Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 30, 1895, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Aysr's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring me that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfiekl, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
Stage for Harciman, Monument, Lonir Creek,
John Day and (ianyon City, leaven an follows :
Every day at 6 a. m.. except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best Hue to or
from the Interior country.
Phlll Cohn, Agent.
You can get the best beer
in Heppner at G.
rowe'i, 5 cents per glass,
B. Ted-
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
1 2 3 4 TT
j a 9 io ii 1 1? i3
Ji. Jl AL ai is 2o
261191301511 I
Here and There.
Million! rida tba llambler.
Ike Ennia bai blcyole to rent.
Mrs. Tom Bradley is oo the aick liat
Rmv. Corrao, of Condin, visited Ilepp
oar last week.
Uaetor oil axle grease for aale by P,
C. Thompson Co. 2t
Ayera guarantees bio polioo. Only
12.00 per dotHD. tf.
The Nile-Viosoo, Marble Works,
Kalla Walla, Waab,
Red aal lye, tba bt and lroogel
Bade, (or sale by 1'. C.TborapaooCo. 21
The Weekly Han and Ibe 0111 $275
per year, both strictly lo aJvaoo.
LOrod Marble Work. La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. rJniilh, salesman, Usopuer.
Nov ia the tiro to kill squirrels; and
Swagger.' "(Jure Shot" ia Ida staff to do
it ub. tl.
Tr Aver' eooirrel poienn rwfnr
bayiog aoy other. Only 12 50 per
doten. tt.
For Sale A lot of boneebnld foroi
lar an J ao orgo. Call al the M. E
pereonaRC. tf.
limit Yoroi returned (Saturday from a
w -ek'a boetarae Visit to l'urtlaod aod
H id r raucteoo.
Waoted Halo or faoey sewing. Will
go to the bona or take lug al borne.
Aire, alary Hodron.
lira, Oeoe Noble retttroed borne Hat
orday evening turn a nvmib's vieit witb
tome folks doo to folk eonoty.
Lnt A gld bree watcb charm.
Fleder will I rwrdd ty reluming
aame to Ihm Carlo lyd, tine eiiy.
Nate IMiieo em er frnm Moan
(Met tbe laiur pari of laal wh tot
gpplie. lie departed f"r born today.
iill.ont Rrc. will eona i to the
toner oonafy to I slant anlil ibej
latter pert of IbM Btuotb. Aeil ibeirj
return. 'f J
I'.mil KehaifT feme over rVmlay fruWj
hie bme at Hatiiiilou, lal'g y
Urda 'e d in trata hit I'ortlaad where!
be eipw-'e io iium a fw d. I
Karl'e Cleer tbe grt IU4
panfier, (realm aed eleameM le
tha t'.iiurU t "n aod rar.e C"lipt'B,
23 d, iO eta,. II. .ldby T.W.Ajara.
Mi. M. IUIi.ier ba a ft( e'k of
flee mil linert ait ilin
vty re''e fia"'- "" te Ifwated
t I be Llbktbal t.'ii dr.g. eat aide
Mae atrl end rpi-He Ihe C'ly W,
II I; Oilman, f..ttt..r' f t " d
fMU,t'. b ! f i t It'll
ar. bana Irid te n Ii".
lie baa 4mhU I ti Uti.e a rtaaaetl
rMei.t of le tut.
J. R. King, a prominent citzan ot
8n Jose, Cal., came np oo last eveo
iuti'a tram aod dpparted oo tbie morn
ing's stage for Long Creek for an outing
and a visit with bis uuole, Cbas. Lee, of
that plaoe. Mr. King is one of tbe lead
ing democrats of his city, having held
several different offices, and at tbe last
eleotioo was only defeated a few votes
for state senator in a strong republican
It is a big tbing to any bat neverthe
less true, that a great multitude of people
have crowned Simmons Liver Hegulaior
tbe "King of Liver Medicines." There is
nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism,
I bills and Fever, Constipation, Bilious
ness, Sick Headxobe, Indigestion and all
troubles arising from a sluggish or dis
eased liver. Simmons Liver Regulator
ia tbe prevention and cure for these ail
ments. Frank Lacey and D. W. Ralston, two
members of a oompaoy of stook buyers
for eastern markets, bave been in this
section for a week past baying sheep
and cattle. L. M. Lacey, of tbe same
company, oame up Saturday evening and
remained tere oyer Sunday. These gen
tlemen expect to make a shipment to
Chicago markets about August lOtb.
