Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 26, 1895, Image 2

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    uV' '.'-. J'n y
.- - I ' i I latvUI Jk. VV v
throogb them. They grossly in
sulted an American crew that had
worked until two or three mmi
fainted. The other night they
pelted with dirt and filth the wife
of one of their titled citizens, and,
by the way, one of the most beau
tif ul women in the kingdom. That
would not happen in America in
any spot In the west aod south
men cut and shoot each other
sometimes, but there is not money
enough in the world to hire the
toughest of them all to ever insult
a woman. That is reserved for the
land beyond the sea, the habits,
customs, maimers and dialect of
which so many fool Americans are
straining themselves to imitate.
The American peopleas they 6tand
before the world today are the
While it is true that there has most gentle and generous fighting
never been a time in the history of people that has ever existed on
this country when there was ex- thin old planet siuce the very dawn
hibited so strong a disposition to of creation. Salt Lake Tribune.
break away from what are called
the puritan customs and observ- Iheee is virtue in the protest of
aDces of early days, it is equally ban Iranciscos clergy agaiust a
true that there was never a time revival of sensational journalism s
when the forces of the Christian orgies over the Durrant case, but
church were so aggressive as they it is likely to be unavailing. It
are today. The immense outpor- was not a desire to promote wick-
ing of young people at Boston and euness that prompted the ban
the receut large convention ot tue 11 rauuwuu uewspapors iu urnae
Epworth league shows the resist- slop-buckets of themselves in re
ance that is being made to those porting the tragedies and the pre.
ideas that tend to laxity, if not to liminary examination of the' ac-
immnrlitv. Rut the notable fea- cused man. Sensationalism was
ture of the present religious move- demanded by the depraved senti.
ment in this country is that it is meut of the community in which
almost universally among the they circulate, and the fierce spirit
young people, or those under 25 of competition that prevails in
years of age. It is not among a every overcrowded newspaper field
class to whom the future is old age, 'litl the rest. If the pnrsons re
but among one for whom the futuie form the public appetite for news
is full of hope. thev wl" ",K it unnecessary to ap.
Nor does this movement lie Pe" to the press to conserve pub
along the lines of church work " morals, but tne Uurraut case
alone, but iu all of these gather- itself indicates that even iu their
inga Christian citizenship plays churches the parsons of ban V ran
quite aB important a part as church ciaco are powerless to prevent
untivitv Tt is. however, a union wickeduess,
of church and state that is, even in
America, quite permissible. That
some hundreds of thousands of
The populists of Ohio will put
Jacob 8. Coxey, of commonweal
fame, on their ticket for governor.
It is expected that he will be nomi
nated by acclamation.
The attorney general of Texas
has rendered a decision that prize
tliirlitinnr a lllarrnl in flint ufufa nnrl
young people in this country are t 4i i . i i
J rl , ., . that the law must be enforced.
growing up witn tne idea that
thoir duty to the state, as embodied
in good citizenship, is quite as hit
lous a business as their duty to ., , , ... . , .. ,
.. .. , . . the lelegratn it is related that
l im cuuu.ii uncii. iiinnua lb mui)iy
Rut Dallas people are said to en
tertain no foar of the coming fight
being prevented. According to
eminent I'exan, now decoaBed, once
boasted that only water and good
society were needed to make his
stato one of the most inviting
places of residence in the union.
Hince then both the aqua supply
and the social status of tho Lone
Star commonwealth have been
greatly improved, but their influ
ence as promoters of desirable im
migration will be undone if (!ov
ernor Hogg ignores tho statues
and the demands of decency by
allowing Dallas to bo made a ren
dezvous of tho ration's ruHiauism.
Atoi:mni to all reliable reports,
biihiiichs for the mid-Hummer
months was never better over tho
Uuited StateB than at tho present
LtortH aro unusually heavy for
July. More industries are being
established than were under wkv
one, two or thieo yonrs ago iu July.
I ho government pohtal receipts
wero larger bint quarter than ever
b. foro in a ct rrenpoiiding period
and trado in all lines is greatly
unproved. Surely a new era of
proKpoiity it4 uku iim which ve
gladly welcome,
a matter of time when tho balance
of political power will bo in the
hands of persons to whom duty
rather than politics is tho main in
centive to action.
