jiimnniii mm imwi i Mtinmj I I -a I MY SUCCESS 1 1 Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 1 vertising Robert Bonner. PAPER OFFICIAL FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart.. - 3 HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1895. J WFUKTy WO. 650 ) SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 862. 1 THIRTEENTH YEAR : li. it w n 111 ii ii a ii iir u v-i3sssN, i wc aw mv SMlMiflirilt:ttllll)tiirlitlitillilflillSiliitil4ilttitil H V2 ! -M-i 1857 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OP ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS - OTIS A. W. PATTERSON, PATTERSON. Editor . Business Manager At $2.50 per rear, $1.25 for bix months, 75 eta. tor three moacns. Advertising Rates Made Known on 'Application. THIS PAPKB ia kept on Me at E. 0. Uake'a Advertising Agency, B4 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou ract for advertising can be made for it. Union Pacfic Railway-local card. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily except 8unday. Arrives at Willows Junction A-W n m No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 g. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except East'bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a.m. Westbound, main line, leaves Mllows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland fast freleht with pas .or,.,i.ra.h Ipvp Willows Junction 6:33 n. m mm arrives at The Dalles at 12:01 a m. Here passeneers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. I,. o.M tjiira the fnnt. mull went bound which ar .ll it PnrMmiH ) R. 111. The DlllleS RIlll Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at m. unit arrives it Portland 6.M p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 t.m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. Thin connects with the east bound way freight with passenger conch which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 u. m., arriving at Willows Junctlou 6:58 p. m. OFFICIAL DIEEOTOBT. United States Officials. 'resident Grnyer Cleveland Vica-Preeldent -Ad a, Stevenson u Kichiirrt 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John G. tarhsle Secretary of Interior . .... Hoke Smith Secretary of War P,'?n,el If """"J L..i.ni nf Nan Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William b. Wi son Attorney-General . .Judaon Harmon Seoretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. ftiwurrmr W. I. Lord Seoretaryof State Treasurer Bnpt. Public Instruction. . Attorney General Senators Congressmen Printer Supreme Judge. H. It. Kincaid Phil. Metanhan (J. M. Irwin 0. M. Id'eman ( G. W. M .Utricle "I J. H. Mitchell t Dinger Hermann 1 W. R. Ellis w. rt. i,eeu Miwire, Wolverton tT . ( K. 8. . F. A. It can be changed from positive to negative current in a moment. Tbey have and are ear ing thousands of easea of Rheumatism, Chronic Diseases and Nervous Ail ments in man and woman (from any cause) where long continued medical treatmentfailed to cure. The Electric Cur rent rii beimrnedl alely felt, although soothiiifr to the mot I sensitive. The strength of the current is under 1.Qc complete con trol of the wearer, so much so that a child may Da treated ana curea oy the same power of Belt necessary lor w buouk- ' ?MiiYJt"v5 a. 1 '-tfasiff estman. ""ifIIP W NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. wild all ntimn fso-calledi