Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 02, 1895, Image 1

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    PortUui Library
Is owing
to my liberality in ad--Robert
. Advertising brought me alt I
1 own. A. T. Stewart.
IKI t l l lll l l ! , , , , ,
Tuesdays and Fridays
otis P atterson,
- w. vatterson.
Business Manager
rv i 8-50 P mr, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots.
Ior throe moncns..
Advertising Rates Made Known on
rpHI8 PAPKRiBkept on file at E. C. Date's
A Advertising; Agenoy, M and 65 Merchants
uimug, win rranoisoo, uaiilornia, where oou.
ivji ouyvruifmK can d maae tor it.
Union Pacfic Railway-local card,
o. , mixea, leaves Heppner 3:80 p. tn. dally
am iiiiiyco n yyiuows junction
6:20 p. m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 715
p. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. dally except
East bound, main line arrives at Willows
VU1IUUUI1 i.ws. in.
WeBt bound, main line, leaves illows June
ition 12:15 a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas-
-BOnirttF OAQiili ln.ti lift 11 r u .. .. 1
--r v 1 CD TT iuwH junction r:a p. m.
i"e guiles at iu:uia. m. Here
ynnuciineiuiruiu me urancn lay over till 8:15a
m. and take the fast mail west bound which ar
rives at Portland 7:ali r. m Th n0n0.
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles dally at
2:15 p. m. and arnves it Portland 6:30 p. m
Leaves Port and 8:00 . m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the
uuuim way ireiffnt witn passenger coach
thXc,Mleave,'fhDallesat 1:30 P- mf, arriving
. . . v uuuUUU wtra J, 111
United States Officials.
President...... Grover Cleveland
Vioe-President Ad ai Stevenson
Heo-etaryof Htate Richards. Olney
Heoretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Heoretary of War Daniel S. Umont
Beeretary of Navy. Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General William I,. Wi son
Attorney-General Judson Harmon
Heoretary of Agnoulture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor w P Lord
Secretary of State H. R. Kinoaid
Spt Piil.i-o Instructions G. M Irwin
Attorney General c. M. Id'eman
Henatora i G. W. MciBride
(J. H. Mitohel
Congressmen i B,in5e' U?,?rm8J"'
. In. U. Kill
Printer..., w. H. Leed.
Bnpreme Judges F. A. Moon..
' ',-v . CO. E. Wolverton
Berenth Judicial District.
Cironit Judge. W. L. Brad Rhus
l'ruout.n Attornr.rt.-,.fV,.A A, A. Jarne
Morrow County Offiuiala.
Joint Hnnator ...
.... A, W. Gowat
J. H. Boothht
'Vmnty Judge.
Jnlins Keithly
J. H. Howard
' Commissioners..
J. M. Baker.
" Clerk
" Hheriff
" Trmaursr
J. w, morrow
U. W. Harnnirtni
Frank Gilliam
H Surveyor..
j. r. win
Gmi. Ijtrti
Hchool Hup't Anna Balsure'
Coroner T. W.Ayera, Ji
Bippmir Town ornoiRS.
'Jayor.. .Thoa. Morgan
tumnnutneH o. K. Farnsworth. M
Liehtmthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Aysrs.Jr..
n. o. norner, t. t, Dlooum.
HswirHer P. J. Hallnck
rraasnrer. E. h Trm
Marshal A. A. Robert
Justiosof the Pssoe E. U Frlan''
Constable. N, 8. WheUtoo.
Tilted RUtM Lss4 Oaioers.
J, F. Woors H(ia-
A. 8. Biggs rUov .
U OSASDl, 01.
B. F, Wilson R!!"
J. H. Kubtnne Kw.lv
W3.i siociae-pixi.
O. A. R.
Mssts at Lexington, OrM ths bst RatnnUy of
sch month. All Tstsrmns are InvitMl Ui Join.
."C. Boon, Oao.W. Kbits
AdJotsaf. tf Communis
drMswt Lomhar, M miles of Heppner, a'
what la know a as the
ni l.ono ri(T, aouuH.
" " " CUAK,
4.00 Pf I.ouo fsi additional.
The above quotatlnni are strictly for Cash.
