Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 30, 1895, Image 4

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Whtls 70a aep yaar uboription paid tip yen
Can keep jour brand in free of charge.
AHrn. T. J., lone. Or. Horese GO on left
ghonlder; oattie tame on left hip, under bit on
riirht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstron. J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left ghonlder of horeee; cattle eaine
on left hip.
AUiaon, O. D Eight Mile, Or. Oattie brand,
O D on left hip and hortws eame brand on right
shoulder. Range. Eight Mile.
Adkina, 3. J., Henpner, Or. Horte J A con
nected on loft flank; cattle, aameon lflft hin.
BuM. D. W and son. Horset brand' d D B
on the left hio; c tin the wvn on left flmk.
crop off rior t ear, nndercrop in the left, limine
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or.-- Horeee
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row nountv . j
nanninter, J . W Harnman, Or. Oattie brand-
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (Tooseherry
branded P B on left shoulder.
Oregon Homes
Cattle same on
Burke. M t C, liong Dreek. Or-On cattle,
MY connected on left hip. ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Homes, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Uraut and Morrow
Hriisrnan, Jerry, Ijena, Or. Horses branded 7
on righl shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear nnnor slope
Barton, Wm.. H 'ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thiun cattle same on right hip; split in
Brown' Isa, faxington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; oattie same on right hip; range, Mor
row oonnty. . ' ,
Brown, J. C, Hoppnor, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in ee ter on lett nip; cattle, tame.
Brown, w. J., i-ena,, ureiroii.
Homes W bar
over it, on me leu miunmoi.
Cattle same on left
rloyer, W. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or ih hip cattle, same, with split in
eBBorg,rp. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
ehonlder; cattle, same on left hio.
Brownlee, W. J., Kox,Or Cattle, JB connected
..n Inft iIiIk! nmn nn loft ear and two sol its and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Oarsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
Cain.E., Oaien.Or. Y I) on horses onlnft stifle'
U with quarter nirole over 11, on inn noouioer
and on left stifle on all colts u-dar S years; on
left, shoulilnr only on all horses over 5 years,
mninl In flrmO Clinntv.
Cato. ('has. U Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cat tle same on right hip.
Iloni.n Morrow and Umatilla counties.
c,.;H M M Oiillownv. Or Cattle crop out
of rach ear and nnderbit, wattle in foreh ad;
horses half circle f! on lft stifle. Range Mor-
ow and Umatilla oonntins.
flurl, T. H John Day, Or. Double oross on
hir, .,n cuttle ewal ow fork and unilor hit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Orant
oonnty. n shnep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear mnrkoti owes, crop on left ear
pnuohed upper hit in right. Wethers, crop m
right and nnler half crop in left ear. All rangu
in Orant nonntv. .
rv.r,ir .t. I,ena.Or. Horses. (Won nghtshonl
der Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
C11rrin.lt. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, f on
'e0oi',Ed. 8., Hnrdman, Or. Cattle, C with
Bin oenter: horses CE on left Mo.
Coohran, R. K., Monument, (irant ( o , Or.
Horses branded oirola with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same hrand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Ohapln, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
Ci on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh: ca t'e ihiih
brand on right shouldur, and out off end of
ri1).mBglass. W. M .Oalloway. Or.-Cnttle, R linn
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, It D
on left hio. ... .,. ..
Ely Bra., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattie same on lefthip. hole
in right ear.
Emery. C. H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
') (reversed 0 with ti II on left shoulder; cat
tlesame on righl hip. Range in Morrow oonnty.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. -Cattle, LK on
right hip; horses V with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Heppner. Or -Horses V on
right shor ld' ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
French. Uoorge, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
WK. with bar over it, on leftside; crop olf left
ear.' Horses, same brand on left hip.
(lenlry, Elmer, Echo, Or Horwt branded H.
H with a quarter circle over it. on loft stllle
Hii'ige in Morrow and Umatillanounties
Hialt A. II., Ridge, Or. -Cattle round-top
with quarter circle under It. on the right hip,
lla ! in Morrow and Umatilla noutitina.
