Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 26, 1895, Image 3

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Stage for Hardman, Monnwient, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows :
Every day at 6 a. ra.. except Sunday.
Arrives every day at A p. m except Monday.
Tbe cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Oohn, Agent.
Voucan get the beat beer w
In Heppner at G.
wwe'i, 5 cents per glass.
B. Ted-
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
I 1 2 3 4 b6
j jiLiniLji
H 15 16 17 18119 20
jftjl$ 1 30 1 31 I I " '
Here and There.
Millions ride tbe Rambler.
Ike Ennis has bicyoles lo rerjt.
J.J McGee, of HurdtuBD, wbb in Hepp
ner Wednesday.
Geo. Ely was up from tbe Douglas
country Tuesday.
Castor oil axle grease for sale by P.
C. Thompson Co. 2t
Marble Works,
Ayers guarantees bis poieon.
$2.50 per dozen.
The Niles-Vinson,
nalla Walla, Wash.
Hon. J 8. Boo' bby and son Tom were
up from Lexington yesterday.
Red seal lye, tbe best and strongest
made, for sale by P. 0. Thompson Co. 2'
D C. Boyd r.ow has a position in tbe
City hotel as "biscuit shooter."
The Weekly Him and tbe Gazette $275
per year, both striotly in advauoe.
La Grnde Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8, 0. Smith, Sidesman, Heopner.
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swnggart's "Mure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Ben Rosenfeld, a traveling man from
Portland, visited our merchants Wed
nesday. Try Avers' squirrel poison before
buying any other. Only 8250 per
dozen. tf.
Albert Ayers and family left Monday
for a few weeks sojourn over in tbe Mal
heur oountry.
For Sale A lot of household furni
ture and bo organ. Call at the M. E
parsonage. tf.
Jss. and Chas Baker, accompanied by
their father, David Baker, were np frum
lone yesterday.
Ed R. Bishop and wife returned from
short visit to tbe seaside on Monday
eveuing's train. '
Eugene Gnard: Miss L. Matlock, of
Heppner, is visiting with Mayor Mat
look's family.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the house or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
J. W. Klundrs, representing Ayer't
HarsHparilla, is In the city today ac
companied by his wife.
A. K. Oraot. representing tbe O. W.
R. Manufacturing Co. is In the city to
day looking np business for bis firm.
Wm. Rndin and son Roy were In the
City from Long Creek yesterdav. They
were on their way borne from Pendleton
Miss Jennie tiale left today for Hitter,
where she will spend a nionib witb ht-r
brut her, who retries in that neighbor
Gllhoiiaen Bros., will soon go to the
loner oountry to tie absent ontil the
latter part of this month. Await their
return. ltf.
A. W. Halsiger, of lone, wss In llepp
tier Ture lay afternoiio. Ha was no Ins
way to lbs mountains li spend a few
J. R. Natter has been anfT-ring
rheumatism a great dal of late and Mt
Tuesday for Mrpnffls springs, whers Lt
hopes to bi relieved.
John Hawthorne, of Tha Pallea. who
klil'd t'arnnlia, an Indian redeeman,
wm et-ntnieed laei week, by Judge H-ll-ingr
to five )ert tn the penitentiary.
rhllo'sCure is sold on guarantee.
1 1 cure Inmplrnt Consumption. It la
tt,e lwt OtngbCu'eonly nneapoladoee.
nets.. Mots, and II. Hold by T. W.
Ayr. Jr.
A W. Patterson returned no last rvn
log's I'aiu f"m a wiwfc'a visit It New
port. poMUtid, iVndletoo and other
point. At Newport h took In I ha Beet
tug of Iba Oregon Preaa Aew-alon
Mra. M. lbaliier ba fill k '
fins m Ihoery and is selling Ida aane ai
Vr. reasonable figurra. hM la lncal'4
In tbs LlchtentUal builJ'ng. east siiie
Main strret and opposite the City hotel.
Karl's Clover Hoot will purify your
Blood. rlr y nr C-mpleiinj. regulate
your boa-el and rnke your had clear
asabrll. ilV, &k and II t'ld by
T. W. A vera Jr.
Coodortor Wm. Dion and family
lva iody for a nmnih'e taeatum.