National Ban oi Umi
R. tURKor.
UJ on Favorable Tns.
ii errs eii.
e prbbI
C; ws u M kMMM,
lf N mi tknM i
; iwlif mm tarn H .
s i $iutn cvmte.
S milT0RIslUtlCAllClt0C0.i
yj snsmtiwnwi,svtiuvi
E. canvaa.f sisTia
M.t t rs 'Cl'i I'tfsrrial
fMh.nl I MIS olh Sn ! f . 4
ti-i Ik Cartel ld -4
THE OWFM PI ErrniA ' . ,
The Electric Cor.
rent eau beintmedl
ntely ru. although
oothinR to the
""ox sensitive. The
strength ot the ourrent iel
under the complete con.
trol o( the wearer, so
miioh so that a child may
be treated and cured by
the sauna power of Belt
necessary for the strong
est man.
and XSSS&
Germln? Swedish US
cure, made and de!ll2lS&S
20A to fill fi,A ta "
ARH5 '
I ife FACTS ! ! i'
4 krTT PV Trr ... J.I
worth of
enough left out of $100.00 to
a flrst-class machine,
Why then
no better service ?
m va-uiuu
CRESCENT "Scorcher," weight 20 pounds, only $90.
Ladies' and Gents' roadjtors all the way from $50 to $75.
"Boys' Junior," only $30 with pneumatic tire-a good machine.
"Our Special," Men's $50; Ladies', $50.
Or see
Heppner, Oregon,
Agtnti for
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday) $6.oo per year
DAILY (with Sunday) $8.00 Z,'
The Weekly Inter Ocean
H Is In sctsr. wits be peeple sf the w.. both Is Politics ... Lltorst.re.
-AKri.KTLAK. Address TIJf? tMTm -t- . .. ,
j Only 60c. Read
It M.
lius suuse wul be
any rnf fttc
S.I s...t wm; u U,m
u ..1 n l , , r ' "'' '
M ivilltitttfl
( I . if . t. 1!
f - . ,M
A la Uua -II-.H
-0 Ml4
Thk Lancashire I
MA,S('lll(HTfu. I(wn
. "
It can be changed
from positive to negative
current in a moment.
They have and are cur
ing thousands of case
' Rhuesin,
Chronic Diseases
and Nervous Ail
ments in man and
woman (from any cause)
where long continued
medical treatment jailed
m uurs.
&23 Belt.
U th mo" " oumUv. Trus.
Catalogue in English,
"K BtatemsnVof
dry goods and groceries and then hv
purchase a No. 1 Crescent Bicycle. This is
pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give
isk.ix wv.c.rn, wnicego.
This All Through.
ii K'"",.".'K,,,"Wrr,, f"w iii'iMrsiioM. ;
w..ui,f,y M.tr., j,,,,, .t,; .
fcinu , of HiHla Prtniu,Bt, th r..hl.i J,,. I
i's! Vm. iis? ,t,M'',,M aei Mrr Isr I
Ci!i.nUi IcCiH Etztr PttUnt
Islaklithe. Tseary-ri Tear..
""ir"0 ta ,'h"""' TsiijMri-is a
ill s.1Milr r fS fr-s n W. at awMrw tims 3
t n nw ll f"t a MwpWts mH fnr fmsi J
wwru BJir Luum if. v ..,-Zt. .. "
14. in
sfssituit hk. taJ l
M 4 SH Miwaiif
t f in 4 im t si,
H tll-. -.!
M . Ttan.-M,, , . .
