Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 06, 1895, Image 2

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    Id order to reduce onr stock ot
Fall Term begum September 8, 1895.
K1- I. T'J
Three Colleee Courses. Classical, Scientific and Literary. Academy prepares for college and
gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching und business. The school
We qnote tbe following Hard
Times prices fur Cash:
has always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It Has a UDrary 01
7000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine buildings with the
best modem improvements. Marsh Hall, juBt completed at a coBt of $30,000, is one of the finest
college buildings on the Pacific College.
One New Home, latest style, new, $35 00
One New Home, style 1890, been
run a I we but good as new - 3a 00
One New Home, second hand, in
All expenses very low Board and room at the Ladle's fall $3 00 to $1 00 per wce, includ
ing electric light and heat. The College ormitory, under excellent management, Jurnisnes
pood order; a bargain 20 00
board and loom at $2.25 per week. Board in private families. J.50 and upwards. Many students
rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
For further particulars address, PRES. THOMAS MCCLELLAND, Forest Grove, Oregon.
One Favorite, has been rented out
and used a little; good as new, 20 00
These are Hargain Price Jot immediate accept
ance, tali at once on
Paine's Celery Compound is as Superior to the Ordinary Spring
Medicine as the Diamond is Better than Cheap Glass.
V "5
.XT '
Mark Twain lectures at the
Marquam in Portland next Friday.
The recent democratic state
coiivontion of Maryland nominated
Johu Hurst, the Gorman candi
date, for governor. Gorman still
hold a the top hand.
Rider Hagqakd was defeated
for parliament at the recent Eng
lish elections. Ilider ought to
know that he should go away from
home to be appreciated.
The Portland Sun, which we
stated in the last insue had died,
comes out again under the man
agement of IJugh McGuire, of the
Pacific Paper company, as assignee.
A fashion reporter in Paris an
nounces that "women's sleeves will
be larger." There must be a sur
plus of dress goods in the market
and this a conspiracy to sell i
Democratic tickets are being
Domiuatcd in several states just to
see whether or not there is a dem
ocratic party left. Just a political
census for future refereuce, you
A Chicago man is going to bring
out a newspaper which shall ignore
crime and print only what is good,
pure and holy, lie had better
seek some other clime then than
The company that attempted to
fmt the Dui rant piny on the stage,
ast week weie all arrested, This
is not a surprise to anyone, as
such a result was predicted by all
fumiliar with the play.
Mrs. Jim Cokwctt has been
granted a divorce and $100 a week
alimony for the roHt of her life
We don't know how she feels rib an
it, but we believe this is bettei
than a dozen "Gentleman Jims."
It is reported that Uncle Sam it
getting too poor to send out sum
pie packages of garden hoeds to
the farmers and gardeners. Uuclt
Samuel evidently finds it necen
wiry to economize "for revenue
Iacoii S. Coxier lias been tiomi
nated fur governor by the popu-
lints of Ohio, lie will receive an
other order "to keep off the grHns"
next November. This time it will
bo the grass around the capitol
building ut Uol ambus.
Among the mottoes for thepolit-
leal IxKiuieis of IN'.)! will In
"lletter wages," "lietter protection
from foieign labor," "A tariff for
revenue that will raise revenue,"
"Silver and gold and paper dol
lars as good as either." Inter
A 'outi.am man recently ro
reived a letter from his wife at
CUtnnp beach telling him to sail
in and have a good tuiH while hhe
wh away. It is rcixuted that lie
did not heed her advice but took
the i ext train, in ding nine, for the
Ir always puzzles nn honest man
to know how fugues succeed in
pasHing woithless checks w hen lie
hiiiiHcIf, with an honest check, ha
to be identified nil along the line
from thdii of Adam down to
where lm slept last night. Salt
Lake lnbuue.
Jack lWutY, thn notorious) out
law, trnihrohher and miudercr
Sheriff II gr I, lm lunde A f ill
roiifenion to the nuMioriticii ut
Sxcrtnciitt. It U naiil that HrR.lv
tells Ins utory lth gieat pi lie
tins is true h tdmuM lm nwuug u
with pntl ptide.
fMi)W - : r WmMMmL
V W x r i f "J)
P. C. Thompson Co.
J Or., Aug. 5, 1895.
Dodcon, John, Hopper, Mrg. J. W.
Rar8ell, R"y, Russell. Eddie.
Sperrv, .1. B., Taylor Jack.
Tyton, A. H., Wlcu, Mrs. Lillle J.
