Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 13, 1895, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better,
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, The first bottle gave me
great relief? the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost
(entirely of all unpleasant symptoms
and I feel sure that one or two bot
tles more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
herry Pectoral," E. M. Brawley,
I). D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
jgg jBft grrg - 2 3
5 r 7 & IO
11 12 13 14 15 1C 17
18 9 20 J2J 22 25 2
25 26I27 2&Z9 30 31
atas (or Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
lohn Day and Canyon City. Iwvw m follow. ;
Every day at (1 a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at p ra..ei-eit Monday.
The rhH'i, qiiimeai ana nesi una v or
from the Interior loiniiry.
I'hlll Conn, AkviiU
You can got the bcit bwf
. In Hcppnvr at 0. B. Ted
rowe'i, 6 cenu per Haas,
If yon want Die flneat lliior, cigars, etc.,
call atlVd'l
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Millions ride the 1U rubier.
Ike EooU Let biryolee lo rent
Cba. MoDr-well left oo yester.lay'i
tralo fur Tbe Dalle.
rha Xil-Vinon, Marble Work,
nalle Walla. Weeh.
0. Ii CaU we over from the KiJge
Country laat Saturday.
Tt Weekly Huo eoJlb (lan.ll 2 75
per year, boib strtolly In edvauoe.
Cbff Jour, of I he Eigbt Mile eoootry,
a mq oo oar sliest laat Halurday
La rni Marble Work. La Oreod
Or, rl. 0. Smith, elmn, llipor.
J. Mcflelvy an1 wife bav returns.)
to Ueppoer from tbelr Moomol reooh.
0. F. Walker, the Portland stork buy
er, well-known In Heppner, on me up on
Friday evening' train, returning yester
day. Hrt hoped to get a shipment of
bogs from tbig pUo bnt failed Many
win remember Mr. Walker as the gent'e
man who met with a very serluus acci
dent in Portland about two mouths
sinoa. from which it was several times
reported tbat he coald not reoover. Ele
was thrown from a cart and striking ou
his heid a blood vessel wus broken,
whiob shortly after necessitated several
painful and dnngeroUi operations. Mr.
Walker, however, has now almoxt com
pletely rec Vered, though this is bis first
t-ip oat einoe leaving tbe hospital.
Hon. W. R, Ellis, wife and son EddiB
returned Saturday evening from a
mouth's stay at Newport, or rather at
Monterey, a coast resort ab'int two miles
above the former place Mr. Ellis and
family all appear to have enj .yed the
stay at. the on8t, and enme h-ime with
the usnal seaside complexion. Cougresg-
man Ellis expects soon to visit a number
of the counties iu this distriot to confer
with his oonstituei.ts and acqnaitit bim-
stlf with tbe need and demands of
every section of hi district. It is safe
to say tbnt when Mr. Ellis returns to
WHshington he will be thoroughly in
touch with his peoi le.
Ralston & Lnopy's shipmeut of stock,
wbicb was recently spoken of in tbe U
zette, left Heppner IhstSnturday for Chi
cayo. I lie shipment Consisted ot sis
oars of cattle, four of sheep end one of
bogs. Milt Deoisnn and Frank Jones
tlso departe I with the stock train, Milt
o return to Iowa, his home, and Frank
to spend the coming wiutor with him.
The boys took Chnmpagne, tbe well
Known running horge with them, and ex
pect to win s"me races with the borse
daring the fall.
The fourth quarterly conference ser
vices were held at tbe M. E church Inst
Stuidav. Rv. Motor, of Arlington, the
presidingelder, was present and preached
hu interegiiug sermon it both the morn
ins and eveuinn servioes. At tb close
of the evening nervioe Rev. Dentson
briefly reviewed his work here during
he past two years, and sp"ke of bis ef
forts in behalf of the otmrch. The ser
vices closed with a general handshaking.
This concludes Rev. JJeniBon a year's
work at this pbioe.
8 imetime ago I was taken siok with a
nrainp in the stomach followed by diar
rhoea. I took a couple ot doses or imam
berlain's Colio, Oholora and Diarrhoea
Remedy and was immediately relieved
I consider it the bst medicine in thu
market for all such ompiaints 1 have
sold tbe remedy to others and everyoue
'hvnBBit speaks tigblv of it. J. w
Striokler Valley Center. Cal. For sale
by Slooiim-JoboBon Drug Co.
