruer of his mouth 4 wn under bis Jw. He was eevo io Pendleton aUxit the time of the Are, en afterwards at Cmatill lie is known to be a very bard chstaiter, and it is thought tbat be my )! In some way be cobbtflted wl'h this c It wns currriitl) ri-ported on tbeat'eets Ihit oiorn ng that b-.tb WbeUtout) aod Moore bsd tm-u re!hsnd, tbe oe against Iberu diaiiiiaeed. and iither parties ar retted. Tl e OkS-tt cao authoritively my tbat tbirpirt is wit hot) I loaodstioo 8UC1KTY BKTKKTA1NMENT. Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and when tbe boy dons tbe man's hat he is "out of Bli;ht." Likewise the man wbo pro vides himself with one ot T. R. HOWARD'S bats, and also purchases his Groceries, Cigars, Tobaooos and Gents' Furnish ings at this establishment where tbe freshest and latest of tbe above lines are kept. This is also tbe plaoe tor Stookmen's Supplies, as this store makes a specialty of everything required by tbis olsss ot trade. And a casual observer will not fail to notice tbat our sheep and cattle men take advantage of this faot. Remember the place sb. HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south of tbe City hotel. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, 1895-1896. jm HE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, offers free tuition to all students. Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in tbe dormitory for 82.60 per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided board in private families st $3.00 per week. Young women desiring board should address Prof. John Straob, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Christian Association, Eugene. Tbe University offers three where he will dispense at popular prices, bacoalaureate degrees, Bachelor nf Arts, Bachelor of Soienoe and Bachelor ot Let ters with corresponding oourses ot study. Tbe following shorter oourses are also offered: An English course leading in two years to a business diploma and In three years to the title graduate io English; sn advanced oourse for graduates of normal schools leading to the degree master ot pedagogy; A three years course in oivil engineering leadiog to tbe degreo oivil engineer; a oourse of two years tor Walt. Thompson runs stage between teachers of physical education leading io a diploma ana tne tine aireotor oi Heupner and Monument, arriving every physical education. Tbe University charges an incidental tee of ten dollars wbiob day except Monday and leaving every u p8,ble in advanoe by all students. Students holding diplomas from tbe public day except Sunday. Hhortest and oheap- . . . . ,k !.: ..w.. ,imii- t .k- est route to the interior. P. Oohn, " u ' u ."":,. . 7 " gKent. department without examination. 