It is usually tho caso that ex
tremes meet and go together.
Ti:i;es of disloyalty produce the
brightest types of patriotism, and
periods when tho immoral forces
seem dominant furnish tho biight-
est examples of purity of t'harac
ter. Tim two elements that are
to determine tli.i moral status of
tho nation wero never moro ac
tively at work than now, but tho
better ouo is making tho most
rapid strides in tho rico.
It is now pretty well settled that
tho lioiiieHlenl exemption net of
lV.I.'l, is invalid by reason of a
change mado in tho act iu one
Imiiiho which wat never acquiesced
iu by Mm other. Whether tho de
fect wax intentional on (ho part of
tho enemies of tho act or was due
to tho carclesmieM of Homo eleik
will never bo known; whatever the
causo tho law in uhcIchs. This in
Hot tho lirtd tiuio legislation m
boeiithiirt thwaited. 1 1. competency
in iihmo frequently tho raiiHcuf the
trouble limn dishonesty, and ji
wo continue to send men to the
legislature because of their mliti
rat m puUrity rather than because
of their fitneH to iuhLo Ihh, hh.I
tho legislntorit coi til. lie to A'Hiint
deik becatiso of their MiticH
pull rather than because of their
clerical ability. Impel feet legisla
tion innkeH buineM for tho emit In
nn. I court luako t ues for the hsw
.lo to pay and pigment of taios
iiuiles it grumble; but all I It it
d.H'H Hot timki UN Im iter Voters,
Wo will ci:linuo to ote for the
!itiinu and ho politician will
foiitiimo t rieato 'liiknliii atnl
fill tlietil with CHfeles or ili'ttl)t.
tellt Voto gi ttel. TIlO Ii!lc
C'hroi.ii lo.
hl'lUMVi of tho lato raco,
tlm t'oininercinl Adfertiser nn:
"t'oriiell w animate!) mid then tho
I.eaiider crew tsk tho i-iii to ill
nil their guet4, Tber Ima nr-vor
l eu rc in l'.i k'mi I in which
Antericm a hvo taken part but haa
l. t- t.ltteriieM of f. I'll lit.
I'ritiiIir ne. iii to renetit th pr-,,"v,"'"tl . rrl sq.nltnm
itjt. I C.llls lllol Willi llielll." j
'11. rt r.nu'i-h ro a ftli.Uf.rr,
trotii? -"Nol', but ther U m
The Bannock Indians in Wyo
ming are giving the settlers in the
vicinity of Jackson's Hole a great
deal of trouble at present, but it is
thought the prompt action of the
authorities will put a stop to the
The decline of natural gas
around Pittsburg is so great that
Pittsburg has again become the
smoky city of fifteen years ago. It
has been proven that the supply of
natural gas cannot be maintained
anywhere very long.
The KeyntoHe of the Arch
to the edifice of bnultb is vi(jor, wbioh
mesne Dot merely mnnouUr energy, but
ho Hctive diHobftrge of the vnnoae func
tions of tbe body, encb 88 digestion, se-
retioD of the bile, tbe aotion of tbe
bowels, tbe circulation of tbe blood.
Nothing more aotively and thoroughly
contributes to the onited performanoe of
those functions umo the lenowneil tomo
Hiid regulator, H'istetter'a Stomnoh Bit
ters The result of its use is a speedy
gain in strength, together with tbe agree
able oonHcionsneHs that tbe tennre of life
is being strengthened thatone is laying
up a store of vitality against the unavoid
able draughts which old age makes upon
the system. The fortifying inflneDoe of
the Bitters oonstitute it a reliable safe
guard against malaria, rheumatism and
kidney trouble. Appetite and sleep im
prove through its use, and it proteots
the system from the effects of oold and
Dry, very dry emphatically so.
The lone Sunday sobonl is olosed un
til further notice.
Numerous residents of this community
are going to tbe mountains.
Little Miss K. Vornz arrived at lone
for a few weeks visit among friends.
Mr. Fred Balsiger received a kick from
one of bis horses and is laid up for a
The next regular preaching will be od
the second Sunday in August, Every
body Invited.