Tbey eiprct tf stad ! wk at
II .uneviUa. when they will a b ea
id and stay during !'
of mt leave l alnce, probably at Nea.
Some sneak thief entered tbe stores of
Slocum & Wills and Leezer Bros. Wed
nesday nubt. Tbe chu drawers were
torn from tbe counters iu a vioious man
ner but the thief got little pay for bis
trouble, there being nothing in tbem.
Some little articles were miesed from tbe
shelves at each place, but as oaeh seemed
to be what tbe fellow wanted nothing
else of value was disturbed. An effort
to break into C. 8. Van Duyn's pUoe
failed as his door was bolted too securely.
We state 1 above that the fellow got no
cash, but understand that his work at
Leezer Bros, was rewarded by 14 cents
which had been left in one of the oasb
drawers. It is pretty well known who
the party is and an arrest will likely be
Jade Switzler oommenced last week de
livering the big bard of horses be has
sold to tbe Portland Horse-Meat Cannine 1
company, says the East Oregonian. He
has sold his entire band, and the number
will run from 5000 to 6000. Mr. Switzler
does not know just bow many horses be
has lost. There may be 5000. and there
may be 7000, but he thiuku there are be
tween 5000 and 6000. Lst week 300 were
swum across tbe Columbia river for load
ing on tbe train on ihis Bide. He will
bring over a bnnoh every few daj a, until
all have been delivered. The average
prioe he reoeivd for the entire band is
about $3 per head. The horses are in very
fair condition, and will doubtless out up
into juicy steaks.
F. O. Bncknum arrived from below
Monday evening. He has been travel
ing for tbe past month through Wanoo.
Sherman anl Gilliam counties, and has
formed a good idea of the orop outlook
f r tbis section of Eastern Oregon.
While fall sown grain in Wasco and
Sherman counties will make a fairyield,
spring sown grain is very poor. In Gil
liam oontitv there is a great shortage in
orops. In many localities he found
plenty of grasshoppers, buf aside from
the drnntb the sqnirrels appear to have
done tbe greatest amount of damage.
The supreme court has affirmed tbe de
cision of the lower oourt in the case of
Nellie M. S'evpos vs. J. L OHrter. ap
pealed fr-m Union county. Miss Stevens
was elected sobool superintendent tosno
need Carter, who refused to give up the
boots of the rffioe because she was a
woman. Miss S brought suit to oompel
Carter to give up tbe books and won in
the eirouit court. An appeal was taken
with the above result. The court, how
ever, refused to pass upon the eligibility
of Miss Stevens, until the matter is
brought before it directly.
Pnins in tbe small of the back indicate
a diseased condition of the kidneys
Owing to the dangerous nature of tbe
diseases which attnok those organs it is
important that measures should betoken
to remove tbe trouble before it bas
become too firmly fixed. Prudence
would suggest the prompt use of Dr. J.
H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
which bas specific action on the liver and
kidneys and will cause an earlv restora
tion to healthy conditions. Price $1.00
per bottle.
The truth was neve' better told than
tbe following from tbe Lebanon Express;
If the big dailies irave half of tbe space
they give to scandal and pugilists each
day to a truthful pnbliuation of the vast
resources of the state and tbe many in
ducements offered bomeseekers, tbey
would soon have a better field in which
to work up their circulation, and at tbe
same time tbey would be doing Oregon
some good service.
It is a big thing to sav but neverthe
less true, that a great multitude of people
have crowned Simmons Liver Regulator
I be "King of Liver Medicines." There is
nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism,
i bills and Fever, Constipation, Bil out
ness, Sick Headenbe, Indigestion and all
troubles arising from a sluggish or dis
eased liver. Simmons Liver Regulator
is the prevention and cure for these ail
Attorney T. R. Lyons returned from
Condon Wednesday.
Mrs. B. K. Hnnsaker and family de
parted yesterday for Tbe Dalles, tbeir
futu'e borne.
Wasco county is going to bave a new
town, as surveyor! are laying out a site
at Ten-mile, near Mr. Month's plnoe.
At Fossil, Alexander Beard is buying
a bnnoh of cattle to be delivered about
Angust 25, at $23 for 3 and $25 for 4-
year-old steers, prime beef.
