Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 16, 1895, Image 2

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    0 aze. b
.1. 4
Senator Vaxdebbceq has be
come editor and proprietor of the
Sheridan Sud, formerly owned by
Representative Guild.
Frank M. Pixley, the editor of
the San Francisco Argonaut, ia
dead. In his death California
loses a Very bright journalist
As A presidential possibility Al
ison's chances are growing brighter
every day. Many eastern papers
now concede that he is among those
who head the list.
The victory of the silver demo
crats in Missouri is a greater one
thau that scored by them in 111 i
nois when Chairman Hinrichaen
called the state convention at
Springfield which declared for free
silver. Some of the members of
the Missouri democratic committee
wanted to follow the example of
Hinrichsen and call a convention
to discuss the money question, but
the chairman refused to call the
committee together. It was f
poor policy to try to crush the sil
ver meu by exercising , the power
of chairman to refuse the people a
The silver democrats called a
convention of democrats, and that
convention not only declared for
fre silver, but it deposed the olc
committee, or did what was pquiv.
aleut to deposing it, by providing
a plan for reorganization that wil
plnce the silver meu in absolute
control of the party in that state
It is a democratic factional fight
in MisHOuri, as it was in Illinois,
and the administration faction has
been whipped aud dragged out by
the opposition under the leader
ship of ex-CougresHman Uland
LaHt fall ''Silver Dick" was retired
from congress by his constituents,
and the administration was not
sorry. But he is still the leader of
Missouri democrats, and he haB
made complete airangements for'
the funeral of the old committee
that refused to call a convention
that democrats might discuss the
money question.
The act'on of this convention
will probably divide the Missouri
democrats more hopelessly than
before. It prepares the Way for
the republicans to retain and in
crease the majority which they so
cured iu that state Inst fall for the
fust time. It may bIho serve no
tice on old politicinns who get con
trol of tnnchinery that they can be
diHchargi'd from that duty if they
d not serve the party which dele
gated to thetu their brief author
ity. Inter-Ocean.
loaded with merchandise and wool.
Heppner has been unusually for
tunate so far, but these conflagra
tions should serve us as a reminder
of duty. An ounce of preventa
tive is worth a pound of cure.
Let no one imagine that Mr.
Cleyeland'o desire for boys will in
duce him to think of Horace Boies
as his successor. Cedar Rapids
(Iowa) Republican.
Telegraphic reports relative to
Holmes have grown stale, and it is
now time to sift down the evidence
and give him bis just dues. Then
let the matter be dismissed.
served the sentence Imposed on bim, aod
be was stricken with remorse. Boon
afterward ha was taken aeiioualy eiok,
and just before be died wrote a (all con
fession of bis crime sod described tbe
immediate place where the dust waa
bidden, bat not where it was in tbe
Cascade mountains. His partner waa
Small BrKinnlntn) pardoned out of the penitentiary, and
Make great endingssometime. Ailments nothing has been beard of him sinoe.
that we are apt to oousider trivial often The ubiu" Bnd b,,ried Measure
grow, lhroDKh neglect, into atrocious bB orea,ed Kreat excitement in this
maladies, danerous in themselves aud state and Idaho for maoy years; but un-
orod active of otheri. It ia the disregard til recentlr its whereubouts was a com-
of the earlier indications of ill health plete mystery. A few years ago a young
ki.h i.. tn th. t.ukm.nf f .11 man informed the writer that be had
.... , . . . fonDd the cabin about twenty miles from
aorta of maladies on a cbronio basu. nnA R..Br ic thB beart o( the C(tgcad()
Moreover, th re are oertain disorders in- mountains; but be failed to find tbe
oideot to tbe season, such as malaria K"ld, and we have heard nothing from
and rheumatism, against which it is al bim aiuoR. Others have spent months
ways desirable to fortify tbe svBtem after bunting for it; out the lr searcn cue oeen
exposure to tbe conditions which pro- fruitless. We ba I lorgotten the story
duoe them. Cold, diimp and miasma until last week, when a well known
are Barely counteracted by Hnstetter's oinz-n of Tbe Dalles informed us that
Stomach Bitters. After yon have in- he helped to remove the logs from the
curred risk from these ir.flueooes. a wine identical o tdin about fourteen years ago,
glassful or two of Bostetter's 8tomaoh and be is quite oertHin he can locate the
Bitters directly afterward should be swal- ept where the gold still lies. In a few
lowed. For malaria, dynpepsia, liver days be interxli ranking tbe trip, ana
oomplaint, kidney and bladder trouble, saya he can ride there in a few hours,
nervousness and debility it is the most There must be nrly $20,000 buried in
deservedly popular of remedies and pre- the spot, and he oonsiders it well worth
veotativea. A wine glassful before meals a journey in the mountains, so many
New York City now has a Sun
day law. This is a good thing, as
in tbe future they will know when
this day comes around. If they do
not, the police will inform them.
