WTOCa BRANDS. While too ep ronr subscription paid up jrce can kep your brani in free of charge. lll.n T. J.. lone. Or. Honiee G on left ahnnlrlar; cattle same on left hip, trailer dii on rinht ear. anil upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oonnty. Armstrong J. Alpine Or.-T with bar un der it on left ehonlder of horaee; catUe a&me on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eiaht Mile. Or. Oattla brand, O D on left hip and horww same brand on right ehonlder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkine, 1. J., Hammer, Or.-Hon.ee. J eon n.,A on i't flank: oafl. aamnn lft hin. Bii-d D W aid 8n. Hors brand d D B ontie'er' hi"; tl ths -n on lft fl .nit. crip off rit t ar, nndercrop in the left. itange in M.rr"W Onnty. Barthola-now, A. G.. Alpine. Or. Horses branded 7 E u either ehonlder. Range in Mo- Mannl'Sr, .1. W., Hard man, Or. Cattle brand, ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, itonseherry Oreeon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle aacne on riHhnrke!"M Ht Lon-;reek. Or-On cattle, MY roinneoted on left hip. ciop off left ear, nn der half oo off rieht. Horses, same brani on lotft ehonlder. Range in Grant and Morrow Xonan, .Terry. Lena, Or -Horses branded 7 on riih' shoulder; oattle B on the left side. Left anr ha'f (iron nd right ear miner elope. Barton, Wm.. H ppner. Or. -Homes. J H on rieht thi.v oattle same on right hip; split in & fH am Hmwni lea, Lexington, Or. Horaee IB on the right, "tine; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Tr , Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, oirole C with dot in ee tor on left hip; oattle, same. Brown, W. J., lona. Oregon. Horses W bar over It, on the left Bhoalder. Cattle same on left hiBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bo brand of righ hip oattle, same, with split ir ftoH ahi Bora, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horaee, P B on left shonMer; oattlo. same on left hip. Brownloe, W. J., Fox.Or-Oattle, JB oonnooted on left side: crop on left ear and two splitaand middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Itange in Fox valley, Grant oonnty, , , Oarsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horse brand ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three hare) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range ir Grant and Morrow counties. Oain.K., ( '.aleh.Or. Y I) on horses on left, stifle1 TJ with nrmrter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all oolta n der S years; or left shoulder only on all horses over 6 years. Ar range in Grant oonntv. late,C,has. R.. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horse H fl on right shnnlder; oattle same on right hip. Itange Morrow and nmatllla counties. Cnrrloall.M M. OaMowiy. Or CaU'e crop on' of fah ear and nnderhit, watt'e in forehand hore half itiwle Q on left i-tirle, Range Mor. ow and OmaiiMa coni ties. Curl, T. H., John Dav, Or Double cross ot each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hi in right ear, snllt in left ear. Range in Gran county. On sheen, inverted A and spear noin on shoulder. Kar markoa ewes, nron on left ear punched nnnr bit in right. Wethers crop ii right and tinier half orop in left ear. AU ran. in Grant oonntv. ..... Cook. A. .1ljena.Or. Horaee, flOon right shonl dor Cat'le. samon right hin: ear mark squar orop off left and split in right. ' Cnrrin. R. Y., Cnrrinsville, Or. -Horses, in '"coi'lcd. H., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C wltt T. in center: horses (IK on left Mn. Cochran, R. K.. Muniment. Grant Co, Or. Horses hrandd circle with bar beneath, on lef ihonldor: cattle same brand on both hips, marl . under slope both oars and dewlap. Chanln, H., Hardman. Or. Horsea hrando. O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Als brands CI on horsos right thigh: oa t'e s-ii brand on right shoulder, and out off enil o r'").mgVaas. W. M .Gallowav. Or.