Henry Vanderpool who left Heppner
last spring to go over tbe trail witn a
band of sheep, returned borne a short
hue since, having left tbe boys at Idaho
Falls. He reported no bad look np to
the time of bis leaving, as of this bund
of 8000. onlv hbout 151 had been lost
Henrv eft last week for Yamhill county
where he will visit his mother. He also
expects to spend a morr vacation at tue
coast before returning home.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., disposed of bie drag
business, known eg tbe City Drug Store,
to Harry Warren aud Geo. Wells last
week. The iuvoioe has been taken and
he new firm, to be knowo eg Wells
Warren, bavetuken possession. Tommy
has been in the drug bnsioess here for
everal vears. and has many friends, b
will regret to learn of bia going out of
buHiners iu Heppner.
W.B. Laoy returned borne a abort time
since from Corvallia where be bus been
attending the Agricultural College. This
is bis first vieit borne for two years,
he soeut la season's vacation in tbe
valley. Mr. Lcv oompleted tbe agriool
Inral oonrse this year, though he may
return this fall and take up tbe post
graduate course.
IU Wells. Albert Ilea and Ed Prisooll
who were members of a orew tbat left
Heiinner late this season to take a band
I - ... . . .
of sheen over tbe trail, threw np thei
notations when linotlDgton wss readied
aud returned to Teal springs, where thev
are now ei joying the rool air and baths
daring tbe warm weather.
A. E. Hmith and wife, relatives of
Joe Luokman, who left Morrow county
about a ear ago for tbeir oM borne in
England, where tliay rxpeoted in the fu
ture to reside, bare returned to this
oonnly, arriving last evening. They j
will again Inke up their residence in
Morrow county.
Ike Fnnis hue a took of bicycle
repsira and will fit yonr wbd op at
reasonable rates. It is hie intention lo
make a specialty in this line, and as the
Dumber of wheels ie rpnMy increasing,
this will oeriainly be pleasing tieas to
thooe who era ao fortunate aa lo own a
hike. tf.
"Canst thoa minister to a mind dis
eased?' aka Macbeth. Certainly, my
lord; tbe condition of tbe mind den-Dd
largely, if not sol Ij, on the condition of
lite stomach, liver, and bowels, for all of
titob complaieta Ayer's "'ills ere "the
aovereignest thing on earth.''
Wm. Dirao returned last week from
Teal springs, where he ert with tbe
hntie ol improving hie LeaUh. How
ever, be de u t sk very bighly of
this tdv aa a health rort. in fael be
enmee borne oo bHer than wbfU Ul de
parte J several weeks ago.
Nervons dehililv la a eommoD enn-
A Heppsbb Bor Abbkbted.-Io con
nection with an aooount ot tbe Pendle
ton fire, the E. O. says: "Late Thurs
day eveniDg, Frank Whetstone and a
voung man oalled "Kid" Moore were ar
rested for laroency of a chunk of gold
from tbe premises ot tbe destroyed
buildings. They were allowed by tbe
oity authorities, along with dozens of
others, to go over the ruins and dig
among tbe debris. All day people were
searching fur things ot Value, and it is
supposed some predious metal was found
and carried away. Tbe chunk of melted
gold these young men are charged witb
taking wag estimated at $30 value. They
were to be examined before Justioe
Parkes this afternoon, but the state was
unprepared to bring in testimony, and
tbe case was oontinued." We regret to
bear this and hope Frank may be able to
dear himself. Sinoe the above was
written word has been received in tbis
oity that Frank has been arrested and is
now held on a charge of murder. No
particulars were learned, though it is
believed to be in connection with tbe
fire. A lady in escaping from tbe Trans
fer House, saw in the hallway tbe body
of a man lying in a pool ot blood, bnt
Was so badly frightened by the fire tbat
she ooold give but little account of it.