John Wanamaker has increased his
life insurance to 82 000.000. Ho is cer
aiuly tbe most heavily insured man in
America and possiby in tbe world.
Tbos. W. Marshall, tbe candy man,
was interviewing the Heppner tradesmen
yesterdav morning, taking bis departure
for outside points on tbe afternoon train.
Alvab W. Patterson, of tbis paper, was
elected first vioe-president of tbe Oregon
Press Association, at tbeir meeting at
Newport this week. The quill drivers
had a big time on tbe coast according to
all reports.
An exchange savs: The angels must
witness with wonder the ingenuity for
uselessness which some mortals display
throughout their whole lives. To do noth
ing aggressively seems tbe height of some
men's ambition.
A very large eonoourse of people at
tended the funeral of J L. Beymer out
at Hardman Tuesday afternoon. He
had a large circle of friends and ac
quaintances and they OHtne from far and
near to attend tbe funeml services.
Mrs. R. W. McCfill, of MoMinnville,
Or , fell into a well 16 feet deep tbe other
day. The water was up to her ohin, but
she kept ber presence ol mind and
climbed np tbe pump pipe, ooming
nut as wet as a drowned rat, but un
harmed. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn., says "Rhi lob's Vitahzer 'saved
my life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used.'
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble
it exoels. Prioe 75 cents. Sold by T.
W. Ayers, J .
8. W. Spencer and wife, John Ayers
and funnily and R Y. ''urren Bnd family
will leave for McDnihe springs Monday.
Billy is pretty well used np with rheu
matism and hopes that a sojourn of a
few weeks at that resort will restore him
to his normal condition.
Tbe semi annual report of Stook In-
pector William Waters, of Grant oounty,
hows that there are 108 bands of sheep
in theconnty.of "'hioh 37 bands, or nearly
one fourth, are sffiicted with disease. Mr.
Waters found 241 30 ' sheep in theoouoty,
nf which E Stewirt is tbe largest owner,
14 000 being bis share.
Secretary Hoke Smith bas requested
the treasury department to pay $600,000
due to the Indians in Idaho for tbeir
anda sold a year ago. Payment was
topped two months ago on aooonnt of
charges of fraud of various sorts. These
bave been pp-ven unfounded. The tribe
comprises 1,829 persons, each of whom
will reoeive a little over $300.
Thousands of persons flounder along
for months, yes even years, suffering
from indigestion, bowel troubles and
liver disorders with their accompanying
disagreeable symptoms, because they
think they have to. If tbey would take
short conrse o' Dr. .1. H. McLean s
Liver and Kidney Balm tbey would soon
get rid of the miserable feeling and that
overpowering sense of weariness and iu-
oapacity for work, would give plane to
one of health, vigor and cheerfulness.
Price $100 per bottle.
Tht warmth of summer's tender glow
I've cut the sleeves out, here they are
Baste them together neatly so."
Spreads over blossoming fields afar.
The mated birds beside the nest
Flutter and chirp "Remember, dear,
ThoBe Inside seanm must all be pressed.")
With ringing notes of love and cheer.
Sweet dream of beauty! "Yes, oh yes.
A bias lining for the cuff."
Let all my soul expand. "I guess
An inch will be quite wide enough."
Fair fummertimo! "Shirr In the too."
What thoughts the poet's soul may nurse
While "Oh, good gracious! must I stop
Right in the middle of a verse?"
Bright hope! "The facing Is too long;
Slope lt just where the curve begins;
Or, here! Adieu, my unsung song!
Hand me the scissors and some pins."
Madeline E. Bridges.
-From Deinorest's Magazine for August.
Fotsil Journal : Sil s Keeney's mother,
accompanied by ber daughter, Mrs. Cash
Kvchard, ! ft for bugene Sunday. Mrs
Kvohard will remain with her mother in
Eugene about four months, when she
will leave to loin ber husband in Moil
tana. Cash went to Montana with the
cattle pnrohased In this section by Tom
Rhea, and got a steady job from Mie man
for whom Mr. Rhea bought the cattle.
You t-aunnt be cheerful or happy while
your liver la disordered, life i but a
weary burden to persons so afll'Cled.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm it the right thing to put this organ
into healthy condition. It incr .-t tl e
seoretinn of bile, stimulates th kidneys
and restores the orgaut of the b"dy to
the proper performance of their functions
Price $1 (K) per bottle.