Stage robbing in Southern Ore-
gon does noi seem 10 oe very
profitable business. In fact the
road agents are compelled to make
a holdup almost every week in or
der to live.
The republicans have a good
opportunity to win down in Ken
tucky this year, as Uenry Waiter
son is so busy fighting Senator
Blackburn that he is overlooking
the republicans.
Tbe Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight
don at Dallas next October is
now an assured thing, lhe citi
zens of that city all want it Even
the mayor aud the leading busi
ness men have endorsed the movement.
promotes appetite.
years have elapsed since it was stolen
that if found now it would be considered
the same as treasure trove, and would
belong to the lucky person. Furtner de
velopments are awaited, and in a little
while the mystery surrounding trie
"Lost Cabin" may be cleared up aud one
or more men be richer thereby.
1 ty of Morrow, State 01 Oregon.
Henry nneeier,
William feremefi
Bremer, wife of MM
William Bremer, d
Frank Haeerman as
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Com
pany, a corporation,
T William Unmet: 1 efnndant.
In the name 01 ine wie oi oren'm, juu
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yo In the ab"ve entitled
nit on or before the first day of the next -regular
term of the above entitled court, to-wtt, the
24 day of September, 195; and if you fail ojo
answer, f-r want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in aald
etjmplajnt. to-wit: ..,..
For judgment and decree aealnst William
Bremer for the sum of IW.TO. with interest on
$515 00 thereof at the rate of t per cent per an
num frnm the firstdav of June. lHiio! with Inter
est on 15 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the first day of December, 1893;
with Interest on $15 thereof at the rate of 8 per
n rur annum from the first dav of June, 1894;
with interest on $15 thereof at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum frm the first day of December,
1S94, and for a further sum to be determined by
the court as an attorney's fee, and for costs of
thia a,, It
Also fo- a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
bv Wil lam Bremer on the foil -wing described
real estate, situated tn Morrow County, State of
Oregon, to-wit: TheVW of Bee. 8, Tp. 2 IN. of
r 97 if w M . rennrdpd in the clerk'a office of
aid county on the 24th day of May. ,1889, on
pages 202, 203, 204 and 205 in Book "D" of the
mnrtaro records of said county as to all of the
Aatananta horoJii nnmnri: and for sale of said
mortgaged premises to satisfy saia luugmeuv
and decree, attorney's fee. interestand costs.
This summons Is ervea on oeieuaani nimui
fii-amcF Kv nnhi Ich tinn hv order of James A.
Fee, Judge of the Blxth Judicial District of the
State of Oregon, dated juiy a
O. O. JELL18 and J. N. BROWN.
856-68. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Fall Term begins September 8, 1895.
Three College Counts. Classical. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare, for colleg. .na
give, .borough English Auction, the best preparation for teach ng and busineaa. The school
hasway. been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughneM of It. wot k. It ha. a library of
iZ Volumergood equipment, for mathematical and KientifiC work, and tin. building, with the
bTt morrn i Marsh Hall, just completed at a co.t of $50,000, i.n.of the flnMt
college buildings on the Pacific College.
