. THE BEST Family Medicine She Eai Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'SPILLS " I would like to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. 1 ' . I i When my friends ask me what is tha best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 3C8 Eider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. SUN U0N iTlFWEPlTHUl FEI I .SAT gj8 1 2 3 45GT B 9 iO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 JO 31 TIME TABLE. HM (or Hardman, Monument, Lon Creek, John Day mid Canyon city, leaves as t.iiiows Every day nt A a. ill., except Holiday. Arrive evnrv day at 6 p m.. except Monday, The clumpcHt, quickeat and tint line to or from the Interior cimntry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Colin. Atreiit. Kev. J, M. Deuison Hp mirier! vnatnr- d for CiiHOHde Locke, where he will re- min one week hssteting in a ctmpruee' ing to be held at that dIhos. Owing to hiH absenof there will, be do aervioes at the M. E. church. On tbe followinu Sunday, Angnst 11th, r- Ider Mutter will preach at 11 a. rn. This will be the last quarterly OnDfereooe of the year. Rev. uernoon will preach bin farewell sermon in tbe eveni g at 8 o'olock. All are in vited to attend these Bervioee. It is a bin thing to say bat neverthe less true, that a great multitude of people have crowned Simmons Liver UpiiiIh or the "King of Liver Medicines.1' There is nothing like it for Malaria. Rhpnmtism. bills and Fever, Constipation, Bil one ness, Sick Headxohe, Indigestion HDd all troubles arising from a Rlueifieh or dis eased liver. BimmooB Liver IWulator is the prevention and oure for these ail ments. The train tomorrow will not leave un til 10 o'clock in the eveDintr, and amiing connection with both passengers, will arrive in Beopner about 6 a. m. Stindny nvrnir'g. This change is for the one day onlv. and iemxde necessary beofliise ' f work thut is being d"ne on a bridge by the O. K. & N. carpenters. John Horner got back last Tuesday from his prospecting tour over in Grant cnoty. Be reports a good find which his partners, Morns Ball and Roy Glass oook, are holding down daring bis trip over here tn look after his business in terests. (?) John says be will return soon; What onuses bad drenmn is a question that bas rever b'en satisfactorily ans wered; but, in nine cases out of ten, (rightful dreams are the result of imper f ct digestion, which a few d e of Aver's Sarsaparilla will fff ctually rem edy. T0D't delay try it today. Tom Durham reoently left at this office for the pditor's inspection, a copy of the Vpw York Tribune, date-d November 17, 1864. Toe paper is of more than ordi nary interest os it is full or war news, being published during that dark hour of oar oatiou's history. "MamirjB, was that a sugar-plum you just gave mt?" asked little Mihel. "No. d-ar, it was one of Dr. Ayer's PiHs." "Please, may I have another?" "Not now, dear; one of those nice pills is all yon need a present, because every dose iffective." Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix yonr wheel up al reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a epeo alty in this line, Hnd as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will oertsinly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a hike. tf. Bpn Mathews is now sole proprietor of the oitv meat trinket, where be keep a fresh supply of beef, pork, nin'ton. veal, sausage, baoon and lard, which be sell for the lowest market price. Fred Bock. the Portland butcher, is still with him. tf Having used Chamberlain's Congb U medy in my family an fou'd it to be a first class hi tide, I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends J V. Foster, Wps port, Cal For sale by 81o- oum