VTOCH BRANDS. While 70a mmp yonr ubaoription paid op yen can keap your brand in frMof churn. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Home Gtt on left hnnlder; cattle aame on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooanty. Armstronir, J. 0.. Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it on left shoulder of hones; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eiirht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and norms same brand on right shonlder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A eon c"tad on loft flank: cattle, sameon left hip. B'iird. D. W aid S'n. Horse brandd D B onthelnft hio; c tie the eara on loft fHnk. crop off ri't ear. nndercrop in the left. Itange in Morrow Connty. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 K on either shonlder. Range in Mor--ow oonntv nannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, Itooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Hnrke. M Ht C, Long tJreek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left nip, ciop off left ear, nn der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Orant and Morrow CBrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left enr half orop nd right ear noper slope. Barton, Wm.. H 'ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in each oar. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; oattle saraeon right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in ne ter on lft hip; oattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Hover, W. G., Heppner. Or. Horses, box brand or righ hip oattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shnnMor; mttln. same on left hin. Brownlee, W. J., Kox.Or-Oattle, .IB oonnected on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county, Cnrsnar Warren. Wagner. Or. Horse brand edOon right stifle; cattle (three barn) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in Grant and Morrow oonnties. (lain.E., Caleb.Or. Y I) on horses on left stifle' TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shonlder and on loft stifle on all oolts n dor 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant oonntv. Cat, Chas. R Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H f! on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and fl-natllla counties. Corrlgall. M M. OaUowny. Or ( 'aUla crop out of f aoh ear and undorhit, wattle in foreh-ed; horses half circle ft on left stifle. Range Mor owand Umatilla coni'tios. Curl, T. H., John iMv, Or. Double oross on eBch hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range In Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes, crop on left ear pnnohed upper bit, in right. Wethers, crop in right and nnder half orop in left ear. All rangt In Grant oonntv. Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, flOon rightshonl der. Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Cnrrin. R. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on left stifle. Cox Ed, H., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with B in center: horses. CE on left hip. Coohran, R. K,, Monnment, Grant (to , Or. Horses btanded oircle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle sams brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded Don right hip. Cattle branded the same. Als brands CI on horses right thigh; ca t'e same brand on right shoulder, and cut off end o' r' Uonglas. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle, R D on right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, H D on left hip, Ely. Br'w., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole IP right ear. Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded ' (reversed 0 with taill on left shoulder ; oat. tli'same on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A., Ileppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses V with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, R on right shorvldei; oattle. F on right hip or thigh. French, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WF. with bar over it. on leftside; orop off left ear. Horses, same brand on left hip. Gentry, Elmer. Echo, Or -Horses brended H. H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillanonnties. Hiatt, A. B., Ridge, Or.-Csttle. round-top K with qnartr oircle under It on the right hip. Runic in Morrow and Umatilla nonntiea. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left. Horses J on right thigh. Range in Grant oonnti Hughes, Hamuol, Wagner, Or- J" (T f I Connected) on right shoulder on hiirmw; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear ami slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Morrow ennntv lisle, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded -O- (cattle with parallel tails) on left shoulder Cuttle mne on left hip also large circle on left ids. Howard J L, Osllowsr, Or. Horses (cross with ti ir above I'l on right shoulder; nattl same on lft side. Rang.) in Morrow and Umatilla Counties Hall. Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle K H on right hip; hors 'sameoii right shoulder. Range in ilrsnt connty, Hughes, Mut, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Ilunsaker, H A. Wagner. Or. -Horses, li on left Sh'Mihhir; cettle. I on luft hip, Humphreys, J M Hsnliiisn, Or. Horses. II on lef1 flank lliiaum. Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the loft shoulderand hnrt on the left stills ('at iJ,, saois on loft hin. Hil in Morrow connty Jones, Htrrv. H'M'Pn -r (Ir llonwa hrsnded II .1 on t'ie li'ft s'louhlnr; cattle lira td"d J on right hip. also undorlut III loft r. Itangn lu M'irrow cou ity. Jimkiu, it. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horse, shoe J on left shoulder. Cat lis, Uis saint. Range ""M Mile. Johns m. Kellx L-na. Or. Horses, circle T oe Is't stittsi cattle, same on right hip, osdef half won in ni ano iiif n l.n ear Konnr. Mik. HouniSf. (Ir. Horaea hrn-1 KNY on U't hip eattleaemeand orop off lsft r: nndor slop on the right Kirk J T. lUnpner. Or.-ltirses e eo left aho-il ler; oattle. SU on lof hin. Kirk Jen lloppnsr. Or.: horse- It on left sk'Hiidnr; cattle same on light side, andarbit on right er. kmiitierlaiid.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I l,nn ealtle in rigid and left siilne. swallow furl in b ft ear mil ipi'ior niop m right ear. Morses sain brand on left shoulder. Range In llrant etinotv liftmi, Hiiiti"o. fin, Or. i L on lefthip on rattle crop alio split on rlgtil ear. Ilonew sine brand on left snmildar. Range (Irani VoiI'ltV. LienslUn. John W I, ! Or-Miraa brandol halflrcle Jl, cinnactoil on left shictl dor Cslile, on lefl hin. Hang, near li liig'on Loahey. J W Heppnor Or - Itorane lirsndol Land 4 01 lft stio'ildor; etiU seine 00 left liip, wattle over rmlit , three slita in tght ear. IM. (leie-ga, Heppner Or. Horses brande-l double II om.ne.-tt H-imatiuia. ealll s iif II on let shieihW, Mcis M I' . Ho,piir, Or. -Call la nrandod rix'tcon dgM hip: lio aMsame on right slide. l('i'gNin M r ow chiiii. Minor, liver, iieoonw rr. Cattla, M D rigiii hip. HirA M on lfi shonlder. M rs'i, N. N, H iM'ii-r. or. -Il iraee. M) rtn loti hett, cattle aa-ae on Uft hip. Miichll.Ocar I.Mia, or.-lioraaa. U on rtghl kipi oaMia 7? on right aide. M,s lren. I. t . Ilniwiisvllle dr.-II, km, ttfir S.m "vS hioil'lMr, reuie, M 1 ie tun M(irr, fra-ik C"l sll-. Or. -Mile shoe with ! eik canto ei rtlai aa I ndev r aavh oar, horaoe an liran-l tn loft etifta, nVtNItt, t mil a, Or n Morww, wild hif iir -l anio nn Iwtt h,eil l-r. ,.n 1 ai'i. ''"f bam o M,n ''l oa Up ihi the right aide litngo in ll'il I ' mioIv. S.l 4.,. H'o-k Ov - II.iom I N e.,a. I -hi l-'l h,il-l-r eaie a'ne -m leh Sl S o-liSe H.. 1ll.-ri.Hl f.