$tr1M r- rjr ;t p DEATH OF JUSTICE JACKSON Justice Jackaon, of the U, S. su preme court, died last Thursday of consumption at his home in Nash ville, Tenn. He was compelled to leave Washington City several mouths past on account of rapidly failing health. Justice Jackson enjoyed the distinction of being the first man ever appointed to the supreme bench by a president of opposite political belief. He was appointed by Harrison just prior to the expiration of the latter's term. Carlisle, Wilson, Don Dick inson, Peckham and Hnrnblower are all spoken of as possibilities for the appointment. However, should Cleveland again attempt to appoint either Peckham or Hornblower, and he probably will, as New York has no representative on the bench, the opposition of Hill and Murphy would certainly be renewed, which would probably result, as before,iu their not being confirmed. A LOT of tomfoolery comes from what may be considered wise heads, sometimes. A bit of such stuff is that Hermann, if not renominated, will bolt. Hermann will be returned and so will Ellis, and so will Mit chell. Bolting talk; and all such nonsense, spring from the sources of men's minds where "the wish is father to the thought" It is det rimental to sound lepublican prin ciples and ought to be stamped out Absurd trihVs such as this measurably contributed to defeat Mr. Dolph lint winter. Pernicious newspaper talk, as if by linn an. t!)ori(d with whip in hand to say what he pleases should be con demned. Moro Observer. AH'Elt all, would bull fights in Georgia Im any worse than man fights in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas? Louisville Times. They would. When your Corhetts and Fil.HiminoiiHOs tight, they doit voluntarily. In a bull fight the brutes on ono side aro at the mercy of the brutes on the other hide, by whom they aro tortured aud laughtered. Atlanta cannot af ford to discredit her exposition with such atrocities. Louisville Courier-Journal. TiikO. II A N. U soon to bo sold, ns the decree of foreclonure lias been oiiler.il by Judge Helliri. ger. It will likely be bid in by the bondholders' coin mi (tee, and in this event little cliHiign will be made in the iiiantgeiiietit Mo Neill will retain his xhitiot) it genornl malinger and the. heiul. quartern will remain in Portland, This action will of course I to o. Kstd by the I'nion Pacific. Wilts (Migrexniinii Hermann rnii(u himself "hinder llerinsnn, Chapman of the Kivem and liar. lnr CoininiUeo," bin renomii.ntiou ami tiMle'tion would arrange tlieiiiHolveK, When that limit rutin- w may fHM-t to tlniipxr Willnni.'ttrt river given the uttm tion tine it from thi general gov. rrntiietiL Sitleiu Htntenuaiu A Kanhvi in nu Kti.l Ida wif jwnt a foituno in suing r-acli other fordivorcn. Aft.-r they . gut ton rid of nil their money (he) Con cluded til llTrt llH plly together in vef ty. 1 hi i n new il.-nimialra. lion of the theory t!ml t ti a U R"t any aallnfai li.iii mil of weallli , . . ,, . la ! apmi l lt-1 lltal.urjl Iba- I'atrh. Til E trcriit il.-etrtictie firca at Hptajjui and Vilpin fcunndaua of llrpiiiii r'a f.itlunaU racafx in tit Jnt, f hough Lith ahuutJaorTH M..araintf.,r ,Tlr, U ftft ratili'Hja and farefut. In fact tuu,h era ra0,,..t Im b...,vcd . during lb dry all I ind aeaa.n. 11 ua all U rter ,,n t, I,,ki,t Till! .irOiw. a (..tfaman, f..rm. ' I i . , a, , , rtl iil.h.1,,1 I y , lat M. tJ, Malliu-a, afc iiu (;'' tt r a I. r 4IUr UU JuiUalwO. ILig yV per is now published by the Sportsman Publishing company. The democracy seems to think "one bad term deserves another." Murderer Holmes' alibi doesn't seem to work very well. It Beems that somebody died or was missing everywhere he went The eastern pnpeis are poking fun at Oregon's horse canning in dustry. Now, while we do can horses, the east eats the canned pioduct. So after all its a horse on the east. The recent democratic conven tion of Missouri declared almost unanimously for the free coinage of silver, and against the adminis tration. "Silver