.a t.irnn i lilti I WWI M UM 1 1 HI I Mi M4T PAPER OFFICIAL MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-1 vertising. Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I own, A. T. Stewart. Vill i I I I I ! I I t 1 1 1 ! I I III I I 1 1 1 M l 1 1 II HI 1 1 li THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 181)5. J WEEKLY ciO. 649 I f SEMI-WEEKLY Nf',36J.j ' 1 M SEMI .VEEKLY GAZETTE.. FDBLI8HKD Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY OTIS PATTERSON, . . . Ed;tor A. W. PATTERSON, . Business Manager At $1.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 cts. tor three moucns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKK is kept on tile at E. 0. Duke's Advertising Agency, fit and 65 Morchants Exchange, San Francisoo. California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. Union Pacfic Railway-Local card. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 p m. No 10. mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15 S. m. ArrlveB at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except unday. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction 1:46 a. m West bound, main line, leaveB illows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland fast frelBht with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:3S p m. and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a m. Hre passentrern from the 1 ranch layover till 3:15 a. m. and take the taut mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:25 a. m. The DmIIcb and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 2:15 p. m. and arrives at Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 . m. daily and arrive st The Dalles 12:15 p. m Thi connects with the east bound way freight with passenger couch w hich leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. in., arriving at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. United States Officials. President -. Grovnr Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Blevenson u . u. .. p;nKUMi a nina. PW-nm J" "n'0 .,. v. ..... Herirntaryof Treasury John G. ('arliBln Secretary or interior none oinnn Hecretary of War Daniel 8. l.sniont Henretaryof Navy Hilary A. Herbert PoHtinanter-Gennral Wil'iam L. Wi son Attorney-General J udson Harmon (Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Mortal 8tate of Oregon. Governor W P I.oH Senrotary of Btata H. K. Ki'icald TWainr Phil. Welsehan W rit. P"";nlnrnction O M I win Attorney General C. M. Id'eman u ( G. W. MHml Benators ii u Mimkoi I Hinirer Hermanr Congressmen w K E1u, SBl'W-Wi '"I ft" yREGULAT-'l - - MLdfcLte 1 Reader, did vou ever take Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicine3 ? " Everybody needs take aliver remedy. It is a slugg'sh or liseased liver that impairs digestion md causes constipation, when the waste :.hat ehou'd be carried off remains in hp body and poison3 the whoie system, .hat dull, heavy feeling is due to a 'jrpid" liver. Biliousness, Headache, Ialaria and Indigestion are all liver liseases. Keep the liver active by an ccasional dose of Simmons Liver Rpg ilat r and you'll get rid of these trou U'S, and give tone to the whole sys 3m. For a laxative Simmons Livei emulator is better than Pills. It ea not gripe, nor weaken, but great1.' tfresb.es an.l strengthens. Every package has the Jfed Z tamp on the wrapper, j. 11. Seilin & Co., Philadelphia. Wanted a Receipt. The following i told tit the expense of a well kDowo law yer of Th Dalles: "What are yon wait ing for?" said the lawyer to no Indian, who had just paid him some money tnb told how to get a divorce from a rquB to whm he had never beeii married. "A reoeipt," said the Indian. "A receipt 1 what, do yon know about a receipt? It yon oao explain to me the Datare and pnrpnse of a receipt. T will nive one," replied the lawyer, "'Spose maybe mi die; me. go hebeo. me see G'iod. Petei nd Clio; d-y says, Jim what do yon want; rn py. want in. Pey eaj viu pav Mr. Lawyer that nrnnev. Wha me rln, T have no receipt. H"h me hnn' all over bell to fiud you?" He got bit- 'eceitit. