Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 23, 1895, Image 4

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While joo ep ronr subscription paid up jco
ean keep jour brand in free of charge.
Allyo. T. J., lone. Or. Horse G( on left
ehonlder; onttle name on left hip, under bit on
rieht mr, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row Donate.
Armstrong J. .. Alpine Or.-T with bar un
der it on left ahonlder of horse; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. T)., Eieht Mile. Or. Oattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsns same brand on right
ahonlder. Range. Eight Mile.
Arlkins, J. J.. Henpner, Or.-Hon.ee, J A con-Dei-t.r1
on loft flank: cattle, aameon left Mo.
Bii-d. D. W aid s n. Horsm brain-d D B
on th let f hin; c tie ths sums on loft fl ink.
crip off rin t ear, nnderorop in the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
Brtho1a'nw, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horse
branded 7 E uD either shoulder. Range in Mor
rw nountv , .
' Mannieter. J. W., Hard man. Or. Tattle brand
ed Hon left hip and thiirti: split in eaoh ear.
Brenner, Peter, linnseherry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side. ...
Wke. M Bt C, l-iong Creek. Or-On cattle,
M Y nonneoted on left hip. ciop off left ear, nn.
der half crop off riuht. Horses, same brand on
lntft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
""Kman, Jerry. Lena. Or.-Horse, branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear nnt.er lope
Barton, Wm.. H'ppnor, Or. -Horses, J Bon
right, thigh, cattle same on right hip; split in
eaeh ear. 1L
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county. ,
Brown, 3. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, mrole
C with dot in no- tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W.J. , lna. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle Bame on left
hlBoyer, W. Q., Heppner, Or.-Horaes box
brand op riiih hip cattle, same, with split in
Borg'p. 0., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
thonlder: cattle, same on left hit).
Brnwnlee. W. J.. Fox.Or-Cattle, JB conneoted
mmrni left ear and two sputa and
middle piece out. out on right ear; on horses same
brand on trie letr, iingu, imun"
Grant oountv, , .
(arener Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O nn right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in
r l. ,1 Unsiinw nrtnntion.
Oain.E.. daleb.Or.-Y D on horses on left stifle'
U with qnartrfir niroie oyer ii.ou n,. ..........
and on left stifle on all oolt n dor n years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over o years,
1 ilMint nnnntv.
Oate.Ohas. R Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; oattle same nn right hip.
Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cnrrloall. M M. Oa'lowiy. Or-('attle crop out
of fanh enr and imderhit, wattle in foreh-art
horses half circle C! on left rtiHe. Range Mor.
,.wA rlmnlilln nnnt ties.
C!url T. H., John Dav, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and nndw bit
in Hohtaar. snlit in left, ear. Range In Grant
connty. n sheep, inverted A nd spear point
..n .hnnldnr. Kar markoii awes, crop on left ear
..nnnhod miner hit in right. Wethers, crop in
llM and nn ler half crop in left ear. All rang
in Grant oonntv. . ,
n . i i I m Or. Horses. flOon nghtshonl
dor (lattle, same on right hips ear mark square
crop ort len ana oiii in i ikoi,.
rwin. R. .. Currinsville, Or. -Horses," on
left stifle. .
Oix Ed. H.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C wl
E in oenter; horses OK on left Sip.
, , ir M..nnmanl i4rant. (TO. Or.
(joonran, i. r... ... ,
Horses biandd circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand ou both hips, mark
1 1...... V...ln BUM Rlllt flnwltin.
i., u llunlinun. Or. Horses branded
f) on right hip. rattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh: ca t'e sh.ib
Kr.no on right shouldor, and out off end of
rlrjhtrw- ...
Uougiass, nr. in .""" ""
right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses. K U
Z n'J,- rionulas. Or. Horses branded KLY
'ift .himlder. cattle same on lefthip. hole
ifmorv C, H.. nardman. Or. Horses branded
tr.,i,ra() (1 with taill on left shoiiKler; cat.
