Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 23, 1895, Image 2

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    , u'V-i - -
t 'I A
Hon. L. Bradford Prince, for
years governor and chief justice of
New Mexico, was in New York last
week. In an interview he said: "A
couple of months ago there was a
great discussion in Chicago as to
what was the unit of value under
the original coinage act of 1792,
which embodied the views of Wash
ington, Jefferson and Hamilton.
They made Inrge bets on the sub
ject, some contending that the unit
was in silver and some in gold,
and finally the matter was referred
at one of the clubs to Judge Vin
cent, who rendered a decision
which was no sooner made than it
was controverted.
"The joke is this: "That the
people of Chicago never thought
of looking at the coin itself to see
whether it said anything on the
"Now here," said the governor,
taking nut of his pocket two finely
preserved specimens of our early
coinage, "here are two silver dol
lars, one of 1795 and one of 102.
On the obverse of each is the word
'Liberty' and the date, on the re
verse 'U. 8. of America.' Now
look at the edo, where the milling
is placed on more modern coins.
What do you see? 'One dollar or
unit. Hundred cents.'
"If our Chicago brethren had
only thought of going to the coin
itself as a witriflB, they would have
sceu in a moment that the silver
dollar was the unit by this direct
statement imprinted in its very
"You know the nilver dollar
never varied iu weight in the
United States from the foundation
of the government to the demone
tizntiou in IHV.), wliou it was worth
l.Oil in gold dollars.
"When the cliaiigo in the ratio
was made in IS,') I, it was tlio gold
coin that was altered, not the silver
"The latter was always tliu im-
mutablo Htandard of value til
htruck down by the monopoly
who desired a dihlioncHt, constantly
increasing singln stand-mi, iu lHTA,
When the 'unit' question collies
up ngain, just remember to look at
the coin iUelf."
while to do so in "the dull season,"
as he prefers to call the summer,
has no right to complaio if custom
ers are few and far between. No
season is "dull" except for thosp
who make it so by stubborn ad
herence to ideas that belong to the
stace-coach era. Salem States
Vol. 1, No. 1, of the Oregon
Agriculturist, published at Port
land, has reached our exchange
table. It is a neatly punted paper
and contains much of interest to
those engaged in agricultural pur.
suits. The paper is to be issued
twice a month.
11. u. MATHIES, the newspaper
man, who, it was reported, died
from the effpets of eatiDg rock
oysters at Newport, is yet alive
but very sick. lie will survive;
but hereafter he will govern the
editorial appetite for bivalves,
says the Times-Mountaineer.
Foreman Charles Rolte.
Superintendent of One of the
Biggest Composing Rooms
in America.
George Shtjtrum, a highly re
spected farmer of Umatilla county
and member of the lower house of
the lant legislature, died at his
home near Pendleton on the 18th
instant. lie was a pioneer of
Umatilla county, having resided
there for the past twenty years oi
Here are
points :
Which we wish you to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
It is currently reported that an.
other paper is to be started at Con
don. This is too bad, for Condoi
Iihh ft rrnnrl nnnor nnw n.11 t.hni Hip
. , , , .. Up in the top Btory of the G'obebnild-
paopio ui mm luuiunv uuu uiouui iv , , . ...
1 I incr annra ino rvnABpthna nnrl nf.hap ma.
snnnnrr.. nnrl this nw vmitnrp
r 1 I J .nralkini. knl l.ilb an,,- I l,n
, Ill p 1 , lit I uwco uii r.oi iiuiuu LM4V nm, oravo 1 uo
should be frowned down. Wei . .
,, . , ... . hobiod umne, mere is a pieasant-racea,
lopo there is no foundation for , , . , ,
I nlaa. D&innan lirrne onmnlflTtnnail mnn
th a rnmnr. '
it da woo Dan been with toe uiooe ever
Thf. TWrn rWnn Norma "lnoe lDe Dirmuay m inai great paper,
I tnor ninm anil Innka irt vAnra vnnnuflr
Secretary of State Kincaid to com- than he reHiiy is. His name is Mr.
pel that official to turn over to the Charles Rolfe
treasurer of the board of recents Norton headaches that well-nigh
19. nno nf Btftto fnn,l fmnrnnrinrAtl drve him to 3traotion fl"t introduced
ii i i i I i ii I uiui iu l niuco ucjni j uxmuuuuui lum
iur LUtJ uno ul luni duuwi u v tuc mwtrm ,.n nnj t : i .
ast legislature. Attorney J. H. be wan one of the most pronounced op-
Ilaley, of Pendleton, is acting for pooentHof prepared remedies to be found
the school in this matter. ,n the oitV'
Jiiflt how Faine's celery oomponnd
A.ni i i, : . i. .
