Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 26, 1895, Image 4

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White 70a eep fonr subscription paid ap jro
can kep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J., lone, Or. Home Gtt on left
ahonMsr; os.ttJe m on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine. Or. T with har on
der 11 on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eieht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horass same brand on right
shoulder. Range Eight Mile.
A'llcins, J. J.. Hsnpnsr, Or. rTorwss, J oon
ne""1 m 't flsnlc: eM. amon lft hin.
Bii-d D W and s n.-Uorsi' hraH d D B
on fi 'e' hi-; tl thi -an' on loft fl nk.
cnpoff ri( t a'. intercrop in the left, llange
in Miirr w County.
Barth'iln n"w, A O , Almne, Or. Homes
brnnde l 7 K n either shouliler. Itange in Mo -row
rmnnister, .!. W., TTurflman, Or. Tittle brand,
ed H on left hin and t-hiirli: split in each ear.
Brenner. P-ttor, iTor-sttlitrry Oroiron Horsss
branded PB on left shoulder. Cuttle same on
ritrht siris.
Harks M St C, l,one Creole. Or fin cattle,
MY p'innocted on left hip. ciop off left ear. un
der nil f nrop ott riTht. Hones, same ornnl on
letft shoulder. H'lnne in Grant and Morrow
Brnsman, Jerrr, Ijnna. Or Horses branded "
on ritrhi shooM'tr; cattle B on the left aid.
Left our half drop nd right ear nnnor alone.
Barton, Wm.. H pnner, Or. -Horaea, J B on
right thi i cattle same on right hip; split ii
Bain ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right atine; oattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row oonnty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in ee ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Thrift. Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, boj
brand of righ hip cattle, same, with split it
each oar,
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hin.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Oattle, .IB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out, on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox ralley,
Grant county,
('arsner Warren, Wagner. Or. Horse brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) or
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Uarige if
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.K., Caleb.Or. Y I) on horses on left stiffs'
U with qnarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left, stifle on all oolts n dor 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses oyer B years. AM
range in flrant oonnty,
(lata, Chas. B Vinson or Lena. Or. Horsed
H (! on right shonMnr; cattle same on right hit.
Hangs Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Oorrigall. M M. Oa'lowiy. Or (VHe crop on
of fach ear and nnderhit, wattle in forolvad:
horses half circle d on left stilts, iiange Mor.
owand Umatilla oont ties.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or, Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hi"
in right ear, split in left ear. Bange in Grant
county. u sheep, inverted A aud spear noin
on shoulder. Kar markou ewes, crop on left ear
punched npper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All rangn
in Grant county.
Cook, A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses, 90 on rightshonl
der Cattle, same on right hin: ear mark suuan
crop off left and split in right,
Cnrrin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, & on
left stiHe.
Coi Kd. H., Hardman, Or. Turtle, C wltl
Ein center: horses CK on left Sip.
Cochran, B. K., Monnmont, (irant Co, ()r.
Horsos htand"l circle with har beneath, on lef
shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, marl"
under slope both ears and dewlao.
Chapin, H., Hanlman. Or. Horses branded
fi on right hip. t'att.le hranded the same. AN.,
brands CI on horses right ihlgh: ca t e sisn
brand on right shoulder, aud out off and o'
right ear
Douglass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Mori
right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses. II I)
on left hin.
My. Br Douglas, Or. Horses branded KLY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole
ir right ear.
Emery. C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
(reversed C with tail on left shou der; cat,
tlesamenn right hip. llange in Morrow county.
KluniiiivH, L. A., Heponer. Or. I iattle, LK on
right hip; horses K with har under on right
Florence, H. P. Hnnnner. Or Horses, F on
right shor l'l' ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
French. George. Heppner. Or. Tattle branded
WF. with har oyer it. on left side; crop oil left
ear. Horses, same brand on left, hip.
Gentry. F.Iuimt, Kulri. Or -Hore hrsndnl H
H. with a quarter nip-Is oyer it. on left stifle
lUno in M'irrow and IJ-n-ittllanoniif ins.
Hiatt A. H., Bi'lm, r.-rHtllH roiind-top K
with ipiarter circle under It on the right lup.
(tt.,.rn(rl M-trro si I 1 1 m'll il la "onntiM.
