Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1895, Image 3

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Tai Danger i Averted by Viing
rrs9f hair
1' Pi
"X;-a;ly forty years apco, after
iiuiim vt'i ks of siiknt'ss, my hair
tui'iuil gray iiml luim falling out
ruiiiiily that, I was thri-atmed
w'nh inuncdiato lc.hinrss. Hearing
Jpr's Hair A'i.'vov highly spoken of,
1 commenced using this prepara-
t'-ip . sit.
' Oft.
'i-',-w.V (4v'v,i;.;' "
Jim Jiuit-e called onr pencil pnebr to
one i()p )eat-rlay and inhumr-d birn
tlmt bp hHti an item for pnoi'Ot'i'Ui. Of
conrne we ate always ready to hear audi
niai'ers, and (five him inr attention
when be unfolded the item of ne.
hnt as it was out of 'inr class, beinsr of
the variety sort, we referred htm to J B.
TVdrowp, the eeni1-! nnxnloifiHt, who
bolda the pnaition of piiortintr editor.
Mr. Tedrowe ia evidently sull epr ine.
and baa marie do report, eo tbe pnblio if"
Dot yet enlightened io this inataice.
The proverbial Columbia senhvr vis
ited Heppner with a venB"ance last
Tne dv anil Vledneriay. EveithitiB
Imohp, and Borne tbini?" tbt weren't, were
blown away. Tbe refuse of back yarda,
alleys, vacant lots ai d hills for ruilea
aiound w a lilown down into Heppner
Tbe bret z first blew a'l of Deppner's
anrt'lns real estate out i f town, and tbeo
phanii.d around in time to brinu
it hII back Bin, an we cme ont of tbe
storm with as much dust as ever.
tion, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
iiny other kind of dressing. It stop
V"d the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
'nn occasional application is now
needed to keep tny hair of good;
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my f riends." Mrs! II. M. II aigjit,
Avwa, Neb.
fTi . . I .
pnrrARKn by
a . 1
maw u r
There are some people who never wear
rlaik B'aHses and yet they never see any.
tbniB b iwht; it a the people w ho are dys.
peptic and smi'ed. lt,v r thintr la ont or
Joint with snch people. '! snrfered many
years with dyspepsia and lr er trnnhles
t'tit have been relieved etnee takint!
Mimnions Liver Regulator. I huow others
who have been ureatly bentfiied by its
use." James Nowland, Cariolltou, Mo.
Walace Smead came down from bis
osmpon Diti'h creek lat-t Tuesday and
retntued yenterday morning. Walacein
forn'Sonr pencil piiher that himself and
fnmilv, D. A. Herren and family and I.
L. Van Winkle and family now compose
the entire bund of rpcreaion seekers
camped on Di'ob oreek, where at this
time last seitNou more than 75 peis"iis
were enjoy inv the cool mountain air and
pure water. Further down the creek
Waldon Rhea has pitched bis tent.
Sometime bbo I wbb tn.ken sick with a
cramp in tbe stomach followed by diar
rhoea I took aoonole of dosps of (!bam
berlain's Colic Cbolora and Diarrhoea
Remedy ana was immediately telieved
Fio tinq Fob est Fibb, Grank Gill
iam ret timed home lust Tuesday from
tbe Upper Willow creek reOreation camp,
where be bad hoped to spend Sunday in
rest and qniuinde with bi family, wh'y
are now outing in that vicinity. But
from Frank's report of a hard atd con
tinned firfht witb a temfii mnaotaio fi e
one would b- led to infer thnt he had
more recreation than rest. The fire evi
dently started from embers left by camp
ers and in a short time was. nnder suob
hi ad way that an avalanohe oonld not
have stop-ied it. Tbe fire on the ground
was so hot that it brmuht. out the pitch
on the trees, when the b'a'M would run
rapidly up the same and nhoot adistance
of 100 feet in the air above the tops of
tbe loftv pines witb a roar that could be
heard miles away. The tire continued
for spvetal days, burning mneb valUHblp
lirnbpr, and over considerable fir nnd.