n i i -in a
tUat 14th St. New Yarlu
11 1 cm Its tt. vr),
Wheat, bu $ 40O42
rionr.DDi 2 66
Beeves, cows & two-year-olde, owt. 2 00
" ' three " " 2 25
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 25 1 60
" atook i nn eh l nn
, Hoga, ou font, owt 3 00
Hors, dressed 4 00
wl 8 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
EtrttB, doz lo
Cbiukens. doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
Wheat, cwt $ 95102
U lonr, bbl 2 50 8 60
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00
MnttoDB, owt 6 00(3 8 00
Boks, owt 4 50 6 25
Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 8 13
Butter, ft) 10 15
EKg8,doz 12 18
Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85
' old, " ... 30 75
Chickens, doz 3 00 700
Turkeys, lb 12 14
Wheat, bo $ 47 60
Flour, bbl 2 25 0285
Beeves, owt.. 2 5' 0 8 00
dressed 4 00 (ffi 5 60
Muttons, live sheared. .. 1 75 2 00
" dressed, Tb 04 04J
Hogs, on foot ,. 3 25 8 75
" dressed, lb 04U
Wool Eastern Oreoton... OR eh 11
gnter- 74 15
Eggs, doz 10 11
Chickens, doz 2 00 ia a fin
Turkeys, lb dressed. 10 12
Potatoes, new, per ot ... . 85 65
Thousands of persona flounder along
for months, yea even years, suffering
from indigestion, bowel troubles and
liver disorders with their acoompanying
disagreeable symptoms, because they
think they have to. If tbey would take
a short onnree o Dr. J. H. MnT-ann'.
Liver and Kidney Balm they would soon
na 01 me nvserable leelmg and that
overpowering sense of wearinss and in
oapauity for work, would give place to
one or nesirn, vigor and oheerfulnesa,
rnce ai.uu per bottle.
From the Junction City Times.
xne end men of the Timea attended
the meeting of the State Press Associa
tion which met at Newport Saturday
P..: (i 1 L . .... .
vkiiu urusuy.ui ine steamer f araiion,
tendered tha
over the bar for tue purpose of enjoyiug
a ride on the rolling sea. Perhaps 150
took advantage of the offer and as the
steamer let go her fastening, oberry
cheers rent the air, baodkerohiefs and
hats waved in all directions, but alas,
this hilarity was of short duration.
When the Bteomer entered the Jetties
abe began to pitch and plunge and then
the fun oommenced. Ao old seaman
confidently informed na if we rcmaini-d
close tmidebip we might esoape sickness
We acted on hia advice aud it worked to
perfection. The first to get siok was a
boy with a Urge mouth aud with teetb
et far .part. He mde a dive tor th.
rail bnt failed tn reaob it in lima before
trouble ooimenoed and bia breakfast
quirted out between bia teetb like 1
pray ocl. W oeit beard a com mo
ti-D hbaft and there waa Ira Campbell,
of the Guard, amid yella andd.ru word,
beaviog out bia four bit breakfast upon
tba troubled water.. A girl made a soon t
for tba rail at the aama time but aha fell
hort and moat of i went on Ira'a tacts.
II made bim pant and also pake.
A. Tntier, aeorelary of the aaaocia
lioo, waa perhaps in tb. most misery
hia Internal machinery refused to yield
up bis morning repast and ha therefore
found do relief. Ilia oonoteuanc. turned
ery white and that la saying a good deal
for Tosh. Wa ernas.1 tba deok and
Iber. aat our Iriend Amis, of Iba orood
Aia, aa psle ae death, Iba piclur. of dea.
p.ir and dejectiua. Wa tendered onr
ervloea but ba book bia bead aod tt
P'ed tba wish thai ba wight dia In
paoe. Suddenly ba brightened op and
aald ba belieted tf ba bad aom. brandy
ba would feel better. Wa ata'trd to Bad
h. purser but Lsd Dot proceeded f.r
until ba railed as back, and amid gulps
f fried fl modar and clam chowder, ba
informed oa that be eoaldo'i keep It
down tf ba bad it 0. alill livas, bow-
ar, and wl probably deny aver be ma
aiek. By tbia Uma Ibioga began to look
eertoua. Wbeo wa atarted not iba upper
deck waa eoysred with youog loika bat
tbey bad all disappeared eioept Editor
Wblla and ifa.of tba Portland Chron
icle, and Heeator Patieraoti aod wife, of
Kalem. Every hrtb waa oronpW . a
akk lady, afraid to eiso wink for fear
of r.n.wa of in Ureal trooblea,
rkitna of Iba young (iris would alip away
frora Ihelr rooipaay and tambla Into a
brib aod Ibey dida'l era abetber tfeerfr
bat waa oa tbeir bead or oeder them, or
belber their fee! aod lower el trenjitles
era banging over or not, to ibey oould
Ibrow op and dia in peaoe. Other
oold elitig to tbeir avmpaoy aa if Ibey
era really responsible for lb. fx.niiee
f-risie, Una tio lalv aesisixl I. ..