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT LOCAL MARKET REPORT. if you use the Petalom Incubators Brooders. Make money while others are wasting time by old processes. Cataloetells all about it.and describes every article needed lor im poultry business. Printer W. '1. Leeds !R. 8. H n. F. A. M.aire, 0. E. Wolverton SeyentU Judicial District. Cironit Jndite W. L. BranVhaw Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jayne Morrow Connty OBlciali. Joint Henator . W. Oowan BeDrmentatire. J. 8. Boothhy iKmntjJndae Jnlins Keithly ' Commlfwioners ), K. Howard J. M. Baiter. . , " rierle .T.W.Morrow " Hberifl G. W. Hami.Bloii " Tnwinrar Fran Oillism Aowxwor J. Willi. . " Hnmyor. G. Ixird " HchiHtl Snp't Anna Balsiger " Coroner T. W. Aysra, Jr BKFFRSl TOWN OFnOIRS. Mayor Thou. Morgan C iin-tlme O. E. Fanmworth. M. Mrt'tenthal. fMis Pattorum, T. W Aysra.Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. J. Blocara. . Htir.ei F. J. Hal nek T'MUinrar E. L F-eltid MaraiuU A. A. Roberts Preetnct 0 Hirer. JnitlM of tka Pauw E. L. FreHand Consubls. N. 8. WheUtune raited States lni Otfieerm. TBI DALLES, Oi, J. V. lnni Kgis A. 8. Biggs Bsow Li OtAgDl, OB. B. F, Wi'son Btrt-r J. H. Riibbins Rlw z;rzt sociztizb. KAWUNU POHT.NO.IL 0. A. R. i at Liingtnn, Or., th Uat fUtarrUy of act. month. Ail vimt ars Invited to Join. ; C. Boo, Uto. w. Hurra. Adlotant, tf fonimaoiUr. LUM HER! rt RAVI FOH MALR ALL C!Mt OF CM driwd Lumtwr. MatUeaM Ueppner, ai D at u iooa as u BOOTT BAWMILiLi. FIB 1.000 FIKT. KUUdU, " " CLXAK, I On IT M F DKUVtRRH IN MltrfKIR, WILL ADD L ift ii pmt i.iin teat iillinnai. Tb abort quotatlooi ars strictly for Cash L HAMILTON, frop. national M o( Mwi WI. FKSL4HD, ED. r. manor. rrwUeal Cxkier. TRAS-UCTS 1 GENPM BANKING BCSLNES COM.KOTIONH MvU tm Favnrabl Tanna. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD II FITS PR. tf ORKOON Cite -Z3mr The "ERIE" mechanically the best We are Pacilie Coast Acents. Bicvcle cata- logue,mailed'free,gives fl'11derr)ntlnn nrlrM etc. . AGFNTS WANTEB, PETALUMA nXTCATOR C0.,Pctilnma,Cal. IiK anch llotise, Jl S Main 6t., Los Ane'.es. The P itterann Pii'i. Oo . have aeonrod he airenoy of the U'esoent hioyolfg for Morrow and Ctrant annntiea, m n will hortly hav" a ra m r)lnn-a f ir sale ai very iw Qnrea. Jil.imiiie a Uresoent before bnyintc. tf. Trade Mark Dr. A. 0wi FOR MEN AND WOMEN Thi latest and only sclentiflo and practicn' Lluuirlu licit made, iur peneral use, produciDi ig'-nuino ennentof Eltctrloity, for the cur S dNeose, that enn bo reudily felt and regu uted both lnqunntltv and power, and applie' j any part of the body. It c n bo worn at an time during working hours or sleep, aud WILL POSITIVELY CURE RIIFCJIATISOT L,l IIIIAUO KENEK AL DEBILIT) UKI 15 D.kGK NERVOUS DISEASE? VAUMOCKLK St;Xl'AL WE1KNES! I n POTENCY KIDNEY DISEASES WITHOUT MEDICINE Electricity, properly applied. Is fast takln' tho place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatic hidncy and Urln il Troubles, and will effet currsln seamlngl hopelcrs cases where ever, other known means has failed. Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ ma- uy iuio i-iunns ne rousea to neaitnr actlvlt' bororeltlstoolate. Leadinii nedical men use and recommend th' Oweu Belt in their practice. OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Contains fullest Information regarding the cure fit n Pitta r-r r ttnA nartinn m A Ibahou ,.! ana haw o-frr. In EugliBh, Germnn. Bwcdirt m m wugjuii muguuKCB, win do ma nea, upoi application, to any address for t centa pottogt The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. BAIN OrriCS AXD ONLT FACTORY, The Owen Electric Celt rid, Z01 li 211 Ststa Street CHICAGO. ILL. Tlx Largest Electric Dslt nitibl.ihmentin the Wotlt ! "-VV FACTS ; ! (mi A"B ' i MS,MS FACTS ! ! C OU CAN BL'Y ti'iOO worth of dry goods and groceilt and then have ' ' 1 1 Y enough left out of I1U0 00 to purchase a No. t Creneent Bicycle. This Is (, i 1 a flrst-clas maiihlne. Why theu psy IIOO.UO for a bicycle that will give r I no better service t 0 J !, CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds. onl M. Ladles' and Oents' roadits s all the way from ftt to $75. 1 ' "B jrs' Ju'ilor," only tO with pnenmatto tire a good machine. 1 1 "Our Special," Men's I'O; Ladles', fA J ADDKE9S J WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, I THE P ITTERSON TIB. CI, yAr2 ! Heppner, Oregon, uilK MORROW AND GRANT Z ' Counties. l.,- 'J " '"r tf- TTmv"r a.- a s -Is Tit It- MOSt Popular Pcputllcan Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Sunday) $6.oo fr year DAILY (with Sunday) 8.oo per year The Weekly Inter Ocean ici. 00 PER YEAR IS'1 )I 2 A M WSPAPrO THR IHTrO OCCAN keeps aKreesf f the tlasea la f"lil It arer ixltrMr fmtns nar tipeiM la Mortal ALL 1MB k NLWk ANU 1Mb bLSt Ur CtMhLNT UTLHAlLKfi. RSIO tews- imi iihi n tm rr f .S via S' 4 Mu 91 E2 us if o .wr,i swaaar. la- 3 TMC I TOM HUtiCal ICM0 CO.: , Twrn N.ktTtUr. caavaaaiaa vtsris. Mtllttl it'ii.ii 1 t I : ! 1 li I Ml ! The Weekly Inter Ocean AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. . i II ll w1lf M left tacli aailM. Ih. family I1 . IfimJ ll it III a i .'AktfiSlMlh. m, hwt a4 N kiaa. , fJLi II lltUHKAliV ItAUhLt art aswMl.4. II fill tTICAl LV IT 14 IT 11 HI CA, tn4 fives lit rMdee Ih WaWII of Id M-i wMiMi m all lta auiukAi t (.. It ai ls ihtm Ink M VV I nit ho-LO. IT 13 A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. tut ttre ocr an w HfintMi o i cmcA'to. tmh .r.' r connrccu' VI 1ttflf A.U l.t !' IMI AUM.MASV MlM MAINS. AMI I .l , I I W r,. Ml Tl HI NiroSOf I Mo fUlflll Of IHAl W.tllUI IMA AN VAIIH I AW I Ml t AM. H It la tu 4 H i Um pt4a at Itw WhI kMli la PuiHke aa4 Utt'. a. .!. lh.MH.fr (( the Wklr MMCkaa It OH V oic CxU ti.ta. A4Jr. 1 HIi IIsTtn OCEAN. Chlcag-i I'asa t f C"a'a rt'a'"-it I'lIK LNCAltfRI InM'K.VCK ( "o. Wheat, bu 9 40?42 FU.nr.bbl 2 65 Beeves, cows & twn-year-olile, owt. 2 00 " three " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 25 1 50 " stock 1 00 1 50 fines, ou fot, owt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 8 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Bees, doz 10 Chickens, doa 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA HARKKT. Wheat, cwt 9 95 1 02 Plonr.bbl 2 5( 6) 3 60 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (3 5 00 VlnttoDs, owt 6 00 8 00 Hokr, owt 4 60 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 8 ( 13 Butter, tt) . 10 (3 15 RtfKs.doz Vlii 18 Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85 old, " ... an vo ("ihiokens. doz 8 00 700 Turkeys, tt) 12 14 PORTLAND MARKrT. Wheat, bu $ 47 50 Flour, bbl 2 2o 2 85 Beeves, owt a (e 3 (i dressed 4 0(1 ( ft m MuttoDS. live sliPHred ... 1 75 (3 2 00 dressed, lb...'.. 