Dick" Bland con trolled the convention. A new trial has been refused fames Lotan and Sid Back, con victed of smuggling ou the testi mony of Nat Blum, a self-confessed scoutid el. However, very few people believe them guilty. The terms of divorce for Pugilist Oorbett are pretty tough on him. He has to pay Mrs. Corbett $5200 a year, and the decree allows her to marry again, but forbids his marrying as long as she lives. Hoke Smith has been sending Caiiisle's "sound money" speeches down into Georgia as government matter, and as a result it has been figured out that he is indebted to the postoffice department $575 for unpaid postage. Connecticut is said to be over run with skuuks. This fact is not liable, however, to drive out some of her peculiar breeds of states men. Boston Globe. Maybe that is what they style their "peculiar breeds of statesmeu" down east. Lentz, the arouud-the-world bi cyclist, who passed through Ore. gon in the winter of '92, is now known to have been murdered be yond a doubt. The British vice consul has bocome interested in the matter and several arrests have been made. hueulnma Curs. 8. II. ClifT.rd. Nw Cn, Wis., wot tninlilml with iiRiiritliriAnud rlimiraHtisro. hi a'ntiiHOli whs (limmierari, bit liver whs fclT"fltp1 In an alarmintr ricirree, apptits Ml away, unit he waa ltrrilily renluosj in II.'hIi ami atrtuimh Tbree buttles of hlreinc Itittrra enred him. Kilw (I Hh-iieril, llnrriahnrff, Ms., IihiI a mulling nom on his ra of eiulii cam's tainting. UbkI tlirra tHiMle.of Kli-elrlo Kit 'era unil Sfvrnrinanf lliiei Inn's Armoa HhIt, anil his I'll ia antini and II . John Speaker, Calavba, O., had Utw large fever aurxa no lna l-f, due torn asul he was ineiirahla. One bottle nf I'.lt-clrm Hitter and ooslmi Kuoklen' Arnica Hnlve cured him entirely. Sold by T. W. Ay era, Jr. TUK rONCKKT. Tlia concert glveo laal Hatorday aveo ing at lha npra hnuee by Mr Ella D. MoDiiwell, of Halem, assisted by local talent. wae enjoyed ly a large and ap liremativa andieni-e. Tba aeala were allium! all filled and lha clone attention nnd rex-ated encores showed thai lha audience was well deaed wilb Iba pro gfm rendered fallows. I W.'i'in Tnr Mr l4ir" .. . Hrmlrltukm Mi l .! ,-1 1 aii.l Mra, l.arrt.ura. M l...l I -li II in IH ir . . Hrlrrinl Oiallirr HlniiM'iitlial ami llcimrr IU)ra. Ijivbb susanx" f.trr. AVtra Mra Klla II M. Imae.l Mkihi m B.i lM r . . HlrrU4 liiHirr Hltimenlhkl anil Humer Mare. 'Tat rim a r Xrj.'ftrrt Mra. lla H Mrltoatll. ti-mo Xlua? rarii" , , f twin Mr. fiana Ktll.. 'Ili.llaaa My Hil l" . irr. WIr Mia, M iMartl an.l Mra inliira, Mr. eaiiug n. Mr. I'allrraun. 'N,iK,K IT K.nll" , ., Mra I lia B Mi !... 1L io tosai umvrjt Tba onderaigne.1 Imvlng been featured to health ly aimiite meana, alter aiiffer Inn f.if aeveral year aub a avra long klT"OtMa, and that dread drae, (Vs. anmi'lion, ia aniKma In tnaka known to Me Mla anfTerera lha tneana uf mra. To lhaa Imi d.tfe it, ha will rbeerf al ly aend, free i.f rtmrge, a y of lha .r. arn.ium nae.1, wterb they will Bud a aura enia f r (onautiiioti, Aethma, (V tarrh. Itrmirhitta anj all threat an J lung maladtea. IU lwa all anfTerera will nee hw rente,! f aa it la iavalnatda. Tbnaa pairing the lrefrii.i..n, which will (vt theni anibif. and ny pme a blewiag, will t.lr-e a t Irew, U KPWAKHA. Hl, Urm llyo, . T. Jim II w. Jam-a Halt, AUvrt l.alan le, Waya ( '''. Wa lav and (t'Harle) Van Vit riift.. fno lr fn. a th e wr..,,.oiiig Pmiug lh a trip t. U.ta h.ve i.iid k.lal.