taaiU a Uruia ff ,rl U r.ob tl
rail but sLt was lata Kb. Ibrew bar
aroa arwaaJ bia awk aad ampii n,.
ooUola tA ber ai'io.aeb apo bia ablrt
fwot. e aeerried reigoe bat bad iba
lady ba4 bia wife ba wal beta pltnbed
ber overboard, ll.efe as nm,m lsty
r thirty ladieer bard aad ooty twa
, ewstel. efiator '.M.r . t, .... a
irl d'. lrm l,ia ee M. I.le ud,
I ' 'f. ! 'H ! e leV. ,
.Mled ( .ft a. 1 i lte. d t set
enod1 be,..,, b,.irtt I.. ...
Uiit . i.r7 1 .. tl . . . -I
Marion oounty, seemed lo take special
delight in laughing at the poor nnfortu
Dates and they in turn were praying tht
lightning might strike him. It did.
We saw him standing forward watobing
for another victim. All at once be looked
back as if he' had fogotten something.
He had. He made a break for the rail
like be had been shot out of a catapult
and pumped up a stream that wonld do
oredit to a three iuoh bose. Here k
where Senator Patterson nearly laughed
Himself siok.
A. W. Patterson, of the Heppner Ga
zette, was stretch' d out on a seat in the
stateroom with friend Beaoh, of the
Portland Farmer and B ookman, lying
ncroas bim. a C Doughty, of the Dal
las Observer, was doubled uo under 1
table kicking himself with both feet be-
cause be ventured out on theses. A
heavy fog suddenly settled down over
the deep and for 'ear of shoalioir. the
steamer put to sea. This was the last
straw and the siok surrendered to the in.
evitable. No one could tell whether tl,
fog would last three hours or three davs
ana we never saw a more sober party
even at a funeral. Anchor was oast and
all we had to do was to- wait. In about
an hour the fog lifted and the oraft was
headed for port. Everybody denied be
ing siok and some managed to even
oheer and wave handkerchiefs but it was
a sad looking orowd. The men looked
pale, bats stove in, collar ridinff on back
of tbe neok with shirt front smeared and
the color of coffi-e. And tbe ladiea so
neat and attraotive in the mnrnintr I
Alas for the mighty deep aod tbe rock of
the sea, equally as dangerous as the rock
of a oradle. Their haU were awry, bang
hanging down striht and hair nil di.
beveled, jacket collar turned inside, the
picture of tudifferenceand untold miserv.
The sand dunes of Newport never looked
so cheerful or felt so seoure as it did
when these hapless exoursiooiBls landed
on terra ilrma.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applioBtlona ' aa they oaunot
reaoh the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only oue way to cure deafness,
aod that is by constitutional remediea.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi
tion of tbe muooue lining of tbe Eua
taohiaoTube. When tbia tube is in
flamed vou have a rumbling sound or
Mrely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless tbe inflammation oan ba taken
out and this tab. restored to its normal
oondition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by
natarrb, wi ioh 1. nothing bui au in
flimed condition nf the mnO"ii nrfac
We will give Oua Hundred Dollara for
t M Vu
any oase of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that osnnot he cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Seud for oiroiilsrs: free.
Toledo, O.
ra-Sold by druggists, 75 i.
The weather ia dry and roads are very
Early peaches are ripening. They ara
of excellent quality and flavor.
The people of tbia vicinity are quite
pleaaed that Ironbleaome grasaboppera
bave Dearly all left Iwre.
Last Sunday Rev. Chamberlain deliv.
ared ao eicelleul sermon lo aa apprecia
tive audience at this p.laoe.
Mrs. Jesse Moore, of Lower Butter
ereek, ia report-. I aa improving. She
baa been very ill for eorneliroe.
Be. J. T. Host in. end family hive
ool yet returned. Tbey bar. been lu
tba roouutaitii fur the past two weeks.
W. J. Waltenborger aad family bava
alao returned from a eight days' trip lo
Iba mountains. Tbey report a pleasant
I. L. Howard aod wife aod Ollie Ao
draw. bav. Inst reloroed from a teo dava
'Jiaro be mouolaioa, wbere tbe gen
tlemen bsva been outling eonl wood.