Judge Caldwell, of the United States
circuit oourt, baa deoid-d that when an
Insurance oouuanv ronid rs ptlicy
valid enough to tvdleot premium opon
it, II oannot ancoea -fully come into court
and, to escape os, S'.ccettfullv plead
the Invahd'ty of tha policy. I be rtecit
Ion ia teiititda and in harmony wltb the
eternal principles if justice.
K. O. : Robin Fletcher rain lo Sat
nrday evening from hi trip over th
line of the proposed Penrlleion-Onyon
Ci telephone sytlem lo be bnill bv III
Blue Mountain company, having com
Dieted Ibe stork f (Making. The line I
now tlt kd out brtaeen I'etidleton and
Cn on City and lo om ration a part of
the way.
Ika F.nnla hat a atork of bicycle
reptira and will tx your whe. up at
reasonable rates. It it bia intention lo
make a ape ally in this Una, and at the
number ft wbeelt It rapidly ltn-remutig,
ihla will certainly b pleating neat t"
thoae who are ao fortunate at It own a
bias. If.
Portland Chronicle: Alvah Patterson,
editor 'f the llrpiner 0tt. was a
pUt-anl caller at tha Chr'-ricle i flW
llil morMi g. Mr. I'atterw.n ! ht t
way lo V('ti"a In tha meeting of the
Treat Association.
B V. Kwaggarl it prepared to furnish
bla "rtnra Mini"' s.iirre poison In
bolwale lota II hat slr-sdy m-rived
a la'ge order front M astilngton and
Idaho F.very where iaa tied.
It baa not failed to eiUrrulbata th Mile
petit. If.
!tA gold h"'s watrb cht'm.
Banker Hoares, of New York, says
that the people everywhere see the fal
lacy of the gold standard. In a recent
letter he says:
"Public attention is being irresistibly
drawn to the currency question all over
tbe world by tbe continuous fall in
prioes. the growing burden of indebted.
ness and the generally nnsalisfaotory
state of trade. These are oironmetanoes
wbicb, if tbey are allowed to continue
unheeded and unchecked, tend to pro
duoe discontent, restlessness, anaroby.
and it is tbe business of statesmen to
prev 'nt their oontinuance by seeking
and adopting before it is too late an ef
feotual remedy, In England, Franoe,
Germany. Spain and India pronounce
ments bave
allism by responsible politicians. In
this country public opinion is coming
round to, bimetallism to a most remark
able extent, for tbe producing and man
ufactnring classes see that excessive
cheapness and constantly falling prices
are not oonduoive to tbeir benefit and
are beginning to believe that tbe oraze
for tbe single gold standard is at all
events partly responsible for the evilB
from which tbev are suffering. It is re
ported by many persons that the next
Oannot be permanently cared by the usa
of opiates and sedative componnds. It la
too deeply seated. It la caused by an
Impoverished condition of the blood,
opon which the nerves depend for suste
nance. This is the true and only natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood with
and nervousness will disappear. Hood's
Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood
and will send it coursing through the
veins and arteries charged with the Hfe-
Biving, strength DuUdmg qualities which
make strong nerves. If you are nervous,
try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same
relief of which hundreds of people are tel
ling in their published testimonials. Get
Hood's onfy Hood's
Because Hood's Barsanarilla is the onlv
True Blood Purifier prominently in the
puDiio eye today. Hold by all druggists.
HnnH'c Dillc eara habitual eonstlpa
1 1UUU J 1113 .inn. Price 25c tier hoi.
Are Still in Business
In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but
as long as our friends stay witb us, we will continue to
sell honest goods at honest prices
To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
Jroceries, Hardware, Tinware, Wood and
Willowware, and many other things.
It Leads Tb em All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If j'ou buy a new
pain ana lnaia pronounce-1 r- a
been made in favor of bimet- I lireSlier, hUlgllie,
You of course want tbe best.
Write for Catalogue and Trices.
