Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1895, Image 2

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fX.Ll-i''"llJf ! 11 rut
m Zj, rA fit a a m
Pbide may proceed before a
fall from a bicycle, bat profanity
is sure to follow.
It now beams to look as though
San Francisco may probably get
th next uatiooal republican con
vention. The railroad commission won its
tight in the eupieme court, and will
now hold over and draw the back
sal ry due.
Congressman Hermann seems
to have quite a reputation as a
handnhHker. This is probably one
thing that keeps him in congress.
Under the above caption the Ore.
gonian replies to an article in a re
cent insu6 of the Gazette relative
to the death of the Portland Sun,
and declines the invitation and
bftfs to be excused from entering
the field formerly occupied by ihe
la'ter paper, and once more pn8
its respects to the OHZtte strifT in
its usual courteous (?) style. Now,
mnybe, it doet not wmit to aanin i
it,, C..l,1 tl... ,'t l l..l
Cll'tjr UiO Ut"IU IIIMU III lino li'O', uui
if not, why did the management of
this paper recently rduco the price
of the same, and call attention to it
locally, yes, eveu editorially, iu al
most every issue for soveral weeks
past? The reading public would
naturally infer that it was very
anxious to place its paper once
more in the hands of its former
readers, and that to accomplish this
end the reduction was made. A
few years ago 11. S. Loomis, super
intendent of circulation of the Ore
gonian, visited Ileppner with a
proportion to give Morrow county
a write-up, in the event that he
uhould receive GO new subscribers
for the weekly edition of that paper
in this city. On the day of his
visit here out republican primaries!
were held, and at the requet-t of
Mr. Loomis, the writer visited the
different primaiies in thiscity with
liira, and in a few remarks relative
to the ceaseless labors of the Ore
gonian for the defense and ad
vancement of Oregon's interest,
its representative wmh introduced,
when he explained liH niiHsion.
As a tesult Uih required number of
Bulmcribe'8 were i-ecurcd and the
county givfii the write-up. A
slioit time afterward Mr. Loomis
was again sent out to make a com
bination of tlm Weekly Oregonimi
with the different publications of
this state. As a result of his vixit
the (iuzetto still off-rs the lending
State paper, the Oiegoniun, nnd the
only Keuii-Weekly Ileppner (Jit
zotte, f r .'I 00 per year. JJy per
sonal solicitation and ntti active
inducements, the number of sub
scribers at this place continued to
iucreaxH until the Portland Sun en
tered the fild. From that period
the demand for the Oregonisn de.
creased. At the date of expiration
many of its readers in this county
selected tlm Nun in its stesd.
When R-ked why the change was
m-ide, the answer wns hUie tln
same; "1 like the Oregonitu ns a
UHWspaMT, but d n iU nut row,
eg'tiittiual and insulting editorials."
Tint OvMta di 1 not fancy this
universal answer, int that it hud
any greater admiration for that
feature of the paper, but because
of I he fart that the Oiegonian was
looked iimhi ns the representative
of republicanism in this state, snd
Coiisi'quiilly to bo of frint service
to tha party, it rertainly oiiyht to
te p ipular. Hut i hiit win not the
Casti. Thfl Sun grew until it had
a greater nutnWr of tenders in thin
iH'tion thnn U: Orroni-n. V
era lo ii f unicd I ti 1 1 thin same
relntire rotiilititti ii iat.il in ninny
oilier rtiotm of (he Mxte, ,j,
riennlioyn on the traiun rtniuied Ihe
Inrgrr iiuiiiImt of ilaily nlen for
tint new pcr, nnd, in fncl, tlu te
liui'tt rcrtniuty have Uvu ndi iiinn
or the rirculntion of the S.iu ou.t
not Imvo growu to n0 iu a very
khort tuns niter It tut lh.
H i it wn with thin u -iieml feel
Um of tin ren.lmij public in tnin.l
Every dav biing0 news of more
victims of the murdeier, Holmes.