Hinton A. leaks, Hamilton r Cattle, two hats
on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh. Raiigein 'Irani county
Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-H (T F L
coiMKH tcd ) on right shoulder on liorn.n; on oattie,
nit right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left- Range in Hayntiutk
dlatr(I.Mo"ow c.inlltv
Mule. Milton. "Vaguer, Or. Horses hranded
-O- (cattle will parallel mioo on ihm ruioniiwr
Cattle same on left hip also large circle ou left
Howard .1 li. 'Hllowav, Or.-Hors J- (oross
with ir a'loye I'l on ngiil sh'i ildar; cattl SHina
011 l"'t siile. Rang' in Morrow anil Umatilla
11..11 if twin. John Dev. Or. -Cuttle K Hon
right hip; hora sit' 1 u rl j lit shnuliler. Range
II. llr.o.t o.l.llltv.
Mngh". Mat. Heppner, Or.-Horses, shaded
h,.ri the Inft shoo der. Range Morrow I o.
Ilunxaker, It s Wagner Or. -Horses. W on left
),.. .l l..r iihiiIh. Aon lfl hip.
Hiimnhrevs. J M Hardman, Or. Ilonwa, H on
L.f ILk
lln'"ii. I.nther, F.niht Mile. Or.-llerw Hon
tin. left shmild.-rand heart on the left antie at
J .n on Uft hm Ranire In Morrow eoumv
.lon.si. H irrv. H uipn Or -Mowna bran lei
II J oa l'e left I'.ul.lor: caMle lira nl.t J
righl Inn. also iiidorbit III left ear. Range iti
M.irm eoil'itv.
J un km. H Hoppner, Or -Homes, home,
shim 1 on left shoulder. Cattle, the naint.
II.,, m VUhl Mile.
J. .!. .n KMI. Lena. Or. Horsea. eireleT on
left at 1 tin: cattle, same on right hip, uadat half
Drop in nn and suht n left ear
K.,,r Mike. llHi.oner. Or. Homes branded
RNY on le't hip nsille ems and Prop of Ufl
irr tin ier loliennthe right
hlrii J T , lltppner. (r. -Ilorsea (Ml on left
l,..l l,.f Mlllw au on left hln.
Kirk J Heiintier. Or.i lnim II on left
lk.,.11 lr . cat lie Mt lie on Mglil side, Ullderhlt on
rilit mf
kifninrlaod W (1. Monul Venion. r.-l I, on
raiMe oil right and left sidtw. swallow fork in bit
etr aii-l itO'ler etoii III rigtit ear. Horn eains
hrs'i I on ht iihoolde' Range in Omul iimiiH
l,.tt,oi, Sienii m. Poi.iir. rt I, on lfl hip
e, ,'ni'tn i-oip and split on right ear. H.trM
h n ti'snd on I' ft slionldir. Range luanl
tN' l i
i., ,Un, John W., I, ' lr. M.ir
I.-I .lf ''lf'l J I. roTiliee'"! on left t.tll
I l. wi'll' on ltl hill. UsnifM tieiir UI
il.t-r. J W Mi'ioi"r tf llorws tosn.t
I o ' l-lt Slftll'lrtfi f'MII- s-fi otl ("ft
rsMlffuft r.Khl )". thliw sills ill r Hill
lird. Itirifrt. HHt!ir tr, Horwis hmndMi
itii'ilila 11 p.M, n'H Mnl!iii. rallf-l s
avx II on l" siiouldw
M t' , ll...pii. Or -Cnl .t'i.U
rio. on i, Hii; ho-.. Miiifji uit tihl iitt,
II,. . in M lnl
Minor. , tl,'.nr "f Vt, l II
ritf'ii loo, ho" M " l't sho.il.lffe.