Disorders ia the liver and kidneys aer
responsible for many of the ailments of
bomanity, which, when neglected, de
velop into serious and often fatal mala
dies. Prudenoe would suggest tbe
promDt use of Dr. J. H McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to remove the disorder
as soon as possible, and restore tbe dis
eased organs to bealtby and vigorous
action. Price 81.00 per bottle.
Condon Globe: Attorneys T. R. and
John Lyons came over from Heppner
Fnday, tbe former remaining here until
Wednesday, when be returned to that
oity. John willremaiu here and practice
law. He is a bright young man and no
doubt will soon work up a good prac
tice. The safe in tbe general merchandise
establiabmeot of Hope Bros., of Vie.
was blown open last week and SI 300
taken from it. Several parties are ens
picioned and one arrest has been made.
W. Hope, of tbn firm, was a represen
tative from Malheur oouuty at the last
Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle
repairs and will fix your wheel up Bt
reasonable rates. It is bis intention to
make a spec alty in this line, and as tbe
number of wheels ie rapidly increasing,
this will oertHinly be pleasing news to
those wbo are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf.
Oolleotor Blaokman oame np on last
evening's train and epent a short time
with his family who are now visiting
with relatives in this oity, departing on
this afternoon's train for Portland.
Henry spent Sunday at Bingham springs
and stopped over ou bis way borne.
"A Stitoh in Time." A dose of Ayer'a
Pills has saved many a tit of sickness;
but when a remedy does not bappea to
be at band, slight ailments are liable to
be negleoted, and tbe rep nit, frequently,
is serious illness; therefore always be
supplied with Ayer'a Pills.
Arthur Minor and family nnd Newt
Jnes and famby left yesterday for a
month's outing. They go first to tbe
Desolation lake country, but before re
turning will vieit tbe Granite and Susan-
ville country and MoDuffid and Teal
B. F. Swaggart ia prepared to furnish
bis "Sore Shot" equirrel poison in
bnlesale lota. He baa already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where it has been need,
it baa not failed to exterminate tbe little
pests. tf.
Tbe little daughter of Rev. J. W. Jen
kins, of Tbe Dalles, bad the misfortune
to loose ber little finger last week by
having it out off with ao axe which abe
was oarrying. Tbe finger was oat so
badly that it was impossible to save it.
Portland baa decided to bold ao expo
aition tbie fall. O. U. Hunt baa been
chosen supeiiutendent and tbe different
committees seleoted. Everything baa
started off well and tbe undertaking will
douotlesa be a success.
Assessor Willis was in town yesterday
for a snort time. He Informed our re
porter Ibat be bad for severs! dava past
been working op at Uardman and vioin
ity. Ue baa almost completed bis work
op io that section.
Major Magone, wbo walked from
Grant oonoty to tbe World' fair, ia now
located al Uiideonhorg, N Y., here he
ia busy preparing bia book for tbe pub
llebera. This book ia baaed ou iuoidenta
of tbe trip.
Atty. John L. Rand, well knoo all
over tbe state, aod Miaa E lith Park
o d, both of Baker City, were ooiled in
marriage last iues.lay. Air. Hand la
diatriot attorney of tbe Hitlb judicial
Jack Brady, tba deaperado wbo beld
np a passenger train near Mary ville.
Cal .aod while ransack iog the same sbot
and killed Mberiff Bogarrl, baa al last
been captured and ia now to jail at Sac
r amen to.