Hinton t lenks. HamUlon Or Cattle, two bait
on either hip: crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh, llange in Grant county
II ighes, Hnmnel. Wagner, Or- J" (T F I
connected! on right slionM"rn hor. hi: on cattle,
on right hin and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Itangn in Haystack
(i,reln'. .1 w (-itv
II de, Mil'. 111, 'V-i'-f'r, Or. -Horses omits 1
-O- (C'H'Ih w t'l II ir illnl tin Ih on left shoulder
(, stile siime on I 'll hip also large circle on lof
Howirl.ll, 'W'liTiv, Or, -It f (ros.
wil l 1 r 1 1 1V1 11 1 1 ri s-i 1 n ier; -'him s .in
011 I ''I side. Bung' 111 Morrow and Uiu itilla
0 111 "t IMS
Hm'I H'wii, John Day. 'Ir. -Tntl'e F, II on
ri 'hi hi'i; li i-s s nii tie in ri lit ,h ml tor. llange
In M- -111 CO -l.lv.
Hughes, Mu, Heiio'ier, Or - llorsne. aha led
ho'irt on the left sh-i'il er. Itullge M'irrow 1 'o.
II I'ls iker, II P . Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
th ill lr eilfe. U on left hip,
Hii nnhrevs, J Hani nan, Or. Horse, H ot,
let ilink
lliivon. Iin'her, Fight Mils f)r.-Mores on
(he left sh i il leran I hurt on the left stills Cat
tie sa-n o'i left hin Hinge in Morrow nniiittv
Jones. II irry tl unit r Or 1 tm.ia hr-in lei
II .1 on t'ie lnfi s Miii'der; ra'tle bra i.l j nn
rmht hip. also indeiliil 111 left Mir. Umigi, u
Alo'fuw con ity.
Jiiitkiu, ri. i., Ilepnner, Or Horses, horsa
shoe J on lft shoulder. Cattle, Uia sains.
Bang i fiK' Mil.
John -n. Felii. L 11a. tr. Horeee. etpclsTot,
le't stirte; natile. same on right hip, nndef half
orHi In nio sno sopf n lert ear
Kenny. Mtk, Heppeer, Or. -Horses hern-i,
K N If on le't hip cattle sams and orop off Uft
r: an lef shows of! the rtl,
Kirk J T , llei.o isr, Or. -II mm SV on left
Shoulder: natlie. SU on ,.n htl.
Kirk Jssse. Ileonnsr. Or.: horwc II on left
sk'-'i'der; eel 1 Is sams ou light side, under hit on
right ear.
Kiinilierlsn I W (I. M'Mint Vernon. Or. I I, on
raiile on rigid and lefi aides, swsllow fork in li ft
ar and under cum in tight ear. Hones asm
brand on le't heilder. Bang In (Irani ".finii
lofteti, Hiephen, fsi. Or. H It on lefi hip
on ram crop and ilit on rigtit ear. Iloreisi
sain brand on left shmil ley. Bang (iranl
LimalUn, John W., L-rli-1-- Or -Horses
hraiil-l halfj'iicle J I, connected on left sho-il
iter I'sMle, sainr 011 left hiii. Bang, ntstr le
lh". J W Hiuint Ik-llurM h-andet
I, i'l a o I l"fl Stio idler; cettle n on ef
hip, waiiUoter right ). tlitaa sliia lu r flit
lew-1, ttora, Heppner Or -Horse bramlsl
donl.l l sh nai-la e.iaiettlif cp,
swig II on fi iiotildr
M I'. Met, ,,.,r, Or -Cattle hrai.UI
riri-U on right nip; lio' sain im light slilfe.
HeMg iflDf ow cHiiity.
Minor. Osear, niunr r 'ltl, kt II o
light hip; hor M on left hoahier.
nvi, H J , (I M,.. Hi -It tnai It I
on Uft shieild- caMla a n oa left hip.
Mitchell. iKear I , nr. -Il irasi. JJ on right
hip: ell Tloa rigtit si ,
M-t'ianw, I) li , ll...w.,.,ill. Or.-Horw.,
Ii 1 m sa-'h ho il I ca'll. M I us hi 11
M lhrt. Fr, ,k Cm M. Or M lis sh.l
Ot ioe i,rk m ca'Oe it r,iM a I n ig ,
a-'H ar, horse va'ti bran I n lefi i"ls.