M"., H S. M'i'i"., Htrws Ml
,n i .h I" cms Miititiihttliii,
M,t"t'il lr I "r, ' Itins. il ihi ritftii
lio, vit 11 on ri4il Is.
Mi'ifvt, I . Ho.nill t. Mirw,
l . Ml stlOMl lt "''l. M f '" H
M -Mirt t a ir Mil. .h.M
.il, i, .m i"Vtl "I l if !
aw H r, H" vs'io losfi l I"'' ' 1".
M'Msl,, .. M.,1 '1. N. ,
tiH ,it ,(r i' ! .mi Ml h.m! 1 .i i si"-,
f'.off i t mi i"P m Ihs riKhl si.l
Hnr in nm'.i I 'oi
S l !" ! I rt f ll'i'xs h 1
a. 'M i lrfl s.,,! rll' m l . . 1 1 ,
., ,.. t.M'tr,i'ir.'Ul 1 .Hi
Imi ,- i on !-ri i
imw ImsA I "ii i M.in r,ii
In ii- t - " It
111-. Vmn latins". 1, iH - O Ofl lft
.1 ! I"
l',. Ilfii.-i ..1 I'Kr. Mr On il"l, Il
.1 I -Ml t'l It I', h'rtiMJ IHI .ft 4,a
at' I IU" n 'l.sl l''li,
l'r.n, f Mil H.. M . -ir
mt rt'- l .I.,',t i-h Hid sn I J i 11
lot. I s"K 1 M 'Irtl Wfl'l m
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in Itmnt oonnty.
Smith Bros.. Hossnville. Or. Horses, brannea
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, mn on lef t ehonlder.
Hauiree. James. Arlington. Or.: horeee branded
JH on left shoulder; cattle the same, also no
waddle. Range in M orrow and Oilliam co mtiea
Bteiihena. V. A.. Hardman. Or-; horsee tssoo
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right sule
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, ur. vmue, o
on right nil : swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. O. W.. Heouner. or. Horses. M on
left shoulde ; cattle. U on left hip.
Rnerrv E. O-. Henoner. Or. ( attle W (J OD
left hip. crop off right and nnderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W 0 on left shoulder.
ThomDson. J. A.. Heppner, Or. Morses, S on
left should, r: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tipneta.8.T..Enierprise,Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. MmaJI capital T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split, in botti ears.
Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vandernool. H. T.. Iena. Or: Horses H V con
nected on right shoulder wattle, same on right
hifc -
Walnnrige. Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses, u. u.
on the left shoulder; cattle sams on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John Q.. Halem or Heppner. Or.-
Horsns branded Jo on the left shoulder. Haugt
Mornw county.
Warren. W H. ( aleh, Or Oattie W with quartet
circle over it, on loft side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range ir
Grant comity
Wade Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branfle"
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
('attle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflngor. John. John Day City. Or On horse
three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheen
bit in both ears. Range in Orant and Malnuet
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, III
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins. Lishe. Heppner. Or. Horses brander
DE connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. H mpner. Or. Cattle, W 01
nghtthigh.hoU in left ear: horses, W on righ
shouluer sonif same on left, shoulder.
Whittier Bros., nunringum. Baker Co.. Or. -Horses
branded W B oonnocteii on left shoulder
Williams, vasoo, Hamilton, Or, Quarter oir
cle over throe bars on left hip, both cattle am
horses, Range Orant oonnty.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, ouar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattie same I
and slit in each ear Range in trant oonnty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder: Cattle, aame on right hip.
Young, J. H., Hoosehorry, Or. Horses brander'
TMn" Ihe right Qhonlrte-
When you are about to buy n Sewing Machine
do not bo deceived by alluring inlvertiHetnent8
and be led to think you can yet the beat made,
finest liuished und
Most Popular
for a mere sonpr. See to it Hint
you buy from reliable manu
fiieturers that have gained a
reputation by honest and sq unre
dealing, you will then et 11
Sewing Machine that la noted
the world over for its dura
bility. Yon want the one that
is easiest to manage and is
Light Running
There is none in the world that
can eriual in iiKH-lmnic:'.l con
Htrtiction, dmabilitv ot worhini'
parts, (ineness o finish, bontif,
in njmenrunoe, or has us many
imiiroveiuenls as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, a'lkr
m both sides of needle (patented), no other ha
t ; New Stand ( t'ttented driving wheel binw 1
m nil Instable centers, thus reducing irictiou tc
he minimum.