. . i l,ln. Itiinge in Morrow connty
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Tattle, LK on
riifht hin: horses V with bar under on right
Klornnca. H. P. Haiinnor. Or Horses, V on
.v.. -i I, la,, naitln. Knn right hin or Hugh.
Vrannh. Onorga. Ilannnr. Or.-('attle hranded
Wlf -,lh bar over it. on loft side; crop oil loft
ear.' Ilors . same brand in left hip
,i k K.thn. Or -Hor branded H
H with a iinarter circle oyer it. on left stifle
ii Morrow and Uin'itillanonnties
limit A. H.. Ridge, Or. -battle, round-top
with iinarter circle under It on the right hip,
in wrant county. ...
Hmith Bros. HnsanTille, or. Mora as, orantea
H. Z. onshnnliW: cattle. ro on laft ahonl'ler.
Honiraa Jamaa. Arlington. Or.: horses branded
J8 on left ehonlder: cattle the same, also noea
waildla. Range in Morrow and liiliiam co inties
Htephns. V. A., Hardman. tJr-; noraes bb oo
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs a. J., neppnar, ur,-vBiue, c
on right hii : swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart.G. W., Heppner, ur. Morses, M on
left shoulde' ; cattle. U on left hip.
Hoerry. E. G.. Heppner. Or. t atlie w Li on
left hip. crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horeee W C on left shonlder.
Thompson. J. A., Heppner, ur. noraes, g on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tipnet.H.T.iKnlerprii)e.Or. Horses. I-on len
Tnrner R. W.. Heppner, Dr. rsmall capital 1
left shonlder. horses: oattle same on left hip
ith split in hotti ears.
Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded
HT conneoted on left stifle: shewn same brand.
VanderpiMil. H. T.. Ixna, Or: Homes HV con
acted on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Wa bridge. Wm.. Henoner. Or. Uorsoe. U. L.
on the left, shoulder; cattle sumo on light hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John CI., rialem or Ileppner, Or.-
Hornos branded Jij on the left shonlder. Hang,
Morrow connty.
Warren. W B. Caleb, Or t attle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses same brand on left shonlder. ltangeir
Grant, ooniitv
Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses Dranden
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Oattle brand"' same on left side and loft hip.
Wolflnser. John. John Day it.y.Or On horset
three parallel liars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep.
bit in both ears. Kauge m Grant and Klalhaer
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, VI
connected cm leftshoulder.
Watkins. Lishe. Heppner. Ur. Horses Dranden
DE connected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles. II ppner, Or. Cattle, W or
right thigh, holi in left ear: horeos, W on rigfT
shoulder som same on left, shoulder.
ii? l , . . : . . . . , D.i.M.rn n- .
n III'Lin Dior,., iiui,iiufwu, iiobo, iju
Horses branded W B oonneuted on left shoulder
Williams. Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle am
horses. Range Grant oonntji.
Williams. J O. Long I .reek. Or Horses, onar
ter circle over three bars on left hip: oattle same
and slit in each ear Range in Grant connty
Wren. A. A.. Henpner. Or. Horses running A A
in shoulder; Cattle, same on right hin.
Young. J. o.. Gooseherry. Or. Horses hranrla
"q on Hie Hght hniiloV"
I! K,t"
r-t i 1 6,-
on ta
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Tho Work of Negroes on the
Bteamshlpa Down South.
Oreat 8kUl Required In the Handling of
the Heavy Malei-The Men Always
Cheerful and Singing While
at Labor.
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
Luxury, Good Cheer, llusj'italily. De-
liirli tl ul and lleiillhlul I'dimes,
Matchless Mountain Scenery.
Kstsbllshed Inst year In aroman
tic dull ol the Sacrcmeiito Canvon
jiiKt below and In full view of grand
old SluiHtH It whs a great hit and
promises still more eiirnurKliig re
suits for the present vesr T J
Iji'FTUH, at Csstclla, Isstill In charge
unu will answer an inquiries,
A ' cw candidate for public favor
tnis year is
Also In the Shnsta region, about
a mile and a hull from liunsinulr
It is a Ken nine paradise lor hunters
tl tiers and seekers of health and
pleasure Kasv to reach (near the
railroad) ftighily, and all the lie
cessitle of camp life easily procur
nlil". All Inquiries shout Hlmsta
Vleliw l amp. If addressed to W ('.