Born Tq the wife of Paul Rietmann,
a9 pound boy, Paul.tbongheverbappy.
has an extra smile on bis faoe. Con
gratulations are in order.
Mr. Fred Balsiger and family left
Tuesday for a three weeks' vacation in
the Blue mountains. There will be many
others Boon to leave. No harvest, best
Mr. A. T. Wood, who has long been
active as b rancher on Willow creek, be
law lone, sold his ranch and contem
ph.tes building in lone and moving
Mr. J. It. Dooley, while returning
from the mountain with a load of wood,
slipped with his foot under a wheel and
ornshed it budly. We hope fora speedy
recovery. ,
Mr. Ed Olock departed for Pendleton
per hioyolfl on the 5th, nd arrived there
at 4 p. tn. He has now secured employ
ment as manager of a header and thresher
ul lit combined.
Tbe Soulful Girl What is tbe true test
of poetry?
The Poet Well, if one oanget a poem
accepted that is written on both sides of
tbe paper be may rest assured that it ia
a good tbing. Indianapolis Journal.
Sbe I was eating a caramel the other ,,T, , ;i, ..
. . .t , . . . -4 W men we wisli you to
Here are
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
How 8 This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward We are enabled to give more
and I broke off a piece ot my tootb. 1
think I have a good case against the
manufacturer don't yon?
Ha Manufacturer of what ? Harper's
"What I oan't understand about the
sun's light," said Willie when be first
beard how many millions of miles away
from tbe earth the sun is, "is bow it man
ages to get here so early in tbe morning
without traveling all night." Toronto
Mail and Express.
for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be
cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chrnet & Co., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfeotly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, U.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Uruggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly npon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimoni
als sent free. Prioe 75o per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
win mm mm
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of
Our Competitors.
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
The National Bank Building, -
HepDner, Oregon
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shop,
tonsorial artists. Haircutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scientifically.
baths at 25 oeuts apieoe.
iJ Or., July 22, ltilla.
Allen, W. T , Bnsh, Chas.
Folsome, Miss Julia, Hvhs, Thomas.
Murray, John, Spencer, H, S.
Smith, E. L.. Tit,, nines.
Williams, 8.
When calling or these letters please say
anveriisea. j. r. william-, r. M.
Storage and Forwarding.
Pajs all Charges on Wool, Merchandise, Ik
Wool baled and oonsiened. Htjeoial attention paid to
wool tbat it may be under cover and in good condition
for inspection ot buyers.
Ione's citizens are planning to irri
gate the Iiiwiih and Karilms of lone
rhis mutter alionlil not Iih permitted to
Imp auuin, but the uneNtinn shoald tie
pnaheii to the rmit, and, far better than
words, Hittions should show our energy,
1'inh, and prnnri'Hxivn ppirit, in the line
f advancing the interests ami improv
ing tlm outward aipi aniline of onr pleas-
nut lilt It w.irk. Our natural rosourows
are such 1 hat we can have the best look
in IT oity in the county. Times are very
hunt but to dt'itnl around and tm the
itrHHHhnppers jump will not make M em
any bftier. Jaki.
Ion it, July T2, 1.V.I5.
One tiling in tiuitrt certain, the
lll'IIIVIIli-tallint4 will) lliiil to "tic
iiiulih"tlinariiinintior Mr. Mar
vcy, liav citiini ti tin i'oiii'lu-iin
that l itlicr Mr. 1 1 r r is nut tmf-
lii'ifiitly tawli-.l iu tint M'iiMititic
t iiu'ij.li'H nf th iiiiMK'laiy qtiiH
tim, ur that tin illitt oli.ial I not
at all hto lii-i'ii lit tui pt !. Iu
tthi-r cn Mr. Ilirvi'v Um tho
ln'ht 'f t Itfin. "itn.