The mill bands, and in fact every person
in that neighborhood, ere on! fih'ins
the enemy for several days and nights
with tint little food or sleep. Tliecnmps
wpre all moved to a place of safety be
fore the fire had reached them. It is
often sai that there is no grander sight
than a pine fores on fi'e, though when
life a d property are endangered the
ymndeur pales. Tbe fire bas now died
dowu, but logs will still be burning in
that vicijity when snow flies again.
Disorders ia the liver and kidneys BPr
responsible for many of tbe ailments of
humanity, which, when neglected, de-
ve'op into serious and often fatal mala
dies. PrndenOH wnnld Btlggpst the
nri mot use of Dr. J H McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to remov- thj disorder
as soon as possible, and res'ore tbe dm.
paed orBane to healthy ard vigorous
acion. Price $1 00 per bottle.
4l ft 1
so 7 & a io
LL J JiL 11-
J 8 2 O 2 1 22 J23 24
25g6a7l 2&29303I
BUW for Harrlman. Monument. Lnn Treek,
fohn Iv and t'anynn (Mtv. lesves as (ollowi ;
Bverv nay at a a. m.. exrept hhiioht.
Arrtveeervnra' P m.ti-ept Mnnrlsy.
The rhesiMot. quIrkeM snd twt line to or
Irorn the InUtrlor eonntrt.
Phlll Col.n. AKenL
You can net the best brer
v t In Henpiirr at U.
rowe l, S cenu per 1hm,
B. Ted-
, If yon want the flnuat liquor, clKr, etc,
rail at Ted't
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Attend thecoorert.
Milliooa rid tbf ltambler.
Ik Eoolt b( bicyole lo rent
Concert at the opera Lome Hturdy
veuin .
Ar yna soiog to lb conoert tomorio
Jo Laoktnao wu io town ovfr Taet
day Dight.
Th Nile.Vioon, Marble Works,
(Tall Walla, Wash.
0. W. Vioctnt io from Dutter
ereck laet We.lueedy.
Th Weekly Hrto ami lh Oai-tt $2 75
per )ar, bulb motif Io adfauo.
Ci,u. MoD.iwell rtorod bom Toea-
day frutn week' at !( pr iu.
L tlr-od Matbt Work. 1 OramU
Or. M. C. 8tnith,lemo, llepptipr.
J P. U t dn, lb wrll kroto travel
ing mao, it llofpoor again over Ut
ToUy Klabl.
Torn Malb. ot Th Dalle, ram np
last w-k iid ! no viailu.g lib bi
br.ither to IbM on.
WaoM-Tlaio or faocy itg. Will
go to lb b- -r k ibg i bm.
Mr. Mary endef.m
C. U. repretMialinf Prio
Bkin Vum.i-r t mp, iuteri-
lu-uar orili4uu . il
Had Hh4. rtotoel We.t"eUr Ir ni
i da) t M'-U.ra .MUi.
Hud roar borne frr (run pio uJ m(
J. W. Mrro rlni4 bftn fr-m
r.tllet j Ut !' Wift"1 b
bt -. tHi eM.t io pofUal "tu
tm nem f r tneJifat irti
If Ih bair ! fetlltirf nnt i 4 Mminc
.. Iti l.n I. td li ! ftwt etittitl-
l.ttr..l l'r rwJ; i
m4 itiiill M INil' Hair H-ttr.
Off Ian: " '
B-r-pn", r . trtnti4 b' ni d-
tirf a -lraMal H nf ' k.
wiik ber Inrtxt. kl II C. hmth.imef.
r. o. wuit. "i t rk'.
nt-rtwU, Km .BPil h ,
trr4 lrm thai bn' Tm '. l-t
lit lb f ' ' " ' ,f,l
K f, It.iUtt, tt. f tl'im rt1,'.
ri4 frW tfc I"'"' " "
II r""tj'hir' I"'
la bt ler t b tatr. ..
! Oi. . r- nH
Utoit i r ! . . i -a
f . a't.. I '' '7
consider it the b-t medicine in tbf!
maiket for all such 0' mp'aints I have
sold the remedv to othera and everyone
who uses i P)Pflk" t.ighlv of it. J. W.
Slrinkler Valley Center, Cal. For Bale
by blooum-Johnson Drug Do.