Gray, II" x 4. D'liisiiiiilr, t el., will
receive prompt attention.
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full detail call on 0. R. & N,
Aw nt at Heppner, r address
Gen. Piibh. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
llinton A.lenkn. Hamilton Or 'aula, two lisis
on eillinr hip; crop In riht ear anil spin in left.
llorsHS JonrinhttliiKh. Itaimein uraiu couniy
U....I.O. Humnnl Waiiner. Or J- (T K
.u.i.,'il i ..ii ri lit hiiiililer on liores; on call le.
on riirht hlpand on left sidn. swallow fork in
riuht ear and slit in loft. Kanire in Haystack
,li-,-l..i M,trr,,w conntv
1 1 ., 1 ' Mill,,,,. Wancr, Or. Horses tirandM
ii i,,l,. ,n, i,,, ml I il tails) on left shoulder
Cattle same on lull hip also lare circle on left
Ilnw'iril .1 Ii. '1 jlloway. Or. llorsm T- (cross
Willi h ir s'i'ivii l' on ruihl sh'i ihlor; cnltl -SHine
ui I ft side. UaiiK' '" Morrow and Umatilla
Mail Kiwi". John Ihiv. Or. t alMe K II on
rUht hin;h'i s sii im on rijlit shoiil.lnr. HaiiKB
In tliHiit ceinty.
MukIi"". Mt, Heppner, Or. Morses, aha led
heart on the left si Iilnr. Iliins" Morrow I o.
Iliinaaker, II A. Wavner. Or. llorsee.U on left
h I ..r .mi I In. Aon left hill.
Hiiuiphrevs. J M llanlinan.Or. llnrsee, II on
"llns'iln. I.nther. Hutht Mile, Or.-Horse II on
Ihs Inn shiMil,..reii'l Imnrt on the left alitle Cat
0 samson Inft hm. Itvi In Morrow insmir.
.loons. IHrrv. II epnn t Or -Horses brsn lnd
H .1 on I'm left s'limliler; ca'tle bra "IimI J on
riittit hip. also ,iiiilirliit hi loft ar. Ilanite In
M'nrow coiiiitr.
Junkiu, ti M., Hniinnar, Or Hopws, hor
sIhm J on Inft hoiildnr. Cattle, the aauis.
HaMtfS ,m l'lhl Mil.
Johns n. K..li I. Mm, Or.-Hor.es. etreUT on
le't sli'ln; c Ulle, sa'nn on riuht hip, ntidnr half
er'iit in rii snd sobt n left ar
Knnnr. Mik", Hnpp'o'r, Or.-llomes hra-i
KNV on left hip eat tie same anil crop off left
r; on lnr sltilM on the rlht
Kirk 1 T, Hnppuer, Or.-llorse TO en left
shmihlsr: call le. au on Inft hip.
Kirk Jawo. Hniinnsr. Or.i horse- II on left
k'.n .Ixr, ralllesaiiieoo nht aula, umlnrbil on
rmht ear. .
Kumlierland.W .ll.. Montil Vemon. Or.- I, on
esitlenn riant and Inn iim swallow rork in li n
ear aii l nndnr cioo In rlahl ear. HrsMi sains
lean, I ,m In'l shimhlnr. Hamr in llmnt
liftnn, HiaiifiMrt. m.ttr. K lion Inft hip
mi name crop and split on r!l,t ear. Huran
sms brand on left shoulder. ttane lirant
,,,, Il-n. John W., l.-l-o'-" Or -ll,.r
bran t I hslf-nlrnle J I, noanectml on Inn sh'i'il
iW ( si i In. M'lis oo left Inn. lUiige. near I
Mli"(. i W Mn,otmr tr - Horsns b'andnl
l.a'i't o i lert shieildnri enttu Mne on Inft
hip, Miautnf tikhl Hire ! Ill 'H1''
l,.r,. (Imirsn, llnppner. Or. -Horses hramtel
ilo'ihte H no tie't ti,iitiiiHa eallel
vie II i to lft sh'tithlM.
wis M ' . Hniq.iir, Or - Cattle rrand-l
nn'l. ii,ili hip; ho mtne en rmlit till.