'KAi'ils, Me. BodTnn, Vss. W PwinvHrTnl!, N. Y
ue.oio. 111.. 111. l.o' 1 1, Mo. Inn t.'UXAS.
K.tt b'HJi KI'IH'"' i. '''.I.. ATI.imA.IjA.
- i- riv
P. C. THOMPSON CO., A (tents,
Hcpi'iia; Omjon.
Sends rr.i
Wfc v' OM.tllll
.Sift fVrini'si'O OjjUf,
t CO.,
An. :'. .SufYr Str? t.
f 4 ft ft" ill 'M t I k f
f. s.. ii. t 4 . tM
m If , fif i . A tw i
tin it. i t-f ' ma tU-
t i' i it Mt !m (
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m H"9 i4 H, Ulahtili il rti
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h I t , i . ft - i. t tt.d
I, I' Bit Itillttt H ti
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I , 'hi tt. M. IK.
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I i "'feiriTil'Mn Work",g
I ylliiIW A Top i-If j Ji4r Accurate,
A Af I Receiver. XdaggAj Compact,
B Tf ff!t P? U 1 f Most Modern and progreaslve
f Mll'l I I iJtO' M V For cslsloiriis or Infornistlon write to
( PEPilH XT"' -
40J 7
hVt:17? "i Z Cil'T :V S lH -rJ& T...t wum m. they pn.,g.,i it with
i a 't'tm ( si n.. , "W--"'. s V Oa4'! great piece tf wood, tilted exactly to
J . i ai.i i...i. ; .V. ' - SJ" "e?V'i with cannon balla, khclia and other
f fc"' ' V'n"rTt' n I- 1 'I ' ' V.1- '"' ' kkZii deadly itiatrriala.
iv . ."...i ,' i ." "u : I't V i, V ' "'. UM AUn,t ftfl v "f lhrf Jfun
ii.i.ei,ii.ii.k.iMi I iV ',V i'" fi eomiimmled tl. aixile wliUh a hostile
rt .. 4 ie ..! (- - iii V.,) ' . ','- hlp mt li"ly ' appnuich.
r..t.( it . .i . '. '' -: . j The' tii'Uitlis of s-tiiie are ai feet
2 ilqilo
McNEILL, Receiver,
to the:
arVEa thb -choice
Of Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
Ant nt at Heppner, i t address
Gen. Phrr. At.
Vid all points In California, via the Mt, Bhaatt
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The (rrsnt hishwar through California to all
points East and South. (Jrand Boenio Kouta
of thn Hanifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
Hleepera. Heoond-claaa Hleepera
Attachsd to axprnsa trains, Bttording snpnnor
tocouimodations for sflcond-clasa passnngora.
For rntus, tickets, stooping car reservations,
to. call niton or address
t. KDKHI.KK, Mansirer, B. P. ROGERS, Aaat
in. K. A P. AKt.. Portland. Oreiron
The comparative value of t heae twoeardi
la known to most persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity I
Not alwaya most te be deaired.
Thtsa tarda aapreaa the beneficial quaU
Ity of
4i compared with any previously kaowa
RipantTabuleat Price, jo tente boa
Of dratfieie, or by mail,
IP1NI CHCMiCtL CO., 10 larece St.. N T.
F A f , ,1
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H'. '"h0j3 , , ; , . h
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A Near View of the working
Classes of the French Capital.