Johnson Drug Co. M. Harmon, of Dtiosmnir, Cal., has aooepted Ed Km'thV position nt seotinn foreman on the Eleppner branch, and has located in Hnppiier where he expects to make his future home. Ed will prob ably go to California. Died. Last Wednesday at tbeir b"tne north of Lexington, of cholera infantum. the infant chi d of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swaggnrt. The remains were interred late yesterday afternoon at the oemetery in Ibis city. E. K. Vatighan returned on last Tups day evening's stage from an extended professional trip over in Graut cunty. Doc departed about the same time for Mitohell where be expeoti to remain for some time. Why Was It ChaSged? Eref siooe the change of time on the Heppner brauoh from the night run to the present sobedule, the Gazette bis beard a great deal of complaint. At first it thought this would only be for a short time, and that the traveling public- would soon be come aooustomed to the change aud like it better. But this does not seem to be the oust. Complaint is hexrd every day, not only from ci'iz-ns ot Heponer and Morrow oonotv, but from every section of Grant oounty and the interior ooun try, regarding this present sobedule. Wby was this change made anyway? Everyone liked the night ran, leaving lit re at 10 o'olock, and tbus making di rrot oonneoiion with the night pBsnenger trains. In fact with one train a day on the main line, no better or more satis factory service could have been arranged for this branob. Then why not give us back the old run, and thus please the en tire traveling public? Pains in the small of the back indioate a diseased condition of the kidneys. Uwing to the dangerous nntiire of the diseases which attaott those organs it is important that measures should betaken to remove the trouble before it has become too firmly fixed. Prudence would suggest thp prompt use of Dr. J H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm which baB specific act ion on the liver and kidneys and will cause an early restnra tion to healthy conditions. Price $1.00 per Dottle. Thai Springs, I. L. Vao Winkle left Saturday nifht for Teal springs where be piloted Zik Mathews and wife, Archie Mathews and George N ble, Jr. They reached tbe sprints Sunday even- iug, and Van departed for home Toes- day, reaching ''ere Wednesday evening, Van informed our repc rter that there are now more thhD 20 people at that resort, coming frnm blmost every oounty in Eastern Oregon Daily baths and nightly dances compose tbe program of entertainment, wbicb is eti joyed by al most all present. On Tuesday morning, just before Vu left for Heppner, whiles number of people were inking an early bath, Mrs. EfKe Parish, ot Pilot Rook formerly Miss Warren, of this city, oatne near being drowned, in attempting to swim over b portion of the pond that is very deep. However, she was rescued by parties Dear b-r, but was Very badly scared and strangled. Van will probably drive another party ot HeppDerites over in a tew days. ExrtmsloN to Cascadi Lodts. Aboot the 15th ot Angdst a grand exoarsiotl will be given from all points along th5 O. R- & N. to Cascade Looks to view tbe work there which is soon to be comple ted. More than 83 000.000 have been ex pended at that plaoe by the government, and in fact the works are a' extensive as any ever undertaken by Uncle Sam in recent years. Work is going on at full blast. Hundreds of men are employed. Massive mtohinery is utilized. Tre mendous gates and abutments have been put in. A visit to tbe looks will afford the last opportunity to see every thing in fall blast, and that opportunity will be given when the excursion is run to Cascade Looks. It will leave Satur duy evening