-Cattle, R loi right side. swilow-fork in eaoh ear: horses, H T nvy tor Donglas.Or. Horaee branded KM on left shoulder, cattle aame on lefthip, hoh ir right ear. Emory. C. H., Hardman. Or. Horses hrandert ') (retersed C with tail 1 on left ehou'dnr ; oat tl'sameon right hin. Range in Morrow county Florence, U. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF m right hip; horses F with bar under on righ 'viV.'.Tnea H. P. Hennner. Or Horsos. For right shoi Ho' t cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Vronch. George. Heppner. Or Cattle hrando-' WF with bar over it. on loft side; orop off lef' ear.' Il'irs-w. same brand m l't, hip. Gentry, Klmer, iCoh'i. Or -Horsae branded H H. with a quarter ai""'" over it. on left stifle H inge in Morrow and Umatillaoonntiea. Hiatt A. M., Ri' "e, Mr.-llattle round-top a with quarter eirok under It (in the right hip. Its-is: In M-irrnw and Il-nitilU'wint'oa. Hinton lenks. Ham' Iton. Or Cattle, two ban on either hip: crop In right ear and split in left. Horses J on right thigh. Range in Grant oounty II ighes, Hamnel. Wagner, Or-3" (T F L CoiiniM'tcdl on right ihn'ilder on horsea: on cattle, on right hip and on l"'t. aide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack riistriet, M-iwe enntv HmI, Milton, 'Vaner, Or. Horaee hranderl -O- (cat'le w tli nirallnl tails) on left shoulder Cattle same on lull hip also large circle on left hie. Howard J Ii IVIoww, Or. II asT (cneis Willi t -r slue I I on rig'il sY il ler; nattl -asms on 1 ''t side. KMtiii in Morrow and Uinstilla 0 iiititios . Ma'l. F.lwln. John Dev. Or. Cattle K Hon rl rlii hin: h ire s ue on rljht shoul ler. Hatige In lit .nil CIMtitv. Htigliee, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horaee, aha led heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co, Hi'isaker, H A . Wagner. Or. -Homes, Y on left h i il I " cattle. Hon left hip. Hiimnhrave. J il Hardman, Or. Hones. II oh In' Avik Hus'on. Iinther, Fight Mile. Or. II new lino Id. n slio'il ler an I heart on the left si ills Cat e asms on left h. Htnga In Morrow "onntf l ines. M rr. H ipitn Or -Home bran led II I on t'e ltd s ii.nMi'r; cs'tle bnt .ihl J on right hip. also iiulnrliit III loft ar. Range in Blotrow coti it v. J'iMkiu, d. Hepimer, Or Horsee, horse, hue J oa left shoulder. Cattle, the wms llange Mile. J.eNns ai. felix 1,-na, Or.-loee, elreUT o U't atltls; naiila. same on right hip, Bailee half nfi In rik and aolit n left ear Kenar. Mik. Heppner, llr. -Horasa brand.' RNY on Ut hip cattle aame and emp off left r! inder shine oe the gM Kirk J T, Hepnaer. Or. -Horses M lufl ihttnl ler; eallU.su .in lef hip. Kirk Jeasa. Hsppnar. Or.i horaar II on lafi sL .n'defi rattle wme o nglitaide, anderbit isn right oar. kti'ii'lsnd W.G . Monnt Vernon. Or.-I I, on palilalia nglil and left aidm. swallow fork in U fl ear and anlnr emit In right ear. Horam earns bran'l ril let sh. nil. ler. Ilenge In Grant isH latiflen, Hle,h"n. fill, (It,- M l left hip ihi oe" la crop and split on righl ear. Ilonaat aina brand no left slueiltler. Range (Irani atitlnlv. Itianaltan, John W., I,"!-.---- Or.-ll .r. brant" I KU fltrle J I. ixnnacl. on left shool iter. I'anla. sam ue lefi hlu. Range, nsar U Ins' on Italics . J W Heppner Of llorsae h'sndet I, si I oil-rt sh'Hililer; rail la aame on left bin, waiile liter nglil tine ahla in r ghl as hrantta' Mill in irant connty. Smith Bros.. Hnsanville. Or. Horses, branded H. Z. onshonlder: cattle. meon left ehonlHar. Hqniree, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded JHon left shoulder: cattle the same, also nnee waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam oo mtiee Hfephens. V. A., Hardman. Or-; horsea SS oo right stifle; cattle horiiontal L on the right side Hterenson, Mrs A. J- Heppner. Or. Cattle, H on right hit : swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner. Or. Horses, 44 on left should"- -.cattle, H on left hip. Rnerry. K. G-. Heppner. Or. Cattle W C on left hip. crop off right and nnderhit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left ehonlder. Thompsun, J. