' OVERWORK INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Sceovery by tha TJae of Ayer's Sarsaparilia " Simie years ajro, as a result of too vlose attention to Ijiisinuss, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took tbree bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilia, began to improve at once, r' 6 MbJllt X a w (s try oi v V 'I V and gradually ihrreasnil my weijrht from one lmndred and twenty-five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my fumily have used t.liis medicine when Tiecdc il, and we a nil in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilia. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day .had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilia, of which preparation t cannot say too mneh."lr. 0. ITi.vaojf, Postmaster unit l'lantcr, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's is Sarsaparilia RECEIVING KEOAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AVE.TS Fiils Save DoC r's Bills. TTTfiSwtTTT sun Mon tUFTwedithui fki 3at jmg .aaa jgyg jaa, 12 3 4 S G 7 B 97o" 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2G 27 1 2ft 29 30 1 31 TIME TABLE. HUge for Har1man, Monument, Ions Creek, form Day nil Canyon City, leave m follow! : Kvery itay at ft a. m., except HamlaT. A rrlves every day at 6 p.m.. except Monday. The rhmpeat, qulrkest and bent line to or from tbe Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. 1'hlll Cohn, Agent. You can get the bent beer in Huppner at U. B. Ted rowe'l, g centi per (lass, If you want the flueat Ilquora, clgan, etc, call at Teds City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Millions rids tbe Itatnbler. Ik Enoie has bicyoles lo rent Tbe Nile-Vinson, Marble Works, tYalle Walla, Waeb. The Weekly Hon ami IheOaiefle $273 per year, butb strictly In edvauoe. La Urn1e Marble Work, La Grande Or. M. 0. btuith, abtraao, Ueppner. T. R. Howard haa jnat received MoOof lb beat 6 cent cigars ever sulJ lo Uepp ner. Lawrence 8 week and wife, of Ilamil tou, ere to lleppoer the latter part of last verk. Frank Gilliam epot Bunday wilb Ms family woo ara oampeJ op at Iba bead of Willow eraek. Wanted rialo or fancy sewing. Will go to tha bona or take iriD( al bome. Aire. Mary ileocj.fa.rn. Hilly Jooea ia over from th Malheur aonalry vtaiiim wild 14 friends and relatives la Mono roauty. Etta Minor, Frank Roberta, Kd Wale and J. U. MnnlnK and family departed jrairrday Diornin for Teal spriuga. Mia Line Mellork relumed borne laal evening from no eitahded ielt aritti friend and rrlatir in Ida Willamette valley. Ure. Totn Durban) and aieter, Miae hi. Jbo. returned laet Friday nigbl from an eitended visit wiu relative in tb valley. hi lea Anna Brown returned boira Fri- Last Friday was witbont doubt tha hottest day of tbe ipRenrj eo far. The I thermometer registered 106 in tbe ebade. From the B. While in tbe eun from 120 op. A tber taometer whs piaoed on the south side of tbe First National bank brjildiug, when tbe mercury ran to tbe top of tbe tnbe and tbe force broke tbe bulb at tbe bot tom. A. larger one wee pieced in (lie same position when i& registered 132. While this ws hd extremely warm day, tbe weather since bus been anything but Oool. A first-olacs Rpeotaonlar entertainment was given by a traveling tronpe at tbe opera house last evening which was wit nessed by ratber a email audience. An after program, consisting of mtiMO and recitative features was also given, in which Prof. Ooffyn and Teddy Walpole were the principal cbaraoters. Tbe young men counected with tbe tronpe appear to be gentlemen and their enter tainment was very instructive. They de served a larger audience. Mrs. Ella B. McDowell, of Salem, Or., is now visiting in Heppner, the guest of ber