The Telegram sas it is now no
longer a question nsto"whostuick
Hilly Patterson" or "stole Charley
and for the people, for they made
it; by the people, for it has missed
its object if it does not accomplish
their good."
The Durrant trial has now been
in progress two weeks. Seven
jurors have been secured out of
more than 400 persons examined,
and two of theso may yet be dis
posed of. This trial will probably
last several mouths.
Sensational charges have again
been made sgainnt the populist
state officers of Kansas. The
charges are well founded and im
plicate a number i f these reform
ers hiyh iu political circles in that
As A possibility for the presiden
tial nomination, Allison's chances
seem to be getting brighter every
dHy. Iu fact it now looks as
inougti ne ana Harrison were
both ahead of either McKiuley or
r .aaaaaaaa , !
Papers have been signed by
which W. II. Harvey ('Voii.") re
liuquibhes all pecuniary interest
in the book containing the report
of the recent debate, and gives bis
entire shire of the proceeds to
tt ustees to tie used in a Bilver edu
cational campaign.
email BfiinhihKS
Make grpntpudinuSHi m-ttcaps. Ailments
that we are npt to oonaider trivial often
grow, tbronith neghcl, into Btrnclou
malaliefi, dungftroUH iu themselves auil
prndno'ive nt utbera. It ig the ilim-entrd
of the earlier iodioittionR f ill tienltb
whiob leads to the esablietimeiit of all
sorts if mnladieg on a chronio bun Ik
Moreover, tb re are Certain disordem iu
oident to the RPRson, pnoh as malariu
aod rbeumntiNtU, against whiob it in 1
ways desirable to f irtif.t the avstpm aftr-r
exposure to tbe oonditiona whicb pru
duoe them. Gold, (Imp and miaHma
are etrely ponntercotpd bv H"BtPtttr'e
Htiimxcta Bitters A'ter yon have in
eurred ri k from these i fluenoes. a wirjp
glnsufnl nr two of HoBtpi'pi'e Rtomaeh
Bitters directly afterward ahould he swal
lowed. Fit malaria, dypepsia, liver
oomplaiut, kidney and bladder trouble,
nervnaaneea and debility it is tbe most
deservedly popular of remedies and pre
ventatives. A ioe glassful before meals
promotes appetite.
Mm. L. B. Plan's, of Mil'on. Or., nr. I
rived lat evening for n visit with ber
sister, Mrs. S. f. Uarnuaes, of tbu ci' .
Shilo's Cure is sold on n gnaraotee.
It cures inoipient CoiiHnnuj'ion Jt is
tiie best tongbCu'ennly on" cent ados-.
25 cts.. 50 ots., and 81. bold by T. W.
Ayera, Jr.
K-v Denison desires ns to announce
that there will be uo services at tbe M.
E ohurrb tomorrow evetiing -B f rmerl)
nuoiiuced. The meajbers are rt quested
to bear this in mind.
John Natter returned on Wednesday
evening's stage fr m Kitter, where
has apeut the pnst twoweeKs at Vli Dnffip
springs. John O mieg home feeling much
unproved in health.
Mre. M, Lebalister hs a full stick of
Que milliueiy and is selling the same ai
Very reasonable figures. 8ne is li'Cnted
n tbe Liohtentbal building, east side
VIhiq street and opposite the City hotel.
RfVi Moter will hold services at tbe
1. E. rbnrch Hnnday morning nd even
ng. this being tbe ore isimi of the fourth
quarterly conference. Speoi I song Ber
vice h s been arranged fur tbe occasion.
All are invited.
Ed Smith, formerly foreman of the sec
tion crew en the Hpppuer branch, de
parted yesterday for Poitl md. He will
probably locato in California. His fam
ily, lirwever, will remain here until be
u s a location.
Rev. Denison returned Wedneda
ev-Mtig trim Cascade Looks wnere be
hes be n, for the pHst week, assisting
to h omp meetiiitr. ne reports a very
l"teresilng roeeticg, though says the
beat aa something terrible.