H" hi M r ow canity.
Moior, Os -ar, tii..nr Or Vila, M O nw
riuht hip; huras M on Inft shouldnr.
M i. M. H. II Pl'ii-r, Or.-lora. M)
iw Inft VeihUi rattle m on Inn hip. j
Mitehnll. itvir. I' me. t'r.-Ilorena, II nn rihl I
hlo; name. J7 on nhl si..
MnCmren, II. t.. Mr..wnille, IVr,- llnrw,
tim irn ,tn ,'h shinil lnr, eeitle. Ml ie hn
M eiirr. Kra'.k. Vall. Or. M lie ho
ii), l n.i'k ,n nitla ia ritM ail ni lnr li
ai'h -art ImiM aaii brand Infl stirle.
. l,l., , t .. us mi. l is. Or. -
with ti'f -ir 'In nn lnr m Infl li.ail lr,.i m,
f..it trsra n,..inin. t'P ou the t is lit snl
lttitn in Orant C.ninfy.
hat! Andmw, l"in Of - llofans A H en.
nniml on tnfi shitil.lnr, rait le aaifin on h.rf h ht,
K mlike r,., HHtnrtoB tf.-H.i.eirrle J on
Inft II, mi. na'iU wna "H Inft hin.
Illl-r, iosn'h. I am.rn t 'it, Of - H in ralllr
iw Inft tup nn hiirMS, Mine oe Uft thih. lUaee
in Mrant p.,aiii
lillnr, I'etri. lisiliig'im, Or.-r O on left
SllM I
nip lln- iisL I'tsl'ta City, Or -On raitta, O
,P ,uniann i Inft Hip; li'irMS ihi mt etittr
end ws'le"n hmn IUn in iiva'it e'naiitv.
I' ,- Use ' t Miln 'Nr. M , ,(ir
nf rl"ln hlnl.l no l1 sh'Wtl-l w sn I f 1 Infl
hn ''s"l. f " IB le' " ''shl empiicl. V
(in Uf hi,, H..- on r!, M'ln,
l''k i (!.. n. Ilatd uan.Ot.- HiMwaelf M
rfi , nil l.
ilnar I. Ull"l.ll ll H,-- liraK I
e K I. n.,'in In I1 nn l-M ..,.l lf , n!tr
f wTn ihi firf'il M l(sii ksr.s niii.i,
1'il.if J . Ir-sfi.ni ! J n.m
l,n..in ... Ml .nil W, rait la. mm im Ml kip
UK t hi' IR
I' , l in. Ot ; ti fw illeti'ie.l o
i.ni l. rVn. J ') J n,ir.ne'. oe I',.
l-'i I,,,. i,..-f sL.i-n la Ml enr si. I sii in liw
ti t,
IWr.l il'w II lima Or. I,w, binar
f 'l ,rl..,ial I) ri1
I,.. ...... I '.els, II ..uninr, lit. I'H. I' ,e
M .'- .
1K n ll. .. . r lMKnM
en " il I ' ' I "a ' en,
.,. 1 i(i ,i I 1-it.o en. k. Ilaue i'
in .-f.e ,i, ti 'O I I
t I.ne m. Or ll.wn.
r, l s H .n. r,l,l si, nil sni.l .Mn
em in trfs I ea Ml '. kip
K X e "--i't.
K... M i.,rtU. I -Mil n.nn-i.
W ' I r -n In IH ' eVUnnn, n ' hl
t .-r.. 1 lu' lMI an I S4tl In In'l, HnMi
s I Ui Iteitee ie M
i . I . sr. n..nMl.ns.