sister, Mrs. H. P. Qarrignes. Mrs. McDowell is a vocalist of prominence, having spent a year in New York as a student of one of the leading vooal in structors of that city. With tbe assist ance of local talent Mrs. McDowell may deoide to give a ooroert at the opera house Fridav or Saturday evening of this week. For ad. and program wutcb later. Dan Morrow arrived from Long Creek Sunday and departed yesterday with freiuht for the interior merchants. Dan started for Heppner early last week but in crossing an irrigating ditch near Long Creek he was thrown from bis wagon, sustaining a badly bruised knee, Mr. Morrow was compelled to delay the trip a few days, in fact for a time was on orntohes, and while in Heppner yetder day be was quite lame. Ell Kpeney returned from his pros, pectins tour over in the (iranite oouotry last Friday evening. He was accom panied over by Kitz Miller, cne of tbe prominent miners and prospeotors of that seotion. Mr. Miller has recently reoeived a patent on a devioe for tbe saving of fine gold, which, it is olaimed, is a ureal sua oess. He talks of locating in Heppner. Eli will probably make another trip over to the Granite section later this fall. Wong Chung, a well known Chinese business man of Portland, and Ah Moy, one of the leading Celestial maidens of Walla Walla, were united in marriage at the First Baptist church in Portland last Saturday evening, by Rev. Roland D. Grant. Several hundred invitations had been issued and the marriage, wbicb was tbe culmination of a roroAnoe, attraoted a great deBl of attention and newspaper comment. Rev. Jenkins, of Tbe Dalles, held ser vices 'ast Wednesday and Thursday np in the mouutains near Col well grade which were well attended Several from Heppner attended these services and tlso took advantage of the opportunity for a few days' outing id the mountains. Rev. Jenkins preached to a large audience at the opera house Sunday morning and evening. He departed for bome yes terday. D. W. Ralston, evidently not satisfied with the prospects here, baa gone to Portland to look for the additional help for wtiioh be reoently advertised in the Gtizette. He will retnrn tomorrow when he and Mr. Laoey will make arrange ments for a shipment of aook from this place next Sa'orday. 'I hee gentlemen will also ship a train load of sheep from La Grande on tbe lOtb. Th McFarland Mercantile company mw treat their customers daily to lem onade, made from an occasional lemon and a qnantitv of tartaric said. After SHinpling tbe same our reporter can con scientiously say that in any event this cioli"g and '" flWvpsoing" draught is equal tbe famous Calhoun dears which were alwsva ope a t their friend and oustomera in past years, Wm. Douglass and wife were In from 'heir Butter creek home last Friday to meet their cousin, Miss Helen Bowlbv, ho arrived on the night trsin from Coos Bay. Miss Bowlhy fa atalenled tnatruo tor in voire cnlturs and haa been en gaged in this Work for sometime past. Hlie wi I be the nuest of Mr. Douglass aud wife daring ber few wees' vacation A correspondent to tbe Salem Journal from Newport saya Congressman Ellis and family are still at the Monterey, They went out for flh on lbs bay Wed neidav snd csptnred an immense string, Mra Ellis naught a rock rod weighing nearly tenty poinds Mr. Ellis la soniMlbing of a fisherman himself, Spraene, Wh., waa almost totally destroyed by (! last Saturday. Tbe loss wilt reach Sl.5o0.n00, wbicb is little mors thin balf covered with Insurance. Mora Mian on fifth of the 3000 Inhabi tants loat everything. The Bra burned over an area of acres, swpiug everything tie fore II Wbat onuses bad dream la question that haa refer b-ro Skllsractonly an wered; but, in oioe raea oat of ten. Irigbtlal