Tbe following named gentlemen are at
work with Ibeir eeoou.l bay crop: J.
8ylor, II N. Ht.ofl-11, I), Warren, f
Warreo, M. Corrigall, W. J. Watleuhar.
ger and J. Barker.
Oawowar, Or, July 22, IMS. M.
fear big a.erews
Having Iba neede.l mer o n,re tbao
make gM all Iba adverti.iiitf
fr luem, lha following four reined ir
hfe re,. a phen.imeoal .ale. tr
Kin' New DiMVivery. fur e.niiiiii.ti,,n.
.ne I,, aod oolds, eaeti b ltleklsranlee.
- r.ienno mil-fa, lha reat reine,tr f..r
Mver, Hlomarl, aod Khlneya. Jinekleo'a
Amir. Halve: tbe hel in 11.. ..,i.i ...4
Ir Klng'a New Ufa I'Hla, al.l. b ara a
pwfecl pill. All thee remedies ere
jrtisrar.Ue.1 I., do jo, nlll pUIj
rir Ibem and the dealer ah-ee tame is
""he.! bereth Will m elsd lo
r ra of ibem. Hold slT. W. Ayera
Jr , drag alnt.
'mifii DiMoraare -A laty of a
ataUart republliao family who baa a
taloarl r pabllcaa now not i f e J .b
aa oeari tester.Uy giving flovefOnr
L"fd aa earneel Irolaro q ib. in
keeping dettncraU In i fflwi wlen there
ara deserving repobllraiMi u eee. (,f U
plaeea. There la a abole -4 of eoergeiie
repoblleaaa Ihroogboet the elate who
oold fcav. title! iba ls.tr on the l.aek
pe.eiej,hh,h1 the le .,4 be, ;. r .t
'ss-m.ii - "nUii, Hl.ie.faso.
J,"' -"'". 'eti,r,. w
m u . . it . ... . '
Vkea. !'.., T. W,Avrf ,aftii t
2, 1895.
Highest of all in Leavening
Its Street la Some Instaaees of Great
Although the store of human knowl
edge on the subject of the attributes of
coiors is gradually growing, and we
xmve even gone so far as to differentiate
the sounds caused by the falling of a
ray of sunshine on cloths of various
tints, comparatively little is yet known
of the physiological effect of color on
human beings. , The votaries of the
blue glass craze," which came into
vogue some years ago, who firmly be
heyed that a bath in a flood of colored
light was the finest restorative that
tired and ailing humanity could have
recourse to, may possibly have been
wiser in their generation than those
who derided them. Whatever the ef
fect of colored light on individuals may
nnallybe determined to be, its influ-en-us
on plants is now unquestionably
r- umui class or a omuti
tint has for half a century been one of
, ... ..,vDIWUla u, lno plant - uu mo icaaing into
nouses at Kew gardens, near London. a resldence, aud the cute way ia which
In 1889, the experiment was made of thuy escaped from the police, who
substituting white glass for green in ,wero acted by the noise of the
the east wing of the tropical fern buttle- 1 know a this is utterly de
note. This was the result of the ob- praved anJ shocking, but it ia true
ecrvation of the successful cultivation nevertheless." '
by an amateur horticulturist of ferns ..n :
with full exposure to the light The 1 -e,Sn 1 mina tt 111116 thinZ lik
improvement in the growth of the 1. , the deaCfn, kindly, as he
plants was remarkable. In 1809 . ! PS8.cd his hook through the skin be-
tion of the west wing was also
glazed, and the new temperate fern
house was wholly glazed with white "i y , ffect of a freshbait
glass. The result has been " the snappers don't bite any better
ly beneficial that it has now been XL
termined to abandon entirely the fu-
v use ui jrreen glass.
Ha fes Tancht to Be Beapeotrnl to
Jack McCall, of Gray Eagle Bar, was
out at the dog show and took a great
deal of Interest in the foxhounds, for
up in the mountains of Placer Jack is
known as a mighty deer hunter, says
the San Francisco Call. Sanderson,
whose dog Paddy took the first prize in
-V.1I..T iW- .... .
dog's merits. "Foxhounds," he said,
"seldom know much more than to fol
low a scent, but Paddy is an exception.