-'l.e.eirrle 1 1 l-'i iiiii, oii n on lft hin. tllisor J.mi.H lanroarny.il -ttnaeaiti na Itft Hip in H'irsoe, sa'iie ihi Uft lhih, lUnm In 'tra ,t e-mnly Oilor. I'ovrf, lllngii. Or.-I O mi Ufl h r nip Horaian. I'isirie l'ilr. Or. -Oa auk, O 1,1 Hin-4.1 Wfl h'l'. h'Os Mi left slits an I ws'ile ta aoM K ,o in iivanl esniy, I'oaoi, I llr, r tgi.l Mde.ll,- II irm , ,nnP lor ri'lo hi-i.l n l-n) sh-eil,-r en I Jl on !) hip si'la, f la r !!,( er'pL M h, uf hut Ht-hi s'ishi Mia. I'v ni-e.n. llaclwan.Ot. -Ilorsxiru lfi i. -ii lr. I'll t, lilil.ei dr.. M-r-oa bran I. k 'I. f o.,M,.,i-r m, U'l sH.nl tar 1 eaiiie a roe ihi figi.i hip Uses M'ffr eHtotf , ! J. 'I . Ii"ci ". lt. lit cm. 1 -I lfl ,.o1l I, eailla, aaa imT kip. n-ti bi la i r-rfir I' . I--H-, Or 1 l.irs dian-i f , sImmiI Io. rat' la, J It J fsnf- I mi ii, fi hip, 11M la left eai ee4 all la ue eu'l. H.l aow. Hsrlasa O -II nm. ar r m m ilh ,iSf1o lm , tl imm tofl atfte H-,f,r 1 brw, 1 1 -, pot. Or .- Ileians, t Hue t' . I. Ink M.. . MM.n. O II mm bran t-t 1 en in- , '.il l- oei 1 io, I o lb Ufl kin .s i( mi an I loiet "a as k. tiaaais if ll , aid a I'-aoing e-iniiia. H.' -r, 4niow lia'a, IW M r' a H hi fftghl eHinii lot sii ftiapts - I.'. l. oaut sn.ie ua rigi.l kip lis go M r.iw r.t',v. It !. M. II Mrftlll H-IIH mHmMm S', i hm oifl m ihji ! a n! kf I ni.l ee l ''' la '. H'raa s a- l-. . U'l a..i u. haaga la H ,, t'a an I 'l,11'! ! H-L- J f II It -H msi, JO ra . fl snil l. I at 1 Is, 1 1 ies llM kits W r 11-?..,- Of lnNW I a -n l. at.it. v S .n l-M l.,, .,. f . ...,' it 1, ft .- I, .11. , It ,nw, I (I'm I'' S , u.l fc i. a.'itl., . i. i eenil tat a mm f , 1,1, sate tH' low. " "' o a--( .Se) MaiUlM, IkwaT in irrant county. Smith Bros.. Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. on ehonldor: eattle, auneonleft ahieilder. Bquiree, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded JHnn left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam 00 intiss. Htephons. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 88 oa right stifle; cattle horisontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, ti on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hperry. E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, orop off right and underhit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shouldor: oattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tipnets.B.T.,Enle,TiriBe.Or. Horses. C-on left shonlder. Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool. H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses H V con nected on right s)joulder;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, J nnn Q Halem or Heppner, Or. Horsns branded J) on the left shonlder. Rangr Morrow connty. Warren, W B, Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter oircle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range if Grant oonnty. Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branderi same on left side and left hip, Wolflnger, John, John Kay ('ity. Or Oa horsat throe parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep hit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhnei oonnties. Woodward, John, Hoppner, Or. Horses, 01 connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses brander UE connected on left stifle, Wallace. Charles. H -ppner. Or. Cattle, W or right thigh, hob in left ear: horses, W on righ1 shoulner sonn same on left shoulder. Whittier hroe., nunungujn. Baker Co., Or. -Horses branded W B oonnected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle an horses. Range Grant connty. Williams. J O. Long ('reek. Or Horses, quar tar circle over three bars on left hip: cattle same and slit in oach oar Rango in Grant connty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses h render CM on too Hirht honMo- GET THE BEST. When you are about to buy a Sewinfr Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can gut tue best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have