-l lake and Teal ai'ttega. I het rrt a f.nid I m-. I fMli'iw and hnating. Iboaah we ) I ant hear uf Ihem killing any lug me. Y rat"t he rheeifql er haf fy whlla .r e ia Uia...Ur., hi tm hnt a weary harden hi ti.m a.i ffl.iJ. : J l:"' ' ea i e,l i i ier ih ZTJS. .IV t'U the . err.a.ea t U( laaelita. ! Trice l oi r Uile, A ew i-f M wa ara aw waking r I he llaef t-a-eh lakrg It ail alael '' ". I i.y r .r i ti , t I ,.., ,w , ,.,. " " " '" a't fteat fail) a( klUll (UW ;., fcjin Women in They Need Nothing so Much as Paine's Celery Compound. In tbe iprlng women Deed Paine's oel fry oouopotiod. Tbe average American woman, say a well known writer, wenrs herself out 20 years before ber time. She begins tbe wearing-out process as a child, staying np at oigbl until tbe wbnle family re tires; and keeps it np as a growing gir, 'aying awake nntil 10 or 11 o'clock, when she should be asleep by nine; and as a woman aba his an maDy things to do and to keep up with tbat she posi tively basn't a minute to rest. By and by ber obeks grow thin and haggard; languor takes tbe plaoe of ber old-time hlgb spirits; aha has a generally woro-ont air; ber nerves are gnawed by Daio, and a'eeplessness makes fearful in roads upon ber bealtb. Her physician tells ber simply that her narvona system is exhanstel, and tbat help mnat onma hy feeding the braio and entira Dervons tract, riobly, rapidly and completely. It ia tbe experience of the moat careful roedioal men in tbia coun try tbat nothing proves ao uniformly inooeaafal as Paine's celery compound in rases of brain-wearineas, nervnua ina bility, failure of vital force, dyspepsia, aleeptessnasa, and for restoring health and vigor to tba brain and body when exhausted by overwork or diaslpalion. Every ancb weary, nervona, thin blooded Derxm should take Paine'a eelerv compound. It makes snob peo ple well. Paine'a celery compound Improves the general beal'b by maklog new, ruddy blood and refreshing lha nerves. It reanimates the languid body, and vitalizes Ibe important organa ao tbat ibev work in harmooy wilb earb other. The accomplished editor nf the Oak- ..... lann, 111. uecger, a portrait c whose UNIVERSITY 1895 - 7T11K UNIVEIISITY OF OHEOON, Kl'OKNE, OHFOON, tff.'rs frea tuition y to all atmieuta. Young men can obtain board, lodging, beat and ligbt id tba dormitory for ti f per week. lUnnera furnieb their own linen. Yonog women are provided hoard io private farm I n-a t .1 00 per ek. Young women deairuig hoard should ad Irene Prof. John louDg Women a (..hiintian Association, baccalaureate degrera, bachelor of A Me. Hitctielor of Science and bachelor of Let ters wilb Corresponding courses of study. Tbe following eborter onarars are elan offered: An lglih cmraa leading in Ihres years Io tba title graduate in English; an advanced on urea (or graduates of normal schools leading to Ilia degree master of pedagogy; A three years ronras iu Civil engineering leading to tbe degree civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical edu.alioo leading Io diploma and lbs tills director of physical eduoaiion Tbs University rbargee ao Incidental fen of ten dollars which is payable in advenos by all stodenls. schools and Iboae bsvlng teat bers' certificates era admitted to tbs preparatory department wubont examination. Tboe patatory department shoal I address the I r or catalog oe and luformalhin addreaa C. 1 1. CHAPMAN. PiiHitint. or .1. .1. A A II ON. Htvivtitry. Kuut'iio Oiftfon. yr CUntMnlly known tliat MlU l Wllirjli 1 OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE U hirb be set Is at nl It 1 1 I'f l-a. Farmers rf Kitflit Mile, lai.'a..n, (liwxM-lrrjr, Iinglaa, JorcJao Folk at"l iMi aTli'na ran il r U-lter than inak Irir-if j,r, haar (tf J'. He r arti.-a a fi'l In i f KotaMrtf 1 1 ll la at . Miors, (Jtii-"ii. a, at.. I in (ai t a r. u.l ! In etik i f c t tl n.i 1 1 1 ai, ! t km the Spring. wife ia given above, says in bis own pa per, editorially: "Onr leading druggist, Dr. W. O. Gregory, informs us tbat bis sales of Paine's celery compound have been won derful; io fact, be states that be baa in six months sold more oelery oompoaod than all other medicines combined. There has been a constant demand for it. "One nf the Doticeable cures tbat this medicine has made is tbe case of Mr, Pbil Clioard, wbo last spring was re publican candidate for oounty treasurer. Mr. Clinard's nerves were all unstrung; be bad no appetite and was nil run-down. He commenced nsing Paine'a celery compound, and today there is