AmoUIv's rntlroal i now an an.
dtiri'il fact. Tin' ul i I y for tin1
Muiuo Iiiim lu'on ili'M-il, aiul moiL on
tln roail will lo iMintiiiMit'i'tl at
oiioo. Tin' roaT tit kimon an tin'
.tni-()eliit railroail nul il
ilnuhth'KH I'MVff a ;tiat Immu fit t
thi city at tin linxitli of tla
A i UNO in-iti y tin nam a o
U tt l'lftMiti ha li''ii atfrolisl iu
Khiiuatli county oil nu U ion o
U'ldt tlm oiir hihwn) mall wh
Iih . ( fU'ii lu l l up tin; KUniath
A- r hti com li, and who ha ul
) ti',i.h.l in rtH'AtMtii! tho
auitn'tili. .
Ami now it l Kciiturky that
Ilm!l.n our n)inatliy Honrit k l rn
M i.i l tnv II k r Nun it i in tl
tilli iixkiii oS.IImi K-crhi
Ivin (iivr ! I.i ii.i-u v
mighty itunk i-f trutrthty tutiiii.tiftinvL
ty of Morrow. State nf Oreiron.
nenry wneeier.
William Bremer,
Hreuier, wife nf snlii
imam Bremer, a (1
rraiiK HaKerman as
Receiver of the Lom
bard I n vestment Com
pany, a corporation.
To William Bremer, efendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon
hereby required to appear and answer
plaint filed against vo In the abv
suit on or before the first dav of the next reizu
lar term of the aliuve entitled court, to-wit, the
2d day of ptember, lwiS; and if you fail so to
minner, mr wani inereoi ine piauillil will apply
to the court for the rullet demanded in said
complaint, to-wtt:
For JiiilKinent and decree airalnst William
Bremer for the sum of Wu.vo, with interest on
t u mi uiercot at the rate of 8 per cent per an.
num from the firxt ditv nf June 1 with im..r
est on thereof at ihe rate nf K per cent per
annum from the first day o( December, 1hi;
w ith interest on (tlft thereof at the rate of 8 per
(tut per annum from the first dav of June. 1MU:
with interest nn $i; thereof at the rate nf 8 per
cent per annum tn in tne nrst Hay ot December,
ikh, ann inr a luriner sum lo be ileternilne'l bv
the court as an attorney's fee, and for costs of
this suit.
Also to- a decree foreclosing a mortis me made
hy Wil lam Bremer on the foil winir described
real estate, situated In Morrow County, Htate ot
Oreirnti, to-wit: The NWi of Hee. a, f p. 2 N. of
Don't to It !
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
0, never pass a (rood thing. Always take
advantage of legitimate opportunities to
make the most out of everything, which
applies to t e purchase of drugs, medi
cines, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drun Btoie.
Just opened for the Inspection of the public
one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum-
you are ery notions, and the like, ever seen in Ileppner. 1
the coin- Avers has anvthinu and evervthinK ill endless
iu uie au ve eiiimeu i profusion.
i'rescriptions nuea nay ana nignt.
Heppnrr Huildintj, next door
to T. R. Howard's.
T. W. AYKKS, Jr..
Heppner, Oregon.
In order to reduce our stock of
We qnote tbe following Hard
Times prices or (Jasb :
R. 21 K. W. M.. recurilel In the clerh'a nttlcii nf n.. u .....
saldcountv on the i-lth ri..v ,,l Mv ih.. n J3
- ...... ... 1 ." '-.. fln Naai Hnmtt I Hn hoan
piiKt'H ar;( an, Htni 1.1 in Hook "1" nf the I w,,w '
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. 1om Bradley, Prop.
mortgage records of said county as to all of the
ni'icimama ncrem nameii; ami fur sale of said
mnrtunifcil premises to satisfy said Judgment
an. I decree, attorney's fee. Interest and cots.
'I Ills siMiiinnns in ervednn defendant W illiam
Ilremer bv pn I1 li ntloti l,y order of James A.
Kee. Judge nf the sixth Judicial District ot the
Slate ol Urcgnti. dated July J i lyi.'i.
O. li. Kl.l.Wand J. N BROWN.
XA-M. Atlurnejs for I'laliitiir.