If ever a man was harassed by persons
house of commons will oontain about anxious for salaries, Secretary of State
forty members pledged to support tbe Kinoaid is that man. Borne of those
oause of international bimetallism. It state commissioners whose salaries are
is believed that the majority of the royal withheld by reason of tbe doubt as to
commission now sittins on agriculture their title to tbe positions are very aniry
will report in favor of it." w,f h tbe seoretary at d hold him respon
sible for tbeir lack of funds as each Tf-
Did You Ever Think lcurnn(f month and quarter slips by. One
That you cannot be well unless you of tbe latest and bitterest letters received
have pure, rich blood? If you are weak, te from H. B. Lnoe, the well koowi
tirrU. inUKUiu nuu mi ruu uuwm( 11 10 un- i f- , i
nnr hlnnd ia imooveriahed and "rBnf"r oa popunsi who nas oocnpieu
laoks vitality. These troub'es may be Bnu minus ue sun ocoupies me Honor
overoome by Hood's Sarsaparilla be- able position of dairy nnd food oommis
canBe Honrt s Harsaparma manes pure, sioner. He makes a piteous appeal to
blood purifier.
Hood's Pills oure liver ills, constipa
tion, billiousness, jauudioe, siok head
ache, indigestion.
The bloomen that bloom in the spring,
Are a wlcnl and wonderful light,
With riiifli like a paraeliute wing,
A nd the lcgi a riillculom thing,
Till honk's shy oll'ln "Vk-ht !
Till hort-s shy orl ln affright!
Ami that's what wo mean when we scornfully
Got unto the bloomers that bloom In the
Tra-la la l la,
Tra la la U la,
The bloomers that bloom In the spring.
HutlaiiJ Tribune.
Knighta of the Marrabeea.
The 8tate Commander writes ns from
Lincoln, Neb , as follows: A' e trying
other medicines for what seemed to be a
very obet itia'e ocmrfh in our two children,
we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and
at the end of two days the onngh entire
ly li ft them. We will not be without it
hereafter, as our experience Droves that
it will cure a here all other remedies fail."
Signed, F. W. r .evens. Htate (Vm.
Why not give this ureal medicine a trial
aa It is gnaranlxed and trial tnttlea S'e
free at the drug s"fe f.f T. W. Ayers, Jr,
A t .HKAf Mt'LB Untie is contributing
to what it rails "tbe mule fund," tli
moiiey so raised to go to keeping a mule
in real sod clover the balance of bisdeya
for kicking to death a aite-beater. The
man, alio waa a wife-beab-r, practiced
utnisnal cruelty .n his uiiile and finally
used a bridle witb bit mad of barlied
wild. Tie mule dxw tl line at tin
and kicked tbe stt.nib' out d Lia cruel
tnasli r. Vh n the tietgiihori t.K-k bil
Ix'dy In ma f in .I bia wife chained
to a sHl'le In the wall. Ibe "will
fnt.d'' is rspidty g wii g, ri Iribntloti
I eliig mt fit id In n rk'-ls. Mentst.lari
tna) l ealilile IT in ma Ibtrga, but
li e) bve tl, n. i r i'pmin t-f Iba mao
lot brats bia Wife.
Anv nh wiiii baa vr I J aa attack of
iiitUuitnai'iry rlininiMtiom will r.Jit,
lib Mr J. A Mumm Height.,
Ie A'lg"!", !! birlimale eacai
i frum a bm ye nf that ilirHi'i.g ai'ni'til
; M'. Mnruin ia hirrMnanof Mcrriarn'a eon
f-ClMierj slabliakm-lit. N-rnsi 0"H
1 a"s i havii-g the Ical'd work '.mro
run anria lb tnrrl on an errand, t
The Idaho Governor Define His Position on GrBnKftr, whioh pRt,ed Mr Rmoaid on
the back for withholding the salaries of
Governor W. J. MoConnell, of Idaho, commissioners and nrged bim to "do so
was in Portland tbe other day, en route some more." Mr. Luce saya bis taxes
to Ysquina bay, where be will spend are unpaid and bis railroad pass bas
sometime at tbe beach. Speaking about been taken up and be needs funds very
tbe policy of tbe silver men, be said : much. Tbe letter really ought to be ad
" The friends of silver will not- foroe dressed to the supreme oourt. Tbe case
tbe fioanoial issue in the national re pub- npon which depends tbe salary of Mr,
lican convention next year, further than Lnoe and other oflicials in the same fix
to secure a declaration in tbe platform is now in tbe bauds of that august body
that tbe nominee of the party, it elected and the rHpidity of movement will bave
president, shall sign any measure passing to come throiiuh that source. Mr. Luce
congress tnat not oniv anecs tne nnan- ia one poptuisi wtio does Dot tieiieve
cial system of the oountry, but also the much in saving the tuxes that go to sal-
penslons nf soldiers of the rebellion, tbe aned commissioners. Halem Statesman.
building of the Nicaragua canal, thean-
n...tin Ik. Hawaiian talon.), .n.1 Barklea'a Arali Halve.