However, the report convinced many
tbat tbe hotel was set on fire to cover up
a murder. Investigation was at once
Block of Property Burned and
laves lioat la the Flames.
egun, and this arrest, it is thought, is
the result ot tbe same. N. S. Whetstone
reoeived a telegram yesterday to the et
feet that his son had been arrested on
the charge mentioned, when he left at
onoe for Pendleton to be present at tbe
preliminary bearing wbioh occurs today
Tbis charge is mnob more serious than
that ot larceny of tbe chunk ot metal
tor if any one is guilty of murder, they
are also probably guilty of setting fire to
tbe hotel wbioh resulted in the logs of
dur more human lives. Heppner peo
ple, however, are slow to believe Frank
guilty of this charge, and await witb in-
rest the res lit ot tbe preliminary hear
Excellent Blood Purifier.
"I bave used Hood's Sarsapurilla in
my family tor several years and bave
fouod it ao excellent blood purifier
Two of my boya are nsing it and it Is
benefitting tbem and we regard it as tbe
best medicine tbat we can find." Ferd
Baleiger, lone, Or.
Pendleton was visited by a Are last
Wednesday night which burned all tbe
ftarae buildings from Railroad street to
Webb, the next street above. Tbe
Transfer honse, whioh waa located in
tbis block, wag burned und three guests
of tbe same lost their lives. A night
sleeper at Allison's saloon was also
borned to death, making iu all four vic
tims of the flames. Tbey were as follows:
Frank Breding, in the Allison saloon;
Old Wolf, the veteran reservation jailer
and policeman; Q. Clacking and William
Stevenson. I
Clacking, a young cn of about 22
... a i.
years, bad .et arrived troro 'uasuaoe
Looks, bis old home, tbe previous even
ing, in quest of a location. He was well
and favorably known at Casoade Locks,
being a pro ninent K. P., and also secre
tary of the Elks lodge at that plaoe
Several others narrowly escaped from
the burning buildings. The loss is esti
mated at $15,000, which ia about half
Covered bv insurance. Prompt and he
roic action on tbe prt of tbe firemen
checked tbe flames and doubtless saved
considerable adjoining property. The
fire started In the Transfer house, and is
supposed to have been caused by a burn
ing match being carelessly dropped by a
drunken man in a waste room contain
ing gasoline and other infUmraable ma
terial. Tbis is the statement of the night
clerk, though he does not know who this
pBrty was. The coroner's jury makes
no statement beyond the bare verdict of
"death by burning." While the loss of
property by this fire was considerable,
yet, much sadder was the loss of human
Makes the Blood Pure
Thig ia the secret of the cures
by Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Head this:
"I am so glad
to write that I
am now In per
fect health and
It Is all because
Hood's Barsa
parillft made
my blood pure.
My health
broke down
with troubles
peculiar to
women, m y
nervous sys
tem was shat
tered and I
had to take my bed. The physician said
there was little hope for me. A neighbor
told ot wonderful cure3 by Hood's Sarsa
parilla and I decided to try it. When I
had taken 8 bottles, I could sit up and now
I am perfectly well ana strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done all this for me." Mrs. C. F.
Fadebeb, La Platta City, Colorado.
Hood's Pills oure all liver ills.
Runaway. Heppner experienced an
other exciting runaway last Saturday
A. Bordell. who lives a short distance
below town, hud driven up to tbe flour
ing mill ind loaded a few saoks of flour
in bis wagon and bad stepped iuto the
offiae a short time when big team beoame
frightened and started at a very rapid
gait down Court street. At tbe corner
of May
oillf. ur narjiuiai consupa
nOOQ S rllla tion. Price 25c. per box.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course wiint the best.
None But Ayer's at the World's Fair.
Ayer's 8arsparilla enjoys tbe extraor
dinary distinction of having been the onlv
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair. Cbioago. Manufacturers
ot other aarsBparillas sought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away under the
application of the rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medioines and nostrums.
The deoie on of the World's tair autno.
rilies in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in effect as follows: , "Ayer's Harsapa-
rilla is not a Datent medioine. It does
not belons to tbe list ot nostrums. It is
bere on its merits."
Are Still in Business
In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
as loDg as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to
sell honest goods at honest prices
To catch Buckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, food and
Willowware, and many other things.
Write for Catalogue and Prices
Ths F3assil!cu Engine X Thresher Co.
Culled from the Eagle.
MeFarland Mercantile Oo. will pay
oash for wheat, barley, bides and pelts.
Farmers should call and see tbem. a
If vou want to rent a bicycle or tret re
pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at bis
bicyole livery, power bouse.