Eleotrio Belts and fraudulent Imitations of our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an Imposition, upon the suffering. THE OWEV ELECTRIC TRUSS Is the most retentive ana curaave itubs made lor the radical cure of Bupture. Inclose six cents and send for onr Large Illustrated Catalogue in engusn. German, bwediuh or Norwegian languages ; containing medical lacts, sworn siaiememi oi cures made and descriptions of Belts and Applianoes, Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO., 804 to 211 State Street, Chicago. LOCAL MARKET BEPOBT. Seventh Judicial District. ru i..a W. L. Bradohaw 1 I'mMcntina Attorney A. A. Jajrne Morrow ConntJ Official". ii....... A. W. Oowan ;r.r In hi Ketthlj CommVsaioners J.B.Howard f M Umkmm ruw ' .1. W. Morrow Sheriff G. W. Harrington Tnwuinf Frank itillimu . f"Z J. '. Willi. h ki-.." Geo. Ird ' 8ch.Mil Sup't .Ann Balalger Coroner T.W.Ayera.Jr BKPFKIS town ornoiR. Thoa. Morgan Mnhtenthsl. Otis Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr., 8. 8. Horner, t. i. Blooum. Kaoorder Treasurer Martha! Precise! Officers. .i. E. L. Fre"land rslted States Land Officers. TBS BalXM, OB. a. I . SZZZl "A FACTS ; M0 FACTS ! ! I OU CAN BUY 25.00 worth of dry goods and groceiis and then have enough left out of t00 00 to purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle,. fbls is a firet-clatis niachiue. no better service ? Why then pay ftOO.OO for a bicycle thatlll give CRESCENT "8corcher," weight 20 pounds, only $90. Ladies' and Gents' roadste s all the way from 50 to $75. "Boys' Junior," only $30 with pneumatic tire a good machine. "Our Special," Men's $50; Ladies', $00. ADDRESS- 1, ! 0 i ft J; . I Wheat, bu 4042 Flonr.bbl 2 65 Beeves, cowg & two-year-olas.owt. 2 00 tbree " " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 25 1 50 Btook 1 00 1 50 Hors, ou foot, owt 3 00 Hoes, dressed 4 00 Wool 8 10 dorses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Ekks, doz 10 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 8 95 0 102 riour.bbl 2 50 (SJ 8 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a 5 00 Mnttona.owt 6 00 8 00 Hobs, owt 4 60 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 8 13 Butter, tt) 10 ( 15 Ea(js,doz 120 18 Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85 old, " ... 30 75 ' Chickens, doz 3 00 7 00 Turkeys, lb 12 14 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu 47 B0 Flonr. hhl 2 25 & 2 85 Beeves, owt 2 5- 3 00 " dressed 4 00(3560 Muttons, live sheared ... 1 75 2 00 dressed, R)..... 04 04 Tinea, nn foot 3 25 tt 3 75 " dressed. Ib 04 Wool Eastern Oregon... 08 11 Butter 1 15 Ebbs, doz 10 & 11 Chiikens. doz 2 00 3 50 Tnrkeys, lb dressed 10 12 Potatoes, new, per ot . . . . oo oo TO EXTERMINATE THE COYOTE. How It Works In Gilliam Conaty-W ants Adjoining Counties to Co-Operate. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MURDER AND LYNCHING. Father and Bon Commit Morder Sunday and as a Resnlt are Lyncbed at Ellensbnrg. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, o THE PlTTEItSON-HI CO., Heppner, Oregon, Ayenlt for " -. MORROW AND GRANT Counties. THE INTER OCEAN -19 THK- F J. Hallock .K. L Fwlnnd ...A. A. Robert Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL DAILY (without Sunday). DAILY (with Sunday).... , ,$6.oo per year ,.