Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 30, 1895, Image 2

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UM0h. X
to one side. The IndiaLB killed
game as they had a right to do by
the terms of the treaty with the
government, bnt the white pot
hnntera attempting to enforce a
Btate law that prohibits the taking
of game, killed several Indians, and
now innocent people are suffering
for the violence of others. The
United States has always regarded
the Indian tribes as independent
nations, and has made treaties and
dealt with them accordingly. This
fact should be impressed upon the
people of Wyoming who are ap
parently assuming that their state
laws are superior to the laws of
our government. However, n is
well that troops and cavalry have
been sent to the scene of the dis
The editor of the Durango
(Colo.) Democrat, a strong silver
paper favoring free coinage, made
a novel bet the other day, and won
it, thanks to the Chicago Tribune
His wager was that he could not
make an argument for the single
gold standard so preposterous that
same goldbug editor would not
take it in all seriousness. The
article was absurd enough to have
emanated from the brain of Baron
Munchausen. It bore all the ear
maika of a joke. But the Chicago
Tribune snapped at the bait and
swallowed it. Not ouly was it
taken in earnest, but our contem
porary was delighted beyond
measure. Its sphincter muscle
was strained almost to the point of
rupture, and a serious case of
lockjaw was threatened. Here was
a silver paper published in the
great silver state of Colorado which
was actually protesting that silver
money was fit only for change. It
was not only a gold bug, but one
with ft ilium nnd rwntor. Ileview.
We are assured upon most ex
celleut authority that there is more
joy in heaven over one Binner
turned from the error of his way
than over a churchful of saints,
Bo it was in this case. All the ar
guments of all the regular golditos
were as Bounding brass and tink
ling silver compared with the wild-
oyed screed of the Durango con
vert. JNot ino t mutest suspicion
entered the Tribune noddle that
there was a rogninh Binilo playing
around the comer of the Colorado
editor's mouth. So far as the Iu-tor-Uuoan
bus boon able to obsorve
no other newspnpor was fooled.
Evidently the Duiangonian had a
narrow escape from losing his bot.
Will the Tribune have tho frank
ik'hs to own up that it was fooled?
Not likely. Who ever heard of a
Hchool boy deliberately drawing on
the fool's cap and standing on the
dance block, all to proclaim his
own stupidity i wo recall no in
stance in pedagogic annals. Tho
reasonable assumption is that the
Ttibuuo will olmervo a surly
silonee on tho subject. Inter
A rArER just started down in
Texas has bcou styled "Tho F.inpty
Bottle." Not very appropriate for
Editor of a Great Paper Cured
by Paine's Celery Compound.
"As A result or experience, says
Ilorr, "all civilized natious dis
carded silver as standard money."
What rot! England adopted the
gold standard because it was more
convenient for her commerce.
Bismarck has said within the past
six weeks, in a public utterance,
that Germany blundered when it
went to the gold standard, because
he relied upon the advice of "ex
perts" instead of investigating the
question himself or allowing the
people to investigate it. The
United States blundered upon the
gold Btaudard without civilization
or your Uncle Samuel himself
knowing any Uiing about thechange.
As a result of experience, the civil
ized nations are all admitting that
the sincle pold standxrd is a fail
, . . Thfl Banner ot Liubtis, as every one
ure, ana are in a temper to restore . BUCOeRBful de-
silver, and would do ho if it were nomiDBtioUBl Dublioations issued in this
not for the cunning interference of country.
the money lending classes who In its 77tb volume it is at onoe oon-
have profited by monometallism. and bright, disoussiu not only
m'llleru auno unonui. uui iic'iduvij
landing its influence fearlessly in matters
of public importance outside its princi
pal field.
Mr. John W. Day, who is the editor
and one of the proprietors, writes iu the
Here are
points :
Which we wish you to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
Fall Term begins September 8, 1895.
t,.. classical. Scientific and Literary. Academy prepare! for coliegs and
gives a thorough English education, the best preparation for teaching nd business. The school
ha. always been distinguished for the breadth and thoroughness of its work. It has a Ubrary ot
7000 volumes, good equipments for mathematical and scientific work, and fine building, with the
best modern improvements. Marsh Hall, just completed at a cost of $50,000, is one of the finest
college buildings on the Pacific College.
All expenses very low Board and room at the Ladle's Hall $:i.00 to $1.00 per weer, mciua-
ing electric light and heat. The College "ormttory, under excellent ".
board and room at $.'.2.5 per week. Board in private lamiiies. s.ou aim upwaru..
rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per week.