The Gflze'te learns that f mrmen ere
drowned iu the Columbia river at Hood
River last Monday. Tbey borrowed a
boat, to visit a saloon aoross the river,
and while there embihed too freely of
tannletoot. With this unusually larue
amount of John Barleycorn nnder their
belts tbev attemnted to return, whpn the
hoat was nnsetandtbe occupants thrown
into the river. A fisherman attempted
to save them, but was ton late
Yon cannot be cheerful or happy while
vonr I ver ia disordered, life is hnt a
wenrv bnrden to petsons so nfHioted
Dr. J. H. McLpbu'h Liv-r and Kidney
B ilm is the ricbt thing to put this onjan
into hehltbj condition It inoreS"S tl e
stcretion of bile, atimnlatea the ktdnpyK
and rpstotes thp organs of the b"dy t
thp proper performance of then functions
Price fl 00 per bottle.
A farmer who recpntly homesteaded
on tbe Cbevenne 'iver. nesr rSm'tl'Vlll
S. P.. has int apphed to the United
States land office at Rapid City for per
mission to make entry on another 40
acres of land, becanse. he says, the re-
ceiir. heavy rains havp washed 40 acres of
b'B original eutry iuto tbe river.
Chas. Elder departed yesterday for
TJtub with bis wife who was unable tn
.eHe hiBt Tuesday as mentioned in the
lastisMieof thia paper. Charley takes
bia wife to that 0 nnlry for a visit with
her relatives and with he bopetbat her
health may be improved, lie may re
main tbere permanently.
"CanM thon minister to a mind dis-
ea-eiir asks .Machetb. Certainly, mv
lord: tbe oondilion of the mind depends
largelT, if not solely, on ma condition or
(he aiiimnch. liver, and boweU. f. r al of
which complaints Avet'a V Us are "the
aoverp igneat thing on earth."
Ike Entila has a stock of bicycle
repair and will fix yur wheel up at
reaaouahle rates. It ia his int.n'lon to
make a spec alty in this line, and a the
number of wheels ia rspidlv ini reasmg.
Ibis will certainly b pleasing news to
those who are so fortunate as to own
Scheduled rate and time card relative
to the Cascade nonrnmi n .ve
been sent out. According to the annie
the train will leave Heponer at 8;3d .
ru. Saturday, August lob. Ti e rouml
trip fare from this point ill be t4 f0,
Nerfoit debility la a ootummi ooni-
nUint rsneriallv among W'-men. I he
best medical treatment for tb' disorder
la a persistent course of Ayer a Har-a-
parill cleanse Hiifl Itivigoraie me
blood. This leing accomoliahed, r.utute
a ill do the real.
Hen M.nhema ia now sole proprietor o(
the city meat maiket wbero be keep a
fresh supply of beef. rotk, mmton. veal,
sausage, baOon ami lard, which be sell
for the lowest market price, rred IJ.H k.
tbe Port Ian I but. her, Ia still witb bim. tf
New: T. E. Fell, ol the Pendleton
Wo d rti onring mdU. ami . I) Fell
and Wife, of Hppner. are In Orant
ennty f or an miUntf, and vUt'lng Ibrir
br .Iber Dr. Fell, of Prairie Uilr-
Karl' Clover Knot will pnriry yonr
Bhaid. rli ar JT nr C-'ropleliol, regulate
yonr laiwela and nrk your b"ad cl"r
iiaabetl. "AV. &5 and II- rxjhl by
f. W. Aer Jr.
Mr. McDowell, a prominent yoca'ist
from H.'.m ale'ed li lTal latent, will
utve a (eiiirert si the o-a lioll' ti'ltior
tow evrullig. Nu (ill alioul l DlIM tbl
News: Dr K Vatlffhaa Hepte1
f of 1,1s hoin 10 U'ppnef Manila.
H iiarlner r-main"l fl"i"b no nrne
work to ltd C'ty daring thi werk.
D. C. Bil ! Jn Th"ror"n
!. r.rd-'ed I .! m . of lh lew
le k, H"r.lfy- lehe. hicb they
will recriv sh.on Ailrflit J7 b.
W. II. Ml
rami" op it 1ndy etiiig' train,
Usvli V e'ef,lii f m.ftin,
C. V Uol.in-m. f Itrrk, l
llrp(0-r Ver !( I.
