Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 13, 1895, Image 4

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While yon aoep jroar subscription paid qb yen
(ukr p your brand in free of chare.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Hnraea GO on left
shoulder; cattle sama on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor
row ootmti.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsns same brand on right
shoulder. Kange. Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Henpner, Or. Homes, JA con
neotAd on 'ft flank; cattlw. samaon left hip.
Biird. D. W and tin. Horse branded D B
on the lot' hiD; o tie the same on loft (link,
crop off rig t ear, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 K on either shoulder. Ramie in Mor
row oountv
iiannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, ifooeeberrjr Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Hnrke. M Bt C, Ixmg Creek. Or On oattle,
MAY connected on left nip. ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Unnge in Orant aDd Morrow
county. ,
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear npper slope.
Barton, Wm.. U-ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh, oattle same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in ne- ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown. W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or ngh hip oattle, same, with split in
nanh ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder: cattle, same on left hip.
Browniee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB connected
on left side: crop en left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right, ear; on horses same
brand on the Lett tnigu; Kange in rox valley,
(irant oounty,
Carsner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horse brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear, Kange in
ftrant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Caleb,Or.-Y D on horsed on left stifle'
U with quarter circle over it, on lert shoulder
Bnd on left stifle on all oolta n 'der IS years; on
left shonlder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Orant county.
Cate, Chas. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shimldor; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and OmaMlla counties.
Onrrigall. M M. Oalloway. Or Cattle crop on
of f.ach ear and underbit, wattle in forohad;
horses half circle (1 on left stifle. Kange II or.
ow and Umatilla oonntios.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double oross on
each hip on cattle, swhIIow fork and nnder bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant
connty. On sheep, inverted and spear point
on shonlder. Kar markou ewes, crop on left ear
pnnched npper hit in right. Wethers, orop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All rangs
in (Irant oounty.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, DOon rightshonl
der Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark sunare
orop off left and split in right.
Cnrrin. B. Y.i Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on
left stifle.
Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Or.-Vtle, C with
r in oenter: horses. CK on left "lip.
Cochran, R. K., Monument, (irant Co , Or.
Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
n on right hip. Cattle brauded the same, Als,.
brands CI on horses right thigh; oa t'e SHini
brand oa right shoulder, and cut off end of
right ear
Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, B Don
right side, swallow-fork in eaob ear; horses, B 0
on left hip.
Kly. Brs., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip, holt
ir right ear.
Emery. C. H., nardman, Or. Horses branded
f) (reyersed 0 with tail) on left shoulder ; cat
tie same on right hip. Kange in Morrow oonnty,
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on
right hip; homes V with bar under on right
Florence. B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, f on
right shonldet; oattle, F on right hip or thigh,
French, George. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
WF, with bar over it, on loft side; crop off left
ear. Horses, same brand on left hip.
Gentry, Klmer, Koho, Or - Horses brsnded H
H. with a quarter nn'le oyer it. on left stifle
Kange in Morrow and Dmatillanonnties.
Hialt K. H., Kidge, Or, Cattle, round-top
with rnarter nircla nnder It on the right hip,
tnn in Morrow and Umatilla nonntiee,
llinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two hsra
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left,
Horses J on right thigh. Kange in Grant county
H ighes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or J" (T V L
connected) on right shoiililnron homes; on cattle,
on right hli and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Bange in Haystack
dlntrlnt, Mnmtw oonnty
Hide, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded
-)- (cattle wth parallel tails) on left shoulder
Cattle same on left hip also large circle on Uf I
Howard 1 L, Gslloway. Or. Horses T (onies
with hir atioye !) on rig-lit shoulder; nattl-smns
on l"ft side. Kange in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall. K twin, John Dav. Or. -Cattle E II nn
right hituhors ssameiiiiriglitsliouldiir, Bange
in llrmt connty.