Green Mathews for shaving, hair-
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in tbat line, liaths at any time during
business hours.
Meadows & Scrivner, the blacksmiths,
horseshoer aud wood butuhers, at tbe
Walter Keeney departed for Heppner o!(1 Qun Main street, Heppner,
Tuesday witb a load of wool,
Dr. and Mrs H. E. Henderson return
ed from Heppner Friday last.
Oha'ley and Walter Vandnyn came
over from Heppner last week and are at
nresent enjoying an outing in Grant
county's mountains.
Hazlett, the pilgrim printer, dropped
.... T ...... nMulv U i t i-i -V. u A Funr liavm
sireei, iu irou ui iuo uu. - , , ,. . . .
I il.. & a.U.
oune, tuo if Mill run tutu iuo water 'u on his WBV
rani, ureaaiog it ou a .uur, u..um u- . ... n w . , . .
low tbe ground, completely demolishing d !, Monday for Portlaud on b.isi-
the wagon and scattering the flour Dea. Tbey may vieit Ban Francisco
around in a promisonous manner. Con-1 before returning borne.
siderable water whi wasted before word 1 Joe Hayes, of Heppner, who bia been
Call on tbe boys
T. ft. Howard makes a sneoialty in
Bntolvi"H stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general una
be bis new ad. ti.
Q. B. Hatt. the tonsorial artist, otn
be found at bis parlors, Matioon corner,
where be will dispense at popular prioes,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc.
Anv inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. O , will find it to bis
advantage to call on or address tbis pa-
Out of Sight!
Tbe boy is father to the man, and when
tbe boy dona the man's bat he is "out
ot sight." Likewise the man who pro
vides himself with one of
hats, and also purobases bis Grnoeries,
Cigars, Tobaccos and Gents' Furnish
ings at this estabhshmeat where tbe
freshest and latest of the above lines
are kept.
Tbis is also tbe plaoe for Stook men's
Supplies, as tbis store makes a speoialty
of everything required by tbis class ot ,
trade. And a casual observer will not
fail to notice tbat our sheep and cattle
men take advantage of tbis faot.
Remember the plaoe w
Four doors south of tbe City hotel.
THUNDER l.iwiiiiNiu'
"There is a trie in Vie affairs of men
That, if taken at its flood, leads on to fortune."
The flood is here and so is
With a full line of
Hardware. Tinware. Glassware, Crockery. "Wood
and Willowware. Cedar Tuba at Bedrock Prices.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
The only Exclusive Hardware Store between The Dalles and Pendleton
Heppner, - - Oregon.
reaobed tbe power Douse, wnen ioe .-inurniu u; . - - , .
water was shut off and the break tempo- SlS;lUM,l DI,.Bra,1, " it ;t? to the interior. P. Cohn,
ever, will oe umwurr iu ui.ao . yu.- M...nn.on nam. nr from Mall, ffl.
nent repair. The team ran on up to the . , Porin Mi Tuesday eveniug. leav-
raoe track where they were caugbt by Dg Wednesday morning for Ueppner,
the owner and driven down town, when, fi. H. Lee and neobew. J. P. King, of
while talking about the incident on Main Ran Jose. California, are ont on a bunt
iog eipedition in Oreenhorn. Ihey will
visit Desolation lake before tbey return
street, the team jerked away from bim
again, and tbis time did not stop until
they reached home, tn tbe matter of
runaways Mr. Burdtll oertniuly taVes
the "bakery," for baldly a week passes
by but what he baa such an experieooe.
In fact tbia team seems to bave
mania for such sport.
The Pattorson Pub. Co. have secured
tbe sgenoy of the Orescent bicyoles for
Morrow and Grant counties, and will
shortly have some machines for sale at
ery low figures. Examine a uresneot
before buying.