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses, J on left shonM-r: cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tipoets.8.T.,Enierprise.Or. Horses. C-on left ehonlder. Turner R. W . Heooner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horaee: cattle same on left hip with srilitin both eara. Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; cheep same brand. Vanderpool H. T.. liana. Or: Homes H V con neoted on right shonlder;cattle, same on right hii. Walbndge. Wm . Heooner. Or. Horses. TJ. L. on the loft shoulder; rattle eame on tight hip crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson. .Tonn Q., Halcm or TTopnner, Or. Homos branded Jq on the left shoulder. Raugt Morrow county. Warren. W R. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quartet eirnle nvor it. oo loft side, split in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range ir ''aut connty Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses brand1 ace of spades on left shouldor ano loft hip battle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger. .lohn, John Day Citv.Or On horsei 'hraa nsrnlle hara on loft, shoulder: 7 On sheen Sit in-both ears. Range in Grant and Malhuei counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Dl innnoftrMi nn loft snonldor. Watkins. Ushe, Henpnor, Or. Horses brander OE oonneoterton left, stifle. Wallaoe, Charlee, H ppner. Or. Cattle, W ot nht thigh, holf in left ear: horsee, W on righ ihoulner soni same on left shoulder. Whirtier bros., nnnringuin. Baker Co.. Or. Horses branded W B connocteii on left ihouldei Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Qnarter oir (lie over three bars on left hip, both oattle an horses. Range Grant connty. Williams. J O. bong Creek. Or Horsos, one' 'er oirole over three bare on left hip: cattle samr ind slit in each ear Range in Grant connty Wren, A. A., 'teppner, Or. Horses rnnningA A in shoulder; Cattle, aame on right hip. Young, J. B., Gooaeherry, Or. Horaee brander "M An the right shonlrla- E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE E A. T GIY8 THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental NATURAL GAS GOING OUT. BEFORE Goal Attain the Fuel in the Large Pittsburgh Foundries. The Supply of Oa list AU Failed Other States -Since 1888 the De mand for Coal Hu Been Increasing. I could get relief from a most hor rible blood dis ease I had spent hundreds of dollars j trying various remedies and physi cians, none oi wmui uia me any good. My finger nails came off and my hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS GREAT NOR 1 HERN Ry- VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA a, av at M at ShrevpDort La.S Our Book oa Uio UlJcast n d In TrestmeBt nuileil free to lay addreu. swifl arcLirit. w.. ftiu,, St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewlnp; Machine 1o not be deceived by alluring advertisements nd be led to think you cau gut tue beat made, incst finished and Most Popular 'or a mere song. See to It that 'ou buy from reliable mnnu icttirers that have frnlntd a cputution by honest end sq uaro ealinj;, you will tl en (?et a owing Machine that is noted le world over for its dura ility. You want the one that i easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world thnt cun equal in mechanic il con struction, durability of workinK parts, fineness of finish, bentity in atipearnncc, or has as Uiuuy iuiprovenicuts as the New Home t has Autometlc Tension, Double Peed, aliV' n both sides of needle (fiatentfd), no other ha . ; New Stand ( fatrntea), driving wheel hinirei n ml instable centers, thus reducing friction U ie tuinimum. VniTE FOR CIRCULARS, THE HEW HOME SEWING M WHINE CO. tiui'fir.. Mass. Boston, Mss. sgrinotiRot' Ocean Steamers I eave Portland tvery 5 Days For BAN FRANCISCO Fnr fnlt details .ii