I.TWIT V'u n.tnl n I lnUnnliii.n
vDl,u,K remnmhr. hnt it ha dnue him o
iaa been cast in bronze. It is one ronoh goo(1 ,llftt tlia oomnoood baa no
of the shot test speeches on a great more pnthniaftio champion living. He
subject on record. If Lincoln had M nynn in ihe enjoyment
never uttered another word than 0' Ba heH,Ml mnU anJ . tbBt
huppini'sa he eives rmi crpdii to fatne'n
celery onmponnd. Head what be bus lo
ay about the modioine:
"I am alwiys ready to recommend
1 K. dollars HdmiHsiou to the
CorlM'tt-l'itZHiinmous scrap in
rather hih. Why you can nee
half a do. -a diMtiocratio couveu
(ions for Ii'hh than that
this, it would have made him im
mortal, ihere is scarcely any
thing to surpass it for pathos, or
imnality and elegance of diction iu I ri'B oplcry compound hen I hear of
the whole raugo of English litem- Hi,",lHr ,ny own Hl,mf flv"
yearn i wnn HutiHrintf iroin heHiinMiPn
wlilt b were norutinieN no pnvflre durintf
rn . . .i I WUlRllllE iiiriiin im iiifi lllUlll turn I WUHUI
I lit tiirt k(kiitiiuf inor. rf 4 n I
..... h""' '"" "b Haanmv ImndHovermv head to 'hold
we mean the two grcatoht politi- ,he ,op on tu min )Hln(f excruciating.
at leaders are Hearing the end of Thene attack would occur aoiimtimea a
tho journey of life, (iladstone, often am ihiee time wt-k. Hleep wan
tl.n l'MoliJiini... n.,,1 1 tiunmrol nnt ,,f U)e I""""''". Hie pillow secruing
. . .. . . bill a block of wood
' ",,,u 'l'"1 l"" m -Junt at the timo I wa a.iring rm.t
scenes of life, (lladntone has te- i itu.t i-.ttl ,f ..pI.tv n.nn.
tired from active politic, although pound, hrgmi at nii( to tnkn it, anil bf
lie is still iitont and health V- His- ",,k " ' headache bp.
marck is on a sick bed and it is
doubtful if he will ever rise from
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of
Our Competitors.
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Bank Building:, .... Heppner, Oregon
nan to dihpi-ar. 1 felt Mlmovt a new
man before Ihe Ih.IIIh was empty.
pnrcbaned more, and for two years kept
it in the house for obb whenever I flt a
return of the old pains. It never fa'led
in giving me relief. The other memhem
nf my family also began to take it my
wife for a feeling of general weaknesn,
she being at thnt time much 'run down'
and never feeling well enough to per
form the work of the borne. Within
week she war, an she expressed it, '
well as ever in ber life,' and similar re
ports came from all oar friends to whom
we bad reoommended it.
"I feel confident that in nervous head
aches and a 'ran down' system the com
pound will be beneficial every time, i(
not a perfect cure.
"In some instances we have not only
recommended it, but fumiehed it to very
aged friends, and the effect of one bottle
has seemed marvelous, one particular
old friend of mine telling me that before
one bottle bad been used be 'felt at least
10 years younger, and oertainly bad not
felt as good for 10 years.'
"During the lat five years I have used
a great many bottles of the compound
that Is, in my borne. I am positive that
it is a sure cure for nervous beadaohes
and a broken-down feeling, especially in
the cane of elderly persons.
"There is one case in particular I oall
to mind, in whioh Paina'i celery com
pound axsertfd its good qualities. We
had a young marrlnd lady friend, who
was nursing her 4 months-old child, and
found that she could not perform ber
household duties on acooiint of the weak
ooiiditioii she arMm-d always to be in.
On the recommendation nf my wife and
myself film took one bottle nf the com
pound, end before two weeks bad paMtd
was able to do ber owo willing pyen, in
addition to hoiiNework. About (line
bottles were used. I have yet to hear
Innii any friend to whom I recommended
jit other than the most favorable remits."
Don't te It By !