Captain Sweeney. (J. H. A , HaO Iieko
Cal. says: "Hhtlub'a Cata'rb It-roedv ia
the Hrat medicine I have ever found Ibat
would do me auy good." Price 6oc
T. W. Ayera, Jr.
F.O. Mr. and Mrs Geo Fell of Heppner,
aod Iberno r.. rell, or tbia oily, leave lo
nvtrruw fur Tbimpa springs, ten milea
from i raine City, to rtiuam in camp for
some! i ma.
fibllub'a Core, tba great Cnngh and
Croup Cure, la lo great demand. Porhet
six e MiUina twenty live ditse only V-V.
Cutldreo love U. hold by T. W. Ayera
Dandruff is doe to an eifeebled state
of Ibeskm. Ilsli's Uair Itneerqnt-kia
tbe nn'ritiv functions of t he k In. healing
and preventing tba format loanf daodraff.
O. B. tlstl, the tonenriej artist. Can
be found at bis parlors, Mai lock O'Orr,
here b will d.prne at popular prices,
tisvea, sbampooa, baireuta, el
Attomeja Brow aed Kellnfg were
paeeetta" re no yeeier lay's If ale for I-inr,
Ninth Annual Sessinn Held at Newport, the
Place or Its Birth.
Nine years ago tbe Oregon Press As
sociation oame into existenoe at New
port, on Yaqoina bay, and on Saturday,
July 20tb, it again convened in annual
session at the place of its birth,
At Yaqoioa the visitors were met by
tbe band and reoeption oommittee and
esoorted across tbe bay to Newport, a
distance of five miles. At 8 o'clock tbe
association was called to order by Presi
dent Beegle on the front veranda of tbe
Bay "View hotel. Senator John H.
Mitchell, who bad been invited to de
liver the annual oration, was then intro
duced and delivered an address in bis
usual forcible and eloquent manner,
wbiob was frequently applauded by tbe
large audience. He paid a high compli
ment to tbe power ot tbe press and its
labors in tbe interest of tbe great state
in which we live, and oonoluded with a
fitting tribute to the people of Newport
and vioinity for the hospitable manner
in which they bad received their guests.
At the conclusion tbe Corvallis Quartette
was introduced, and oertainl) did not
disappoint tbe audience in the selection
tbey rendered. They also made tbe en
tire meeting merry with muBio at appro
priate intervals.
Sunday morning an excursion on tbe
Farallon, a boat that bad just arrived
from 840 Franoisoo tbe previous day,
was given tbe visitors. All was merry
no til the bar was orossed and an ex
tremely rough sea enoountered, heo all
save three of tbe entire party gave way
to symptoms of seasiokoees, and Boon
dissolved partnership with breakfast and
apparently everything that bad been
eaten for a week past. To make the sit
uation more unpleasant tbe boat was
enveloped in a fog and compelled to re
main out several hours, and onoe the in
formation was given that tbis state of af.
fairs might continue for several days.
whioh was anythiug but pleasant news,
But tbe fog after a time slightly lifted
and the party landed just in time to re
oover appetites and ei joy tbe mon9ter
clam bake which bad been prepared
under tbe supervision of J. G. Malcolm
ot tbe Hotel Portland. Fully 2000 peo
pie enjoyed tbe feast, among whom were
seen tbe faoiB of Senator Mitobell, Con
gressman Ellis, Governor Lord aod Sec
retary of State Kincaid. Another excur
sion over the bar was given in tbe after
noon, but it waa noticed tbat none wbo
enjoyed tbe morning trip cared to at
tempt il again.
Tbe association waa opened Monday
morning at tbe opera bonse with praver
by Rev. Thompson, of Corvallis, Bfter
which Mr. Bensell, of Newport, deliv
ered an able welcome address. Io brief
Mr. Bensell stated tbat the homes and
city of Newport were thrown open to the
association, aod tbat the binges of the
oity jail were broken and tbe police of
Newport instructed to be looking tbe
otber way when presa men were around,
This waa followed by tbe annual ad
dress of President Beegle, wbiob oon
tamed moon food for the tbongbt of
Oregon's newspapermen.