nt at Heppupr, oll on 0. t r addrees K. & K W. H. BUBLBURT, Qen. Fhss. Agt. PoBTIiAND, 0BEO0 21 rmoit Rorsr, N. T t'uu'Aiin. It.t. nr. I. or is, in, iiAi.i.Af. lh.XA. bAN KKANOlsco.l'AI,. Arf.ATA,lj&, r- n; ir BY C. THOMPSON CO., Agents, 7t'"K'f, Oregon. T O San Francisco id all points In California, Ti the Mt. Hhasi route of the Southern Pacific Co. ha (Trent hinhwar thronffh California to all points Kast and South, (trend Hoenio Rout of tho Hanifii) tSoast. Pullman Buffet Hleepers. Beootid-cLaee Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording snpeno icomuiodations for second-class passengers, fur rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservation' (0. call npon or address .. KOKHI.KK, Mansuer, E. P. ROGERS, Am en. K. A V. AKt.. Hnrtland. Oregon i.r r - (PlPERJlK S(iUHTHST5) fHlrJi S-r'at, jCffTibk. Llt',t Simplest, TJill vJJUJ EMlest Stron.est. flTJYTfTj wrkln. 5olld Vrt 1. J Mott r"P flmiR Accurate, Kecelvrr. kStr Compact, Most Modern and progressiva For calsloKiio or Information wrlle to TMU MARL1N HRU ARM5 CO., New Haen, Conn. The first rolling mill that used nat ural gas exclusively was the Etna iron 1 . i . M wofks, m Ayy iZ- Hoping to be cured by this celebrated miles above Pittsburgh, and this es- buLerv8O0n7became disgusted UDiistiment nan oeen one ox ine iaat to and decjded ,0 , - g s s. The egect was abandon this fuel in the Pittsburgh dis- tru, WOnderful. I commenced to recover tnct. Alter twenty years oi aepenaene t nnre. and after I had taken twelve Dot- upon natural gas, says the Philadel- ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S. 1 . 1 . L 11 ' . .. 1 . pnia necoru, ine prupriuwurs ui mis when tne WOrlu plant have removed the pipes and are renowned Hot now returning to the use of coal, long Springs had failed after most of the other mills had sur- Wm. b. L.OOMIS, rendered to the cheap bituminous fuel which had always been the cheap foun dation of Pittsburgh's great industrial prosperity. The diminishing supply and the consequent increase in cost have necessitated the abandonment of natural gas by most of the large manu-1 facturing establishments in the Pitts burgh district, and its use is being more and more restricted to domestic purposes. Pittsburgh has again be come the smoky city of fifteen years ago, alleviated in some measure by the use of fuel oil and manufactured gas, which have assumed importance with the decline of natural gas in the last four or five years. Natural gas was not a factor of very great importance in the Pittsburgh district until early in the '80s and the point of greatest con sumption was reached in 1888, after which the decline b egan. It has never been feasible to ascertain with accu racy the quantity of natural gas con sumed each year, but Joseph I). Weeks, of Pittsburgh, has prepared for the United States geological survey an es timate of the value of the coal dis- displaced by natural gas, which has been accepted as the most practical measure of the consumption of gas. In the period of its largest use the natural gas consumed in Pennsylvania, meas ured on this basis, was valued as fol lows: 1885, 14.500,000; 1888, $0,000,000; 1887, $14,749,530; 1388, $19,283,375; 1889, $11,593,989; 1890, $3,551,025; 1891, $7, 834,016; 1892, $7,376,281; 1893, $6,486,000. In Ohio the supply of natural gas has failed even more rapidly than in Penn sylvania. The largest consumption in Ohio was in 18 9, when it amounted in value to $5,215,000, but in 1393 it had fallen to $1,510,000. The suddenness of the failure of- the supply has oaused much inconvenience and loss to manu facturing establishments, which in many instances were deprived of fuel almost without warning. While the supply of natural gas in Pennsylvania and Ohio has been diminishing a new productive region has come into promi nence in Indiana, and interest in nat ural gas is now centered in that state. In 1886 the value of the gas consumed in Indiana was estimated