trained a reputation by honest and square tualing, you will then (Jet a lowing Machine that is noted he world over for Its dura jility. You want the one that ,8 easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con Btruction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home 't has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, al'ke m both sides of needle (fiatentrdu no other lias 1 5 New Stand ( WrncirhdnvinK wheel hinrred 11 ad instable centers, thus reducing friction to he minimum. itRITE FOR CIRCULARS. IHE FEW HOME SEWIHG M1CIHE CO. Kiynp., Ms. Bosrnw, Ms. MrmonRvciRS.N. T ''MJCAiio, It.! HT. lII IH. Mo. IIAM.A. TEXAS. bAS KHAJICIW o. Al.. ATLANTA, OA. ---". r. BY P. C. rilOMPSOV CO., Agents, Ili'imrr, Oreron. A SiN05F0R SAMPLE PfCKACl C.trV.vfcWLl Siin Fruncheo Offli't, AM7. It UHKKSFKI.l)KR ( CO., A'it. V.'J Suttrr sir tt. THs Ihnmbls la ShfiHii r f rhs s. Isr 1 Ur ith 'I h diistrs a sir- liit ln ,"i r, .,( snd irmnr. t l.wi. s i'.ii l. th i,S!iilstr4 1 tor. Ihr lhi,n.,ol ll,. cif s,lisi'rrl 1.1 ss anil l u.ilt. a illlif Hh H.'- h-l'-l'l Ui II b-y ritsn ur tti,nni sim ir,,4ri s I v l. S'ii pre ps r.irillt f. i,ib Hitt, t SIImS ,iilll of H1 (m'i flH. d us 4 In s .itisil s'is m- 'h-t it- tOUil lf ll,s tr ,lo. .,, f, a ' ikMi lS m. Ir ht t ti kH. 1M I si 1 1 1 li il , .Ir. r.imrnt, fttiiur. , si U a U. wi a!- h ir . ss i i i . Art nh I i f ii i n, I. ih, lMi if l.'t l lilrt sl'rllirtit or i,,. i ,'. i, li Ar irr 'ln b i. i, a u 4 b. in, i , in. t,i. h i;i fan la u,., t s t.i is tH. Hm if mm a. I.i t 1 1 li. !. It m il n, r4 fiia iti ... fci 'ini, pi 19 I h, 'i's. ihr ai r t'lsi. .A It.tntf ft.mrt liiitrra. ,.a lll l gli Irt ? iaWiw l i m .i.'i M.. .I i.. I ! 1 r twl ,4 t,tS ,sfli smfe nt SH s ? .! 1 si 4 lh .. in ,. f,nf4 ) li'.t Kg I.K.4 fiin IN fc'hSI W-i ll, n . ui,.li, l'l 1 !.- i. L is 1 1 at I .1-J In . I, , . ll.r tU, IS. sl K S'l Sl I"., ff.,, I S' t i I I ,i'it i,sl IIm. Vs.Ai'n I. la r ,l, I f'M .4 : tin f it I , " 1 1. ri ii,.., 1 1. i t a. ih i, ,., a f i- i I ft.f s 4 ii, i i.a 4 i,u . K, ( Is i 4 1 It. ..t,iMt AixMilf, f l S kS l. trt ... 4 iu a i -.' si i, , h .-, ii. i, 4 n. i'i a. i . . ,f i..t I.. I (, ,4 I I .1 us il., r: ,;;;.r:.,.,,..:.r; a. 4 V Hi- !).- s.,.. v.,.. ... .w.j J, l. a -aa.t . 1 i, a ! . 1 ! h n,li . s ta.fc a tie 5Pi (SJERJlHj . .to? !... ,..r4 .a,i j .! , 4. . at ! W .4 -! .! I. I. 4 bllkl r- .i f 0 f- 1'r if H ,1,4 s as tiaaJ j i.l-'.. a. II , a , 4 - a. a-.. li,- ,a,s Oa is , fcs , ii. I, 1 ha ... . r ti a1 ,1 a. l- I ,i a 1 i.rf s - - 1 a- 4 1 ,i a-. t -. 1 1 'iin ' , . - 1 , m 4 - , 1 to sa- l-e 1. . af s4e sS 1 'A Til B&P E. McNEILL. Receiver. TO TUB EAST GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NOR I HERN Ky- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO, For full details oall on 0. 11. & N. Am nt at Heppner, t r address W. H. EURLBURT, Geo. Phbb. Agt. POUTLAND. OBEQON. QCIOIC TIIWIU ! TO Son Francisco Vnd all points In California, via the Mt, Bhast route of the Southern Pacific Co. lis Rreat hiahwHy through California to all points East and .South, brand Hoanio Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman BnSet Hleouers. Heoond-olass rjleepers Attached to express trains, affording snnerior tocommodations for seoond-olass passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, to. call upon or address t KOKHLKK, Msiihkit. E. P. ROGERS, Asst len. F. di V. Ait., Portland, Oregon Most Modern and progressive For cstaloKiie or liifuniiallon write to Tim MARLiN nun ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. Thaeomr'retlvevslus of these twoeardf Is knowa to moat paraona. Thty Illustrate that greater quantity la Not always most to be dealred. .'