.. , 11.1....1 i..i. The liest aalve in the world for cuts,
mur-r laeur. ui pmuinuu. luir.c. ,uiU. Brniawa. Hiiri-a. Hirers, halt Kht.ni...
oountry. Fever Sores, letter. Chapped Hands,
"The Individual w ho beads the ticket Chilblains, (Vrna. and all skin ernptioua
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Those uentlemfin are well acouatnted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Ol'llam and other counties.
and can save money a d time In making these sections with traveling men.
I'rlcca in keeping with the times.
thom proist & Biisrisrs.
Mr. Eincaid to burry np his lawsuit or
to pay bis salary without waiting for
any further ceremony. In fact Mr. Luoe
displays as much anxiety to get at tbe
public funds aa though be were a "thiev
ing republican," and be seems to utterly
ignore tbe resolutions of bis brother
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten-
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quitH aB memorable aa that of
C hns was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the fiuest stock of Shoes
ever shown in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well, what more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
Main Street, Hoppnor, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
is of little consequence to ma, aa long, of
course aa be ia a sound protectionist. I
inn't earn what bia views on tba finsn-
ial question ara aa long as be stands on
tba platform of his party and that plat
form contains the declaration we pro-
dose, mS uuuj
f if a, and
C 1.00 Hot tie.
Una cant a
and positively ourea l'iles, or no pay
ream red. t Is guaranteed In tfive
perirct satiafactiou or money refunded
nl'ee 25 rents per Imx. For aula by
i. W. Ayera. Jr.
It la ald on a rnarantoa by ail dnia
as'a. It etirva Ir-ipint CunaumpUoa.
aod U tha bl CousU and Croup Cure
tnt sal by 1. M Ajera Jr.. nnUt
Vo(ce of Final Seftlemeit.
NOTIi f I IICHFaV r.tVK TllaT Till!
llli.l.-'lnr. o.lti.ll.l l'lrll lit II.
of W l H".-f iIm-pwI tttll Utah Altai rlt)-tf.t-til
..I hrr ar-rt.oi'ia Hti Ml-I rU. aa anra
lttittitrtrtrli. at turn i.il li-rm of lt rvnuilf
niittl of M'l.ruW rtoitil, al lfp.tiir In ti
hulrii-n al tht f-ftnrt linua In mm timhtf , u
Uf M 'tat ol a. l. mlf . It . l-rt
. Jtaa ll-.s. Aliiiliiislralrti.
"My Pet"
IPlail Colxix's
I ft loaas'wa ih
Koike of Intention.
KlmUr will t rvvanlrd v f rliiri.HH -, aa rang tit mil In III" faiB. 1 ha reau
aarna lo la.t. (rl. Il..l. Il.ia dir. aaa that wl.ea r If to ft b.rn- that
. , . i tat ! waa nnatil t-i walg, owing
If nl want lo r..t a blrl-'-f rt re-I ,.....,,. ,tl,,lttlaH.n1. IU i
t-aira f.rf sattt.. rail ob Ik- Ennia at bia t,i,n b-me. sM on arrival aa. t,.r. In
btijcla livery. p,wr.r houMi. . ff.,,,,,,1 agiK.dllr-aMlib.irnotil. fal,d
witb Ctianj.beriait-'a I'atn ttaltn. i'l'in
Id anii g atut MtfM he waa riatlf
ball d nd it is I ! Imrrit. and bv ro'irnn g
wm rrl. vr, of all M rntiMllr pailta. II
Tb nndrstgni hating lieTl restored e- takra eieial i.lnra In .raiir
. .1 M,1l..n mmml InanlUj . l. l.l. t.. ...... I. .it.. ...r ' r-, .,.. U n a I'.ln llalm an. I alaata
.vera! lurl.y .ht -era al.a f lf ..,! .,,b , ,ng lt " in ! t ,t
TQ 0!l ttrtlt M
In Ib-ir b-'m-a A party ol tbiny on.