at only $300, 000; in 1888 it was figured at $1,320,000, and in 18U3 the value was placed at $5, 718,000. The opening of this new field has stimulated the development of iron and steel and class enterprises in In diana in a marked degree. Mot with standing the abundance of the present supply in Indiana there is no assurance of its continuance for a longer period than in other states, and a return to fuels more stable, if less convenient, is merely a question of time. In fact, it Is claimed by geologists and gas experts that the point of greatest supply has been reached. While it lasts there is no fuel that possesses so many advan tages us natural gas. The uncertainty 9 c-r- i S of it duration In its only disadvantage. MlChOUcS IN CLOTH. I ak SAMPLE PACKACZ Siin frtiiin'si'tt (ifliy, AM7. H aitKKXSFEI.HKIt if CO An. ;.'() Siiff.r St .,1. ton titsit fMau 14S IsnkbS tl a I. Ir''1. Da-ir. ltao,ner M'W rt.i'iMa II ms.mrti O-iwattinaa awta fl ffl la at,ril'tar. Ms-ia M V, MiHif. . I'sttla lr-v1l f fc'k us riaM KitK h-i aa sama wn nalil eiifle. Ilaa in V st e ei'itr H.rif, il-r, noMHisr nr. - stltla, M D no rl ilp. Sj.iraa. M ta't ah.Mll.iaf. M .'s i, 1 . M nn-ws. Or -M irsM, ) on sti'ml ls. esvitla as e on Ufl hip. Mit"hll i-sf I , ir,-Hitrua. fl ua rlM bu. "Vila 11 si nM si ta, Kil'lvri. l l, Hr.,a,aaHI. !,-I.lfa, f t ia Ml aa-H. sti.i-il ls, xa'Ha. M I na Vs s".r. Vnk teilf. I - tie sho. iih i.a w ne rs"l no nlM sal a !f l aa -H asu s as n Hrae I , l-tl atia. t - l . a .eisiil'l.'e M.iesaa. a,l t,if ,tf .a si tar nn laft ah'Nll e I V,s, f-.'it Hr a wnl i te9 i mi taa rtahl ant ttsaaa in i-ail I :tnw a a- -I hi 1-1 sK-il ! Mil la ava Wl MfS, si M-like ., llfiiH isr.-tl'waaa.etrrla 1 aa ai s ta ssesrta lt kil iiii.m l.rti.s iiwni'm tw, - s na eaif'a fM, uri Hit, .mi S'Msm. ta-na msi krt lliiaa, HaAaa a 'l-si l a , T,lt iMmr. faftj. tili.a'im. IH.-I O oa tafl Ih n I- ilia M-iss I'is.'U l il. Or -a ral'la, ft ,t' -mi l-ri h.i, aaaa mi Uft atifta Shi Si'Is S as Ms i la rM a-atalt. 'as,,i lls f.M Mia I ', .ia( af l.,l,,.'lil.'l .h at'iw Sal Mai am ' Via. ' ie U" s .! r.-vat f a l.tl KH H, ."' M M 'a I's'asr I l asa.in, lllaa.llt.-l.Maaaira .s ' I I,lilee In M ai Imsl , V a,, .a--l a., l-'l .,.., I at t aaiiU a ni M.l il Hsnsa ! -ai'l ', J i . !, ... Il trass, 4 rss '! la'l sS l ls, eallla. Ma KlU a Is 1.1 la sa-H aw 4lrs s I .as W i fc'.rasa l-a s1 Fi m - y t J 'I J a-I na 1' ' v hv la UH ear aa I sua la Ua im. H.l sjM II m I aa f W -M wa isw ar-. a-'a ,s at ''a -a ! na afS H w i ),, llst-pat tW, - II aaaa), I' N a ! I N M 1-a . Is-as. H eaa hti a I aa, H S sS-xl lo -s'lla H "a lha k,n c ,1i.l we I ! s l. lianfa . M -.9 -,l n l a ..,! Han lil'.t !, I- H aa Ivss UI l aHnllat, al SIS" e- H-. aniaaaaa oa naM aio lis M sa H 'a, ) l iM.ntl'te. V-MH anaaaata, S S m-im saaa i.m irt alas M s, m .4, ,s) , ,s a aa I ).! la l"l. H " as a I -ss .v-'af, Mwsaa la is as I ' a ''s K ...... Masw rW -laSMa, 10 at al .Ssl a, t Vila II sal ttaM Klyk siM W M .isa O . MM I l i-' a -s"s I a tai sastka j., .. a l--..l is ( , .... I II... . 'I .aa. kl a I aa a'i s a a , s s I a..,4l..a S . I S' a.a.aasl a ' I ' a e ) eS Ths(Oreriartlsvalua of these twecards la snow a to moat persona. The- Illustrate thai greater quantity I Net alweyt moat la bt dtflrt d. Thsss cstds tipress the bansflclal quel Href RipansTabulcs 4s compared with any previously kaowa UYKTI'SIA CL'ttB .'