. These caids siprtss the beneftclal qual ity of RlpanstTabulcs 4s compared with any previously knowa DVSI'tPMA CLUB ftlpane Tabulse i Price, 50 cent a boa. Of dnif fists, ot by mail. . iPtNl CHEMICAL CO., 10 f eraca II., M.V. llinsry a i'iviiaiia la In inrsi ondcrlul li-rt rry of Vm sis It aa t-t rn. ..1 1 f i I'S lli..kn. iSrt a,cN t'f ""I and N.s.sa h t"i"iy ca ll', Slim ite fltl'.'fH Const 1 1 i'isjii fs'Uni a-a satii. rii l li hint il taa errs .laer ljta. irr.fthna. In f Is raia and Iiiiih the r-illrrraa. He,sa riM.a I' 1 1 1 1 f, Ni oua.w, la 1 sues a aii l ilrSvkfaS and rn44ra ssk M .ins In U s mr. batre h ! la. risf,. q m ds-s. I m LOST tmm Lu v , ,,. 'ffii' , "X r. 7 iiv .'.F' ' r. V' f II lit It a iw-ll Owl C win 'ea. Wt. ranaaiiinn a .M lm ' j la it s 0aa - It k 1 111 us U l ,1 MlaM ss lnumBMA 1 1 , U aVi'i 14 l Sti tiara If OwMoMtn'iaa. 1 , rlla.i.oa a an s a eawHal, I. u il I l.r . .,. SJa4lal twstHarie, ll as ifca ,,- tl ..f e,.s I- ry sa !, a-.l I K .1 1. 4 l OD a aaaa rai fa, . 1 rant lata saalv-l Hsaal is ,o ff-m,f, f vM a, a cam. 1 1 rM I,? a t et st a 1 4 ai..iT w 'rn sa 1 I I 1., . ., 1 . . , 1 . 1 . t-v, a nil 1 c .. 1 1 ,1, ,n t 'f am imi mi , 1. laanttisv 1eextlaasilaiaa, Mali. I A t.Uieva. 1 Ss'rst, jtftifVitoK Lightest, Simplest, fl f ftlj fjj V Easiest Strongest. I ssj'tYJVJrTfJl Work'n' 5olid I Jr.rLf! lULJ Most Top V ijll sfl JL'l J Accurate, Receiver. &fiMmjar Compact, 3 f 't1. A J K ss3 aw w a IMUi tam m SOAIE STKAMili bllUWERS Visible Only to the Alcoholized Vision of Tipplers. Ton ah Tarns Spun by Saaaoaad Call fornlans About I.Uords and Uthar Imalt Deer DMndlng from the Clouds. Col. Bixby, Judge Dukes and Maj. Finney came over from the Barstow dippings one evening recently with a big story about a storm a frw evenings before on the Laramie p'.a.ns in which it rained lizards. They had been over the divide to the Waterman ranch, and on returnng were over taken by a gale, which presently brought rain. For an hour or so it poured in torrents, and then, jut at ; dusk, they felt, something solid strik ing them occasionally. At length the coionel, who was sitting on the back seat, says a writer in the New York oun, reached down into the wagon box and pulled out a "water dog" a Limit six inches long. This convinced the tourists that an extraordinary storm was in progress, and to some extent prepared them for what followed. "Little by little," said the judge, "the bombardment increased, until liz ards and toads were thicker'n flies. We turned up our coat collars and pulled down our hats, but it did no good. They'd strike us in the face, in the lap, on the back and all over, and the horses became wild with terror. We lost our way, and the major got out to look at the ground, but jumped back into the wagon again with a yell, say ing it was knee deep with lizards. By this time it had stopped raining and we came to the conclusion, tifter mature reilection, that the area of the storm could not be large, and that if we moved straight ahead in almost any di rection we would soon be out of it. Acting on this determination we start ed up again, and in the course of half an hour we struck hard ground. We camped near there, and when daylight came we went back a ways and exam ined the lizards. There were millions of them, the great majority of them being dead as the result of their fall; but there were plenty of live ones, and the way thev were crawling was a cau tion." Some one having asked what theory they had to advance in explanation of this visitation, the major said that there was a lake on the summit of the mountain off toward Banning that was full of lizards, aud he bad no doubt that the wind, which was very high. had scooped out that body of water with all its contents and dumped them on the Laramie plains. lie knew of a similar case in Kansas. A tornado had followed the line of a river and scooped 11 out so ciean lor a distance 01 nine teen miles that farmers living thirty miles from the stream found fish, tup ties and frogs In their front dooryards, and believed tney had rained down. The colonel said