After bearing the reports of a number
of the committees, tbe body adj mmed
to tbe beaoh for surf bath, wbiob
though extremely cold wi indulged io
by all present.
Tbe eleotioo of oflloers m tbe after
noon oreated considerable mirth and
speech-making. It resulted as follow :
President. Charlea C. Dnnghty, Da'las;
first vice-president, Alvs'i W. Patterson,
Heppner; second vice-president, A. W,
Fisher, Portland; treasurer, Cbsrlea
Niokell, Jacksonville; aeoretary, Albert
Toiler, Portland ; sargeot at arms, John
R. Beegle, Si. Heb na.
Tbe following delegates to tba Na
tional editorial Association were ao,
onunoed by retiring President Beegle
O. C. Dnnghty, oational Committeeman
Delegates, W. H. Leeds, E. L. E. White,
Isaac Stern, Alvah W. Patterson, Cbas.
Niokell and I. L. Campbell.
President Doogbty selected tba follow,
log committees just previous to adjooro
Execative oommittee K L. E. WbiU,
J. R. beegle and Cbartea Niokell.
Reenlntioos-F. O. Uoll, A. N. Fiaber
aod J. S. Stewart
Orlevieooee-Q. B. Small, B. F. Alley
and George F. Daleey.
rlnanra- George Peeslee, 8. L. More-
bead and E. P Thorp.
State of Fraterotty-A. K. Tattle, E.
Hofer and Robert Jobnaoo.
Legislation Alvah W. Patterson. C
fl. Jaekaon. Ira Campbell, 8. C. Beach
aod J. B Eddy.
Appropriate resolutions were passed oo
tbe death of II. O Mstblea aod Judge
IL 8. Hlrabao ; also io recognition of tbe
conrteaief extended by Ih various Irsne-
portation companies and Ibe hospitality
sbowa by the rilnos of Newport. No
further bnslneee offering, tbe ennveotioo
ajonroed, tbe dale and place of Ibe next
aooual meeting being I'M lo Ibe eiro-
tive committee. However, It ia iboogbl
thai tbe eomtutt'ee Jl acrept tbe Invi
tation rtWnd-d bv Oregoo City.
Tuesday morning's boat eeiried away
Mosquitoes on thb Sound. Colonel
W. Yarborough, speoial agent for tbe
United States treasury, baa just returned
from a trip to Tacoma, Seattle and the
sound territory, says tbe Portland Sun.
He reports a heartrending experience
with mosquitoes, especially at Sumac
He says that tbe far-famed Jersey
"skeeter" fades into significance when
compared with the ravenous ioseots ot
Sumac As an illustration of the incon
venience to which tbey put tbe people
tbere.Colonel Yarborougb gives a ohap'er
or two ot domestic life, in the course f.f
whioh he tells how it is necessary to born
leaves in the dining room before each meal
in order to drive out tbe moeqaitoes.
Many of our oitizens will remember tbe
oolonel as having made a brief visit in
tbis city a short time sinoe. We invite
him to come again, aod assure bim tbat
np here we bave a positive antidote for
mosquito aod rattlesnake bites.
Foar big Successes.
Having tbe needed merit to more than
make good all the advertising olaimed
for them, tbe following four remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr.
King's New Discovery, for consumption.
coughs and colds, eBob b ittle guaranteed
Eleotno Bitters, the great remedy for
Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Buoklen's
Arnioa Salve; tbe best in tbe world, and
Dr King's New Life Pills, which are a
perfeot pill. All these remedies are
guaranteed to do just what is olaimed
tor thpm and the dealer whose rame is
attached herewith will be glad to tell
you more of them. Sold atT. W. Ayers,
Jr., drag store.
Pure Blood
la the secret of the restoration to health
Which Uood'g Sarsaparilla gives.