The reunlar snhsoripllon price of tbe
s..mi.Vc. klv tiiiEt-tte is S2.&0 aud the
John Carrey and family, of lone, are ,Hnliir nrice -f the Weekly Oregonian
visiting relatives in tbe valley. Mr. Car- jugl.M). Anyone aiibscriliing for tbe
rey report having harvested a large bay Oar.Ht and pnying for one year in
crop, which is a rare thing in Morrow a,Uance ran tint Ixith the Gazette and
county this year. Weekly Ore gouian for 9'A. All old sub-
. n . ,1 i 1 anntwra navies their suliacriO'lonB lor
liana rninam.wnn rroeuiiy purijuwrii - r - - ...in,i tn
a ba.d of oattle io tbia county fr the om erm advene will be entitled to
t.irt Iln.uJ Mail fVi . nf Tinomi i""
A acrap of small dimensions ocenrred , nIB. ,.,r,,nT among w..mi-e. Th
ine urwtry last vvrmow. .ioirii j,,.
Harrison tl and wifa are bom fr.tta
few weeks' noting over io Iht lV.a
tioo lak euunuy.
WanM-I'laio nr fancy aewlng Will
go to tbe bo or fake sowing boms.
Ire. Mary llndfsHi.
E. I Mimojs. of Pertdl-ton. d-poty
tndr CnH'cr lilaekmao, waste lltep
crr over Friday Dig hi.
Frank It and i H. Tedmwe
pat Hendaf with t rweHcatiug party
p llattitltoO'S mill.
rm Il-kly llt veaterday on tb
Stock I'em t I'oftlarid, wbef be I
eis l a.l tbe wk.
W. Inll.m (lf.- ro"Udll week
and to nw ih b wb-m we Uaro
Is quit Hi at lt,e wnapital
now having nogs in tne vteuowe aonn
try tor tbe same establishment.
Tic Adkins and J. B Nailer came
iver from tne mcunina noi npnngs
Tudav. Mr. Natter left Ibe same day
by stag for Ueppner. lie is mnoh im
proved in health and speaks highly or
A Hehidd Trranare.
1). W. Fuller, of Canajobari. N. Y,
says that be always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in tbe bouse and bis
family bave ays found the very beet
reult follow its nee; that be woold not th McDnffie springs,
t.e wltbont it, If proouraoie. u. a. uy t..,,!. W A. Weltell. one of tbe mo
man, Druggist, Catskill, N . i says thai popular edncslnra f the stale, favorably
Dr King's New Discovery ia nnd -nbted- knowo to tli teachers oi urapi ronniy,
i. it,. l..t nnnuh renied! thai he baa baa nromlsed to b prea-nt and awls'
ti.xt it In his family f.ir ei'ifhl years, and wllb lb work of th annual Institute at
it baa never (ailed te do all tbat la claim- Canyon Oty. Aug. ra. ana .hi.
d for il. W h not try remedy ao
long tried and tested. Trial bottle free
at T W. Aer. Jr . Drng Htore. Ilegniar
site a, and II.
Aa IwNoctrr Jobbsb. Wm. Ingrum,
enmmooly knowo as "Windy Bill," of
K'ghl Mile, was seen oo oor streets laat
HalarJay, when be lolorme.l our re
porter tbat hi dwelling wa blown Cora
A timber Ore baa len raging ou the
moaotain eoiith of Iong Creek for the
oast week. Much property aa io dan
gr, but Ibrongb lb effort of rancher
residing io thai localilv. tn nr M
knt corflned to tbe timber. Hum little
lancing was destroyed.
dtcal treatment for Ibi disorder
I a iritetil course of A)er nara-
parllla rleai.se and iolgoral lb
hl.id. This being ecisioiiilisbed, naiure
III do ibe real.
Ben Math to Oow .! proprietor of
fl.aeil rueal ma'k't wber tie keeps
fresh atll til of beef. Iwf k. Ililfin, Veal
aaussg. bra and lard, wbH-h be sells
. . tf a r, k
r.,r IU lowest maraei ,rir. r ",,., i
lbI'llanlbul,bt.U.tillwtbbltn. If u eq..n. ........
arterwaid eal nte aaopw-i nm, urtii
Dieorder ia Ibe lir end kidney eer
rpinible for many of lb ailment of
horoaeltv. wtiirh. when efgleried. d-
tileUlv over br o errlone (Tl and wa I veloo lot' rloii and ofteo fUl mala
'M.i. n..i dies. l'milenc wmim rn..i ioe
oow alaodiug oo lb
ait J cjolooe, bssatd, occurred last week,
Inrlonaiely at a tim wbo bimsslf sod
faintly er out In lb motiutaina, conse
quently on on injured. William
tol I Iht story In maousr tbat aroused
Knqn l (tn lb Streets of Heppner
roeoll. a la h'e po. kt b"k mntaio-
I ir.g a small nm 'f moeey. 0aer cao
bat aras h elll"g at II I "Rl dee.
