-J tot- So' OFFICIAL PAPER tin r IK MtMttlKKMI 4 HiiftM I i MY SUCCESS FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 vrtising. Robert Bonner. I 3 0 iMlliM'raiMVIM!lluiliilM.liMiail ! THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY. AUGUST 13, 1895. WEEKLY i0. 650 i SEMI-WEEKLY NO, 361.1 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBUBHID Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $2.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 cts. ior three motions. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, fit and 65 Merchants Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where con note for advertising oan be made tor it. Union Paofio Railway-local card. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. dally except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 p m. No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 . in. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except nnday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m. West bound, main line, leaves Mows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. ' West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves willows Junction 6:38 p. m. nd arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 8:15 a. an. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at 1'ortl mid 7:45 a. m. The Dalles and (Portland passenger leaves The Dalles dally at 2:15 p. m. and arrives -t Portland 6:30 p. m. Leaves Portland 8:00 . m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 n. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. United States Officials. President Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Btevenson Beo-etara of State Hicharrl 8. Olney Heomtary of Treasury Jehn G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Heoretary of War Daniel B. Lamont Beoretary of New Hilary A. Herbert Postmaster-General William L. Wi son Attorney-General , Juclnon Harmon Beoretary ot Agnoalture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor Secretary ot State Treasurer B"pt. Public Instruction Attorney General Senator W. P. Lord ....H. It. Kincaid ...Phil, fleuchan O. M Irwin ...C. M. Id'eraan I , Reader, did vou ever take Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of LiIVer medicines ? " Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It ia a slugg'sh or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver emulator is better than Pills. It loes not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly yftvshes and strengthens. Every ack& has tlie Jtod Z stamp on th wrapper. J. ll. Zeiliii & Co., I'lubvleh.liiit. Exchange: "How to Select a Wife" is the heading of an arliole now going the ronnda of the papers. Tbia ought to be 8 great help to some men who laek judgment. F r instance, a California qihd the other day seleoted his neigh bir's wife, and in consequence received the contents of a doable barreled shot gUD. That portion of the Heppner-Lone Knck road passing through Sweet Milk canyon is reported to be in an extremely bad condition. Id fact snob that it ia very dangerous. Accidents and break down! are not an uncommon thing in that oanyon. Tbe Gazette learna tba1 the supervisor's attention baa often been called to this matter, though as yet he bas tailed to make neoessary repair. If conditions are as reported tbia part of tbe road certainly needs looking after. SG PAYS f-jyi, catalogue n-ej I 1 B. W. Mc Bride )J. H. Mitchell r., n'ngar Hermann Congressmen j w B Eul, Printer W. K. Leeds ( It. B. Ban. Supreme Judges 4 V. A. Moore, (0. t. Wolverton Seventh Judicial IHstrlct. Otronit Judge W. L. Brmdahaw Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jaime Morrow County OOloials. joint Benator KeDreeentative. ' oantr Jwtge ' Commliwionen., J. 11. Baker. Clerk " Blierifl , " TrtNurarer A Hnrreyor.n Hnhool Bnp't.. Coroner .... ., W. Gowan J B. Boothby Julius Keith I jr , . K. Ho war.) J. W. Morrow .G. W. Hamiurtoii .... Frank Gilliam J. e'. Willi. Geo. lxrrl Anna Halsiger T.W. Ayere, Jr Hiprxxi town orncsas. "aror Tlioe. Morgan C mncilmeii O. K. Farnsworth. M. I.lohlonlhal. Otis