TOCK BRANDS. While jroo aeep roar subscription paid np yon can keep your brand in free of charge. AUyn. T. J.. lona. Or. Horeea Gtt on left shoulder; cattle won on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oonnty. Armstrong J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it on left ehonlder of horeee; cattle tame on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and homos aame brand on right shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile, Adkina, 3. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, .IA eon nested on loft flank: cattle, sameon loft hip. Btirit. D. W and son. Horse brand-d D B on the lft hip; o tie the same on loft fl nk. crop off rig' t ear. nndercrop in the left, llange in Morrow County. Bartholaraew, A. 0., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E n either shoulder. Range in Mor row countv tiannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Bronnor, Peter, (ioosoborry Oregon Horses brandod P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on riBnrk'e."M Ht 0, Long Creek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, oiop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on lotft shoulder. Range in (irant aDd Morrow CBroRrnan, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left oar half orop nd right ear unper slope. Barton, Wm.. H ppnor, Or. -HorseB, J B on right thigh, oattle same on right hip; split in eSBrown' Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right st ifle: cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. . Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in m tor on left hip: cattle, name. Brown, W. J., Tena, Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shovilder. Cattle same on left hiBoyer, W. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand of hip cattle, same, with split in Bone, P. O., Heppnor, Or. Hoi-sab, P B on left ehonMnr: att.le. hatha on lft hin. Brnwnlwe, W- J., Fox.Or -rattle, JB oonnflntnd Ifr awlo; nnm Oil lft AHf RTH tWO ftulitM HD's midHlft piw,e ent out, on riht flar; f)D horawn same brand on the loft thigh; Kane in Fox valley, Grant county, ('Brmier Warrnn. Waprnwr. Or. Hoi-mm brand edOon riht fltiHn; rattle (throe barw) on rinht ribs rrop and split in each ear. Kane in rir.,11 n A Mnprnw p.nnntina. ('ain,KM ''Hleo.iir. x u on innmm on ihm mniH- in it runt oonnty. Hmith Bros.. Hasanville, Or. Hor. bran fled H. Z. on ehnlf,r: cattle, mn on left ahonlder. Houirrte, Jama. Arlioirton. Or,; horeee branded J8 on left Bhoulder: cattle the an me, also nose waddle. Hange in Morrow and (iiluamco mues HtephAna. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horee 0800 ffht etifle; cattle horizontal L on the right sale Htevenrwrn, Mrs A. J., Hppnr, Or. Cattle, B on right hir ; swallow-fork in left ear. HwaKirart. G. W.. HeDoner. Or. Horse. 44 on left should1 ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Htmrrv. E. (i.. rUnnner. Or. attle C on lft hip, crop off right and undwrbit in left year, dewlap; horeee W Con left shoulder. i homoeon. J. A- Hninr, )r. norses. Z on left HhoulnVr: puttie, 2 on left shouldwr. 1 iPtHts.8.T..Enierpri8e.Or, Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horeee; cattle same on left hip with split in both mre. Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheup eame brands VanderwMil. H. T.. Ina. Or; Horses HVcon nected on right shonlder;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge. Wra.. Hppiter, Or. Horses, U. L. on the Ittft shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear looped. Wilson. John 0.. Halem or HeoDner. Or.- HorHne branded Jo on the left ahoulder. Hang Morrow oonnty. Warren. W H. t'aleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Hoi-hmh same brand on left shoulder, lianveir Grant comity Waa, Hnry. Heppner, Or. Horses brander' are of upadw on left shoulder and left hip ('attle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger. John, John Dhv ( ity.Or On horse thre parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheen bit in both ears, llange in Grant and Malhuer noun ties. Woodward, John, Hnnrmer Or. Horses, U ootid wind on left shoulder. W atkins. Li Fine. Heppner, Or. Horses bitumen UK connecter) on left, stifle. Wallace, Charles, TI 'ppner. Or, Cattle, W 01 nght thiwh, hoh in left ear; horses, W on righ shoulaer sorn same on left shoulder. Whittier hros.. numiiiKion. Baker Co.. Or. - Horses branded W B connetjt-wi on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, namiltm. Or. Quarter oir cle over tliree bars on left hip, both oattle an horses, iiange (irant connty. Williattis. J O. Ijong ( reek. Or Horses, oust ter circle over three bars on left hip: cattle samp and slit in each eer Hange in (4rant connty Wren. A. A., leppner. Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horse branny rMo h riirhf hfti(d- TT uiK nnurtitr nrcle over it. on and on left stifle on all colts a der 5 years; on left shoulder All E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO TUB GREAT UNION NORl HbRN Ky. PACIFIC RY, Spokane MINNEAPOLIS left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. ('ut Chas. It.. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hit). Morrow and Umatilla onunties. : .... 1 1 M M Oullowiiv Or Cattle crop ont of tanh car and nnderhit, wattle in fornh-ad; horses half circle 0 on left (.title, Kange Mor mo .Tift Umatilla enmities. .-, rr u t..l.n liuv I'ir TtmiKlA nronn on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hit in riffht, ear. split in left, ear. Kange in (Irant oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar markoii ewes, nrop on left ear Tinnnhed unper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and nnder half orop in loft ear. All rang. in (Irant oonntv. . r.,ii. 1 .1 Ijina.Or. Horses. (Won nghtshonl der (battle, same on right hip: ear mark sijuare crop off left and split in rigni. Cnrrin. U. Y.. (Jurrinsville, Or. -Horses, on Cot Kd. H.. Hanlman, Or. (laitle, C with ;n nantur horses. (IK on left hip. Cochran, H. K., Monnment, (irant ('o, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark ,.n.l. l,,r.a buth ners and dewlap. i't, H lliirdrnan. Or. Horses branded Oon right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also hrumU CI on horses right thigh; ca t'e snie brand on right shoulder, nd cut off end of riif ht ear ii W M Oallowav. Or.-fattla. H Don right side, swudow-fork in each ear; horses, K I) on left tup. , , , ., ifi. Iir.,. Oonglas. Or. Horses branded KLY on Lift shoulder, nattle same on lefthip. hole in .i.ilit our Finery. V,. H., Hnrdman, Or. Horses branded t r0r.M,l C with tjii 1 on left shoulder: cat. tlesame on right hi. Kange in Morrow county. Florence, lj. A., Heppner, dr. .utile, L,r on right hip; horses V with bar under on right shoulder. Kloronce. 8. P. Heppner, I ir Morses, r on .;..i.i .1,,,, 1,1,..! nattle. K on right hip or thigh T n.,,,,.1, (loiirun. llooiier. Or ('attle branded WK with bar over it, on left side; crop off left ear. Horses, siime brand on left hip. n tt'imur. Knho. Or -Hore hrsnded H H. with ii (piarter cin ln over it. on left stltle. llun.ui in Murriiw and lltiiHtlllaeolllities. limit A.M., Hidge, Or. -Cattle, round-top K withiiiarter circle nnder It on the right hip, ii .,.. i M.irrow and Umatilla counties. llititon AJenks, Hamilton. Or ('attle. two bars nn either hip; crop In right ear ami spin in left, Horses J on right thigh, llange in (Irani county ll,,l,.. Hamnel. Wauner. Or-"V (T K I roiiiiix tcillon right shoulder on hors; on catt le, .n rwl.t hin and on left aide, swallow fork in right ear ami slit in left, llauge in Haystack di.triit. Morriiw eontltv lisle. Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded J- im.lih. with narallel tails) on left shouliler Cull le same on lull hip also large circle oo left side, Howard .T Ii, Osllowav, Or, Horses (cross Willi h ir aiiove i'l on right shoulder; cattl"saiiie on I"ft side. Itaugi- in Morrow and Umatilla Counties Hall, Kdwin, John lav. Or. - ('utile K Hon riuiit hii;hors s sa unoii rijlit slioulder, llange in (lend county. Hugh", Mat, llipiuer. Or. Horsiw, sha liwl heart on the left shouliler. Itangn Morrow Co. Hun.aker, II A. Wagner. Or, -Horses, H on left Itoill'hir us' 1 1. I on left hip. Humphreys, J M Uardman, Or. Ilorsea, II on lef Hank lliimon. I.nther, Kight Mile, Or.