DO, never pais a (food thing. Alwayg take
advantage of legitimate opportunltlei to
make the most out of everything, whluh
u applies to t e purchase of drugs, medt
clnes, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drug Sto'e.
Just opened for the Inspection of the public
one of the finest lines of lollet articles, perfum
ery notions, and the like, ever seen iu Heppner.
Avera him mivthlnir and evervthlllir lu endless
rresoripuons nuea aay ana nigni.
Heppner BuUdinp. next door
lo T. R. Ho'ward'i.
T. W. AY Jr..
Heppner, Oregon.
Storage and Forwarding.
Pajs all Charges on wool, Merchandise, Etc.
Wool baled and consigned. Soeoial attention paid to
wool that it may be under cover and in good condition
fur kspeotion of buyers.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
In order to reduce our stock of
TDK Kllilir kl.M
The griil l.Kltf.., A. (). IT. W.,
ol wri'Eiin. iihvo rioHM win doom oi
that order nniiiht till permm eu
It might not lo it Wl Ulin to
UKniht to tlie 10,XK cyclist who
were rooojitly coneiuoil to a y
Urn Pi'iivpr prophet, that thi'y tnke
tlu'ir h enters with tliom.
Tin: Ciiiciiinati KiHjuircr ofTerB
t"'0 f.r tho firet ono who gueHNeti
tin iinimt of tlio new Clevelnml
lmly. If they WRiitml rt liiatorionl
pnrty nniiirt tliey unht call lier
1-licit. Inter-Oci'itn.
SimKnf tho tfitn paper lire
now tr)iti to ileci.ht who wrde the
faiiioiu I. tlera .f Jaiiitm. They
instil into traiuiutt for thi
ilill'u ult tak ly lirt rtnoTtni nin
who Htruck Hilly I'ultrrmut.
The Corvalli 1 . t . 1 1 1 atva: Over
f.'l.fKlO wan upended fur etndent labor
nn Ihe ckIIhuh fnrm lift year, and the
Killed in tho ret .il lnpior Iiiimhichh. ,H,r'' n" li.l.-. to increase Ihe amount
i i,: ii. : . ..i. :.... ...r .... in iwjwi
iu rTi'iRiii iu iiiin irt'imr
that ImhIv otio of tho tnemher
were mt aohanied of hmiet lalmr, and
their fellow oliuli iitt were not antiamed
ofll.rm. They were among a niimt
popular youiiK men in college. Iu anch
i the niuternil of which men are made.
Htiidenlit who are indmiiri- i
on and fitittal cxn mike their way
Ihrontrh rolleue. Ihoiiiih ItieY enter crar-
Hin.hj tho following! Henillo re-hjoHlly pennib-a H..TerHll.righl yonnu
liiarke: "I ho htainl taken by our men walked from (n. county to Cor
order OH this) qtli'htliill cnlltl.it tllt ' ' fcrriin with hardly
I... .....,; !.....! l i li ..!; I lunar lit llieir pcKei. 1 liey enlere.l
A ! cinivo htmid had to bo taken
the college and completed the year, gel-
KoMtimi: n. tho Ciucitinati
Tril'iiiio inaiiiirat.sl a ..tim cn.
t.'t Ih-twtM-u g ild and eilver, when
Iho latter at onco t.k tho It! and
liaa kept it rv. r aiuce. And etill
oino aanert that "only luiintica f.
tor the ilor dollar. "
l'LTrCRMa aro rot. Th tR.
tional diu cracy La ahowu that
ti co IVJi
you pleaao. Tim pUlform 1 for
gudeoua. Th candidat i tho
thiti);. I ha ratididato i tho plat,
form. I.) inn iachoap, New Ymk
Hud (P. in.).
lom iiiMid ura lea in llieir aln.llea. 'I he
oil It aotiietiiuo, and tho mxiner the w,ot bora by Irani, after wruinenee-
iM'tter. I la tendency can only be ment, with son.l clnthe no Iheir backa
to prcHcrvo tin! elevated tono of 'M, n P-fketa. Ilnl they
thia fraternity which i tho duty '"" " I to the
I'llent I'll.'.! Il hln( Pile.,
h) tnptonm iMoielnre; inteiien Itohinc
and Riititfinit; Dinel at tilnht; m.irae b
cruirliititf. If allowetl to cuiilinnt
Inmora form, which often bleed and
ulcerate, tMi'oralritf ery ote. MwaTNK
OliniliTtopa the itching and bleed
inn, beala ulceration, and io lunul eaaee
retuofe Ihe tnmor Al drntrui'ta, m
! mail, for frioenta. lr. Hwu A Son.