1 Doae desiring information regarding ine pre- Tbe Patterson Pub. Co . have seoored P-t8,or' department sboold address the Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene. tbe agency of the Uresoout bicycles for For catalogues and information address Morrow and Grant oounties, and will! TT nnimrtv tt s.t . shortly have some machines for sale at - wniUAii,! remueiii, very low figures, hxaruine a Orescent or t t w ALTON. Secretary. Euirene. Oreiron. . . n- - ' T. R. Howard makes a speoialty in supplying stockmen with all needed articles, besides carrying a general Hue. see bis new ad. tt G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, oan be found at bis parlors, Matlock oorner, shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc, Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires the services of an attorney in Washington, I). O , will find it to his advantage to call on or address tbis pa per, 6tf None Rat Ayer's st tbe World's Fair Ayer's Harsvparilla enjoys the extrsor dinary distinction ot having been tbe otil blood purifier allowed ao exhibit at tbe World s fair, Chicago. Manufacturer of other aarssparillas sought by every means tonbtaioasbowiog of their goods, out they were all turned away under tbe application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicioe and nostrums. Ibe deoismo of the World's fair autho rities io favor of Ayer's Haraaparilla was in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Haraapa rilla is not a patent medicine. It does nnt belong to ths lit ot oostrotns. It is here no its merits. before buying. The regular subscription price of lbs Semi-Weekly OnZ'-tte ia 82. ft) and tbel regular price ot the Weekly Uregoniao is 81.50. Anyone snbecribing for tbe Gazette aud paying for one year in advance can get Ixitb the Oar.elte and Weekly Oregoninn for $X All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one your in advsnoe will be entitled to the some. Timber Culture. A Plkasakt ArrAta. Last evening, following the cmrert at the opera bonne, about twenty couples repaired to tbe boms of 8. P Giirrignee, Io response to lovitntioos, whers the remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent io social intercourse, hod io lliteoiog to tbe rwo- dilloo of a number of vocal selections. A very appropriate luocb of ice ereem and cske was also one of ths feat ores nf tbe evening's entertaioment. Tbis gathering wss in honor of Mrs. Ella B. McDowell, of Hsltro, who baa ben I gnisl at the home of ber sister, Mm. H P. Garrigoea, for tbe put ten das, and who departs this s'lernoon for her home. Thirlng Mrs MnDiwell's brief visit io this nly she l.a rod a nnmixir ol former atniiiisoe end mslw mtny Irlenils who will sincerely bop mt her io 1 1' ppnr agio at i"in future lm. Ib'tae mn-iesllt Inclined have also greatly euj ived ber stay io this rny 1 ANDOKFK K LA (IHAXbR.OKKOON. Jt'LY I J H. IwiV oniiUltit liavlng li rri mail l I thla nrfire tv Ilia riiily vnrlllMl ami rnrmlKiralnt milavlt ol hamui'l MrHrt'ln allealiia Dial m. H. Vaiihlao, whii m,U llini-r iiiinr entry No IM lor the S'i SKV ami V, NMi(. SW , p S. K It a. at Ilia lii'l Hit al Ui (iranile, liirfun, on Ih 1.1 h ilv nl lrmlir. It, haa wholly aliaiKloiml tiarl . ami lalleil Uinlanl anv trna iiihmi mmI Irni'l allies entry: Dial Ilia aid trai't la not ai'tlled iiihiIi ami cultivated liT Ih Mul iwny aa reiilr1 ly law, llirrrlor wilb the view In tli raiii'i-IUtinii nt Ih aald entry ih at'l iwrtliw ara hr hv anmmimeit and riiilrr l.i Im a ml iM-ar tirlor I. n. M'ortiw. rou nl r rlerk Morrow nmiity. at hla iiflli a al Hpitii'r, Ori-aiHi.on h litn ilay ol Mt'ptmtir. I"'., al Ih Imiiriil lu n rliM k A