- Horse II on the luff sliiMildnraml liart on the lnft stifle Cat U"H'I I left lull. K'lllge in M.irrow eimiilv ,.mii. fl irrv. H'Mdm r (r ll-tt.. tirandtwt II .1 on fie li.f s'lonldi'r; cntlM lira iiI.nI , nn rik'lil hip. almi iiiderlul ill h'ft ear. Itaiige in Hint row cnii'itv. Jiinkiii, rt. M., Hepimer, Or - Hnrsee, lninH hue J on left miilder. Csllle. the sains. Kange VUhi Mile. .l.,hii. ,n, Knli. I,na. Or - llnrw, eircleT on left si i He; cat He. wne on right hip, nailer half oniti in ri" and .olit n left war Kennv, Mik, leiiimr, I Ir. - Horses hranl KNV on la't hip nail la sama and crop off If1 art under .Ioim on Ilia -lahl Kirk J T , lleipiir. Or.- Ilorssa WI eu left ahnnhl-r; ealtl". HI on Inf) hll. Kitk JeMie. Hnimnar. Or.; bursa- II nn left skniildMr; eattla sama no right side, titiderliit nn right oar. knmlierland W ((.. Mount Vermin, Or. -I I, on mills on riant and left sidna. swsllnw fnrk in Ii ft aar and itodHV cinp In tlglit ear. Ilorsea aame brand on left .Ineilder. llange In liranf Hiotv. I.fteli, Hlnphen, But, Or.- H l on left hip iki iaiile criip and split nn tight mr, Hnrvna aame liraml nl left shoiildor, llange t.iant Ontl'itv. I.usillon, John W., Ii "Ii tlr. lints. Iirjltdd half.i'llide J I, iSililiavtMl on left sli mi I itr. ( alii, aame nn left hln, Kaiiga. naar Itiglnit Utiey. J W Hiit.ner Or Horses branded ii i lll lt"ildr; eMIiw .ami nn IhO liii. wall la iivnf right -e, ttirea sills III r-ght lirl, te.trga, Heppner Or.- Mors brandat diMitda II eM iimi-Ii H,iiiiwinina calleit a't M tin left .liiiuldwr ki.l. M I' ll.'i'i""r. Or I'al'le i.ri.,l riii'l nil nghl hli, Ii.i'whj miiih wll right slltle, 111 M 'I'll. pniinl Minor. iu.-ar, ii..iir "r. tVlla, M nn rinhl np, tin" M on lft, Mnravi. S. H M'pii". Hr - Ml I Mi l..ri .i,,Htlln raitla mi-us nn luft hip. Mili'hill Ikrsrl iii.. "r. - lliinx. I on right bin. rama H nn right .ids. M s laran, l tl . Hmwnsvllla Or.- Ilnna., is'ir. ei .h .hoiil lr, eaMla. Miieihin M siirr, ris k -t vsM n, Or M lie .h. W'tfi l.s s,ik iHi caul. iHt rlai sal n- Iwr ll aa.-S w,r, h.Mwa saoi lirand iei lfft slide, M.-Hl,. .. , ., lis in. I .m. f I ei Mnna. Willi h.lf -ir I. eiid iei lfl .l,.Hl .N;,nn al'lc, f,ir liaia e..iiii"i'i'l nit top nil Ihe rigtif side llntitf in iiia'ii i .itr S.-l Ily. k Or llf t ,n. B)M..t..t ,H i..ri .I,....! tr iM,nie t.t,. .in 1..1I, loi. Ntll.e aii.Minti i'l.-H or. la 1 ,.p Itsti II114I, 4'lls ,'i. in. l.fl hlli, lint. J.vM.h. I ait,.m 1 itt 11. - a I nn cattta mi l.tfi .in li.rf., m na tMi Irtt Itiigti, llanae In ins .1 .. hum I'fty. Itligtim, Or.-I' O na left h'.'l I-" III. I,.r-,iti 1'isi'U I I V . Or lift Pallia l ,'..i,-'t I ,ni itt Hi.i I, tm .Mi l.fl still, ltd Vstti. ..a ii-wt ll.'.rf. in iiiattt ettanlf , I'mt.iti ii'.. r's'i Mite lit l.t.M, .ttr Iw, rut I. d t.1.1 tttt l-tl slt.til.t aal i tin Iwff hut a"la. f 1a Ml sa, uhl prttal. t , l.ri I,,,. Il.'.g. ttti r i.1,1 n.ia I'.'ll- I IllMtKMI. Ilvd HSU Hi, - llnraaa 1 1' I .ri .i..mii I sf . I' 1 1 . I a I, lil. i.ei Or llnfa Itr.n I l I, ' e.t .-I ait l-l slt.-titltw 1 ealii. a a . trft i. 1. 1 i.itt li.titf I ttr-a eni.'i, I .1 1 H . I -! ... tl tw J r i aat't l.-ri iMii inr, -aii t, s,m na itf ,tn ht -tr In' in I. tni -.nti. s I . .ms Of i r.a diam.t.l .1 ....i lt i,liltt, J It J r.rtti,t t t tni II.. I. ft hi,,, u(.i- .l..i la U'l aai w, I auv in II' 1. l ..t liltttv, IUi. iin tti II tta I'Mrs 0f. m fjll, . ,,.. t- I. ,wf tl .,, itt t 1 II . i. I . .t,M. Of . H.tMta, I U of left : If. II t.l, Ht. H.I ! II asi ii.. ' a' 4 .'..Mti I I V rf.,t ..ft i.fl .t . I ,i. ,.n 1. M i-w at.d a t -.t li.g eM, It - .i t It-a l,n." ei, IW - II -ymm h'-li H .ti tiaht .h.wti.ltt., vtttf.l .(.uktM an. i. t., tt,,,. ,ni' 1 1. tMk.ita ta tia'.t Ha a t ... . rt.. 1, h .. 1, 11 it,,,,,ri. i int tnv. win. t s" t.nii ... i. tji ta' ,. w ft.- 1 I ,1 al't.. .lt,.ttM. - I ! I In i.H l as a. Is- I Ut .1.1-tt I . luvtaa la H to, III . at. I 1 1 . . H-i.M J H , Of II JO .. fl att.i 1, lali. ilwa fta -t l i. Hi., . f W f l ' ., , ,., Il .w.1,1- I " 1 ' I 'I ln . a a f.tS tit t 1 1 t., I. ft ill TAVERN OF Castle Cms o or T 1 1 1 OPENS JUNE 1, 1895, OEO. SCHONCWaLO, MSNSOIS. Luxury, Good Cheer, bpiklity, De lii'lilful and Healthful Pastimes, Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO SWEET BRIER CAMP. F.sfsbllshed lust vcar In a rnman. It. , I . . I of II, 4U,.ri,tutil,W,itt,.n just below and in full view of grand old Simula It was a grcin hit and promiHi'N still more eiicourHKlng re Biilts (or the pn-siMit year T J. Iiiif'THH, at Canti'lla, Is still In nharKe aim will answer ail niiuiricn. A t ew candidate for public favor mis year la SH4STA VI CI NO CAMP, Also In the Klmsta region, about a mile and n IihII from liunsmiiir. It is a gen ii I ne iiai-Hdise for liu liters. 