Mre. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
IVnn., says 'Shtloh's Vitahzer Maved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitate I avsiem I ever need.
r'or dyepepia, liv-r or, kidney trouble
it exoels. Pnoe 75 oeuts. Sold by T
W. Ayers, J .
In urder to reduce our stock of
We quote the following; Hard
Tin.es prices for Cash :
One New Home, latest s'yle, new, $35 00
One Nevv Home. S'yle 1890, been
run a I 'tt e but good as new - 31 00
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bargain . . 20 00
Cne Favorite, has been rented out
and used a little; good as new, 28 00
TheKC are Rargain Price for immediate accept
ance, tail at once on
Since Cleveland was inaugu
rated the second time tbe wool clip
of the United States has fallen off
100,000,000 pounds. This is why
the democratic party was not able
to pull the wool over the people's
eyes last fall. It hadu't any to
Some old grumbler visiting Pas-
adena, dal., complained of "the
noiHO of the mocking birds." The
Pasadena News properly hits him
off by remarking: "Such a man
would deect a falee note in the
blunt from the horn of the angel
A rrtEE trade contemporary
irngs because a farmer of its ac
quaintance saved $25 n gruin bays
bought by him fur his ctop. But
what shall it profit such a man if
ie saves three cents on the sack it-
If and looses a dollar mi the con-
tents of the sack? That is alsiut
the ilifT-rencH between protection
and free trade. HakersQeld Cali-
DKMoertATs UHed to say that a
republican tariff was responsible
for ad trusts, tiut now it is re
ported that down at Chattanooga a
cigantio o-l combine, controlling
seven-eiliths of all the coal inbr
est in the south, is being formed
with a capital of $.'0,000,000. L,N,k8
like a democratic administration
and a democratic tariff ought to
prevent this.
Some considerable surprise is
tint tented, by headlines iu sundry
ejchanges, that "President I'levP-
land eiteied a haibcr shop and
quietly awaited l is turn to have
Iih hair rut." What would fou
have him do? Yank the man in
the chair out, and offer to fight
with tht "iieit" for Lit place?
Home people lave apparently
strange idea of presidential eti
quell. Albany Argua.
A vruriuNT d'n In St. Iini
the other tlay visited all the lead
ing haul and lri"d h boy 1100 in
grtfMibacks for $100 in gold, and
could Hot fiet the crefiiharks. It
is "(MMi nd money," and republican
money, isn't it, Mr. farl'ule? Inter-Ocean.
A similar incident ev
ent red in Ileppner a few da)si
lieu one if our ritiieos found it
neit ti iinM0Kible to gi t tldO in
cr ciibaik for a like auiouiit of
Not sinoe "The Aoglnmamaos" bas
there been so clever a society satire as
Henry Fuller's ''Pilgrim Son ," which is
published in tbe august Cosmopolitan.
Tbe problems involved in woman's use
of tbe bioole are so startling aod so nu
merous, under the rapid evolution of this
art, that one weloomes a oareful disons
aioo of tbe subject by so trained a mind
and it clever a writer as Mrs. Reginald
de Knven. The Cosmopolitan illustrates
Mrs. de Raven's nrtiola w tb a series of
poses by profesntnu 1 models. A Dew
sport, more thrilling 'ban any known to
Nimr d, more dangerous than was ever
experienced by even a Buffalo Bill, Is
exploited in tbe same issue in nn art o'e
no "Photographing Bi) Qame io the
Rooky Mountains" before shooting. The
idea that 10 cents for The Doemopolitan
weans inferiority from a literary point of
yiew is dispel'ed by the appearnnie in
this number of such writers ns Hir Lewis
Morris, Sir Kd i t Arnold, E Igar Faw
oett. Tatib, W. Clark R tsell, Lang, S ir
oey, Z mgwill, Agnes R pplier, etc Nor
3an we entertain the id, of inferiority
in illustration itb snoh names a Hnm
tlton, (lihson, Denman, Van Rob ait k.