Patterson, T. W Aysrs.Jr., H. B. Horner, K. J. Blocnm. . . Kaonler F. J. Hallock fVwuMirer K. L Kre-MnH Harahal A. A. Hobarte Preeiact Offlrere. Justice nf th Fe. ('unstable. ...E. L. Frwland N. B. WbeUtone lulled Htate Utad Officer. TBI OALLta, on. J. F. Moor A. 8. Hunts La oaDi. oa. H.F. Wileon J. 11. kobbios .... Kist-r ... lUomver Reetetar IWeiveT XZltXT gOCIETirg. HAWL1NS FOST, NO. IL O. A. R. MM at Lennaioo. Or., the laat Batorday of rh month. All veterans are Invited t Join. : C. Hoc. Geo. W. Hhitm. Adlntant. tf Commander. LUMBER! ri HAVE FUR MALI ALL KtD OF CD drMsi li Lamher. Is miles of Het'pner, a) what la knows a u BOOTT aA.WMZZiZj. 1.000 riiT. nofoH, cut a a. I sou 17 60 I F PtUVERID I RRPPXtR, WILL ADD snau par i.uu teat amunnai. Tbt abort quotations are si drily fur Cash. L HAMilJON; Prop. national Ban oi Uwi Wi. rtKLAXD. tt. ft tlNIIOF. fywIAeaL faehler. TIUNSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLKOTIONH M4 m Favorahla Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOU UEITMEn. tf OHWHJJi If you use the Petaluma Incubators t Broodcrb Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Catalog tell sail about It, and describes every article needed for the, poultry business. The "ERIE mechanically the best Lwheel. prettiest model. we are racinc voasi , ... mji -,i r. tmi rtewTlntlon , prices, etc.. aokjits wjtkd. PETALUMA IIXUBATOR C0.,Petalnma,Cal. Lranch Uot'sK, 3i 8 Main St., Los Angeles. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT Trade Mark Or. A. Owsn Lost, Htrayed or Stolen. A bay mare, six years old, branded a'uh key, baa a young colt Was laat 'en betweei Heppner and Hardman. Five dollara reward will he paid for her retorn to E .1 Kkenkt, 41-if. Heppner, Oregon. FOR MEN AND WOMEN The latest and onlv sntentifie mil n.aAia1 Eieiarlo Belt made, for general use, producing a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure of disease, that can be readily felt and regu lated both la quantity and power, and applied to any part of the body. It can be worn at any M1UD UULlUg VTUlJklUg UUUIflUr BlCCp, SHU WILL POSITIVELY CURE RHEUiriATISItl LUMBAGO UENKKAL DEBILITY LAIUK BACK NERVOUS DISEASES VAIMCOCELK SKXI'AL WEAKNESS I Tl POTENCY KIDNEY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied, la fast taking the place of drugs for all Nervous. Hueumntlo, Kidney and Urinal Troubles, and will effect ion s in seemingly nopeicrs cases wnere every other known means has failed. Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ may tuio uicuiiB uo iuuhu j neaimy activity before It Is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend tbe I uwen ueit m tneir practice. I OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding the cure fir . 'Mi r a pnpnnm mnn itttpwmia ibaa.as i .... and how to order, In English, German, Swedish ana Norwegian languages, will ba mailed, upon iiliuuuion, to anyaauress lore cents postage. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. Miis orrica and oklt factory, The Owen Eleclrio Delt Cldrj., 201 to 211 State Street, cuir.Aun. ill. ! Tlie Largest Electrio Bell Citsbliihmentln the World I MSMTIOM TMia run, AHB FACTS ! 1 Y ni! CAS BI'Y i'.no worth of dry goods and groceiks and then have enough left out of I Wo Oil to nurrhase a No. 1 Crnacent Rii'vrta Thl. u a flrst-clas machine. Why then pay 100.0o for a bicycle that will five no better sen-li e ? CREDENT "Hoorclier," weight 30 pounds, only .. Ladles' and Uents' roadste'S all the way from I'd to "Boys' Junior," only I with pt.eu mattr tlre-a food machine. "Our special," Men's W; UdU-s', fid. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, j CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, Or : THE PITTEHSON ITB. M, 2. " Ili-ppner, Orrguti, tlj MORROW AHD GRANT jTk rIE INTER OCEAN -I TIIR- Most Popular Pcputlican Newspaper of the West And lias the Largest Circulation. Iff MAIL hill V J C. sal. ..k DAILY (with Sunday) 16 on ner car SS.oo per ycir The Weekly Inter Ocean tci. 00 I'EIl YEAR ) S' A M ,PM'I tt TMf! tSU U OCT.hS kr stwl al lh Haws .'t i wvwv nina mm iw wm in HiiriHfl ALL II." ANU lllli Itl.Hl Or CtWKLM UllUAHKk. lt A St' FREE I U " i 'i; fi KM V h t ). at t rMi. Met al s"t trart si, tft ' Ivte ; TlHIWTOdlBLliCallCMOCO.: t"t ('''a fpJ W) a1 t.e i,IM If ri to. Tlie Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED EY ANY. l wililnf af txur.H akH 4 H l.aiilr 11 J I H ' I H I'l ll t l I M Hlhl ,fy mt H.SlM. T2T II llllimh ILAIlllerM...i.4. Wtl ltd ITK'AI I V fT I H 11 HI ICAO. 4 . Ms ..a4.fs IH IvimI,! -f M I m all U awMttal tt II ate fls iIwm Int. M.M t, I iii Huaii. IT IS A TWELVE-PAOE PAPER. , i:. fT fKf HHIUMI II N CHiCA'XV tHf Srw AMI Cfl",! ' V , .t t if Al I H t Of MM Al I 'iMS Mtn S Al. )M l i I "ill T Mil M I III IH I Mo H.lHtM W' IHAl M.Uri , I ' ' !' I f IH. I UI. M u n n, "i tililiw tt 1M ! la lilltts h) I ll.r t , wW" Ih.l MffTlMtatakly lute CV- U l;M.Y Ai.r.. im: irm:K OCEAW. Ct ; t I u L( a imki I t k v i To. ! MAVI'MI!Ti;M, t'.ll,An LOCAL MARKET EEPOKT. Wheat, bu $ 40(942 Flonr.bbl 2 65 Beeves, oows & twn-year-olde.owt. 2 00 " " tbree ' " 2 25 . Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 25 1 50 " stock 1 00 1 60 Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 8 10 Worses, slow sale. 8utter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 10 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA MABKET. Wheat, cwt 95 0 102 D'lour.bbl 2 50 3 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (S 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 800 Hops, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 8 ( 13 Butter, tt 10 (3 15 Ef?8,doz 12 18 Potatoes new, per ot.. . 60 85 old. " ... 30 75 Ohiokens, doz 8 00 7 00 Turkeys, lb 12 14 PORTLAND MABKET. Wheat, bu $ 47 50 Flour, bbl 2 25 285 Beeves, owt 'I o (3 3 UO dressed 4 Oil W 5 50 Muttons, live sheared ... 1 75 2 00 dressed, lb 04 04V Hoes, on foot 3 Z& & 3 75 dressed, lb 04 Wool Eastern Oregon... Ho 11 Butter Q 15 Begs, doz 10 II Chi(ens.doz 2 00 3 50 Turkey a, lb dressed. ... 10 12 Potatoes, new, per ot.... 85 55 be laid down in the markets of the east at living prioes, and that the staple com modities may be brought to tbe ooast at a mioimrjm oost. Mr. Ellis expects that tbe report ot the late oommission just returned to New York from bd examination of the pro posed route of the canal will be favor able, and that the next congress will be prompt in undertaking the work. Thousands of persons flounder along for months, yes even years, suffering from indigestion, bowel troubles and liver disorders with their accompanying disagreeable symptoms, beoause they think they have to. If they would take a short oourse of Dr. J. H, McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm they wnuld soon get rid of the miserable feeling and that overpowering sense ot weannnss and in oapacity for work, wnuld give place tn one of health, vigor and oheerfnlness. Price $1 00 per bottle. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. Senator Ml telle 11 Expresses His Views Id au Interview. WHEN TBE NOTE FALLS DUE. You may say that life Is trouble When the clouds are blue; But a fellow finds It double When tbe Note Falls Duel (Sorrow's nothing but a bubble That will vanish from view; But it's trouble, trouble, trouble, Whan the Note Falls Duel And the corn It foes to stubble, And tha rose It withers, too; And it'a trouble, trouble, trouble. When the Note Falls Due! Go It single file or double, -Tbera'll be work enough for you In a living world of trouble, When the Note Falls Duel Atlanta Constitution. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ml 1. C:asss3a Maim Absolutely pure THE BEECH TJREE. BY. HERMAN BACMBACH. There stood in the forest an old beech tree. Her top was shattered bv licht- vou co aeoratlv Into A Remarkable Core of Kbnmatlm. Wihthinbtsb. (Jal., Marob 21, 1894.