Hughes, Mat, Hepiiner, Or. Horses, shadsd
heurt mi the left hniililnr. Kange Morrow Co,
Hiinssker, H r Wagner, Or. -Homes, V on left
hn'il lr entile. Don left hip,
Hniiiiihreye, J H Hanlniail, ()'. llorses, 11 on
lef Hank
lliixmn. Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse II no
the left shotil.leraml heart on the left stifle Cat.
& same on left hit. Kange In Morrow nounty
Jones, Harrv, Heipn -r Or More branded
II J on the left ehimlder; rattle bra ided J on
right hip, alwt .indnrlnt in left ar. Kange tn
Morrow county,
Jniikia, H. rl., Hetmner, Or. Hnreea, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sains.
Kange im Vl-M Mile.
Johns n, Hells. Lrna, Or. Horses. elreleT oe
left suite; eel tie. same on right hip, nailer half
orop in n" and sulil n left ear
Kenny, Mik Heppner, Or. Horses Krande4
KNY on left hip oattle same and crop off left
r: nnder lie on the right
Kirk J t , Heppner. Or.-Homes n en left
shonlder; entile. Won lef hip.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or.; home- II on left
slnmliler; eat lis same on right ante, underbit "0
right ear.
Humtierlstid.W.fl.. Mount Vernon. Or. I I, on
nalileou right and left si, lee. swallow fork in lift
ear and nnder mop In right ear. Homes sains
brand on left shoulder. Kange In (irant einintr
Loften, Htepnen, ., r. H I, on left hip
tin name prop and split on right ear, llomw
sine brand left shotililer. lUnge I rant
I.ienallen. John W., Ifi-i- Or. -llorse
lirandnl half -etrole J I, eonnacteit nn left shoul
der. Cattle, sain, oa left hlu. Ketige. pear Lei
Leehey, J. W Heppner Or-Humes branded
Land on l-rt slionMnr; pettla seme cm lfl
blp, wsllle oyer right ", dime slits in right
l.ir.1, Gererge, Heppner. Or. Horses hmndeit
rlnithle II em.niM'i. linte(iiiee railed
swne H on ted shieihUr.
w'ls M '.. Ilfpner, lr.-Clie hran.UI
ei'i-l. on nglit hip; li'w same mi right stille.
Bsnge in M r ow i.mi.
Minor, rer, ni..nr rr -faille, M I) oa
fight hip; horse, M on left shimldef,
M irgs'i. N. H, tl"iM'n". Or. -Horses, M)
on Urt hiHildei eellle ane on Uft hip,
M ib-hall, (War I'-ne. "r.-Il.imee, I) us right
blp: eaMie 1? on right side.
taren. I U . Hrownsnlle (rr.-llorw,
fig-ire s.hi ali sh-Mil ler. ealtle. M 1 m Hiu
MHirr. frank fot Vall, Or. - Mile shm
with ! e-Kfc im eatila m n aa I nnder tr
N'-h ar, horexe eanehmnd on left ettrla,
Mi'HtUi. m i , n uiit.n, (hr.-on tfeMs. "
with hsif sit 'km an(r tn f hotl'lr.te I at' is,
feir ham n'il on tp us Um rtahl sa.le
llshgM tn fnvil t'oqniy.
N-el an.r.w Um. fWk Or - llorew N
aeHw1 n l't h.tltr rattle esme 'Ki tueh hli,
H .t.ike .. til.i.m ir.-llrM,eirrle ) ue
left ll,4t,, Aatta t'n tn Uft hl
tilf I I anton I'm, if -Mm rattle
on U't luu h,,rsre, tame left Ihigli, Hang
in 'oa .i e-Minif
lll ferry. Ulli.g'oe. Iry.-r O . af,
sh,n In
llll. lUmn. PleiHe Cnri o, l, celiU, O
I.I' ,nnntet on Ml hip, Bowes w left siil
and wsi'le !!' in liwl erninly,
IWi, (Hare, r ight Mile. t. Hww, ,jimi
let rin le I .mi Uft stemMer and n uri
lop. I an le, t. Ht in left sar ')! eropiwl,
in, Inf l,iii t(nr ee r Itfiil Mile.