For further particulars address, PKES. THOMAS McCLKLLAMU, Forest urove, uregon.
Address J. K. SMITH,
Pilot Bock, Umatilla Co., Oregon.
Samuel L. Clemens, better
known as Mark Twain, who made
a comfortable fortune on his wit
and humor, is reported to have lost Banner of Light as follows to the pro
it all bv eonneetinfr himself with prietoni of Paine s celery oompouod:
i ill- t u- u "I owe you a debt of gratitude in plao-
a larce nnhliH hint? house, which '
. : , ... . ing on the market nuoh a nerve-easing
business lie Knew mucn leBS about BDll .oothinff remedy as Paine's celery
than writing "Innocents Abroad, compound. It was brought to my notioe
or "Houghing It." This is a hard by a friend who had himBelf been greatly
endint for vears of fruitful labor, relieved by its use, as I have also been.
, I 'lit it Li i "I have frequently taken occasion to
but all will hope that he may be id-. i - ,t t
1 ' nnmmanii Puina a nnlerv finmnnnnd to
able to retrieve his fortune by his other. BDa i do not know an instance
pen, and that he may live to enjoy wherein, it faithfully tried, it has not
his recovered prosperity. worlv 'r.?, .Tn w. tw-
Wk hear of the foreign market
that Iihm been opened up by "tariff
reform." Wo presume this refers
to tho foreiu tuirkt for bonds.
Mr. Day's portrait is given above. He
is a member ot tne masonic, waa rei-
lows, GraDd Army and other fraternal
organizations, and is highly esteemed
by his brethren and others in the social
walks ot life.
liia gratitude for the Rood that this
greatest of remedies has dune him is in
no sense remarkable, mousarjas woo
have been made well by Pake's oelery
oomponnd have sent their unsolicited
teetimotials to the proprietors of the
remedy or direot to medical journals or
newspapers telling for the benefit of
others the results that have followed the
use of the remedy that is food for the
nerves and brain, that enriches the blood,
that ruBkes the weak Btrong, and is the
one never-failing speoiflo, prescribed by
phyBioians and recommended by all who
have ever faithfully used it.for insomnia,
nervous debility, neuralgia, rheumatism,
indigestion and the many ilia that oome
from tho deranged, woru-out nerves and
impure blood.
In order to reduce our stock of
We quote the following Hard
Times prices for Cash:
One New Home, latest style, new, $35 00
One New Home, style 1890, been
run a I'ttle but good as new 32 00
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bargain s
One Favorite, has been rented out
and used a little; good as new, 28 00
These are Bargain Price Jot immediate accept
ance, van at owe on
P. C. Thompson Co.
Storage and Forwarding.
Pays all Charges on fal, Merchandise, Etc.
Wool balpd and oonsiened. Soeoial attention paid to
wool that, it may be under cover and in good condition
for inspection of buyers.
iir 11 . i 11 . 1
w ill I K, tne writer or me piay or 8l tbe folowinB i9 from the pen of
Sontnff and Kvans. has dramatized Frank bnow, of the IVudleton Iribnne
.. . . 1 1 , 111 we are Compelled to believe there issome
the story of the Emanuel church , ,h jn . .., ne of ,a mH towr
murder, for which Durrant is now of this onnnty thorn i said to be a emn
on trial. White is the father of ,, , ..r,n . Ti,iia'nn a nr nh
the ladies who were ill tho cast of the ein on a fence which bar an old
., , , , . , , . nhort out-'tHiB ltoDe olOasD'" ovr
the former play which appeared at in Morrow Connty.
Heppner last summer, lie is au Yon cannot be cheerful or happy while
PTcidliMit. u'ritir. but wo lmlinvo li vonr li vr is disordered, life i bnt a
might find better subjects for tho
plot of his dramatical efforts.
weary hunlim to persons so aiuicieii,
Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney
ISiilm is the right thing to put this organ
into healthy condition. It inorexsea ti e
scon-tiiin of bile, HliuinlHtct the kidneys
and restores the nrgaus of the b"dy to
the nier performance of their fauctions
Price fl (K) per bottle.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
ili-ppner, ,in tne State of Oregon,
at the clone of liusinesx,
July 11th, 1HU5.