Me'lsl,,, n 1 m en i. t Ir i t iirs
wol, i,ir nr , in ,m M i,lMt I sr.oa 1 ati,,
f.t-ir ttsr e ,n-t oa le on ih righl aid'
llsa in lail I'.Mi'iif .
Nsl a" lw I. -n. B ek Or - l.i-x 4 sj
e! 'Mi l-'t K.il I- esitt sn S-h Slt
N r lika ., ail w,o ir. I.eaa.ntrrl ,n)
lfi ihig. e il sa ns mi Ufl hin
Oliver I sSiS. I l I'll) Mr -,, IM rains
im l.fi lup mi h e-, a n Ufl th.gh, Unv
ta O-a'd e a,if
Oll. I'arry. IxiIii'.hi, r.-1' (I on .f
hot d-'
llli Her nan. fNsi.u Tily. Ik ll ralila, l
I , 1' 1 lfl I, i, h Ife i IM 1' , (f
en I SVO, e,s lis in ifai ei,lt.
I' Ills, k M M'ls 'Ir l esea, .se
lev rl-.'l ehi-'.t ..e lei mh ' e n n, t,
kip IVk'slIlM' ear nshl iroppad P
IM, Uft hlo !(,.- m iM M I.
-k- S iutii. Hw I -. in, -H ir,H
-' .i, i Iw.
I'ii. I. t"il i''ii ', H.rf e bnint
il.tr. . I Il sl....,l l, , ,,,
S ft.e o !'. I hlo lls'l f-W in,m
I'M' I 'I Vt.ll- U r
l"et I-" s'. I... mill. sne.M Ut Ki,
B. lei lM' In e , ,r
I' -II ,s k I ' . I Mie, I Ir i k-rtsea rii t,..n, ftt
e ,"!, I 'I J ems" I IMI I',
l-'l hip U ,l I, .e .f ll4l n i(
H1 k " I SJ ,eea IK tlee-e) (a
f". 'I. -,e ,. le eel il i. I,n S,
II 1 ,, il,,,,, , 11, l 1 H,
M'.h'l-- H e 't le 1. 1
,.,....'. ,',,ii u -vU Ik ..a II," 1 -' mi
.,. ..) . .. ... s I a k. tiang I
M . ' s I , 1 .. i ,.,..
H e - eit-- lelmiie, (W.Mrf,,
Itrsil-I k II --e -ig'.l . Mi I t, I . 1. re.
e-r 1 "- t.s - I - HM lea t,M .il'
II. n .. ., ,
I W H I ", ( H r-e.,..
W ,s! ' ' 1 i i.. e e,n .t n .1 ,. .
S, I ... .V i , . m si I t-!l IS Ml, l ee
e . s - I . U .s Ie, lUega I e,..
ks 1 . I 'I is n s o ,
II. ..,. I N II.,... , O. II J,
e"l v. ,1 e I i U l H, 111,1 hlie.
.,!. I e 1 l 'I. I.
J e ,...., , . . .11. 1 ,1, , , ,
' 1 i ,.s m k r .
I-'' .. e -I . I .,
S) - ! J .'. , fr-f ,. e.M, I .
k) w . i.l ej ' . ee S . e, ..i . 1. ,
oil isset im 4 aeekvi ks anil m.
in itrant county.
Hmith Bros Hnsanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. S5. on shoulder: cettie. .ame on left ahonlder.
Hqnires, James. Arlington, Or.; horaee branded
JBou left shoulder: cattle the same, also noes
waddle. Bange in Morrow and Gilliam co nties
Htephens. V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses 8ri 00
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on ihe right side
Htevenson, Mrs A. J.. Heppner. Or. Cattle, B
on right hu : swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner. Or. Horses, 44 on
left should" ;cattle. 44 on left hip.
Nnorry. K.O.. Heimner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip. crop off rigid and underhit in left year,
dewlap; horses W V ou left shoulder.
Thompson, J, A.. Heppner, Or. Horses, Son
left should. -r: cattle. 2 on ieft shoulder.
Tipoets.8.T.,Ecierprise.Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner B. W.. Heppner. Or. Small capital T
left ahonlder. horses: cattle same on left hip
with split, in botli eers.
TlvTnton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horees branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep seme hrand.