C,.- i(ianin, Hfinan.Of.-H,irwll'iB
I "ft ali,el l.
I'n, r r-e (. , (I.hi r lr-ee brand
K '! e,Miir. e l't li.thtf i eatlle
r,ihi rtgM hip. Hnge Mr-w e,nt
I'h.w, 1 M , 1,-tl-'.-. Or H .rnas. i r,m
! . U't .! I l-r, Milk, aawe l.fl
a ( In e.'h ear
t , n. Of : rt.s n -, pnr
- - iinl lf rsii'e, I H J st I ,
f Hip. mif sb't-e In left mmi aa4 lin In Um
II... I aalnrw. Ilst l nan Or -ll irua. aae
Ff- Wlh i. it trfl Uf ttl
ll-.,.,,.. i l, i, a, llil'"ef. .- H-fes, I Ue
lefl .h.l laf .
M He., H ,m. )t - limine bfnn le. 1
tlx r'M slti4f , raiiie. I X i, li.e l.fl aiti
rr., nt ifi ear an I Uiei eei k. Mange (i
M rre a,d a t"lllrif AMtnftes.
H-e""T. lis ating,M, (V M
lirae Im I H "a tight sH.mii let, rant aansr
eirvoe ii"f ntal. eaitle ea,ue oa right bie
lis V "..i it
II... H n M GeirttllU. IV-tlH erara
s ih i mtim eiixle mm w r(i, a fi .1 Kii
,. t -..,.. . n4 a, 1,1 n lafl. M ir.
,' I .n lri K -.Mat, Kaige la M xri'W
tfwl l .'l.a-n ajrt-liw.
H --- I lUpi nf. Of -n.na, JO m
'l i,.al,at, I nliie Ifs ttM hl.
' .i.t W f I . 'f t.as. U
a .,, - . I s - .'! .,.(
I hi a . Mi.ii m -
,, , , , U. , II. I HWk, Iff
la'l . - ', at ... ,H irfl I .
tH.'l-f I .l.a .. Ih -l ia.la .0
Va w t M Kit. , ea na ! t V.e
r i. rVgl.1 MitiuM e i 1 aa kaaw
in urant oonnty.
Bmith Bros.. Hossnrillr, Or, Homes, branded
H. Z. on shonlder; cattle, moo left shonlder.
Hqnirea, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Kan ge in M orrow and Gilliam oo mtiea
Htephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses H8 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right siite
rjterenson, Mra A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B
on right hir ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. Q. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 oo
left should" ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hoerry. E. G, Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip. crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shonlder.
Tipnets.8.TEnierprise.0r. Horses. C-on left
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both earn.
Thornton, H, M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle: sheep same brand,
Vandarpool. H. T.. Lena, Or: Horses H? con
nected on right shoader;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm . Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John Q Balem or Heppner, Or.
Horsna branded iq on the left shoulder. Kangr
Morrow oonnty.
. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle oyer it, ou left side, split in right oar.
Horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange in
Grant conuty.
Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City, Or On hornet
three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep
hit in both ears. Bangs in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, VI
connected on lef t shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses brander
DE connected on left stifle,
Wallaoo. Charles. Heppner, Or. Cattle, W o
right thigh, holt in left ear; horses, W on rign
shonlner som same on left shoulder,
Whittier nine., nuntingum. Baker Co., Or.