and return Sunday night, and a cheap fare will be given by tbe O. R. & N. company. Rates and date are to be announced soon. A large number of excursionists will go from Pendleton, Walla Walla, La Grande, Baker City and other Doiotsdown the line. Heppner can' not afford to miss this, so join with tbe exonrsionists and see the looks while work is in full blast. Files! Piles! Itching Piles. bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, wbioh often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne s Ointment stops tbe itobing and bleed ing, beals ulceration, and in most oases removes tbe tumors At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia, FriOM LEXINGTON. A Great Blessing My wife and f tv found In Hood' Earsapaxilla. Shi had rheumatism very severely, with ankles and legs badly swollen, and hardly able to get up and down stairs wit ho at help. Many other remedies failed, but Hood's Sarsa parilla entirely 6ured her. It was only shortly after that I was taken with the same complaint, affect in; my limbs and hips, so I just tried the same medicine with the same result. My wife and chil dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever they feel the need of a medicine and it im mediately makes them feel better. Hood's Sarsaparilla Saves me doctor's bills. I am an engineer, and well known In this locality." Q. W. Wyatt, White Eead Hill, Indian Ter. Dealers in General Merchandise Hnnd' Pill easy to bny, easy to take, Organdies, Dimities, Mulls, eta, at the following greatly reduced prices : OrEnndies 25c., reduced to 15c. per yard. Nulls 5c., reduced to 15c. per yard. Dimities 12 to loe.. reduced to 10c. per yard. Gents' 8tra w Hats 75c to Jl 00, reduced to 25 and 65 cents. Gents' Summer Kl bed U derwear50c, reduced to 35 cents. Ladles' I'ndervests 10 to 0c reduced to 5 to 2-i cents. Hue of Boys Laced Shoes $1.25, red ced to SO cents. Best line of Ladies' 10c. hose ever offered for sale. Bargain Couuter loaded down with remnants of every fabric im aginable at priceH nver before equalled. Our stock of Dry Uoods, Boots, bhoes and Groceries complete id every respect at prices that will more than favorably compare with those previously announced by competitors. Special attention called to our bhoe Department. Call and ex amine both goods aud prices. PIONEER BRICK, West Side Main Street, - Heppner, Oregon. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher, None But ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's 8ars"pnrilla euj iys tbe extraor dlnary dixtinotioo of having been tbe odIv blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chioago. Manufacturers of other SHrsaparillxg sought by every meaostoobtaiuBsbowing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned sway under the application of tbe rule forbidding tbe entry of patent medicines and nostrums. Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in eneot as follows: "Ayer's HarsaDa- rilla is Dot a patent medicine. It does not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." Tbe magio lantern show Fiiday night was quite well attended. Tbe Willis Bros, took tbeir thresher in tbe upper oouutry last week. James Leach bas gone up in tbe Walla Walla oouotry to work in harvest. N. A. Leaoh and family have returned borne from a week's outing in tbe moun tains. Chas. Beymer oame up from Portland and tbe valley by Saturday night's train. Cy fuqna aud family have gone oat to their Eight Mile farm to stay until after harvest. J. M. White and daughter, Miss Altba Leaob, Miss Annie Hill aud Tom Br nett spent last week in the mountains. Tom Boothby no longer boasta of bis good looks, dS he took tbe prize for tbe ugliest man in Lexington. Bat Tom in sists en saying that "tbe girls played a joke on bim." However, Tom is still tbe bappy and oontented boy as of yore. Miss Luln Bootbby won tbe priz' for tbe most i'0vnlnr yonng lady. DlOK. Lexington, Or., July 80, 1895. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Wri'.e for Catalogue ami Prices. Ths (tei!!c:i Eng!s8 8 Thresher Co, PORTLAND, OREGON. You ran sret the best beer In Heppner at O. rowe's, 6 cent per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Millions ride the lUnibler. Iks Ennis bat biryolea to rent Ayers gnarsnteel bia poison. Only tf. 8250 per dozen Dao Hies was down from the Hardmao Oouotry laesdiy. Tbs Nilos-Vionon, Marble Works, w alia Walla. Wash. J J. O Warmotta was op from tht Ella M 8. Cnrrifall. of Galloway, was In Heppner over Wednesday bight. Tha Weekly Hon and lb0tla 1275 per )tar, both strictly in advano. Henry Ileppnn md a quick bninea , trip to Arlington lbs first of tb wk. La Ur-ndt Matbla Work. Lh O'anri! Or. 8, 0. Mmith, alema, lleopner. V. C. Cohn and JutiD Smith vera ovr from Mcoamrot ll first of tbe tlft Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clt nr ymr Complexion, regulate yonr bowela and mike your bead clear as a bell. , bOc., and Si- bold by T. W. Avers Jr. Oeo. Van Winkle left on yoaterday's train for the Greenhorn country via lUker Ci'y,bere he noes 'o take oharge of a band of sheep belonging to Alex Thorn peon. Philo's Cnre is so hi on a goarant.ee. It cure Incipient Consumption. It U tbe best Oongb Cure only one oent a dose, 25 eta.. 50 ota., and f I. Bold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Tony Noltner, one of tbe pioneer journalists of Oregon, well known in this section, and at present editor of the Portland Dispat3b,wae in thiscity Wed nesday. O. B. Halt, (be tnnsnrial artint, can be found at bis parlora, Mat look oomer, here b will dispense: at popular prides, sbaves, shampoos, batrouls. etc. Waldon Rhea and wife. Newt Oriffltb and wife and Mi Lain Rliea oompoed a party that left Wmluesday for a month's recreation op on IMcb creek. Godfrey Bin men thai, who baa been atwoding tbe summer with bi father, I. l!luruei.tt,i, of this rfty.leavea tomorrow for bit borne in Portland. G. PTideo end wife, of Dividson, pautni through Heppner Wednesday for Portland, where Mrs. Davidsoo goes lor medical treatment. T. ft. Howarl makes a specialty in eapplyi' n stockiuoo with all celled 'tn I, tMMidx carrying general line H bia new ad. tf. If oo want to rent a blcle or M re Dim fur eni. fV Ik Kunia at his Try Ayers sqntrrH poison iwr.tre ; utricle Iitery. pnaier bonoe. Doytug any oiwr. uoty 9i.J ir dufn. If. fTPEWRiTKHS Wanted. Frank Lacey and D. W. Ralston, the two eastern stockbnyers who bave been stopping at tbe Palace tor tbe past week, and who are buying a large nnmber of oattle and sh ep for shipment about August lOtb, bave taken T. A. Rhea into the com pany, and are now presumably doing a large and lucrative busmen. We pre sume this liiTHtise of tbe fuel that they each baV4 a private secretary and ad- Yon cannot be cheerful or happy wbile your nver is disordered, life in but h weary burden lo persons so afll oted. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver and Kidne Balm is tbe right thing to put this or nun into healthy condition. It inoresea ti e seoretinn of bile, stimulates tbe kidneys Hnu reBiore me organs or me Ddy li the proper performance of tbeir fauotions Prioe $1 00 per bottle. A PERIPATETIC BARBER. Peculiar Maine Industry That IIu Its AilvHiitHKe Many of the Maine rural towns do not lupport a professional barber. Men early learn to shave themselves; and as to hair-cutting, there ia ulwaya ximcbody in town, who, with that nel'hborliness for wiicb these communities are noted, is pnnttr tn trim iviir 1,utu fni vmi u-UK .. . J " " J"- "m ma """"iHony empioyeu, ana .n hitj heart und nil his art. A wriu-r onlv a few daa since tbey informed our, for the Belfast Aire, on an outing, re- reportrr that they were very mnoh intently fell in with one of these ama oeed of tt pearitera. Now we can easily i teur barber and humorously described understand tbst a itockbuyer migbt be hU accoram,,ltttin w'RyH: "Soon 1 WM in peed of a "range rider" or "cow -! P0, !?hed Mt,rlJc f m"Ws h'head ,. , . wun meaioug aooui my nectt to pro- pononer, as these are necessary imple-J ,t frorn the fall ,mlri , mf(fht meats In bis btismees, bat wben itoomes ; my the fall was gTont, or the pututlbll- to typewriters It is be) ond tbe compre-1 Itiea of one, from the lmp.heud as I W. L. Douclas CI CUC IS THE BEST. wnVb fit For a king. a. cordovan: FRENCH 6, CNAMELLED CALP. 4350 Fine CAfiKANGARua 3.BPP0UCE.3 SOLES. $2S?$2.W0RKINGMEN'S ' "EXTRA FINE- Boys'SchoolShoes. LADIES ' BROCKTONMASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory .RPaaaW a rm x The The! y equal oustora shoes In stvle and I Ir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. They give the best value tor the money. lit. The price are unllorm, -stamped on sole. rrom i to j sevea over otner msKes. U your dealer cannot supply you wu can. bold by Dealer whose name will shortly ap pear here. Agent wanted. Apply at once -WILL OFFER THEIR- It GOODS Arriving Daily cf mum mm We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL AND The National Bank Building:, SEE US. HepDner, Oregon $1800.00 0IVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. i III E! Now hss rhsrge o( the st ok of oonfcotloner les, trulls, cltisrs, tcihacom. etc., lormerly owned by Boyd ik McDowell. Which he is disponing of at Close Shdve Prices. Ice Cream sort Ire Cream Rods, Lemonade and Orange Cider always kupt ou haud. GIVE IIIM A CALL. West side Main Ptrect, Minor Building;. tivoo every month given ewsy to sny one whs ap plies through us for the most mcnlohous patent during tlie month preceding. We eoeure the beet patents for oitr client. snd the object ot this oner to encourage inrcnrnrs keep track ol their bntht meal. Al the urns tun with to iinpreu upon tlie public the (set that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, tuch M the "car-window' which can be eatily slid op and down without bieakine the ratKneet's back. "uunn" colUrJuillon." "nut-lock.'' "hoUMk i DIG F10FITS oisr SMALL INVESTMENTS Returning invsnirlty will nmki- msnv rlrh, but rowlifre run thpy mnke so m licit wltlilni iliort time as by succiaiiliil hc'iilitliiii In oriitn, I'rovislniia hihI Min k. .Dan. "co larutton. "nut-iocK. Stopper, and a thouund other little thins i that noM any one can find a way of improving ; and ihee simple invention, are the ones that bring Urgew returns la lb euthof. Try lo think o( something lu invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through as receive sperial not tea la the " National Recorder, publiihe. at Waihingion, D. C. which at the oM newspaper puUiihed in A men. a a the wtcrats of inventurs. VV s furmth s yeai itub. aenpnoa to thn journal, free of com, to all out clienta. We alao adrerti, Ireeof coat, the invention each Month $101 bcbgioo of lha cbixf writer of tlm borto- grioaltortl tliet. 8oetouo oom to the ooDclukioo tbht tbejr r doio rosbiog bunnrst. Diioriler ia t tit? liver nd kldoe-yg Mr reeponatble for tunny of lha ilmrote of tiorusoit, hirh, wtieo OfKlrctrd, dv Tetnp into none o1 often (! male, dies). I'todenrs would pnKifont I be pn.mnl tmej of Dr. J. li McLmtn' Liver nd Kidney Ilalin lo remove tb dlwrnlrr m ko xaait)le, end rftetore tbe die rei ortfnne o hreliby er.d Turorune ecioo. l'riie II 00 per bo Hie. A lall at. - - t .. I .1 h im m nnl B a rrwienn en.i w,, ..Pp.r.