Loans and discounts S 66,958.39
Overdrafts scoured and unse
cured 4,101.89
U. S. bouds to hoc tiro circula
tion 12.500.00
If President Lincoln in
had issued an order for the surn
mary shooting of every confeder
ate soldier captured in arms, all Ileopner and Monument, arming every
. day ejoept Monday and leaving every
r.uropo wuuiu nave luieneieu 10 day eioept Miuiiav. Miiortem ana eneap-
prevent such an outrage on civili
.at ion. That's just what I'amptw
is doing in Cuba. Kecogni.o the
belligerency of tho ('ulmiis at once!
New York Uecorder.
to the iuterior. P.
est route
T. W. Avers, Jr., is making squirrel
poison that he guarantees. No kill on
pay, and sella it at i" cents per eau, ft
oai.s for SI DO: Sl.K) per dozen. Uet a
sample and try it. tf.
Gold) orgnns now speak of tho
liarvey-llorr debate ns "a freak
IiMtneutii," He (Wo it opened they
nil id Harvey would be auuihilatetl
the first day
Chioaoo mhi lo are very care
letta. They neglected to put K hell
011 Aillai Stevenson tho I'ourlh,
and no i in hmt ngaiu. KaiiHiis
City .J our 11 nl.
IlEMEMiiElitliinoiie thing: Every
prediction made by the goldlnigs in
connection with the money question
for tho past three years has utterly
X ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
uenry wneeier, 1
William Bremer,
Bremer, wife 01 Bald
William Bremer, a' d
Frank Hagerman m
Receiver of the Lom
bard Investment Com
pany, a corporation.
To William Bremer, efendant.
In the name 01 the Mate ot Oregon,
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint niea against yo'i in me ijueraiura
nit on or before the first dav of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled court, to-wii, ine
2d day of September, 1KH5; and if yon fail solo
answer, for want tnereoi tnepiatnun wmapiuy
to the court lor the relief demanded In said
comDlatnt. tn-wit:
ror jungmeni ana oecree aeauisi nuiiam
Bremer for the sum of fitiO.00, with Interest on
.M5 00 thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the firstdav of June. iHvb: with inter
est on l.r thereof at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 1 rst dav ot December, ins.v,
with interest on thereof at the rate 01 per
cent per annum from the tlrst day 01 June, mm;
with interest on ft la tnereoi at tne rare 01 n per
cent per annum from the tirst dav of December,
ano lor a inrrner sum 10 do oeterininei uy
the court at an attorney'! fee, and for costs of
this suit.
Also for a decree foreclosing a mortgage made
n Viil lam Bremer on the foil wing descriiien
real estate, situated in Morrow Conntv. Htata ol
Oregon, to-wit: The NV of Sec. 8, Tp. 2 N. of
K. 27 K. w. i., recorded in the clem onice 01
said conntv on the 21th day of May, lHrtt, on
pages 2112, 2(W, 204 and 2115 In Book "D" of the
mortgage records of said county as to all of the
defendants herein named: and for sale 01 sain
mortgaged premises to satisfy said Judgment
and decree, attornev'i fee. Interest and cots.
'I his summons Is erved on defendant William
Bremer bv nnb Icatlon bv order of James A.
Fee, Judge of the Hlxth Judicial District ol the
Mate of Oregon, dated July imir.
1). 11. h.l.l.1.1 Hll.l j. N. HKO N.
Attorneys for l'lalutlir.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Tvop.
Ill Iw Him
OftheHmt National Hank at llrpt
nrr, in thf State of Vrryan, at the
Cone ' 1111 111 , July It, IW.
l;vxnl 'keys.
f nihil. Now wheti they predict all Mu j,m,,u 104.21i!4
HorUof evil AH ft renal t of free Coin- lHennirourHUli. unsecured ILWl W
.. i 1 1 1 t -i U. H. Iloiids til seour cireiilH-
nn.they must tiot kick if we remind tlon ilMo tin
,. no
".Oj'J 13
Premiums ou U. H. bomlH.
Hriclts, Krouritis, eto
1 taiikiulunis'. furniture, & fix.
Other real fntiile hnd nmrtR-
sues owned
Due from National banks
(not lk-srve Atfrnitn)
Du from stale banks and
Due from approved reaerve
CUfOk snd other cash iteiu. .
Notes if other National liittiks
Fruotioiml per enrreucy,
nickles, mid ivnts
HWe MIIsHru)
U'ltsl ti-nder Dotes. . . 7 IK)
lii'.lemptinti fund with V. H.
Tresxiirer (5 per cent, of fir-dilution)
6.!H4 63
2,50'J 30
For the Cure ot
Liquor, Opium nnd Tobacco Habits
It Is lorated at Palcm, Oregon,
The Host Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oaihttr office (or particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
1 ty of !