I.ix, Handb-m. etn , fln'ing ns the ct.i f
artists of single month's isaiie.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after Buffer
ing for several years with a severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
hie fellow b offerer 8 the means of rure
To those who desire it, be will cheerful
ly send, free of charge, a copy of tbe pre.
soription used, whiob tbey will find
are oure for Consumption, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat snd lung
maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
use his remedv as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will oost
iriena nothing, and msy prove ahlsstng,
will please address, Rv. EDWARD ,
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
P. C. Thox
Full Term begins September 8, 1895.
Three College Ctmnet Cluneal. Scientific and Lherary. Academy prepare. if or college ana
give, a thorough EnEliBh edueatioo. the beat prepara.lon for teach tig slid burium The Kboo
ha. alw.y. been di.tWui.h.d for the breadth aud thorough.., of It. work. It hM s . Ubwrj ot
7UO0 volinne.. good equip.neut. lor mathematical and ieiiUue work and fljie buildi b
beat modern Improvement.. Marth Hall, Juat completed at a coat of o0,000, 1. one of the fiueit
college bulldihB. on the Pacific College.
All epe.e. very low Board and room at the Ladle', "all 1.00 to f 1 00 per
ing electric light and heat. The College ormitory. under excellent management,
board and .oo.u at 2.25 per week. Board in private taminea. .ou n uH..
rent room, ami board themnelve. at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
For further particular, addre... PKES. THuM AS McCLKIXASD, Fore.t Grove, Oregon.
la at hand snd is gladly welcomed by
all, esperl i lv t'uise whose duties in life
have canned tb m to greatly mo dowr
tlieir )stem to meet thn rq'iirements.
fhysleal and mental, foroed upon them
With theae and others, it is important,
whether at heme, at tb seashore nr in
Ihe eotinlry, Ibat S"tne Ihnnght he given
lo diet, and s fnrttur sssistance to Na
ture, good building np tnedirins Ilk
IlomVs Haras pariUa bad beat te resorted
In. If the dliition is poor, liver de
ranged and f.eqnent headaeh etn to
be ths role, Hood's will ohange all thi
and etisb'e everyone to ret it '0 t t their
home and bnsli.es in refreshed slat
of mind and b lily health.
Of all tbe reoent efforts at writing the
life o' Napoleon io popular style, Miss
Tarbe'l'a easily leads, in point both of
mnt and of interest. It fl-wt Appeared
serially in MoUlme's Magazine, and is
now punlished in a hnu Isomel) printed
oloth-bonnd volume, with 2i0 illnstra
tiona. The book is having an eunrmoa
sal at SI 00 per copy. I'nhlto OpintoD
(New York City) is iictunlly giving
sway this flu v ilumeto new subscribers
Write for particulars.
Tiles! fllet in hliiK Piles.
hytnptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; moat at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form. hiob often bleed and
ulcerate, b. coming very sore. HwaYNSS
Ointuknt stops the itching and bleed-
toil, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tnmors At dmggi-ta, or
hv mail, for 5D cents. Dr. HwaynaA Hon,
tv of Mnrrnw. State ol Oregon.
Henry nneeier,
r uintlii,
William Bremer.
Bremer, wife of stiid
WilliHin Bremer, a d
Frank Hafreriuan hb
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Coin
pa. y. a corporation.
To William Bremer, efendant.
In the name of the "'tate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint Hied agiiiimt yo in the ah ve entitled
.nit on or before the first dav of the next regu
lar term of the abuve entitled court, to-wit, the
2d day of September. )k9o; and if yon fnii .oto
answer, t r. want tnereot the plalntltt win apply
to the court lor tha relief demanded in .aid
cbmplalnt to-wlt:
ror judgment ana decree atrntnut wunam
Bremer for the sum of ifiO."0. with iitereston
J5. 5 IK) thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per nn
num from the first (lav of lime, 1Xh5; wlih Inter
est on $15 thereof nt he rate of 8 per cent rer
annum from the first day of December, 1H9H;
with int rest nn $15 thereof at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from the first dny of June, 1WH;
with Interest nn 15 there f at 'he rate of 8 per
cent per iniiiim fr m the first day of December,
1'J4, and for a further sum to be determine I by
the court as an attorney', fee, and for costs of
this suit.
