TIME TABLE. Btatre for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, lohn Day and Canyon Ctty, leaves u follow : Every day at 6 a. m.. except Sunday. Arrive every day at J p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Fhill Cohn, Agent. Rev. J. M. Denison preached two in-1 Death of J. L BEYMeR.dn Sunday tereming and tim-ly discourses at tbe I eveuiug.at the bunrof 7:15 death visited a uouruu iu ouuuay. iskiiik tor uis . . , You can get the best beer in Heppner at G. rowe's, 5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! 5UN MON I TUE 1 WED I THO I PR1 1 5AT I 2 5J 5 6 ? a 9 io n 1 12 is JJL JLL ldl 19 At JX. ? 2 1 il. 25 26 27 Only tf. Here and There. MillioDa ride the Humbler. Ike Eonis bus bicycles to rent. Casa Matlock, of Pendleton, is in the city. The new Cleveland baby hag been Darned MarioD. Avers Guarantees his poison 82.50 per dozen. The Kiles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla. Wash. We noticed John Rnyse, of Hardman, on oar streets Saturday, Geo. Conner and wif returned from their visit to Lone Rook yesterday. The Weekly Bnn and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both strictly in advauoe. Henry Padberg, ot the Lexington sec tion, was in the metropolis Saturday La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 13. 0. Smith, a desman, Heppner Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart'a ''Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. ' tf, Try Avers' squirrel poison before buying any other. Only $250 per dozen. tf. Nat Webb is down from Walla Walla, looking after his sheep interests in this county. For Sale A lot of household furni ture and an organ. Call at the M. parsonage, tf. Miss Ethel Stewart, niece of Mrs, Julius Keitbly, departed for Portland on Friday last. Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will go to the house or take sewing at home Mrs. Mary Henderson. Hick Mathews you o if oooo is the greatest attraction in town. He is 8 frisky fellow aud a great pet. Mrs. 13. A. Hunsaker leaves this week for The Dalles to j oin her husband who bas gone into bnaiuess at that place. Hegnlar preaohing at the opera honse on Sunday morning and evening by Elder J. W. Jenkins, of The Dulles. Mrs. Jane Iloyer returned last week from a visit with her cousin. Mrs. Jeea Moore, of Echo, who is seriously ill. R. 8. Strnban, the well known lawyer and jurist, of Portland, died snddeuly of appolexy in that city on Sunday morn ing. (tilhousen Bros., will soon go to the loner country to be absent nntil the latter part of this mouth. Await their return. ltf. Hepnner is lelng dneerted by many of her residents for tie ond retreats in the mountains and elsewhere, to spend the bested terra. Hsrry Bsgley returned Saturday even lug 'rnm a pleasant three week's vmit with relative! and Mends at HilUboro and vioiuiiy. Rev. Bani, the pongregstionaliat preaober of Lexinstno, delivered a ser mon in tlm opera bouse at Heppner Hun day evening. Mrs. E. Minor and family and Mrs. Frank Il"gers and family departed this morning for Teal springs to be absent for about a roootb. M, mrBtug tb-me the enrreot raising of CbiLiren by christian parents. He made many good points and handled his sub jeot in an able and conscientious man ner, Rrv. Deuison preaoees bis farewell sermon to big Heppner congregation the first Sundiy in Angus, shortly after which time be expects to leave with his family tor a new charge in tbe valley. Walter and Charley Van Duyn, Percy Garrigues, J as. Hart, Albert Lal-tnde and Wayne Howard, left this morning for Desolation lake and will be gone for at least three weeks, wbiob time tbey ex- peot to put in exploring the. beauties of that romantic