A People Who Are Fond of Win and
Song and Carelete About the Fu
ture Their Feeling Toward
In order to study the -working classes
thoroughly M. Henri Leyret, a literary
man, started business as a marchand'
de vin, or publican, in one of the most
crowded districts of Paris, says a writer
in the London Telegraph. He has em
bodied his experiences as a mastroquet
in a book entitled: "En Plein Fau
bourg," which has lately been pub
lished by Charpentier. M. Leyret,
after having denounced the bad drink
supplied to the working classes not
always though the fault of the public
ans, but, rather, due to the wholesale
merchants gives it as his opinion that
those who live by the sweat of their
brow have an aversion to debt. The
bad payers and those who want drinks
chalked up are the exception, and it is
needless to say that they are the idlers,
the loafers and the confirmed drunk
ards. These men neglect no opportu
nity of sponging or of obtaining drink
on credit, without the least intention
of paying for the absinthe or wine sup
plied to them. As a rule the laborious
people avoid the taverns wherein the
loafers assemble. The author also al
ludes to a discussion on Zola which he
overheard. One of his customers.while
gazing at a portrait of the novelist,
maintained that the working classes
had been libeled in the "AssommonV
"Is the workman," asked the anti
Zolaist, "to be represented as an eter
nal drunkard because he drinks a glass
now and then?" The listeners ap
plauded this speech, but another man
stood up for Zola, saying that if the
novelist had exaggerated a little it was
done in the interest of the working
classes, whose vices were to be attrib
uted to the bourgeoisie.
M. Leyret met a confirmed absinthe
drinker o a curious type. This man
was one of the best carpenters in the
district, and when sober was never out
of work. For weeks he would refrain
from touching a glass of the green
fairy, but, suddenly forgetting his good
resolutions, would launch forth into a
carouse on his favorite beverage, never
going to bed until he had swallowed
twenty-four glasses of absinthe, with
copious draughts of wine in between.
The author notes thitt the average
faubaurien workman is generally
more given to eating than drinking,
lie eats meat, if possible, at luncheon
and dinner, the former meal being the
more substantial. lie is careless
about the future, and looks forward to
dying straight off when he shall be no
longer strong enough to toil.
Alluding to the pleasures of the peo
ple, M. Leyret is glad to state that
Iteranger s songs have not yet lost their
charm for the toiling masses. As to
the relations of the exes, the author of
"J.n I'icin I'auoourg says that free
unions are increasing among the work
ers, domestic arrangements being
made on a family basis. The girls who
leave their shops and factories for the
Champs Klysees or the main boule'
vards arc, however, shunned and de
spised by the faubouriens. M. Leyret
concludes his interesting volume by
some observations on the feeling of the
working classes toward the anarchist
and revolutionist movements in their
midst. At present, ho points out, ma'
teriiil exigencies and the necessity of
living keep the average workman re
signed, but a desire of revenge lurks in
his breast against a society In which he
has to toil without the hope of what he
considers an adtHiiitito reward for hi
services, and without any security that
after a life of lalmr he will enjoy home
repose with a moderate comix'tency
Defeases of the Fortress of Malta Cat Oat
of the I. miit; Itoea.
Thf most wonderful cannons on
record are thoM which are di'scribed
by Ilyrdnne, whom travels In Sicily and
Malta won well-deserved renown
toward the end of the lat century.
Many facta and atone he recounts that
aecin strangely oni-worm to us,
though th ilnt la little more than one
hundred yearn ago, ao grandly did the
French revolution transform hurope.
Malta wm full of wonders, nior or
loss droll, while the knighta held it.
but nothing qimli'il the atone gun.
Kvcryliody known that the fortillca-
tlona wern cut out of aollil rock, but
lirvdone wn right in Miyiiig tlmt a
kind of ort!iiiMict umhI Ui defend them
waa unknown to all the world beaidea.