We qnote the following Hard
Times prices for Cash:
One New Home, latest $tyle, new, $35 00
One New noma, style 1890, been
run a t tt'e Dut good at new 33 00
une New Home, lecond hand, in
good order; a bargain 20
One Favorite, has been rented out
and used a little: eood as new, 28 00
Thrnc nrr FiirfiniH Prlrrt Jnr immoUale accept
ance. ( all at once on
I'. C. Thompson Co.
W. L Douclas
r Hint UMIUIB (Air.
rhir, rrm rkt At niirp
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our ahoes are equally Mtlafactory
1 . . . , ....
oi every iiroiiur 10 tiiioii. li e
other i;rent otdeia w ill coiuo to thia
eamo thinu after a tiino. They are
tnoviiiit III that direction im.
I hero ia no queelioii but that tho
buaineaa of relniln lii.ra io
gradually fallini inoto and more
into dlareiito Willi tho incteaeo i f
ihIucuIioii ami nioinl inlluciiccn."
Ar tho litincint; of "Itnd Tom"
Smith at -lackaoii, Ky., on 1'ii.Uy
of I net wck, .",ll Kraona were
1'tce.hL Trior to tho w ininj.
"Had Totu" inado a a J .-. h in which
ho Colifeaacd to klllll aeveral er.
aona, and altogether tho hoji i and
elMvtationa of tho moIo who
turned out for a i: d tnno tuay bo
aid to l.avo leoii realie,. Hut
tnt to tho ful t ineaaiiro, wo te
gri t to aay, Th ro waa a draw
D'H'taro for an) thinjj , ha k. loiL ri rieii g biwiiic men
liiH-d ) ono gall u j'U'a of
whi'kytotho grotinda to add to
the j ifotitoicae of tho occasion, but
mv (li jH-inoiia lediC'd tho
aulhoritiwa ao I tho whiky wa
a-ii.d an I hint ed back. Thia
(Ire'.n .Mnlbew for ahavliif, bair
riiliinir, hkmiHMiotc and all other work
.II t.l.lee, and one c.oke.1 an t .erforme. j (0 ,u , , M,y ,,, ,qr)nt
lionaework lu a rivl rannly. They , tmiiie.n Imnre.
X.'tl lift rUutt tl l,p ! 1 a ( e.Mf.i th,irr
I. I ' ' . . -iff. I.'Ihmh. . ,tih.fiT
llU a.') I A V, IH...II.
it An 7( , i"a iliniuwint vf til ((f
.S'iui c rut .
'' ( i I I'r ' r I ..11 hai,.
Tflt toan I . t 4 I . t .
, , ' .'" " """"'.wim Waned hat othcrwiw
umi. pnun tsir, .tic. tbrouk., I ..,,,, ..,,..,
nilii. 1. 1 1 bantu la as ill Iran mai 1. r . L . 1 11
t ., . , Kentucky liaaknoan lu a lil
I"l I r lurna fnm hi inti ri ris .. , . .. 1 .
. , , r'i ,t f,,,.,!,,, ,,y (!, ,e
J N 7
Monmouth, Ore.
ii't' rKH li fw,e:i ,,,,
ta Oipien of is aal eeonaaan
leaaa in aey aawnif la ta aat mnh
v fwiher aminatian.
xHii U-t4tu. lkts a4 Iviuoa ;. t
l't" 1 fc'thfi.l 1114 Xmmltw-i
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. 1om Bradley, IProp.
The Keeley kU
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at fHleni, Oregon,
The Mont Beautiful Town on the Count.
Cgll at the Gazktt office for partlrulan.
Strictly contidentlal. Treatmcut private and lure
1MU. b. uUVcKniYlnJNTf
... IS ...
Thy glv lh kl value tor th monr .
Tha prtcv ara unllrm.-alamrwi i aola,
ihtr aual aHaloaa hm in atyto ana i
1 nair waarinf a)uaiilia ara anaHre
From ti to t aav4 aver clhar makra.