$8.oo per year A. 8. Bicca . B. F. Wilson... J.H. Kobbtns. LA oaDt, oa. ..Rstir ..rUoaiver A' The Weekly Inter Ocean t i .00 PER YEAR I S7 A NrWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keep abreast o the time In M respect. It spare neltntr pain nor eiperM in securing all inn istaa Ann inc ulsi ur kUKacni uiLnsik.se RAWLINS HOirl.NO.M. O. A. R. MaaUalUxinton.Or..U BatnrUjr of I h month. All falsrana ar lnvlt1 to Join. i .n ti. flao. W. HatTM. ' Arliotant. U CnoianiUt. LUMBER! tin Dirt ma hali all Kisnfl or CM Y ..i... Lumbar. 14 milal ol Heppner, at what la know a lb The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. II It ha aomrthlnff ol Intrmt to each member nf th lamllr. I nS 1 1 S VOl' I H'S lir AHTMI-AT t the very bast ol It kind. IfCS ur II IISLI1IKAKV lEAlLkLSarcunequaled. II PUI.ITICAI.LY IT I pr.Pt ni.ICAN. and lv Ha reader (Im benefit of th blrt diu.iin on all llva political t.-ic. It ! five them Tllb NtWS Or- I lib W Okl.U. IT IS A TWELVc-PAGE PAPER. tiic is-ir.R ocr.AN is pt nusnrD in chicaoo, tmp np.ws ano connrpcui. CIATLH OP ALL l.ft UP I Ml ALI.KiMAN MUI M MS AMI IHHI ll JJ AOAPIHI TO T Ml; M CDS OP 1HU PLOPLE OF lHAl SUCTlUN THAN ANY PAPLK 1-AHItlliK KAjI. It I In at:ord lf. th peorl of Ih W.t hoth In Politic and Lltrratura. lle- r rmnirr that th. pr c uf 1 he Wwkly Inter O.e in U ONLY ONE DOL URPLHU.af. Ad.r... the INTER OCEAN. Chicago. Lust Sunday Bam Vinuon and his ion, Charles, while drank Bt KIlenBDurir, Wash., created great disturbanoe. That evening about 6:45 they entered the Teutonia saloon and picked a qnsrrel, dnriDg whioh Charles shot Mike Kohlopp one ot the proprietors. The bitll enter ed his naht breast, and the victim died half an I, our later. John Bergman, well known as "Dutch John," went to the defense of Kohlogp, when the elder Viuaon stabbed him in the rioht breast. iDHUitiDtr a horrible wound, which proved fatal lueaday I After Kohlopp was shot he grappled young Vinson, threw him to the flpor and dealt him several blows, but was torord to desist by failing strength. Both men were immediately arrested and pat in the steel osge in the oounty jail. Eioitement ran very blub, but the nffii-iala took extra preoaulions about the jail. After the death of Dutob John the ex oitement grew In intensity. 1-ater I the evening crowds of men were gather iug everywhere throughout town, promptly at 12 o'clook the mob asset bled at the jail. The strong steel cage was soon broken pen by the determined men. when the wretohea were at on Of secured and marched to a convenient tree a tew blocks away and swnng np lo a limb. When assured of the tbe death of both Ihe mob slow'y dispersed, leav- I ing the bodies banging. The Vinsons were considered as worth less. Charles bad served a term lu tue penitentiary, and both were very quarrel some and daogerons when under tbe influence ot liquor. The coyote bounty of two dollars is workmg almost to perfection so far in Gilliam oounty, says the Fossil Journal, and these peats are being rapidly thinned out of tbe county. But it would work better, both for this and the neighboring counties, if Wasco, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties would follow suit and plaoe tbe same bounty on ooyotes killed within their borders. Here the sheep men pay a dollar and the oounty a dol lar per scalp, and the sheepmen will oome out away ahead, even Bt tbe end of the first yearf during whioh the greatest number of ooyotes will be killed), as an