ending the pririy and paying for line
Ii Jtwtitly intbreetaof llepo
er a d'f key, lifass haiHI. with ll
Rsoir ft key. Illh"i. His! '
l t I -- I Iw.m. lbs first 1 f I, sr. .He w.s N U io lef will C"'er
f ui ae.k frora I'.,tlri'l, wh' U a far bf retnrolng m Ibis "fW
baa beo frestfibg 0ltcal latutit , Another slag wa teld at. Hi S"i'hro
the bspilBl. ' O'e-0 week T'" o
K O WUII I wlf- rl .'eel ff..m to -y. T f M-f I s.dl,
Pril.e, nn .i.t.t t'1 irsin. d psI H-r l,. tr..n l-. . .(, few r.g
t,nItl.Mi ..t6irg f . lbirhol -ie1 par.ag-. wr.ured.
I,. I Cr-. I Wal loo I'.hea relMl Pi ,. Carnn Op
If II.. ha.f is M!..nil sd ItM " IMH rek U.I "" l"- H"
... i- .. ii.. need s'ltoe- ...rt.parile1 nr " rwf, who
aed titi all t lleil'o B".
Wordeo, from whom it wa learned thai
this was oely oo of Ingram's J kea, foi
whib I. is nol i'lo is, an I that II wa
bw resideno. but al "two by
f. .,ir rbtckse eKip"lbl whirlwitid bad
Olet. and that uol etB a chlckto wa
Ibja'sd. Th liaa-tte h never befn 0
bad Causa lo d 'U'.l t. legrtliB. bnt aow
U.I iet.1 htm fully tMltlrd lo lb kU,
,f "WinJi l-tl'."
prxrnnl nm of Dr J II Mclean's LI vet
and Kidney Halm In rmve in-oiwiroer
as s'xn a possiMe, and reor in r
eased orsans n tllry rd VitforuU
artloo. I'rii II lifl per ledtle.
C M Onm. Hi "k buy', caw
op front I'orlland last rnday, atnl rt
partl yatefdV wilh 1 J rarl.a. or rat
II. rxnl lh l'nl Meat r m
nriy l f enntdal. Ti biproenl, and
also lb ca'ti nf th lUU'n- L"-y hlp
n.enl wr furnished tif T A. Ilhea tt
era pi'rhased la ftraal and (Itthaoj
coo a lie.
They run so light
They run on in the night.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
Timber Culture.
j a. W t'oiiiiilsliil listing li sn mala at
liilnofllie l lli "Inly erllleil ami corrulMirslea
n,,m I ill ksiikicI ar nnv llipfiui iis "in
Vsulilse. hu inxle Tlinln-r I uiiure enirt
No H,j li.r tlie N't !Kt sih! er .
in.H.1 K. st Hi" lli' orni-s si IM rsiine,
flrf-tfoll. IMI III" 'i n OK? Ill liHTIIirirr I",, f.mm
wh'illr slHUnlmietl mi. I trai t, aii'l lllfit I" I.Unt
antr In-es iiin esiil trwt iIims entry: Hist His
i.t if.. I ta mil srtlleil iiihiii and rulllu-. l,T
the s.. fntrty as rei(iiiren hy law, inerrmrs
Sllh the tli-s to Hi" rsm-ellstinn of the sslrt
entrr tlie esl'l rtlis are her Ii) uminiii.nl suit
minimi In he ami sfhear le-fms J. W. Mnrrnw,
Miiiiitr rlrrk M.irn.w niurity, at his nfflisal
Hi'l plii r, lin oii.iiii i lie Will HIT oi -lnller,
wi., si I lie li.Hiriit limrlink A M. then 'id
ih.ra lii ,,nl.ii aui h l.ilmiiiiT a Ihef niay
bav ninrenillis Hie M. sllefalliHis. ths final
h..rli, l. I. I.a.l Inline Ills Haslalerslia KS
reiver st I irsii'te. n .ni. on lii .'"th daf "I
arlitemler. mi. si tli huur nl looena ia. M.
rl r. WllJe . M. KUSSISS.