I can drop my knife while out hunting,
and, after going on a mile or more, send
him back for it and be will bring it to
'!You ought to see my dog Quartz,"
aald McCull.
"Thoroughbred?" asked Sanderson.
"Oh, yes, yes, he'a a thoroughbred.
One of the smartest dogs you ever saw.
Fine doer dog, too. Ue'a a half hound
and half Scotch terrier."
"I thought you said he was a thor
oughbred," said Judge W. P. Lawlor,
Who la the nmner of e nnre wnin
"Well, if you saw bim after deer you
would say he waa a thoroughbred," re
plied Jack, who has not attended many
dog ahowa. "One day I wan out pros
pecting and had no gun with me, and
we, Quartz and I, came upon a black
bear tilting up on hia haunchea. Quarts
had never seen a bear before, but had
often had fun with the wild lings that
you may are sometimes in the moun
tains, and he siipMMd he had a bog to
deal with and malted up to the bear
and made a grab for him.
"The bear Just reached out with one
paw, and, taking Quartz on the aide of
tho head, looaened one ear and sent
Mr. Quartz rolling down bill. You
should have seen the intelligent look of
inquiry on that dog's face when I came
up to him. It aked aa plainly aa could
In: 'What kind of a hog waa that, any
way?'" inc. uairuL uiUTuut.
Aa Oeeaslea ea Whlra It Relaee4 T sep
ia's Hoanle lllark Has,
lo theae dava when ao many meana
of earning a livelihood are closed, save
to the working daneee, It la interesting
lo hear of the revival of so old a pro
feselnn as that of the road. This be
Intr the age of machinery, aayt lha Pall
Mall liaaette, one need not be aur-prta-d
to learn that the bicycle baa
been autltuted for the llonnia lllark
It. .te, of a century ago. The original
formula: "Your money or your life," la,
however, maintained uU t, and tbe
ld York road la onre again the aeen.
of the highwayman's operations, Th.
plit.il, too, a still the proper weapon,
and In other reaped, the tradition of
tbe rraft are carefully preserved.
"Tbe iiotifaater police are ronnntiiil.
rated with, but bave not made any
arrests," la a sentence that reminds one
of the days when watchmen were over,
turned la their boxes. Throughout the
account la piiliirevii. The cyclist
eulhroats' bicycles were "on I he road
aide," while their riders disputed the
eage of Mr. Lelv. The Utter
ahonk up bis gallant "safety" (hence,
forth a misleading titlei, and at
tempted to run the gauntlet, but a
bullet took him In the berk oft),.
Ihlgh. lie, however, escaped .j ",s.
native city" of York, preserving hia
purse virgin.
eroe! Hew Toft Inute. ae4 Terrto boa
a RaetereeJ I etiilos.
"Tbe gliledge youtha of (eotham
have ad'tptml a new m sos of .irtur
Hal anoantnobt that la aa braut aa
they iLifck It d-lh'ful." a4 a .Vew
Vurk UvUt to a writer tor u Wash
Ingiott hr. The La lest fs.1 la cat
bunting. Yon are familiar, of tours,
With (he etu , n . r:,'. M h . h
'tm v '.iiei 1, i.f ,iv otk sttr d m,
til.iii e M fc.ti I.U M .i.it .1 i .n lu .tit.
lli.y r, i.f.i, i v,r) tBiib-t foh,i
fcvut4 tUo kity a U uIum kM l,
C.f r...'.r, 1pJ t4 LAs. mt Uay asvt
I semi-weIkly n8;.