dreams ara tha result of tinner feet digestion, which a few d- aea of Ater'a MraparIU will effectually rem dy. Don't delay try it today. Harney City baa ben almost totally datryed by Or The Bra broke out in L WolJei bing' general merchandise store, aod tefor the tUttje vera sub dued Ovebminesa house weradeetmted Tb ! I estimated at about SZllriO. hlrb ia partially Cvvrred by insurance. ' ''Xfamina waa thai a antfar.tdum ton i'lat give m" asked Hula Mattel. Nn, ihar, Hwa on a n f Dr. A)era Pi 1 1 a," "I'lea-e, nay I have another?" "N'-t now. dear ; on of thr eio pill ia all yon ned al preaeut, ber cue every does I fT-rtiv.rt Ik F. on la ha a stork of bieyrla repair and will fil ymr wbl op at reseobabl ralee. l I hi IIiI'Milo to make a si ally In Ibis line, and lbs r. a n ber lf Wheel I rapidly Inrreaaing. thi will oertainly h pleiir dew to ih who ar t foriunai a lo own a hlka. If. Iten Matbaa ia now a. .Is proprietor o thaeilv beat ms'k'-l wbrr he kpt a freah supnly of br, p"rk. nintl.-n. vl. tiaD and lard, which he all f.ir Ihe 1-iWp.al market inee. Fred IVuk. EA8TKRN OBEOON. I. Fagoe Weather Crop Rep.'.rt. Weather Deoidedly tha warmest weather for the season ooonrred on Mon day and Tuesday, the temperature reach ing 104 deg.on Tuesday at Walla Walla; during the remainder of the week the weather was comparatively cool, with some cloudiness. On Tuesday light sprinkles of precipitation ooourred. Special grain report Heading has commenced with vigor in all the Colom bia river counties. Crops of 'all sown grain are turning ont better than the ex pectations warranted. This onndition ia especially evident on low ground. Bar ley sown in the fall is a good crop, though the yield will be below tbe aver age. There is a smaller acreage of bar ley. Spring-sown grain crops are still snffrtiing. Warm, dry weather baa made a failure of them as a rule. The orops in Wasoo and Sherman are very good, approaohing near to the average. Re cently great numbers of grasshoppers have oome over into Waeoo and Sherman from tbe adjaoent oounties on the east, and they have dne mnob damage to otops in general, though all crops are advaroed. The oat orop seems to have enffered the most. On low land, where tbe oats are green, the grssshappers have out off tbe stalk as well as tbe blade. Tbe average yield of fall-sown grain will also be reached in the Walla Walla valley, brjt tbe spring sown has suffered in that seotion. Wasoo and Sherman counties and the Walla Walla valley will produce a good quality of fall-sown grain. In the other Columbia valley counties tbe berry will be email, and in some sections tbe grain will be shriveled. Only grain on low ground will produce a good quality. In sections of Union aud Baker counties some spring grain bad been out for hay, since tbe warm weather dispelled tbe hope that it would still fill and become a fair crop. A conservative estimate of tbe grain orop south and east of tbe Blao mountains it two-thirds of an average. A very good quality will be produoed in Malheur, Klamath and Harney from the irrigated lands. Grasshoppers are still doing de structive work. Early frosts damaged more grain than the drouth In the ele vated eeotions. There is an abundance of fruit, and the fruit shipments are very large, peaches, plums and early apples are of the fittest quality, Fall apples will be abundant. Potatoes are still green, though if tbe warm, dry weather oontm ues tbe potatoes will be small and the yield light. Haying continues withgener ally light yields. Tbe spring wheat and oats w hioh have been out for bay, together with tbe old bay left over from last sea- son, will improve the prospects for the winter. There are some very good fields of alfalfa. All 'angea are suffering