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasoo, Bamilton, Or. Quarter cir
ole over three bars on left hip, both cattle an
horses. Kange (irant oounty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, que'
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear Kange in Grant county
Wren, A. A., teppner, Or, Horses runningA
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young. J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand
"Months right ahonldar
When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine
do not be deceived by allunnK advertisements
and be led to think you can get the best made,
linest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to It that
you buy from reliable manu
facturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
lealinR, you will then get a
-'owing; Machine that is noted
he world over for its dura
ility. You want the one that
s easiest to munage and is
Light Running
Xf There Is none In the world that
vnu cquui 1U IIiecilUlllCHl COO
struction, durability of workin
parts, fineness of finish, beaut
In appearance, or hua as man)
improvements as the
New Home
t has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, allV
n both sides of needle (iar('),noothor h
I New Stand (patented), driving wheel hing
n adjustable centers, thus reducing friction t
to minimum.
'juhif, Mam. Borrow, Mam. MnmnnRotTAitie.N.'
''UlCAUH, TlA. HT, I.Ot IH, MO. IUI .M. Tk-XAl.
Kan rKAr,H ii,( a(,. ATTiAXT.V, Oa.
- - ' ' . riv
P. C. THOMPSON CO., Atjents,
Hcppiwr, Oregm.
Sample Packacz iJ t-lV5.Vi";V:v
iS'iin AViiiicixi'o Ojjict,
SAl'Il. It. QltKKXSFEI.DER tt CO.,
So. 3Ji Sutler Strei t.
t T)
The ttinmb Is an ai fa'lirg Isn
tif rhs srisr 1 us i'l.i. iw In
sire SIMlg III (MSI i in
aen amier. i io ailltg i
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Of S,lsifnl Mist and l.lipl.i.
iilllif, It. Ill el ltr. li. ,
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L I !" t. . ry iiihanM
IV Ir K,.rrrl A M-.a,i,a t. 1-tA
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
&i(t ot at Heppner, tr address
Geo. Phbs. Agt.
Portland. Obeqon.
Soxi Francisco
knd all points In California, ria the Mt. Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co,
he great hiirhway throngh California to all
points East and South. Grand Hoenlo Route
Of the Faoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
Uleepers, Heoond-olass Uleepera
Attsohed to express trains, affording superior
leommodations for seoond-claas passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping ear reservations,
te, call npon or address
. KOKHLKK, ManaKer, E. P. ROOK 118, Aiat
en. t At. Agt. Portland. Oregon
Most Modern and progressive
Fur rsuloKue or Jn rorni.it Inn write to
New Haven. Conn,
Ths eompsralsslus of these twocsrd
It known to moat persona.
Thsy illustrate that grealsr quantity la
Net slwsyt most to be dtslrsd.
These cards si press the bsnaflclal quel
As comptrsil with any previously knows
stlpeeiTtbuleti Price, o cents bo
Of 4nif (lets, or by msll.
ir CHtMICaL CO.. 1 0 Serve II., NT.
illu.r. Ii.
I tseuatis? le
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'iierot.ry rf
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SS.M 1 1 tea. nt.Maa .J .1 K u .
J- I lria. It i. a bo v f ta M
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lk..o 4iai.a,.M saait. V- k-.t.
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Ht llftnk hfcl.l,1.! Ik.iltl Ik
a4alkia), Market 4 I Uttttft
rtanelaee, at.
'' 4Sf?SV Lightest,
Simplest, lilJuJJ Easiest
itronircst, I XtA "Jf Xf7f 1TtJ wrlllni
olid llWWihiil Most
7l f 3 sTfV Accurate,
Receiver. SiVl: Compact,
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Mi 1 ra
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The town of Dulbam was not used to
seeing; foreigners of any sort, or to
beamier their voices in its streets, so
that it was in some sense a matter of
public interest when a Canadian fam
ily was reported to have come to the
white house by the bridge. This I
house, small and low-storied, with a
bushy little parden in front, had been ,
standing empty several months. Usual-1
ly when a house was left tenantless in
Dulham it remained so and fell into
decay, and, after some years, the cin
namon rose bushes straggled into the
cellar and the dutiful grass grew over
the mound that covered the chimney
bricks. Dulham was a quiet place,
where the population dwindled stead
ily, though such citizens as remained
bad more and more reason to think it
as pleasant as any country town in
the world.