Va'iderpool H. T., Iiena, Or: Horses H V con
nected on right ehouldericattle, same on right
Walbridw, Wm . Hcnoner. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the loft shoulder; cattle same on tight hip
irnp otf left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, .lonn O,. Halem or Ttoonner, Or.
'lor hrandod Jq on the left shnnlder. Bang,
Morrow county.
Warren W H. Caleb, Or Tattle W with onartei
eircle over it. on left side, split jn right ear
Horses same brand on left shoulder. Bangs it
runt county
Wade Henry. Henpner. Or. Horses brandec
100 of spmloH on left shoulder and loft hip
"a'tle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolfingor, John, John Day City. Or On horsw
'hruo nundlnl bars on left, shonldnr; 7 on sheen
hit in both ears. Bange in Grant and Malhner
ion nties.
Woodward, John, Hononer, Or. Horses, 01
lo'inected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe. Heopnor, Or. Horses brander
0E conneoteoon left stifio,
Wallace. Charles. H -ppner. Or. Tattle, W ot
-ight thtiVi, holt in left ear: horses, W on righ
ihoultter mini' same on left shoulder.
Whittier tiros., tiuiiiingum. Baker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Qnarter oir
cle oyer three bars on lof hip, both cattle an'
horses. Bangs Grant connty.
Williams, J t). Ixing Creek. Or Horses, qns
'or circle over three bars on left hip: oattle sams
ind slit in each ear Bange in Grant county
Wren. A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses rnnningA t
m shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., Gooseberry. Or. Horses hrsnde'
"Ion th rtghtshonldse.
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895,
Matchless Mouiitiiin Scenery.
Kete Vl imIkmI Ihfi voiir In a roman
tic dell of the SacrctuiMito Cauvon.
Jtn.1 below and In full view of grand
old Hlntsta It whs a gn-Ht hit and
promises still more encouraging re
sults for Hie present veur i" J.
Ijoktiis. at CHstella.ln still In charge
and wtil auswet all luiultlea.
A ' ew rntidldnte for public favor
this year la
Also In the hnsia region, about
a mile and 11 half Inm Diniamiiir
Il is a genuine pnrndlHe lor hunters.
II hers anil seekers of heiilth .mil
plcimure Kasy to renidi (near the
railroad) sightly, and nil the ne
cessities of camp life eanlly procur
able. All Inquiries about Hlms'a
Vl( li..('anii. If addressed to W V.
Gniy, Box I. Duiisniulr, Cal., will
receive proinit Hlleiitiou.
Camping in The
kluiii, " r'ghts, Laurel (ilenwood,
Fel on Iteu l.omoud,
Boulder Creek.
Reduced Rates
Durl ig the Camping season will be
made hy ihu
t or full piirll 'iihirs address
V.. V. I.OKKliS. A.st lice, "itss, Art.,
I'o art. I Nil, (III.. 1, UN.
July .'II. Or liny H. V. Co Ageul
tf rh Mt HT. 1 t.t tlt In
dimitt t nr tig ii r. i vt,,K
ltd flruitx t I0-4I, nitii u ilp
hi'KiuUu d '1 jp U. (In M.lmt tl.t.M
or b.i...i.i iih a aiut hiif.i'ii
ft ciHv. i tli ill llirr Im im
tn ilia h"y hi mi vr (.n,; Htl(,
M- .4.f.-( l-rtii i y 5h Hthf 1 lie
rt- iHi f r n li it dp 9
Mtiifie vttiiitii" of in w Itit'i p. ron
l vm tl tn ft pIIirII Hi n t- it, lit II11
r CM,, i.f ll.t vIhIi- .'ltl r Mini,
f.-f Uintah h v l r nd In Im I mi
ti'oir. Hi i hhhI 'I it h t 1 i.u 1
r iii rninii, ciiihu. m it . ol
liMin m ir , kitti fit 1 1 n A m r n
Willi (III- ft Iff llxiinlp il Ititif.