All expense, very low Board and room at the Ladle'. Hall $3.00 to ft 00 per wet. Includ
ing electric light and heat The College ormitory, uuaer eiuell0u u"s-"-"-.
lngeieciriciiguiB"" " , , ,..., fmm. sn -nil unwardi. Manv (lufcnt..
board and loom at fM.Zo per weea. Bli.u j r --
... . . . .m.i nnt tn oTcppii ci 50 tier week.
rent room, and boara tnemse.. - - .u3.i7,iivn w
For further particulars address,
A Tale of Hidden Treasure In tbe Cascade
Mountains, Not Over a Day'. Bide
From The Dalles.
The following from tbe Times-Mouu
taiueer is an interesting sooount of tbe
mystery surrounding tbe "Lost Cabin:"
For long years search bae been made
for t apt. Kidd e buried treasures on tbe secretion of bile, stimulates tbe kidneys
AtUntinaeahoHrd : hut uo one has become id restore" the organs or toe D fly to
...... . , . the proper performance of tbeir fuuctious
weau.uy luereoy, ouu iue iu..uo, UHH p . .
i i mi ' I r
neyer oeen iouuu, mere is a siory
a;M;tn. ik. i,..- Kaon .1
uuniun muiiiu urn imp uoou wiuiu .,on. , . n unanncucn
mis vicinity (or long years, ana is com
monly known as the ''Lost Cabin" and I Cleveland May Name Him for tbe Vacant
You cannot be cheerful or happy while
your liver is aisoraerea, me ih nnt a
weary burden to persons so amioted.
Dr. J. H. McLeau's Liver and Kidney
Balm is the right thing to put this organ
into healthy onndition. It mores8 the
X ty of Morrow, State ot Oregon
John jr. urosDy, uuara
ian, Plaintiff,
Alexander Graham,
liraham, wife of said
Alexander Graham.
the National Bank of
Heppncraco poration
and Frank Hagennan
as receiver of Lombard
Investment company,
acorpor tion, I
npfpnriantft. I
To Alexand t Graham, Defendant.
tbe Duried gold. Tbe facts, which were
ublinhed in tbe Mountaineer about
fourteen yean ago, are about as follows:
Some time in the 60" s a miner conceived
tbe idea of robbing tbe stage that usual
ly oarried large quantities of dust from
Boise City to Ow bee. He watobed hie
opportunity when t large amount of
treasure would be shipped by Wells,
Fargo k Co.'b express, and purchasing a
Chicago, Aug. 13 A speoial to the
Tribune from Washington says:
Ex-President Harrison is among those
suggested for the vaoiiucy on tbe supreme
butt oh vaoated by the death of Justice
Jackson. Attention has been oalled to tbe
tict that while Mr. lltrrison was presi
dent he was broad enough to appoiut as
riding animal and psok horse, left Boise federate ftod :,deni..orHt, Howell E. Jack
City, ostensibly for the purpose of going it is suggested.in view of ibis fact,
o a proepeoting tour in ibe mountains that Mr. 'Jeveiand, brusning Bside party
. uii-.. -, Hi. -.. OODSKieranona, "uuiliu appuiut um ureua-
' 01 . , . . oesor in the White h-mse to the vacant
with a prospector outfit and a lot of . oe ,D the biahp.t judioial tribunal in
provisions, and his departure (treated no this country. No president sinoe Wash,
nanicioo. Picketing hi- horses in a ineton bas bad an opportunity to make
TBE Holmes "castle" in Chicago clomp of bushes next to the road, he hj'.re tlmo five apooiutroMnts to this post
was used as a restaurant duriua ' w tbe mouth of a canyon, ft0Dni(ltm,lt. an(4 joksou. Lmooln
the World's Fair The bones on 'he ro t"lweeD Boise and Owyhee. Hnd (Jraot are the only others wbo ever
, . . ., .. , where the stage usually arrived at dusk, raonea uve. nxrnsou dhiuhu mar,
found in the cellar probably be-1 n ...... .. p........ Cleveland bns mde three appointments.