assessment of half a cent per sheep, costing the sheepmen altogether about 8500, will pay bounty on 500 ooyotes, each of whioh destroys from 10 to 50 bead ot sheep, worth from $1.50 to 82 each, per year. Virtually, an outlay of 8500 by the ebeeptnen of Gilliam oounty saves them in one year an amount not less than $10,000, and possibly a sum far exceeding that figure. Iu view of this, tbe wonder ia that organized effort f ir tbe extermination ot tbe ooyote was de layed as loug bs it was. If the press of tbe counties above re ferred to will but take this matter uo two dollar bounty in eaoh will soon be in foroe, and ere a oouple ot years ooyotes will be scaroEi as hen's teeth, our sheep will never die exoept from old age or tatty degeneration of the heart, our beepberders will oease to use profane words or become insane and will begin to turn their thoughts toward religion our otiiokens will only yield up the ghost w ben they get tbebatohet in the neck, tbe heepmeu and farmers will be bappy and tbe goose that used to line coyote inwards will then bang high, forever and ever. With regard to tbe $1 oounty bounty, we judge from experience bere that there will be little or no opposition to that in our neighbor connties, as the coyotes have become so numerous and bold that they now feed on pigs, calves and even colts, as well as sheep and chickens. Id this county not only tbe sheepmen, but tbe merchants and farmers as well, unanimously favored the granting of tbe oounty bounty. Sheepmen of any county desiring to organize can get a oopy of toauo'M-titutlonol Gilliam Count, Sueep men's Protective union from the secre tary, J. W. Blake, Condon. Oregon, to gether with all ulher information his power to give. MM ABSOLUTELY PURE BEN HOLLA DAT AMD A POKER GAME. Session of Two Weeks Whioh Ended in a Langhable Incident. From the Washington News. Judge Noah, one ot the oldest and best known Washington correspondents, has a fund of stories about old-timers here at Ibe capital that is praotioally inex haustible. An old army ofnoer told Judge Noah that President Grant was the greatest poker player that ever set foot in tbis oity, where, in tbe first 10 or 15 years after the olose ot the war, euoh games were played as were never known before or sinoe. This officer, who served with Grant in Oregon, says even iu that early day be kept bis comrades in a obrontc state of impeouciosity by his passiveneas when holding a big hand. General Rufus Ingalls.whoin 1841 was a oaptaiu and assistant quartermaster. and subsequently obtained the rank of quartermaster general, was one of the Pacific ooast party whioh played daily with Grant when they were together in uregon, Dnt aitnougn recognized as a past-master of the game, logaila was no matob tor the little olose-moutbed infant ry captain. Ben Holladay, tbe pioneer mail contractor of that section, was like- wie on tbe poker tapis with Grant; and so were "J e" Lane and "Jim" Nesmith, both senators subsequently from Oregon. the former tbe oandidate for tbe vioe pres- idecoy on the ticket with John C. Breck inridge io 1860. Ben Holladay was an inveterate poker player, but Grant, In galls, Lsne, Nesmith and Holladay are all dead, and but few are cow alive of tbe old coterie which gathered together at the card tables of that epoch on tbe shores ot tbe aoifio. It is narrated by Judge Noah on the au thority of tbe aforesaid army