A'sn fo a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
bv Wll lam Bremer on the foil Ming descibed
real estate, situated in Morrow Countv, state ot
Oregon, to-wlt: The iwt of Hec. 8. f p. 2 N. of
R. 27 E. W. M., reco'ded in the clerk's office of
said county nu the 24th day of Mav, 18x9, on
pages 202, 203, 204 and 205 In Book "D" of the
mortgage records of said county as to all of the
defendants herein named: and for sale of said
mortgaged p'emises to satisfy said judgment
and decree, attorney s fee interest and cots.
This summons is erveri on defendant W illiarn
Bremer by publication bv order of Jame. A.
Fee. Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the
State of Oregon, dated July 2ft 1895.
0. O. ELLIS and J. N. BROWN,
356-68. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
1 ty of Mor-ow, State of Oregon.
John tr. crnsbv, (iuard
ian, Plaliitill,
Alexander Graham,--
liraham, wife of said
Alexander Graham,
the National Bank of
Henpivraco poratlon
and Frank Hagennan
a. reeel ver of Uim bard
Investment company,
a con or Hon,
To Alexand r liraham. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
heietiv rpiiul ed to annear and answer the com
plaint filed agaL st you In the bove entitled
ault on or bi lore t ic nrst rtav ot the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court tow It, he
2nd ilavol -i'pt mlier. 1 hiiiI if ou fail so to
answer, lor want thereof the iilaln'lfi will an-
ulvto tlicc n rt forthe relief demanded in aalil
comn Hint, t -wit:
or judgment ' nil decree against Alexander
firiilmin f rthesiim of Five Hundred Dollars
w ith interest thcreo at the rate of eight per
cent per annum from the 1st dav of July. lHl):t,
ami for a reasonable sum to be de erntined by
Hi" court as an attorney', fee, aud for costs of
this suit.
AI o for a decree foreclosing a mortgage msde
by Alexander Graham on the following rte
scribed real estate "dtnat'-d 111 Morrow county.
Oregon, to-wtt: The K ot Hp-.. Tp 1 N, of
K. 21 E W M.. contalnlna In all 11 acres mon1
or l.8s..ci'orllii? to vovcr'.ment aurvey. reord-d
in the clerk's otllee ot .aid countv on lh-Kith
dav of .I'iIv ihmi. on naire . X. :Ml a.ul 361 In
Hook "t'" ol the mortiraiti' re ordsol aidconntv.
as to all the itefeiulHiit" her In nnmcd and for
ale I said mortgaged D'emlse. to aatisfy .aid
judgment, decree nttoruey'a tee. iu'ercstp aud
costs. Kcrvli eot this siiuiuim s la made on ou
bv order ol James A Fee. lodge of the Hlx'h
idl. In1 dUtrict of the -I ale of Oregon, made on
the iilli day ol Julv. im'i.,.
O U, KLl.H and J. N. BHUWN,
av'68 Attorney, (or I'laliititr.
Address J. Hi). SMITH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
He Saws Wood!
Lust, Ktrayeil or Sdilen.
A bay mare, six tears ol I, hrnmlerl
watch key. bs a yminuT 0"lt Was last
si-en tietwi Heiioner ntnl llsnlman.
Fte dollars reward will tie tciil (or ber
relnrn to E. J Krfnkv,
41-tf. Heppner, tlrejnn.
NOT1CK Of lIKfOl.niuN.
partnership hrr toforrext.tina ta-two-n J.