11-hiTs and seekers of heal Hi and itaniirn K.Hsy to reach (neiir the ralliimill siglitlv. and nil the ne cessitlc" ol I'linip life eaHlly procur iililit. All liiiiilrlt'S ahout HlniNla Vli Ino ramp, If addressed to W (' Omy, llox I, Diiiisniiilr, ( al., will receive proinpi atuiiiiion. Camping in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Vlinii, " rihfs, Umrel. (Kenwood Fel on. Ih'ii Uimotid, llouldcr ( reck. Reduced Rates During the Camping si'iisoii will be niadu liy thu For full partlt'iilnrs address K. I'. HOiiKltS, At lice. 'B. Agt., l'lllll I. ASH, (MlKliON, July 20. Or any . I'. Co. Agent. 0 'ii The thnmh In an niifHliff Mri riiiii. irtii win iribi i in! (Irium-. ( ailuti u it hhNiiiltiitl '1 ), ihr ihmiil'oi ilif of Uairl hit no ami hiiniu itolltv. lioill ol llu'-r w h p In tot In tli a b-y tiiHt. or hu.t; mi Ih i. r ( Fttiiuy aHi pi itn fnisi t IU f. r pi i Ii ) t h HtH'ie niiitin' )( in liic rM 1- ii 4 hi a mt pifud. i 'hut Id f. Olt.t if lh( In It ilt'f W fr ini't th tl- v r ft ml (ii hn f ait li-oir. 1 he (iinal I wh h it ml r-iiifinnii, riiltiir . Kdil Uw nf liin- r m in , aiot fit iioti A villi tin of llxiiiili ii idor fiii. iitf t-nt". (I t t t t " r atiiti iiniit nf hihtrita M k't'iti' Hi Ar ilr Ttiff ti"in hIi a a Imp u iManif at il art, lnti ili fli i rart iU a-urr in ll- itiai ii (iiif on tire ir 'iim a. li ii lit hit In , in fi. It If u r Ii Will art w i antiiti tf !ii nfiilni fit-iii Hie or iidal U !' th a t (ii'it iU nr iititr 1. 1 ! t f tilts iIh il ti t d iitin N r of Hit- Si n 9 i f, a t Id a" 1 1 arr i i-t fit ) a J trtt- I itifii Dial tttr Mdrl' tlf U, l t t M, a f" i" f ait ila if H- I i In -I I lf.!. f 1 hf )',ll..-M li I H- III li n.nh nf It ii W-f arl tin- i i if i.ii lix ml ! u . i f ti t -'.il III Ol--' ll i U l IIUM hi ' tn -f. wt Mi II J 'U aurr in 1 1.- inut ii n nl on M lire i.f -iim a. 4 liu In , i ltd- t't (-I.IM llir i tKll't K I'tl In-I hi , pnt th. iti.fl ( t-ro V iluwrr tainiir. i tili A i 1 ,-ft i'''' " r-r ul'i i'l. I I iihmi i'a Mm ariit ffi l I t i i if ui ili w tit k oi ai I , -I vvui; at 4 i lie ni-r.i t n tit in. f.-it ii i it tin rii'ti,. I. (ti ru a 1 1 mh i "i.f a . . I hp rt i aro GIVES THE CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental VIA VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. AEOUT PZDICKE.IS. The Diners, for Example, May Be Tare le Teres Io Disguise. A story in one of the magazines about a woman named Divver, who haunted genealogists and experts in heraldry until she satLstjed herself that her family name was De Vere, and im i ERGURIAL POISON Ii the reialt of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system is tilled with Mercury and rotasn remedies more io oe aresaea tnsn tne RHEUHATISn For full dfitails oa.ll on 0. R. & N. An nt at Heppuer, ( r oddrees W. H. RURLBURT, Oen. Phsh. Agt. Portland, Obeqon. QC7XOK T1.TSn.13 I T O San Francisco Vnd all points In California, via the Ht, BhaHt route of the Southern Pacific Co. Che (Trent hiirhwny through California, to sll points Kast ami Smith, (irand noenio Haute of the Pw'ino CoKst. Pullman HnfTet Ulee(era. Hecoiid-elftaa tileeiiera Attaehed to ezurnss trains. aHirdina supeno tnciiiuinodHtions fur seeonil-elitss passenKera. For rates, tickets, sleepiua car reservation tUi. eall npon or niltlrnss 11. KOKHI.KK, MaiiHKer, K. P. R0QEE8, Aast 'Ipii. t 4 P. AKt.. Portland. Orenon for the lot which had just arrived, I was instructed to take the old ones to the waste room. I removed them from the closet, but put them in one of the stock-rooms in the basement until lunch time ciiine; then I took them to a junk shop nearby, and sold them for two cents apiece, which netted me seventy- two cents. I returned to the olhce in high spirits, but a little doubtful whether the money really belonged to me. All the afteraoon I pondered over the o'lr-ioTi. and finally T r"f"-.i t to the cashier, who had always been a good friend of mine. Well," he said, "no doubt you could have had the bottles had you asked for them; but my advice would be