Whist Party. Tuesday evening last
a number of invite 1 guests assembled t"
leave behind them and forget for a short
spaoe the business cares and troubles of
this life, to ravel for a short time in
fritndly and social intercourse and while
away a few happy hours in focial enjoy
ment at the residence of Hon. J. N
Brown. Whist was tbe game indnlged
in, and after a rew pour or merriment
in this course. Phil Cohn.Ed R. Bishop
and Miss Mabel Leezer were declared
winners of the booby prize. Afier the
preaentation of the priz'8, all partook
liberally of the bnnntuous refreshments
prepared under the management of the
hostess, Mrs. J. N Brown. Tn say that
all preseut had an enjoyable time, is but
putting it mi dly. Those preaeDt were
as follows: Phil Onbn and wife, Ed R,
Hish p and wi'e, Geo. Conser and wife,
E. Voruz and wife, W. O'MiDorand
wife, Wm. Lezer and wife, Mrs. Heury
Blackman, of Portland; Mia Mabel Lee
r.r; Messrs. T. R LyoDS, Eugene
Vaunhao and H. T. B'igley.
The greatest republican in Oregon to
day is Senator John H. Mitchell, says
tbe Corvallis Gazette. There is no
leader of the party In tbe state who is
in closer contact witb tbe people, or has
their confidence to so a great a degree.
This admiration for the senator is not
inspired alone by bis genial personality,
hnt by the quality of his statesmanshin,
and the acknowledged services h has
rendered the st .te Mr. Mitchell has
represented Oregon in the natinnnl sen
ate for sixteen years, and his long resi
dence at Washington bas not weaned bim
away from the aff-otions nf his people.
He has not imbih-d anatooratio notiojs,
nor assumed the airs of the so called
higher olassps. When a plain Oregonian
desires any information or wishes o'her
accommodation at the hands of our na
tional reprpspntative he writea to Sena
tor Mitchell. He knows that bis request
will receive kind'y consideration, and
any matter he leaves in Mr. MVekell's
hauds will have tbe oloaest attTtnn.
Senator Mitohell ia a worker an ahle
and enthusiastic worker for the interests
of his atate. '
Senator Mitchell has made for himself
a national reputation. Ha is one of the
leading men in the senate, and, probibly,
of all tbe western senators be is tbe
greatest. Hts long service has rendered
him perfectly familiar with men, means
and measures, Bnd he is in a position to
do great things for Oregon, ard he is
constantly improving bis opportnnitiea
Hia address before the senate on the
constitutionality of the Nicaragnan canal
bill a as admirable. It was, perbips. tbe
most able, learned and sound speech de.
livered concerning that important mess.
ure, and was enl"giz"d by tbe press of
tbe nation. Other speeches on the lead
ing measures before ihe senate have re
ceived wide-spreid attention, and Ore
gon is honored through the honor be
stowed upon and deserved by oar senior
Mr. Mitohell ia a sound and consist
ent republican, though nnt a rabid or
dogmatic parties. i. He is a natural
leader, although he lays no claim, nor
does he attempt to be a political boss.
He is a splendid orator, a thorough or
ganizer and an untiring fighter. He is
independent of political machines, and
one thing that gives him eaob a hold
upon tbe people at large is the fight that
is made upon him by what is generally
denominated tbe Portland ring. The
party in Oregon stands today with goi'd
prospeot' before it, and with the rally
ing ory of "a republican ror preaiaem
and Mitohell for the senate," it can win
in '96, graDdly and easily.
J ""vase
' t l.v .
I Prize Hood's
Bareaparilla more than any remedy I hay
ever talien. I have never beea robust and
was subject to severe headaches, and had
no appeUte. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Ilood's Pills I am a well woman,
have a good appetite and sloop well.
I cordially reconrnend Hood's Ear
dsnarilla. Mrs. S. M. Gorham, Killmore
Uou.se, Fillmore, California.
Hnrirl'c Di'l- cure all liver t;;, bUioua
flkU ne, headache. 250.
Dealers in General Merchandise
Organdies, Dimities, Mulls, etc., at the following greatly reduced
prices :
Organelles 25e., reduced to 15c. per yard.
Mulls 5c , leduced to 15". per yard.
DlmlMeB 12 to 1,V.. reduwd to 10c. per yard.
Gents1 Mraw Hata 7.ic to 11 00, reduced to lb and 65 cents.