. ttlpaoa Tabulsa i Price, so bo Of drug gists, or by mall. IOIrM II., NT. Orrms anil llanlll liar lleen Found In aw SturklnRS anil Giovas. "Microblii," or the wienee of mi crobes, is becoming more ami more an exact Htmly, and theories! which lacked conllrnmliou a few short months ago have now become medical facts. Per haps, Kiys the New York World, the latest discovery in the reulm of bacteri ology is regarding the enormous quan tity of bacilli that are to be found in cotton and woolen clothes. Ilerr SeiU, a sAvant and phy.Vician of Munich, lias recently made a aeries of careful in vestigations of bit of rut tun and woolen goods, and the result of the re' sean hea. as he gives It out. contains information that ia Murtliug and worthy of careful attention. Ilerr SciU'a t xprrituriil ing haa been lb mo with iileeea of cloth about one- eighth of an Inch hiTuh. In the aver age hit of WiMilen giMala of this air he diwoveri d nine humlreil and fifty-six iniiTubcs. The piceea rxnmineil were cut from a wmili'ii Mocking. In piece of like alze cut "Jroin a cotton atiN'king he fuuml an nvcratre yield of wven hiiliilreil nitd Iwrlve tnicrolx-a, TlieM- bit of cloth tuiil oil Ih i'h worn. l!ut Ili-rr Scltx'a exiwriinrnt did not atop here, lie carefully teats-d Mtaof glove that was unite new ami fresh, in chemical science must go to Switzer land, for a native of Zurich, Dr. Lehner by name, is the inventor of the process, savs the New York World. Some years ago he began to make observations on the habits and physical characteristics of the silkworm and be came deeply interested in the subject He discovered the chemical action which took place in the worm in pro ducing its cocoon, and at odd timei sonirht to counterfeit the work ot na ture. So convinced oid he become o: the feasibility of his ideas that he soon abandoned all other work and devoted his time to this single study, in which he has achieved a signal triumph. In the process of manufacturing the new fabric the principal ingredient:, used are sprucewood pulp, cotton o: jute waste, etc., combined with a larg quantity of alcohol. The use of th substantial or solid materials men tioned creates a market for what wa hitherto of no use whatever, bein; burned in factory furnaces to get it ou of the way. Spruce sawdust now has a market value, for this as well as the other ma terials are digested by a chemical proc ess in which alcohol plays an impor tant part. The material thus digested is so much like the cocoon spun by thi silkworm that when the two are placec: side by side in a finished state it take:: an expert to determine which is which. The artificial material at one state i in a liquid condition and of a density about equal to the ordinary sirup of com merce. When in this state a machine o. Dr. Lehner's invention, which may be 'ailed an artificial silkworm, comes in to nlav. Tins machine, which is very iimple in construction, requiring so lit tie attention that it can be kept at work with about as much labor as is devotei1 to a twenty-four-hour clock, performs exactly the same mechanical work that a silkworm does. It draws from tin liquid a continuous unbroken thread ol even diameter and unlimited length. As this thread is spun another portion of the machine takes it up and twists it into any desired thickness of yarn with regularity. Thus the fabric can be made of any desired weight or thickness, so that it will be seasonable at all times. This artificial silk has been spun in Bradford, England, and worked up in to a large variety of fabrics. In the dyeing, weaving, and finishing of these no special treatment has been found necessary. It has been dyed in all imaginable shades and colors, and owing to the peculiar qualities of the material it takes a dye more readily nnd gives a more brilliant effect than the natural article. In texture it is the equal of the best of Chinese and Italian hin;, iH-ing soft uml silken to the louo... It is expected that it will be used large ly in combination with natural silk and cotton for producing; brocaded effects, These latter huve been so expensive lately as to be out of reach of all but the fattest purses. The new invention will greatly reduce the cost. That the RAMBLER W t nn nf the von v,.ot u 1ipp1 pt-nr mnrtp is an indisputable fact. It stands in the ! fj front rank with all hich (irade machines, and if you buy one you will make no miBtake. (jg 'M Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be hat.py. for should your wheel beg . i i. , v.. i t.. .i. .,f.,a aa It Is ontilnnprl with thp world uunuiureu, ii fan ue ineiHicu uy yuu in mc nu- ihi ,..