When calllnir for these letters please say
advertised. J. P. William.-, P. M.
ty of Morrow. State of Oregon.
tienry wneeier,
William Bremer,
Bremer, wife of said
William Bremer, a d
Frank Hagerman as
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Com
pany, a corporation,
To William Bremer, defendant.
In the name of the State of Oreeon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint niea against yo ' in tne anve enutiea
suit on or before the first riav of the next reeu
lar term of the above entitled court, to-wit, tne
2d day of September, 1K5; and if you fail bo to
answer, t-r want rnereot tne piaintiit win apply
to tne court lor tne reiiei demanded in saia
complaint, to-wit:
f or lodgment ann decree atrainst wimam
Bremer for the sum of i ViO.no, with interest on
$515 00 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the first day of June, 1S;)5; with inter
est on $15 thereof st the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from tne nrst day of December, l'.m;
with interest on $15 thereof at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from the first day of June, 18U4;
witn interest on xia tnerent at tne rate ot per
cent per nullum fr rn the first day of December,
1KD4, and tor a lurtner sum to ne determined By
the court as an attorney's fee, and for costs of
this suit.
Also fo- a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
by Wil iam Bremer on the foll wing described
real estate, Bituated in Morrow County, Htate n(
Oregon, to-w!t: The SVi of Sec. 8, Tp. 2 N. of
R. 27 E. W. M., recorded in the clerk's office of
said county on the 24th day of Mav, 1889, on
pages 202, 20:), 204 and 205 in Book "D" of the
mortgage records of said county as to all of the
defendants herein named; and for sale of siiid
mortgaged premises to satisfy said judgment
and decree, attorney's fee. Interest and costs.
This summons is ervedon defendant William
Bremer by publication by order of James A.
Fee, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the
state of Oregon, dated July 2.1. ism.
O. 0. ELLIS ann J. N. BROWN,
356-68. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address J. TO. RMTTH,
Pilot Rock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
When wnmon bcoom invalid', homes
ohilclren, frienilfl. all mnBl siiUnr.
With nn impnirpd norvons nystpni
nnrn blood is impossible; health is ira-onsaibln.
Why not b well?
Women and mn all ovor the conn try
whoBB Btrmith and vitality have bppp
ironght d'lwri Hiirinn thn winter month
ire now tnkmif Paine's OBlory compound,
b"0une their physicians nrdnr il, or be
Hnae tbey have learned from other
qnally trustworthy sources its nnfailinj?
"ow r ol bit'ldincr np the "trnifth, rein-
'iinratintf the nervns, purifying the
Mood and livk'ng pnopl" well.
PHitie's celery compound oonMnnn
pck nfter wpnk and vpar nflpr year to
ivire the most dilild'ilt chpr of nervon
weakness, and in renew the IipiiIiIi of
Kiu'itless ailing, i1epindinff women.
I'aine'a ctdery ooinponnd is relied on
with implioit onnfidence by thonsands of
libgenl waee earners, who mnetkeepup
'heir strpngth as thin trying season.
But when labor is excessive, protraoted
or done nnder areat mental and bndlly
itrain, as is usnally the case with the
vnrk women are railed io do, the health
nf the nerves should hecarpfnlly watohed
over, B"d the small besinnines of ner
vna weaknps immediatelv chpeked b
he use of Pnine's celery oomponnd
The smallest as well as the largest cities
are full of brave women who might lead
dependent lives, but prpfer to work.
Thpy keep well and pqnal to their dnHee
by prompt reeonrsp to this genuine nerv
regulator and blood renewer, l'aine's
celnry 0"mponnd, whenever they feel
overworked, run down and in datiger of
serious illness. This great spring remedy
today enables O'Mintli'ss men and wniripn
to keep ateadily at work with atrong.
well fed nerves and healthy, richly-nonr-iKhed
blood and tissues.
Every woman, if she is "rnn down,"
in poor health, fretful or weak, if her
blood is in poor condition, her nerves nn
strung every inch womnn should heed
snch testimonials as this from Mies
Edith R. Mek, of Fall River. Mass.,
whose piotnre is given above:
"I wag advised by a friend to try
Paine's relery oomponnd," aays Miss
Meek, "as I was all rnn down from a
long season of hard work and travel
Nothing that I have ever taken has had
su"b a speedy and lasting effeot npnn
me, I am now advising all my mends
t'i take it. For that tired, irritable oon
dition resulting from an i ver-taxed ner
vnus system, there In nothing to equal
Take Paine'a celery compound now.
It makes people well.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Uregon.
These trentlemnn are well acauainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gi'liam and other counties.
and can save money a d time in making these sections with traveling men.