OlU'lnV ti).y llll rtlH 11141 tliifi
uf l. i. t.ii i M i' h 1 i.r '(ir Ar
H-l r h li t m . t- ft It r it
Im Huif m .) prt, i.u li Hi (li it ntrt
lMriirr hi I li hl li lli 1 nl im 1 l 11 1
1 liff ir 11-4 l , X W( tl. Im -, 11 1 nv.
tin-it t nit llffi t;tni ( B'tttnti' In
Im- I ... ,, .n', th I....-I n ,. 1 1 silt it i l
4 hk'titf r.,w,f j.-ti.-rp. i th will
v'l" ! iy iiU-i tl-rr In
11 linn -T9 M n.'Hi' r.t I ta ihv
fi if titi iiMfii tit Ik ol art m
t -I 0 ; fti 4 hn 11 (if, nr h'H
tat llitt lit ltl-1 titft teru.l ft. .as. II..
f J ,M lu Ht V ' ftlUtf
tl nr ii r 44.r I it 1 1 it ) I u it-
, J . j Iili4il tit i h iinn I r tif H,r ;-ift
i 1 r'l'K. ai,,l 11.4 an at.. ... .....
In 1 u . ( i.ri 1 Wieimtnl 1 hat
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f I " . Bit !. i f II I , I.. I
fit.ii t 1 1'i il-" 1 ii h it I Ht
t i.mll r I I II k- r i I Il k I l.-l
'f I'll' , l4l 1 I h i, f.
I.I It! Ilk M .1. k. 1...- A .
J I - I 1 l lift- .1 Ml I I.-, M IM f
" ' f' l' ll lilt Milk, 114 jMf'ftri lJ
ti 1 h f .i f II 1 x'ttr ..i r ft j
I. - I il, fit M 1 1 t ii h f t iy
t f am , aiij ft-l ul tf 0 f
i in. f. P ft t'l I
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ls. a.) g Ilk.
P n-ti n r T- iksf
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4-S V4 iH..r. I
Castle Crajs
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
E&tO 3E3 S5
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full detnil oall on 0. R. & N.
A. hi nt at Ueppuer, r addreHs
Ghd. Phhs. Agt.
Poutland, Obegon.
iStiiT Francisco
Vud all poiuts In ('Hlifornin, via the Mt. Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
I'hs KrsHt hishwHy throuh ('ahfornia to all
points Ksst Btirl South, (irsnrt Hcenio Kouta
of thn Fiutifio Const. Pullman Hnflet
Hlonimrs. Hooonil-nlass Bleeiiers
Attanhml to sxprnss trains, Bttorrlmir snpsnor
uicomuiodHtions for soeonil-olass imwwunors.
For rates, tioksts. sliwiii,(t oar resnrratiorja,
sto. riAll ntion or rntilrnss
K. KOKHI.KK, MaiiHKer. K. P. R00EE9, Asst
feon Mf, Airt... Hortlsiul. Orniron
A'.mt Mrnlcrn and projjresilvo
Fur -ntiiloirun or liifiiniiiilTon write to
New Haven, Conn.
Is known to most psrsons.
Th llluitrata that frtater quantity la
Not always moat to ba dctirtd.
Tlitaa caida sipreas tha hencAcial qual
ity or
4a comparadwllh any previously kaowa
Ripana Tabulsa: Prlca, so cant a bos.
Of drugflata, or by mail.
IIP4NS CNEMICAL CO.. 1 0 If rc II., N.V.
Mit L",,tM,,
Simplest. ("tJi- EMlest
5oIU eVrTv.',R y-lfJf Moat
Kecclvcr. Xlf .r kliT Cumpacl,
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The Carcass as It Is Prepared for
the Market.
Every Ounea of tha Animal Goes Oat of
the Slaughter Hnuae a Commer
cial Commodity -Froflta
of the Dealer.
In a recent interview with a New
York wholesaler a representative of the
World learned the following facts re
garding the treatment of a beef animal
in preparing; it fur the market:
"Sueh beef as I handle," said the
dealer, "will weijrh 800 pounds, that is,
two sides will weigh 403 pounds each.
This is dressed beef, all of whiah is cut
up and sold. There is no waste. The
fat and bones are sold. Such extras as
you see on the butchers' stalls, as
brains, tongues, liver, tripe, oxtails,
etc., do not come to us as dressed beef.
These are special lines, handled by spe
cial men.
"There is a steer," and the dealer
pointed through the glass door of a re
frigerator as big asasmall house, "that
weighed 800 pounds when laid on these
scales to-day. I paid 9 cents a pound
for it. Don't believe these 11 and 12
cents stories, for they are not true. It
cost me $72 at the warehouse. 1 hauled
it here, must pay my men to cut it up
and deliver it and all that. What will
I get for what cost me $72?