M 1 ta . . i-n O. '1m, JO as
le'lsVuhlw. I enia .m llil klta
a i',i r . tl .?.- IImiiiU'
1 i . . I s . U'l u ,., . ..
f.. i . -i . "'.! m 1 'i
. . I .. .1 ., , ,. i .im, s) -W't
'I ss ! Ml i.
o . J . k i - ' r,ji,.-l m
V( , 1 l.i ' ns 1,4,' l.
Camping In The
linn, " r'uhts, laurel (llenwood,
Fcl on Men Lomond,
llnulder Cliik.
1 1 Reduced Rates
During the Ciunpl'itr season will be
Hindu by the,
Kor full particulars address
r, I'. HiiHMin, asi
"ass, Kul..
C? UlCIi TI3VII3 t
Sn Franolsco
Vnd all points In California, via the Mt. Bliasti,
ronte of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Che (treat hiehway throunh (California to all
points Kast and Month, (irand Hoanio Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Hnflet
Hlenpera, Heoond-nlaes Hleeiwrs
Attached to express trains, atfordin snpenc
hocoimnodntions for eeoond-claes passengers.
For nites, tickers, slnnpinn oar resemations
te, call noon or aitdrnss
KOKHl.KR, Manairer. E. P. ROGKR8, Asst
len V P. airt.. Portland. Oreuon
It is a problem in mechanics to load
a cotton ship to fill every cubic foot of
freight room with the awkward rec
tangular bales and some men are so
much more skilled than others in this
science that it often makes a difference
of 400 or 500 bales in a 2,000-ton ship
and that amount of loss in the profit of
the voyage. Therefore, the stevedores
and screwmen receive big wages, per
haps the largest that are paid to
negroes anywhere in the world, for
most of the longshoremen in the South
Atlantic are of that race, says the Ltxi-
cago Record.
In New Orleans they are nearly an
white men-Italians, Swedes and Irish
menand the riots that we read about
in the papers were due to the introduc
tion of negro packers and screwmen
from Galveston to take the place of the
The screwmen are divided into gangs
of five, with a foreman, and the whole
are under the direction of a chief
stevedore, who is usually a white man,
and acts as superintendent of the dock.
Each gang occupies a hatchway of the
steamer, and five men are all that can
conveniently work in such a narrow
The cotton comes from the planta
tion on the cars or upon flatboats. The
bales as they leave the plantation are
loosely packed generally four feet
high and the first thing when they
reach the dock is to tumble them into
a hydraulic press, which reduces their
bulk by one-half and makes it possible
to pack twice as many in the hold of a
The truckmen pass back and forth
between the pile of bales and the ship
in a procession, rapidly and in perfect
time, and it is an awkward and "wuth
lcss nigger," as the foreman said, who
ever touches a bale with his hands.
Some of them put on jaunty airs,
strike attitudes, and introduce fancy
steps as if they were at a cake walk.
particular! -7 when spectators are watch
ing, but that is unprofessional, and the
serious and self-respecting truckman
'totes his bales" without trying to at
tract attention. They sing as they go,
but for the life of me 1 could not catch
the words, find when in an interval
Miss Dell 8tvens, of Boston. Mass,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
various remedies, and many reliable
physicians, but none relieved me. After
taking o Dottles or
I am now well. I
am very grateful
to you, as I feel
that it saved me
from a life of un
told aironv. and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
woras or praise tor tne wonuunui meu
( icine, and in recommending it to an.
Treatise on
Blood and Skin
J Diseases mailed
-JS, tree to any ad
J) dress.
immending it to ail.
;gfl SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 0. g
Strt. jjflfK. ,-lh,et
Simplest. VJWIl13"'"
Stroni-est. SjOTM Workln''
Top Vjffjg Accurate,
krcelver. XijJijjiP Compact.
Julyai. fir any H. I'
I'oiin.iNii, out.'.