Gents' Summer Kl bed U derwear50e , reduced to35eenta.
l.sdles' I'nderveata 10 to Oe.. reduced to 5 to cenU.
Line of Boys Laced shoes (1 .25, red ced to ISO centa.
Best line of Ladies' 10c. hose ever offered for sale.
Haigain Counter loRiled down with remnants of every fabric im
aginable at price- never before equalled.
Our stock of Dry Hoods, Roots, Shoes and Groceries complete jn
every tespect at pi ices that ill more than favorably compare with
thnsH nrevionslv annnunced bv comuetitors.
Special attention called to our Shoe Department Call and ex
amine both goods and priceB.
"West Side Main Street, - - - Heppner, Oregon.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want tbe best.
Write for Catalogue and Trices.
Tho Massiiloii hfn S Thresher Co.
None Bat Ayer'a at the Woild'a Fair.
Ayer' Sara parilla J b the extraor-1
ilinary ditinotion of hay ng been the only
blimil pnr fl r al'owfd an t-x'iibit at tbe
World'a fair, CbioBo Mannfaotnrera
nf other aarBaparill V aonght by every
roeanarobtainaahtiwinii of tbeir g'M'd,
but they were all turned away nnder the
application of the rule forbidding the
entry of patent mdieitiea and nntrnrrj.
The deoiainn of the World'a (air anth"-
ritiea in favor of Ayer'i Bareaparilla wae
in fTpot Ra fullowa: 'Ayer'i Saraapa
rilla ia nnt a oatent medicine. It dnea
rmt belnna tn the Mat of 0'iBtrainl.
here on ita merita."
The niacovery Saved His Life.
Mr. CailUmette, Dru(?iat, Beaveri
vllle. 111.. hsb: "To Dr. Kinu's New
Uiacnverv I owe my life. Was taken
with LaOrippe and tried a'l the pbiai
aanB for milea about, but of un avail
and waa B'ven np and told I oonld not
live. Haviu Dr. KiuVaNew ltiKOovery
in my atore I a-Dt for a bottle and b-tiaii
its use and from the flrt dse b'ian to
iet setter, and after Uaintf three buttba
aa up and abiiut attain. It ia worth ita
wiuM In unlit We won't keep atoie
or house withont it " Oet a free triul at
T. W. Ayer'e Jr.. drug Btore.
43.50 fine Calf Mangaim
RFkin FOR r.4Ti ncuc
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the beat value tor the money.
They equal ouatom ahoea In atyle and fit.
Their wearing quelltlea arc unsurpassed.
The price are uniform, stamped on aola.
rrum 4" i ------- - - , ,
It your dealer cannoi supuiy yuu wu van. cum uj
Dealer whoae nam" will abortlv ap-
pearbere. Ant wante.t. Apply at onre
1' &?
Out of Sight!
The boy ia father to tbe man, and when
the boy dona tbe man's bat he is "ont
of Bight." Likewise the man who pro
vides himself fcitli one of
bate, and also purchases bis Groceries,
Guars, Tobaoos and Gents' FnroiBh
itig at this establishment where tbe
f eshest and latest of tbe above lines
are kept.
This is also tbe plaoe (or 8tookmen's
Supplies, as tbia store makes a specialty
of everything reqnired by this olsas o(
trade. And a casnal observer ill not
(ail to nolii-e that our sheep and cattle
men take advantage ( this (aot.
Remember tbe plsoe.
Four doors sontb of tbe City hotel.
It 18
ricToRUt, Eomoss K'iiht Toi'er's
Pyttnaa, one of Oregon's K of P. paper,
ia a vnit ible piobirial lene. In a re
cent ine it O'lntalned what purports to
be liketn'Mes of a fore ( prominent
mt nibera, but not one ia original noepl
that of Don. Kt-a-lr. J.ff Meyers Is
rHprcrpliil by an olleleolro of Hon.