and pioturesqne portion of Grant county's broad domain. Tbey also expect to kill unknown quantities of bear and deer and oatcb dead loads of the speckled beauties. Disorders in the liver and kidneys aer responsible for many of the ailments of humanity, which, when neglected, de velop into serious and often fatal mala dies. Prudenoe would suggest the prompt use of Dr. J. H McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm to remove thr disorder as soon as possible, and restore the dis eased organs to bealtby and vigorous action. Price $1 00 per bottle. Carl Rbea, tbe youngest son of O. A. Rhea, was thrown from his borse out on tbe Kbea creek: ranch Sunday anri was picked no in an insensible condition. It seemed for a time as though the little fellow was not going to revive, but- prompt work brought him bank to coo HCiousDess and it was ascertained that be bad received no serions injuries You cannot be cheerful or happy while your 1'ver is disordered, life is hnt. a weary burden to persons so affl oted. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is the right thing to put- this organ into healthy condition. It inore S"S tl e seoretinn of bile, stimulates th kidneys and restores the organs of the b dy to the proper performance of their f uuctions, Price $ 00 per bottle. Mrs. G. F. Mithews returned home from Portland on Sttnrday evening. Mrs. Mathews was a delegate to the grand lodge of tbe Degree of Honor wbioh met in that city last, week end was honored hy betngeleoted to an office in that body for the eosuiog year. Ike Ennis has a stock of bioyole repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a ppeo alty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will oertainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. J. L. Yesger returned on Saturday evening from furtlanrt wnere ne nan been in .ttendnnce on the grand lodge A. O TJ. VV. He states that the grand lodge session was very pleasant and profitable, mwh important busiueas to the fraternity being transacted. F. J. Hallook sent his family to the mountains on Saturday, John Binnstak ing tbem up. Tbey have gone intocamp near tbe Hamilton saw mill where tnev expeot to remain until about the first of September. Fed went up Sunday anil will be got e some time, John H. Johnson, of Lexington, was in Heppner 8turday. He reports plenty of grasshoppers down his way and they seem to be taking everything in sight, even eating tbe leaves off the trees. Sim ilar reports oome from elsewhere over tbe country. B F. 8waggart is prepared to furnish hU "Snre Shot" squirrel poison in wholesale lots. He has already received m . . - J a large order rrom vvasnington ami Idaho Every where it bas been used, it has not failed to exterminate tbe little pests. tf. Harry Warren, Frank Minor and George Dodson returned Sunday even ing fmm a week's stay out on Ditob creek but ting and fishing. Harry says they found many oampers In the monn. tains along the way down Willow oreek. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A , San Diego, Cal. says : "Hbiloh's Cata-rb Remedv is the first medicine I have ever found that wonld do me any good." Price IV to. T. W. Ayers, Jr. Zeek Mathews and wife arrived from Portland on Friday's train. They will leave tbia week for an outing at Teal spring. If von want to rent a bioyrle or get re pairs for kame, call on Ike Ennis at his biccle livery, power bonne of one of M irrow county's well-known citizens, and claimed a? bis viotim therefrom, J L. Beymer. A short time ago Mr. Beymer was quite seriously injured by beiig out on a saw at tbe Mallory mill. Tbe injury, however, he seemed to reoover from nicely, but was taken with pleuro-pneumonia, with