"The rump will weigh 40 pounds, for
which I will get 10 cents a pound, or
$4; the round, immediately below it,
will weigh 60 pounds, at 13J4 cents, or
$7.50; the sirloin, 80 pounds, at an aver
age of 14 cents, for there are at least
three cuts of sirloin; it depends on the
butcher that makes $11.3:; the porter
house in a steerof 800 pounds will weigh
00 pounds, and 20 cents is the market
price, or $12.
"Next comes what we butchers call
the eye of the rib and what is known
on bills of fare as prime rib roast.
There will be 100 pounds of this at 15
cents, or $15. Next is the chuck, really
a fine portion of the carcass, but a
sufferer through its name. There ia 90
pounds of this, and it brings to-day 10
cents, or $9. Immedately adjoining it
is the neck, 30 pounds, much of which
.s sold as chuck. The price is five cents,
or $1.50.
"Ilelow the neck comes the loose flesh
that is called in the slaughter houses
the 'hanging piece.' and in butcher
shops the 'brisket.' It is jj'O.xl boiling
beef, bi;t. i.i iiiuch in del Hind for corn
ing. There are o(i pounds of it at b
cent:i a j o in.1., or (;3.75.
"The section marked 'ribs, plate and
navel' is the cheapest meat on the steer.
It is for corning and soup meat particu
larly, will weigh 80 pounds, and sells
at 4i cents, or $3.40. The shoulder
piece, beneath which lies part of the
brisket, is sold with the shin, and is
generally called soup meat. It will
weigh 55 pounds, and sells at 4!i cents,
or ?2.43.
"The flanks weigh 35 pounds and are
mostly fat, selling In their entirety at
six cents, or $2.10. The hind legs yield
35 pounds of meat at 4.V cents, or $1.58.
"I have now accounted for 715 pounds
of meat. The remaining 85 pounds is
fut and bones. At least 10 pounds of
fat is thrown in with orders, people
having learned to expect it, and 3i
cents a pound for fat and 35 cents per
hundred for bones will yield $2.80at the
"The total receipts from the steer
that cost me $72 will bu $75.2o, a profit
of oniy $3. 20, or would tie a profit if I
ran a business that entailed no expenses
"I am not a slaughterer now, lint I
know enough of the business to know
that the slaughter r loses nothing. A
steer g'K-s into an abattoir on the hoof
Btnl every ounce of him goes out a com
mercial 1'iijiniiixlity. A 1 .'ion-pound
htocr will net Hl pounds of beef. The
hide is sold to the tanners. A limited
number of tails go to dealers in ox tails
ami opec'iai dealers buy the tongues,
anil in Chicago go to the eanners of
"lniii'h tongues." There is a limited
demand for bruins. All livers find a
ready sale, and the liningof the paunch,
known oh tripe. In growing in such
favor that It in all ditiposeil of to deal
era, who pickle it.
"From the pure fat Is extracted the
highest cpiality of oleo oil. This in
generally i'Xnirteil to Holland, where
It enters into the makeup of the gilt
edged Hutch butter that cominandh
fancy price In Kngland. From other
fata I'litne the lower prude of oleo oil.
From Heli'i'teil hours In Mviircit by
lulling gelatine, which Is the basis of
nil cheap jellies ami mannalailes,
Stearine, usrd as 1umi of chewing
gum mid for many other purpose, is
thn product left from the proeean of
pressing out oleo nil.
"All hoofs are Uilled, and the valu
able comimxliiy Known a neat foot
oil is M'l iired. The horn are aohl to
rtiittiiifitcturt-r of comb and fancy
gissK The hoofa after boiling are
also iiM'd In the making of horn or n a
mi nt. F.verythlng tliut In left, hlo.nl,
entrails, etc., la made Into fertilising
inulerlul, not the b ast vultinhle com
tin slit y turned out of the abattoir. I have
no positive figure, but I Ndleve that
the 4'Kl .ii ml, of 'nffal,' the term wwd
asapplting to everything escept the
aitiinl tiff, will net the killer fmint.'Q
to f.'J. The wholesale alaughterer
iti' lint gel any the worst of It at any
tai?r of I lie g .iiiie.