he had brought a few of the lizards in to show the folks, and he wouiu get tnem, but, alter searciv ing the wagon box in vain, he was forced to apologize by saying that thev had probably come to life and crawled away, Capt. Nelson, the saloonkeeper, who had been a patient listener, shook his head and said "Old Hank Moore was the onlv man I ever knew who could get 'em and bo kind of pleasant and sociable with 'em. He never made no fuss, never got excited, and never got scared. He'd be walking along on the sidewalk, and all of a sudden he would see a little baby elephant ahead of him, and would run along and try to climb on his back, Then, when he'd fall, he'd swear that somebody tripped him up, and he'd get all over It. An hour later he would get you off in the corner aud tell you eonllilcntially that he wanted a drink. but that lie couldn't swallow it unless you took that alligator off the bar, I've seen Hank go out in tho street lots of times to avoid stepping on a toad that lie thought ho saw. But he w always happy and good naturcd about it. He couid see more elephants in minute thari any man you ever knew and sometimes when they were partic ularly thick he would get up a dance with them. He was a pleasant man to have around. hen lie got the tre mens, he would always get them right, ami nobody was the worse for it. "One day he come iu from the Dodge 1 Ity plains with a long story about see Ing a drove of eleplianta out there. didn't know him so well then aa I ilii afterward, and he was so ouiet abou it that I believed him, and just for the fun of the thing I drove out there with him. After we had gone a few mile no mane me atop and men start up slow because he didn't want to hurt them. "'Hurt whatr says I. " 'The little elephants.' said he. "Then 1 looked at him. and he Jumprfl out of the buggy and U-gan to chase one of tluni. Pretty aoon I g"l tired, and I bege to eh hi in. He and I had it there fi about two hou rs, but I ran hltn down and got him Into the wagon. Thee ha I wanted me to take one of them home I with rin, and Jiint to please him I pre tended to put one Into the wagon. He patted the imaginary elephant, and was very contented with ll until we got nrnat to LArauiir. and then it vanished. " After all hand had partaken of the landlord's rhrcr, he added: "Now, then. Judg, major and colonel, I don't mind trl'.ltig you that Hank Mixirr'e drove of elephants was aern in the aame place that the llwrda were. but there sis something rather enter taining atxiut the way he led Vm. I'm afraid you're mUlng allttle too much,' CAwl mCI vvviivla. rll'tloa, a mm lMraileg Trial la Ia4aaa t aart. Justli'a? a the end of govrrnmeitt, and every nation has Its own peculiar tirthial tv hU h Uil end la achievetl In "tMr I ulure Hiarhwar l Ittdia" an Intrn-atnig trial la drai-ritied. There hail U-ett a riot and one man had ln-rq hurt. The rlutfleadera In I tie riot were tux put on trial, and a curlnus aiaht it . The cadi and council wrra abated found a table. An om.'er called the "ksimacan had eonductcl us 10 the ',. where the trial was ajolnjoo. and h parly was acnmimoiUicd on a II an. The riona-a were brtatiht In uo.lrr strong" iruarit, the wnun.Ud man and the -Wtof linf at the other end of oar divan. The whole placej cr Jsl with wttnaa and specu t.ara. A more pccaliar trial waa never seen ffift mis ffeU.Ullrip?, ah-nillnaT am )i'i'.ihAf 1 he p-lmtif r aiias .1 kalllll ran. ri ll, fn'irt and r r; tli riif el'e end were etut In lurn. Ihatioi. anilrp Ini r. a-'tif till II fcrtuJ as I HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENT'S STING CONTAGIOUS In all its stages completely eradicat- BLOOD POISON 2J?s.J b. UDStl- r e s and u)cers ield ,0 jts healjn powers. It re- moves the poison ana bunas up ine system Valuable treatise on Uie disease anrl its treatment mailed free. swin smcim- lu Atlanta, oa. Suddenly there would come a lull and every