-n tnw, , b (IIH Cffk f.tH, t.iOa Inel mo'OttliJ linT IHM OUUHa! IO lUf IDOllDlalu. Wtiid l1io or fancy aewirif. Will go o lb bone nr lake tearing Hi btn. Mre. Mnrj lUt.derenn. E II. CU'k drove over frorn IVndle lon Tne.a neninif. departing fur bone atrly Wr luee lay nioroing. Itrj 1 HltrM hj Jh lUyee hn tb t'kall off llieir brta end lefl f r tie . f tiliwi, tl l in Iti'S r'lndiMoa eaM-A. lally linlil tn) lrke f di ). llK'a vao ll.-O over hi Mrlloffle (.riifi leal MnreatmnlU e lh fetoe l f..r Una n. lo'lay. jdilMHi. )d n f"r tbnl eeaknee. erliirt, ' ... i ,, !' t 'be Pbat.rfe ,f ratl, cl'.rovlr It.ggUr ,re. lting arvio kl lb hall tf H in.U to 'tuioe; I 'Otf'ai l.y Kl l"f ''J'.";!.!"' "i ll-l'e I'll!, eat e,...,. ,el ,,.,y i Well IU bef leon le m im fenry do i'.cte. fnrliooe et lt.e IHw.e rtt'ina r-'l , K-tie'e eWnee ti treiM OHbal l"Ot J ova In Urei.l C'lit.iy. HiTisricT-uitWoiii -Oilbonseo Dme., lb iilititogrefhera who htve been o rated id Ilrppner far Ibt pt veer, ti tct to Ireve tell k for Celiforoie nverUtiil. In Hue mennrr they irt In travel far eaal ee Colorado. In Ibie rbaoge lie iner loeee .y fer the beet tbliarbie erliete ibel beve ever lo- oi.l In Ibie oil v . 'I heir work bee 1- a)s lien li f the tin heat grade end eel. maftnry In every reirt. Leal winter dort g h'ik enrrijH titino no Wtter di play site ever putiol Ibnn ibateiblhltetl In I i.m .1,.. a,i,,ln i.l i.t.m ..I tt.m M.ia Tkal Tire feellig ...... ... . I .IimI rrierrahlll ef Kltllahn.ehle U Lite te romrs"n tmpUir. end it ia a dan-1 . r,gfr (, tUrir , ,h, ebat ia nor gerooa e, ti.H..ro. It tneana Ibal lt.e j ,m. , h.r ,i,-, ,,, etetein le deriin tl ,tM ,f mptee brw, 1 inrr t,r..wie4 Imr will be e a'lvef.l noe. Friday evenmaT. Ahtinl Oil era.iiia taere prewt l and all rrpt J iily CimmI time. The deuce Continued on HI ettiut 4 fc. in. KuirmM about on It to have the light ttrike the head rirht ao the gon-a would bepvrn. II waa no mcun ImrtxT, for he ecornt-d ti rwfive any rwoinix-nw. I wUh nil burbvra were aa churitable. After our cutting acquaintance I u much of the bnrlxT. Onetime he aa on the nhoollioiihe at-pa rutting a man' hair; again I anw him hnnl at work on a miin'a head in the middle of hla vegetable paUh. The farmer wae leaning againat a Wan-pole with hla hoe In hia hand rvidi-ntly making the .Boat of hla luxurinua fbjvs. Anywhere and everywhere h happt-niil to cnU h bia man the enterprising barber would work. 1 waa on the ahore one day watching the fisherman at hia aalnwrn net. Shortly a email alt I IT went out rroro a neigiitxirtiig rove. In It waa the barber, who rowed out to where the fUhrruun waa and waaaorm cutting bia hair. Loat, Ktrayea er Ktnlea. A bey mare, en yearn old, hanled cb key. baa a ynntig edt Waa at een hetereefl) HenDOer and Hard man Five dollar, reward will b pent for ber remrn lo K. J Kirnrt, tl-tf. Heppner, Oregon. FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED Can be Made by Our Systematic Plan of Speculation iirlulnated h ua. All aiirefaaf ill sneeiilatnra ntM-rate on a regular avstem. It la a Kell lrnnH I. lae HihI tln-re are numannns in tneti in an parts ui me i iiiiihi riaie, wno, l,v avsteniaili' tradlne ti.roimli t hli avn lirokera. make larire m Ma cvi-ry year, renting frnm a lew thniiaHiid dnllara lor Hie man who lnveata hiindrrd nr two tin ml red .Lilian up to I 4I.O0 to Itlll IHHl nr mrtri. liv tlinae w hu Invest a lew tliouanlld. It la alMi a lael Ihal tlnnw w tin make tlie larveat prunta irnm enmparaiireiT ainan inveaimrnia on this plan are persona who