II your deik-r unM tupply ywi un. hold by
)ealer whoa name will aliorllv an
pearbere. Agent waiifel. Ani'ly at nno
tia.aa.ii auafa ataaa aw aa aaa an.
lia Uiraof k aa M tM awM mmmmwtm pawa
Hi aarara lit beat paianu rr amr ninu,
aa4 1 ha aHaci rt ihM enn m aaxwrafa aii la
kere Uv a U ihra bn. Si At lha aaaai Haw
anaa la Mtsnaa aaua IM auUac lix iaU lb
arti at i"c cm W a-H if ! aa
m4 aVa mMnei aeaaamf tK. a I Ka. kt
'awaaa," "coJU, "autask? "kuwla.
aa4 a inaaaaad wKat aula thmn But ml
aav aaa caa ad a a? 4 aaernatagi ajva.aa ieaila
an ainnai an ika aw ibai Wf U(ai Muta h Uai
1 17 a UW al . k( w aavaal
m W.aWiniiaa.
U C ,a.aall4nliaiaaekMlla Aawraa
la nW aMenwa 4 mrm . W furaua a af ea
inaMwai a IM. Hieaal, al rnai. aa all aa7 tlnaaw
W a alaa arfaru Iraa "i tmt, IM an aa a .
takaMM ia ariia, aaa w. H al ll la
atf tat al .ha xKmmmI ar n. ita.." iinaina g a
Mala' diaaiaat, aa4 a aat'ii ' aa ariw na
dl aa aiaua .4 ihM(hraai uw I aawal a trnmrnf
a4 aanaiai, um aa anaa aaa)
I all. 11 an al aaaaaaiaa al laraaf falaata,
eiS V Mrert, N. W.,
fUtt U ahln1nl. D. C.
r.wwl. kin aui aWnal) aa aaianaafialaafcta la
W " .al hatnla, U1m4
Alt. fi .
pt. .t r''l a.
a-1 -Waaa ..r la"l'a fral
e..aaa.a 1.1' li.w.. lai'aa In
Cttnt m !h aa.en i-.rlaa at a rata 11 lfraat
fsaj mat kaa fca laian !. alhaf utv
lul' A tir.aa "h a'ar,.e
M a i aaoara
Wata Cl'. lmrll
offa of FimI Sett'eirient.
V'.'ti. t t rtrnat i.tvfw TttT TI
To pcrsom who terved In the wirs of the UniteJ State. or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wart
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law ire entitled to an Increase of pention. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Annlous to pay. Why not present
your claim at thia present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
crWntt for laws snd complete information. No Charge for sdvict.
No Fee untea sutceuful.
$ The Press Claims Company $
PHILIP W. AV1RLTT, General Manner,
i8 P 5treet. WASHINGTON, D. C
It. KTH rompmf it eon WW bf nearly ana (Aoiaaaa4 Uadimf ft-a-pafm
in Ik TalW , tmd M fwtntnlttH bf (Arm.
anaraw - aja iaa inw aaw aaav -aaaaw - aw '.ae - - - - - - - V - - - -----.-ai
Arc the Highest of nil High Grades.'
a'tiii4, itn Itnaty p,rjf(a bml it, ,(,, mtnW. raaardlaaa of plF
txt l t li..lia. ,. t mr a ... ar an l t.i,.r ha.. l,tat'oa
I.... -aT,rr. rum a. t.ar.i,-w, t, t ,,.lli.a HkjcI, to
a,i,;i a de'.lar roecam. a hiaw Ki.n. I, aa il aa ar.14
21l SCORCHER $85. 22lt. lAOICS' $76
Krvillt ftaltrii. lnaroua. t.a . f. a
Caw, Ati4 t taataiti 0atiB, r,' al'. Of.
in l.ilP
' 1 .,... " 'i r.ii u.,.t.-..u.,ii.,i...n 1 , , ., f , ........... . 1
i, a, , ,.,,..,,,1 ll'.'l a , ...,,.... .-. ...... .- --a a (,,.( , .. i;
I I t M tw-ai -t r t I-- !.,, a- aM-.l. ! '..,. - -.(I... u.
1 "'. ' ' F - . . . t .
r a. ''ZT? .,aa ' ,,i . , ..,, ,.H.rr
IN AiahiaNaaSl
aiVttcriio'f at Tiix
I All Ma'raa IUb , a a anJ r.l
. rn ,-rr-r. V. l.elll. ,lt) ..,,, fclf ,.,,
nlb ijtf ib. mil ti:t wulti,,
,uiri7t, 1 1 1