tor rain. Ti ere is not grass sufficient on tbe range to supply the needs of stuck. A rain even at tbis late data would benefit miny orops and Improve tbe range grass. Hun Bat Ayrr's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilia ei j ya the extraor dinary distinction of having been tbe only blond purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe World' fair, Cbiosgo. Mannfaoturert of other tarsaparillHS songht by every meanstoobtainashowing of their goods but they were all tnrned away under the application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicines snd nostrums, Tbe deoieion of the World's fair aotho. rities in favor of Ayer's Harssparilla was in effect as follows: "Ayer'a Sareapii- rilla ia not a patent medicine. It doe not belong to the list of ooatruui. It la here on it merits." DIED. Wednesday, July 3lst, flomef, infant son of B. F. Swsggart, aged 4 months and 14 days. Go to thy rest fair child, (Jo to thy dreamless bed. While yet o gentle undented With blessings on thy head. Ere iln had seared the breast, Or sorrow woke a tear, Rise to thy throne of changeleis rest la you celeitlal spher -. Shall love with weak embrace Thy upwar I wing detain, No; gentle angel seek thy place ' Amid t .e cherub train. to Pnins in the small of the baok indioate diseased oonditioo of the kidneys Owing to the dangerous nature of tbe meases which attaok those organs it is mportaot that measured should betaken remove tbe trouble before it has beoome too firmly fixed. Prudence would suggest tbe prompt nse of Dr. J. McLean's Liver and Kidoey Balm which has specific action on tbs liver and kidneys and will cause an early restora tion to bealtby conditions. Frioe (1.00 per bottle. Religious Discussion at Waoner. Katie Eebm Smith, of Oregon City, the obampioo of seoiilarism was invited to deliver tbe Fourth of July oration at Wagner, as mentioned in tbe Gszette at that time. We also mentioned tbe fact that a series of disoussions had been ar ranged between she and Rev. J. T Moore, of Mitchell, formerly the Baptist minister at this placet and tbe following from the Moro Observer would indioate that tbe ootoome waa not what was ex pected: Mrs. Smith oame to Wagner to deliver a 4th of July oration and elated at the idea of having so muoh brain in the country all al ocoe, her followers challenged anybody, everybody, to die ouss the bible with ber. Rev, Moore ac cepted, and one who was there informs us that Mr. Moore handled tbe subject so ably, and did the lady up so effeotually that there is quite a change in sentiment at Wagner, and the good people there have deoided to proceed at onoe with the bnildicg of a churoh, Rich Red Blood Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Hood's Sarsaparilia. That la Why the cures bf Hood's Sar saparilia are Cubes. That la Why Hood's Sarsaparilia cores the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum and other blood diseases. That la Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, Strengthens the nerves, gives energy id place of exhaustion. That Is Why the sales Of Hood's Bar ssparilla have increased year aftef year1, until it now requires for its production the largest Laboratory in the world. Mood's Sarsaparilia la the only True Blood Purifier promi nently in the publio eye today. Be aura to gat Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's PU1 nf It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If j"ou buy a new Thresher, Engine, v I-!05E POWER OR SAW MILL Yon of course want the best. Write for Cr:tnloiie rt'id Prices. Fh3 wassiitoi Er.pir.3 S Thrsshsr Co. PORTLAND. OUfc'QON. DOISTT FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON. CO. Are Still in Business In