which be became very seriously ill. Medical assistance, together with all tbe good care and attention that loving bands could bestow upon bim proved unavail ing and be grew gradually worse till the hour mentioned above when he peace fully passed away from this life to that beyond the river. Mr. Beymer was among Morrow county's best known and highly respeoted citizens. He oame to this country some ten years ago, living in Heppner for a time, whete he followed his occupation of brick and stonemason, but shortly moved out to tbe Eight Mile oountry where he took up a home for himself and family and where they have since resided. J. L Beymer was a good man and a ensoientious obristian, being a member of the M E. church. At the time of his dea b he was 45 years of age, having passed that mil j stone on July 4th. He leaves a wife and family of nine children to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father, and his loss to the community in which he lived will be deeply felt. Several of tbe children are of age and the widowed mother will be kindly oared for by them. The funeral ocours at Qardmau today at 2 o'olook Rev. Frank A Ikins, of Heppner, con ducting tbd services. To the bereaved family the sympathy of the entire com munity is extended in this their hour of great trial. TBDTH BTRANGER THAN FICTIUH. Th Franks of Cupid Pt Accounting Thousands of persons flounder along for months, yes even years, suffering from indigestion, bowel troubles and liver disorders with their acoompanyin disagreeable symptoms, because they think they have to. If tbv would tHk nhort course o' Dr. J. H. McLean L'ver and Kidney Btlmth-y wuld eoo g-t rid of the m serable feeling and that overpowering sense of weariness and in oapacity for work, would give place one of hplib, vigor aud obeerruluess Price $1 00 per bottle. Cupid For. Thb Oilman TJndbr Nbw Manaqb- meni The Gilmao hotel, or rortlana, whiob bas been the headquarters for eo many Beppnerites in past years changed management on M uday of last week. S. R Reeves, formerly of Heppner and well known in this county, hut of more reoent years a resident of L Grande, and E Sanders, both veterans in the business, are now in full charge of this popular house. These gentlemen will spare no paiua to make everything com fortable and pleasant for their guests, and we bespeak for tbem a liberal sbare of the patronage of this section, where Mr. Reeves is so well known. 3 4 It was 9 o'clock Thursday night the other week, save the Corvallia Times, when Charley Denny led Millie Smith to the bymenial altar, and solemnly pledged to love and cherish her, aud was in turn accorded a promise of love and obedience by Millie. It was about tbe same hoar in tbe evening some three years ago that this ame Charles pulled tbia same Millie for- bly out of her bedroom window, in her father's house, three miles beyond the Willamette from Corvallis.and in spite of her screams and protestations started to hie away with her in aearoh of a parson who oould make the ir two hearts one and their two souls think only one though. Charles had long been laying Beige to Millie's heart and band, but Millie's pa. rents, as w'ell as the widow herself ob- ected to the match, and it was out of this hostility to bis heart's desire that Charles Denny that night. Locbiu var-like, snatohed Millie from tbe window and lit out for tall timber. There was, however, a hitob in Danny's procedinga. Millie was all flustered and ber aoreams brought out ber father, a shotgun and the hired man. At sight of them Charles whipped out a revolver and held tbe soreaming woman between himself and tbe shotgun. Then followed a series of parleys, sorties, flank movements.retreats