- Someiima ago, on awakening one morn ing, I found that I bad rheumatism in my knee so badly that, as 1 remarked to my wife, it would be impossible for m ti attend to business that day. Kernem hering that I bad some ot ObamherlainV Pain Balm in my store I sent for bottle and rubbed Ibeafllioted parts thoroughly with it, aooording to direotions, and rithio an hour I was oompletely re lieved. One application bad dona the bus! oees. It is tbe best limmeot on tbe market, and I sell it under a pocitlve guarantee. R.T, Harris. For sale by Hloonm Jobsaon Drug Co. CONOKKMHKAN ELLIS. His Oplnloa of Yeqaiae-Tae Niraragaa Caaal aatf Other Mature. From The Consllls Times. Coiigrraamau Eilia, of tbe rWoodd n- gnesiiioal District, with bis tamili passed Ihr'Ogb town yeatefday. Us maul lo Port I aa J and Iheoee bom to Oeppner, from wbeoo be fioeota to make trip San Fbanoihoo, Aug. 8 Senator J B. Mitchell, of Oregou, has been in the oity 'or several days past on a buBiDess and pleasure trip. When seen to dav be talked quite freely about congression al matters wbioh are oooupving hie atten tion, and particularly about tbe Nicer aguan canal and tbe money question. "I regard tbe proposition for govern ment aid in the construction of tbe Nic aragua onnal oue of the most important measures that has ever come before tbe American oongress," be said. "It is an enterprise in wbioh the whole world is interested sod eapeoially are the States and Territories ot the PaoiQa coast most vitally interested. Tbe ooustruotion of this oaoal under government oootrol of tbe United States, as it should be, will bring the wheat produot of this ooasl over ten thousand miles nearer Liver pool, tbe wheat market, than it is today. Tbe arguments, in my judgment, In favor ot the speedy construction of this great publio work are overwhelming and un answerable, I am strong in tbe belief that tbe coming congress wi',1 pass a bill providing for tbe early construction of tbisoanal under the oontrol of tbeTJoited States as to tbe ooustruotion and opera tion- Daring the last session of oongreea tbe senate, after elaborate debate, cov ering moat of the snhjot, passed suob a bill by a majority of ten votes. Unfor tunately, however, it failed of ouoatder- dion in the honee," Speaking about the silver question, the .irnator said ; I have very decided view, and have had for a number of years, on the ooin- wgfc question Dial is, us to the coinage f gold and silver and their use as money. I wuldliave the goyernmeut real eilver, both aa to rninaga and nee, preoiaely as it tntat gold. I would have no limitation on the coinage and uaa of one metal as legal tender money that does not altaoh to tbe other. In a word. I am in favor of the free and unlimited ooinagn of gold ftod silver into legal tender moimy, I woold have snnh money treated and used aa money of ultimate redemption, I would have the govern ment do this independently of the wishes or protest, or iliolalea of (ireat Britain r aay other power no earth. In the language of Ilia laat National republicao platform, "I demand tbe ote of both gold and silver as standard money.' " ning, her aides were hollow, and pieces of fungus grew on her bark. She was the oldest of a numerous family, but hhe had seen her children, as soon as they had grown up, fall under the woodman's az, and only one daughter remained to her. This daughter was a young beech tree, with smooth bark and heaven-anpiring crest, and only eighty years old. That is the best year for a forest tree. The old tree still thrust out her twigs and leaves in the spring, but she felt that her life was drawing to a close, for It cost her great suffering to hold herseif upright. And because, she kne that aiie must die sue felt her love increase for her beautiful daughter. Soring wasapproaching; the branches were s'Ul covered with the glittering frosu but the roots began to uncurl and the warm wind melted the anow. The rivers and brooks were swelling with melted ice. In the meadows tbe silvery catkina burst from their wrap pings, and the snowdrops peeped tim idly up through the white carpet of the forest ground. The old tree spoke to the young: "To-night comes the violent thaw wind; it will throw me down upon my bed of leaves that I have scattered in the course of time, and I shall go hack into the boaom of the mother from whom I came. Yet before 1 go home 1 will bequeath to you a gift that the gentle Lord of