Prices in keeping with the times.
He Saws Wood !
They tlo IIioho tiling Imttor in
KiiIhimI. A man killed liin wife
iu Ijomlon ltHH than n montli ngn,
Hfiil he in alreuily umlor Bontpiice
of death. In St. Louis a man
killed his wife and child a year and
a half ago, and his trial liaa jnnt
begun, with thfl rhanceH of taking
two years more t pet throimh all
thn courts. bt. lioum Ulolie-Demiwrat.
TtlE Stnteamnn desires right
hero Btid now to tile its objection to
the nomination being Hindu for
congreas at thn Mute convention
next year, Let out distrii't noini
nate at its own con vent ion and in
its owu district Salem HtiileH-
Thfl (Ja.ettn commends the
alxive and deair'H to tile the Hiune
objection for this congreehionid
IiNttict, e have a congrcMMonal
cointuittee, and why not h t them
have Homo power. At tho liiht
conventp n this cotninittt o was
entirely ignored and the Mate con
vention controlled Dm iviig'CH.
aional convention, Tliecointuittee
on order of business even decideil
the time and daee f holding (he
dietrict convention. This is tu t
tight, so lit the second dietritt
control the next congressional con
Vent ion, Hot the Hate.
- - MB -
m t t).Nt Mnn m
mtlE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, El'OKSE. ORFQON, effora frra Initioo
to all stiiilpnts. Young men can nlilnin boarct. Io(lint, beat ani hffbt in
the dormitory for t'i !k) per wprk. Knonier (nrnisb their own linno. Young
womeo are proviiletl hoanl iu private families at (.'1.0(1 pt r pk. Young woman
desiring Imarcl iliouKl al lress Prof. John Mmub, F.ugpne, Orpgon; or Secretary
Young Wouipii'h Cliristian Association, EnPtie, Tbs University oITits tbre
tiHccnlanreatA degrm-s, lUctit-lor of Arts, lUetiflor of Koienca and Uacbalor of let
ters with oorrespotiiling oonrsea of stmly. The following shorter eonrsea are also
'(Tercel: An Krglisli eotirsa leading 10 two yrnrs t i a tmaiofsa diploma and In
tli res years to thn title graduate Id English; an advanced ooiirse for graduate! ol
onrmul sdbools leading to the degree waster it iedigogr; K tbrre yean eon rue iu
civil engineering leading Io tbe degree civil engineer; a course of two Tears for
teachers of nhysiotl education leading to a diploma and the title dirrctor ol
physical ediiostiou Tbe University cbariits ao inoidental fee of ten dollura wbiob
is payable in advanoe by all stadenta. Niinleola boldingdipliruaa from tbe public
schools and those having teacbert' certificate are admitted la the preparatory
department without examination. Tboae deeiring information regarding the re
patatory departmeot sboul I addrrsa tint U-au, N. h. Narregan, Eugene.
Vnr catalnguea and iiiforuiatioo addren
C. II. CHAPMAN. IivHident.
or ,i. .J. WAIrON. tScoift.uy. Kuonu. Oicon.
X ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
John r . crosny, ouara
ian, Plalntirl,
Alexander Oraham,
ijraham, wife of said
Alexander Graham,
the National Bank of
Heppneraco poratlon
and Frank Hairerman
as receiver of Uimhard
Investment company,
a coreor tlon,
To Alexand r Oraham, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, ynn are
hereby reuui'ed to appear and answer the com
plaint tlleil stmli'st you In the hove entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court towtt, 'he
2nd day of Kept mber. l'.tf. and if ou fall so to
answer, for want thereof the plalutlrT will ap
ply to the c urt for the relief demanded in said
comp Hint, t -wit:
or luilKment mi decree against Alxsnier
Graham t r the sum of Klve Hundred Dollars
with interest Ihereo at the rate of eight Per
cent per annum from the 1st day of July, lswi,
and for a reasonable sum to be de ermlned by
tbe court us ail attorney's fee. and for costs of
mis suit.
Al o for a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
by Alexander Graham ou the following de
scribed real estate ulnmted In Morrow county
Oregon, to-wit: The Mi1 of See. a, Tp 1 N. ol
H. 'il K W. M., containing In all liM acres more
or less Recording to government survey, reconb-d
in the clerk's ofllce of shIcI conntv on the Pith
ilav of July, ihnk, on pane :(.". :i.Vi. ami :liil In
Hook "('" of the mortgage rw ords of said county,
as to all the defendants ber ln named and for
sale ol said mnrtgsgt'd premises to satisfy ssld
Juilirmeut, decree attorney's tee. Interests and
costs. Hervlreot this sninmon. Is maile on ou
by order of James A. Fee. lodge of tbe Hfxih
judicial district of the state of Oregon, made on
uie n n uny oi jiiiv. l '..