-,-,i f) j renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. g Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. M Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. !M . THE RAMBLER 1b the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market, j rl For style, flnich and durability it is unsurpassed, aa it is constructed on strict mechan- i $ ical and scientific principles. I Chicago Ideals W ir. m.n ummon linvi nnrt ilrls. with 9S. 2fi and 24 Inch wheels, at 05. $55, $45 respect- ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade doublft locking edge j i clincher tires ana are iuny warrauieu, 'is twnro von iinu a l,levlp write fnr Ratatnirnn. eirenlars. terms and discounts, or call W on our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washiug-1 tonaudldaho. M ERR LL CYCLE COM PANY, fl Northwest representatives Gornmlly & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main IS Store. S27 Washington -t . Pnrtlnnd, (Ir. Mn E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and S3 lecturer. o'HS RATTEKSuN, Agt. for Morrow Co , Heppner, Uregon Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise- need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power 'House. I IIPiNtCHtMICaLCO. 9 I r i m I i i a .. l . 1 l Al "t '' in ' "Af'A' 1 sT'itr J i ettvrrvil on th averai-e, all the piece Ji ...4 Ji-JL 'ir'iR n.mine.1 having t.-en .f the above 4 i-aiKtsiril 1)p iBs-lhi.a,liu Ihi ii ' VJ. 1 J.V A " . w' J i. ni.ss si-d tu.i. V'T "AnriT! I"'' '" l,"'r exiH-riuienU tjuite In- rfl '!" "' iiwtni.tb.i.s v I tl , -m ''.l k t t I J Wreatlug thia (iernion phvaiilan made, t A l.n, T n, .,. ,., 1 f . (if Jt "Hh the rvMi'.t of fiirmallvrtablihlii( , r.iiin ". 4 Ai ( J--J' f xh 'he.irv that nuemW eit to a ra4(n.i. n.. siataxsi fey . ,'- i' ' 'H'. Hrrr .i-itl cinteiula. that all the rri- til rr". .'"!!? f,""t - '".r ' ?'r'rlv Vi iff nlr. ..f t-Ull f.nml In rhrthlmr ar II ns lh . r4 ll..ti iknt . A,t7''f' '! 4 VT jIj. . . , .. . r..,' iim.1 1 1,1,11 iiiivim " 1 i ' Ji' I f j tr-ilir of ilnntfrnnts ilwiii-. Nunv i l s t.r I t A- ' , 2 : ' 1 i .' , W-YV of them have In-en tr..ve. bv as lemv to j-N . r-.un.. -I ,.i,ii. i.di., Kr I-' 4 i 4 f ,U harmlia. l-ut thf mere fmt it J 1 i.....r, m ii- a... 1.. 1. i I ' ' V yV7 f j M 1 hat micr..U ran and do rUt In u a ;:;,v:rr..:ra ' Ufoy k rMh..ufrMitfi.amiti,,iv IV A A -l.s. a.a .a .. .-(t i a I VUW Ii P T U l A Sif If .tlW.tUf I l Vi u , I -1 I tk f l .4 lib 11 s1 ISI 11 , 1 4 I he l .a W s-4 V 1.1 .h4 f ' n It m tWM.tfc stt ts .l' II !. !! I . I I.. J la t . - lt J I). V .- IKs s-t ! n . -I,,.,., a 4 (.' t 1 ,4 itu I'.- Ms.x is m r ,. t- 4 a-t st'.fcs o I ,t. 1 I I I, I i 1 IIS U II I d rl I' I 'Oti'4 imiii t4 .' . k- i 1 ! . j t , l.. v , 4 la it, s A.t. ts4 a-ia m !-,"- t Ht I 90. m m f ,t rf4-iw.. S f. aa ,A t .'-M4 fc.i' a- 1 ( t' t f. t f-t ik list IN.s Itrl t .f.. I . 1 V-sn t a t ' 4 W 'S M lh- VJ 1 In t ' -. H I s. . s 4 I - S) In ... SiftfS N Sk Sf M U asaisksl a.tt lt M 1 I i Ilk '. tm t - 1 a . v sf a 1 '"UK I mf II n .1 r r f u I I f ff .. Il I 1 1 t H .1 I r II s In . 1. 11. W k i f HX'I" tut I tn. (i. la SIIS It !, I' I f in a 1 -at li m a s 1.CIT 1ASH00D 4 fom L' ,f,'.i.'- 1 k - Fa lira nv ai.i-n. S. r I islolia l.'lll rl tii fftt ' .that .i. Hits" flh-ns lulls fu .I Ions 11 ti'ltt.rirai r4ii ru-is I- t. I 1 1 1 1, Ksnl.s ri. allili.ti l.l.lil.I. l Itsfarrf I I 'Ills in la th It lilt II l.kttfcjf4 irVVVs Coal In the 1'nlted Htatr. The proiluction of coal in tho United States durincr the ton yearn from 1SH3 to InereflM-rl C2 per cent., aeeord Intf to statistics, recently compiled. In Knpland the anpply iutionnry, while In other prini'ipHl Luropean countries It hua increased during the sumetiinc from 20 to :;' i r cent. It ia atatcd that the utilization of coal represent greater aurpliia of wealth than the ex portation