As utiilerslaiid til dewription. the
knsglita left a great blink of atone
where IIh'V hollowed out an ctii!riiMirc
lit the cliff, which afterward they
ahaM'd and bored In the form of
tfti'iHitk' mortar. 1 hee engtnea con
iiU ati.t ihi'V arf ait to Ihrow trn
lli.ui.itn.l (Miunil wriK'il ii lalU or
t.mr." Thf fan"1 la imt atalril, tml
IM failtiijf nJniilr tuvcfiHl an arra
vf 1'ii r tlirn' Iniu.lri'il Muar jarda.
phetty'imhs. HIP LUNQ.
Tk HmlM r raiail Mar ( laa
( klaalaaia at I klrafa.
Thn nut twthrtU1 m.n In (tilna
Uwn llif uthrr nl;hl whrn lh wlf
Hip I.unif an.l hrr jfninif-l mm. t'k
lir. I fi t.tr Ut I l.tfrr klrtf.l.tn,
fi'i-r l rrturn l Amri.-a, Mt llir
I l.i 1 mo ll. raUl Itwa kii.Mi
al 'tijf I lark alrwt fr artrral !a a I hat
Mr. Kitirf I.i airt ln rl"t'jf
)..uti.. v ltil lilfc-hl, an4 ! almw Un-ir
r-ir. t f.ir hrr larifi nuinU r of i til
naiiM-n -r nn Kami In hrr tirtart.
1U tittnliaii.t, aloK-al atatur.
alt Aith'tirf tli rrlt in tlir ai.lr.
aa'.k a 1li rarrUk iMainintf hi
- ... ' ' K -' ."0'..ltf.jr
w.ff au.l l.i;.t watlrtrn aMatr t'.x k
Kim. fltrr-traMil.l r-. of Mr. au.l
Mr Lttitf . thmal Ma tutto bm4 ml of
wMn.l-aiorjr iml" t4 In fr
Urtfliah rr,..mi "lit h?, manmui "
la Ilia famac aat U In-art lo..lirn
tivHlirr with tian.tltrn l.k f r.i a
hrrrtra. fl r'anv. ufl t twr lift!
Ur, r raa tai-t.nf n til tlfH
l Ihm lo.l.'W t.l.rwtnj klaara a h. r
Th Hn,in. awi.tl ap a h" l'r
lit.- . r ' Uf l.v, in,iinu " U i !,
fn rr l;U .Mm',4l ,
" t'. . ,rr u , li. r f.- lin . Id t t
!.! !'. r-- f "J 1,B itf irf w;,!;..-,l j.
' li - ail I .. r , - (;..
I a . I , v.",, . ,1 ,-. . ,
From early child-
hood until I was '
grown my family j
spent a fortune
trying to cure me i
1 of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated by the best medical 1
men. but was not benefited. When'
all things had ! f ft I f ailed I de-1
termined to be K 1 1 M try S.S.S.
and in four I 1 1 U III months was 1
entirely cured. I he ternbli eczema I
was gone, not a sign of it left My
general health built up, and I have i
never had any return of the disease.
any return 01 ine disease.
i nave otten
ed S.S.S. and
have never
vet known a failure to cure.
GKO. W. IRWIN. Irwin, Pa.
Never fans to cure,
even when all other I
remedies have. Our
treatise on blood and
skin diseases mailed
free to any address.
SWIFT SPECll lC CO , Atlanta, G.
time ago to separate. What the trouble
is between the couple could not be
learned. It is said that Hip Lung lav.
shed too much attention on white
women to please his wife, and after
much bickering they agreed to part.
Hip Lung is reported to be worth one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
and the report in Chinatown is that he
gave his wife twenty-five thousand dol
lars to go back to China. She was
given the youngest child and the father
keeps the eldest.
Mrs. Hip Lung is the daughter of one
of the wealthiest families in Canton.
She is very intelligent, with a beauti
ful olive complexion and features that
bespeak the gentlewoman of China. It
has been said that she was the hand
somest Chinese woman in the
United States. Fook Chew, the boy
she is taking home with her, was born
July 4, 1892. He was asleep when he
was carried into the carriage.