04 a 04J Hogs, on foot 3 25 0 3 75 dressed, tt). Wool Eastern Otegon.. Gutter "V(TR. doz hicketis. noz fnrkev a, tt) dressed. Potatoes, uew, per o... 04 K 11 1 15 lu II 2 00 (a 8 50 10 35 12 65 EIGHT MILE NOTES Weather hot and dry. (Several of our ceiulibors have g"na to the mountains to stay during the hot weather. Gill Jones baa moved to the farm be purohaspd of Oliver Ooz. Oliver moved to California. Farmers bave learned that it is best to 'ummer fa1 low, and then tow their grain in September. Many wells are giving out, and some have tn baul wati r (or bouse use, and I rive tbeir atooa to water. farmers are mowing a irreater portion if tbeir grain for bay, as it will not pa o head and thresh it. In fact there will "e but very little grain threshed here. Vegetables are drying np, ezoept po tatoes, and tbey do not seem to ba dolnw s well as naoal. Fruit will ba acarcr. though gooseberries were very plentiful Eight Mile was oast ii gloom what. 'bey beard of the death of 3. L. Beymnr. He waa an old resident of tbia neiabbor- hnod, aud a man interested in Snndat obool and oburob work. Be enj tyed prayer meeiing, ana waa aiwaya reauy " ead the asm-, and erjj iyed doiug so. I it a great comfort to bie bereaved ontn- laoioD to know that be was willing t" die, and did so rj lioiog in hie Saviour. Mrs. Beymer baa tbe heartfelt sympa'l J of this neighborhood ; may Be who baa promised to be a husband to the widow, aud a father to tbe faib-rleea, be near to her and ber family ; may tbey lean on Him and traat Him The last request Mr. Beymer made of tbe Eight Mile peo pie was that 'bev meet and eee what ar ran eemeott o mlcl be made (or building a rhnrcb, but be went to tbe mountains and met with ao aooid nt from wbicb be lied, and the meeting waa sot held. Hie aeat i vacant at bia borne. Ba I aliased, sadly mitsed. But tbey know if they live for Jeaua, tbey will meet hi.n 'm the morning when tbe miaii bave rilled away." IUv. Adkine preaobed an eteellent ae'mon, and real tbe beautiful b trial aervioe at the cemetery, ahioh to impreaaiva. The remaine were In tarred at the OdJ Fellowa cemetery at ijardman. There ia very liMle butter being made as the dry wealber kills the grass there is do nutriment io it and oowa are not dolotr welL E. U. 0 Eicimt Mu.1, Or., Ang. 1, 1WJ5. munities of tbe United States, the Pops. ill triumph most gloriously in '96. I hardly know bow to give an adequate idea of the intense beat felt here without tresspassing upon the bible aoonunt of tbe finally lost; and while the adherent of tbe old parties are writhing under tbe hot shots from the small popguns pres ent, the analogy becomes more striking and will doubtless be most striking at the Dolls in '94. I notioe that my last, article drew from you a few comments whiob I was glad to see. I agree with you that my article was rather ill-timed and thank you fur the suggestion. However, it occurs to me that tbe burden of the politioal eeuti- men's should have beon written by me as early as early aa the '70's, but instead I was like many are at tbe prfsent time. so blinded by tbe hue and cry of tar ff that I could not see that it was then high time to sound tbe tocsin of alarm, and thereby aid in preventing tbe power of oppression io fastening its fangs aud depositing its veins iu free America. Nor is the day so sacred to one whose patriotism is uufeigned that ha should bum some uniutellifible "fan dangle diddle dee" until America's posterity is bound In abj-'ot slavery, and Independ ence day lost in igunmmy. Awake, Mr, Editor, and tell ns what it means tliHt the state mi itia should be tilaopd sub jeot to the o.ll of the president and lia ble to be called to shoot down tbeir nn offending brothers at any time, W b are not tbe Pinkertons called to aooount for the murders they o imrnit? Thev are not a lngallv authorized institution, and tbeir murders are no less murders (ban those upon the public highways. Bu1 that body are tbe merciless hirelings ol oppression and are therefore allowed to esoape jiiatioe. Ia this what old Liber ty's Bell sai'g out so loud and olear on July 4, 1776? It so, I bave then beei uder a delusion, for it evidently rang out liberty alone to tbe oppressor's band. WlLI, lloSKINB, Rittkb, Or., July 23, lb95. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MM ABSOLUTELY PURE IN COMwlANO Or Tnt Art M ADA, 1 ' Thousands of pereooi fionoder along f ir months, yes even years, suffering frm Indigestion, bowel troubles and lir disorders with tbeir erO-OJpany ihg taareable rjmptoma, Ueana they Link tt.ty have to. If tbey woo Id lak a short enarae o' Dr. i. IL McLwao'i Liver aad Kidney Bmtb-y wold enoa "t nd of lb eerahle filing aad that erpoeri g sent of earin-s and to niaily f"f work, w-uld ylva lao I nnaiif relb, vlgr aiid Olittrfcilu i'rloa l 0U per brrtlle. Tbe writer onoe knew of a famousora tor who whs delivering a bcture to a arge and intelligent audience on tb nb jeot of "Impossibilities." In tbe ourae of bis dinoussion be asserted thai there were but ver few impi esibili ies tbia world, and thht many thmiS were classed as such beoause of laok ol acquaintance, or innorinoe. At tbe close of his lecture, which bad been listened to very attentively, tbe speaker said be was ready to explain any mystery or im possibility that might be submitted I him by anyone iu tbe andienoe. A nnm ber of mysterious sigh's and bHpunning were submitted to tbia leari.ed man. which were hastily explained iu a verj satisfactory manoer to hie audimioe. A length a gentleman, rather tiuaisnmiOir io appeurance, ho had occupied a reai aeat, arose and ei plained to th- leoturei that not long since down iu Kentucky a parent bad given bin b to a child, one half of whiob ai blaok, Tbe profesaoi delved into tint mailer and rendered bat be thonwbttobea very lalisfsitor) answer of more luau baif ao honr'e engtb and waa Jut concloding when the same nnaasnming man arose fnn hie seat and said, in a langhabls man oer, that be bad failed to state that th ither half of the child waa also black. fbia completely convulsed the audieuot and everyone had a hearty laogb at th lecturer'a eipense. When quietude was onoe mora rswtored be aatored bia audi euoe that he appreciated ibis fully as muoh aa tbey, as it waa valuable lessni. to bim, and that io the future be would never attempt to n plain anything nntii be first knew thai it was absolutely true fhe moral of tbe above atory ia valu ahle one, and has iiever been for gutter by tba writer who Buds it Very applica ble in answering tbe questions pro pound! by oar friend llotkins ia the .bove ariiols. Several of the Thlng-s Which Fhlllp It. Forgot. In the Armada the crusading' enthu siasm had reached its point and focua, says Froude in Long-man's Magazine. England was the stake to which the virgin, the daughter of Sion, was bound In captivity. Perseus had come at last in the person of tho duke of. Medina Sidonia, and with him all that was best and brightest in the countrymen of Cervantes, to break her bonds and re place her on her throne. They had sailed into the channel in pious hope, with the blessed banner waving over their heads. To be the executor of the decrees of Providence is a lofty ambition, but men in a state of high emotion overlook the precautions which are not to be dis pensed with, eveu on the sublimest of errands. Don Quixote, when he set out to redress the wrongs of humanity, for got that a change of linen might be necessary and that he must take money with him to pay his hotel bills. Philip 1 II., In sending the Armada to England, and confident in supernatural protec tion, imagined an unresisted, triumphal . procession. He forgot that contractors might be ! rascals, that water four months in the