C. ILyes and Hi I Mattiawa. u 'er the llrm
name ol Hatra A Mathexa. has llila day krrn
rliaiilird lo "oitual rouaeiit. BeoJ. Ma'hewa
will mllert all Mllaand nav all a. ciinn acalnat
sal. I linn, and (till continue the buslors. at Ihe
old atainl. i c II y.
sj M-Hwa.
Tated at Ileppner, Or., Jnljr Is. Ins. 4U
tn all tti.ienla. Yotra men can oti'aio Ixiar.l. lixlglng, heal nnd ligbt in
lb dormitory for 91 50 per week. It-Mimera fnrniab Iheir oo linen. Voting
otneo are provideil laiaril to private fatniltet at $.1 00 ver ek. Yoting omn
ilealritig taiar.l slionld a.Ure Vtt. Joho Stranli, F.dgeni", Orrgon; rr Serrelary
Young Women's Cti'latian Aaaoelatlon, Eugene, 11m Cuivetsily olf. r lL'e
broalaoreala ilfgrera, llschelor of Arts, IWIi'lor of hoietice and !aclilor of
let alto Corresponding flooraei nf lady. Tb following shorter e"iir.-a are tie
offered: An Ecgltalt o ore leading io ln year It loisiurat diploma and In
threw )rar t id title gradual io fciigtiali; ao 1vn-l Coo raw fur graduate nf
normal aehnol leading Io Ihw degree maater of oedagogt ', A I dree year ronrae iu
Cill engineering leading Io I be degrew nvll engineer; course) of two yeare f,.r
Irarliara of liMiol e-l. allot. Ira ling Io ilip'om an t lb Mle director ol
b)iral rdiication Tbe l'tilverily cl.ar.vi to lnoi.lrnal fra of lo ilollart which
ta payablw Io wdvtnew tjr wll at q. lent.. Hittdtila h iltagdil -roaa front lb public
acb.H.I. and thoae bavtng lewbeti' oarlirtfal'S wtw s.lniiltcd Io lb preparatory
drpattmrol with.-nt rl miioall.'n, Tba draitlng ltifirtnattna rgaritng lb prw
pat story depart mot ahull I a Id re. Ilia D-an, N. I Narrrgan, Engta.
Vor catalKOri aud lifiritatlaa a l.lrwa
C. 1!. CI I A I'M AN, Pivi-ultMit.
or. I. .1. WALTON. NtvitMury, Kiitjoito Oifu;on.
that ril i(t' I tin Iia7i'tt t ti.
t.i ... ll,, aii.l. II.. I ll I...I. I
-- , imi. llliw lfll i tt k
! ,, . .i ,i . ' II AT.niMJJ. ttO Oaua.!
tlllf I.I t.Ilft til M t I 1... I. I I . I 1
w.. i ...I-....I-.- i ....... .iJM" ,,,,, n-ht l,,iw r'fcit.t
. (in 1 lIIK'III ; , . , , ,
iniir, ("ti i inn i.ii,ia iii iriiiiite) o
iMir t!ij nt iaile ra:aiti io Niw
ooriiifl I'jf tlm S.in. N , n ill I
but wiali tiie) ()'r tit i a. i .t t a k lip
n) no "lam." f.,r It to lay n r.
teiiiljr lise all thi lod l.ira that itji
Cau r.imrtjirutiy catr.
IlaR nurchnspd one of tiie late improved Bteam brwb and is now
fully prepared to saw wood of every dencription at the low price of
40o per Cord one time in two
50c per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut neatly, and where poBBihle all knots cut out.
One etick per cord will furuisu enough fuel. Leave ordera with Chris.
horuhpis at the 1 alace Hotel. lm
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms!
Mrs. Tom Rrndley, Prop,
Notice of Intention.
I 4 Jnlv :in. Not ire la lo-r tiy given that
tin-Inlliiu Inn iihiiii-iI M'ttliT ha. nlr.l rntlrenf
lila Inli'iitlon lo imikp llnal pnail 111 aii.Hirt m
n .claim. no that aunt iroot will i mad.