Hub" Miller; A. W. Talteraon, by a cot
of the eiDffl.-rHle, Admiral 8emms;
Kam Fonlk, hy V.m Moltke. of the Oer-
tsao army ; W. II. J-tikins. by a Japan-
a V 1 Tl I I. a a
iae eOioaailor; Jna iioiaiea, vj m
Iq inck, l)r. Ney; W. M. Cake, by a iiio-
Ime of I'arkbnral takeo 'U) years ao;
W. M. Davie, by M"by, the oonfederat
trnrllla; Cnnn Careon hy an old like
hw of Gfiirge Warliiotou. KnrelyTo
Ir is Ketl'od lo Im t wag Oreg-.n
Ffter. Tbe tint rflort of Frieud Toller
ill lie to dig np an ft I electro of tbe
devil and nee it to represent some brother
in one of bis pictorial txlitiuDS.
Batheb Remarkable.- Last wekEn J
nice Brown, atep-ilaniihter or V. U. uw
ner, who lives up Willow creek, lead bet
little pooy and Colt oat along the cre k
where tbe animal was staked tint to f-ed
over iiiubt. On the folluwing mori.ii g
to her diaappoiotmeut neither borne ot
oolt ere in be fonud. Acoorapamed by
a large New Futmdland dog, tbe little
girl hnoted along tbe oreek all morning
but tailed to fi d any trace of tbe misa
ing animals. The dog bad f veral times
tried to attract her attentioo tn a bluff
all nj tbe crek, but at first no atteuti o
was paid to tbe incident Finally, bow
ever, th lit tie owner went over to the
bank and tb' re sbe saw both bise and
oolt edtfrd iu between logs and brnh
abont 60 feet below, having evidenlly
fallen over ibe IdufT and down that dia
tauoe. Iu a abort time both were re
leased from their im, r laooment, but wr-
hardly able to walk, as a rnmlt of long
Confinement in that poaitiou. Tboiigb
in a short lima were apparently alright
airain. This is rather remarkable wb-n
one Oonai.lere tbe dltauc tbe auimala
are reported to have fallen.
I i?e,eo every month given away to any one who ap
plies through us for the most meiuonoua patent dumig
ine month preceding.
and the object of this ofler is to encourage mvsniors to
km track of their bri ht ideas. Al the same tuna we
with lo impress upon the public die fact UmC
l .v.. r,..;n,ina" which can be eaulriliit trD
and dowa witlmut brewing the passfngc, back,
tauce-pmn," ".ollar-buium." "nut-lock," "bottaw
atiipner, and a thousand other little thinrs that most
v t,l iinuruvina : and ihrae simple
invenuons are the ones thai bnng Uiges, returns W the
author. Iry to tlun sumeuiuig w wvcih
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any ct
Our Competitors.
keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Bank Buildinir,
HepDner, Oregon
Patents talen nut Ihwwgh us reciveriecial notice ta
l.- .. k;......i U .r,rlcr.T' Dubhahrd at W.shinglon,
U C , which is the nest newspaper publnhed in Aroanca
in the intemts of invent.. V. furnish a year s ub-
mption to this journal, free ot cost, to all out encnta.
i l i ... bMnirmi. iheinvennon ear n month
which wins our iw tmie. anl hinwlre.li of thousands
c4 eapiea of the "National Kecotdet ." eoniainuig a
aaetch of the winner, and a dewtiptnai of his mveniioa).
wdl be acaueted tiinwgooui urn v-mir .....-
capatalisia and manuiatiurer. thua bongu.j ta UstsI
atiemwn ihe menis ol the invents,.
A II cotaeaunicauou retarded smelly CooMeaUal.
Solicitors of American end I orelga faUata,
AiH V Street. N.W..
Ho Washington, n. t.
1 v- HdimnftRi" er r' f"- WtiuJr
MrFarlanJ Mrrcautile Co. will pay
ea-b f-r wbrat, tmrley, biJea and (tells.
i'attuera sboubl call ami se Ibem.
If m o want to retit a bietrle nr et re
tikira for nor. call 00 Ike Kuois at bis
b )CI l-r, Kwef btioae.
lireeo Matbews for ahavlnf, balr-
rnititii. abkmiMMitiiii kin! all other work
lo that line. Bath at eu lime uoritm
M-ala Sl Horivner, the b'srkamliba,
buraMh'iere an I wih bitinhrrs, at the
il.l (limn etanil. Maio atrewl, Ueptmer.
I'all HO Ibe tniis.
T it ll iwar.l mskra a relaltf In
t(..t if elinmitieii Wl'b Sl' rre-V,,
n t Iseal !- Crrl04 a gnerl lint.