oflloer that on one occasion Holladay, Grant, Ingalls and Nesmith engsged io a game of poker wbiob lamed two weeks, night and day. damage, and yet are destroying tbe green vegetation. The fruit is in good condition and ii ripening rapidly. Many new eeotions have developed where fruit can be en o oessfully and profitably grown. Melons are especially prolific! in Wasoo oounty; in tbis oounty the apple and peaob orop will be unusually large. Peaobes are a large orop, where grown, in Gilliam oounty and reports from the Snake river fruit diatriot indioate an unusually full orop of peaohes and apples. Tbe dry weather has oauaed the range grass to dry up and milob cows have to be fed. The stook on the ranges baa been in tbe monutains tor tbe past two months, where it will continue to remain until the fall rains start tbe grass on the usual range. Tbe food in the mountain! is good and stock is repotted to be io good condition. August is usually very dry ; seldom dees any rain fall during the month. The conditions at present do not indi oate other than usual weather for the next few weeks, whioh is warm, dry and smoky. The forepart ot September usu ally some rain falls, which is sufficient to lay the dust and clear the atmos phere. Mr. Pagne has returned from bis tem porary tour of duty io Sao Francisco, and has assumed ohargeot the Portland, Or., ofHoe. Portland, Or., Aug. 13, 1895. Bpeolman Cases. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his s'omaoh was disordered, bis liver was affeoted to ao alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced iu flesh and strength. Three bottles ot Electric Bitters cured him. Edwad Sbrpherd, Harriaburg. Ills., had a running sore on his leg ot eight years' tending. Used three bottles ot Eleotrio Bittern and sevenboxesof Buck- Inn's Arnica Halve, and his teg la sound At tbis junotoreit ooourred to Nesmith and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0.r rtt 1.000 flKT, ROL'OH, CLEAR, loo Tf PftJVf RRD IS HPFR, WILL ADD X IS u pr ljun ! aniiuionai. Th aK quotation ar strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON. I'mp. National W o! Mwi WM riXlAXD. rmU.al. Ktt. ft. kixHor. rkr. TRANSACTS 1 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made os Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD HEI-MER. tf OREGON g FREE Only 60c. Read This All Through. , - WMrat Twtyr. ttf Wyl" fvrtwt p.iim JW I. Mill. i mnn ' UIMirwn. r-w. w "'-"- - V..l,m Nfr Ito aiih and tWoir raw T V. k iauuf'ill I lutrtl eor-wMo" SinrW. IhllrtW t ,t. IT tW-l I if pri-llral, wfl "! HB.iii-al n .11 kinds. I"rmlwi tl Urn f.hl.M, Jminial i.. iii..h. a '.!, ! aMtaJxie m eif to, s '. f THE QUEEN OF FASHION ULUtnUTINv Til Ci'ibn'id NcCiil Itzir F.Utres fttsklltk. TMatr'he Tsar. TJ evMfik fnm wiixrf B4 hm pafV. Mt,ft4 a i! in ba without It Taa t f an.l ay-taailjr rs fr,.m efif Ui kiWHtrwl tli If rc,t. tr ! k I it. " l. tu mak ur drama. Start !. t f fell4fa,S rtottilnf . nte., t." 1 b to t"ts rwl iMay. fft cnrrHITV T-"- th t!l vj how t rH s flHa suit twtrr m .v . ... tl to m na lW. lo tn mi. M xi w an it i I., ,.l iu AJ t. to U- r.mM.t lull l. t.1 lflmln 1 mm m TH't GREATEST OFFER ' ZT. A Kratarkabla Car of Kk.aiaatl.m. WiHTatiiurraa, Ual., MaroO 21, 1W4. Hometimn ago, no awakening one morn Ing, I found Ibat I had rheumatism In my kne. so badly that, as I remarked to my wife, it aonld be impossible