and other maneuvers. With his weapon Obarles held his pursuers at bay, and tbey could not use tbe shot gun through fear of wonndiug the woman. Half the night, with not a shot fired, tbe affair lasted, and it oolv ended when s relative, who bad been bmnght from Cor vall's by toe father, Brnved on tbe soene and promised tbe lotbario that if be would give up the girl he should wed her the next day. Denny consented, and the next day bright and early was at Albany with a marriaie lioense in bis pocket. While he stood in Sohmeer'a livery stable, Mil lie and her father drove in. Then hap pened tbe act that makes tbe late wed ding of the parties probably tbe rarest and most curious of all the oappra of dinning little Cupid. Denny asked Mrs. Millie Smith if she was ready to marry bira, and when tbe reply oame baok, ''Never, sir," he yanked out bit triihty revolver and stmt straight at tbe heart be coveted. He missed it. how ever, but t e ball passed through Millie's olotbing. Alter that, there was a trial. with Millie as tbe prosecuting witness, nil Charles defendant, and in due time the latter wound up in the penitentiary. where he served a year for tbe shot he took at Millie. All tbia is what maker the fact that Charles and Millie are now man and wife nniisnaWv unusual, and i ought to encourage uosnooe-sf'tl old wooers to bang on with bulldog tenacity to hope so long as there la a spark of life left. I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla baa ion lor me. 1 had the grip and its ill effects aetilea au ovai me.I had cramps in my legs and frequently I had to get up at night and walk to relax the mus cles. I also had stomach troob- I then took les. Hood's Sarsapa Xrllla. One bottle cured thecramp. and another has helped my stom ach trouble greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and u Hood's Pills which are the best I evei took." H. A. Melvin, Sisters, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla 13 the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's PilUiSri!Dtok It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HORSE POWER OI SAW MILL You of course want tbe best. 1 A. FEW OF ID MM A YEABEHOLD ! ! Why stand you so amazed 1 Did ye not know that Minor & Co. would, oould, and do, beat each, any and air prices that any store oan, will or do make ? We are not like our competitors, bait yon on Sugar and Flour ; we bait you on every article in the Store We bay for Cash and sell for the same, And if we don't undersell, then we are to blame. We make neither brags, boasts nor idle threats, Neither do we charm fur another man's debts. X ODR PRICES ARE GUARANTEED TO BEAT All competition. We give the lowest living prioes, and anyone cutting below our quotations, we will not only meet it, but beat it, aa tbe quantity we handle enables us to do so. Sbiloh'a Cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket iz o mtaina twenty tive doses onlv 25c. Children love it. Sold bv T. W. Ayers Jr. CliRISTUN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY. Dikd. At Hardman, Oregon, early Sunday morning, July 21, 1895, Mrs. Sarah Coleman passed away, aged 58 years, Mrs. Uoleman was taken very in about three days before she died, but it was not until late Saturday night, when she grew suddenly worse, that a messen ger was dispatched for a physician. Dr. MoSworda, of this city was oalled, but did not reach tL borne nf Mrs. Coleman before be learned that she was dead. We failed to learn the cause nf ber death. TO CONHCMPTIVKS. The undersigned having been restored to health by Simula means, alter sofT-r log for several years witb a severe lung afT-otioo. and that dread disease, Con iimptiou, is stixiona