arn.fd itu nn- ut ma. r-vne's,
aed av-rv avaiiabla wap"0 want la 1
aareh of th raiP v -ainf h d-aib
paotabmait. t at fall-l tt flJ ' j
ttlUfls j
Haulers l l'r Ifvef and fciJneyBB! ' j
. ,.,1,1. I.,i bum nf th at' went (t ,
k.-.i,l.. ahirh. atsa argi.. d- i anre eaia f.. V"r, mu -wn
o r W'' Tarn I t.
SMUpli4i, ta ati i e ma to tnaka kinisq li l
bla fllow anffra tha rnaiis of rar.
To tboaa who d Ifa It. fca a ill i har(nl
The 'sg'ilsr alriiK.n .rw-ai of
Kr-tut-Uswkl itftieH ia li.Vi and
. firrn a at Tai luu. ri..n.
I'M. r iw-
nTt'r. t itrnrnv oivr iut nir.
f'.Un ll.f l,alvi-l sH"r ts Si4 rfill.4
nf fits iititinn t.i tfiaka rtial iiiimf lt S'i.fKir1
nf 1.1a rial-n suit liial ast't ' ".l all! ma-la
llu J IS Kutn.a O'll lH " al lr pl.rr,
l.ill, mi A us l'i. I!. l
lir.hy if.u
r i' f..rt.,4',- iri sf, ai4
II itamx lh I. .ii. .!-. Il.a.t I.. .f... I It
r-.itit,.ii.i,a rtittM Iiihi ainl cllalla tf,
all lan'1 l
r Ht"-i !.. a "thnrntn aiiri Tur-
1. L ail ll.li, a. I f ll l-rr I ..-
It, t, N'Hirr.
t m tswur.
M'-rarland Mercantile rjo, will pay
eaab rir wDent, liarley, jiilra and pi lls
Farmers should call and see them, i
Meadows A Hcrivner, tbe h'acksmilha,
b'lraoahoers and wood bnliihera, at the
old (limn stand, Main street, Heppner
Uall on tba Ixiva.
Any inventor In Kaaiern Oregon who
dmirea lha at.rvict-a of an attorney iu
Washington. I). C , will find it to hi
advantage t rail oil or addreaa this pa
pr. M
Walt. Tb'iinpann runa atagn Imlwreu
Iletipner and Moniinit-iil, arriving every
llav iclit MiimiIuv ai.il lnavn.if t.(r
day einepl humtav. MlMirteat and cneap-
eat route Iu tba interior. 1. Odio
T. W. Avera. Jr., ia making sipilrrel
poieon that b guaranlrs. No kill tin
pav, and sella i al X"i ciila per ran, B
cai a for II ri; I Vi pr dmen. lift a
sample and try I'. tf.
Fred llrn-k, an eirirni -. bnichnr
from I'lirilaud, l.aa aivpi. a Kiiloti
In Have A Mathewe bu'edt-r shop,
where he will erve l.e pnblld in the
aat of at)la, Freab mrata and Imlieal
weight l'i everyone
ImI, llray4 ar amlra.
A bay mare, an years o I, toanded
watt h key, baa a yonng poll Urn last
an taiii llipnr and Hardman.
Kle dollars reaard will lw paid f ,f hrr
re'nrn lo K. ' Kasaar,
1 tf. Heppner, Oregon.
nil rt?JL UfI
UK K. i arm al I Asbp
v ' v; f 1 1
Talking Ttirougn His Hat!
Tba man who talks through his bat ia
everywhere in evidence very objection
able evidence it is, too, in moat cases.
Tba man of InMligenca covers bia
oraii'tim witb one of
T. u. nowAiurs
flue straw hats, wbicb ia in Itself a sign
of prosperity and good taste.
Ha alao bnvs bis groceries, genta' fur
Diallings, stink men's supplies, etc., at
Mr. Howard makes a specialty In those
things required by sheep aud cattlemen.
Iteuiember Iba placeMaaaaa,
HiPPHlR BLOCK, Main St.,
Four doors south of tha U ty hotel.