O 0. ELLIS and J. N. BROWN.
ire.(A Attorneys for I'lalntlfT.
lias purchased one of the lato improved steam saws aiid is uow
fully prepared to saw wood of every description at the low price of
40c per Cord one time in two
50c per Cord two times in two
Wood will be cut neatly, and where possible all knots cut out
One stick per cord wjll furnish enough fuel. Leave orders with Chris.
borcheis at the 1 alace Hotel. lm
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
AIr;s. Tom Brndley, I?jror.
The lit Minis
Notice of Intention.
I J July ). lmtt Notice Is her-by given thai
the following named K-ttler has flled notice of
his Intention to make nnsl pronl In suiKirt ol
n s claim, and that said proof w in lie mailt
before I'oiiutvClerK, of I mutillai'inintv, at l'eu
nlrton, Oregon, on m-ptemlier 7, w.i', vu:
ltd. No. TWO. tor the W, NWV N' aN .. Kec.
il. Tp. 2, H. K K. W. M .
He tiNiiM-i the fittiowtiig wltne-s to prove
hi. eotitlnuoit. resi'le nc Uhiii an.1 cm lva'lon
of .aid laiel. xt:
Mlllla'n II tOilllfoM, Arthur V. (inltlfnrd
Jaiiii s NvIkiii, of Vlnam, Oregon, and Joliu II
llil.t, of Kblge, Uregon,
h. r. wn.-i'iN.
For tho Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It It located st Falcm, Oregou,
The Molt Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the GaIftts nfllca for particulars
ritrtclljr confidential. Treatment private aud sure
A nitX lia lHn or enn in
Jl.Mt.Hl for till H ti of HlTllMllS for
tlit uit f ix-rn in wh ili not
In i hnrch. if com o, tht advitu
tiyt of ret tint; Jour m n rthoi tn.
tioii nul I l" Hit you could hut
u lh I'M nchitr sit any Hiint In,
t ii "llrstly" mid "m coucluuioti."
New Ywik Hmi.
Hot. H. O. Ilonn. f Nw Yuri,
an I futicroiainni Mr, ftn, of Nflw
r ', hv Im-ii i 1 1 v 1 1 1 to hold
firiHiiri kl liMiiKi iu Mt Hi Coiuii'tf
Ort'i; ii sUl f ur. I(ran lit ac
Tli Ollilersifc'tic.l liNvini lieen restorr.l
to lieallli lijr luiiU uicsns, M. r sulTer
Ing for several years null ,ter luii
kfTectli'D, ami llml Jres.l ili-a.e, lni.
siiniplimi, is niioiia In tuaks kiun to
die f. lo nillTereis tbs tliesns of nre.
To (bos lio il,-if tl, Ii aill i lirrrliiL
If sen. I, (ire i.f cbare, c.' of tbe "e-
crifiton ue. I, tiicti 1 1 it- flu. I , ( letiei'iUl V
or cm (r ('Hiiiiiillili, Aslblua, (V
Urrh, Hri'iictiltia so. I kit tliroat sn.l luntf
inslsllr l- ll ll!T.-fet
nao ht reme.lv M II la llitill Those
il-Slrind lha .re.-H...n, tlliicli "ill !'!
ttirtn tiottimtt. n I If ay t Wmis,
ill ,lew a l Irew. t-v I l'W 1tl A.
MIt)N. troiln, N Y. J Mil 1 .
1' in nn ill wind that M uo
pMl, ami although tho play
ful I'rutiksint O'l Horrn ftponcit
lliit fond chi I'll' to tMiiM)rary fin.
lotrr.isiiiiiit, tin hituatioti gratly
aiutioi n tho s'ivtftoi.
HltH'l it
l,iki')ifc tlio Mtustioti at
Ii... I O 10
Notice of Intention.
4 July V ! NMIrela her,-br glten lhal
(he following named .-ttl,r has flled nollrenl
hi Intention to make dual proof In siiPtMirt ol
his i-Uiin and that said proof will I pia.le
in-ior j. Miirr.iw, rnutitv clerk, at Heppner
Orison, on hept . I"',, vi
II f. Ml V AliK.
lit 6iM.rt).M, . and SVi NWVa.
fa-e IT. Ip t. K :T f: W VI
He nania tn fol!o ng ttnee to prove
his continuous r, ! im. ii-,n ami eullKalloo
Ul Ml'l laiei. VI
Milt f Vo'san. fi-ti-r Adams. Jy Iieiln,
4onn r.iw arui. an oi iirppir i,r-v,ti
h. r ii.mn
i'l-- I., sl.i.r.