to make known to bia fellow sufferers th means of ore. To those who diwire it. he will cheerful ly send, free of charge, a tvipy of the pre seription used, which they will find a enre onte for Consumption, Asthma, Ca tarrh, Krooclit'i and all throat and lung maladies H liopea all silff-rer will n bis remedv as it Is invaluable Those d- siring thw prescription, which will Oont Ihera nothing, and may prove a blowing, will plea ad Ire. Rv. EDWARD A. WIION, Brooklyn, N. Y. Junll-w. Knight of the MarraWs. The State Commander writea us from Lincoln, Nt b , as follows : "Af'ert trying other medicines for hat seemed to be a very obst inate oongh in our two children, we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entire ly lift tbem. We will not be without it liereHMer, as our ixifrieuce proves that it will curewbereall othet remedies fail." Signed, F. W. f'tevet s. State Cora. Why not give thi great medicine a trial, as It is guaranteed and trial holt If are free at the drug store of I. . Ayers, Jr. Any one who has ever bad an attack of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice with Mr. J. A. Stumm. 220 Boyle Heights, Loa Angeles, over bis fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment Mr. Btumm ia foreman of Merriam soon f-otlonery establisbment. Some mnn'bs ago. on leaving the heated work room ti run across the street on an errand, be was oangbt out in the rain. The result was that when ready to go borne tbat night be was unable to walk, owing nflamraatnry rheumatism. He ' taken borne, and on arrival was placed In front of a good fire and thoroughly rnbbed itb Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Dii'in the evening and night be was repeatedly bathed with this lniment, and bv mornm as relieved nf all rheumatic pains. 11 now takes especial pleasure io prnisiti Ihamberlnin'a Pain Balm, and a! keeps a bottle of it in the bouse. For sale by Hloonra Johnson Drug Co. Fehd fob Palb. The M. C. L. A T, company have a full stock of all kinds of feed, snoh as chop, mill feed, barley eto . which will be sold at reasonable price. Don't negleot to see them f me. 63tf II. C. Kidder and elul Irrn are io Iba city from Pendleton visit mg Mr.. Mary CliM ,rom ,.,, A. nomas eon isnmjr. ,ur. niuu'r w aoo-io-law of Mr, Thomas. t.OMl t llKrk. Karl's Clover Ifcx.t, the great Blood purifier, give freahne and elearneaa to th (ximnlrikin and rnr fntiafipalinn, 2-' eU , M ota., l. Hold by T. W. Aytrs, j Jr. (lo. I), fell and wi'a )' today for Prairie City. Grant C. They gt round by way of Pendleton and ripeet In t away from bom lor am lme, taking this trip fur pleasure and profit. Th OregnnUn ha it h way: "Mr. IL W. Patterson and Mr. Ed It lUrp, newspaper men of U'ppDer, mmrm la tba eil teeterda. 0 foots) Io Newport to atkod tb editorial eoevtatioo" C W. Oilbnoseo tod wife tad V. D Oi'.bnnaen returned ob frtday evening' stag from a month stay In Uagrreek eoJ other OraH eoonty tnwie. They report bsvitig bail a latt lime LHe fob. E. P. Vorat anJ CJeoe O lmn now have Pharge of the stH k of the M' Kaf Isod Mercantile Co. Mr. (tilmaa and family be ni"d tl tlepptier and taken ap tiieir reeidenae la the rtperry bouee on Norlk Mam stfel. linby' Hatieol i rneeet at tan hm, ; eeats; Mur-y llnval I'oli.b for UeW abo. 13 rente; H Ibr's Mavk Ine and e'hr pree'"' la 6 ert and 10 rent . H t)'a p"ihe ea o be teli.i. For aale by P. C Tb"inpntj eumpaey. tte feiv.1 a pleasant rail from O. fear., nf fcigfct M de l. Tt eff'eta ft f nof oi-n-'S r.l-n i..itr r ' " ' t,t,-MMf l-i .' l t' !' a I !. '; i - t'l w ' Uncle Jack Mrrow, ( pt. Warreo, Oe.i. P.he and NeU Magnusen.nf Hepp- aer, are stopping at the McDnin hot springs. Emmet and Jme C' C'nan