13 408 03
KH5 19
Morrow. Htate of Orciron.
John r. t rosiijr, uuara
tan, I'lalntlil,
them tlmt they nte etceedindy Premiums on I'. S. bonds
... .Slooas. awi'Hrill S. etO
KK.r BUlln.riiy ou thai iueUou. huukinu houw furuiture, ud
An old philiMfcipher once titid:
"Wfttcli tin in nil who is nUsjs
fftllinj other men thieven." And
if he were living ttnlny ho might
iiliui m.M tho x t.iii h in itU it) s
nxsnilini; the rhrtrnotor of Knottier.
Win s ft white in mi until mi In-
dintl ri'et t Vsli tl Ih'Uih1 up, A)t
mi rschmiie, ho lein to hint nnd
pul'linh nl Ton 1 "the iiniiiitient dun-p-r
of an 1 nd 1 ti uprising " And,
ly tho mhv, ft result h tisunllj
K Is Udh.
lr lft cost tho crrst Atufriosn
Dull. n fttuioat s niftuf livn to
Ci l"lrnte ono liundnsl mi l
ril.liMii ftin.it ir.ari' of indi
p u l.'iu'it ft it did tit win iude
u.ltiic in tl. first j'lftCft.
Tirint (Cftuftdn) Now.
Kugeuo UegiHter.
A MAN who witft ft whole limns
Imiid hit h) hiiiiself, with n lig nud
little tlriiin ft nd cjiiilmls on his
lmck, which ho worked ly h wtrtni;
ftttrichi'd to hid lift foot, otrtu'k
town one dny thin week. After
pi) ti g ftUiut one hour h received
110 or thirty d)i. Atluutt I'on-
The on.leirsinrsl liatlnrfWn realore,)
lo brsilth bjr siuipU Urtiii, alter sufTer-
l for aetrral tear wtib Sever lung
afTetioo, sod Dial J read dia. ax. Coo-
nruflion, tt aniious to tuaks tnoan la
bis fellit nfTi'tets lb means of rare.
To Iboee wbti deeire it. be will cheerful
ly send, flee ut f bre. ft eopT of lb pre
era.tion 0el, hU'h IbeT will find ft
ute cms f ir I'otiKiuiption, Antbms, ('
tarib, Urourbllie end all Ibroel snd loud
ttisUlles. IU tiiw all enlferere ill
Ha 1. 1 reniedf M il la Invaliiahl. Tlnee
d- sinoj the 'fe'ri(.li,B, eliicli oill
('em nothtetf, and n re ablrMih,
ll .le a. lrM. 1U l".tVAKt k.
llON. to.k lljn. N. V. Jtioll .
Sl.7 :w
121.1 J
Due from Natiounl biniks(oot
reserve ifeiil
lue front stale banks and
Iue (rum approved reserve set.
(bieeks ai"l olli-r 0li Item
Note ol olber N'tiional llatiks
t'racii.inal p.er currency,
lilt kel and ei-nla.
Lsart'i imi s l S4s, i
SiHVie 10,22H.(kl
lU-tleiiiption fund Willi l. ?.
Treaeurer c5 ter eut. of
rinmlalion: falJ.M
Tolal lW.74fi.'i
Capital atoek paid in V.'"VU1
Total Hl,roU8
Capital st.H-k paid in $ (al.0on.00
Hiirplua fund lO.OOtMiU
I tidividnd protlU.lessexpeu-
see anil Uies liahl ,DOIW
National batik notrsuutetaud
I lite 10 oilier National banks
Due to stats banks and bank-
iMvidetid nupald
Individual depoeii subject
In cheek .
iVmaud ret tifloali a of de
2,SoO UU
Totsl Ul.nol.S
MrAt or t)niio!. I
County of M rro. j '
I. E l. H. Itiabois Caabler of thesUite-
n allied liank. do eolciuiil) er tlmt the
atve etatement I true .i Ida N il of
my knovleda and belief.
En H lillr. Cwl.ier,
riilloenbed and urn lit Im for tne
ibi yU day ol July. 1'A
K I. Eassi.AXD,
Notary I'tiblid for Orrsfoo
Corre.1-Attest: IVoland, 1".