Some of the old men who met
every day to talk over the town affairs
were much interested in the new
comers. They approved tbe course of
the strong-looking young Canadian
laborer, who had been quick to seize
upon his opportunity; one or two of
them had already engaged him to make
their gardens and to do odd jobs, and
were pleased with his quickness and
willingness. He had come afoot one
day from a neighboring town, where
he and his wife had been made ill by
bad drainage and factory work, and
saw the little house, and asked the
postmaster if there was any work to
be had out of doors that spring in Dul
ham. Being assured of his prospects,
he reappeared with his pale, bright
eyed wife and little daughter the very
next day but one. This startling
promptness had given time for but few
persons to hear the news of a new
neighbor, and as one after another
came over the bridge and along the
road there were many questions asked.
The house seemed to have new life
looking out of its small-paned win
dows; there were clean white curtains,
and china dogs on the window sills,
and a blue smoke in the chimney the
spring sun was shining in at the wide
open door.
There was a chilly east wind on an
April day, and the elderly men were
gathered inside the post office, which
was also the chief grocery and dry
goods store. Each was in his favorite
armchair, and there was the excuse of
a morning fire in the box stove to make
them form again into the close group
that was usually broken up at the ap
proach of summer weather. Old Capt
Weathers was talking about Alexis,
the newcomer (they did not try to pro
nounce his last name), and was saying
for the third or fourth time that tbe
more work you set for the Frenchman
the better pleased he seemed to be.
"Helped "em to lay a carpet yesterday
at our house, neat as wax," said the
captain, with approval. "Made the
garden in the front yard so it hasn't
looked so well for years. We're all go
in' to find him very handy; he'll have
plenty to do among us all summer,
oueiu to kuow what you want tbe
minute you p'int, for he can't make ou
very well with his English. I used to
be able to talk considerable French in
my early days when I sailed from
southern ports to Havre and Bordeaux,
but I don't seem to recall it now very
well. He'd have made a smart snilor,
Alexis would, quick an' willing."
"They say Canada French ain't spoke
the same anyway," began the captain's
devoted friend, Mr Ezra tipooner, by
way of assurance, when the store door
opened and a bright little figure stood
looking in All the gray-headed men
turned that way, and every one of them
"Cume right in, dear," said the kind
hearted old captain.
They saw a charming little creature
about six years old, who smiled back
again from under her neat bit of a hat;
be wore a pink dress that made her look
still more like a flower, and she said:
"Hon Jour" prettily to the gentlemen
as she passed. Henry Staples, the storo
keeper and postmaster, rose behind tbe
counter to serve hi customer as if t-lie
had been a que-n, and took from her
hand the letter he brought, with the
amount of it postage folded up in a
warm uu of newspaper.
The captain and his friend looked on
with admiration.
Give her a piece of candy no, give
it me an I'll giv It to her," said the
captain, eagerly, reaching for his cane
ami leaving hi chair with more than
usual agihty; and everybody looked
on while he took a striped stick of pep-
prrnntii from the storekeeper and of
icrea 11 gallantly. There was acme-
thing- in the way this favor was ac
cepted that aavored of the French
court and made every man in the store
a lover.
The child not only made a quaint
tKiw N'fnre he reached out her hand
with childish eagernraa fur the nnei-
peeled delight, but h stepped for
ward and kiftted the captain.
There wa a murmur of delight at
thi charruimg courtesy; not a man
there would not have liked to find
ome riciiae for walking away with
her, and tlnre wa a general sigh
a she shut the door behind her and
liMiked tt'k through the glaaa with a
art nig kiiuh.
"That' little French Mry. Alexl'
little girl," aald the storekeeper, eager
to prurlaim hi advantage of previous
acquaintance. "rh came here yester
day and did an errand for her mother
a nioe a a grown prraoo could."