. Co. Auelil.
it T7
cf rtia at Sit. 1 la- httinri '. ) In
t1i' ad s ft ir ng in in Ml CI 'f
ml tiriiittro, 1 In U Hint if (ti
of ftiUanrtM Mn anil Ihip.ium
ftiillMV, (ilh Of lit'r l)M. Ih.cIil;
tn t.'tpjr tii.ni or tiitM n; nn
him ie tnijii.r f in w tdi'i a, rMt
il- in- tl In a PtiiH-l p".f . ' 'In I On
r curd 'f ila l.i-iv 'f it' Wntk
fr it mmi ib nmv lr rai lii ha I an
h-ttir, i da 4 iHiital 1 -r Ii tli let
r tit t-ntntt, rutiur . at tl ft Uw- til
ttiu-ir, (mi ir , an i fli i i'-n A t b
wliii (In I'm ' n. i. ml mm timr
on.M I v rnlr It Pit run iiiti t u.m
of hti"'tv-lB M k-riiii f "I in- Ar-
linic Tit lioitxi a a U iti
' m r m1 art, I d h 'I' A' " ran
llratirr In ihr tuak'tnllttKi tut i trU
fj 1 tiff ot 'O-. a, 14 I t - Hit In , fr K.
ilurd fmiti ln .r'ni"ai '4initih b
r .. ' Uni ti. CtM-brah
"T"V V ImtiK tluwrt tintri, Hh will
I l ' r,r, W ill") f lrf to
i I I im-nt'a 1a ama f"i I Ilia
l I ol .,ta iitrli wink ot art waa
I J . ' '; ft' 4 Uif i ritH
LfO ntftt b iiil tic Wriitl ft. in Ihf
CI 1
or go, si. IWnoi lies
Most Modern and profresslvo
Kor i 'alaloKue or liifnruisl'nn write to
New Havrn. Conn.
Th comparatlvt vllut of thM twocirds
Is known to most persons.
They Illustrate thai (rtattr quantity la
Not always most to b dcsirtd.
Thcsa caids tiprtsa the bf ntflclal nusU
Mparts Tabulcs
4s compared with any previously knows
Ripens Tabulse i Price, 50 cente a bost,
Of dtu((lste, or by mail.t
IIPiNS CMCMIC1L CO.. 1 0 lte II.. N T.
asked one to repeat the verses he re
"Ly ain't none. Dat wuz jes' do
truckers' sonrr."
The refrain sounded like "Oh no rily
oh, oh rio rily oh," and it was evidently
nothing but gibberish. It appears tnat
the several eantrs have their own par
tieular songs, and I judged from what
the foreman told me that the words
were usually without meaning, or sitn
nlv a senna of r-t'irrii-nl sounds with
terminations that rhymed, invented by
some one of their numbv and sung to
familiar airs.
The truckman drops the bale at the
edge of tho dock, or tosses it by a jerk
of the handles of his truck over the
gunwales of the vessel; then a man ad'
justs the grapphngiron anil shouts a sig
nal to tho engineer at tho windlass
who turns his lever, and, hoisting the
bale into tho air, lets it swiftly down
into the hold, where tho live artists are
waiting to pack it away.
It is hot work below, and the packers
and screwmen aro usually barefooted
ml nuked above the waists, while per
miration rolls down their massiv
. . , ... , . 1 1. 1 .. 1 .1
iiuvles. l'.uen nas it niwm 111 in mum
;itid they seize and toss the .'i)d iniinl
bales as a Japunexo juggler jiluyn witu
Five hooks are in the cotlon the In
stunt it touehes bottom, and they seem
to work like a blot muebine, for one
does not null one way and another an
other, but by united, bimultuueous v
fort the (Trent package Is lilted, and
drops into the very place where the
lis wants it to go.
Then at intervals they get out a big
juckscrew that must weigh 5(H) pounds
and crowd tho bale together until the
bold of the fillip Is one aolid mas. One
end of the jneksere w is placed against
a bale and tho other end against a
piece of heavy oak timlxT four or five
inches rupinre, which ia notched to keep
the screw from slipping, and ean U In
clined against the aide of the aliip or
olio of its Manchlons, that a. good
purelmaJ may In obtained. Tho acrew
ia worked by (Inutile crnnx, ana one
man hold it In position while the other
four turn. That operation la called
'noalttg up."