casks in a hot climate turned putrid and that putrid water would poison his ships' companies, though his crews were companies of angels. He forgot that the servants of the evil one might fight for their mistress after all and that he must send adequate supplies of powder, and, worst forgctfulness of all, that a great naval expedition required a leader who understood bis business. Perseus, in the shape of tho duke of Medina Sidonia, after a week of dis astrous battles, found himself at the end of it in an exposed roadstead, where he ought never to have been, nine tenths of his provisions thrown over board as unfit for food, his ammunition exhausted by the unforseen demands upon it, the seamen and soldiers har assed and dispirited, officers the whole week without sleep, and the enemy, who had hunted him from Plymouth to Calais, anchored within halt a league pf hlm.( . A WEIRD SEA TALE. by Dr. Automarchi, was obtained under Kreat difficulties. There was not an ounce of plaster of paris to be had on. the island, therefore the doctor scoured the cliffs in every direction for a piece of gypsum. This he at last found and calcined until powdering was possible. On this account the work was very oni''". b v'( nr,i"lVint,iirii,' h hnd an oiierof six tnousanU pounds sterling (about thirty thousand dollars) for the cast before it was a month old. Sev eral of the replicas are now valued at twenty tho'ismd Wi-,. o- -v imwI mW IWKc.RrtAL MACHINE. M M ANCIIKn'l Klfi CMll.AMI 'ROM M'Dt'f f IE ftTBIJlUt. Ed 0tmii At the beg fd of being called Ifsvlln a-ifrpnodot I'-r ynor papw, I Uf I ill wall ton few thoegbu from tbe Mi I ffia warm ep ifcgs. The'1 are not very many bare at p'et lent, bat mn Ibnte wbo er sikeg I f(.oied eft" -fit" ae'OH)nUln.t.t I al euro ff H eir anatomy may lie two V e J-ra M.ifMW, () iv (tea, Geo. Vt ill and bis fat'', t Hel,olerafi and aa old gentleman as I wifa front the II k Horse e"u. -try. AIo i,re Ixhea from asar Ciarao'e ferry; Clt'k Adkiea, ialf aad bf.lbf, and a law Mbars wtj wb"f8 I hve rf t y ta!k4 polUiea anoagti to b-eo.iMi a analnted, tberelira tf any tme are Urfniti.d. "he fafl'S Ibetiiaelvea ar a 1 les.t iatlr ! b' m '! htvieg ".nni "t" l r-B 'he ainm.i.s 'I Id rttr. I ll th'Se r Iabt-nl tLe - iInI f'e e.iMrt,l. ti, hA ii it 4 ; A Reastrkablt Cart at KbeaaialUa. WBtTMiman. Cat., Mtroo 21, m - Homeiinia ago, no awakening on morn- I lound Ibat I bad rbenmalitm I my koe ft badly that, aa I remarked ! my wile, il aon'd ba lmpaljle fr me nailend Wibnai that day. IUmero Kariog Ibal I bad anma of ChamlieiUiii's t'aio Balm io sy tiore I ui for bottle aod rubbed ibssffliolad part thoroughl wiib it, aee-irding o di'eotloa. and wiibin an boor I w.s eompletely re lievad. One appllraiion bd d tie ih hualoea. It hi lha ltt linimbl on the market, and I ell It nader a positive guarao'e. IL T. Harris, for Sale by hlooam Jitbesoo Drng dt. The Daep Mytt.ry r an Abaadoatd Sblp ni lit Missing rew. One of the strangest stories about an abandoned ship comes from the Indian ocean. In M'i'i the llritiah corvette Lizard was crulaiug off Ceylon. A ahip came In Right with all sail set, ami making good speed through the water. The ottlcera took a long look, and one said: "There ia something wrong about that veaael. Her erojack ia looae and tlappiug, and there ia no man at the wheel. V bad belter run down to her." This was done, says the New York World, and when near il waa seen that the al'.ip had no craw, as there waa no answer to the hail. When boardud t!ier were no marks of trouble until, on raising a aall that waa spread over the main hatch, the bodyof a man was found. He had been Ironed to the lock-bars of the hatch cover, and had apparently been dead a