M. thn ami thrr Io ,rraiir anch li-ailmony aa tliey may have niiH-rriilii th a. allis"tloiia, Ih Anal hrarlns to I m h, lirlors Ilia K (litr and He- relvrr al m liraml. Orr(on, on t ho ilh i1y ot ,rml-r. Wi, al Ilia huur l lllvrnrla. M. H t. WIIjm.s. 1. tl. Hoaama, Krilir. Keclnr, r. ..I..7 I ah. thai alas la tillhm ' revolts follow Its n : liial li Would n l klo are wsend. a.4 if r,.l" t. ! U . Ubonl it, if pr.wmral.la. O. A. D) k-, "';; "J, ,,(T" tTi'"L .it.!? h..d(..r.t,fo..... lUII-.Usir taMrtl.CM.k,,itH.f..a.,.iba l',;?'' ll"ite lUnswanelbeWtprsventlV r Ku g's S li,rry is nnd nl.ied- Hi ! for rx-l.o Won.uvs, ,. ,. . . , .,MJ,. ,...,. , ... .. ! II.k d's Pills ar prompt and ffliet. tia in b fsiiily f -r ngtil r, and It haJ nr failed ta rln all that IS rlairo d f. II. Vthy ao try a remedy !!) I'IJ and l'td. Trial bdir fraa ai T W. Arw.Jf, Drug Slots. lUguUr Sia Jaw). Sad 11. Wed. asdats. and I'ridsys, reinrmrgoo To1sS, Tbordae end halofdsys. U. WdPr.p. T. W. AvfJf.,Srf.tiL f. B llarnaf wm a pegr o tetday- dows tra e l Arliwgia where bg-4t4Kl b.a wift ant Child oo tbir rwiora rnms iron. ri"noM I with Iowa rlsti. Tl will prUa- Is ti e tire n gt the Wawkty bly am hot n this nitg's 'raie. i Orgooian. iha ! na(tr t f M. T. I. Hswlle. Chltro r, ' W i '. ' I ! J S h . et Jn , 'Hi'1, " Vila'it v ly In lor.,f.. o..e -i .h.l'f euyl f'' I v tr M tw't rnty e i-la i' ( - r r. I nn l r.r a dt.iit ) m I ..!.' tw i' iv.. .:- w wt.i ... .. JTn dt t. ' I' a.Jf lol.' 'S pru.rini as , .i'l u ii i '. .. viwiw ltl. Iff 71 (. IH? T.-d rUI', a agr.l V".A;s,, . jtVai.t.r,'lrUs.ii'J, fjiir. w ' Hill F( pub f-ALa-Ths M. C. L. 4 T. nnmpsny bsve a foil st k f alt kladsof fd, a noi as chop, mill !d. barley, 4. wLirh will be a-.ld rewaovabnl tr-e-S. l.o't Bfl0t to MS tbara for ' s-a,. 4 ln oi. i ' id I, l. al'l"! w i, i.). h, y .ing e.t W lt n twia i H .pur and tl a !bj. five tfoiurs rw sr1 "HI td f. f bf M'uroti Y,i KssDii, UbU Uwpwsv, Ury,ya, mm Xte i m rMi ! New haa chants nf th st rk ot rnnfeettnnar lea, fri.lt. cigars, liioarma, str., lorinsrly owne.1 by Huyd Mi'Duwell. Which he in diajming of at Clo Slutvo Prices. let Cream and Irs Cresm Soda, Lsmnnads and Orange Cl.lar always kept on hand. GIVE HIM A CALL. West tlds Main Htrwt, Minor Building, Bit PROFITS ON- SMALL INVESTMENTS tnrnlii nriwpertty will make msnv rtrh, but rowhrs ran they maka so muck wllhloi hurt II ui as by tuneaalul spat ulallon In Grain, fruvlalons and nun k. Notice of Intention. I.o Orrn s at La ustsns Osi'inw. Aut'iat 4, W V'itu r. is iiritfay nr. that iiii 11 Mtoalnc i.aml apltlvr haa Slrd nMtr ot hla Intention to tnah n.tal riol pi a.t.rir ot 1.1a rial, ami thai aid .rfw,f t ill t inal !. J n Morrow f ouniy ( Itik.al Heppner, ursim, on p. n. .". n : riiWAHK (114 'MAW, ltd nil tor ih u r.r Nrv. -.. m. SUWI r UTii . M. H W II. II name th loiioalns wltiwi t, pro Ma ertniiiomna rrllnrw noi and cullhatlon ul. aal'i iiii via ' i.1r J lin.k.nf Heftitier. 