were op from Monument Tu-Uv. Tb-y were BM'impanird by Co le Charlie C-'Chran, of Morrow eounty, ftber of the latter; gentlemen. Dr. H. K. I!eDd'40 retorned from Heppner Palordiy, aeeompanl' l by bw mother and aqot, Mrs C E. lUn len.n and Mra. J M 1 1 anna, if Mt Vernon, loa a, who c m on a abort visit. Ilstk Poteaa arrived fro'o Taoroa early this week after t( Cattle for the i)reeed lieef etnpaa, nf tbat rlty. The price of beef ealtle ibis yeaf are eonal l erably to alvaaee -f those pall lut yea. E. A. lilrliltia)A, the mail carrier t-e- teO lofig t'erll ai.d A'lm. lrjired Id a ronaeay !! eees. rxnveritiff. He baa r-etiit4 r the mail, alttxmgb unable to ne his arm Ir.tUihV Ulla- 0 earned the mat Mr liuVLioeoo wa ff duty. tUOVl HAM CAKMACK. His many friends in the Heppner bill will b glad to bear of Ham Carmack Writing from Juliet, C'irlion Co.. Mon tana, be ay among oth-r things: Yoor letter fond me busy moving my palatial reai lenue The piece of laud I d faired was not eniitb aforrsaid reel d. noe. therefore I have taken it oimio myself to put it there. Too many peo ple wanting Just nob Utids, and some olalm-jnmping g' ing on. Haven't diicb oompleted yet. but expect lo toromene work agaio in September. Some neigh bore who put in croca, were afraid they wonld not be troubled to harvest their grain (crickets ) We l't greater pari o nnr garden. Times very eloae. Iionite tough on your bumble servant a well aa other here The sheep m0 are feeling tn-ner Iban they did tbrre month ago. Shearing a'moat over. Woof selling at P' to Wi rn!s. when they bad l-pt-cteil aleiUl 7 Cent. Write for Catalogue and Prices. is Massiiloi Engine S Thresher Co. PORTLAND. OliEGON. We Handle More Freight Than All Combined ! We have now io transit Sine cars of Groceries bought in new 6eids and at new prioes. These are a few of our Last Prices : ULUl-UVuli,! UlSO inn l isr itwiil not coet. t An agreeable laxative anil Bncn Towtn, Boldhy Dnigirtstaoraent bytosll. Kalnfiuu. and fun per parssge. Pamplua irea. rrf Tfr The isvorit ton rrrm JTVU Xifortbe'i.'eeUiaadiireaU,kja. K.ir Hlr Of 1. M A)r, it.. piossil The history of tbe Christian Endeavor ooiety, its aims, the power an! some of ts work are well known. Probab'y no other religions m vement of th" times pproaobea It either in size or effective- a . . nesa. An organization ot wnicn neany 2.500.000 of people are banded together for a common object must possess tre- mendens power. That this great power has been directed steadily to the achieve ment of its avowed purpose is due, more than to any other one thing, to the wia dom and inspiration of the founder and leader, tbe Rev. Francis Clark. He and bia faithful ooadjiitora, Secretary Baer and Treasurer 8baw, are ever on tbe lookout for tbe welfare of the society and ever alive to the danger into wbioh it may fall. These men yitl'zs tbat the giant tbey bave reared must be given plenty of work to do, so an outlet for tbia enormous storehouse of energv is found in the varied tasks nf the societies Civio reform, good government, temper ance and missions are some of the ob jects of their labor. It is perhaps unjust to ask so young a society for great results other than those whiob can b expressed mathematically and geographically. History alone will ileciiln what ita true ijllueuce has been One dauger with which such a vaat or ganiZHtion is confronted is that of fall ing under its own weight, uulesa there is a V'-ry substantial f 'imitation. It Is comparatively eaav to aronss vast assemhliige Io high ctitbui.inaiii ; it a another thing tu impress it with an abiding riKDose. These huge coven tions. like the one a hicb juat clo-d at Boston, must inevitably give place to mallr