nnff fr viaitora who starved to u i u j .u n . and bas a vacancy to fill, while there is
ODg K) Visitors WUO BiarVBQ W ,be umbenng sound of tbe Concord , nn h hpnnh who mav retire befora
deatn (luring tue big Buow, tiO- coaoh oonld be heard descending the the end of this administration
lumbus Journal. grade. There was a steep pitoh before
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
quired to appear ana answer me m-
Dlaint filed against vou in the bove entltiea
i, If nn ni. hnf.ira tho'flrnt dftv of the next regU
lar term of the above entitled court towit, the
2nd day of Sept -mber, lHf, ana u yon iau so m
answer, tor want inereoi me pimmm " "i h
ply to the c urt for the relief demanded in said
,nn olnt t -ifII-
nr iiwirrmonr. nn npcree aifniiiiib al-ahmuci
Graham f r the sum of Kive Hundred Dollars
with interest thereo" at the rate or eignu er
cent per annum from the lBt aay oi juiy, ini,
and for a reasonable sum to be de ermined by
the court as an attorney, lee. ana ior cobh ui
hla ai.I.
All o for a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
by Alexander Graham on tne loiiowmg ue
scribed real estate situntPd in Morrow county,
orporon. to-wit: The HEU of 8cc.tt.Tpl N. ol
R. 24 E W. M., containing in all 10 acre, more
or lrss according tn government survey, wwu
in the clerk', office of said county on tne loin
PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon.
noo HEAD
Address o . K. SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
He Saws Wood!
Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now
fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of
40c per Curd one time in two
50c per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut npatlv, and where possible all knots cut ouk
day of juiy. 1888. on page 358, aw, 3t and 1 361 in q . . conj wjj j f urnisu enough f uel. Leave orders with Chris.
book l; oi ineniiiriKRRp iD'yiuBui""'""""'"" . . ....... , ,
as to all the defendants heroin named and for J3uruher8 at the ralace Hotel
sale oi saiu mongagea prrmn n"ij
Judgment, decree attorney's fee. interest, and
costs. Service ol this summons is made on you
by order of James A. Fee, judge of the Sixth
Judicial district of the Mate of Oregon, made on
the2othday of Julv. 1WW. -,
356-68 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Yon Should PflBPp
the road entered the canyon, ejd the
There are a Brent many of the unfortu
nate ones in this world, greater in onm-
r. . .....
oeveiul large uatnes nave given lllthl rein ter trotflDa down the bill.
the exact measurements of Corbett ud this was tbe point where he station
aud Fitzsimmons; but for some un- J himself, his face completely masked
known reasou fniled to give the ud hi8 ,rust t,a ia bi bhai- A
, 41 : tage approaohed be drew bia rifle on
various measurements of their , , .... . .
.ii ,,ie driver, and ordered him to stop and
mouiiis, wn.cu appareuuy, uo most lbrow out of the boot the VoxM 8utet
inter usually "slowea up ana arew a bar tnftn lh(lgl who Bre bleeaed with
good ditfesMon. To some people tbe
greatest m sfortnne is not to be able to
at everything set before them. I suf
fered for years with Dyspepsia, and
everything I ate dixagreed with me. I
a induced t try Ntmmons Liiver lteg-
nlntor and was onred. I now eat eve'y
t' ing." SI. Briabt, Malison Parish, La
of their fighting.
The following from Wednesday's
Oregonian is so full of truth that
it is well worth reproducing:
The tragedy in Yakima county,
as recited in our diNpatchi's yea
terday, herein one man wiui in
Htantly killed aud another fn tally
wonudi'd by man whose blander g
oua tongue had provoked rcinon
btrauco upon the partof one of the
victims, U one of thoan deplorable
evouta that Umi frequently follow iu
tho train of rvil fjieakiug. A ff-
male goip ia bad ruminh, aud U
justly reprobated and ahuuued by
reputabb, orderly tiipli, but a
male giinaip-a fellow whoae vilfl
tougurt ia an apt and ready agent
of Lie viler thought, Voicing his
low PnttmatA of the character tf Hie
young womi'it of hia iioighlMirhixal
aa fact in a traitor to dHiiiry and
an enemy t aix'iety, eierrated by
all manly men and acornrnl by all
womanly women. There ia but
one tp from ahnder of thia kind
to a, killing, and it ia deplorahl
when, aa in thia cae, tho man lnt
iliaervea to Ut aliot ia at the wrong
end of the gun.