I'lleal I'lleal Itching I'llra.
hymploins Moisture; intense itohina
nd HtltigiiiK; moat at lilulit; woraw tiy
acratrliiiitf. If allowed to coiitiune
tiiinora form, liiali often Meed and
lilcerate, Ix'ciunintf very ore. Kwatnbs
OlsrMKNT slopa Ihe itohintf mnl bleed-
liiif, lieuls iitciTulioii, and in niimt paaea
reniTia the tnmors At drntfiti"!, or
In imiil, for .'ill cent a. I'r. Hwayim Son,
IN T11K flKcriT COl ItT fOlt TIIK l'01'N
ty nf Mnrmw, state nf Oregon.
r. riisi.v, itllaril
Ian, i ntuit 1 II,
uraiiam, wile nf salil
Alexander lirahani,
the Natlnual Hink nf
lletiptwraco iHiratlnn
ud Krank Hagerman
as re'elverol lunbanl
Investineiil cmiiuy,
ccirinr 1 1' 111,
To Alexand r draliain, Defendant.
In Ihe name ol Ihe stale of (irricnn. yon an
hereby reniii ed to appear and anxrer the -m
plalnl tiled t!alnt you In the l.ve entitled
suit 011 or belnre Ihe II ml 1 a of the next rruu
lar term of Ihe slmve entitled poiirl low it, 'be
.'ml day ol 'U inU-r. Is'ii. and It you fall mi to
answer, lor waul Iherenl Ihe plaintiff win .
ply to the r urt Inr Iba relief demanded tu said
comp alnl. t -w It:
or judgment ud decreo airnln.t Alexander
t.raham I r I lie sum of Hn Hundred Dollars
won lulere.l ln n-o 1 at the rale ol eight for
I t-r atiiium from the Ut day n Jul) . I",
ami lor a ri'as.uiable iiiiii to la tie eruiiuiMl l.v
the court as an attorney a Un and for roata ol
this suit.
Al o for decree foreclosing a mortgage tnailr
tiv aietainler iiraiiani on the lolloHlng ile
cnne.i r. ai '.talc nnnO'ii iu Morrow county
ircgon, o mil; lie e I- ol See a. Tn I s .,1
K '.'IK VI M . poiilaliilng In all Inn a. n-a more
or lea Cforlliir log,oermeeiil surxey . re. orb i
III Ihe clerk s nmceol said countt oil Ihe Inth
lay ol Julv, w on pane. I. .( ,i a"d lui In
II.h.s "i 01 tne iiiorikave rw. ordsol ald mty
a. lo all Hie deleiidanla lieflu lianml and tit
ale ( Mid tlioflgng. d p'rinlM'i to tail. ly (al l
judgment, ilevrre attorney a ie, luiereata and
co.la srrvlceot Ibis ai.iuitiona la m..l. ..n ton
("Urn Winteil lootn I'liere it only
enough tt ale nit half till tliit trnnk.
What hall I ..; (Ill it with papers?
Mrs. WinlerliliHm -No; let your father
pack It.- llriMiklyo Lite,
Mr. Young John, did vnil ibVeod n
nialolilug that piece of drcia gondii 1
! yon ilim inorning?
Mr. Ymititf - N i m tim wa Iihi
. . . . k . t .1 . 1 . . I 'o 'Oder of Jalliea a lei-. jil-U'e of tbe slx'h
precious, tint (trin iiiptnttitl) 1 1 ye UmirM jn.li. 1,1 di.tn. 1 m the i.im n,,.,! ,.i.
enoiitfh of iM.metliiMK rlas. to Ilia. )oil l'w ''"'i , Md iV.n.l J N wn
hoik tfown; I i sit'mga. aM Attorni)s f..r I'Ui .tiiT
run a I'ttie but good as new 3300
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; 1 bargain
One Favorite, has been rented out
... 1
and used a little; good as new, 28 00
Tlifur arr fliiriniln PnVrs for immediate accept-1
aare. ( an at am i on
P. C. Thompson Co.
r rttnwn 4 lummiuiu WALT.
? extnA riNc n.
W. L. Doaelas $2 & $4 Shoes (?
IValer whoasi natna will shortly ap
pear hero. Agel wanted. Apply t nnr
A Ml
haa i haigi" ol the ( i k ol confectioner
l a. Ifnlla, itkara. lol-ac ..a, el., loriorrly
oan.dl) h.., I A M. Imar.l.