All thia la done to m musical aeeom-
panlment I nippoae m ncgtn alwaya
ainga when be workabut the song of
the aorwmon are different from Ihoae
if the tnn-knien, and the air that gura
with the jurkierew la tint the same that
taste for advertising, says the Cincm
nati Gazette, he who runs may read the
story of the daily actions of England's
queen and Russia's czar, not to mention
other personages of almost equal in
From the trusty sources indicated
above, one learns that Queen Victoria
has in the evening of life developed an
xtraordinary fondness for various
branches of prepared food, many of
which are of American manufacture,
In the moraine she makc3 careful use
of Apple's soap, preparatory to partak
ing a cup of bteppe s cocoa. At lunch
eon she tops with Skimple's canned
corn beef, and at dinner she will have
no dessert but Eacy's prepared blane
mange. So particular is her majesty in
regard to her favorite articles of food
that every package, can and bottle
must be adorned with the name of its
maker in letters large enough to be
easily read by the group of princes,
princes, nobles and courtiers who stand
at a respectful distance whenever roy
alty partakes of any proprietary article
of food.
The prince of Wales has also been
noted for many years for his fondness
for extensively advertised toilet prep
arations and costly brands of cigarettes
and champagnes. Whenever there ap
pears on the market a new lurkish
cigarette with a gilt mouthpiece, and
costing a little more than aD imported
cigar, we may be sure that his royal
highness will contrive to purchase at
least one box of the largest size, no
matter what economy he may be com-
nelled to practice in other ways to
mak 3 up for it, and smokes the cigar
ettes with much ostentation on the
terrace in front of Windsor castle or
some other equally conspicuous place.
On such occasions the prince usually
wears a red uniform and is attended by
several regiments of lancers.
The late czar of Russia having been
brought up from his childhood on a
simple diet of caviare tallow candles,
vodka, caravan tea, bear's grease, and
other products of his native country,
never distinguished himself as a con
sumer of prepared food and drink. He
was better known that is to the fre
quenters of dime museums as a mighty
hunter of freaks, and up to the day of
his death he was regarded as one of the
most distinguished and erudite connois
seurs of human monstrosities in all
Ao'iord'Ttrr to the unimpeachable tes
timony of the superh works of art
which lure the humble amusement
seeker into the temples which are given
over to the worship of the eccentric
and tho deformed, his imperial ninj-
ety assisted at the capture of several
of the best known freaks of eustern
El rope, and was always ready to ac
cord special audience to those taken
in remote portions of his empire. Tho
dorr-fa I ladv. for example, was
dragged from her cave in the lialkan
mountains by a detachment of the im
perial guard, commanded by his maj
esty in person, and It was the same
enlightened sovereign who captured
the turtle boy, who sunning himself
on a Oil 01 sandy ocacii on tne laspian
hen prevented by oflleers of state
from enjoying the excitement of the
freak chase, bis majesty always made
it a point to give special receptions at
the winter palace to such curiosities aa
were found in his realm, all of which
were Instantly brought to St. Peters
burg that they might receive this
sim'i ial mark of the imperial favor. At
theae reception there wa always
museum artist In attendance in order
that an accurate representation of the
cone might lie placed before the Amer
ican public, and It la through the mag
nillcent oil painting thus obtained that
we know of the fondnca of Prince
Oortehakof, M. de Oier. Prince Hi
tuiirck and other eminent atateamen
fur the society of human monatrualtii'
destined for the American muaeum
Tr nnft nf rhp vprv host, whppla pvfr made is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the S
front rank wtth all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If iou want to be happy, for should your wheel beM
punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, as It is equipped with the world gj
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at ?100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 150 each.
THE RAM BLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market!
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls with 28, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at $65, J45 respect- Wt
ivelv. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge g
clincher tires and are fully warranted,
Before you buy a bicycle, write for c-taiogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call W
On our numerous agents, namuier nuBuera uumeu w eveij- wnu m vicijuu, """'"r
ton and Idaho.
Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main fj
Btore. 3-27 Washington -t , Portland, Or. Ma) E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and (,
lecturer. oTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, uregon.
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power IHouse.