'rrin; R flrk nl H..nr. nri.n, llmklah 1li l ot llr. nr. lrH(on, Jwa I), ttmiu h.'d V....n liim. a r. w nii SWIM H'(llr. SI 0.1 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED Can be Made by Our . Systematic Plan of Speculation leeeaaf id aparulaior oprat on s riilar yttta. ... n mat thr ar IIomihimIi ul mn l.i all H'UnI ths I nlld StstaS who. by rtn.ilr lra,lli. Ihrniigh l bll l.roa.r. mala larga aini.nnu rv year, ranalnf Irnm a lw thnoMiid d.nlar for Ih man whu Invrat s hui.drvd vr two buudrcd duliars up lolil.lMla tf ut man hy th who lnt a lew thni.aa.Kl. Il la alan a lac! that llina who mat Ih lrrt pmdla from ronrrllly tmall lnvratmns on Ihla plan r rna who llv a ay Irora lhkaosml Inttal UiruujU brokers who thoroughly Ul,.l'ii'"1 a. (malic lralliis .... . .t . . o..f plan !. m.t ruk ths whnls ammml nvat4 os any lrs1 butemiars both aid, sn hal wh'ti.x Ui Btvkrt neof falls II l.rlun a (Uwly prodl Uial pile up snorwuuaiy la a altftrt llm WRITE f OR CONVINCING FFtOOFS. aiaoir wan.i. c ao.,.,, arru....ow anil ...ii lia.iy MaikM T.. will. In. I ..I ...... .c w.aaii.s inrs ALL fWlC. "' Maol - plan. ina'rln t..i., liiliy. Ilil.l lirtca la rrgard Io Out Uii,lu,g and uira. ror i.irinr .i.ior iuiion aoir THOMAS 4 CO., Bankers ana1 Brasses. 241242 nialt BmII4Im$, Chlsete, III. Adminl$trator'8 Notice. asiAN. nr l. lfl itl .lmlnlrlloo nu II. y..iat .4 crr jt. S n-. aa"! (rantd In I h I n.tif.t nn ). I ih lay t A,f ,t. kk, by h -I, J i h t OO..I. I IimH Of k'll f W IMriHil,. I J I ail ioh.ix hi"t riaima ar aald fatal Y ar ri.ir1 to i-i.il tnm li m 1 ai.' f J aa at n.y tio In Nr.i.an M.rfma f noitfy. - lo.r-.n Itr.ln an m... ll,a at.ri th 4M ol this r, o of Iha? at.ail m .... Iria-t. Ihla I U, .U -I , lw Ai r Irw Krl. A-i"lnlrlot. JtlS vl4 "W rnaranlaw) ty ail dris aa'. li iir Ii'ipli ronaumpl.oa atwi 1 the Wit Cvusa 4 Crwviv Cute. "of l.y 1 W, Al'. it . !. I.I Admniitratrlt' Notice. I;TATr.rri t. Mtwr M.r r Ar i o t U h')r rl-aa. Ihal t.tao ..I ayltwKi lalrallon It, I ta M i I, btR.r. fl. r-1. wr f sid in 'h m tit I it a M ( A by tr lonty IM f M..rr..a I i..,lv a I a I. '. .)! a.l .t a,. f, t.t.l'f , 1.1 t,!Ol i . IO ., I . ... ... . i. . . . I . I v i . u . i , r ... . , -. . . . . .- -. ,.,.'' t.,w ot t,. . i -ti a or il a, .. ,m I .a.f ta ... i i.t A " a syyvrr! kirrn a or i'irU no VOTf I iimaar r.ivyw that tni! A lfloaraMp har.t'f'.ft.tfni Iwlttarn J parlntraMl. har.t'.f.! Hat and h-) Ma.ha m M Maya aj Math ia..Wd by a'.,i.,al cna 4ia.,Wl by li roHait ajl M , iwlwarn J. . m ! th Sriw baa Ihla Say han cnattt Hani v.hw a ann y a l arrnvnit alnl ial Us ali Srva ail wl,i caolioo ih ,.! ui aial. i I Mava haar w.'aiwa ltd i Hppr. rr . J y l, lar W. ONtV lOANf O. " m " t f -t ' - I'M " ! it ft. .? mt t It.ff ..' - t t -.t,-.'t f tr eai brfl Wt9 i l ft'lf r itol J a STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth. Ore. It.s rl gra.ta iral.il. if npMmnl Sad n.l.( wfolaaaloual s4 dmla euuracw Ths Dlalaena af the esbeel entitles letsssh ) aey aeentyln the stele with wt further samleatiaM. wes and lod(lf. aueaS sa4 lultloa 1M ft , S-,illttil sad boalttifnl loeatlnn, o aaloona. Thar it a fnd 4nMnd loal trained lksri lbK !( aor.iy ol Whtialn4 lax bar. CaWI'aJ'l (ba(fully Mill OS llkwlloa. Atdr r. LCaMrMU, W,l.fl. rrwttdaol. aaofwury, t t fH'MOVM fit UtlTSfcR, All ho... tin,l I in la a i"tnM n4 etifaHi.ry mhnr. N .ia'.) falilw and (.ie-lnw. orfitX IN NAllOHiL IUK ttlLDIXtv I I I I I 0X100)1