....... lt...ti.i o.rjli 1 bte new l. '
Care for Hrndarlie.
As a remetly for atl forms of Heailacbe
F.lectrio Uittera has proved t be the
irv In-aL Iteff-ctS a pettnatienl Onre
ani the tnrmt drrailnl hahltaal Slok
besilatbea l'd t' Its i.tl'i-ne. V
nmeall bo are afflirterl ti prttcurst a
bollle. and ifive tbia feme ly a fair trial.
It. e- if tiatiitual eonatipati-io Klt.
t'ie Hitters cures by rti-aT the tieeoVt
I oe to lie Ixiwrln. ami ta Car l" g
rneial the lie if this nn-dfine. try
one. Iyi'if ttottlpw (tlv fifijr cents at
T. W. Ayera, Jt , Arng etore.
ttrvlleat HI d l enr. i
"I is nad II ..'a Naraaj arilia In1
p. X family h't y'l year ,.! Iiav
f ,tlt,t t an fit I Ut-1 bl.l piirifj-r
Two nf W) b ya nitii It ai-l it la
I eM fill if If II.. m Sl W ffrfat-l M S l.a.
Iraol rtra!iriti lt.at rati fliij." t J
I aia'g-r, .i, Or.
llooj't Til's fte all ti li's.
Fn T"a i a-Tb M, C, u i T,
f-ir lau beaf a fU k f I km-teof
f-.. anet s f !'('. mi I barie).
fl, Wl,t.b wH t a-'d a fraa.ahi
r.r.cwa l.s.'t U fnl t'j S ttc" 'f
aj.,t ar lr '
e ' a I ' 1
W t ll I l'
... II !-
K.M, . !i
.t e n I a
.. r-,
(I. It. HaM, ihe tiinavrinl artt, Can
bv fQ d at In parlore, Mai If I xner,
ber b- will diina) l i itl'ar (irir,
alr, altaWioHat. bairotlla, etc.
Ant ititior It. K fle'n 0"l who
,!.,, Ihe e.iia l an alt"ttey la
V, kfl it ift. n. II. : , will rti.l l t m
aiii.ia t !! i.nor aldises tLi pa-
Waif. Tb' tnl"! rtins ! I"'
llM.p-i-r a'i M...nntit, aniyit ev'
Am) .l.pt ..tf'a tilid leayifaf
.).) elr-pt -in-lay. !-. 8"d Cheap
r. ..te ! Ibe Ibleriur. V. O-ba,
Tb Ptlfeof PuH. Ct. be av-fiaj.ed
tl.e aatenrt of tho Drewfwnt hiesls f
M r"W and fl'aot .net,-, at d will
aUptly .bev s tn whin- '
,s . fidtrwe, Eiaojitis aCf.sat
b-f ,r. t.a,t"-. f- I
Th--n1r foWnptsr P,tr raf tU
Ha-tnt-VYeakl) Ha-l a 12 S at-d !(
rnl.r pw ol tbe Vtly ('"iS!
taft.VI ete nleri'.it aj f" the
C. . i. fo .-r i
.i , ,t !, H. (. a-. I
W..k . lr f I.M f VI
a 'l'a iily It.rtr (.r.o f f
I. ft. )at l tWvM.w. Vila b wa(ittd Ut
Part. Wsaa Womb. -Captain Tenl
'A'ebb, who was nearly kill-d while slid
Inn lo a barrel dio a lht ebota on
(Venr d'Alene lake, Is e iciinlf worwa
from a sorie; opo'atioo prfurrod
111.no bis enme. Huratoona rinreee no
i.ml..n. tint ll la evi l-nt 1 1 all wbo
bim that be ia m ill In a etllieal oto tl
tion, with the rbanres stmii.ly a.aioat
Don't lte It llv !
m-m 1
alntrt time
Jra. and
C'f ewtit arlTTaV
O, ner aa a y1 IM" taet
a-l.ai.lar ..f I. -,tlnit ... rt..r.li.a
maaa Hi n-t "I Itil-f. hl
a..Urlnt p it. I.aa l.l df ia. Mir-II
rl'ire, air , d"'i at T W ' '"
J,,a .tf.. f"t th l-.- '" ' tl. I
l ttiifa)
r 1.1 II, a ft, ft- ' t.'l. t '!'