Power - Latest U. S. Gov't RP,w
them to death by means of aiue
thetwa. The younjr bloods have fol
lowed their example, but in a differ-
WWUlUff tllBTTl Hnrl n:
r iiauuer. Homeless felines are their
objects for annihilation also, but they
use bull terriers and fox terriers in
stead of chloroform. You can imagine
what a fight there is when a vicious
fog of either of the species named
tackles a cat who recognizes that it
must battle for its life. The young
men who pursue this brutal pastime
make regular engagements with each
other for a cat hunt, and really dress
for it. They wear old clothes and
rubber-soled tennis shoes, so that they
may keep up with their dogs and not
attract policemen with their noise in
running. I heard two well-known
young men at the Brunswick one night
recently gloating over their expert
eneesof the night before and describ
ing to an interested eroun th rreQo
fl'ht that occurred when their dogs at-
ir -
- the back fln of the killle and cast
!nin,noW: h?ok nd sinker the length of
1 . n the:X ve. been doinT he'll be swim-
raing as lively as ever when we pull up
anchor to go home. Look at those
killies inthebaitbox. Nothing damper
about them than some seaweed since
morning, and they'll all be ready to
swim away if they stay till to-morrow.
"They are tough and hardy little fel
lows and no mistake," he continued,
lifting the seaweed to look admiringly
at the wriggling little stumptailed fish
packed like sardines in the box. "They
seem to have been created for the good
of others. Everything preys on killies,
(Km "or- eainiMaWK TflkwAUi
bait, down to the gulls and herons and
bass and blacklist! and weak fish and
fluke and snappers that follow them
among the grass every full tide. And
with all this keeping after them they
don't thin them out that anyone can
see. Why, the very chickens along
shore will run from a dough trough
for tho sake of eating killies' eggs."
"Hold on a minute, deacon," said the
reporter, who waa the pious mariner's
flablng companion that day. "I grant
all the rest you aay, but please explain
how chickens manage to get at the
killies' eggs. If you'd aald duuka or
geese, I oould understand it."
what It Consists or A (wording is a french
Grenatlle, a French author of the
sixteenth century, haa written a large
and very eclentillo book on female
beauty and endowa hia Ideal of female
lovelineae with tba following attri
butea: "Youth, medium stature, chestnut
brown hair, symmetry of limb, a deli
cate akin, revealing the blue veina,
roay complexion, a smooth, serene
brow, uniformly-arched temples, nar
row eyebrows, which do not meet; elo
quent, dark-brown eyea; a winsome
smile, cherry-red lips, a small mouth,
amall milk-white teeth, a sweet breath,
a aoft agreeable voice; a chin which
does not protrude and ia graced by a
dimple; amall, rosy ears; a slender
throat of ivory whitetiesa; amall, aoft
white hands, nicely lajiering flngera,
graceful gestures, an even, dignified
walk; shining finger nails, smooth and
well curved; an even, pleasant temper
ament, good taste In dress, superUcial
education, amall, pretty feet, and at
tentive demeanor toward others."
Mr. Vass's Lawe Roller.
The late Richard Vaua, of Philadel
phia, waa a believer In progreaa and
had little reverence for antiques as auch
-his hat to the contrary notwithstand
ing. A relative told recently bow Mr.
Vaua received a well preserved section
of one of the pillars of tbe I'sulheou at
Home. It waa sent Ut him by a friend
who had some trouble In securing It,
and considered it an Interesting relic,
lie expected, on hia return to America,
ti II nd the broken column standing
upon the lawn of the Vaut resi
dence, perhaps rovercl with Ivy and
looking down the age. rather scirn
fully at the degenerate elvillf..
lion of the nineteenth century.
He was horrified lo he.r, however, that
Mr. Vau. not bring in heed of a
broken piti.r Just then, had turned It
into a In roller. It did duty In that
rapacity fr a long time, and la atlli In
re!,, ,.
The latest Joke at the expense of the
French Society for Ihe I'rotectlun of
Animals I. to the following effect: A
country man armed with an Immense
club presents himself before the presi
dent of the society and claim the first
prise. He la ask4 to describe the
act of bumaoity oa which be found,
ttu ilalm.
"I saved the life of a wolf." re pi le
Ihe countryman. "I might have easily
k :;;! bim with U.ls blmlve.m," and be
awing bl weapon In the air, to tbe
korneaM discomfort of the preskknt.
lut where WMthlawoifrinquLree
the ll trr; 'what Led La duua to
I 11 1 "
"lie bid !! devoured my wife," f
tin' r. 1 : .
1U pn I4 i.t tt 5V ta an Imtar I and
then s.ij; My fit id. I sa of pin
I " that vw Lewi U Uy fe
1 Vrai