epite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive tf out,, but bb Jong as our friends Btay witb us, we will continue to' sell honest goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want Groce Woo , 11 I I 111 X 111 1 1 U. Willowware, and many other things. The Discovery Saved His Lire. Mr. Gaillouettt), Druggist, Beavers- ville, III., sas: "To Dr. King's Mew Disoovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe aud tried all tbe pbjsi- oaus for miles about, but of no avail and was given op and told I oould not live, LONG CHEEK. Culled from the Eagle. Dan Morrow leaves Boppner. tomorrow for Robinson Ri'os. and fnmilina. nf Mnr. Having Dr. King'aNew Disooverv row oouniv. nasaed thrmmh invn nn in my store l sent ror a oonieBiia Degan lueir way to McDiiffle springs Wednea- its use and from tbe first dose began to get getter, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is wortb its weight in gold. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer'a Jr., drng store. Ibb Cascades hxcuBaioK. The ex cursion to Cisonde Looks will go down from Eastern Oregon Saturday evening, day, Th-'y report Morrow oouuty's crops entirely ruined. The Long Oieek Jockey Club have de oided to hold a series of fall raoea to be run on tbe Long Creek trnok on Septem ber Utb, 1'2 tb, 13tb aud Hth. Dr. Henderson departed Monday witb bis motner and annt. Mrs. C K. Hender son and Mrs. J. VV. Qanna, for Heppner, From that point they will depart for lugnst 17th, and will reach tbe Looks their home at Mt Vernon, Iowa. the fnllowiog morning. A program for W. A. Fisher, of Haystack, has a large tbe day'a entertainment ia being ore- orchard loaded witb upphs, peaobes, Dared by citieens at CBSoadea. Every P'ums oruoes and grapes. Hisfruitcrop ... .., . , . , . . . . DH8 snnercd but little from tbe nnsea- visitor will be made to feel at home and .,.ui, ,.n.- ,.i . . hie comfort as well as en yment will be . , , . , . . , ... ... , . . , Newt Junes and wife, accompanied by looked after. After tbe looks bave been Mlpt N(,16 BpTt ,, Ar,hur Mjnor inspeoted, tbe exoursiooista will bave and Umily, all nf Heppner, passed plenty of ways to enjoy themselves for through L mg Creek Wednesday en mute Out of Sight! The boy is father to the man, and when tbe boy dons tbe man's hat he is "oat of sight." Likewise the man who pro vides himself with one of T. R. HOWARD'S bats, and also pnrohases his Groceries, Giitars, Tobaoooa and Gents' Furnish ings at this establishment where tbe freshest and latest of the above lines Bre kept. This is also the place for Stook men's Supplies, as tbis store makes a specialty of everything required by tbis olass of trade. And a casual observer will not . fail to notice that our sheep and cattle men take advantage of tbis fact. Remember the plaoe..., as HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St, Four doora south of the C'ty hotel. THUNDER LIGHTNING "There is a tide in Vie affairs of men That, if taken at its flood, leads on to fortune." The flood is here and bo is GILLIA.M & BISB1HE With a full line of Hardware. Tinware. Glassware, "rookery, "Wood and Willowware. Oedar Tubs at Hedrock Prices. the balance of tbe day, snob as visiting the tlh wheels, the old block bouse. where settlers sought refuge from tbe attacks of hostile Indians 'way baok in 1857; the rook quarries; to go boating, either sail, row or ateam lauooh; trout fisbiug, bioycle riding (there are four miles of splendid wheeling through dense woods); lovely pionio grounds witb large dauoing plaifortn. swings, etc. to DeaolMinn lake. several weeks. Tbey will remain The only Exclusive Hardware Store betweun The Dalles and Pendleton GILLTA.M & BISBliJDC, Heppner, ... Oregon. Cars for Headache. As a remedy