ones, and the prnp'tfimoti to nave number of rallying ioiiit t even now Ulid-r advisement. ' When this happen It will be more nea'lv posi')le lo denide how mi h of th-r.al of the members onies from the contagion of a grea meeting and bow mm-U fnun a stead at belief in the principle of the otg-in- ICatiou. Tb-onlv test worth applying to tb work of Ibis. Use that '' all other I eratlot'M Willi similar obi hMh. is the nlll main t-IWt Uion Indivnltials. I lie only result worthy Hie rails- will lie 1 nrea ed in a ditiin t advstott iu lb norality nt the world. Minor At Co. 100 pounds Granulated Bngur 85 50 100 pou-da Extra O Sugar 6 00 100 pounds Qoldcn C Sugar i 75 vi ilton Flour per barrel 2 65 100 pounds dairy salt 1 10 50 pounds dairy ealt 60 100 pounda stook salt 85 27 pounds pink beans 1 00 22 pounds white beans 1 00 Pe.arl oil 1 50 18 pounda rici 1 00 Best tomatoes 2 25 Best corn 2 00 20 pou ds soap 1 C3 K'.ck Candy Drips 2 25 22 pounds raisins 1 00 15 pounds floe dried peaches 1 00 15 pounda Sue dried prunes 1 00 Competitors. $U IK) 5 40 5 25 2 75 1 25 65 90 22 pounda 20 pounda 1 65 14 pounds 2 40 2 40 1 15 2 50 lrt pounds 12 pounda 12 pound Farmers rempmber in any case anyone quotes thes lower figures, its because tbey were compelled to, as we have reduced and tbey must come to tbem. Give us tbe benefit and we will give you ample returns We are bere for business and not for health. MIKOM &S CO. KNeaaaalUia as Hrpy. loxt.Ote, Jm e'.'O. H .-My mother bs taken bottle of Hood's Hirpa rill lor rheumatism and it baa rnr-d br. HI. I now taking It l"r dropsy and il I helping ber auadetfully. 4",ora B U ! 1 1. Hood Pills cur Indigestion, blllona- Des, Constipation, " k bealecbe MJtli I. The tublic is bfby ft 01 cot to uh m l.ke no a el.f k given to me no Notice of Final Settlement. VOTH K N IIFRKtlV f.lVKH TIMT Ttlg k iiii.lrr.lanril alinlnl-tratrli ol the rtat o( W it. H"7r. rtrrr4l. will liiki Anal -elll. no-lit t h't arjimtits altli as M estate as S'M'h .Imlnistralrli. at tha nrnt trrin nt tin i-niirii roiirt uf Mi.rrow niniitr. at Hrvtmrr, In I hi.MMi at th ronrl hnusr In mi rouiity, oo the ;.l ilay ol B"'! Ii-nilir. . I).. I' 'V'- Jks Bovsa, A'liiilnlittstrli. Kotice of Intention. l.ihU dttu S t TMS lUI-LSs. fisei.ol, Jiltir Tl. I' vmut it itrttriiv i.tvri that rug 1 ll.,sii( tianifxl Bi-tllrr has HI "I Hot ol his liil titloil tn make Snal noeit ! nii nt his rlalm. anl thai saM lifoot all' lie ma-te la-lnJ . Kurrna e ourity ( lrs,sl llrisnr, Oregon, oo Aus 1", l". l( : PA t.. No. JT4 ..r the 'i f t. and Hi. stu iw IVH IK MA K M ll narnr the (..lloalne ll"s-s li.,m Ms foMiciiK.iis n-slrtsl.ra upon nl culll'sllxn ol tall sno ' : a r Mrf.t Jnha A. Tho-nr-n Hnrt Tnr ar, I. U n winkle, all Hin' or-f.a a fie Kr1T Notict of Intention. t AHDOFri'?. AT I. a f.SAflil. r.t.VW I -HT . tortira a hirt. ln thai O.s toUi.elns i.ams-1 til"f has il -tr nl hit . .!.. l. u in.li Sm roH In sii..rt his risitn an-1 lhal s.i-1 .frf i i-e eiie ai ll''ir, Buik Ira's Araira aalve. Ths beat salve in the world for cut Bruieee. More, Ulrera, halt Uheoii Fever Hurra, Teller, ('happed Hand Chilblain, Oorns. and all skiu eruptiou and positively enrrs Pile, or no pa requireil. It la gna'anteeil lo give pe'leot aaiiaraction or money rernnneu. ril'ee 25 Celita per ImX. For Sale by T. W. Ayera. Jr. ii I II 1 A - v. " TtiiTM His Hat! Tbs man who talk through his bat ia everywhere io evidence very ohjecliou able evidcuce it ia, loo, io most oaea. The man of Intelligence oovera bia oramum witb one ot T. tt. HOWARD'S flue straw bate, which is in itself a sign of prosperity and good taste. lie also buy hi groceries, genl' fur nishings, sun kmeu's supplies, etc, at