C. ltiompn. A. RmxI, Ibreetiir.
Alexander Oraham,--
iirahain, lie of said
Alexander (.raham,
the National Bank of
llpppn.'raco poratton
and Krank Haiierman
as receiver of Unntiard
Investment coin.ny,
To Atexand t Oraham. Oefendant
In the name of the hlate of Oreiinn, yon are
herehv reuiilred to aotear anil answer the com
Malm Mini attains! yon In the - Inive entitled
soil 011 or liefore Ilia II rut .ly of the next reidl
lar term ol the aUive entitle.! court low It. ihe
2nd day ol Kept.MnlxT, l'i. and II yon fall so to
anawrr. for want Ihereol Ihe nlaliitln will an
ly lo thee urt lor Iba relief demanded In aaid
conip alnl. I " It:
or liiilsnienl nil ileerce aeaniai ai"xanner
Oraham f r the Sinn ol rlve liundrrd liollara
lth Interest Ihereo 1 at the rate of eluht l
cent er annum from the 1st day of July. Ivil.
and for a reaaonahle sum lo be de ermlned ly
the court as all attorney lee, ami lor cots 01
thli suit.
Aln lore decree forecloaln a mortiaee mailc
by Alexamler (.raham on Ihe follow lost ile
crllie.1 real male ItuattHl In Morrow county.
Ureon. lo it. The M-1, of Kw a, Tp I N. ol
R. ' K W M . eotiiMliilm In all !') ai re more
or Uai"corilliii lo tovrriiMeiit survey, re.-or-l. d
in the rlers s ofllcv nl sai l r It on Ihe I' th
day ol July, wa. on ur a'id :Ki In
H.HII "t ol Ihe mofiae re- oMsoiMi.icounir,
as lo all the delpii'lanta herein named and lot
sale ol said ninrtna.-.! prrmlaea to asllaly awl't
Ju.lf ment. decree aitornry s lee. luteresta and
coaia aervtoeot this I'linmoiia Is made on ton
bv nnter of James A. KW. ludce of the alx'h
udli lal dlatrn t ol the tat ol tioaion. made on
the i'lh day of July, l..
tl l. n.l.l" ami j. . nioiw,
VrA Attorneys lor I'lalutlff.
Mb( H vivnef, tbe b'a.-kmilba.
tlf SMb'Mi an I I bnleliefa. at lb
Street, le.tnar.
A. . . 1 .. t--iA. IV.. . k t.
Il.diHi.a hae ati.en nti H at an ,1 a. .. t sn i e i
fttatltiltiJ CM" ,,f a!l ,fa u. up v' " '
a mi i(( 1 1 rs 1 i ti or 1 iieea ibi l
Fr.nvi th many frp..rt fr'tn tli
Jftrkwm llolrt emintrt tip in 'Vmt-; M l.ina un.l. kiau
ri w'Mmiiy 11 11 v ill III ! H 1
lill4ti I
latlilltid el'it" ir nil Ufa t ll lip
l ic, whit li f tii Ui Iihlly j ut , .f,
H.ifllu fund UiM
1'ndiVlde.t 1'Mllla. Ie ellx'tJ
aeeaad lake pai l.... ... !,0tI&6
National llitlik Notes out
Uliduirf 11.1.0 on
(In in oiumt National Hanks . il.H'l
Individual d' lait subiect la
t-beek IM,Oi'7 M
IVmaud e..ft.!l.-ut.- of d. po.it l8.n73.JaH
Total I1W.744M
tjTATt Of lkot,
Cot ill or M lasosr, )
I, (Icx'a! Cner, C"hlf of lb
alaiv named bank. d aolemnly swear
thai Ilia ! atal.'tiient I Iru la tl
brt of my kuolcl- and belief.
1 110 lVx. Caebler.
Hutvrde.t an la totjlef.iru Ibis
;7ttJay. Juij. 1 -V
V I, rasttASR,
N"tary I'ublt tares' 0.
C.-eres-l - A t. C. A rtbes, T A.
Kbea, llai k K- U.'tf tf. IhoVtor.
fr. Wk, an Hifienced fcwtetwf
fr..rn '..'lai. I I a aipi, a 't .ti
In !! . Mibe iebsr I'P,
brre l H ' It. pubHe la I'e
. ()! I i! ti,H 11 1 II ,!(
Martekta lleaalla.
From letter written bv Hev. J.