I low truit ia Ilia following fiom
the New Ymk Kan: "Women ate
! ln'ttfr than In imi," aai.l Mr
a aa .a
Aunt, In a. Irfiug tin v union
parluineiit at l'oiiit of WtxnU ic
cctitlr. Thia ia ti"t tttiiv Wuinrti
are Ih IIit than iuin. 1 hrro ia to
luan witth hia aalt ho d.wa Dot
1mIiit a-K Wmiion ar th e'd
of lha earth. If tliry did nt au
tly ruu with i l- al. furnish tln'iu
with olj.cta for devotion, git
thi'Ul leatia ia unaollisht), th
holt) ttrncturt of milijatioo
w. ul I rom d iw n lika a card h n.
N man would hat made aucb
att.Miii-t)!, Mfa, Alntv owra i
Kkkaoed at being refused a
dnncn by a young woman at a ball
in Chilepo, Mexico, Louis Marti
nez shot into the crowd, killing
three meu and a woman. Tbe
wonder is that be didn't complete
tbe job by setting the ball on fire.
TuT. gold-bng East makes a great
ueai oi mn aooui tns auver semi-
ment of the "will and woolly
West" .It might be well for them
to reintMuWr that during the past
orty yeara tht went baa ahipped " delirious for several days
eaut $:,0X),0X),000 0 gold Dug
The democrat recently held a
state convention back in Iowa, and
it ia now given out that they onl)
iOx) to reduce the republican ma.
mail and Welle, Farg t Oo.'a atrons
hoi. This was done immediately, and
he next thing tbe robber did was to
bind tbe driver baud aud foot and sag
bim. There were do passenger on the
tne stage that day. aud be had only one
oati to haudle. With bia pick be broke
open the box, after taking it away from
tbe road to a safe place from observation
od fonnd over a hundred pounds of
-old dust, and a large amount of green
Hacks. U saddled Ms bor-rs quickly,
after putting away tbe gold dust in con
venient places in bis pack, and rode all
aighl aa rapidly as lie could. The drivi-r
at found the neit day in the helpless
condition in which he was left, and from
'iposnra to the tun aud Uok of nourish
Notice of Intention.
li Julv 30. 1895 Notice 1. hen-by given that
the following named settler has tl led notice ot
his intention to make final proof in support of
hs claim, and that said prooi win oe mane
before Countv Clera, of I," mati lla County, at Pen
dleton, Oregon, on September 7, 181)5, viz:
Hd. No. 7120. for the W4 NW!4. NU 8W, Sec.
21. Tn. 2. 8. K 30 E. W. M.
He names ine loiiowmg witnesses hi pme
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol sain laiui, viz.: ....
William H. oullllorfl, Arinur v. uniiiiorn.
James Nelson, of Vinson, Oregon, and John U.
Rust, of Kldge, Oregon.
S58-6S. Register.
a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
W-L. Douglas
r nt.rawn t Knrama.bWt,U WAkT .
f stNoroacATAiocuc
Over On WUllon Peopl wmt th
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
VIrss. Tom KrodLley, Ijrop
Notice of Intention.
4 Julv 5. IH5. Notice I. hert'hv given that
lhe following named settler ha. tiled nolle
his Intention to make 11 mil proof in support ol
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before i. n . Morrow, county clerk, at aeppner,
Oregon, on Kept. n. lm, vr. :
IM. K.tl3, (nrtheN'i VY.'i and KEfi NW!4,
Bee 17. Tn. 2. H. K V E. W. M.
He names the follow ng witnesses to prove
hlsconiiiiuoti. resident e upon aud cultivation
ol sain land, vu:
Milt f. Mo'gan, Foster Adams, Jay Devin, I
John LdwaMs, all ol iK'piuier. Oregon.