"NoiiiitiiiHv, the retailer make much
larger proiHsj, but hi expensr are
lirmv. I he trouble I that owlnift.ia
f.v.,ii ,h nr.. 1. 1, s,. a-,inst rrtitln etit.
porterhouse, sirlmn and prima rib
nre too high, w tiile other cut that In
the lain. Is i f skillful e'k would be
equally fis are t.i low."
CLUvt. wwi.i.k .... -LIONS.
la ts.mi War llamala Ha krs)alrej
ir inii.oiMi.niMi.
I'itri lm a king within IUw!l t.
day, one w lome auhjiH't no hna holO'
ae throughout the world of tuisinesds,
for the iii.niiir. h I in me ,!lnr than
lt.irii.ilo. the Wini of none, who at th
o-t is.ii,nttal i.ni Is worth one huo-Iri-d
ntnl ttki-titv nii'.'i. .ii il.. liar.
Twenty year .., uii i f,.n gn r.
liatti-i., a eiri'ii wM. h I14 I tr.ivi-1-.l.
If. seines, know how, fr.-m i:n:ii to
f"iil!i Afri -a. arrived at KlmU rWv. It
w n.t a hi i ir u. in f'-t it w only
eo'irsM'.! (,f the n.iin.ifi r. the t.iati
a-.rawife. a;.wn aul two traiu..i
Al t iit r; h K.ti,Wr w not l!i
1 I ! 1.11 It t. !.., 1.. . 1. v
1 , i ;r it a it.! jss Los ti.-.. ,iri
t" t'..e '. r e !..r trd .I - Sr. .
fV.i, I. .-. in.f t e ,-U-t-n " it h t mu!.
and i:..riy alti..,nk' In his p. S,i
w !,i ! u n t rut. h In Iir . Si
Is ' ; ", . t I lie I , ... . f 1 li . ,
1 . r i 1 1 ' ,. .. ,' ...i ...t ,
1 1 v ),. f . i.v.l 11 t ,w 1, : I t; . ,
iewiskra, ill Ua avBM eUK S e a
them to a miner, and, entering into
partnership with him, went to sell
them in the town. Then, without di
vulging his discovery, he bought the
field where he had made his find, took
out only a few stones, for fear of arous
ing suspicion, bought other fields, and
soon found himself a large landholder.
It was with these fields that the fa
mous Society of Boers was created, of
which Mr. Uarnato is now governor,
with Sir Cecil Rhodes and another;
each of these three gentlemen now re
ceives an annual salary of one hundred
and twenty-five thousand dollars from
the company.
When the first gold mines were dis
covered at Johannesburg, Mr. Barnato
rushed there, bought as much land
as he could find, organized societies
on the London market and become
king of the mines. He also went
in for politics, and, although not a fol
lower of Sir Cecil Rhodes' policy, he
caused himself to be elected deputy to
the British parliament from the Cape of
Good Hope.
Now Mr. Barnato lives in London
and only goes to the cape for the parlia
mentary sessions.
He is a little man, about forty-five
years old, wearing a slight mustache.
In dress he is very simple, and behind a
pincenez mounted in gold (it is the
only trace on his person of the metal
king) he has two eyes of an incredible
It Remain to Bo Msen How Successful It
Will lie.
A cure for idiocy is one of the latest
achievements of surgical science, which
has taken so many giant strides of late
years that it may be almost termed one
of the wonders of the century. Experi
ments were made on the skulls of two
children, who had been idiotic from
birth, and the latest accounts are that
they are not only surviving the shock
of the operation, but are giving prom
ise 01 a recovery ot tne mental facul
ties. It would be more correct to say,
says the Washington Star, that they
are gaining those faculties, for the
idiot from birth has no development
until the obstruction on the brain is re
moved. This is exactly the process in
the present trials. Holes are drilled in
the skull of the child, at the top of the
head where the "Fontanelle" or "soft
spot" is usually located. In the ease
now under observation, these spots had
become burdened at birth, and thus
the expansion and development of the
brain had been arrested. The opera
tion was, therefore, to make a new or
artificial fontanelle. Great care had to
he exercised, of course, to avoid injur
ing t!ie brain, and there lay the main
dilllculty of the operation. The sjalp
is drawn anew over the apertures In
the skull thus made, and the little
brain is left to cure itself. The chil
dren thus operated on are two years
old. It is, of course, a question just
when the patients should be subjected
to the experiment, and the age of two
year has been chosen os the starting
vmit. It has been considered prob
able that at this age the child. If it
should recover its health and gain In
telligence, will be scarcely behind oth
er children of its own age a dozen
years later. Ity that time assisted na
ture would have caught up with Itself,
a it were. There mny lie aotne epics
tion iu the munis of ultra -sensitive peo
ple a ti whether It Is right for Mir
genns to experiment In thl way upon
helpless children by performing opera
tion that may cause death. Vet there
will probably b no general outcry
against aueh an effort. In aome sense
ileath I preferable to life-long idiocy.