AX ILL ffill !
Tin an ill wind that blows do
KimkI, and altliuiik'li thn Uy
fill pratiLrt of Oil titircnn elpoaca
tlim fuiil ciiiiiilii Ui ti'tnHirary ftn
liiirriieBtni'tit, llm bituMiuu greatly
Ainuai N Hi" si' InIh.
l.iknvt Un tint aituation nt
Notice of Intention.
f ti"rri'i! t ii.mM. nriow,
fe,rnlaf trit of il.a tt.i Or.'niaBl is a.o-i.. ir..
i a t -i Am.. nl ., I .,, f a it l l'n l.f iia-i apO'.ff hm ' A rMrfla f
I. .... I l.u.l.l,.,.. . .... .I.l.i - - ' ... f,. ,.,ll(, .,t aa .i... l SOIC'Inf
ly send, fis of charge, a ropy of Ihapia- rj(, r,t ff M yar in I r,.. . ... ...1 i.,.t .m pt .4 .hi i- a.a-u
aertplloii ther will find a s l-n- t aa l t'b tl.a nrn at d ' I '"" ''- ! !-".
I nrer pr
rlray4 ar ai.ilsa
A dark mao milk rw,b'an.d II. V.,
Willi ralf ibaaprard from mi hotii in
lli p'.rr lf -ol fio-r waka ainiMt, Any
pron rlIHiiii bf it fivleg any la-
f.nfi,a'oo thai will I ad In .r lenivrry,
r.aoiatil; rsM.
t,2 7 Maa lla-sT M m it.
fgri, ro e,.-Tha M. (!. L A T.
aompany bsa a f 1 1 alia k of al kmdaof
fa., qeh a chop, mill fwd, barlay,
to, hub a ill be aold a fa..nal.U
prira-a. Ifca't 6g'arl It lbm lof
ma. Mif
HI iun it luiM iriH'oniM T rn l.M)V
Oi noiully Known that M)U VJUIjIjIV 1
i r
-p r-l i
l, ! . . I'll. I
1 1 rf I' ' ''
.n.l I'l - .1 !.. it i.irii"
a mm t .tail -v I f- e
, .-- ' ' ea.ii y a .1 ,i f"tS
anua l'ta II t rat bvtUa.
th d
asltima, t'a-
taril T t. ' !' a 1 'l '
Hi-.' I). II : . .. iul,.i(ii
t I -J ', I '-1 ', .
4- s in g lli ' , i .. a .ii e- l
l I I. g. 4 ti y t " - .-.
U pi. ... a I lfa, ,1, t I , 4.
jUIUCN, Li.k;;s, Ji. V. Jaall m. ,
Ukl ()f.i.a f r I All oil suit.,
i t
i e
.1 r
Mltll K t'f IMMI. I inn
Hot '?(,.. s f. f i atl , ir.
"Hiiij al.an.i- ' 4 ti .11. .f otk
a it ii..' !' . al aoy l.u.f dn
t.bM buBia. I
I -
I V f .
r .-Is. a
lirtit ar i f
i 1. 1,. i . , ,
I- )
4 Wall
7MT tlir
'' a ir l-ii.
a t. n-i
V-.Tt f t
, ...I
I II. . I
II - . I llti.4 4 I i. I O it -I , I.,
i -l'i lu , y ....
I - I ' .(. .. i
M'-ii . a , ".ill!.!-. i ..i
It. I .1 I I ll.lt.
I-.. I at.-haat
i Laa4 al IUttr, Ol., 4 t. ta, mm M
Ulilrh ba arlta at IU1 R k I'fiiwa.
Farinrra nf Kiylit Mili ltavilauri, (Jiarai ln rry, Ibmytaa, Jordan
Fork t rn I on it arrti'iiia ran tl tm In-lter than inak- Ibrir Mirc'liaari tt
In. Ilr rarriiai h full iiii .f Furtiiabiiitf OimmU, IU la atnl hhora,
(Jrorr-riea, an in fact a rotnilrto abick ( p bi'tnl iiiprrhainliai. 1 w.
I OX 10.
Oil KG ON.
Is tin: Plarc for I'rrsli (.niaiw- s, Cheap
Cash Only.