"I never mw a little crratur' with
prettier way." ld the captain. Mush
ing n. tapping his raue on the floor.
'I hi timl apearane of the Utile
foreigner on an April day wa like the
coming of a young queen to her king
doin. .ie reigned all summer over
evrry irrt In iHilhain not a fare but
ore It snulr when French Mary
ratnednnti the Mreet, Hot a mother
tioili.1ri.t v to her rhil ln that
ah wished tney ti4 sirn ptetty man
ner and kept their frnrk a tirL
The child danced and ens' tike a fairy,
nd cndrvrndM to all childish
game, an. y., !. of all f.r hrr
trirmle, ererned to ar tin ihlT.Tvu. e te
twren young and 1L Mi mrMiue
followed (apt. Vrthrr bom and
ditt-reetly diue.l or took tea with biro
and at housekeeper, aa honored
meat; im rainy ly she might be
found tn the ehoemkr hop or I hi
t'.ikmith a, washing- them at U.e.i
work; smiling- much hut i'a n lit
tie, ud W-arhinsT RotD Freorb
ah Warned I.iig'.iab. To thi lr, It
IViharn. propt lanrh and repeat hei
trar forvt.'n word od phrase
Mr li, the father, wm te.y t hi
m a .-f fit irii.ii and hay lti', Mjr ,
(lie i l.U-r. lit. m ,(,, ,),.., and lr-e
... I . . .
I i "-ft,am iii he.v
ia BUliy l.uu,!. bow tad ll.cu i
lNaay thy t c3 tt.jr la lh tu'-rti-
Mr. A. H. Crsnsby, of K&
158 Kerr St, Memphis, Tenu
Writes thai bis wile bad can
cer wnick had eaten two
large hole In her breast, and
which the beet physicians
of tbe surrounding country
treated, and pronoonced In
curable. Her e;rand mother
ana aunt naa aiea oi
and when told this, the most
eminent specialist of New
York, under whose treat
ment she wa placed, de
clared ber case was hopeless.
All treatment having failed,
ehe was given up to die
8. 8. 8. was recommended,
and astonishing as it may
eeem, a few bottles cured
her sound and well.
Oar treatise on toll dis
ease will be sent free to
any address.
Atlanta. Ga
ing and walked to the manufacturing
town whence they had come, to go ti
mass; at the end of the summer, whe
they felt prosperous, they sometime
hired a horse and wagon and drov
there with the child between them.
Dulham village was the brighter ami
better for their presence, and the few
old-fashioned houses that knew them
treasured them, and French Mary
reigned over her kingdom with no re
volt or disaffection to the summer's
end. She seemed to fulfill all the du
ties of her childish life by some exquis
ite instinct and infallible sense of fit
ness and propriety.
One September morning, after tht
first frost, the captain and his frieiid
were sitting in the store with the dooi
shut. The captain was the last comer
"I've got bad news," he said, anti
they all turned toward him, appre
hensive and forewarned.
"Alexis says he's going right away'
(regret was mingled with the joy o
having a piece of news to tell). "Ye?
Alexis is going away; he's packing uj
now, and has spoken for Foster's ha.
cart to move his stuff to the railroad.'
"What makes him so foolish?" sah
Mr. Spooner.
"He says his folks expect him ir
Canada; he's got an aunt livin' then
that owns a good house and farm, am
she's gittin' old and wants to hav
him settled at home to take care o
"I've heard these French folks only
desire to get forehanded a little, and
then they go right back where they
come from," said some one, with an air
of disapproval.
"He says he'll seDd another man
here; he knows somebody that will be
glad of the chance, but I don't seem to
like the idea so well," said Capt.
Weathers, doubtfully. "We've all go
00 uaeu 10 Aiexis ana his wife; the;
know now where we keep everythin
and have got to be so handy. Strang,
they don't know when they're well off
1 suppose it's natural they sbouh.
want to be with their own folks. TheL
there's the little girl."