not a more well and vigorous citizen in this whole oommuuity tbau Mr. OliDard. Another case that cornea closer is tbat of the wiie of the editor of the Ledger. Every one in Oakland knows tbat Mrs. Yeargio was confined 10 ber bed for three whole months with uinralgia. At times her pains were awful, so much so that ber bands would clinch aud it took tbe united strength of two persona to straighten out her fingers. Dr. Gtrvey, lha family physician, treated her for months, but all be could do waa to alle viate the pains, not effecting a cure Along last winter she oommenoed using Fame's oelery oompound. "She oommenoed to gain in flesh al once. Her pain all went away; ber vi tality iucreaied weekly, and today tbere ia not a more bealthy woman io town than she. Her neighbors all marvel at ber oomplete recovery, aud a-k ber tbe oatiee, and she baa do heaitanov iu aay- ing that II la all due to 1'hi e's oelerv compound. This ia given voluntanlv in tbe hopes that nlbera who ara afflicted may be prutited by using this great ined iome, which today la without a peer in toe laml." OF OREGON, 1890. Wraali, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Eugene, The University fitters three two years l a Imaiuses dinloma and In Htodeiils holding diplomas from Ibe public desiring information regarding lbs pra- Van, N. U Narregan, Eugene, AN ILL TOII! IT is ku ill wit). I that Mows no panl, an.l alllintilj lay. f ul rat)ks ot OH lurr,m ri xoi tlti f.itiil cujilrJ t tftiiimrary rm. .at riiMtneiit. tlx ailualit'O nn itly a in ii s tin lati a. I.iacatx' tlii aquation at ila 1 O ?C OlUCGOIs. Id order to reduce oar stock of SEWING MACHINES We quote the following Hard Times prices fur Casb : One New Home, latest style, new, $35 00 One New Home, style 1890, been run a l;ttle but good as new - 32 00 One New Home, second hand, in good order; a bargain . - jo oo One Favorite, has been rented out and used a little; good as new, 28 00 These are Bargain Price for immediate accept ance. Call at once on P. C. . Thompson Co. SUMMONS. fN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE C0UN x ty 01 Morrow, state ol Oregon nenry nneeier, F.uintlrr, vs. William Bremer, Bremer, wife of said William Bremer, a d Frank Hagerman as Receiver ot the Lom bard Investment Com pany, a corporation, Defendants. To William Bremer, efendant. In the name of the Rtate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yo" in the abve entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court, to-wit, the 2d day of September, 1K95; and if vou fail so to answer, f t want thereof the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: ror judgment and decree aeainst William Bremer for the sum of tViO.00, with interest on $515 00 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the first day of June, 185; with inter est on $15 thereof at ihe rate of 8 per cent per annum from the first day of December, 189:1; with interest on 15 thereof at the rate of 8 ner cent per annum from the first day of June, 181)1; wim interest on gta tnereot at the rate of 8 per cent per Hnnum fr-m the first day of December, lMM, and for a further sum to be determined d the court as an attorney's fee, and for coBts of mis suit. Also fo a decree foreclosing a mortgage made by Wil iam Bremer on the foil wing described real estate, situated in Morrow Countv, 8tateoi Oregon, to-wit: The N'W'4 of Kec. 8, Tp. 2 N. of R. 27 E. W. M., recorded In the clerk's office of said county on the 24th day of Mav, 189, on pages 202, 208, 204 and 205 In Book "D" of the mortgage records of said county as to all of the defendants herein named; and for sale nf said mortgaged premises to satisfy said Judgment and decree, attorney's fee. interestand conts. This summons is erved on defendant William Bremer by publication by order of James A. Fee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, dated July 25 1895. O. G. ELLIS and J. N. BROWN, 356-68. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT KOR THE COUN ty of Mor'OW. State of Oreiron. ,101111 r . rosny, uuara ian, Plaintiff, vs. Alexander Graham,-- uraham, wife of said Alexander Graham. the National Bank of nenpneraco porauon and Frank Hugerman as receiver of Lombard Investment company, acorpor tion, Defendants. To Alexand t Graham. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby requied to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you ill the bove entitled suit on or before the first dav of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court towit, 'he 2nd day of Hept mber. 1hi5. and If vou fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaliitiir will ap ply to the c urt lor the relief demanded in said comp slut, t -wit: or Judgment lid decree against Al"xnder Gruhain f r the sum of Five Hundred Dollars w ith interest tiu-reo at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 1st day of July, 1WW, and fur a reasonable sum to be do ermined by the court asan attorney's fee aud for cost, of this suit. Aim for b decree foreclosing a mortgage made by Alexander Graham on the following de scribed real estate ltuntel In Morrow county, Oregon, to-wit: The MK'4 of Bee. S, Tp 1 N. of R. 21 K W. M., containing In all m acre, more or less uccnrd lug to government survey, recorded lu the clerk's otllceof said county on the liith day of July, khh, on page :ViH, Xt), ItiiO and 3fil in Bonk ":" ol the mortgage records of said county, as to all the defendant. her'ln named and tor wile of salil mortgaged premise, to satisfy said Judgment, decree attorney', fee. interest, and costs, hervlce ol this summons is made on you bv order of James A . Fee, Judge of the Mxth Judicial district of the Mtate ol Oregon, made on the iith day nf Jul v. l'.r. O U. KL1.H and J. V. BROWN. SSfl-lW Attorneys for I'laltitlir. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT I.A GRANDE, OREGON, i J jiiit:i, iw.i. Notice I. her by given that the following named aettler has Hied notice of his Intention In make Aral pnml In .iiliportol ii rmiui, aim mat aam prooi win be maor iM'lore CoiiutyCleri. of I" matillaCnuntv, at Pen dleton, Oresou, on rW-ptemtier 7, lMij, vlr: JOHN A NOBLE. Hii. No. 713), tor the W4 NWU, ,U gwv. See. 21. To. 2. H K HOE. W. M. He name, the following wltneue. to prove niarmmuiiniis muuenrs upon ana eul Ivatlon ol said land, vlr: William II. (iulilford, Arthur V. Onlllford Jami-a Nelson, ol Vliiaoii.Orvgun, and Jobs U. hint, ol Hlilge, Oregon. B. F. WIWOH. V-t. heglater. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICR AT I.A GRANDE. OREGON, 4 Jul V !'. Notice I. hep'lir alien that Ibe following named n-tlli-r h fllnf imllraof hi. Intention t,i make Rual priml In aupMirt nf hla claim, and that aald proof will I- made before J. W. Morrow, miiiitr clerk, at llcppurr, Orrsoli, nil Krpl fi. i : HF.NKV AK, II I Mil fur the m. NK'. ami SE'; NWV. Be.- IT. Tp K 77 t. W. S. Me name, lha (nltnw ns wltiiena to prnv hla ron tinuuiia rr.l.liu. upoa and rultliatlun ul aald land. Milt f Mo'san. r.wter Adam.. Jay Devln. John t ilasr.l., all ol llcppner. nrrgmi B. r. HIIXIN. hrfi.lcr. Notice of Intention. Lsp Orrtrt at I. Ostxrit. O.so.m. Jiitr . ' r i iirRFHY i.ivrN nuriiii f'lliln( naanrd .elllrr baa SIinI nirilr of M. ItiivntlMii In make Snal pfiwd In .ui tvirt ul li. rlaim. and lhai ald pm,l a lit ba made hl"f lliv r.ninlr rirrk ol M"f' ri.iiniy bi ll. eurf or . on .rmiar . I. MILT t MnHUtN. Ill .' If the Nf V Im I. IS R T t. W M IU h.'nr. ihe loll nl'i. llnrM t.t prnta hiar.tniiioimi. rr-ai 1, m un and ruiiliatlnn of aald land l W . .',, rlt.l.C aalliif J.r h W titT and . ii M.- ally, all id H-w-x-f, lrr(n II f. Wll nv x- '1 H-..ur Notice of Final Settlement. NOTti It la ItmrNY lilVHN TIHT TUK in t-rif ita1 adiKlnl liatri. i,( II re. 0f W I, pu,trr itriTUr, tt III tn. S l,al till '..!,, I hrl icnwtii a ih aa. nlau aa ,. h a.t'.ili,ll'il al lha tt trm nl ih ...ntiti r.,n1 u Mr,,w ',.! r . ai H pp""'. '' l h'.t.lrii at h rtif htiuap I" 'd rt.tilitt, on tlir ,'.l ,tf 1. 