for rot to atteod to business that day. itemem beriog that I bad some of Chamberlain's Paio Balm In my store I sent for ebottls and robbed Ibesfllioted parts thnrnugbly with il, according to dirrotioos, and within an bonr I was eomplntely re lievsd. One applicatioo bad don. the bnsloMs. It Is tb. tst linimeot on lb. market, and I sell it under a poaitlvs goaraotee. IU T. Harris. For sal. by Hlooum Jobasoo Drug Co. lirjiir t'aiiniit lie Cnrrd by local applicHlioiis as they cannot reach the diaeased portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by au inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tubs is in flamed von have rumb'ing sound or mperffct bearing, and wh"0 it is eo- (truly clnaed, deafness is the result, and nnles the inflammation ean be taken out and Hit tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed for ever ; bine case out of ten are caused by catarrh, wi.loh is nothiug but ao in flamed cooditionof the muoou anrfaoe. We ill give On. Hundred Dollars for any case of deafoeas (caused by ralarrb) that cannot be cured by Hall's Calarrb Cure. Hend for circulars; free. V. J. CUF.NET & CO., Toledo, O. tirHolJ by druggists, 160. IS IT MoT tmil'UH FOB TOl s i i 1 i 4 tbat be bad left his wife at home, some hundred miles away, but with little io the larder and no money, and the on wel come thought flashed aorosa his mind that be bad gone away to be absent only a oonpleof days, and in tbe interval It was quite probable tnat Mrs. Nesnutb had run the length ot her household sup plies, was out of money and possibly be ing oared for by the neighbors. Tbe tbouubt waa harrowing, and he vainly sought to banish it from bis rodid, but tailing to do so, lost hit osrv. at tbe play and with it considerable money. At last, had five large fever sore. 00 bis leg, doc tors said be was iocurable. One bottle of Eleotrio Bitters and one box Buoklen't Arnica Halve cured him eotirely. Hold by T. W. Ayert, Jr. Exrnrsloa l'lau Changed, from the R. O. From Huntington west there will goto tbe Cascade Locks exoursioo big dele gations to represent every town. Il looks oow as though tbe railway company would be oompelled to mak. op th. Iraio io two seotions at Pendleton and tend th. excursionists 00 a special. A slight bceomlng desperate, he frankly staled tbe cbBOge bat beeo mads lo tbe plana. II case and anoooneed bis determination to fir.t Utanil.A that all h homrM IHf. LovM KXCVHilON. prnmt u P. a lirar.d Train to h Kaa fro Hare.as ElariS tortlaait Ala quit the game and return home. This an gered Ben Holladay, who wa. not a man of Ibe sweetest temper wheo ooder ex citement, aod be blurted out: "If yon want to Jump tbe game, why don't yon say to liks a man, and oot give any sm b flimsy exoose and lay tb. re sponsibility oo your wlfef Nesmilb glared furioody at Holladay and savagely retort ml: "Jump Ib gsmt Jump the game I Why, we bavt beo playing ber. two weeks, night and day. How long do, a man have to play poker with yoo before be ran decently Jinip Ibe gam-? Too ar. Ihe biggest poker bog, lto Holla day, I ever knew," 1 rni4 laaarfa. W .m -Mt tr ! aZ kM Af. " anl tr1 A pi frmtm mt M avi ., aoM, a- -4 P f4i(ii,wewrwa) PHRIWTOMHIIICAIICMOCO.3 caaia.ei.a araaivto. Its jo eal 'Cotae n-a"ria R-tw-.r aal tit .! b- ' I' A ''.I enyl.,nf Ha fMt aadae4 Ml kn4 la trim , - p-t . 