week. tU KxiUll MM MiU vOHI Ui) tHNiy ol an elderly man waa found, lie had been atabbvd to death. On examining the log-book it waa on record that the ahip wasbpatiUh, from the l'hlll1iiines, and named Kl Krty Antonio; but, i strangely, the last entry was six weeks paat, and spoUt of abandoning the ahip at a point a thousand miles away, hound for Malaga. Hpulu. hlie waa left on the road to China. A pilrhi-r of water on the table waa iotart. Could the Vraxl bave come this long journey wllliiint meeting a aturiii, and how bad the dead men got h'-re? 1 hey had not lKen dead ait weeks, and leith were Laai-ar. The F'rey Antonio waa takeo Into Madras, the Spanish government noti fied, and their auawer only made the mystery Hvrprr. The ahip had sailed from Ci lclx t more than a year before, with ail K'Hi.an f'alhulic priests aa (aaaengeis, temnd for Hpain, and bad do I Aar art among her rrew. Ami tint Only a Harmless Little Ring Clicking- on Satchel Lock. A dynamo which furnishes the elec tric light for one of the passenger trains between Chicago and Omaha on the Milwaukee road was the cause of an interesting episode in the sleeper the other night, Bays the Chicago Times Herald. . A stranger of rather mysterious aspect got on at Elgin on a west-bound train, ne had a queer-looking satchel with ,hiin, which he pushed under the seat. When the porter came to make up the berths he put the satchel on an adjoining seat. Presently he paused in the midst of his bed-making, and, fixing both eyes on the satchel, stared at it. His orbs seemed to grow as he did so. Finally ho cautiously approached the owner and said; "Ex :use me, sah, but has you got any kind ob clockwork in dat grip, sub?" The stranger looked at him for a mo ment with evident surprise and replied that he had not. "Well, excuse mo, sah, but dey'e clockwork 'round dia vicinity some where, sah, and seems to me it bettah be looked up. I've hearn of dem t'ings gom' off." lly this time two or three other pas sengers and the conductor had come up, and became interested In the situa tion. Tho ticking waa distinctly audi ble and seemed to come from the "in- wards" of tho grip. Tho stranger seemed to bo aa much interested aa anybody, and remarked that bis wife might have put Iu the bedroom clock instead of his collar box. He opened tho satchel, hut investigation into all ita recesses failed to solve tho mystery. Aa be closed it up the ticking began again, and everybody waa more puz zled than ever until tho conductor no ticed that the little ring which is at tached to all satchel locks to assist In opening was swinging to and fro with the vibrations caused by the dynamo and so produced the regular "tick-tick" which had alarmed the porter. Then everybody laughed, and the porter went on with his work. CAT STOPS A MONKEY FIGHT. r't"TI0 TO ilCslMaSs Mt. H.ra I a p-iiuier for iir bitioeae nt Ti lie lo adv, fiiae," ss an eioarienea,! tuialne eaan of I'b'la l'lhi. I'a , bo baa od a friaae by J i Im e.nt mV'ti- ttie&'a ! pi, let's llik,"ie abeo huaiaea. le dell. A y Oiso rao gel bo-lr.i when buyer, are plenty, Il ia the lio-l- oaa meo, who leles bia trade In Ibe loll bb"bM t of July and AuhI l. fptetil-f edv rtiting, wb i baa large balance 10 bat credit at the end of Ilia J4'. p laltlng' it f'Kxl mVlrt, I I have fnno1. I f never danraaaa My e4 j Veeiltlng a lha Sawitiar. I btva tpeflal 'tales I silly wbal lha penj.la want i ead I bave II f IT Ibeot keep p1hing ! d I b-va oi 'ai " laalaas Hear lha t.niia Spit aad Lata All I amhatlvaaaat. A battle royal between monkeys took place one afternoon recently, says the New York Journal, in the window of a downtown animal importer, to the great delight of all who could crowd near