for all forma of Oeadaobe Eleotrio Hitters has proved to be tbe very beat. IteflVots a permanent oure and tbe most dreaded habitual aiok beadachea yie'd to its inlliienne. We nrue all lio ar hlllictecl to procure a bottle, and give tbis remedy a fair trial. Stock Biiipmenth. Large shipments of stuck bsve bean shipped from tbis point this season, and almost every week additional shipments are being made. T. A. Rbea leaves today for tha Lone Rock country where be will receive 5u0 bead of cattle wbicb will be driven In tbii place and disposed of to Ralstoo ALcey and to tba Union Meat company. Bb (M more will also arrive this week with luO head of cattle that will also be di vided np I I ween tbe above oompaniea. J. bn McCarty elsotxprola so b to da liver 200 bead of ooaa and cslvea at UmstiH to I). F. Ksnnders. of Halt Lake. Ctab, ab eb will be dierveed of In Montana markets, llslstoo k Laoey 't shipments go to Chicago markets. lb osea of habitual OonstipHtiiin Klen- Refreshments of all kinds will be kei.t Ho Hitters cures by giving tbe needed nn ih. ornnn.1. ami .J ..nmmn.la- "IIS IO Ilia IIOWCIS. StlU To CHSHS long tions will be ample and aervioa of tbe very beat Messrs. J. U. and I. N. Day, tbe government cootraotors at tbe looks, are on tbe oommittse oo en tertainment, whiob Is sufflment gnar ante that every visitor will be band- somely treated. resist the lle nf tbis nie.licine. Try once. Large b titles only tlfty oeuts at T. W. Avers, Jr., drug store DIUESTOr LiNUiND UMNO DECISIONS . . t . " . i. II. , i-iweai tnsrs.i iriee. rr11VKl. vi.il.-.. It.... f. d.y fr..m a .wo wk. ., '" ,.,, ,,,,, ,,,,., t(m, ! . J-1;','' . wbvra l a was the gul of Mr. and li.a..al artiata. 111 Mrs. I)r H'Uttb. Hn u"l C bamberial s (nsh : t,.nimir, , d If afflirt4 wib svalp dsa. I.aif falling ill, and penjalaa baldaeaa. d'l bti m grM nt ale-ib lie 'l''t bql api l; Hall's Hair lUeawrr. Krl'e rioter H-l. Ib fa4 Hld arifief, ittea Ireabneaa as"l elearn N the I'utai-lrlHiO and enr.a ('.fi.atna, 25 cU.iA) et.. II. H!Jbr T. W. Atra, ' li .mi- Jr. Captain Sweeney, U. H. A , Ran Dieo, Cal. saya : "Hhilob'a Csia-rb Itemed v is the first medicine I bave ever found that would do me auy good." Trice fsic T. W. Ayera, Jr. Rev. (ireeo, of Arlington, waa quite ill at tba b'-me nt It. lVniaon.of thia oily, for cvatal da)S laal week. Il eef, be waa able to return bome haturday sfiniog. fbilob's Cars, tbe great Conyh and Cronp Cure, ta to great demand. I'orkel ait 0 intams twenty Ova doaea nn2-V, Cml lren love It. Hold by T. W. Aysts Jr. (f no want lo rent blivrla or get naira for an. call na Ik Knnta at bis bicyela livery, power lon. Oreao Mathews for Shaving, bair. rutting. ahkmitog and all other work in that line. Hati.e at any tun daring " - too Ma.os A H-nvner, tba bWkamitba, 1 . . ...... . nnrMi,nr an l wxi niioier. ai ne old (iunn stand. Main atret, Uapfner. Call on U s U.,a. T. IL Howard makes a apeialty lo eonplyt" si'iokaian witb all oa4'd aM La, lei 1 carrying a general line tVa bia nw ad. tf. Mathews !lrr,('ily bolal larreef shop. i'eqiiine. havme', acMOtlosaliy, You cannot be cheerful or happy while your liver la diaordervu, lile ia but a weary bnnlcn lo persona so sm.oied. Dr. J. U. Mo Lean's Liver and Kidney D ilm is tbe right thing to put this organ into bealtby oondiliou. It inoreeee ti e seorxtiuo ol bile, stimulates lbs kidneys and restores tha organs of lbs b 'dy to the proper performance of their (auctions. nice 1,(X) per bottle. Famished by W. 1). Harlan, land and mining attorney, Washington, D. 0. Town lota may be taken either lor business or reaidenca purposes and it la not a material Not Ibat the claimant owna oilier lots and intenda osa of them together aa homestead and la using tbe lota