Notice of Intention.
I in orn i st l.s i.miri ir.,
J ii t . i.
v"oii' i iinuiiv i.ivfn nut nir
f.iili.N It.ff t,ai.t rlirr hs f'id ll,ln
nf tils lnlrii,,.n l mahP Stial prl In siii w,
ul tin rhim aid iht .rhit ni ei.
M-I,,re Ihr rt-Miilr rirl fe ,, .,rf.w eotinty at
iH'ppner. ir , oil r.i-ni-r . tit
Nil T f. MoKiMtt.
ltd ir il,- r, ure s. j a K T. t. w M
M tiaoiM the t.iH.nlita lturMr4 9, i,r,..
his rontliMiiiua rt-st.leiu e um, an, rultlt albm
o, Moi iao-1 Tit
Vt 1. iIm li.ur ,tln J,vph li-
tor and M H, all ol 11 ( J e llrrg.i
H I W II B'.
"'TT K. .!
1 the u.s. government!
lu lint
Known that
Joe WOOL Kit Y
Votii r i
4' paMnrr.litp hrfl.
C.VIlIICa jk. I'lll.l, LINK
Which hs sella at IW It i k I'riCM.
It Ir Nart KAlT-AU'tlt Hires eeka
ag It la sabl, li'liafa n an lankt I
bis !. erj fl f! If .
avltrr, In t l.'ia.c . N ba i,
l'artnrrs of Kik'ht Mile, lnvi.UMi, (loosrWrry, iV'ticlaa, JordaR
j I'ork and lotif nri.iti rttt d n- I t'r than ttmk their pnrchaaa of
' Jit. ll ctt ric n full hnt of Furnisliirkt (J-hv1, IV and thosa.
(liocoii. a, at) I in fart a ivi!.!i 1 tk of gct.pral mrrchandia. 1 a.
iirtuav i.ivrs that thf
rvesi.llt, Mtttrfl J
I and It. ' vt.il.p... n-..irt ih firm
!' H H.trS Jk Villi,!! baa this 1,
,i.M.lfffNl hf M.,,1',.1 rxttlrlit. a- 4.'hS
all rlr-l ' i.i; . f a,t mn.,nli ae!
Mil S'm and a i.i rMiloue t t i.',-m
,4 stand. J i Hts.
Pt( w.-asa.
Ile,t al It.ppiwf, Or . Jij i, . ii.
' C,l'l'l, hit Jrt I loir ha tli't ' aotoe Inl.i tba i"iis tha I , k iliir,
In-fit heard from. HioulJ h ac. !r aaia loa fl on Ida i, nf
CO(i, a litnilils' diai'ltaaloil lll l' I i r hu'eh la ca-r'-at U n"l.
artal'id. Ill la a l.c fihlilto ( I ii'a In liU tail. art- ;.a,i
iu tUi VIS" of a '-it f tir tlt t'a.! i t J xa. al It i I II at la la
fftlj. j',1! l.f.1 g f ' " "'''''I "'Htra
I OX 10,
0 1 1 KG OK".
LWitlj IILiS,
Plenty of them at the
OoZvtto Office, , , .
hotid cf final Sitt tmewf.
utpia'tiin-! i li .i'il itrn of t ti
M u ! r r-.i til im HihaI tt.
9Tmv l hr itfi''l n h $ i. ,
r The Press Claims Company
ft nilLIP W. AV1RCTT, General Muer,
618 P 5trcct, WASHINQTON, D. C
fjt) JT. IL-nt fP U marmW tr swtWr flmaanU IroWiaf
To pron who erved In thi win of the United States or to their
WiJowt, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pennon ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion. Indian or Mexican Ware
on whom you depended for lupport?
To r-ceive pension, who now do not. Thousand under the new
hw are ent tie J to an Increase of pemion. The government owe it
to you anJ it willing and Anlou to piy. Why not prent
) our claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Sow la the accepted hour.
jrWtite kr Ijwa and compleie iniurmation. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unlev muci.ful.
n I
MONCY LOANtO. v.,.a )f
i i i, --i - ci' . f V
a.1 r-er-i t f a. lf
Arc tho Iliohestofnli Hiflh Crodcs.
, i.t..i.i,..VfV,,V., ,,i;i 1a its .
.-'' -i - ...
ICaSA ! :tV(Lh u.
M Uf.