enough to the acene to see the conflict. Nix young monkeys were playing In a rage behind a big plale glaaa window, Muddriily the loonUeys bask it into their heads to scrap They sprang at each other Iu the wildest way and hair tlew at a lively rale. There waa no apparent reason why the creatures should have gone at each other, but go at each other they did. A lkmuybrook fair waa not In It compared with the way these tmmkeya plugged aud chewed each other. K.acll one eeemrd to bn fie hliuaetf tod afalnat a 1 1,,. ,,11.,... '1 he crowd of men and boys on the sidewalk yelled with excitement for several In i nil let. finally o boy who Is employed at o neighboring restaurant appeared with o big gray aud black cat Iu his arms. "Lvt me gel near the window," be cried, "aud I'll U't my cat w ill scare the life out of the whole lot of them monkeys." 1 he crowd let the boy through. The la, I I... I.I I. I Lmn.. i-.l ,.n In I ). was ail. And from thai tar iwiii ..... ... ,.'., . . . t i'l V ,iii,iii .ir viiiiiiiiiKiiwuniuiii his whnlrr and commenced spitting. Mi teat M-t ,.ie, la?, il I'mI.). o'n,i( in, (,! a, 1lii'd-,s an I K-n' l-is U. it a-Je, l'(.,o, I. W, A.s; ,i.lV t time until now the atory of LI Krcy Antonio is one o( tbe aecrrla of the deep. HOW TO FIGHT INDIANS. A BWtaiae UI.ea fa. lb Mat af Uln- iaesr iwrs. Ja W now tisik n (T his blue flannel J ii in lie r and overall troiiaera. Used the in artuth-ally tognher and stuffed them ' out with the coaraegraaa growing every where around us. 1 hen be held the lummy Wyond the edge of a bowlder n such a way as to beW a If the bulge if hi own l"tf were protruding, aayt l.lpplticotl a Msgsiine. Tbe old, old ruaa succeeded admir ably, for Instantly there caina from the c.rr, a I -in 1 1 Ii It t jr yards away, a hurt lilig shower of arrows; and as mn aa I um and I bad fiml our dcoy shots a iis I of hldooualy paln'rd A - liea sprang up. and with uplifled loins hawks and torriflu tllt, ruaUtd toward us. Iljt not f ir far. "Now. U,v," alioutnl Jack, and at tb rra k of our nlVe the three fore Oi'it braves went beadioof ijuwa. FuT I (iff feud the other ttora! bewitili id, and thrn. aa tine afu-r an c4Urr droj'4 under I he siwei t.f re vrasir builrta. flntd aw rtlil as to eaem liaa the wikW nf a dott b anttrnea, the survlvinj arrUr tartet o!T Ui tl.'-.r I'lliU t al,d uff.i'l away. Dap .tas l-'k W Th d-a'li lnnMnf Na;,'fn, wli'ib 1 hat waa enough. 1 he gang of monkey flchlem heard lha siilling and quit. Their fury waa quieted III a JilT. and they jumped to the farthest corner of the cage with a unanimity thai w as as roiiouiiced as their mutual aggrt Mivelieaa had been. How lha llaaa W ark. In America It has been observed that bee often bore lubuUr corollas In order to get at lha nectar of flow re. Instead of entering by the mouth, aa humlili W do In r.urtix In rsaaye on the rriMsferliHration of flower this tiippswd anomaly baa twi n the sub ject of much comment. It now appear that the humhli U-e of l.urtiMi and Amer.ra bave Identical habit In re gard to the manner In whl,h th visits to (1 twee are mad, and that It I the las of Insect knuwn a the carpenter bee, or the borer, whi h works la tbe ouulde ntanovr In 11 tL 1 ha ah Ilea-was. Fpe'tator bkin,f at the "bapry family" of a menarfcrio have uftea won darsKl if tHa twiae aiir ever Ui4 drwei UtU 4 tb Iknb The Ohtajro The sotorrs, 1 he wo f a Oin agrr.e In Ur n, w.. h iin'.ul d a happy fan,ly."ar,u.r.liuf of a Ii . a, tl-ir.'iif an X a !ic ,i, a .'.I Oliodsvll ''...! a !.' hx.g t ieo anlilial bid livid I--tether. ".terti lie l. nt'.t " Ut leil ed. "aipV V a.it'i, wt. i.4 b4 N In fvwv4 at hit ' rv.it tf 4 r4tH11 aa l8 CmIkI to J ! , r4 iua. . Va Uaov tii.W.J kU U. Uf tva.r,