Sing oi Bicycies. f
X . . .. O . ,0.,
Four modcls-S35 and 8100.
onarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main OTflco; Laka H.rHtd Pts.. CliilCAiO. ILL.
CUv iK'iivr. .V.s'lip;.:
bHANCrlKSt-Nw York. "Mil ?r tt'..-'..ii:
W. PATTEliSOX, Agent for Morrow County, llcppncr, Oregon.
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li-arm-.!: I ut thry ar unWrixally r
Vr.ri as iirrtnr lS'lni, Ilk t-i!
fljfh'i-r In Hpun ami balill player
in 111 I tiilil Ma,
A t-'ili" iifrntlnn ssrlifh. fmm 4'.rt t
.'msi is'imi,!, ari l skiiiful ita.-ki-r tan
fruM ti.tssi (., ,i In,',,-, in a 1.5
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tslil arr lli-Tr.ii a raptiltr ith its
iimna,'. r.r rauiii. a i.imi-Ihk iliip
itl rry .w a I V"' t-n hip.
V i1; a J.isv inn sh n. It iHsi.an.l a S.m
t.in liln, s' '" b il
NalUimL HlirOrlY.
Haar m4 t .. mt tararaa Ki ftl
iwa aa tay A -.
T tvtmp atjj -rtm.ifsr wMih arr
inuri.-r btrn kir.t-, nr'n.ra mni
era d9hff, a4 Amrrwaci cf
;h !. i or e f4. a k.sJ. ryoJr
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ti'annrii n. I,! i' t 41'a
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Whit inMoi-kton, ral.,a.irurilin aifi.
Tht. V. Laniian, tt Lk llauna, thai
tat, waa taken fry avrly llb
r.nip ami liarrh"a. Ila rhanrarl to
n! Mr. 15. M l'artr, who aadrullarlt
111 !. II : "I I"!. I lum of
'hamlr-rUlri'a I'-ilia, Ch"la and IHar-
'hnrs Hm.l)r, ami wml lo llm llol-
io Hi"r and prooifwil a bMl f
t It Mr. t!artr prorntii rrhrfarirt
t ao vonoh fir in tstln nri o."
For i by hlncim J -hii.no lrn v'o.
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and .is a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson PunusiiiNG Co.
In lia-UMtriir th rlurai'trristica of
rrrialn irrrat inrii. a lni'l.iii j.mrtial
all attrntinn Ut th f. n.liti fr i-lnl
itrrn f-ir tsliu-h many nu'ii fjnnuis in
hiktury ar nutfit l ni"-ii'ii anions
thr na NBilriin, whit. It 1 kalil
l. laa th inranl hlnir nt Hums-
In hi arm, ami. 'aml.nf in frwt of
th niirmr llh him. auul'l Itirr mak
th i1.lot rrtmap In I h At
lrrakfat b wmiM tak Ih rhiiil tivn
In kiiii'. tli hi Ciik'ir III th iN-fT.c
ami tlautt hi fa- with il. at )hit h w
ar UihI th iU I.lt iT'Krrnr iilr.
th nt.Ti'r lauhr. ami th ynuo;
k.ritf aimt a!y apfwartHl di-a'hUil
Tli' h. on i,"h 0 csi.in. hal a
fat.if li ilti, t f rmn t'i ririirir irr
g,-nrr'At tr t 'tf farnrahly r--ri'if!
Of t'aiii. th K-iman rrii,f, i
Is tn! I that no ttifr hn tntifh t
or h had oa I.at4. or how t.-oimrtact
that la.ti' . h wou!4 tirtrr
! til h.n :?,. it Crt lir?
in h- wif H iii H-r
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v-i aim Cf'y ni
' . . f I
nans rafi.
Vouro BOUX1D to Take 9En.
Leaves No Constipation,-
( r,.r. II, 4 It l H.
f Uf t ! " f"- ,
t l rfcl 'f U I.
ll l"Jirii.a -t
kirl Ml.rlSlr. VlsUlil, p.
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U .i.-. 1u th cr -st AatH ti r f A m hn yt r
l ita- t enjs .! am aw la at Mail sat
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