Iicinn-1 'limit v t'li-ra. I'matilla t'o'tntv, at Ten
flletnu, iiri'gou, on iN-pti-nilier 7, 1W. vl:
Hrt. Kn 713. lor the WLt SWV. N 8WV. Bee,
21. Tn. 2. H. K M) f. . M.
lie iiaimw the lullnwinf ltn-e. to prnvr
niarnntiiiiinna rnlilence upon ana cut ivatloi
oi aam lann. vi:
William II. (inlllfonl. Arthur V. OnlllloM
JsmK N-In, nl Vlnann, Oregon, and Joho d
Kuat, ol Klilite, Oregon.
b. r. itv''.
!. Krilatpr.
For the Cure Oi
Liquor. Opium aod Tobacco Habits
It la located at Balem, Orccon,
77i? iVosf Beautiful Town on the Coast
Tall at the Oaiftti ndlpa for partlcnl.r.
8t rlrtl v con llileii tlal. Troaimaut irivaui aud aura
Notice of Intention.
I Jnlv h. iKK. Notn-a la lii-r-I.Y Blvi-n
Ilia Inllim Ins naincl act Hit hna nod notlr ol
hi. Inli-iilliiii to niahi Sial riHit tn .iiiairtni
lit. I'laim and Iliat ax I.I proof will re mad.
lan- i W Mnrrnw. rniniti rlrrk, at Hiiner
urrtiin, on sent a. i''v n :
Il l f.111 fnrtlia x'j Mti, and NE' NW
hc 17. I n S R T, i'.. W M
lie naiiii Itm Inllow nf wltnnap tn nrnvi
hi. rnminiintia rralil in t uoo and i-iillhatloti
oi aam isiki. i:
Milt E. No-aan. P.itr Adsma. Jar IVvln.
JiiliU r.iaalla, all ol lli nnnrr nrrtmi
B. r. IIIH
X.tJ. kcg-latrr,
!.1theu.s. government!
l.nk r.Hi-i.tlj: riiit flaitwtmi.U
t.t ua fur -ii i 111 ftit MbJ fur o
itialitutu'o. la iUnlf, m th (vru.
liitmti tn f c4"r tlt tn l-it, in
! t lit loinlilirf nr iU nf tal.ii Ii il
I Iftf'nii.J n,a.I, tti-ra it iiollniig. It it tlm
ITM'. lluiiiluw rr nlivt tw
ilay ntnl rttUnl nt Ml Liclitcti
HihI'ii lu miglit ntak" N Hf illatltV
rr ijmt- niriiiiMil that f
U'.'i t'hw aw II Jfti-t .llaHSiVrtr
in In tUy. M) wimiI.I nt tlna tun"
ilifotrr tli fi t t-rk ff Sti.'w
tViT alutwu H Hi I'l'tlT, ntnl tli
rlloax-st i!l. hat UK l it iliH
lUi'flal main want ?
Via. (.! - JTarfcra..
M. LU'll l fATII I
Vala !. M. p !'
At fli.rt aati
woull n (0..,,t Ihir I Utm. l..ry tl at U initg (bin it lrM,f"t"w VVnt'
X lit w..itl. ,.., lii,w it with ro,kMit rH'l t nw; it fa thus j
biMtul u.i. Mm. .Mii.Vinrf in alr.t that il it.. i ir.-s Il iw iliat r.r I I'll
nit w..ii!. J,. it ii ai,i,,s i i',,..him,..,i .(
I t-'w-taw
Notice of Intention.
Lan in nt t at La iinnr oaii.ot,
Jl. ..IV
t olliiln(.,aairt M-IIO-r haa tllnl nnllr.
ot hi. Iiiti-iitlmi In ma Snal ml In .III "rl
i.t hi rlalin. aid Iha. . bf.-O III ba tna.ti
hrlura lha rouniT rink i, Mir"W cuuty a
iii't'l'Urr. r , "ii rimrwr , i" in ;
M l sji loih ar. a. j a M V t.