live an ay Irnm lileaiju ami III veal tiimiign nmkera wno itiumuKiiiy tilirlelstalid avalelliatle tradllltf. Itnr nlati ilne n.it rlak tbe whole einmint Inveaterl on any trade, but rovers both sides, an which wins our tiw pnie. and hundreds of thouiaede I that whether the uivket -laea or (alls It bridge a steady prnUl that pile up enormously lu a of cepwa of the "National Recorder," coatainwg a I aliort lime aketchiifthewtaner.atHlaaeariiptunofhitinveniaa, I WRITE fOH CONVI NCING PROOFS, nlsoottr Manuel en eiirreesfiil eneriilatlnn wul be arauered tnmugiww tne uniiea siawaanHwg capnaliata and eianularturen, that knngui le theai attenuoa the aaems ol the invention. A It coeaaauatcauaea rcf anted strictly COcnOenilU. Addieea JOHN WnDOCRBURN & CO., solicitor el America end I erilga peteata. 6iS F Street. N. W.. nox.1r1. Wanhlnetnn, D. C. lay-Kiftmtf Mil ffl'il fH'. riarer ewr and nut iiaiiy Market lieiit. In. I ol iimiiey. making in nlera. ALL FREE, "mr Manuel - plains margin trading lully. Illgheet references III regard lo our aUmiiiig and aiirceaa. ruriuriner iiiioriaatinu auureee THOMAS V CO., Benkera ant) Broken. 241-242 Rialto Building, Chicago, III. SOTH IC OF IHHMH,ITION. VOTKf. It lir.KrHV iVKN THAT THf. i' twrttier.hH' heretnloreeilalliie tielween J. ('.. Ilaea and Hen) Matliena, under the firm name of Hayes A Malbene. baa Ihls day tiern dla4ilve t,y muliial eaMiaeltt. HenJ. Matbewa III enlleet all Lilian o-l y all aeniiiiia aealtiat aald firm, and will continue the hii.lneae al tlir old stand. i- Hut. Hr Mi'Hitt, Paled al Heppner, Or., July I, l-Vi. tu Teachers' Examination. VoTH K In Itrrtr.BV HlVeM THAT Co It the p.ire ! maklne an eiamlnallon of all leraM,a w h'tniav oitrr tneniaeiiea aa ratiot- datea Inr teer hrra nt Ihe a rt'iant t,ia eouiity. f , state end lite diplnmaa, the emi-oy a, no.il au.rll'lidelil thereof will hold a p. it. ll mini a'li ii at Hie eunrt bona a 1 1 -1 puei, A'ieo'1 ..-..lu at in.Nt p in. I (ale. I 11,1a th del of inly, ANA J htl'K.rit, X! A, fo. ttrhiN.I nnpt , Muftnw l , Or. mmwmx STATE NORM SCHOOL, Monmouth, Ore. A Iraliiltif aehiKil for lea. tiers rnmplele eliht (rade traliilnf deparinienl aud siriuij prnlvaalunal ami a. ademlc eouraee The Diploma of the school entitles ono to leech In any county in the elate with out further domination. Hoard and Indg-tng, books and tuition ll.'A per year. Heaiillliil end healthful (oration, Nn aalonnt. There la fuel demand bit we'l trained tear here. there la an ur aupply ol untralne-l leaeliarn. C atalofu cbeurfully sent nn tpplliatlon. , Addreat l-. L f AMr-wri l or W. A. . I reeldenL n reiary. I,, leteX e Tt Ifisiar Areh Vae-, f V. fl..rfte. W. J, Clarke and VV I) Mitchell, ell -kb -he at lh grip,'' aere tniefvieeltig our tner ebanle yeeierday tittiat If allB ee!p dweaneai, bnir falling trot. 00 I p'elnalOMi bilee, do i A Oe f reaae nr ailOoh lie p'e.rti oi, be. I epply Hall e Heir lUeeaer. (tree Mt,ea fur el.evlntf, hair, rultlne. at.nj..ti and nil other oork la Ihal hen. lUu.a al any I. me danna" boairwwe bonte. Mea.,a( A rVrivtier, tbe h'ackettiilba, bo, tbra an I ! bnlehere. al I be nl.l fluun aland. Vla a atrewl, llepftter. Call fO Ibe bote. Anv invaet'.r In K.aeteen 0(m !, deeieea) Ibe eere -f an afloinev In R. R Will eel fam.lr. -f Ibie elfy. , W ..hirl. t, (J , Will find II lo ble ey?ntttne It fail on of a l l'ea ll,ie f. l-ee. f,f Ua'', t!, u i n tii il,t l..t( 1 1 . I I t a- t i , f i', a i . t gt rtp'r I . if -I la t. i da e ej,t .'Hu'' '. 'el r ' tyt er-te e the ievertee T Oee, and Kenh rtwy an I fanaUe. f l"e, bva erwnf -eet lbe erlie at !! esf"ita. I!f w ,! . r n ! t Me, M. !. t.