to turn the money over to the firm, as little things of this sort are liable to lead to acts of downright dishonesty." I turned the money in, therefore, but rather reluctantly, I must admit. Iiut the strange part of the story is yet to come. I ot long ago i reaa oi tne trial and conviction of this same cashier for embezzlement. His depredations had extended over a number of years, and horrible doubts now enter my head whether the firm ever received that seventy-two cents. VANITY BRED IN THE BONE. Sa'rst. Simplest, Striinuest, 5olld Top Krcelver. Must Modern and progressiva K'ir rntnliiiiiifl ur liifnriiiiitlnn wrllo to TMU MARLIN IUKI2 ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. Tha eemparatlvt value of this twocarda Is known to most persons. Th Illustrate thst freater quantity la Not always moat to bl dctiitd. .'. The sa catds tiprcaa tha benencial qual ity of Ripnns Tabulcs 4i compart d with any previously know DVSIi:MA Cl'HH .. RIpamTsbulfS! Price, 30 csnts boa. Of druggists, or by mail. IIPINS CHEMICAL CO., 10 tprvc II., N Y. mediatelv adopted that patriotic patro- disease and in a short while is in a far won nvmin Jf,..i J ,,,t tt, condition than before. The common result la J w-ivt urj liyj IUIA V hiiiu iviin " v I'M paragraphers as illustrating the height ; of absurdity in the quest of ancestry, says the ltoston Transcript. But may ' not the worthy Mrs. Divver have been for which 8.S.S. is the most reliable cure. A few justified in her action? It is very prob- Irtt able that Divver is a plebeian deform- Rheumatism, my arms and lepi being swollen ity of De Vere, which time, custom, ,0 twice their natural size, causing the most ' , '. . ' . , excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollors carelessness and indifference to de- without relief, but after taking a few bottles of scent brought about. Names suffer aa I improved rapidly and am just such mutilations and attrition in "y'ured:" T Teanily the course of time, and are ground aaa Wa. recommend It to any one down to an indistinct sound, losing Jl fej) LH al" TV?rtDA?-Y edge and accent in the process. We m Broo'klyn'Elevated Once heard Of a man Who signed his Our Treatise on Elood and Skin DisrasM mailed free to any ra uU., CUIICT CDCDUir PA Atlanta, flm ,. CI '.1 L . 1- ., . i : , . 1 , . , . . . uauic OllUlllr VYlLUOUlj LI1C BllllLCat suspicion that genealogy would have justified him in writing it Seymour. This very beautiful and euphonius name is treated with barbarity by many who bear it, who pronounce it Seemore, utterly oblivious that it comes from St. Maur, in which form it is now written by the duke of Somerset, whose heir is Lord Seymour. This family of Seymours, by writing the name in its ancient and authentic form, and con serving its concentration as Seymour in one of their titles, undoubtedly are moved by the purpose of letting the world know how they would have it pronounced. 1-jy are a very old race, associated with St. Maur in Nor mandy before the Conqueror invaded England. They are as proud as the proudest. When Sir Edward Seymour joined William of Orange at Exeter, the latter said: "I think, Sir Edward, that you are of the family of the duke of Somerset." "Pardon me, sir," said the aristocrat of aristocrats, speaking as the head of the elder branch, "the duke of Somerset is of my family." If a man or woman in America thinks it worth the time and trouble to trace descent in search of an ancestor it is quite possible that he or she may make a discovery gratifying to family pride. Social lines have been much more close ly drawn in Great Britain in the last two centuries than they were in the times of the Plantagenets and the Tudors. It was no uncommon thing four hundred years ago for the sons of nobles to go into trade in association with men who had made their way from very humble beginnings. The sons of country knights were often glad to be taken into the counting houses and households of the rich Lon don merchants. .Marriages often fol lowed that uniteffthe tradesman's fam ily with old, historic lines. Very kind' ly relations sprang up between the pal aces and "the city." Even inonarehs did not disdain to mate with ladies of no higher rank than simple gentry, Edward IV. married Elizabeth Wood' ville, who, though the