1,1 In I la. t"" ' ' n u ..,;.. Ma in ,. r!'r. In la aar W f ' ' It w i lii-t Ixh.i f f t tu luKi. f- a t''t viimrt " U,fc trv ! ri'r .., a fiirit a t tie (attufa a to KB.tirtti ta Itooa yva waat. vu. twail T4 iw to . ... ... uu . I .1 . . . i . . ..m !'., - a .t.f -W. Htmrf 4 mt ft I -.,, r h.w.t kl S-M. , - . fc. mm k.-M H ' W, .. a. t, i. Mma t ,t . ' Ij it a f r.-.t - aw-t ' ' , V mm i . .,.(l -vi. D tafmli aa 1 - k-a m.fUmr AUnm. Ttlt MkCALL COM ,i l (Mil h)ll mm.m M , kit r- . mtif m. Km m - mt m - .mmAmf to I ff IH. H -MUI mm A I m . im m ..mm at-,, mm (... 1,... -! at U-a Dnrirg tbis month an eiprea.ion nfUa beard Ibat originated bark io Ib. datk age. of anliaoily, which sbo thai Rations may Iniswept a.sy, Ibronee may fall, aod eonllnen't may b. tal lotd op, bat Ih. eheeifal Idiot al- ways bars with OS. II wa. lo Ibis wim. A eeflam ri b ma. farel sunpinooaly every day oa pit aod l erraarq with mint julep. btwti meals. There a er. lalo betgar aamd I-sro wbo cam lo his back dm? and a-k l f-r a kandnot. Tb rih mao Hokd b'm u ovr ib. back f'nes and lb digs cam an1 bcked bisbr.taM. And it can to Ihal ll.a haaaar di.it and wa. CO' 'led by lb. eogela ! Abtshaw't r"m. aad lb neh man a'ao died, aod lo b l h""J Op bis f. Tbo Lirus sinf U. rcb ma. trrtnt4 by Ib. tttu rri4 ool from Ahrale't K-v.io: "I II IM enough for or This niaion w som.llm. oI tveo tint. Ibis day Bill Htakeap"- Th. eieuraio. lo Caaoad. I-nrks Hat- orday, Angnat 17, ptomlae. to b. very largely attended. Word torn, from Baker City, Colon, I Grande, Walla Walla, Wealoo, Milton. Athena, P "tulle- Inn and many othr .tnHr place. Ihal everybody seems lo ba much Interested aod bondr.'ls ar. making preparations lo be there). Iliuod trip tirkela from Hepptisr eal but l 'A about on third of Ibe regoler far. Tb. Iraio will leave Heppner Haturday, regular lima, In stead of 3 HO aa formerly reported, and j'tio at Hi maio lio. with Ih special i earmoo trsio which will leav. I'.a lleloa Hatofiiay evanlog, Aogoat 17th, and reaeb Caaoala Ltik Ih. following morning and will be ml by aaoibr ! roraioo f rom I irtland. I. How fof teak. fast. Altt.aIK-k la on. tif Ib. Bin.1 lutofeaUng and delightful pia It lb 0'irtbet lo o I a day. pfg'am bas bee. prepa' I' lb" ' .etor talamani wbiab will annonnd e-w.0. It is .adarskool Ibal M.J if WrN.tll. f e-tv-r nf tb O. ft 4 N. Oi. iH 'k to Ibe psmpl. on Ihi neeaaion, rlaie 14 lbs at tilt la of bis tottpanf o lb. qn lino of a. op, riser. Tbl. will U try lotfiiog ftatar. Ar. yc f ling 14 'n lT th. cheap tar. eioursloo tiuketa to tb. Locks would bsoompellsd to raloro Bon day evening, but tb. Eaal Oregooiao it informed that these tickets bars beeo made good reloroing outil August 19, ao holders may, it Ibey please, gt oo to Portland Holiday evening aod return (rom Ibert Monday night. Tbssabedul. will b. lo lesvs otxt Bet ardey tvsniog, August 17, aod go to lb. Locks; spod Suoday there looking al Ib. big works oo Ib. government con tract, witneaaing a program; bowling slung lb. fin. roads oo bleyolea, aod thta rtloming Hoodty evening or going I oo to Portlaod, speodiog Monday io thai oily, aod returning bom. Moodsy night. Protect Ik. Uas a4 riak. Hboot or fib only In Ih. proper season sod eecap. Ih. gam. wardao by obarv. log lb. laws. Many state, bave new gain, and flb law this y.ar, and if yoo I doo'l know them, send fir. 