one, prisoners, guards ana all. would commence smoking cigarettes. The ringleader in the riot coolly took light from one of the member? of the court. After a pause, and with their lungs refreshed by the soothing fumes of tobacco, they would all again burst forth in chorus, and the noise would be worse than before. I know not sow the clerk to the court managed to keep his notes of the evidence, but perhaps he was accus tomed to such scenes, and managed to take down a fair description of what had occurred. Though there was fresh blood on their clothes, and some long hairs were sticking to the sword of the one who had actually struck the blow, the pris oners swore they were innocent Luck ily the case did not rest on frail tes timony, as an officer had been present and seen the man cut down. So far everything went to convict the cul prits, but the question of provocation given and received had to be debat ed before the punishment eould be awarded. CUKiuUii UROWTH OF RATTAN. Tough Wood of the Climbing; I'alin Tree round In the Malayan Countries. Everyone knows the pretty, light and graceful chairs and other articles of furniture made from rattan, but every one does not know that the extremely tough and flexible wood called rattan is that of the climbing palm tree. This curious climber, which is more of a vine than a tree, is said by the Phila delphia Times to be one of the singular characteristics of forest growth in the Celebes and other Malayan countries. Starting with a trunk a little thicker than a man's arm, it winds through the forest, now wrapping a tall tree in its fold, like some gigantic snake, and then descending again to the earth and trailing along in snakclike curves until it can find some other stately tree to fasten and climb upon in its pursuit of light and air. The forest is so thick and jungle-like that it seems impossible to follow the course of any of these serpent climbers, but there is little doubt that at the last the successful aspirant, which stooped and cringed so long below, will be found shooting up like a flagstaff a dozen feet or more above the tree which has helped it to rise. A use of rattan which is unknown to those who have not seen it in its native forest is as a water carrier. The thirsty traveler has at all times a tumbler of cool, re freshing water at his command by cut ting off six or eight feet of rattan and putting one of the Bevered ends to his mouth or holding it over a dish to catch the water. The t'rse's Nun Dance. Reports of the barbarous rites which form the conspicuous features of the free Indians' sundance are ample jus tification of the order of (Jov. Hickards forbidding tho orgies. Reference was niuile In these columns a few days ago to this prohibition of the governor of Montana and to the fact that the Crees hnd applied to the courts for an injunction restraining the governor from interfering with their ancient practice and the successful result of their petition. The governor in his irticr said that the sun dnnce was cruel and repellent to Christian civilization, and he knew whereof he spoke. A part of the rites woa the hanging up of three young braves by thongs thrust through slits cut in the skin of their breasts until they fainted in the ordeal, (iiiv. Kirkun'.s was clearly right in trying to prevent such barbap (ties, and tho courta should have helped Mm Instead of tying his hands. An old Maine lUlu-rman has been living in a dory all summer, cruising about Penobscot bay catching and cur ing Bah. He has camped in rough fashion on the Islands, hasn t slept in a bed hliiee last May, and avers he has Vad a very fln lime. Rerklea'l Arslra Hairs. The. best salve in the world for cote. Tlriiiaaaa, Horee, Ulcers, Hall Rheum, Fever Korea, IVtler. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Coma, and all alio ernplinus and positively eurrs Piles, or no per requiiml. It la gna'anleod to trlve perfect aatutfnctinn or nooejr refunded 'U'caa 25 rente per bof. for sale b T. W. Aera. Jr. Th. aa of tlH4. Y.rrry pntar f pr,litlon and whaling rMt w hli'h vinitathr llaflln bay rcplon put In ui Vann Ui llnttk, mi a. In al- nw jiliTl-r, mill M'.-'l,'ll -vl.-lir.alr. I !jii nf Hliaal. (if It tlir ullmr nf "My Ntimiin-r In tn North" Mtt: "It (Ink u( oiinlilrr.lilr rx trnt. it Inif only m fi-w fn-t slmv the Irvrl of thi lara, Riul iiK r nf iWp iiarit iiimaii rm. t orrful rxamtn ntli m trorH, howrrrr. that th water ItM'lf waa a tmr and t'lrar a puMililr lh nil effWt lirlntrilu ti tli fact that una i it turn anil iiir oi tiic laatc. a Well a. thr frw atom- w hlch rr a.-aV Irml atxnit In It, rr I evl moat r- leeUt with Itir rati aumvr ttlaot. Io amir ilaiT. w lirrc tha watrr had rvatv urataMl. th wlthi-rrd ml filant.on th a. ill and r k nokf4 riii tly ttk drlcj ,tt of tlmnl. I rot wUh to atrrrcthrn yonr mil av titva thrm fM(irr cpnl. IV, y.nt wlah ta) ktrrnfttiru your tntav ory? TmIU A rnTnA In Pwltwrlard d-larra that h funra frrUln forma of throat illu-tMi rDa'lnaf bit ,t..'nU riD arvrrat tliaa day. Mirttrt rr aara: 'Tain la la mni wkat U arlit of th world w-hicla rmau a, fabk us aau'pturt- ua w'uh tli fin ralafr f m ilUir i litw l." A HMMfal ) -urriai tmna in jt fan j, wtm iJriiik i-a.w a tii',4 ui-rv rtic t- oonum;Hlna Hun t'..-o wha w thai ttaUa vf U.B rvWr, t; tr tl. Tht the RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made front rank with all hieh ersde machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want punctured, it can be mended by you in five renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. THE RAM BLER 1b the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the ma.-ket. For style, flnith and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mech.an- ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men, women, bovs and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, $55, $45 respect- W 4,.o1 ,,o,lli,Tn nroAa whu.li withfi X- 1 til uli .nruriu rlnnlila lnfiLInn AftnA 9 enncner ureB ana are luny warranted. Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctaiogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or oall ! on our numerous agents, itamoier KUBuerB w umeu in every town in uregon, wanmug ' ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, j Northwest representatives Gornnilly & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main 5 store. 327 Washington i-t . Portland, Or. MnJ E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent andi I lecturer. oils rAi i uksuh, Agi. ior How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power '.House. LIGHT, STRONG, FINEST MATERIAL. ' f0'-XV SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, IIANDSOHE. JjfCiS) W0RKMANSHlP' Four Models $85 and S100. EVERY MACKIUE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. IVIonarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake end Halted Sts., CI.ICAno. .LU BRANCHES i Ntw York, San Frinclsco, s't l.'t City. l:nvr', .Ma-nfltlt. tot oi:a Itiricto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, 0RE00N. A. TP. PATTERSOX, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. S4 It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. II : W.ITI-I FBISS : 11IFI1 : PUIS ! Votiro BOUND to Take Ein. Lcnvcs No Contipntion, ( nf . a .!! a. .'I Jt !i "WM, ir IN. !. a. Ma'a,i. fh m t r"at i a il'1 'n i w i.i. f.:, l.a u ..,.,. i. , R . ' faa. I I f fa. "... f..l f t t, II.I.Mh V F I If J L ( (I , IIK'al f.ai la !iri n r w-cikh. tj. Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the i If you buy one you will make no miBiane. to be "nappy, for should your wheel bet minutes, as it is equipped with ihe world aiorrow uo., neppner, uregon. OUR STOCK OF a : SPACE IS : TOO HEAVY i AND WE K ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD I'raa'i Is, ar, t aa,