daughter of a baron, was the widow of a simple kni'rht when the kino who was always taken by a pretty face, met her. The mighty Queen Elizabeth had among her near kinsfolk on her mother s side some good-natured everyday country people who bore the name of Drown, and who, when she came to the throne, visited London in the expectation of nepotism, The great queen was more Tudor than Drown by the way, Owen Tudor himself was but a plain Welsh knight who made a lucky marriage and she sent her country relutives back with an intimation that court life was not their sphere, and with no sinecure to console lliem. Dr. Doran conjectured that the slang phruse: "Astonishing the Drowns," long in vogue in England may have hud its origin in tins lni'l dent. The Drowns were types, for there was many a plain conn try gentleman who might with gencu logical justification rail t lie king his cousin." All this has changed caste hus hedged itself in within the lust, two centuries; classes do not mill gle so much as they did in the time of the Tudors, which is the best period for Americans to study when in search of ancestors. If a lady or gentleman with a taste for ancestors wants to gratify it, it is only an embittered enemy of the heraldry oflice who will seek to thwart the endeavor. 31 I. - I fir (ft il I Mi', 1 ft. I. Int. t. sin) Ifl t,f It. 11. rt .st s n i a I in 1 tl ,..('-. a, .1 m .. t r -st...t w t fit il Hi. It. Mil fii 1 in . "f , I'ttt.i. it to II I i..i t.i , 1 it tii i ll ins ai l ass ii.i. t I11 Has. M'1'.e M .1, i. ..ak.r. ttr, IN 1st UN ailrrt. Nra V'is.. '! h 11, ti r fa-M1.1t a a.iif 'I. US .-f . . (' t l,tl .i.sitt. 1. nf. 'it ' it. hi, .lit i.Hir atil 1. . f I I It Ir't.l l.i tit. , Il f y. Il ,'t l,r Tt ff 1 ', Ii il. sat. in ttaaitia I t imi. ttw, a. fl n l, a 4 "--ill, fi.tti r.t tt. lrt.i.a tra 'a ' at... a It. 1 ( llai t Itt lit ) "t'.f art s.ftf, -.. if m mil l,.it il aitli tlW Irt inn tuiH .at-t.f. It ,Mi ar t.ta t-liit a i a i a ii .t la ,t , , i.,f a ii" 1 t-t 'it,', at 4 j . a I" I ll .l . 1 4 i''t Tlif V lis t. ial 11,1.. a ar ..I 1 . I. 1 1 I s ,t t f in i.ia I 1,1 n , ti t 4 11 M....J Ut lima) aauia '.a a u , I 1 r 1 .11, ! a hf,t. Il in II, Ufl ,,. a k. Iitat ti C0PVKIGHTS rs 1 nnrii" 1 rTiTf Nil A ( "ii' -. f-. f a , 'i i' K I f I a av ) . dwi r -4 I l. -A t m-n V ( i-i !. .- im .t , S.. t. . t4l I ' r a 1 Il ,u t - f i . - A Ituwrfliaaaib . I ... ..i In -! it l.i 1 at W afc alHI r r- - 4 1 tt a, j, tH. ( wirf ' . ' I . r i' J l it. liras. h) . a.H.i...i 1. i. 1 1 1 i- - 1 f , 'y ! H I, , fl . If f tv ntSta il li'tta of III t. an' thai aii. airt'i gthrfia, III I a . la t aii'l it.iirs iitr f It itr.,,1. m Hsdao ti'ia 11 ! I 1 1 1 1, fit r, itt. a ia. I in 1 1 . rt a. A Woman Primps Lp for a Talk with the Invisible Caller. Once again, O woman, hast thou proven thy name is Vanity. And here is the evidence on which indictment and conviction are founded: Mrs. Youngbride was calling on one of her schoolday chums. Conversation flowed and flowed with nary an ebb and secrets galore were being imparted with every moment, when "ting-a-ling-a-ling-' went the telephone bell. Mad ame Hostess answered the summons. "Yes, this is (Sretchen." "Why, how did you know she was' here? Wait a minute and I'll call her." Thereupon Mrs. Youngbride was in formed that "Jack Hale you remem ber him, don't you was at the Priests of Pallas ball, you know wants to speak to you." Just halfway between the divan and the 'phone was a mirror. It proved as fatal as that aortic in the garden of Eden. Before it halted Mrs. Young bride. Then and there she fixed her hair, with a deft touch arranged a bow or two, pulled out the big, big sleeves, and with a final switch of her gown walked up to the telephone to talk to a man. Hllght Mistake. Young Lndy (at dinner, to deaf old gentleman) Uo you like bananas? Old Gentleman What did you say? Young Lady (shouting, with all gen eral conversation stopped that guests might listen) I said, do you like ba nanas? Old (ientleman No, my dear, I don't like pajamas; the old-fashioned night fchirt is good enough for me. Judge. Zinc is usually cleuned with kero sene. Ik the color has been taken out of silks by fruit stains,; ummonia will usually rehtore the color. Onk or two tablesxamfulH of am monia added to a pail of water will clean windows better than soap. "Will 't f , , , I ,. 