1 ar lWi l , I",. K.t., Joa a..ti, Adnonl.ifalrtt, COPYRIGHTS. rn l amtiisj a rirrTt f'--l a "4 aa n ttit I. VI !, ai. m tw n"" 'a i ix rt.t r,a A llaSah ml la. t I' I , . a4 B In I A .. a a tsa i'- kw. A IV sawn a awai . ik. u.na iam,.,, ,r 4 Ikaa -fc- t M, .. e- " " - m- - 4 r'-. I....lwt I ' unilai'a "" M a ar a ,a S 4. S .. r Na .4ii'.a..i,y'atm e- 1 1 r ,.a,K w. Li.l M' - ..rK. 4 k a e' rK v. 4 im i.. i A.m ait I A . luaa. J SaataaT. .rr.'llji, .(,,,lin NOTARY PUBLIC MU PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Fall Term begins September 8, 1895. Three College Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare, for college ana gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching and business. Tbs school has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of It. work. It has a Ubrarj - ot 700U volume., good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and flue building, with the best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of 50,000, Is one of the finest college buildihgs on the Pacific College. All expenses very low. Board and room at the Ladle's Ball fil.OO to iLOO per week, Includ ing electric light and heat. The College ormitory, under excellent management, furnishes board and loom at 2.25 per week. Board In private families, $2.50 aud upwards. Many .tudenta rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week. For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS McCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon. HIGH GRADES AND FULL BLOODS.- Address J. JO. RMTTU, Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon. A c , jj!lll'ltWi'!T'Ki Don't All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, iieppner, uregoD. mi ii .,n!nnil .lk P.rant tlarnav Prnnlr fillltftm ailll Other COUlltieS. iiiene euiiciiieii are wen nuqiiaiuivi. , and can save money a d time in making these Prices In keeping with the times. THOM PROlsT & BZNlSrS. LIVEETME1T, HEFPITEB, He Saws Wood! KRUG Has purchased one of the late improved steam saws and is now fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of 40o per Cord one time in two 50c per Cord two times in two Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out. One stick per cord will furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris. Horchers at the Palace Hotel. Im YOU SHOULD PHEPJP For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTELS Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Airs, Tom firndley, Prop. ihe w Institute -OF- llMUaS. government! ft ft ft ft fo ft fo ft fo ft fo ft fo ft PAYING A MONTH To psnoni wha urved In Iht wan of the United State or to their Widow., Children, or Tirent.. Do Vou receive a pemion H4 You relative In th War of the Rebellion. Indian or Mexican Wart-. on whom you depended for support? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To feive a rr.iion, who now do not. Thousands under ths new law ire ent.ile J to an Increase of femion. The Rovrrnment owes It to ou-anJ i willinc and Anxious to py. Why not present our claim at this present time? Vour pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. -Wt,i U Lw end torr-flets information. No Charge tor sdvlca. NO rce unlets tutCeuful. rex $ The Press Claims Company f PHIUP W. AVIRETT, (koenl M.Bfrer, ft 618 P 5tfttt. WASMINOTON, D. C. r X. SJ n,j Aiaan. Im ,i j . ... J ""..".ansnssiism, f,A0 Ate the HiQhcst of nil High Grades. y '' ..t.a. r... .1 , 0 CHC" - .r.. . , . " . . 500 HEAD wmm RAMS FOR SALE! BRKD FOR MUTTON AND WOOL Do You Want a Rig ? You Want a Place to Put up Your 1 earn r Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? v. . -, --. sections with traveliug men. For the Cure o Liquor, Opium aid Tobacco Habits It Is located at Balem, Oregon, The Mu$t Beautiful Town on the Coa$t Call at the Oahtti offles lor partlrntars strictly confidential. Treatment private aDd surs curs. Id LS MILLIONS ICYCLES 4 tMfiu tS8' "our ,NI),A BICYCLb CO .!. t.iB, ts, r. a r i i'iivwii Ca