T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Howard make a specialty In those thing required by sheep and cattlemen. Rcmemlter tbe place ii HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south ot the U ty hotel. A DDI I ION Mj LOCAL oii i in- n sn Call o he I Ant .iveo Sj THiCe-k h.,,1 ehs,k ...L a ..all! n..ioi.f l.,loio Uxk aS lost lf Ob liB i- i: It. i a K r t. M ai.il. u . j . .it , ,,. J,.i,b Jhn. I lis nan- it. ..iio i enti" vt j.. I'll. Halurday, July 13. trleeo J-il.B ""!,,,, r,,!.,, up.,B aid cuiUaU.in 1 a,.n". r.l.na no Eivht Mil bi tb Eight ol ! i.'i'l. ' I ..... m . i - f . I " 1 a.. I- HI ' V ""-tan. r r m-im. Pain le lb small of the back Indieale ( q 1'nae.a. nieeSMMi eniKis oi ins a"i"7 O.ing to Ilia liaagefr-u nalarer.f the j diawaee .hi. h a'tael tb ae rgne It ia : Itnpnftael H al meaeee tinj, len : to remove tbe trrxiMe l.. It tiaa m P. f.'ft. t r i - I I t. ! . St. , if ''I.. nliil ne r I ff 1 "I Ve. at. I t !; t-a.ev I I, I s r (, ml" ,.. t . i f -I ... n,. . i ., .i ojW ! ' to -.tt t,4 et. I'ika Tbe reftitar etihaerip'koe p'fm nf the Hemt-Weskly MsivHe ta 12 U nd H rg'llar pwe e. the Usrkiy fr.g..riiaB I r I vi ..,-. . . tit f tnte ai,. im'l " ' ..Is--. -..- ' ' '' 'e '' M a ' g'.uiHH f .t I I l ! '' ! i.,ni I . tf il 'i"t. r -r Vlit r Mo-f.n. f.nr iAt Ji.l.n riiasrts a,l ml list nil' l"W"'l a. r. nt"J. k.lM (il.ier, JIOtirK t)t lHM.ril. N'fttre ta Itva.riv f.'r TWT TP 1. 1 , W. I.. I t'' I t I M.i... .--I i .-(.. a e. - ii. ri-i Meadow A Kerivner, the t'srliiiiilts. horatMiboera air I wood bntober. t the old (In' n eland, Maio atrevl, Heppner. tf't. veolor In l'aetern ()r goo who d-Krea) lbs s-rviCHI 'f 0 tloiny ill Washington. 1). C , will find it to hi- advantage lo rail on or eddieta this pa per, oil Walt. Thmnpaon run lge lnlweeo Heppner and klntiuuieiit, ariivipg every day einept Monday and leaving ev.-ry day eioepl Sundav. Hhorteal and ebeap eel route to Ibe interior. P. (John, agent. T. W. Aver, Jr., ia making aooirrel poleon that he giiaranleea, kill Pn par, and aella l a 25 cents per ran, 01 for Cm; tl'j) per do. iet atnple end Iff It. If. Fred Bsk. an eiperw-mej butt ber from Portland, !. ai'pie, a .ie In Ha A Mil,w tm'ri.er .t her lie will f I'. tollillil In It.e sl of at) le I'trsll tlirai aud bolieel eiglil to everyone lst, Mray-4 er ao.lr. A bsy mare, ail r old, brasdej wli h k, bas a vmiiig ra.lt W aa 4n betert llpptir and Hardman Five dollar reward will t paid f.,f ber retqrn to F. J KsrarT. ill if. Heppoer, Oregon. a? JH 111 WIND ! af-T aaetai.es. IT U an ill wind tbat blowa no (ikmI, and altliongb tlio jilay fid raukitot Old Ihrm fipouit tlna fiiml coupbi U tt'tnporary Ptn ImrrftHHmfut, the aituation gn-atly auiUN' H tlio spt'i lHtota. Iiikewieo tlio situation at -- I O ?C 15 Joe WOOLEltY Hin It inet trrornn Generally known that GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which be eell at B 1 It k Vtn: OF IVrnfre nt Kk'bt Mil", ravi.tn, (hm rry, potigUa, Jordan f'ork at.d lone aectpttia ran d no Mb-r tlian umk- ll.eir iirHi-aet ol let. He rarrit a a full litip of Furnial inif (lU, l'nU M.d hbf, (JrtK-ptit M, and in fact a complete atotk of gewial D.fribaudiae. 1 aw. IOXK. - OKKGOX. -e f.a n alfaree I, M iu I '1 , tl,'l..i I l i ,1 , r I K '.S Ss .!- ss-l'-sl t l nill - !' 1 t I . .1 ll. ; i e t.- . o. t ., i .. ,. i 1 1 ... , A d-rk with r f M. . .r i. o. r- f. ti,.n..i l!i tr li f eiry4 ar l'.ls f'-ao Hit i k I w, b i. t.ded II W ( i. I If. m n Ii" tl o' !'' r tse I sit r- e ih A-i : it. , i'l in.! hot it'. g i .1 a II I. . lo r Leesser Bros. tlio Pi in: for Frcli Gn ( erics C'l.cnp Cr.h Only fHIH mh wis AM f I? MMt t-n nm. for fe.f It i'.i4'.H,4 lilitbUKs jfal k (a lame, UMUH,al1Wli.(e U