B. F. VII.H4N.
VAM Register.
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It ll located at Salem, Oregon,
The Moot Beautiful Tdwn on the Coast
Call at the Gai.tti office for particular.
Strictly couuduuttal. Treatment private ud .urt
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our ahoea are equally satisfactory
tftrrwarda. heo be could relatt oo
b.reutely what haJ happened the robber
bad placed aeveral buudrej mile be
Iweeo hioi aod the eixit where he bad
iXimtuilteil tea llmft. HiKpioioD fasten
d ou ht partner, wbo waa Innocent (if
ih crime that hit partner Ltd commit
Irit: but unfortuualely wat abaeot oo
irity in that atatfl to Iom thao thi- d oJ '
.- , I : p l liiv Ben. ne w atrriKj, iriru, run
1.1'piuirtl irt mi i.trll v iliiarn I ii tolu I v
v 1 .(-t..! .-.I ..u.n,-.l I., lha iMUil.mtiart
. i - r ,
iwiuetcu mate mem ruaue K frt,,rMO,l-bi tart. la the mrto
1 thia. ilffi tbe guilty man arrive J al Tbe Dalle
tod ttteal sevefal ekt ID tbe cilv. Iu I
KviMNTLV tlif ailvrr (pJCltiou if efj of the Uoita 8tateman be read aa ,
xonnt ot tbe arrett, oudvicUob and
eiiieora ot Li parlu.r. 1) cuning tu
yiciunt Ibal lb aoiboritira rr on bi
track, and that lb tenleno ot hit parl
ter would la 1 1 bit arreal, lit left loan
iih bia aoim.lt aoj w. ut Iota It
uoiioiaiu. A fur wandering arotsail foi
mt lira b found a laly eabia that
i4 aot teea oooapied fur )r, and
ippar.ully ha-t ba tba rort of ani
rapper. Ur h dWfmlod la bide
ilmlf from the pubhe, nd fiol th-
himelt t bit fellow men titept when it
at pecry lu pMonrpratitiuat fro
tb city. U bJ carefully kept the
mI4 dual la lb pack. bit anlm.U
ej uo inspirioo. ba.1 be a aroused lut
Thsjr give tn. Mat value lor tn. monev.
TH. price, ar unllorm,tinpl en sola.
lh .uual ou.taia .hoc. In sly I. and I
1 Heir wearing quaimc r HnaurpasMO.
From tl to I savd over olhrr makra.
11 your dcak-r cannot supply you w can. iold by
lie der hoae name will thmtlv ap
pear here. Au stwante I. Apply at once
Notice of Intention.
Imp Ornrt AT La Gram.. Oaiinow,
July. MAKy
follnwlni-nainrd setllrr has filed notice I
of Ms Inlviillon to make nnal proof In supD'irl
of his claim, ami thai alu prmii win t mane
oemre ine county cier oi sinrrnw county at
liuppiu-r, or., nu eeptetuia-r , ikk, tu -,
Hd rJ. f.ir the NEt. fee. , 1 S R. 27 E. W. M
He name, the follwln( wltnrswa to provt I
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
oi Mi'i latin, i-
W L. ha Una, rlyrie C. Kallnc. Joseph W. Rec
tor aud W. ii. Mcl'arty, ail ol Heppner, Oregon.
n r. viii.aiiN.
SA7-C7 Ketuter.
not a oca! iaeu at) far aa ScnaUn
Mitchflltif Oifuoo ia concrurl.
Likn tha rriullicaa plalfortu of
l.V.tj h ih'tnan.la th uae of ltb
;M anil ailrtr aa "etatnlant
a . aa . a .
motiy, but unlika that (iialiorni
tit meant it Taviraa llijcr, ltcp
Tne ChtniHiA have Ix'fu killiog
t lot of Kuliah iniaaiunarice of
latex They all.',; at) A rraaoa that
lha forriitneri wer tery xar
einciua aul Wat rtftrj ran their ar-
iva tia.t the diooer hour.
t k m nty awMilli immrkairsHviiSi
p ksa ihtoaih hs lot (M mat nnl.li. a. tsis.l aUi
M atoalh D,difif
Ma mn Ih swat patatiU for Mf.MraU,
at ihs afxl ol ihM oAtt m h Kourag. siliMl s.
iMms at bmw kruM b. Al ihs taaM Um a
ttb a nnirssi apl UM tvlaac lha ski llui
"cw anaJow" tuck cat W lt AS aa
and tmhnut bntkmt um niiiiei . km..