1 1 . a. , , , k 1 I 1 I ai I U.i .. , ,,'. fti )'' ' ."1 filtr . 1 r "f - I I ' V ' " I 'l S III It. 'i't ''...," I .,1 ' 111 1 IN A hi. .a. vafnfc. Month's Kiparlenrai on a ataga In a Moon lata Klila Town. "I ouec prialueed Yorick'a akull from a real grave, remarked a t'liifiigo t ln a ter man recently. "It was yeura ago in irginin t'ity, Nev., when that nan great mining camp ami a slix'k emu puny wiih iiiaiiitutned at l'iHT'a ojKTa liiinse 1111 II atret'l. I lie theater win built - the win !( town was on the atee hide nf Mount I In ' iil-u hi. Aatreetwna thirty or forty feet higher tliiin II street mi thi'V ti in 1 to lihixt out riK'k to tuake level for the theuter. The at a go rented square on na'k. Wo got along very well until Booth rami' there and 'Ham lei' was to bo iinaliieed. If eoiiPM', wp could not get along without a grave, ao a aoi'tiott nf the atugo wn anwed out mid M01110 workmen with crow 1mm and Jiiekn dug dow 11 about three feet. "HtMilli knew notliingalMiut thiauntil the grave iligiror'a aoono waa mi. I win the lirst (taiii digger, litul na ll.ntili t B'pr.iii ln-1 I lifted my pick and iH gati digging fur keep. Vtl know wo iimihIU lift tin-pit k alufl and 'tin 1'iial in V nf il!i',ing, lofting the pieh f.ill ln.-li''v mi n Ini nf onrth. w hit h la on llio tmp pliitf irtii wlirro wo altifM. lint I (nit In , I m litul pit lti'd like a giant ffl and wlifti li.aitli heard llioatiil ritiifinit from my hard kmvka ai;.i!iitt the Ii. nu tt na U I10 wtia llio iiinat aiir pris. . I. king ll.iuili t I over anv. lie got dot worn Iho grave and the tail light a, f.nitig iip-atago. and I . a. -U 1 down Into my real grave w it Ii a pii.'led alili'i'. and w !i!;n rt . " ' 1 1 11 1 liao wo hero, grave digger ' ' 1 going ill for Mi.iliii iiri nn rva'inii," I w iiirftl ImtU. t!iroitnf nut u almti Ifiil of rt U I I ol I.--, in . I ' tti.t u .lit on Willi Iho at-riio ad Ha'tit. I nt w hi-tion-r lio fi4. -. itttalago ho won!. I l.ak down Int. 1 that rial grave and amilo iirlti!v. Aft. r ttio ali-iw- lie rlainilii'tl II tlnro larifio'y anl iful down Int. 1 tho grao." Anv one who has ever had an attack of iiitliimmatory rhouniHtiam will rrjoiea ilh Mr. J. A. St arum 2J0 Boyle Heights. Ltia Angeles, over Ii in fort 11 naif earnpa rom a aiegn of that diHlrrfHitig ailnietit. Mr. Sttimm ia roromauof Mernam'ao'in-fi-ctiotiery eathliliabmeril. Homn mntitha Brfo, on IfHviiig (ha bested work room In rim aeroaa Iho street on an errand, ho ass rniii;ht out in the rain. Tho re 11 It aalliHt when ready In go boroa Hist niiihl hi was nnahlo to walk, oitg to nilhimmalory rlioiiiniitn. Ha was tnkoo homo, and nn arrival waa placed In front ( a gnml tiro and thoroughly rnbbed ith Chanihorlain'a Pain Hfilin. Pnring 'ho ovrmntf and nitrtit ho waa ropoaloiilv hat hod with Ibia lit imi'tit. and hv tnortiing waa roliovod of all rhonraatic paina. He now lakoa oapooial ploaatira in praiaing hamborlain'a fain Daltn, and always koope a hiiltlo of it io tho liniie. For ale by Sloonm Jobnaim I'rtijj Co. SAP AND SH.Vt. f las 3aie RAMBLER Is one of the very best w heele ever made is an indisputable fact. It stands in the ffl Ji front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. S Ridea RAMBLER HlCYfM.E if von want to he haDDV. for should your wheel be m g punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutei, as it is equipped with the world f$ renownea ij.s j. ciiucner tires wnn wooa runs or copper-pmteu sieei rum. "A Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each. J Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. a THE RAM BLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. : For style, finish and durability it 1b unsurpassed, as it is constructed oa strict mechan $ ical and scientific principles. I Chicago Ideals e! For men. wontpn. bovs and eirls. with 2K. 2ft and 24 Inch wheels, at $05. $55. $45 reBDect- S ivelv. are BDlemlid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge; ,Jj clincher tires and are fully warranted, gj 'i Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctaiogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call a O" our numerous agents. Rambler RuBtlurs Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- ffl