Itanamra lh toll .wIkC wltttraaaa In ifnri
at. rfmiiiui.iiia raa.,ni a tipcia ana raltlvattot
l aa. land ll
I. avion. rltdoC atnf Jnaafh W. Rac
ta7 and w. Ii. M I aftv. ail at II M "f
n f . w 1 1 ' i
11 ft H-iur
Notice cf Final Sett'tment.
VTti R I MrKfHY tilVfl Td AT Tll
l lih'trrvta'na.l a.lmlnl tratrlt ot tha rata
n w l H.ovf iter! will mafca Siml rlllc
maul m har .(viimkii alia aa. ratata aa atM-h
atnoui.Oatria. iha na.i lar,n nf lha rnuuit
mi'I nl wtr,w cmikij, ai Mr-i.tia I., tm
liMt.lril at la niitll htiuaa n aa'd rtlillity. Ol
Xhr ;. .la) Ol Sc lrli,lf l ,
'... J.oa M-a. Atniliilattatrlt.
The" Press Claims Company
f PHIUP W. AV1RCTT, Ccncril JAtmttr,
(?) 618 P 5trctt. WASHINOTON. D. C
tt IT. HTlH Cmp09 U fawWIcat tf wmHv WM Hwiawwj wat IMaaf.
f. rfrt Iw IV t'aia1 aaaf tt rawrwwVfat la Uat.
To pnom who lervrd in the wan of the United Sttf or to their
Widow., Children, or Parent,. Do You receive pennon? Had You
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended fur support I
To rereivt a ptniion, who now do not. Thoutandt under tha new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It
to you and is willing and Amlous to pay. Why not present
your claim at thia present time ? Your pension datca from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
jrWnte for bwi snd complete information. No Charge for advkt.
No Fee unlets luuenful.
Ultll ttlmli A dull
Clauka.u:tf l4 (fa-ell Uiiik. i 4. 1',.!.', U il! WInIuCI it.
ii iu i n n
L .UAL liLliMw
Plenty cf them at the
Gazctto Office. . .
r I eHTIf 4 flTtTt rn a
a aaaa r4 aa t"al a. Wta
'II a A I .. 4 Wlfhl t.a
.irt,n... Ii fca,ra. Iaaar..v,
.-..., 1 ... I. A "t laa
'.' Mwvm.faf I'.tl.l. a' I
I. .mmi Vaa a n'.aat aaavawwa
liar ana air"! aa ,.! r,
rua'l I -a . M.aak at A fX aaaia
ai aa'w .ia a...il. a a!'. .'-4
t.aa a-a ai.S ..! . laa ri 'aa
aa "al l, I tr t a aM4 4
CaMa.'. a.V .. . aaa..fall'
r ft af a. aa ta law
af 4 I aa a.
I l , la . a-4 (
I -. k afc
.mi a iti,i io.l
' 'a ..' a aa
a. a-aa aaa
"4 .irtM.ii H aw
im. r. .i -a iaa
ai A .' a
awl Pavabwaf
l.lra tr.M.,('r) I, 4a I.,
j I a l.l a, ti .la r.Ll it l..ti-,
I aS ,.., .1 na ajjj, 1,1.5 ),llj
j LaU l m) UM'l a ItaJW.
e 4 I 4 fl'aTaafaal.aT
Ac iho HiQhesl of oil High Grades.
w..1.1. .tifafVf tn.ar Mc,r'. IhiISI la tk. VMli raH:aaa i fafrw
t-w Im l ..rt.H lo tar a . oaT f. M,rW tt-al. M
M.IMIt. trfrt. r.,.11 ,M ,M 4lww aa-vl l . ,
atii.l. a lo;iii,.i.,ilki( tax4 v m fal m $t44
an cccucmir ces. ail. ioicr its.
Htvr.tt Watlrvf. .,...... ,(.t i
r., laM la t.a.aa 1r, Va a ri
ir n jj
uus rail
MOT ADV Dl mi ir
luUil CQNVt:vAi!nPR