"It gives me
pleasure to recom
mend Hood's Sarsa
parilla. It has cared
me of many com
plaints, and puri
fied my blood. I
Waa troubled with
my liver, had hip
disease and other
troubles, with swell-
Ji wg of my ankles.
17nF e loifl. ftm. T
had to walk with a
cane. For several
Kfsft?! years I was gradual-
breaking down. I had the grip in a
aevere form. I procured aix bottles ot
Hood's Barsaparilla and it built me np.
My recovery I owe to Hood 'a Sarsaparilla.
All my ills have gone and I feel like a
new person. I sleep well and eat heartily."
Mbs. Charlotte Kelly, Hay wards, Cah
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only true blood purifier prominent
ly in the publio eye today Try it.
t-I..,l r:1 cure habitual consOpa-
UUUU 9 riliy tion. Price 23c Mr box.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
Indian Outbreak. Friday's dis-
patobes contained very alarming ac
counts 01 ao loaian uprising up in
Western Wyoming, just below Yel
lowstone park, in what is known as tbe
Jackson Hole oountry. Tbey reported
tbe entire population of that seotioo.
wbiob is oomposed ot 75 families, as
massaored. The trouble arose over the
right to kill game oo government lands.
This right was given the Indians by tbe
government, though the state law pro
hibits it. However, later dispatches say
tbe report of this massacre lacks oonfir
mation, though tbe different re, oris are
very conflicting. But troops and cav
alry bave been ordered to the scene ot
tbe trouble. It is to be hoped that tbe
report of tbe wholesale murdering of so
many of Wyoming's citizens is false,
though grave suspicions are entertained
by many.
Wali and Nervous
Describes tbe oonditiona of thousands
of people at this season. Tbey bave no
appetite, oacnot sleep, and oomplaio of
tbe prostrating effect of warmer weather.
Tbis ooodition may be remedied by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, wbiob oreates an
appetite and tones np all tbe organs. It
gives good bealtb by making the blood
Hood's Pills are the beat after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, oure headache.
lHg dtatb itaib. Arrangements are
being rapidly perfeoted for the annual
state fair to be beld at Salem this fall
Tbe program oommittee has arraoged
general program for tbe entire fair, and
bave appointed speoial committees for
eaoh day whose doty it will be to ar
range the best possible program for tbeir
respective dates. Wednesday, Oct. 2d,
baa beeo styled Eastern Oregon day
aod tbe oommittee asennounoed for tbis
day is as follows : Hon. J. A. Wright
Sparta; Geo. B. Small, Baker City, aud
Otis Patterson, Heppner. Tbe latter
evidently refers to tbe editor-io-chief of
tbe only Gazette.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
Write for Catalogue and Trices.
fhs tail-on Ensins S Thresher Co,
m mm
Now has charge of the st'ck of confectioner
ies, fruits, ciicars, tobaccos, etc., formerly
owned by Boyd & McDowell.
Which he is disposing of at Close
Shave Prices.
Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda, Lemonade and
Orange Cider always kept on hand.
West Bide Main Street, Minor Building.
Are Still in Business
In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
as long as our friends stay with us, we will continue to
sell honest goods at honest prices
To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
Escaped From thb Hospital. Tbe
fidlowino from Saturday's Pi rtland Son
probably refers to Mr. LeFurgie, of tbis
oity, wbo was taken to tbe hospital sev
eral weeks siuce by bis brother for medi
oal treatment: Tbie mnrnina a little af
ter 2 p'olook Ollioer Levi Winn over
hauled a middle aged man of strange and
wild appearanoe at tbe oorner of Fifth
and Burnside streets. He was io bis
night dress, and bis aotions were alto
gether erratio and onaooountable till
tbe offioer discovered tbat be was a pa
tten t esoaped from 8t. Vincent's hospital.
Tbe man gave bis name as I. M. LeFor-
gie, and was laboring nnder strong terror.
He stated tb.,t someone at tbe hospital
bad been trying to kill him, tbongh tbis
waa set down by the offioer bs an balluoi-nation.
Hacklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in the world for onts,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Malt Rbeum,
Dever Mores, letter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptioua
and positively oures Piles, or no pay
required. It ia guaranteed to sive
perfeot sntisfHotion or money refunded.
nPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by
I. w. Ayers. Jr.
, umuiimv nil it Ml vi
Willowware, and many other things.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
These gentlemen are well scqunlnted with Grant, Harney. Crook, Oltllam and other couuties ,
and can save money and time In making these sections with traveling men.
Frtcci in keeping with the times.
TMOMPsoisr & Biisrisrs,
Lost, Htrayed or Hiolen.
A bay mare, mix years old, branded
watch key, bus a youug oolt Was lust
sen between Heppner and Hardman.
Five dollars reward will he pnid tor ber
return to K. J. Kbenbt,
tl-tf. Heppner. Oregon.
Monmouth, Ore.
A training school for teachers. Complete eight
grade training department and strong professional
and academic courses.
The Diploma of the aohool entltlea en
to teach In any county In the state with
cut further examination.
Board and lodging, books and tuition 1150 per
Beautiful and healthful location. No saloons.
There is a good demand lor well trained teachers;
there Is an over iiiiply ot untrained teachors.
Catalogue cheerfully sent on application.
orW. A. WANS. President
Pains in tbe small ot tbe back indicate
a diseased condition or tbe kidneys
Owing to Ibe dangerous natnreof Ibe
disease which attaok those organs It is
important that measure should betaken
lo remove tbe trouble before il baa
become too firmly fixed. Prudenoe
onld suggest Ibe prompt ne of Dr. J.
U. McLean's Liver and Kidoey Balm
which baa epeoilii antiou ou tba liver ana
kidneys and will eaose an early restora
tion to healthy conditions. Price $1.(10
per bottle.
Incomi Tax IUvivicd. Sentiment In
tbe inlernal reveooeofUoebas beeo some-
bat divided oo the income tax question,
especially among tbe clerks, wbo fouud
tbeir oroopaiion gone when tbe supreme
oourt killed tbe law. Bui yesterday J. U.
M allay, tbe Chief clerk ot tbe office, ap
peared with a smile oo In face, looking
unusually bappy. Inquiry developed Ibe
Strang fact tbat he was smiling over a
oewtsi a bieb bad J 'ml bwo levied oo bia
Income, in tbe shape of an eight-pooi'd
boy, a new arrival at bis home, No. 22i
lbaproen street aot all lb supreme
oourt of the world oao declare Ibe tax
oeoooslitutioaal Sun.
Htrayed or Moles
A dark roan milk cow, branded It. W.,
with calf disappeared from my borne In
Heppner about four weeks since. Any
person returning ber or giving any in-I
iirmatloo that will lead lo her recovery,
will he reasonably rewarded!.
b'i 7 Mrs. IIbnbT Vbu h.
Fikd ro Palb. Tbe M. C. L. A T.
Company bave a full stock of all kinds of
feed, such as chop, mill feed, barley.
eto, whn b will be sold at reason able I
prions. Don't neglect to aee them fori
aame. Wtf
Mathews lima., City bote) barber shop.
tooeorial artists. Ilairentiing, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done eoirotiUflally,
bathe al 25 centa apieoe.
tore lh wrra roplo1 la a C thai jt,a BOmlwr of lb ddegU who
can op brf ire Joatte Cade
T. Ii. Uowafd tnake a peialty in
eetplvl'g i.krno wii all ) d
artu la. bM, carrying a o-r4 hoe,
Mm tie new ad. It.