At this moment the store door was
opened and French Mary came in. She
was dressed in her best and her eyes
were shining".
"I go to Canada in ze cars!" she an
nounced joyfully, and came dancing
down between the two long counter
toward her regretful friends; they hac
never seen her so charming.
Ajguiuout auu regret were imr.
Bible the forebodings of elderly men
and their experience of life were of no
use at that moment, a gleam of youth
and hope was theirs by sympathy in
stead. A child's pleasure in a journej
moves tbe dullest heart; the captain
was the first to find some means of ex
pression. "Give me some o' that best candy for
her," he commanded the storekeeper
"So, take a bigger piece of paper, auu
tie it up well."
"Ain't she dressed a little thin?" said
gruff Mr. Spooner, anxiously, and for
his part he pointed the storekeeper t
a small plaid shawl that hungovei
head and stooped to wrap it himsel
about the little shoulders.
"1 must get the little gitl something,
too," said the minister, who wa
grandfather and had just come in fo:
his mail. "What doyoj like best. in
dear?" and French Mury pointed shyly,
but with instant decision, at a blu.
silk parasol, with a white handle,
which wus n mvhat tbe wore fot
haviug Wen openly displayed all sum
mer. The minister bought it with
pleasure, like a country boy at a fair,
and put It Into her hand.
French Mary kikaod the minister
with rapture, and gave him her hand
to shake, then she put down the para
eol and ran and climWd Into the old
captain' lap and hugged him with
both anna tight round hi neck. She
thought for a moment whether ahc
should klk Mr. Ezra hjHMiner or not.
but happily she did not decide again
it, and said an affectionate good-by u
hint and all the rrst Mr. Maple
bimikulf came out from Whlnd the
counter to ay farewell and Wttow
otue raisin. They all followed her
to the door and ttood wttch ng while
he tucked her bundle under her arm
and raised the new parasol and walked
away down the treet In the chilly au
tumn morning. Mie had taken hi
French gayrty and charm and all he
childish kweetnra and dignity awa
with hrr. Little French Mary hail
gone. Fate lud plucked tier like a
flower out of their live.
She did not turn back, but when
she wa half-way home h Wgan to
run, and the new thawl wa given
gayly to the breeze. The captain
"I wUh the little girl well." he aid.
and turned awy. -v ,,all mis her
but she doran't know what parting la
1 hope he'll pleaae them Just a well
in (anada." .lobe-leniocrat.
Hark Iri s aralra alv.
Tb Wst It In Ih world for cot.
Utilise. More, I'lrer. hall lihenm,
Frver Hore. Teller. Chi p. Hand,
t'htttilain, CWri. n all sn eruption
ti. positively enrt Mea. or o py
reqmre.1. II I gt'nlee, to fit
oeMrei saiiefarimn or luonev refunded.
"lV- 1 eetil prf bo I. For l by
f W. Ar. Jr.
Very few more aapleaaant predica
ment can be Imagined than to W
aboard a runaway tenuhip. The
teamahlp Marvhl.mesa, while makinff
I he paaaagt front Uotheaay toOUtgow.
Skvt:ud. out with an a.i-ldeot to her
m. him-ry. ami the eeginerr were no-
able to t.n hrr. Ththatranl skil
tterr.a,? r4. ai4 thin W?q to
io a.armirir, nam the captain tk
her out to tidhaaal and eteetxl her
'''"ll b riffle. Whrfl tliatrin
a t.at'y e.!in'e-l th runaway
laUkd f'r tiiW, whrr she
a -c ir vj., u4 tv
'he rt' M (-
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands in the
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Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel bei
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THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict median- j
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For men, womeji. boys and girls, with 28,
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Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntalogne, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
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Hows Your Liver?
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26 and 24 Inch wheels, at Jf5, $55, $45 respect-j
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OF . . .
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1 1 ! N Jl. Vri'lCAt, CO
hu IrtMoatM, (it