(ltibderman, of Pituondale, Mcb., ar
permitted to luak tbiseilract: "I bat
wo beailation In reoommendinf tr King's
New Iioovry, a lb rtilts er
atml inert el. on In tbe Caaeof my wife
W till I .al..r of II, If aplief rhurcti
at UiV'W Junctl.m h wa btomt.t doo
Hh I nenin.mia atici eejir La Uru tx
Trrribt parol n. of tfrnisthibsj SunM
laet lumr w it h Mil Inter ruplioa and
it wed a if eb f.ni I Hot snrviv
Iber A friend recommended tf,
Kmi'i New ltnefv; it wa 9t rk In
H ik and b'a'blv aaliarael.ery In
reaitl!." lilal Utle f'r at T. V
Ater. Jr , dtt) br. laUr !
&V. aa I 1.
Tt etnlar tertptaiti pete ef tb
rUmt-U aekly lisi-U t 12 30 sort tb
reatolaf prvr rl ttv Uerkty t)roo'a
l II 'A Any nbaeriblstf f1' b
tlaiett and ptirtf 'or et year In
Itoi Y rs al I H tb llaieM an I
VVpekll Orrtf..m f..r f 1 A toll tb
.'.il. p)H'sl ti.etr iit,i.mti f'f
year is t at Willi ftitttll W
V.I V"'.
ONCY LOANCO. rim M.n-,e,
Orrn. 1th raiirm irtlr at tmtr ol ltttrri
not lo ri5vl wr nl twi-fsninHin fitg-
ffttrwrtt thai hn I tern tf othrf roin
m ' n swiiitl',
HBtr i'Uf. rrtftn.
$ The Press Claims Company $
PHILIP w. AViRtTT, Ocneril Minijer,
6i3 P 5trctt. WASHINQTON, D. C
To pron who served In the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parent. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a p(
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars yj
on whom you depended fur support ? (")
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it y
to you an J is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present ft
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the J
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. V
trW'nte for laws and complete Information. No Charge for advice,
No Fee unlets successful.
X. B.-T' timpani is wWW fr nrttrlf ra Oumtamd Uodl0 aeiee
poptrt im fAe Vntit4 main. 4 it gnaranUtd fry Hum. - .
Notict of Final Settlement.
Vi'Tti R is ii r sir ny iuvrr tiut Te
4 un.larl(ii.. h alinliilalrau.r of Ihe
ralate of Jama, a Hrpavliiig. .la .ol, anl
Biake final aMiimiil of hi. r."Mila a nh .l.l
male aa sm h a-lmlnl.iaior, al Ihe ne t Urtn
t. the coottv c.ift l W.roa cxoilv at ll't
i,r ti be h.il.lfii al Ihe court houaai Its aatl
Cieilllf. B III H limf ol ee.ri'f l ,,
a. 4. r" i'io.
hotice of Final Settlement.
Norn f t iirnmv fvr tht thi
utt.l'WtciM-4 4rt.ti Itirtt of tho r
t , rf. t r r r r r 4 4 o o o -f? c cor or a am
vi.ii a k. v t ai v a v a v a.a.vft va . v . v - . . . . ... . . . 4 - - .
ol W u H"" 4ra lil n.aa all.
ma 1. 1 ,.l ! avTuuma aiib aa4 eaia'a as an b
a.liitoatFfti at the et letm t li.a ci,n f
r...ot of W'.t,. r.-i.i. at Mart' i.t i
h....tn al ihe wifiil h.i.iae la re.ihtr, piJ
Ihe .1 .lay of Hwl ,
M i. JS !.. A lnilnlsttna
h'otlce of Intention.
LaSB frtcs Tas t'slisa f.ai,
Line n l
NdTtrr is ttaY fiivyi tHsT nit
tn.,nlT,a tvm4 aell.ef tva t at Mh,
nf ais ..nn..o U ar,a lni tf.4 11 Siirw.'1
W liltf li Ih.l 4 fr..i n. t" la
l-io-. J t .tmm I i.-l J ,f s.sl Hi f i f
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lilitt wytt
tktk v t I V, s ji I W W
Ma emr I Ha N.tlna) lff O- i a f" a l
f..o ..at.l. i, . B' -l en. il. air a ,,
aao-l r l la
a M...-I I T . a..H T .r
. I. L N ai W , a.i et Mm i " .
i ii i w..k
l l et atrf
t i m i
t ( Am
Aictho Highest of nl! High Grades.
t.:.tl.. W..,r, I,,,,:, ,M ,,,(M,H h , "
.l,U a .1. ;;.t c. ,.c.,n. . h. a. ,J , M W .
2111) SCORCHER 103
(a'a.ifi.e frrai.
H H It It HUIK fc, .
a Aaatt f,.l faalafn Ufa
22ik. LADIES' trts
AIIt"teM IU,t, , s f
mrit T, tv
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