If yoej waul l rent a M'trl or get r
pair fr aaroe. rail oa Ik Konte al Ms
W)d llery, p"r hti.
departed ittt pleasant iemrlra of tbe
Np.l tutting, feeling Ibat tt b1
bwo a aunoraa In every l artieolar, aad
eoterlaiaing ao rg'l fur bsvlog beld
lb flr I end I be I Um of lb Oregn
Pre AeaodalMl al ''!, by lb.
llamember ioly sooh medioine
were admitted lor exhibition at the
World's fair a ar senrptd f-T nso, ,y
pbysietati. lo lh pao' or niedinina
Ayr Maraapanlla, Aysr Cherry I'm
ll and Aer rill bring luciodrd lo
lb list. Tbey ar standard UMxlldera.
Will Hour Itrrc. Word ba beeo
rooled Iron Ifcwin Mulky at lb Hi
Vitioent' bpltl io Portland, thai be
ba very nmb Improved io bealtb aad
that be will Hn d. part for bis bom lo
Orant eonnty. Our reader will rmm
ber thai Mr. Mu kv waa brought br
atiout a mootb ago in a ry arfiq eoo
dill. m, bring a n(Trr fmm bear! two
bU. I a fe erl time bafor be
reb4 lot any b waa tlimigbt lo ba
dying. Cuoqtlf L firad will ao
doebt b lIm1 ti ro of bU rot
i f)ra Matbew fof sliavlng, bir
rqtting, sbkaif'xMrg an all Mher work
la thai line. I'.sit.s at aey tun during
j boainaeaboor
t ni.! fii.! ivaisg ruM.
Hytrsprrt Mitar; leWna iiei.itig
aed eiingiiigi ttot at eight; aura by
rlbif(. It alluwxl to eiitm
, larnnr fir. eLiea tfta blel aad
treat, Kr'il ey atwatsta
Olt )St '! It, ilrh'fig arid t l I
lee. tiia nirwriH, aad I
rfn-M ll lnt..fs Al dfagii.f. r
b n !. f if .Vlol. la? Mt t ts-m.
Ha Hal Afsr's al Ik Hl Fs'f
Ayer'a Haf-parilla i j ) It, eitraor
dloary disiiortiiia ot l.av ng Ijb lb imlf
blood pinflr alioe-d ao sibibtt at Ibe
U'lld's fair, Clcrg. Msovfaetorera
of othr aarsapanlla aonghl ty ry
D(.liattaiatioing 4 ibtr g ls,
: but thy wr all lnrd away nndr It
ai plWtoi i,f th ml f Ht.illisg lb
eairy of 'nl andieios and rm.
Tb dwa 'f . World's f if aoil. i.
r.lis a f, .r of Af's h.'il
la ftft f..!l.is; "Acer's ls'ai
ri I Ii"! pastil ndiln, l A-
l.'.l U.,ng i U ,a i,f .ftu.s m
4 Ivera ca it tumM,"
UHT or
j or., July :,
I.KIT Kits.
BU'S. M m.
!.. rsthrr
aieiihrns, lllll.
When railing
Ilnthsway. J.
Mi rl...., i. r.
Smllh, Mrs Ma.
VluU.n. Mis iyittls.
fur the li-ltors I'lrsw asf
4. i . ii Lisa., r. M,
TaiTM His Hal!
The man whn talks through bi bat iu
everywhere In evidence very objection
able evidenoe it ia, too, io most oeaea.
Tb man of intelligence covers bi
cranium with one ot
fine straw bat, which I in Itself a aigo
of prosperity and good taste.
II also buy bi grnoerie. gent' fur
nishing, stockmen's soppli, eta, at
Mr. Howard make a specialty la thoaa
tbing required by sheep aod ottlma.
Rememlier tb placea
Four door sootb of tb IMy boteL
tun U K Or IMHMItt'TIUM.
VOTi r. ts nr.knv mvfv that thi
i' rtnrrlili.lii'rrl,,..rrillliist.arn 1.
Ilsyp. ami Bi l Maih.. umli'i lli Srm
nam of Hairs A M.lhvas. has Hi I. (tar Will
!,., Ivl I,, nmliial roiiai-iil. IV11J Malhua.
i rfiiiaa I all l.llnaii'l mi sll ai-iiiiiU aalnal
aal'l nrm. ami will innlluue l.iialiira. al ihs I
olil sis nil. I l Ta,
Hsl MaiMSs
IHtbal si lli-I'Mwr, Of , July a, aiv It.