'ii stamp for oopyuf lbs Gam. Law laao. of Tli Amerlcao Field, 213 Htal. hi., Chicago, CAaTfKX OKKUUH Disordert ia Hit livtr and kldoeys aer responsible for many of Ih. ailmeott of bomanlty, ahu'b, when Org'erlad, ds velop loll serious and ofieo fatal mala die.. 1'radene. wonld ngge tb. promnl iim nf Dr. J. II MeIiao' Llvsr and Kidney Balm b) remove ib dlofilr aa Kin aa ki..iIiI, and realnr. Ib. di ae. ortane in lieallby and Vigorous anion. I'tUt II (MJ per boitla. frmm Ik R a. fas Rsirt. Waatb.r Vtp 4 test 1 4th iU Nw Vtrk. i Thk LNCAHikr. Ini'ka ci; Co. MAMCMI'ai'l I'M Ii fV 11 1. A I ftr .f lt. Mrnt Sl Wir't rilaet fll' Ifkl.g TDM byoiptom. MoMtqre; leUos. tuning aad stinging; Rxt al a'gbij wora ,f sorMrhtBg. If allowad to vilioi tumors f-rra. hlek. nna t" ni ,,... r.fnlaf v.r w.ra, fwr.a! Oirrttaaf "! 'hm itel -eg an4 NeM. in. i,l. nleral.), and I. .a j remi.tM ll,e Iqm'ira Al dngM, , h. tti.il. I UiCb Ir.H.syt.e tisu, of le.i'h. vg I'MisMUa, Tboo.ao 1 nf p.'"n ft ma lar sloi g for moaths, ys tv yaara, surTerlng frora India-ealloa. howsl tmqbt. and i. diaoid.r wild their ewospatytrf d,.rrU sysaplems, b.s. lbT Ibisk IMy tia. It, If lb w.l Ik. a ahorl aywifa. A Dr. J It. tMn't L nod Ki Iney B.litt ihy w aid . gM fvl fi M a sefaMa elte( ..d Ibal rtWetrg ) nf e.nnM 4 t. !. If f , 'n'd r1"- Ie lo SU'l fatroit.. ltl-lflMaKUflg. Weather -Tb. Iemeratur. roe. to 110 degree, no Mooday, Aug. S. Mlo. tbo II ba fall., but f'o again fUt.rday aad Haridar, Tb. laaiimoaa tamper lira during tb. ek rang-! from 7l to I'M) dgr., and Ih. mtoiat'ioi from 41 to 72 a--".. Tbarswa.au ..Ur. at euro nf rainfall iopl no Tn.'iy. lb Mb, wbn a f tfm4 of rai. fl to tb. .orth.aaler. .ooalla.. Tb. atajosphav. has hn hair, w 'b lor'eaamg aoioke, du. lo llS foeaol fir ia Ib. waatera pot lla of lb. .11. Crop.-II.r.i;aof lit t.rsal mp ,.,,,, toeiine.. ngei are in oporeitoa in all sett. Tbraolung La aiunn.n J I. am. fw Jncablie. Tb. wba( wb. ibrbd. I lornibg ool about a. t peels I, L.., fall en, wheal baa a greJ averag. y told, ahilstolaaieav and spring grata ytel j frora B lo 1) bashaU par ar Tb geor4 tmp f inrt will not b. a largo a. Il year, Tb. g'.al eot fatilaa? 6 in ie,l iM ai-twart lo e la M'e? row, CJilUaoB a.4 Wai tM tie. froH'-ppt fn'lnn. lo neil I' ,fa a.tib-r I. V-m aal gi i tywaltiel. TbvjT 0)rV 'asJv,,? Nor em rut l irr. Ao lntsrealio IlKl. aneeil'it. at do.o oo Ib. docket oeaorre lo lb. oonrt room at Ibi. place laal Hal.rday afl.ronoo. Iloa. Bopja ml. Ilavdeo, wbo If oot a ladle.' mao la nothing, in hi I ling aa a lien lo oo. of oar moot eotlmabl lalieo, 11 bit gal Isolry aod a Imiratioo for Ibe fair t gt tb. tiott.r of bis diseraltoo. Bed planted a kit oa Ib. lady'tcbaok. Tb. lady sprang baek and planted her pa'a ail oa Ib. sid eo Mr. Havd.a't b.ad bar. balr to aappoaod lo be, growa ra ago. To. eoat frewoa-l. Ib. lady troeUd, Ib. speelalof latod aod ib. era-rou. a1 ag -l ailoraey aolsally Mebd, a Ibing b ba-1 aoi d ea Ufure for al I. l l.voly ysais Uscolo Aetslop. IferaM: Mea. Kail. Ksm Hroilb, lha Ikfl 1-4 lejlint, and U. M w ba I a iril debal. al Mi.oil l.nng f"0 da nf lt week, and ba r.Ul Inter! waa mtilo4 Ibe.-osb not heliproro.dig. L' roods aian te B da aa Ihe M't. wave anaatilarakly wmled Bn.r Ih. saaltaf. It t fan-1 eOi. biite faallatt aa-egl t who a', lecllaad to ba radital " satliaf i.a. Karl's rintef IWI will parity y. lll-i-l. rb y or I'. ifai-i' t"i, res'''. i..if li .'. i. I m -k .M,r ,ra I rl.at .a a lll. XV. , S I II- ras bf I. W, Atvtt it