Hhrriilao Sun. To t frank thcae , eom.ioed anttbiu- bat t.s.u n.l
arn tirrlty ioi1 rcaaona for auchloitier tupplie hibpr-pcl.r.oauii)
-tir,, bok aitttlbfai la Ibwlr jmry. AfUr
kla birulf a cuiritribl p-ssi.
Onio tl.Tu.K-rata hate tlrH-iilisl to j ouio bt b U-k,j
. in It... "V.t ('..laais." ""J " f'" b da-
i. -. . ...
WuDcan. a. . Unmrt wixr knu Vimi
f naiana) It
rr is not so hard as it scums.
Mr aa CM o4 . ra oi Mpmif
i sr. in. an iai kmg it g naiana) w sat
rTfw ultw lH.gh ih ctiwwIkhIs
Sa Nauvwal tiwonwf, ail4Mlw4 kV .
l C k mint'mwtfutpnfMutmi as AaMrxa
lammilannm V . IvmMa . a s sak
tnsw M lhiiwI.M 1 . So aa sawns.
Vk a Uo iJioik. toW.iH m.nmm to. k aMk
lk wM miM I kaoilwrti ai akwins
al ,,tt lk "KmmmI KnMi." wmw
k mt BM swat, aoxl . a ' as'kw iiiiain.
nt k. llmHI I aw. kwojs suit
II naiasMiia.rt"it-f r- Tf "
loiitiU. al AaMfKaB arvlfa fsaU,
6lSI3Mrrrt, N.W.,
not,i. ahlntvt,. n. c.
tft ' Ala.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Votii r. ia tir.RKHY oivks that thr
tv uiidenla-tipil .ilinlnl tratrlt of the ratal-
of W. ii. Huvcr. itrrroxM HI make final rill.
tneulot her ai-rount. 1 1 h aald rotato a. smh
.dtnlnistralrli. al the nrt term of the county I
niiirt of Morrow county, at Hrppner, In be I
noiiien at the court hniise In soi l roiinly, on I
ine m nay oi eeptenirifr. . v., i.
n-6.) jK. ii. iv. a, Aiituitiisirttru.
a" w w niriiTP
CAW t lTt" A) fTFITt r-wa
f-p4 inwit a""! an ofnkoa, a-nta fn
ll MAI It., ak hut k4 iwmij n W
tlwrlKW in lha pJoit aaoira. rnaiaittntraw
tionatirirtlf a..o.l.ni il. A llaa.kak o la.
f.mnati'41 eonAomiaa I'ataaia iM M fl M
tain iha wn fraa. Aion a -'-' i n at ajnkia
S14J n4 anatiliaa bnSt aanl Irva.
I'aiania tataa thmaak Mori A Oak !
aarM w 10 lha akr,anae Ataarlraa. a4
Ikas ar brtMMht aiftlt kaf'f taa hllaiia
at 10 ma m..ii, Tata aaiMli. mi,
tap aalll. alaaanlly lllanrala kaa hf far
anoat r VI tnt anafHiaa Hrl la Ik
Itmu.s. government!
Li ... is ... 5)
To perjoni who tcrved In the win of the United Stitet of to their
j Widows, Children, or Parent. Do You receive a pension ? Hid You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan
r) on whom you depended for lupport?
m To receive 1 peniion, who now do not. Thoutandi under the new
liw art entitled to an increase of peniion. Th (rovtrnment owe It
fT) to you and it willing and Aaaloua to pay. Why not preaent
(f.) your claim at thia preterit time ? Your pension dates from tbe
v time you apply. Now la the accepted hour.
S frWntt for Uwi nd complete information. No Charge for advice.