the forest bestowed up on me, when long ago He stopped to rest under my branches. You shall understand men's words and deeda, and share alike in their joys and sor rows; that ia the greatest happiness that can fall to our lot, but be pre pared to behold mora sorrow than joy." Ho spoke the old tree, and blessed in the night the thaw wind came from the west; it buried ships in the waves of the sea; it rolled great masses heard now for the first time something very different from bird Songsi ' " ! "Listen, Hans," said tha girl,,whea. the hunter paused in his song. ' "Ypur( song reminds me of ' something. ' ; I ' know people say that in the kutumm tbe,. .woods for. game. Let the poaching go. The forester is your enemy. Vou: know! why and if he should meet you poach-:, ing in the woods, then heavens! my HansI if you should be brought to toe ' with a bullet through your breast.'' The young man bent over the girl,, who leaned caressingly on ' his shoulder, and kissed her lips. "People talk too much; don't believe, every thing they say, aweetheart." And putting his arm around her they went singing through the forest, t ... i . i-, When the couple disappeared among the trees a man in hunter's dress crept from the bushes. He carried his ' gun on his back and a knife in his belt,. His face was white and distorted; he went up to the beech-tree and "beheld the heart that Hans had carved; he laughed wildly and drew out his knife to destroy the writing, theu changing his mind he thrust the blade again in its sheath. Shaking bia fist threaten ingly in the direction where the couple had disappeared, he muttered, 'grind ing his teeth: "If I meet you, 'you, poacher, only once, on forbidden ground, you will have heard the cuckoo sing for the last time." With these words he went into the woods., And the tree shook her head sadly. The beech tree got many a sight of the faces of the children of men in the course of the summer the poor women gathering leaves or dry bark, the berry pickers, foresters and pilgrims. Hut the moat cherished amid the guests who gathered under ber leafy roof were the youth and brown-haired maid. They made weekly visits to her, spoke of their love, embraced each oilier, and day by day the beech tree came to love them more. Oue morning before sunrise, when the mountains were just casting off their gray mist caps, liana came alone. He carried a gun on his shoulder and stepped as lightly through the under brush aa if he would take hia sweet- of anow from the mhuntaias that da- heart by surprise. This time bis cora- I'llesl l! Itiklag Piles. hymptoma Moisture; intonee Itching ad stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to entilibne tumors form, blou ofteo bleed and nicer!, hemming very sore. Hwstrbs DiirriiaMV atotia ll llrlnna ami Llml. into Wallowa, 11 a may sod other ooqctiea i0ll, 0,..hj nlrwratioa, and in moat eaaee of bis district later on, in tbe desire to I remove tbe Inroora At drnggmla, or inform himself aa to the needs of tbe various S'Ctions. Congressmen Ellia baa been for ibree eki with bis family at Hotel Monterey, near Newport ll wee bis first vlsil b the famous cummer resort and seaport. by mail, for IWoorita. I'lillad.lphia. Dr.Hweyue Hon, lintri Brajiin From tbe follow. Inf whiob appeared in tba last issue of he Long Creek Eagle, it seems that Johno NealeD. wall known her. L,at aod tbe information h gathered and tbe b rwilUno- , Motroft, flr, r impreaaioo be formed will give Ids favor- L.it.. J,.i.n fl fe..m .a I at J ... J .J I r ... o.ruor . urra ,r,-no .uu -m- JMm.I,t TU,L, B bM.l6a. Us voeaie io oongrees. ue (rasps me ran lol,wm, K. ,h.. ,,, ... .... Inorteooe that Yaqmna Hay and iU I. . . . -.,.,.. ..,., i,. , e..nneot.f line of railroad bears to tbe Mm , ,0 lblnr ,(IJ, , lforiIi mantle valley aa.i taatero u-sgoe. .., j h . - au,Bm ana wnewvwr ll ii'ieme om -leuia win u i,.,,.,., , .... ... ll v I "wi 1 1 f was1 Hl iwhviii s 'w browo tn support of the devslopneni and improvemsel of Taq'iina. Coogrwaenieo F.llia is an enlbaslastle : supporter of lbs Nicaragua eaoal srhama. ITtooiblis eompletioa womd