About half-past nine o'clock the car
riage was driven to Hip Lung's place.
Bundles and baskets were quickly
placed on the driver's seat, and ten
minutes later some one went upstairs
and told Mrs. Lung that all was ready.
She pressed her little boy again and
again as the tears streamed down her
cheeks. Tearing herself from the boy
she followed the man who was carrying
Fool' Chew in his arms downstairs.
As she reached the sidewalk her hus
band stood within reach of her arm,
but there was no sign of recognition
between them. Mrs. Lung was attired
in f gorgeous dress. It had cost her
husha.nd a good-sized fortune in China.
Shu wore nothing upon hor head. In her
hair and on her wrists were ornaments
worn only by Chinese of high caste.
Her feet wore encased in the daintiest
slippers that one ever looked at. There
was a queenly beauty about the little
woman as she tripped across the side
walk to the carriage. As the carriage
rolled away Hip Lung entered his
store, where a crowd of his countrymen
were playing dominoes. He walked
over to where a teapot stood on a table,
with a little cup at its side. He gulped
down a cup of the nectar and then
joined the group that stood round the
domino players. Little Fook Kirn cried
himself to sleep.
how histoTy is made.
A Cnrlona Btorj of a Recent Important
International Episode.
The following interesting little story
appears in a London weekly paper
called Societv:
"Talkiug of the present ministry, let
me give the true story of Sir E. Grey's
making the grave statement in the
house of commons. A friend jf mine,
a rather brilliant man, was called upon
by the editor of a weekly paper to write
the leader for him. The editor had not
yet gut thoroughly over tils influenza,
and the friend agreed to it. He wrote .
the leader on the French nggressive-1
ness in Africa, sent it to the printer,
where it was set up and forwarded to
the editor. The latter, not approving,
of the subject, transmitted the proof, '
and said: 'My dear boy, you agreed to
write on Armenia, not Africa. This Is
of no interest to the general public.
The wires utxmt the French on the
Niger and the reported march on the
.Soudan are probably pure Inventions.
In any case, the attack on Sir E. tircy
for his vague generalities Is hardly the
thing,' nnd ho on.
"My friend simply took the proof,
nnd writing on il: 'This la going into
an iiupoi-tunt paper, and la the true
feeling of the English people, popped
it into an envelope, and sent it down to
Sir F.. Grey at the house of commons.
It was posted In the Strand at 4:15 p.
in., nnd would be delivered at Weat
minster probably about O.ilJ p. m. At
M p. m. the meeting of the cabinet was
hastily convened by Sir 11. Grey, and at
tO p. m. lie inude the tateiuetu which
luia sh.'tlo'ti all the bourses of Europe,
The following morning i-iimo the edit
orial wire to my friend: 'I ace the Im
portance of your article now and shall
Ue It,'"
Wbll In Klo -fcion. ("! ,ai.milma e.
Tin.. K. Lafifan, of toa Haiina, thai
lata, a tkru xny trrtly with
r in ami iliarrh , Ha rtianra.l In
itil Mr, 0. M Carli-r, ho amiUrl
fttp'i-4. II aat: i II4 ti m ol
t:iu.nilrUii'a (.ir). ('lioUra ami IHur
-liiim Kmp.,, an.l w wrnl In Ilia llnl-
li-n IViltf H'or an.l irMir(1 a h-.MU i f
1 II Mr farter rrnroi rrUrl arnl
' ran nrh fur ia hilntf rnr4 ma."
For aala by MIonro J- litia.m Im Co.
A l..ng !..