Ml tfS hr later. Hsvslisr.
Notice of Intention.
l.u firrir s T I. oaisns Ossi.oa.
usual 4. aS
VtiTHt M limntY r.lVr.l HUT t lilt
IV h.s l.s,el a. lllr has r.la.1 IMillie
i,l l,la li.lriiO .n In n. aka filial UI...I In aui.iM
Mhianalm sn-l lhal sld -r--. sill l n.a1a
to e J Miirr-iai. ouir terk.st lltoer,
iiti-snn, ou i-t It. u ;
r,iwrti i iu tii,
ill t'.tt v iii era.ri ., u,
4i.Ml. n.tu in k ft. M
lla ftsmra the t..lU."i. slim t" .fiS hit
r...iiini..'.a rrai.iriMS ui'.n and mimsinia i
aal.f Iml.A lf
J lo.k.r.l llrl.f.itef, rf'il. K l Isri
i.l ri.i,n.r, i II .-.i Hah Tii.tt. II
ier ores.iu. Jiss If rriwli." " ''-"ii
r. II1
00 Kerlelef,
Now haa rharica nf lha it rk o( confertloner
Ira, Irults. rlgsri. tntisiviis, etc., lormerly
owned ljr Moyd a: McDowell.
Which he is disponing of at Closn
Shave Prices.
If Cream ami Ire Cream Koala, tmonai and
oral. Cliler always kept ou baud.
Wnt this Msln Street, Minor Building.
KelrT.li..r.-i-riirl'l i"k rlrh.bi.t row her. ran ihey tnak so urh within a
hurt lima ashy iuMafiil SjrulslloM in uram, i ru.ie,..,..
Can l Mal by Our
ortflnaUpd hy ns.
Systematic Plan of Speculation
rraaafiil aDeriilslnn nto-rsl n reular iyslem.
I is s ..It ii... a Ise ilTsi thers sr. th..ss,nl. l nn Iu sll ris ol tne i linen ' " - "
lew lh....as. rti.Usr. I.,f th. msii h.i liit a huinlml ur lw hai..lrl rt.illar. up m t ,ar m
,,u.W.i.,.. ai.Jem.tt. "s-ll'i .m(,nt lns(.4 ! Irs. I.ut Mrt bolli iMm, sn
"H'nt-rw ma rnNUINriNfi PBOOTS alsnoar Van.cl ' "wf'il paenUtlnn
r., luither liilnrBisUnn ,resa
THOMAS 4 CO., Beekeee Breaera.
241-242 RieU Bullelf , CHIee, III.
1 1, is seek tip t Dial I'S'.fl.
Htag leve f ,r !. al-e.!.
tta-. e-la;s. so l I re!).. rorm
Taeslai. tbneds an I fto'la
II. Wa.l.rf"t'. T. H, Aversl, ,agM
Jkfre. K. Itets!v 1. a itU t
e lb' at t -s.lli tf.
Sft rasM trfrea b I I"
te IM Ltt.'bal ln.M'eg. l l
a tr..l ! rtt'
ItaTieg ti.e f.l ' IVn.h
It Met lsn,,! an . f 4 l -
Saws M.a OHv lll.rf lb Cew
ye I ir f nttlM sl.'.l, felqri.d Inm
iotilJf",i ir i ieiy,
la-ti leselill.g lla tfes ..,i,r.
Kn Cl -ter Ifc-.t, lb ' Hi'
,n.ir..e. Kttae Ireshnes. aad eleaffiesw lo
ir.e r..rot lal"'" d cer. (''.sn.stoe, '
Csjia n M.e.i.. I. H, A .Haa Io. i u , i4l ei. II. M-.ldby T. W.Ae.
fat. sat. : -Hl,.t..h'e l'alrb IU fr.e.J. .
I t.e first Wi4il !. e f'.ntMl lhal
w.mlj .li . e y g'l," I'fn Urn,
T. W. Aers. it,
flv ('.. N'e'. " an IVe'e
Jsrk l .r". f I t ii.s last Friday Ir. m
MrjH.s st.ei'ga, " lbV las 'fH
II.. p.. I O) 'b A I f b k I ling
fcl, l .l's I'l-e, II gl roiy1. .!