Teachert' Examination.
V"fi" k i urerav mvr.i that run
I Ida ,'iri al matins mi eiaminaiiiin nl
all fran. ahnmay t.tlrt lliamu. mm ran1l
nmt luf tmi tiara of lha m hmMaiil Ihla riMinly,
I ratal anl III itltitninas. lha rwimtia a rua.j
.MIwrllitriMli,l lhara.il all! Iml'l a biil.lar
aiainl .Mi.n al II. a rwurl ln. iaa al r j.nar, I
a H.'iai it i'-i riiiiins mi i u r i' s, p. m,
la. i lilt Via .lay ( illy. I-'.
A ) HAlHiril,
si a l ii, Bi nimi aupt , Morrow I i , nr.
T ia An ill iml that Llowt no
K'kmI, And Althon(;h tlio Jilajf-
f nl jTanka ot Oil Horn t$ Mtmaea
this fowl cotiplo Ui tomMrArjr m.
Iiarraeatnont, thn aituation greatly
atniiHc tha tKctabia.
1 1 aa LLLJL-ljawjBatii i 9imm ' rflj
A a aa"1 laraiivw M s vva T'itT,
) t ylrir-(a'sp I flu L ta(w.
ami iiApf m rm "rr ' v (rwa.
i tut im t . i
nataafi UaVa
Notice of Intention,
I aerwirrtrr atiaosam.f oarom
I J ' ' V k. IM Mntl.a la harrhf 1an lhal
lha li.i..li,,) i.ama arlllar ha Si4 h"H'ant
hi. Intaiilloii Ut mmmm Bnal rarf In SMitr1 r.1
Ma riaim 1 Ii. al aai4 m.. whl M naia
rntr,. J m Hi,rfai, nkimi rial, al H"('.l.r,
. ' a nt " I ' i vi,
lis Her Pa
f i ' I K I r I ' w ia
lla i....a h0 .,!iii hs wttnaaar In mt.
I la r..i ii,.,,t NkIii ii m sml r nlliall.in
CN at1 i.m'1 tit
Mlrt r Hir-tan. r-af A'lam. lay lln.
ji.'.u i ar ia, ail cm ll "" "r"i
h r u-ii
M h.llrf.
fa.tin of Intention.
loMirmiif 1,'iinM rist'Kia.
V""' f I it rat by f.iVM ihI mi
,1 I tii Mt.i'lwn irliia i. a, 4 a
f it i.lmll'. li it. Sua! f"wf Ik ti frl
Mlmr.i ai. i .ail f.-.. l k a.4a
1.1-iinfrriMinif lull l M'" m a'iaia g
Id 1 (.i . l rr . m. m,,.trmit t, v, ,(
MIlT r UnPntl
II I a ,, it.a I t w. t . a e 7' y
II.,.. I , (.. l f i,, ... .
Ma r... i... 1(,a I , ll.,..n
t.1 a I 1 t ,1 I.
W I .. , I I. I a, I u K .
t.l ) II! , .,, .
it y wii.ii
Iiikowiao tho aituatioo At
Minco tt linn iK-coinM
flonomtly known that
Whl. b be ell Bl IV4 lUk l'riM.
rrtinr df Kiflit Mili favil.in, (.'xmtlitrry, I)our'Uo, J on! an
Fork ati'l Inti' acrli'iti ran 1 no lttr than inakt their ptirrliag of
Jnei. lie rnrrii a a full line Furnialiititf (5il, llita arnl Mir-,
(Srorcfii-a, ainl iu fart coint'h'to etock of c iieral mercliawliao. 1 aer.
m t .l
the Place
I'resh Gr(K:t:ri:s, Cheap
Cash Only.
rnstt mud, CAKC9 m pas hwajs oh hand.