(T No Fee unit tmcmful.
The Press Claims G)mpany
THILIP W. AMRETT, Gcaeral Maaier.
618 P 5trct. WAStUNOTON. D. C.
y. It-r rWawair U mMM py tvmrlf aat lawBS4 lMat4 Baa
4wra In IA Vmut4 AVoara, aaat it awaoiraat ay Ufa.
karvaat rra.aiiai at any anafrti
V4. Bt liar. Iwm ap'
BoOtlna SUlitKav aihl, i aoa ft. iaai
nfaa. M I aanf a. tiat'oW ni,ia Wa
J'I'il iaaa. anhaa. mnA ahiana.aah. Bf aaa
k.iai.a. aiik anahiia. Vaiiaar. In akoa tk
atmif 4 ami, nitraa AiMrraa
Ml A A ll", sw luaa, feauAwaAT.
Malh.a Urn., (My hot ratbrb
toonrial arliaU. lUlrcnttli t. ahtvi ,
hamtaailftf, .If , dona poirUtlflc.il
llalh al 15 rani pi'.
f th lrak.littp, atate patera for a
ran li.latA fur unrcrtor. I. J. Sirg.
tlis tihacrvi man, hat aai.l "not thi.
yar. lie kiina bal kiu.t tl
Mcahl lratr" usake the lct
havaooa rappr, anj la probably
jtiat as familiar with the roe., to
the Knlinntoiial chair.
Hmrn (irr wi iitis ly a
l-'l .' t h. r l r.it ) f f.-r atlar.. 7i',tt tit 9 Ut Moti lay Urtt
iiiij th f t-uv , nitivl uf lUr attiitel a U'iro art h.'Uc. ilcta-t
n Ib.r d-iil lb In t t a.'i l.
la til partita lit b-t BaaJ lb g'oro
arkt, kkt r lraly diautJ,
ad toUtiJa-l bo lb tloiumaot bad
iptataj da, W atn ?miI tb b.noi
ol iiliUoa tad tiv- tn.rrily oa bit
vaaiih. for aavaal yr b aaJ ll
lit ft a tiavaiil, aotil bia foet.i.oea ba-
ta trolilit bita bayka ba bad f.f
aiiiwd aa leant at. a taffar f f bit
flra, k. k dt'Bjlat a g t ba'k to
0 IT IflST!
IF M. ('oluiuhna fr alite hv
day an. I rallmt at Mat Luht-a-tlial'a
hr might niak a t)iw tliaoof.
rv quit a unMuoifiHf aa that t-f
Chia a a gr-at diackitrrer
in hia tU jr. Me wuut.l at thia time
ta(vvr the fWt at.ck of thre
err hrtn in llfpt'nrr, at. I the
d. a-rt a r-il. tiat IlK'fA tl.we
rii r t ! m't t t ?
Mali. laVall )' tUf tl. 1 f ' ' . " '- vv...
ba uft d b..ad j a r--b lr i.a , M. I. It 'I I I I ATI I Via.
n.J UJ, aUlt U MVa4 IB t" AB . : ti " '
a I rualvr tf friht cveU" - U -wnt 11 v-jat.sa Wwrh t-,a.i.
I CBtw
lPt-.il Colin's
Arc tho Highest of all High Grades-
t.iraiit...tfV.t.Tl4-frl ki; B h. Bofl4, raMI f
N m4 U i.Iw4 ta ? ). P-r.nf tnf aa Mark ahwU If
aatintlt.. sr..r tuui ar4 eirni4 ladiaaa sfTrt I ,
.r.;i dn'.ltf raararn, fcnat tii4 a. food m 14,
211.. SCOUCMI R $05. 22m. UtOltS' 79.
ttrvr It. mttnri. t.n.a.wu. Ita, C.
r " tfrnn naM, MlM. or
fllic IM I apc An
UU KUllltMlll
. PHMWCVA Mrro ax
I Mil III Wli plcnty o' Ihom at tho
LIAidb Uh.l.MW, GaZ(.tt0 oifice. . . .