as a garden MIKKIUL. Aluminum Is not aooh a miueral aa will eioept tbe land containing it from settlement and eulry as agricultural ttTAsmxa ArrKAr. Near Wiolock land, or warrant Iba allowauce of mm post fuoe, in Dorthrro Oratt county, I aral entry thereof, about IS miles from Looe Hook, stab- Ia giving notice of applioation tbe re bing affray occurred last Friday, frim quired period of time must be covered wbicb it ia reported one of tbe partita by each form of not ina will die. The trouble waa between I An application for patent or the survey Frank Becres and Tom Hwilt, and arose of a claim may embrara aevvral oinligu over remarks that r teres had made loos 'ooatiorjs aboot onng laly of that section, with Tbe survey should exhibit tbe bound. whom Swift waa keeping company, laries and coofl iota of aaob location of lb Hearing of tbis h'wift rode over loherres' looosuliJateJ claim, plae, aod bunting bim op alabUd dim in Ibe bark to great di ptb, without galling off his b'rae. It ia report! tnat Hecrea cannot reover. Hwift waa sr- resiad and takaa Iwfore J. T. Martin, j'lalina of tbe paana of that district, w,a I)S'rders in the lier and kidneys as rrapnfisililt for many nf I ha ai'ruenU nf hamanity, winch, when nrgleited, da Vilop tout eeri'iu and ofin laial mala diea. frodenrw wnnld snggeat Ihe promnt naa of )r. J. II Mclean'a Liver be waived siam naiii. Ilia bonds and Kidney lialm it remove tb. dtao(e wera placed el 110 (Skj. As this amount coo'd not be raiaeil ba was ant to Can City where be le nw col lined In I a a.w.0 aa inwailile, end real ore Iha da eaaed orfaua lo heal 1 1-y ard vigr.ruua anion. 1'rire II UU pr boitle. aa H me.lv la Kl (ati.ilt an . f.a d II to I It.ll.a .I 'i'. m,u ai.iaa. . n-.. cl... a.li. U. I tat pieaanr. In j ( U , f(, .,,., e.n r.-.eM,li4 ,1 I. m f,.e.rt.. J . ,-.(.,04 b(. MM'erk tv-eer, f.... W ea -.rt. t .1 y, , ,y Mi0. Uf A .f,,f j,, Com J-bn.a I)rag(. eb.eaw. ahair,wi fcalrn-la. .,. liar'V r-or. a B'ai ei a wl Of fem wift 1 aa .....avn..a S. Y -t-.m. Ila.. AnA from iWil.rd. lr.,w..i,- nH.i..y i:AltM, ,u f B u..,i,,, )a aion-w"rr lie i a ir'-roMi ,, p. .... ... , Cbarli t'Art ar.wirsail from lt,s fa.n rt.r.y aed lis baeta.1 this al UmWs I'aiB f f a laialy wik. and blekmill, ! ta ref. turning oat Vary eatlfartvry II And II l-i hi aHvanlaa t' call on or e-ldreae Ibl I f Wa't. Th.iftir"n rufi slaa lwaen l!i.,nrr and Il'ru0)tii, arming etary day eiH Monday ftl Uavibg av.ry Homeaime ago was lakan sick wMb era nip la Iha sinmaoti fillowd by diar rb'wa. I Wmk ae.ipla of die.a "f t'liaiw-b-rlaln'e OtllO, Cholera and Diarrhoea IUmdy and waa immediately reltvvad. I ceai lef i tba bat n.e.wloa In lb market f.i all em h e- mp aii.u I bave a-'ld Iha feroa 1 to n'h"f and avarvren wb-naean aak t.iglilv of II J. W. Hirikir V.lley 0er, Cal. Fof sale by Hl'rf-iiw Johnson Dtng Co. It Hv floedon ba bad tla 'bna rf ai4 aid r-tttre'ed. ssd II t pfssen'a very allrael'V ptasfsnce. f VerVWkeea ( Li .iis b,.ma f,.'ks at! relalivee in t w aiao.a who kaa hn eira-U f day ie.l Maadav. hbvael a"d ehaap t'lan. j H'"l'a .eat,arrla,aa4 pcopl n all "Wlw lo lb lawmr. I. O K r.ater Tatte'a ah4 t.o'lv ara ; baa le a pra...- IMS g'.at sa.da-.aa . . ... . , 1 . .1. .. p.i.-1 . , . Hemi.ally iait ta 12 't aed tta . . . . - - . 1 . , ' n , i.v, r .-.ar'" plaeof Iba b'ai.f ll l'"' ' an j ,,n, 1 ii ,..a . ! 1. I. . e- t e'' ti . , 1 r.ea 'lit 'it(. ,. l.a atl,: l ('-.. a II . 1 I 1 r-m ! t, .tim ea- t rW! ntrS WbO I! a-n V 'A. L'-al'r ka t-e kul I ' ' ' f fen l. 0. I" fch n ie U '.a. t.'. .1- a f e na ul a-4e ii ra"i' frtm r. l,, ' f I ' t. 1 (. h.t j ' ,.. ,M al t'ti .. , tr,,i,u .r 1 ff'ae . r er (i.;. U . . Ml -II tut wm rV'HiKN. Fcso.