1 r.,.11,.14 ... Iff pll,. a.-., I
ll.n l.aaanlll.M I " K' l".l" l 'l-li
t,--f .,al--i
I ( ,l.tl'-a fs'.i.-d day a't nla-M
fr.,rtvr '.
T. W. AVI'.IH, .lr.
1 1' ). ', flr-"0.
1 m im !
Now hne rharif ol thf it rk of eonfeetlonfr
Ira. frnlia. rlaara, tnhNia. etc., lormarlf
owner! hy Boyd Mt-Oowell.
Which he i tlitpofinq of at Clo
Share l'ricrs.
les Cream anrl trf fream Hnrla. Imnmv1s and
orange Chlnr alwatS kept on hand.
Weal (Ms Main Street, Minor building.
will maif many rlrh. but rnwhetf ran they make so wurh wlthls a
CM A llll
n t,rait-rlly will maif many rtrn.oiu rnawrpmn
.a l, ai" alul aieulaiii In Urala, l'rf Uluna aud sua k
Can ta Made bf Our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
... . a . ..ua. . aa kaallllal slWaalasm
""'"11 r."T.l. hu..dd di, lara uu Iu I .. to
IIllM9 IMf lit m " IM wwww Wf twwm www---
la amrninl lnval4 o any trad ht errvfta tilh eldre. an
i.n I hie 1. n r tvta..-
iiii.t"ai-d aie'e-i-atle tra ima
!'' "" .".7 ""............n. 11..1 ..im ut, .minaiiiixi las
ll.al ii. tl.i-t llie nisik.l riaaa ur lane it riMe r . ,
ati... on"
i.iaitM ttia.fw'l
,7, K.1H11. l-.I. I r aal.. , ..lere ALL r RI I. '!ZJ1?
,, it.-Ui.f f ill? lUfhawt irlrl.tHwa la gad tuour ai..-ln.g aud a.rffa.
THOMAS 4 CO., Bsakin saa Brnn,
241242 Rialta Ouilwlft, ChlcsiS, III.
I f t. 11 1 fV ' V
L .-
U 14 C3 r-a-riif t-y f I elnisT-
Kolkt tif Intention.
,. fit ft. li esaf.e
.,.- If
ta lLo bJet Cvui-a a4 Crwup iwta
MMIf Ml ,.. Ik ..f flat
''I' t.
I.. 1..
n. I la
ta ftsmv ni r . 1 it t ine
t. a ".-t aa.a. ,-aarid '
,1..., 1 ., a ,.. il t . i" I
, a n-al -a -t ).- 11
V - A
Vt ii i''V'f
aw ; t
Monmouth. Ore.
lraln..f aVhrMl Ine laavhevf fe)tf ftfht
(a la l.a.,. ( rtai-Manant ai.d alO'cg srwlaalunal
awl ay flaml r.iraa
The Olslema k salt eel ntlties
tfesw le aey sety the slots wilH
wt fajrtbsr eaemleetiee.
H-r-la"4 Mgl"i. and ll'l- ! p
a-a-iMt,,! ani kaatifiM Ptla. J" f.ana.
1 tif la a r-t aamand i-r oel I'll -rer,
Wiare la aw ef f.ipp'f r-f i-lln laaw Sara.
rawlraj-ie ehf ftul f ee'il "a ft-piesilna.
ar W. A. W f. rraoldaea.
a'l r- I a- i-'w ' '
ar- a
(,.4l,..,.'ll,..i. t
f. . ...J lai la-a
lataW WK-f
a 1 ... ynriMM
...... , ..)
I ,., . ...I Li-a ... .. -
.... a t 1 a. a ' 't
I- " .."a, a
, 1.1, . I.. ... I.I ...11-
t ,- f I
, h a I -.- i.",-,iiiii slllr '.
in ai-t II "4 ! .
I (liWsf Ii II V.
AttorneyH ut
... i. .
a I " ' ,
If I. '
num. 1 1.
1,.,..,... atttr I lo lea t"n"- etfaf
rrl,r,..r ..sar I'al-lw- at..t t.irt.w,
a . I a4'ire 1
Ifaaaat Uf. Arna