irtss important ii fle.nce on Ibe whole nation, tohf wbo Mm. M i,,, lo tbe 'M,(kco-l eiaUe will a.,ms the (bt m of Uf M tihlel Usifit from lis opening, ll will brina Liverpool, tba ebief market for (Vgoo wheal, within Sevan tboQsand ilea of Ike I'aeifle 0at pfHlne In sieal of tbe ail Uaa lbaasd miles bis pfudnas most travel, by ibe font la'oiind Cape Horn, and it will sborteo lb ditlaen between the toaal sad Nw Tors foof tlitinaand bine bentrel miles, asolbar saving e diaiaore of t earls Un Ore was dioiVefed ab'ial i) oMoek in thenigbl, at whirb lime it bad galael suob beadway Ibat it was Impoaal ble lo save the bedding. It was only through Ihe efforts of lit. Neelen and aa st eer saved from dtslfoolioo. Ibonawd auile. Tb.e redrii. of l.me j le ws i ( ibe long eel b-nr l os tlp arnnadlb Horn etll reaeit lee greet deeree lo tbe ft of transp-Mlaic n of eaal a rod eele and lb rpoitg of lb renal, wilb Ibe g ! eorowereisl senvily thai bjoI follow, le of paramnnnl im- .rfli,e. In l, frei)re S'il at"'ni hu lei I i.'i tl,. r !, T I,, r ei.'ell i i f ll.e mt,sl ra ' (! t 'i-i" da a ii'iwl f i ie ltn ''Utii aa4 Sfe Ki alasd, II tataoe U.sl Ibe Th annual eton of lb Arnriraa I'.slitfila of 'lir.lgy ail beg'O on 1 needay, Nefl. 1, Front preM Ikdiaallolt Una will be Ibe m t snoeee fill SeeaioO of Hi Inaenuie ever held Tb'we who tlpxil I Hn. I, or who are le ant way interraied, aboul I write al i,,ee f.r prtirlar to lh nMis' ' nf be 'bre-nnl"aiel Jonmal, ti r.aal 2lal Ffwa lai M -ol.) ll. mail for lh Heppner braiie Will hera'tlM froia 4' lirsi"n on S i leatn.g here at 13 0 Ot 1 1. MB Will he a great lebne, llitirio in nin -frtTi,ir ne ll,e peae4,aetreinaie Wl'lowaandlb llepp ef I'am. leaTir.0 H llow the e v. a.rgi, .1 '. '.,il .( il l m v 'f i,'" t i I tf . I I r ' I. ll.e !,. ftxitt r 'Ire .Uta la iiirf He r-n.r li 1li g'"i a di'ae of m,lt '!" mi'ee - .il ,,, IUrt.1 ha e bang I f li atroyed the homes of men in their progress; It roared through the forest, and everything that was old and vwak perished. Hut the atrong trera resisted it. It struck tlie old Wech tree to the earth and ehook her atrong daughter as klie wiaely lient her brad before the bliht and the great wind awrpt on. Three tlaya the daughter wept spark ling dew fur her mother, then the aun came out and dried her tears. Then began everywhere auch atir and com motion that tbe brech tree had no time togriev. Herbudaawelled and burst, and one morning a hundred thousand treuibli.ig, tender green leaves sprang into the sunshine. Tbat was joyl Oolden-yellow prim rosea climbed from the ground; t.ey pushed their sl'ken leaves ou,t into the broed sunlight. Ited and blue bloaanme grew up around the primriMwa and the sweet woodruff iimurlrd its delicate-whirled leaves. That was life! And In the midst of all this bloom and fragranee the young beech tree stood like a queen. A finrh built her neat In her branches and a redheaded woMlieckrr paid her a visit. One a cuckoo ranio and once a distinguished squirrel with bia bushy tail over bis besd rsn up and dowu to see if he might not Cud an acorn. Hut men aha had not yet een this year, and they would have Wen the moat welcome g Uinta nf all since she poaaeaaed the power to understand their words and deeds. After all, one morning, came a alrmlrr young girl with her long brown braiila, who walked through the woods straight to the Ire. However, her vlkit did hot see in to lie for th beech elon. She g lanced at th decay tug tree on th ground and aald: "Here la the snot." Then alia set down her batket filled with May fioweraand leaned back against the beech tree without a fiance at ila green lovrllneaa. The Ire held her breath li hear what the maiden would aay, but the pretty one was ailrnL rrrkrnlly from the opposite aide apiearrd o strong young man. Ha wore a little round hat with o curling feather lib a hunUnian. Ila crept up cautiously, to cautiously that hardly a leaf rustled under hla feet. Hut softly as ha alepprd the quick ear of th maiden iierrt-ived bia roiuiug. Mi turned her bea.1 toward him. and lh tree thought; "Now ah will fly." Hut th girl