-LaatlUura lay weetii day pro.ed by law for Iba earn! anana! apporti'inmanl of tbe sohm,! fund later. rat among tba aevaral rnalra of It slat In proporli'io lo Iba number ehwd elitldraa of e h'wd ega In eaeb ooamy, Aoeordiagly the stale arbmil land board mls an ordr lbl said in Ureal Iba amoaal of 1131 '1 73 Im ao divile). lUm .,tal aam'er of arlxi ehil lrag la tba e'ais M VV,. tuakin Ibe snm l tet distributed II (A in eaeb Tbe Ma' no nt f eei.ool eioi'lren i Ibistnnniyla C ftqi't.liy oar p.riwi .f lbs fan I wo.ill anomnl l.r 11. Tbe bnn.l,-r of eUdl raw la li e state )ie yaar is I Hi iaoi than In HE LIGHTEST RUNNING GANG FLOWS I They run in light Tbey ruu olflii the night. IAIN HAIN ' i m mi ! Now hss charire of the st ck of ronfectlnner- lii, (mils, i-lKsra, lolot mi, etc., lurincrly oaiuil by boyil 4 Mi piiwcll. Which he is d'mpozinfl of al Closn Share Prices. It Cream and Ic Cream frvla. lamonuls and Orsnga Cliler always kapt on hand. GIVE HIM A CALL. Weat (Ids Mala Street, Minor Building. J- Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD. CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. W PROFITS oisr- SMALL INVESTMENTS aetiirnlni pMMpenlr will mka tnanv rich, but roahera ran Ihey make an murh allliloa hurt 1 1 ( aa iif sun 4iil oor, uUlliiii In liraln, I'rotUl.ii.s ami Sla k. FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED JIM!' Can ta Ma.la by Our Systematic Plan of Speculation orlftnalad by n All Vrrhi iriiUlnrv nperaia on a ruUr system. It Is a Uinta lmr II, at there at IhitiieanOt l men In all Mils "I Iha I DIM Stales aha. by sfetertiatlr Ira'tln through ( htf effn hfttfceta msfee larga atnomit etery tear. ratieltt from e l. thnusaiHl toila lo( lite man m ,u lirais a niinlre. of Ian hmi'lre-I il'iliaia up U I U,UM) U im ..r nwra hj lhe a ho leel a lew lliMat It Is ! a I Ihsl th'M ho male the ler.rat .r..nu (loin enrniaratlrelv small ln,tmant nn this fUn at. t. !' ho II, a liun hUago anl luteal tliruuab htukera a bw itioruugrily unteietn'l a, at.Miatle Ira'tltia linr .lan 1oe ,.ot rl.i Hi )! immml lnetri nn anj Ira l hut enters lrih Hlx an that ah.ther tha Krkl naea ur lails It bunas a sua.); pruQt thai iha up auoiinuimr la a Im WRITE fOR CONVINCING PROOf S, Wan.iel rn ...r, M.r,.l tM-ulallnS) anit i.ir imof tnn.l to iri. lo I ol i t n.aaing i- toera ALLFRtC. "' Maaiwl a lal't mareln Ira-ting 1 01 1 1 llighral lelefenraa In Htar, lu o n aiau'liug a . I suixaaa, Cuf luftlier Inloimatlua a-l'lrraa THOMAS 4 CO., Beakeee ane Beekera. 241242 Rielle BuilSlni. Chloeie, III. I ' ae i" . V I iisaS STATE NOHMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oro. A liail f hoot foe learhira fnmilrt eigM gra te K.l,,i g .an n,ai a l eiror.g rolrasluiai a'l a alf.i ,-o.ira.a tJb ? lelaaehleineiyeeweiiylei the etate vUhe ry V eut tnrtharesaminanea. S.4v'-! I'aHlM WelgL S. " SM Inl'tna .M M ijl haitlNI an- keaMM.il toe.llnn. Knaalmna 1 n.n w a g.i r.rf 1 t'aine-l Ua. aart. Ma.i e..t asrd g-n fea tiiy Ukl Xm y,t tat ar.--i"a ,) li.ei naa year in Ivanaa tb em. entfl't-'t ' l'-r tli he ,l tll to i'rl'f - . -ttt lfPaL bteaaXat koho;. f mm try i. w. aarata, 41 Pileg! fllea! Il'kl! file hn tne- M -i(e; k.Ui.m. brg and eit.gii,, rral at '! , " t-f ffllili If aUowe1 I-, e.lfeia rri-ra f. rtvi. ,lb , ftet l.i.e.f ar.d ' J.I'Ull I.I) Ntt I I 1 a 1 at e a f at .. Il.a, I. 1 g ; I l.l,, . I" l ia nlri ,1'i.s, a'- t t rW'l j e,rii'ew li e lnn.4a Al nigi la. ..g ms l. f U I ,, t . It, t1wyt.vi ' l ' a.'"' pp.1 "'"rl llli'at "''V ' "H "I i'lfsl.av1 laac 1 , i t 'I"" V'' Si tau;.web t:;ya,..nat,;baiu Altra ! L riyrrn t w tr. , . iii.t aM-aey EIiLIS & IjYOKTS, At(orntvM nt All bnaua allei..la I In ta a lifient-l ao I allf ;, 0ry nst,aef. Solar.ea I'al.la at.. I t'..li. t,. orr.ee JVAtiosit, must ruiLmsu. ! ri..ii 1 1 1