Tlu m.t rurl.oi nmrnt on fi!
amonif llif iirtirt ri-MrU of Auii-rioa U a
l.'HMMif 9,9'M J.jt Mliit'h lli Ih- f.lUIIlt
Ir4ii -rlla-l in ili IK I.r..u H'onn I I-atnt
l;.s-..r.. .'., U . in, May SJ,
IT'M, a..Hr.injj . ti alx.rti rvotrtl. Ilir
lmlwuf ihn s.H-U-ty f.-r Hi.- I'r..t.n'
rati. in of ili (l.th. In K.ri-u'n I'arU'
'' "il "ii a 'r' of l.iiol n.'af tlta attr
nanii'.l jila.' .i i.ni W I hM ati-tlili
In tr .In rill if llif full rrm Ihrnin
tt, ,i, . w :n .-ar. T!i Irtinr
U l.t l.l on ,.! i lhal lha mil!
"I'liaw. or tiU .-Ml li. r. liU par li
J.oitl .""iHUmi atol J.oiii r t lrr, lntr. It
iMri of ai I If If. i Ihr.r tnvv
r In ." ,.(, (-ra n of jmri ailo r or
other .. r, h-.'. 1 r-iiiit alrlil if t
n ah ti'.l . im M Joliti .lar of ra h no
w.nif )rar " Tlicrr ar in.mr ruriou
at. I liiin.iiat lri(ir' hi 14 In l.f,',t
tlr'Um. t ran. au.l l.rrutatijf, hill it la
l..'il ifiil if I rri-or.U of Ann ri. a
f . t a .it timi r.(il In Ihi lutijf.
litr.l Ut, 4 l aw. wHu'h wi'.i n .t t. r.ui'
liai until l!m lati of l.v )iara ftm
Tha LUio Jtmraal prlnta a itary
h a;t lr tl.a ot f
Maii. rc i:ra t.t ajv.lt rao.t 1
Irua. A Kr.. .imntr n an au4 hi U
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is
front rank with all high grade machines, and
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want
punctured, it can be mended by you in live
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?intl each.
Tandems for two men or man aud woman, $150 each.
THE RAM BLER tne fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as It Is constructed on strict mechan- s
leal and scientific principles.
For men, women, boys and girls with 28, 2fi
ively, are spienma nteniiim grane wneem,
clincher tires and are fully warranted,
Before ynu tmy a mcyeie, write lor cta'ogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call ?
nn .. i,n,a,i,i.D nirmtlB Uuml.la, Ui,.Mr. UunraH 1 tn,,, r, In U'n ul, I . . mi
lM ton and Idaho.
it Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Go's "Rambler Bicycles." Main S
rW store. S27 Washington -t , Portland, Or. Maj
lecturer. oris rM ittiatiiN, Agt. tor
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power '.House.
I afffPi k Willi IS aWllilah .aH mwgUt
Lion i . 5i koi(j. jOQAjk "
Four Models-885 and S100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office: Lake and HalstcJ Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL.
BkANCHI:S:-Mew York. Sai Francbco, alt Ltkt CUy. Dnv', AJin;i!.l.i. Iktol ', Ta orto.
A. 11". PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, llrjimtr, Oregon.
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
Vouro OO UND to Take 'Km.
an Indisputable fact. It stands In the jj
if you buy one you will make no mistake.
to be happy, for should your wheel beg
ml" utes, as It is equipped with the world
and 24 Inch wheels, at 05, $55, $45 respect
witn li. a: J. nign-graue double locking eu
li. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and?
morrow uo., Heppner, uregon
of Bicycles.
OF . . .
it...,..- .. -
Leaves No Conftlpaticn,-- -
r tf f: - '- 'I'm-1 !.ciai"
. -, .. .'(
i ' I t '
U.i',1 '-r. m '. ! M rto.ttul iatsir
(' . a. t It Kmt r HlWI ar 4 Malaga. fr. ftf
9 wr itt i I'l l tM. H- I I l. rr'' ! Mail
a!.to i' ' w i. i t, lrtf
li a'nil. U" vai, !, . '. mi t ... h.i.
i ... ( H
i .. At -
..'.. .... 1 1 - ., .-, t mW
hi iKoi oi ii ii. iim ia.
Ikru a,N. Miii.it litoth
,HM HM - l - I
411 CJ.-ia
Am tf
otl i . ai a4 mtmtm W.