M'fiirh ( m ii.txiKiDf of ill Clam
f. V i. m' I' e i ream F-ia. I'lOoCa'teail
rai'iie i o-i t.iii a. j i hand
Weal side l:n sttwl, Minor linlidlu.
Ilis !.:..:;; kliluls
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Salem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oat.fttii office for particulars.
Htrlctly confidential. Treatmeut private and sur
fTA 4
All our shoci are equally Mtlsfactory
mty f iv in mi value tor tnt none t .
Itiry auual oustaai shaaa In at via and lit.
Thslr wearing qualltlea arc unaurnaaMd
To persons who itrved In the wan of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support?
You a j
'ars- $2
prom It to . aaveil aver other makra.
II your dealer cannot supply yuu c can. hold by
7 .Y
S i it 'H
' t I ,, L IS
I ' ' ' f ' - 1
la. .- ' 4 . m
Monmouth, Ore.
A l-ai-l'g ti hnol le-.-a rit,,;,i, ,(.M
! Ifa.t.l. ..-.fn,i, ,. ,.tl .fta,,.i
ati-l a. ademU ihu r
The Dl-lema f ih si stun,. n
Uaeh iti any taunty in trte aute with,
wl furihe asaenlnatiatt.
rJ a4 i.lli., ta.s i.4 tmtk.n I. at tt
-utl'-il tA h:ihrit l.a-au n. aalwna
Ts.w ia a t-l .t"a , i . i t..i, ,,k.
ImMimi avwth gorra away tn any ana K sa-
tuin ikrnuia ua k UM ami latiiaoaas pliant aanaf
lh moniH .raa.ling
Maanrura the boat patanu rof mr rllayita.
sad Iht atact nt Oil olWf m In ancauraga Miavnt. tn
km tm k 4 th bn, hi ka. Al tlx aaaas Bat
itk k unpma aiaai Uia Dutaac Ka Ski thai
ark aa tta)(ar inilnw'Bik(aataalaM af
and Saa aiianut kwakm ilia auanm back,
"taw ana, -lm ,iu-." -a-rt.k.k?- -knaia.
t'Trar. awl a tkanund Mha kttla Unnga dial ama
any mm can k -d a nay H Htantmi . andikaa annefe
nwm an iHa aa iKal kawf Utgaai ratufan k Ika
aaUus. 1 ry k think al nn ilnnf W anal
Pawnta takaa al r"ngk as tro.ial nln
lt buvmat karhlaf' r.M.alr4 at lairai,
II C ,nknkMlkaatnwaaaer ptMhadai Anml
m ika w a an.. S t larawk a fm ana.
K.n-m tn (Km lawfnat. ha n tat. a all aut caw ana.
W c alae adt. ban 4 rl, th anaantam an. k annik
aaak man nw i a mr. t kvaOrvla al atiniaanaa
c4 Cfaaa al iKa " N .ot.l ktarcadat." enntaanaaf a
k al Iha aaar. and a duruua nf kw tn.saiiua,
ank Ua nata"d tHrimtHHt U I miad kawa amwn
Cat aa t caaaola. tnaara, Ikaa anncn-f ta tana
a.i' I ha aai at Ova i p t.l a,
A a nagaamanuuaa rafanktd auwtly Ms I il Mini
joiin wrnnrRnmN a co..
tVilkllara at tawkas and tari CaiaaU,
6iS I1 Mrt.N.W.,
IU.1. aahlnctnfl. D. C.
If v.aava arYwfHafi. nriaf
A f ON C V tOANfO. riiM .rM
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Oftrtfl. tlhj ta-fil fric l ret' il l- t.f-t
hM Ut w-1 t ri( V- f nttutu v.rtrfta9 I
rcne Ut tk ht othr I
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousanda under the new
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your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
fWrite for bws anJ complete Information. No Charge for advice.
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$ The Press Claims Company $
PHILIP W. AVIRCTT, General Maoafcr,
618 P 5trcet. WASHINGTON, D.C.
JT. AFal Company U tnntmlUH by iww-fV a tkoM4 Uadimf ngsra.
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