of the Mime amount. It in in tereatinir, therefore, to note that the United Matra uaea practically all the coal mined within IU llinlta. Th Wwlilrd Hlata Id rngland. I'irl nusHcll U utilizing hla recent ex periencea in a Iondon divorce court in a practical way by delivering a courae tif lecture on "Marrioee and Moral. lie complain that the murrinjre law of Kngland compel an lll-inutched hua band and wife to lead itunted livea. Rorklra's Aralra Pal a. Tb4 beat aalva in the world for cat. Briti, Horra, Clrera. alt Rhenm, Frver Horre, If tier. Chapped Hand. Chilblain, Corn, aod all alio ernptimia and positively onrta rile, or do pay reqnlreiL It la vna'anleeil to fve pfrpt aaltafaetioo nr inooev refnmled 'Vt- 25 penf per boi. Fir aU b) T. W. Arera. Jr. 0 of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. . SCIENTIFIC Four Mode1s-S85 and 0100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office: Lake and Halste.1 Sts., CHICAGO. ILL. BRANCHES : New York, San Francisco. Sail 1-eieeCilv. I)cnve M.mr;Ms. Delrolt.Taronia. WLBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, T0RTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. thrnry made into a fact, the pii'ulmr airv..iif of contatfiim dikrase can be trax-rsl luucU wmre raislly and prrrau tintta nntr readily taken. Awplhif the f t that nearly all clnlliintf I the ui of aoiiie tpe i.( liai iUl, It la nut diflK'uit t- are how cs rtain it.1ic dta raar sprlnif up. ne eaprlally valuable bit of medi cal data haseotne to h.'lit thrmifh thrae eaprrtntenia. anil mat l ti the effect that the ba. Ilil of typhnid f-ver ran be preserved to under rardiaary eon- dilU.tia, f.r teniy-f ve data A viffor oi apj.lUaikm of Una katelfre may dt mm h a ard of? trphoiJ (e cr In futur. Bsia.lrrilaf aa lllhr4 Rria. Near (ialnsvllle, Oa., a newly married eimple on the train the other day atlrtfted a (T'kI deal of attention at a atalinn by their jwaliar lrbavlnr. A lady irnt on the train at a aatim and tok a t In fnmt of them. hcareelr wa ahe aeoted ln-fitre they eiiminetierd makinir rrninrka alutit her wearing last araann' bnt and drc. She arverely criticised by them fr ime moment, rrcacntly l:ie la turned around. She noticed at plane that the brl le wa older than the froom. and without the let re arnimetit In her countenance ahe aaid "Madam, will you p!cae have your arm to i-Uxie th w Indow Whtnd VimT The aon cl-d hi month Instead and the B,dam d.d not p!fffle aaiD OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finoncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Puhlishing Co. M and her t V wasxist. ita -ss ... WOOD, r a, Mr t aa ta l ta4 fsswi Vtn4. nv!t rr i'. r' I . 1. b. a .;. a.bvl .l MSIMM 1 S t ... ... m if i r T "" .,ii..s .a. .Wa taaUi tHwIf mrmUiai- tw jr;'.,Vr!" .-! T.'.k-r.,,.t.?r.af-w(.l. a. Mf UiaaucUouA-k bm xl I IT ? r anwis i i.a.-.M,..4 at'.al iMa 2 7 m v" - V a ..wm- TVT.Cr r-. - ! .-.4 fTT!7 r. tv-wau-a ara wal.taf a,bit ...... . e j-.j-- i ..,...... i ... i '1.. t infv4eo ft fcUht!i wria K." . ..... . t ... ... :;r;;:v.;;:::r:'.: i.ts:-,-fU.a.i ,i t. I MIIILIII lU.HIIIU tl,uwu,,1.jU,rt. al and parental f..Jt.t L' t.e T-f j flRfH?.MPfl t B Pf TTP VTf iMim v fltullt 111,11 I the public !;, In at rr'. li' Victoria. n,'ten of tio-jt Uritalo empre if Indi. h lut rlvn ro be aloti nn the public at;. In at Tr paper the fw ttii-iua-'..!. aa Bouaovineot apjiera am.-s the wirt oesw "A Oiituisr i.f tiia i irt c' l4 ty I aojl u pa nn the uri aa a pn. fr.,sri to'rr. Cintes Valda l.; l eben. tbadni;h!f of the St Irint-c Ue, Ilia j !,' tirphrie, ttjisrw r l.-ar.l-'.e f, r tt t Vi. titan !. r Jsakt tU.w. tn is t.er'.f "in 14 g !,. L t ti i. ii I 1 a.i-fc- I :wrrn. : IS Youro BOUND to Take 9Km. Leaves No Con5tipat'on,---- fs.fi l 'l It " 'fsa fcirl fl.asr ard Val..,. Jv. OlffWIH'1 ' '. Hsl.l f J " rr'.' e K mi .riiirr,;'ftii.fUj, IJ LMia vri'iot. c. 41) U.l.fii ft.vl haa iv,til. tf It .t atf i at aa aaa) aaas am 1 sij rrM'l-s)tr) I '