-r I a a i i.i at f ll e tn llu e a. ' t I ' re"ie,!' flt'ee la b. I H Ibt lrisetel t'li'i'M. miI a. Je Vl't t i "f ! Ir W.t llW ,lel Tbe l iff- ret-ee lelaeeo pilla and Htm ttl ine ef lUttlalnf, la J.. fbia: I' ll doti'l gn t istti very eaay aitb ntoel e-. ,le nil ).n feel them afteraar.la V bile h moiol.a l,iVf l eilalor In I('1 or poader e ery pbaeat,l li lake, end lt.e only fe.ir. Oml )on bVe aflefaafde la ll,e ffeal relief Ibal l git from cV4i atipp,n. bihoiiaheea. Hi-a headache an I H)a ale. Ilia a bill lalellte Obd I tllO. Mre. T. N. Ilawklne. rt.altanooea. Tenn., eae "htlob'e Vlln'ller 'eeeed my I f' I r.natder M ibe be remedy ' f .f a deh.lita'el etatera I ever n.ed.', ' r'nT dep pie, liver If kidney iHinMe it Steele, Tree ,5 ee&te. Hoi I by T. ; W. A,.'. J . Tbe 'ernlar enWeiptmei peana f Ibe rVnif Weekly iaa-tle la f 2 Vl and IU rea"tlaf pfww ,. lt,a Weekly Oft"e,.ne . ' 4. t ' enlenl.ir f tut Ibe i "e a- 1 imnj t t -te )ralt) , U h". i in ,,l fi f,,e(te nd U a I te -. m f II A'li.M ante a.il'e al"e to. f a i tn.r.e '"f nne year to ei vents w'ti eiMtl-1 V Ficd rna Palb. Tbe M, 0. L. A T, company bave a full aln k of all kindeof fee., eoah as ebop, mill feed, barley etl, vrblrh will be eobl a' reaaonnble prinee. Lkm'i aeglenl to see lliem lor etna. i,'tif Malbea-t llrneCtly botet barlier ebop, lonnorlal art . la. Ilarpiltie, ebavtee, ehamtwiir, elf., done ec leotiflnaM., Italhe t U (tenia eplewe, T. W. Avere. Jt le naktna; eonlrrel poleoa Ihal be vaarnoteee. No kill an pav, and eelia l a i't nenla per ean. II fa. e for Vi; i V pr doa. ! a enmi-le mt4 lev If, if. rVofce of Final Sett'emcnt. voti i iirmMr .tvrt Tit tT Tiir l iifi'ier.li,rd admltil tralrtl ot lt.e eat-t nV l Iti.ter ''e.-.a..l w il tnah final ettle meitt nt be, ae, Minis with aald e'ate a an. b a'lmlntet'atrlt at tl.a heat term nt li.e rui,t, e,,irt ,f wrr,,w e,ni,lr. el llr..,i.-e t., ftnldett al IH efeltl bi.uae lh at. ritlll.l , Oil ll.e t da nt a i len.l.r l,l-. -. Jaai h"Sa. Admlnltltaltli. VofCf) of Intention. f At"rri r. at i a i.nAM'r t I J't'V . ti la Mr.). yl.H lrat the !,.!!.. Ing tiaitie aelllr, t.a ftl.d n'.ll. I.l Inten tlM 1.1 make n..al o'l In a..-.-rt 1,1. ilum and tl at aald .,nd ll I e.a l ii..J M .. .. .ik, al II-1 .i-r iir.eon, nn a -t , liropy I'f Us ,ve. IY:r.v, oc8T mm w m AT S . mm it It e- ' I rn a rnef"nt. e I rte- e V It .r? Iv rwr.l ( ,' S aeaaiae W eaaae Cewtaava eA teM Vises . f M aw4 ef . , AfSM, ft, iersefie Moil -ti's. XJOI i - ereet a diae, sli. H fit f.rftt.a " are IV le 1 n M r (e .e"! tne f... iia r,.,.i,. e.,1 , l aal I la'l V t r -. r--ar Adam Jot. a I deal It. a., id l. .pt.aO' t -t M ..I ef.'a v H I f wt,,eea fr, p... e n and r,.iat-o, far I,lfl. allarif. l.ttf. rVofct of Intention. .V Laet. 'irrif t at f a '.st t '-. r.y jr r I ItrkfhV ut Hlal lltr t't.l'.an, .. on o to . 4 a.. nl a U n to "-ake a.. ....i in ii lhM ..a ,MI, .ai 1 t -- I e ' '. ada : l.l.,r. Hv..'.tinO r ok ' I W e .. , ! vti i r " It i . . ' . w i'. ' -' d 1m ih uimn His pan Tbe man wtio talk lliron(jl hie bal Is everywhere In evtdenee - Very nljevtluit. able evidence II le. t.al, in tuo-t Caeea. 1 be lnaii of Infellinenre OoverS Lis ft an u in ailti one of T. It. HOWARD'S fine efre bale, whu h le in He.. If a ((0 of pfoaperily slid S'n laete. a gleo bnte .ie KKHVelea, (en(a' (r tiiel,itifa, et kni-.i'a enppli, eln., al - T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. linear makes a etelnlly In tl.nea ttn iata fe'l'uf'd In atieep and radleibiu, ll. inemUr tbe plnee aaaaaa, HIPP MR BLOCK, Vain St, funr d'Mfe eonib id Ibe U l bolel. el i AlloriicyM fit le-IIW All i . i I W e4 few f i'V'wi:;.v.iu1.l'jrtl, l'ail.ee eie t..I.l..r, iJtr.CL !! I I f' tn a i ' aree l'tl It 1 u,i-f en it I t'., ,U.tH 1 1... h,UJOAL l li AM. LULllMi f