("r ..i, I i.e in t'.m ,f-ar,t '.l
e, a r.s mnf tits 4 . . I iV
""!. Irta it- l'l by t. A
Hsory I' .w I. ral Hollow. it Is
flnal p'.sil ' 0 bis t"rulea lsl.r C ek
Mr,r. l..i MtuM.r. It t-M Terwer
sa l H t Hyed f eeib4 H a-Mitis
le.1 m t.;.
I'sn r.a kt - t''
A.mual.1 bate a f H e k
M V,. L A T.
ba . . f mwm r m mm w
r r rf s m J. r . . . ,
IUiUaLI a aaV-i.-wA 1.. W.l a
I-, i I. ., -" ' ruia i,.
Adminlslrator'i Notice.
ievtr or i.r'.m.g . n u nr
I , mkH la hl-' r fl'S.i, l at at-
lrr ,rf a Imtois ..'!" he .ial n( i..s
W . a..a..a, d !. ears ri.l-l to I hs
Ml..lel-t I ia 4 if Hi. I'. br
,a I .. n.lt I n irf ' lew.ilt
. i .... I....... . .(...a aa.lt. a. aaM Salala
ir, re,..IM IU " t 0 ff. I j
an a st i..f I" Ms"l.s ..urns ..iIt, I I J '. i '
t .,.... mi.i.. all i..i.i..aslt lha 4sle 1 lb I. 1 I f . i J'TJ' , -
a ... in at si !'. il I fT7r IV A
IM. I ibl't '-t !'. I IV , Aff'.
41 1 ir Krli. ilnlarr.irf. B -.vjf , I .
, . I ( i'lf tv
AO aresee.5 la rat Ira aM " rvT Tos-tt.
lb. Ml 1 frnirvxa nt ear I T a X ra.b
ao4 I .ill psw v tara. Mrcfe) lr
IVV UU.sjas4lraeU.eii
far m M I ser. it. br.'ti.l
Jalkl....f k
fesv, I a''ey l.ll.
ONf LOAN 10. 'f "
4 ,a. . f.H
. 1 t.
ktrtMK or I'l-JMlM nu
nti'K u iirster i.ivtn fMtT Tim
.,ne,a..t. f.afl..".aatia.l, f ssen f
I llai-s m-4 p. ! Ha'heea .. 'ha Ira
,.a ...) Ma,as A U.'la.a las " ia d.f 'n
4 n ,M K, .al a....sanl Wa'ltas.
a , ,. aii a s'-l t-af s I a aal-a
aa i r,-t Wl.l r..h,.,na t a 1 ...l.-.aa at ta
...It's.. I I !
'i.l w,a.a
KM st ta t ttr , J i.y ia, !. I.
a-l .
a ( r- a a, s i . . .. . , a
I rt
St. I 1,1.
I stiffs fl"l
t it . a t. u.
lt At
unrxr n
- j i.
K.a.-'., X aa
I Um -s1 abT"-"Nrwl"
I KiiT
Monmouth, Ore.
Iratntifsibwd for leather. Comt-tet. el.bl
e.a.le lrai..... 4airlnisut and HMI r..fasluual
and . S'temU. r..nraS
The Dieleme ef Ike eeheel enlltlee ee
le lee.h lit ey eewwiy In IKe elele with,
el fwrther eaemineliee.
fvH and b'i'.. . "4 luifl" l!J !
tta ,llf.il .ad be.llbt.ll bll. !
Vtiafs I . ami i1.an1 brf wall lslns4 tawtisri.
IbSfS M S M' SHI-fif M Mh.rsill law nmrm.
I aUi.'isrbesffMrr si.l i pUmtUn.
. W, 4. ttV rrell.Bl.
AllorneyH nl Iiiav,
All bnsir.es-1 aiua le i to la prompt anJ e.liaferWy
kaaer. N -Ur. I'alilw ati.l CoMerl".
umtit, i i f i
f I. 1J t P. foil
e e . 'i N H '
p, a. ll rfi'l fcit ba
I ' a-. W a,r-
t ... r;ti
. .... ,.. i i
tia !.. e'a say
I, r. wiMJsa. r. k.
a Aral .las I. I ti'sssar i
resv.al.i '
, in I.I.. It .
I , aSliMfs
f i, as .-. CaS V4 t I
;.t awl.