Few parent would lie likely to objict
to the exM'riinent upon their own un
fortunate offspring f conducted with
the care which should attend all auch
dan.'crou proceeding.
Al t. men were Urn free and equal;
nd the only titled nobility thatenny
titan kau klaim he ha. gut to derive
irom.hia own good deeds.
Wbiln InSto ttton. Cl,,omstlm ago.
"hna. F. Lsngan, nf La Banna, that
late, waa tko very aeverely who
runna and itisrrtioea. II rhanre.1 to
Mr. U. M farter, who aimilr
nlpted. He sa.a: -I .., h.m
'iismli-rKiB'a Cedifl, ChoUfa atrl llar
rhna K-medy, and mm w0l lo ihu llol
'en iHnf Hir ami tiroenrd a bottle nf
I II kfe t'rlr pt.mp' relirf a nit
en vnneh for Ha bavin enred tn."
For ! by Hloenm J' bnami Iro to.
T Maaitfaeiar 111 ftp.
A new methisl of luaniifai't urlng glasa
pi-e has twi n ilis.siren'd which prom
is. to revolinlotiii that Industry. It
hu tiilherto b.i-0 found Impovtilile to
mold targe glaw tutu' of any great
length It.'Siim' the glaa w-ouH is.
lille muiiing Into the timid, and the
atrm-ture of the tube was nt Iioumh
gi'iieon. The new method consist id
using a mold with a, movable puton.
The piston I just enough smaller than
the outer shell of the mold to allow
f'if the thli'knesa nf the tube to !
md. "J ir puton I plaerd the tsitl.nn
f the mold and a the molten gU U
poured In the piston I for.-iM upward
by hvdrau'oe pn me. I'ip.- are m-idr
by tills pn. t s, in M-i'tion m ft lontf
and are used for s. wersau l water pip-.
I a IT MM' lmrB.
lo a" an dird at AiVnr. N,
V.. w ho had 1 r a titinitirr of t-i or. le-n
p.,sesrd w an tiii.Nn!r..;:10e desire
ti siiiiii.o a'.', a. .ri of Ind'i-a'ilile ut.
'-nN v A r ..- l kept y ISepiiv!
cUne.h.1 p. r .ti...d the auto,wr ri'vr.
the f liim ,11 a a l.sl i f lh art.. Jr
fund In Irt at .111... h. 1 ifiysir.e hr
pin, t itrrn nr. !. lhr dsirtiinf.
nrersfra, hirr (wo Hal'. of ad l-.
two .-ren. t:,rr pir,f ,.f an iin f'l
t' rp In. h. 1 nff no I ,..- f.urt ,.f ati
lti.lt th'... it.. r.,, i.f ,r. two
pn of w.s.i and tJtrr ( ,,,- ,,f
''Jur h f t...' Utur trjf al..
IM lt.tTi - nsal tis u V-a;,
I aX I
2,t ,2e RAMBLER
m Is ""e of the verv best wheels ever made ia an indisputable fact. It stands in the
Q front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake, f
SI Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be'!
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U Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each.
ij Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each.
Si THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, flnlth and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan-l
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I Chicago Ideals
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tw ton avd Idaho. 0 8 W
M rnrr, -r- .irr.n,, . .
g rncu 1. mcnnil.u UltLL uryiKAINY, W
m Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicvcles." Main (I
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01, Wtnrpr ,.T St PITTBIt. ,N irf t
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BitANC.IbSi-Ncw Vorl.Sa-i F;-)incl2Co, jii l.kt C'.v, fi.tnvi ::'ii!3 Dtn.' , ; JT j7 to.
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