iw ton and Idaho. fa I FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, ffj Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Mauf. Co'g "Rambler Bicycles." Main fjg at Store. S27 Washington rt , Portland, Or. MaJ E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and ia rj lecturer. oTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. m Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise- need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power .House. smH yy FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT. STRONG. j&ZMZTSZk " $OMs. SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY. HANDSOnE. ffi&y .' Clto,A WORKMANSHIP. Fcur ModeIs-885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. SVSonarch Cycle Go. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halted Sts., CHiCriO. ILL. BRANCHES s-Nfw York, San Francisco. Salt Lr.l a C'tv. Penvi-. Mi'mrh:p. Dets-cii, Torcnto. WEBB SAFE 8c LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OllEGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. IVtrf fta'ra'a V, arft ra. a I . . p. ti, a rn J t It. a r a (. ' - tatt .( a, it I- at .f,a ! i .ii la ,. , 1 U. aV tlaiS , it. 1 k-a a. '' I v ,if t . a i. ir-t.a . 1 i t.a i ia,, II f't. I t' t i t aa fna 1 l lt aWlal. I. . t " .' .. t f. t. . . Ma4t. a VM'tal latt'tala It la ' at . a ! arf a ..i i. i .1 . . i .- .1 M II a faxa tl. llfl! r l't'i ii tiatt-tlt ttal. t ll.H' t a ' . f a I ft I 1 , nf alt -a a I I t I t . t a. a featJ GOOD ADVICE. Hal kiat It flat from KM M4 I'rartt.a Matt Ha l'raar a4 A rit.-r lt tlifi.rtat liUlf tvtdat utiif Jrafa ar.i. M title lif a frtif-latjf In a l.irjMt fs tiui tnri a til nf atl t ,, i n I.,, u that tit I ', tv nu-tiiUr-! p, aai a.ii;t) a!i at all rrnt.. tl . ii S th jrlfrf i,( l t.r. t,. Is" I Ott t itt .1 aoma far la Ahaal tha rrodoat Mapla Tr. It has alwaya Ift-n diatnmary tm re Cfirlnu maplo attur rarly In tlin araann to rnll ymip alaiut atul aay: "Alt. Hint a tin ri al artli lp." Aa a ninttrr nf f.irt. aaya thi SirintrflfM (Maaa)Rt piil.lii an. yu arf mum- apt tn gr ailul-tt-ratfil an,'ar at a irna-rpy atiiri iliiruiif tlif M iivtii than aftrr It. atul that'a tme ttiintr wlurh tiaa ma tt' a irri-at rhatie in tin- In.luafrr In yi-ara if.inf tty rar. tii-allvall tli- aati taaa laiilttl In u.'ar. tmt a ilt. n n yvara ak'o a.niir our In ti i.-ttaf . ttiatsivrrt'il a tmalrrn anil lllalinrliiraltlp ll.l llital uf mnkltiif cntn l.liiali .ii uf i l.atU ati, fc'!ii.'.. vt 1,1,'h tin- hi -I r--rt it mlil nut t-il fnnti thf tfi'iiuinr iutT liniiii'.l.ati ly aftrrvt talifii tlif furtnrra tit t.i al,li llirir aiiifar. tlm iliat nv, r. . tlirtr mar Iti tiaaa iri t tii.t.-.l .y tlif pfiaturl nf Vrttr ..t U atul llil.aifn Untar.U 'ti.f tmif tin- farturra tia'r put Hit I'U'k nf tht if aait lnl.i airtin ati.l .titfinl H aav tlirmi.'H Hih autn m r In j '.In ir .-arrrta almt up In asr ti,'lit ran. ' I'Vltiiaiia i.f Hlii. I aiiittluT fY.!.vy, j ! Iiat Mi ' a rtitt ran I rlnlil frtmt Iiaa I U-t n rt... I a lunar ' hrrp ! vniir a r n f. air t i.-lit ! hn if n a'-a rtprrt aim..! tf'.l tht th.?. r. nrr, Ymi want ) i.tir rut. t.i atri 'h r'rtrti (aitm.ta t.l tif oil. hi t.t I tljii ltr.l, an.) tlif r. j ru n. ft. f ttif toil, r tai',1 trll rilm ; ftl.'n a fi tninrraif wtut it tr.l.a h. it tlf I. jui.l tf liiatrilf tlif n l t-.t' i'it . f thrlaat r.'i"tar1mriit In ( I' ;. in : . . f.'a ra In J it tU . . 1 'I li it ia I t..- I.. .Ir-.-. .. . OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a threat finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tin: Pattkrson Publishing Co. ml II oil i : Avrrr-T en : FBISS : II Voui-o BOUN D to Take 'Km. i t Mi r t! !!,. t. !, ' tt. .. f.. tt' .1 H'.l ...14 lt ... WHf.i". r I, I l.a ... a tr'm Iti al. Hit lit a 1 4 l ll .1 ' I t-.'. I a. I f t i- I ' i t.' t itt a I a ' a, ' p. tr r i n i . t .itl f r tft, i r i ttl IV.fittiH kliaM I ) 1 a-r- a. . . .. .... . Mips It. Ia l (, 'i.ihri A I H'a, r I a I it V. ii. I ' t ,. . ; n ..i,m i ('. . It'tfia, 1 M- Ihft-t. a, I - .1 .1 tt. 11 ... a f i t ' i . r. i n an rn,k.tata rr ..tii . ofiu t't Uti Mls. VVIICLH). Cat) I flkHlaffJ. Cil. y t A. III llauX ill I'll Jtaw ti.iw k . att f rtn 1 .1 ... at. . . a it M ! I tt. t".. aa. l .?, " t tt r i ) t v4 (aat.1 aw a 4 ' i afi V