ili. I nt fir; Instead ah sprang tow sr. I lh youtto and threw Ixitli arm around hi brown nek. "My liana; "My l.va!" Ihey rned together. Then they kissed eerb other passionately; railed each either pet oainea, etubr ei ed again, and tbe beech Use found It all very led loos. l ater thty sat endsr the tree and they told, but It we ail nsw Wi tne Uecb, and sue llsteaed like o child tn fairy tale. It was o woederfal ear prise to her Tba youth arose from lh. - ' net hia brill ani I van to tarve ia lu berk nf to U. Ibis caused Ibe beeh (real peio, but ah bhl a stilt a o wall. "What la tbat to Uf tk4 the aiaidsn. "A heart with your oaae aed tola." answered liana, aa ho enoUa4 to ing had nothing to do with the lovely Eva but the stag come thla way to driokl At the foot of the tree the hunter paused and stood as motionless aa the beech herself. The cool morning wind blew and the mist disappeared in heavy clouda. The gay birda flutter auu e.jg euoui tuu ititciu. i lie un derbrush ruatled. liana raised hla gun. A aliot rang out on the clear air. liana dropped hia gun, aprang convulsively I nto the air and fell to the ground. A man atrode hastily from tbe thicket with a amoking gun in bia left band. The beech tree knew him welL Tbe huntaman bent over tbe murdered man. "It is all over with him," and taking hia gun he vanished Into the bushes. The bright sun rote and abone upon a atill form with act white face. Sorrow fully the tree bent over him and wept bitter tears, and the little robins flew up and covered the dead face and staring eyea with leavea and twigs. In the afternoon some woodcutter came that way and found the body. "II has been ahot while poaching. they said, and taking him gently up they bore him to the distant valley. An old man lingered by the tree. He drew his knife and carved o croaa over the heart that liana had made. Then be took off hia bat and breathed o prayer. The leaves of the grreo crest ruatled, for the tree prayed, two, lo ber own way. For many summers on the anniver sary of tbe death of the murdered man, the maiden came to tbe apot, knelt down and wept and prayed, and every tiru she we paler, more fragile. One day ahe did not com, and tbe tre murmured: "She IsdeaUr and eo It was. Years passed. The beech had be coma o mighty tre. Her bark was covered with brown mo. Tbe wild vine clustered about ber trunk, and heart and croa were both nearly covered. A man rem one day and mad a mark on th bark, and th Iree knew her time had coin. Mi bore the aign of ber destruction-ah mutt Min fall. Farewell, thou green and aunny forest! Mi bad not long to welt for th Wieodmen, who raaie. end with cruel aie rut into her very life. A gl'e.my, glowering man In hunter's Ire, with long gray hair and beard, directed their movement. Th beech knew hint right wall, ami be appeared to recognise th tree. He came chiae to ber and tearing away both ra and tin b w that heart and eroaa wr sf "Her It we," be an ut tered, and hnre. shook bis very frame. "Hark, llerr Forester! Hack!' cried th men. "Th Ire I falling!" Th warned eian steppe! back, bet it was loo late. With a deafening (rash lh leih fell I'l the ground and buried th forester ender ber corps. When Ihey picked bin tip h H deed. Th brvh bad crushed hi h4. And tbe oo stood lo o eirel roendaboet and preyed for h.s enuL-fratlet4 frvra the Oermaa fur ( bicago Tfibuee. VUo tbe emvk e finished Uy both looked 01 Ik w)l pleased, eat th teee w a haf.ftf o If o king bad bur. t r l Un tl.a.n vpoo hrr. "'Iruiy. tnen are splendel people, th- ijjr l.t 'e. I ibo butiUr brao t sing Tbe ptvivt Of tbt or.l 0( 1M Weet may j flV fSa ba beeVi dlclltn.l hit 'oe t.i i,. f-i tt,t M,e Miiluws tfsUl liti.ie4 ttieaf te U) the Mtt. tiiMtsD Dilute, f Hattimore. nff.-ra It be onf Un or fifteen t-r-eons w ha will SMrnrrihe 11 ch lf ward i be pvrtaiione.f I he blvlcal ferr-il mai.sloo on F-st LiiiW4 str. rl lU'l more. It l now otxl 0 O st t .itt etl h"o-, M lUVSs't , (he ew m eilsler of tbe It, t' r , r in lb mr I'irier bint t IV.. is t Qr t Ubrw to h .Ui 4 acr.g(,1th ty'Usu l tLntH, trst the I la,ar,t,t objoc t ri.k U franow,